Issue #260 *August 2023

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #260 *August 2023
Asheville, NC USA







Guest Editorial

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

The main point is that success begat and retain success through quality leadership practices and everything rises and falls on leadership.

Here are some highlights from the book:

When you recognize your lack of skill and begin the daily discipline of personal growth in leadership, exciting things start to happen. This idea is important to me, because I never thought of the importance of leadership skill to be becoming successful and in maintaining a great relationship. This book and its idea on leadership has enlighten me more about the real objective of this leadership studies in personal development and why acquiring the skill is the key in creating a better world. I have realized a lot of things while reading through this book and why I felt a lot of people need to understand what leadership is all about, and the need to identify with it is very important to identifying with success. This is an eye opener for me since I started IIGL studies. Deb, do you know that I told somebody who is close to me that works in an international NGO, that am taking a leadership course and how interesting it is in my personal development, his response was shocking to know how people don’t see the need to develop leadership skill as a relevant course in today’s job opportunities.

No matter how much you learn from the past, it will never tell you all you need to know for the present, that’s why top-notch navigators gather information from many sources. This is important to me, because I have been thinking lately of gathering more knowledge in aquaculture not wanting to be relying on my past experience alone, but to see if I can gather information that leads to more sustainable and adaptable fish production and practices. I am a training facilitator and I know that equipping myself with good updated information can help me to impact better knowledge to trainee and people who needs it.

To lead yourself, use your head, to lead others, use your heart, that’s the nature of the law of connection. Always touch a person’s heart before you ask him for a hand. This is a two in one idea that is very important to me, because it helps me with the understanding that there are two approaches in leadership, one is in leading oneself and the other is in leading others. This idea taught me to know that there is nothing wrong in touching people’s heart or getting to know someone before asking them for a hand or favor. I always believe in this idea and belief its part of character sharpening in getting to know who I am and how to engage others. When I came back from work after reading about this idea during break, I told my wife about this idea and she said, “I just read about it on a page I am following this afternoon.”

The first ability that every leader must have is the ability to lead and motivate himself. Always keep your eyes open for people with potential. This is important to me, because it gives me the idea of what to first understand and know to becoming a leader which is the ability to lead and motivate oneself. To be able to lead and motivate myself is something that occur often and naturally to me especially in a difficult situation where I need to get going, but I have never thought it’s a leadership trait.

Success come not from what you know, but from who you know and how you present yourself to each of those people. This is important to me, because it’s one of those things I strongly believed. I always want to be in the company and environment of successful people and I am aware of how knowing successful people can be impactful and in achieving success. I have always encouraged this idea by supporting my wife to travel all the way to the city every Sunday to fellowship with people who she has always looked up to. In being in the company of this people, she has been encouraged to be smart and be expressive, this has built her personality and moral in preparing for the job she dream of.

(Sunday is a Level Four Student).

What Others Are Saying

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)


In June, I participated in my 18th IIGL Annual Meeting; I did reflect on the changes that have occurred especially structurally! The first unofficial IIGL Annual meeting was held in the summer of 2005. There were 9 of us there; including IIGL founder Michael Lightweaver. The meeting was held at Mountain Light Sanctuary in NC. There was little to no internet available then and also no cell phone service at the Sanctuary! There were a handful of students enrolled in IIGL at the time and no graduates! Yet, there was a shared vision we held for IIGL to grow and become a abundant nonprofit!

Fast forward to June, 2023 and the meeting was held on Zoom! We have 13 Board members; made up mostly of IIGL graduates and students! The board members are from Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, USA and Zimbabwe! Although it would be nice to be at Mountain Light Sanctuary; it’s a definite plus to have the global participation on Zoom! I would like to thank the board members for making IIGL a priority in their lives! Consistent, stable internet service is still a challenge for most of the Board! Here’s to a great new term and gratitude we have Zoom access!

What are Students are Reading
The Gifts of Imperfection (Ebook)
For over a decade, Brené Brown has found a special place in our hearts as a gifted mapmaker and a fellow traveler. She is both a social scientist and a kitchen-table friend whom you can always count on to tell the truth, make you laugh, and, on occasion, cry with you. And what’s now become a movement all started with The Gifts of Imperfection, which has sold more than two million copies in thirty-five different languages across the globe. What transforms this book from words on a page to effective daily practices are the ten guideposts to wholehearted living. The guideposts not only help us understand the practices that will allow us to change our lives and families, they also walk us through the unattainable and sabotaging expectations that get in the way.

Students/Graduates In Action
Excellent Interview with Felix Iziomoh on Goal Mapping for Life Success!
IIGL First Graduate, Past President and Nigerian National Coordinator Emeritus Felix Iziomoh (Nigeria) was recently interviewed by the Other World Global Network on Goal Mapping for Life Success! He discusses how IIGL benefited him presently and over the past several years! Check it out:

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation
Institute for Organizational Mindfulness
IOM is a big tent, and we welcome everyone with an interest in science-based mindfulness, either as a personal toolset for greater health and happiness or as a solution for talent development and organizational effectiveness.


IIGL Book Sales Continue…
The IIGL Board of Directors shared that the IIGL book, “Creating Your Path Through Leadership” book sales continue to provide a Royalty payment to IIGL each month. It has also helped new potential donors understand more about IIGL! The book is available both on Kindle and in Paperback on! Check it out! Here’s the link:…

Meet Our New Students

There was one new student this month.

Gideon Nyabwari (Kenya)
I am from Kisii, Nyamira county. I am a father of six children and one wife. I am a mechanic by profession for so many years; this has been my career. I have three girls and three boys who are already adults and independent. I have acquired awards in our local community for the best job I do.

To view complete profiles, Click Here

Student Progress
We had 6 students from 3 countries complete a total of 10 books in July. These students were from Kenya, Nigeria and Rwanda.

Gideon Nyabwari (Kenya)
* As a Man Thinketh
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Francis Maundu (Kenya)
* Creating your Path through Leadership
Olamide Emmanuel Balogun (Nigeria)
* Nonviolent Communication
Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)
* 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
* Full Steam Ahead
* The Gift of Imperfection
* The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Chinonso Ericson Judith (Nigeria)
* How Successful People Think
Erasmus Rwinkesha (Rwanda)
* Good Leaders Ask Great Questions

Francis Maundu (Kenya) completed Level One Studies

New Enrollments
4 enrolled in July
24 enrolled in 2023
Book Assessments
10 in July
95 in 2023
Books Shipped
0 in July
0 in 2023
Cost of Books
$0 in July
$0 in 2023

You Make It Possible
We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)
Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ) In Blessed Memory
John Hornecker (USA/NC)
Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)
Kathleen Oweegon (USA/OR)
Judith Royer (USA/SC)
Deb Rosen (USA/WI)
Patrice Zorn (USA/WI)

Make A Difference
Dream Team 22
Please join Dream Team 22 as our goal is to have 22 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2023!

Please join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL! You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money. To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below. To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Deb for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to IIGL, 11537 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI 53092 USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Paypal, go to and make donation to

To Contribute By Credit Card, go to


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