International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #174* June 2016
Asheville, NC. USA
Guest Editorial
Insights from Martin Luther King Jr.
Okpe Emmanuel (Nigeria)
I have learned that any courage taken for the course of truth must be retained. I will remain courage in fighting injustices, corruption and other social menace in my society. It will also help me in my faith. Having known that what I believe is the truth, I will hold on to it courageously to the end. There is no point giving up on what is right and true.
I have understood what it takes to lead a non-violent resistance and the qualification of such leader. As a middle class person, I can stand on behalf of my people to redeem them from societal ills and social inequalities. I as a leader must be humble and resist every temptation to be proud like my predecessors.
I may not have enjoyed this from my parents but can build such legacy for my children. I have learned from here how to handle issues with mu spouse especially in the presence of my children. I will create an atmosphere that will make them believe that it is possible to live with one’s spouse without rancor.
This virtue of humility pervaded the lives of almost all the great icons I read about. You will see them displaying uncommon humility that is found even in the average people in our society. I have no choice but to emulate their virtue of humility.
To engage in non-violent resistance I must learn to endure, forbear and suffer long with my persecutor(s). This I must do at individual level, group of people and even the general world. Irrespective of who is responsible for the injustice, I must not retaliate; get angry or bitter with them. That means I must learn how to forgive people easily.
This has been a very serious concern to me before now. How can I a preacher lead a protest against government for instance? From this book, I have been properly groomed to handle the situation. It must non-violent and the rule shall be adhered to strictly.
This is the most interest aspect of the book that will affect my life directly. I have learned from the book how to fight poverty and social injustice- a hydra headed menace in my society. The application of non-violent method to send the message to my government is the way out. The way to organize people for protest and resistance as taught in this book will be applied. This method is still very relevant and effective.
(Okpe is a Level Five Student)
What Others Are Saying
Thank You IIGL
“I am enjoying the books and learning a lot especially in my practical day to day life.
Alot has been happening. Thanks to the IIGL course and my connection with Judith, my mentor I have witnessed tremendous growth in my career, personal life and relationships.
Currently I hold the most senior position in my office. I have been traveling
around and holding presentation meetings. This has given me opportunity to learn a lot. I am also elected to sit on different panels and boards within the NGO community in my country. My relationship with my mom has improved and hence we are able to talk
a lot and they are involved in setting financial and family goals. I have also made most acquaintances and explored dating for a while. I am feeling better too especially physically and emotionally. Despite that things are looking up and I am happy, I am practicing that it’s okay to feel angry, even if it’s not okay with the other person. Thank you IIGL!”
(This was submitted by a Level Five Student).
What Our Students Are Reading
Real Leaders Don’t Follow By: Steve Tobak$15.67
Drawing upon decades of personal experience with hundreds of accomplished entrepreneurs, CEOs, and venture capitalists, Silicon Valley management consultant and former senior executive Steve Tobak explains what it really takes to build an extraordinary career and a successful business in a competitive world. Through engaging stories and insightful lessons, Real Leaders Don’t Follow provides a unique perspective on today’s technology revolution. It exposes popular myths that masquerade as common wisdom. And it shows you how to break from the crowd of indistinguishable virtual clones and become a real leader.
Students In Action
Level Four Student Launches Business and Book!
Level Four student Paul Nwakuma Young (Nigeria) recently launched his own business called Printon ( It is an online printing service conceived and designed by Krais-PDN Solutions Ltd with the aim of using technology, human and natural resources available to make printing experience a pleasant, efficient and cost-effective one for our customers.
This is achieved through:
Impressive contemporary and unique designs to suite our customer’s needs
Unwavering commitment to perfect finishing of print jobs to beat the highest standards known anywhere.
Quick turnaround time on print job orders (typically in hours)
Guaranteed quality products confirmed by customer before delivery
Painless delivery of print jobs at your doorsteps
Paul is also finalizing a book he wrote called “The Power Within.” He will be sharing it very soon with the IIGL community as an ebook. Paul can be reached at:
Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation
Africa Unbound
Many of our IIGL family members are involved in this organization. To engage, guide and support a new generation of young Africans who are interested in unlocking their full creative capacity in order to transform their own lives and make a difference in their communities. Africa Unbound stands for the development of young visionaries so that they may achieve their highest goals and leadership capabilities.
Africa Unbound is building a network of young Africans who are empowered to turn ideas into action to make a positive difference in their communities. They are developing future leaders in business, politics and civil society who see themselves as agents of change. To achieve these objectives they are creating national and local chapters led by young men and women in countries across the continent, a unique mentorship program, leadership and entrepreneurship development programs (currently in development), and a robust communications system.
2016 Annual Meeting Set for June 11, 2016
IIGL will be holding its Annual Meeting on Saturday June 11, 2016. Please look for a YAHOO email on the IIGL Message Board from Kathleen Oweegon, IIGL Corresponding Secretary for directions on how to join the meeting either via telephone or online. This email will be sent by June 8, 2016 and will include the timing for the meeting. Her email is if you have questions. All financial contributors and active students are invited!
Attention IIGL Students: One of the agenda items is to share stories of our students’ endeavors and successes. We are hoping that if some of you have the time, ability and willingness to write a brief one or two-paragraph summary of a project that you have begun, completed, or are envisioning as a result of your participation in IIGL. Please email Kathleen with your paragraph or with any questions!
Meet Our New Students
We are happy to welcome one new student this month from Nigeria
Stephen Alechenu (Nigeria)
I am Stephen Alechenu ABA; friends call me “Lech” (an extract from my middle name). I am the first in the family and an only child from both parents (my parents are divorced). The rest of the children from my parents are my half brothers or sisters. I am 5feet 4inches and dark in complexion, with an excellent social skill. I possess strong organizational, analytical and the ability to multi task. I have a first rate research aptitude. I love reading, writing and travelling a lot. I cherish making new good friends regardless of backgrounds. At my leisure time, I meet with old friends to rub minds. I cook excellently well. I like doing most of the home chores except ironing my clothes myself. I am a good communicator.
I a writer. I have published a collection of poems “Live to Laugh Another Day.” Other unpublished works, include: The Cry of Destiny; The Memoir of an Unborn Child; The Mosaic of Solitude; and Odaji: Symphony of The Sage. I desire to become a famed author in the soon. I belong to the Association of Nigerian Authors and Purple Silver Art. They are both literary groups. I founded Literati Dynasty-a literary group established to provide a creative platform for artists. At Literati Dynasty, we believe that creativity is a veritable tool for social, economic, cultural and political transformation.
I have participated in various projects and had had experiences as a leader. During the Workshop for Media Groups on Conflict Reporting and Good Governance Advocacy organized by United Nations Development Program/ Institute of Peace and Conflict Resolution, I was made a team leader of a group of seven (7) persons. It was primarily training for journalists. We were trained on report conflict matters. I did a presentation on behalf of the group. I was group leader in Benue Youth Summit.
To view complete profiles, Click Here
Visionary Leadership
Student Progress
We had 16 students from 6 countries complete a total of 25 books in May. These students were from Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
Ziyad Rube Abdule (Ethiopia)
* Why Nations Fall
Vivian Muciri (Kenya)
* Full Steam Ahead
Charles Kihia Mwangi (Kenya)
* Law of Attraction
Stephen Alechenu (Nigeria)
* As a Man Thinketh
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Ayoade Anthony (Nigeria)
* Meditation as Medicine
Kingsley Iyamu (Nigeria)
* Giant Steps
* Real Magic
* The New Dynamics of Winning
Osayi Ujunwa Lynda (Nigeria)
* Loving What Is
* The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Starting your own Business
Ola Makinde (Nigeria)
* Abraham Lincoln: Complete Works
Ajeigbe Aremu Jimi Rexford (Nigeria)
* Keys to Success
* PsychoCybernetics
Ethelbert Umeh (Nigeria)
* Before you Quit your Job
* Real Leaders Don’t Follow
* 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
Hakizimana Aloys (Rwanda)
* The Power of Failure
Hakizimana Tuyishime Roger (Rwanda)
* Law of Attraction
Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)
* Goals
* Goal Setting 101
Harriet Opondo (Uganda)
* The 8th Habit
* The Secret: What Great Leaders Know and Do
Cheurombo Pswarayi (Zimbabwe)
*Keys to Success
Busani Sibindi (Zimbabwe)
* Long Walk to Freedom
Ziyad Rube Abdule (Ethiopia) completed Level Six
New Enrollments
4 enrolled in May
16 enrolled in 2016
Book Assessments
25 in May
92 in 2016
Books Shipped
7 in May
45 in 2016
Cost of Books
$175.99 in May
$945.79 in 2016
You Make It Possible
We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.
Deb Silver (Israel)
Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)
Corine Wilson (USA/FL)
John Hornecker (USA/NC)
Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)
Janis Thayer (USA/NC)
David Banner (USA/WI)
Deb Rosen (USA/WI)
Make A Difference
Dream Team 22
Please join Dream Team 22 as our goal is to have 220 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2016.
Will you join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL? You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money. To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below. To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Deb for details:
Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to IIGL, 11537 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI 53092 USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.
To Contribute By Paypal, go to and make donation to
To Contribute By Credit Card, Click Here
Newsletter Archive: Click Here to view archived issues of the Global Leadership News