Issue #242 *February 2022

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #242 *February 2022
Asheville, NC USA



Creating Your Path through Leadership
Erasmus Rwinkesha (Rwanda)



This book is different then previous one I have covered, it was written by different authors with different ideas. One of the writers of this book is Michael Lightweaver, the founder of IIGL. He wanted to show us how one can determine his/her incredible creative powers for his future. He indeed reminds us that every challenge carries a gift. Deborah Rosen also manifested her course of journey within IIGL until she became the director of IIGL program and the evolution of IIGL. She never hesitates to write about how she is grateful for what she learns from IIGL students and graduates on a daily basis. It is really amazing. All these authors gave us their testimonies that will help us; we the students of IIGL to fulfill our desires, dreams and aspirations. Below are some highlights I found to be important:

Every challenge carries a gift. This idea is derived from what Michael Lightweaver the founder of IIGL wrote in this book. This idea is vital to me because it uncovers the truth that is in the challenge we always get in our lives. I connect this to the challenges one of my family members got recently where he was given letters of unpaid leave one following another for three month at work .This was done against the law. However, this guy started analyzing the law and looking forward for getting a help from the responsible leaders to protect his human rights.

Through IIGL I realized that leadership is about taking responsibility. Responsibility is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or having control over someone. This idea given by an author called Felix Iziomoh from Nigeria and a graduate of IIGL is very important to me because it reminds me that a leader should be responsible in many aspects such as in decision making, positive mental attitude towards the challenges.

Discovering your leadership potential is a journey, not a onetime discovery. This is true because there some people who have the gift/potential but don’t have where exercise them, hence not known. If these people get the opportunities as time goes on, then start to unveil them step by step.

Every great leader I know has been mentored by another great leader. This idea written by Noeline Kirabo from Uganda and an IIGL graduate is very important to me. Not only in institutions where mentors help to deliver great leaders but also in families we see great families produce good families who manage their families greatly.

People follow leaders, not because of their eloquence or renditions, but because of their quality of character. This is another good idea from Ethelbert Obinna Umeh from Nigeria that impressed me. Leaders who are eloquence without quality character are like ideas that are never implemented even if they may be good ideas.

I have discovered that temporary failure contains the seeds of success. This is the idea written by Charles Kabera from Rwanda and graduate from IIGL. Very many people who succeeded in their lives one got failure in their lives before. This needs people who are not easily frustrated, who build in themselves positive mental attitude and where possible can consult other people who succeeded. There are some people who start their business/projects and not succeed not continue. Very few continue trying others due to becoming frustrated and decide to abandon it instead. At the end of the day, find that those who continued trying reach the level of benefiting from their businesses.

Your mind should constantly exposed to materials that grow the mind and not depreciate it. This is the idea from Lawrence Afere from Nigeria and an IIGL graduate.
Here I have an example of these materials that can grow the mind and not depreciate .The books we read from IIGL, they build our minds and sharpen them, help us to think positively and not negatively.

(Erasmus is a Level One Student).

What Others Are Saying

Sunday Tope Elebiju (Nigeria)

What have I learned and How have I Changed?

I have gained so much knowledge from the books I read during my level one and two studies of the IIGL program and so much has changed about how I perceive and reacts to things and people around me. I remember when I started IIGL more than six years ago I was a very dedicated Christian and do things with honesty. I finished my youth service and I tried incorporating what I have learned to my everyday life. I was so full of hope and dreams, I got an internship offer from a four stars hotel to become a chef which I declined with the hope of getting better offers or doing a business would be a better option. After the end of my one year youth service, things became very hard, I couldn’t continue my IIGL program and I became more desperate to get any job in order not to stay at home. My high expectation became very low as I started accepting any job offer whether paid or not. During this period of job hustling I totally forgot everything that I learned from the IIGL studies. After two years of going up and down with joblessness I finally got a job as a fisheries manager to manage a commercial farm where I had to handle a West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program WAAPP. I was asked to manage people from different tribe and background in and out of the farm and state due to the nature of the WAAP program, because we had to distribute fish seed to farmers within and outside the state. It was a challenging opportunity As I couldn’t manage the program very well as it was my first big job and I was more of a technical person than management personnel. Even if I acknowledge that I didn’t manage the program very well, my honesty was not needed for the job and lack of support from my employer played a big role. The regime of another government came in and the program was suspended and then scraped. I resigned four months later to pursue a business of my own, and it was not an easy journey as raising capital was very difficult. I tried managing my farm for a year and decided to get a job to get additional cash to supplement the running of the farm. Another opportunity came from my former boss whose farm I had resigned to manage the farm due to fish loss they were experiencing on the farm from fish mortality. I was called up if I will like to help and I grabbed the opportunity. I decided to go back and reviewed my IIGL studies to see how I can improve from the manageable mistakes I made previously as the manager of the farm and how I can acquire some leadership skills for the job. I wrote down what I lacked in term of the skills I needed to acquire for the job. I learned some and decided to start living by the new knowledge I acquired, to start being organized and planning my daily activities on paper. I began to set goals and working towards achieving them. Anytime I had plenty tasks I will write them down accordingly unlike before when I calculate and arrange it in my head and may end up having a confused day. A lot of activities will be left undone before when I don’t do proper planning and recording. Complex tasks became more simple and I was able to relax mentally.

(Sunday is a Level Three student).

What are Students are Reading

Visions: How Scientists Revolutionize the Twenty First Century (Ebook)
In Visions, physicist and author Michio Kaku examines the great scientific revolutions that have dramatically reshaped the twentieth century the quantum mechanics, biogenetics, and artificial intelligence and shows how they will change and alter science and the way we live.

The first section of Visions presents a shocking look at a cyber-world infiltrated by millions of tiny intelligence systems. Part two illustrates how the decoding of DNA’s genetic structure will allow humans the “godlike ability to manipulate life almost at will.” Finally, Visions focuses on the future of quantum physics, in which physicists will perfect new ways to manipulate matter and harness the cosmic energy of the universe.
What makes Michio Kaku’s vision of the science of the future so compelling and so different from the mere forecasts of most thinkers is that it is based on the groundbreaking research taking place in labs today, as well as the consensus of over 150 of Kaku’s scientific colleagues. Science, for all its breathtaking change, evolves slowly; we can accurately predict, asserts Kaku, what the direction of science will be, based on the paths that are being forged today. A thrilling, unique narrative that brings together the thinking of many of the world’s most accomplished scientists to explore the world of the future, Visions is science writing at its best.

Students/Graduates In Action

IIGL Board of Directors Launches “Reach Out” Effort with Students
In January, the IIGL Board implemented a new effort to “Reach Out” to students to encourage support and connection! Since IIGL is a self-directed program, students are mostly working independently on their studies. Beginning in 2020, many students have faced challenges with finding ways to read and write their assessments because academic facilities are no longer available or are only open for limited times. The Board has many options in the various countries to help students obtain access to computers/laptops as well as help type assessments if need be! In addition, many of the Level One and Two books are available on You Tube as audio books! Please contact any of the Board members or Deb at for further information!

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation

Earth University

Since 1990, EARTH University’s innovative educational approach has been preparing young people from Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and other regions to contribute to the sustainable development of their home communities while constructing a prosperous and just global society. EARTH offers a world-class scientific and technological education emphasizing ethical entrepreneurship and strong socio-environmental commitment. Shepherded by a prestigious international faculty, an EARTH education culminates in a four-year undergraduate degree in Agricultural Sciences.EARTH was established by Costa Rican law in 1986 as a private, non-profit, international university and created with the support of the Costa Rican government, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.


2022 Annual Meeting Date Set
The Board of Directors announced that the 2022 IIGL Annual Meeting will be held on May 7th! All Active Students, Graduates and Financial Contributors are invited to attend via teleconference. We will share more details on how to participate in a few months.

Select The International Institute For Global Leadership on!
Just a reminder that each time you shop, at no cost to you on, a portion of your purchase can be donated to IIGL. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to IIGL! Share this link: and ask your family, employees, and friends to bookmark this link so all their eligible shopping will benefit the International Institute For Global Leadership Inc. Disbursements are made to IIGL on a quarterly basis from Amazon.

IIGL Book Sales Continue…
The IIGL Board of Directors shared that the IIGL book, “Creating Your Path Through Leadership” book sales continue to provide a Royalty payment to IIGL each month. It has also helped new potential donors understand more about IIGL! The book is available both on Kindle and in Paperback on! Check it out! Here’s the link:…

Meet Our New Students

There were 3 new students this month

Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)
I am twenty-seven years old, I am the founder of Kirstie Collections, a knitting organization currently in Akure,Ondo state, (that I consider a knitting company in embryo). I am from a family of four. I am also a Nigerian, from Akure, Ondo state. Most of my schooling activities were carried out in Ondo state. For example,my primary school laernings tool place in St Thomas Anglican primary school, Owo,Ondo state and graduated in the year 2004. My secondary education in St Louis Grammar School, Akure, Ondo state. And learning teaching studies in College of education, Ero/Akure, Ondo state in the year 2010 through 2013. After my education era, I went back to Akure to settle. I taught in different schools for years. Base on half or non payment of salary, I became a mini importer. Importing goods like jewelries, clothes and clothing accessories from China online and trading it in Nigeria. I did these for a year or two before I learnt the basics of knitting from my mom.

Akem Sewuese (Nigeria)
I am 33 years, a graduate of Theatre arts with Benue State University, Nigeria. I am a native of Vandeikya Local government area of Benue State Nigeria. I am a very emotional person and it has really made some people to take advantage of me because of it. I am a passionate person, passionate about children especially the vulnerable ones and that has made me to see life from a different perspective though I was privilege to come from a well to do family. I love reading novels, making new friends, watching movies and travelling. I travelled to almost twenty states in Nigeria and likewise Ghana for three years. I have undergone some basic formal education (Primary, Secondary, University).

Ntagisumbimana Theoneste (Rwanda)
I was born and brought up in Rwanda , Single and 31 years old , I am currently working as teacher in Ecole Secondaire Save. I am member of creative commons Global network & creative commons Rwanda. I am adaptive, hardworking, patient and I possess good leadership qualities and I think these are some of my strengths. I have learned that long-term goals are best achieved when broken into short term goals. My short term goal is to gain competence (attitude, skills, knowledge and values) to achieve my long term goals. That is why I choose to collaborate with more skilled and experienced people in this ever changing world to fulfill my dream. I always try to remain active and my strength is my punctuality and my ability to gain more and more knowledge and skills and that make me adequate for the challenges of the world.

Visionary Leadership

Student Progress
We had 14 students from 5 countries complete a total of 17 books in January. These students were from Ethiopia, Lesotho, Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda.

Aynalem Hadra (Ethiopia)
* Success through PMA
Bob Maepe (Lesotho)
* The Power of Intention
Motheba Mosiuoa (Lesotho)
* Keys to Success
Egbuchunam Ngozika Amuche (Nigeria)
* Keys to Success
Anastasia Oguche Elebiju (Nigeria)
* How to Win Friends and Influence People
Chinonso Ericson (Nigeria)
* Keys to Success
Ahua Bem Gura (Nigeria)
* The Tao of Leadership
Oluwatosin Adeosun Isaac (Nigeria)
* The Great Game of Business
Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)
* As a Man Thinketh
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Akem Sewuese (Nigeria)
* As a Man Thinketh
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Rwinkesha Erasmus (Rwanda)
* Creating your Path through Leadership
Ntagisumbimana Theoneste (Rwanda)
* As a Man Thinketh
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Nkaka Victor (Rwanda)
* Failing Forward
Anita Kiddu Muhanguzi (Uganda)
* Living in the Light

The following students completed one Level or more of Study this month
Oluwatosin Adeosun Isaac (Nigeria) completed Level Five

New Enrollments
3 enrolled in January
3 enrolled in 2022

Book Assessments
17 in January
17 in 2022

Books Shipped
0 in January
0 in 2022

Cost of Books
$0 in January
$0 in 2022

You Make It Possible
We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)
Wanda Gail Campbell and Mike Tilley (USA/AL)
Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)
John Hornecker (USA/NC)
Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)
Kathleen Oweegon (USA/OR)
Jill Plavnick (USA/WI)
Deb Rosen (USA/WI)
Patrice Zorn (USA/WI)

Make A Difference
Dream Team 22
Please join Dream Team 22 as our goal is to have 22 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2021!

Please join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL! You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money. To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below. To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Deb for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to IIGL, 11537 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI 53092 USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Paypal, go to and make donation to

To Contribute By Credit Card, go to

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