Newsletter – Issue #170* February 2016

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #170* February 2016
Asheville, NC. USA



Guest Editorial
Economic Efficiency

Kagame Vincent Sebikari (Uganda)

Economic efficiency is a state of affair in which all of the probable gains from trade have been realized. As a consequence, an action is efficient only if it creates more do good to than cost. The Ugandan government has recognized the value of entrepreneurship as an engine for economic growth and as a source of employment for the masses. However, entrepreneurship as a theory in Uganda is very concerning and problematic. The question that arises is: what are those measures intended to unswervingly influence the level entrepreneurial vivacity in the country? Should the focus of publicly provided small business assistance be on start-ups or growth businesses?

In addition, Ugandan large corporations have not created enough jobs to absorb more citizens into the workforce and the government itself as an employer has limited capacity and cannot create employment opportunities for all. The number of firms operated include: boda-bodas, general merchandise shops, boutiques, construction, food processing, accommodation, art, entertainment & recreation, information & communication, mining & quarrying, real estate, financial and insurance. Most of business owners are involved in the day to day running so part of the problem leading to failure; for that reason, lack of competent management, low entrepreneurial capacity, underprivileged market positioning and inability to access new technology, was the reasons for business failure. The response is Business Rescue, all the way through getting the most worth from the available resources as a consequence maximizing gains.

According to observed evidence, Uganda’s business community has petite or no knowledge about business rescue or how it can advance their enterprises. Business rescue is about enterprises that are eternally under par. Additionally, if the firm is cash hard-up, efficiency is low and internal operations are weak then it underperforms; this requires that no trade creating more cost than benefit be undertaken. A key element of a successful business rescue is whether the venture is still economically viable.

In Uganda, proper business rescue initiatives ought to be full of two components: an economic efficiency component and an enterprise facilitation component. This model relates to true entrepreneurship by bringing distressed firms back to normality and give them rehabilitation. The fundamental approach is to provide direct help to business owners through advisory service programs using scare resources to craft as much wealth as possible;the capacity of the entrepreneur to learn and change their mindset as the business develops can be the diversity between the business becoming still or going to the next level of success.As well, fostering an enabling environment for the creation and intensification of firms in order to pull off and uphold a rate of real economic growth of at least six percent per annum.Overall, business rescue and economic efficiency is of the fundamental nature in helping us to achieve higher living standards; and eventually to propose the model of entrepreneurial performanceand business restructuring.

(Vincent is a Level One Student)

What Others Are Saying

IIGL Treasurer Shares Insights

Charles Kabera (Rwanda)

IIGL has totally transformed me and I have reshaped myself for success. I have developed self confidence and I feel I am here for success. I have built a new, positive and realistic self and I am a person I want to be. I now focus on desired changes instead of dwelling on past mistakes. I have changed my mental attitude from negative to positive. I have made my life meaningful to both myself and to the society in which I am living. I have achieved positive self-image:- one that empowers me to set and achieve goals of personal happiness and professional success. How could I have been so blind for so many years? Gone are the days that were wasted! I have left behind negative habits and going back is just as impossible as returning to crawling when one knows how to walk. IIGL has provided me with all the tools and ideas that will lead to personal development and success. Now the only requirement on my side for lifelong success is the habit of taking action on my plans, goals, ideas and insights.

I have started to overcome procrastination which was my major handicap. For instance, I used to fail achieving my goals because of not acting immediately. I have disciplined myself to concentrate on a given task without diversion or distraction. When I find myself getting distracted, or I feel tempted to take a break or procrastinate, I motivate myself by continually repeating, “Back to work! Back to work! Back to work!” I then renew my efforts to push the task through to completion. Whenever I find myself slowing down, I repeat these words to myself: “Do it now! Do it now! Do it now!” I have got rid of procrastination by getting rid of “tomorrow” from my vocabulary. My “future” is “now.” I now do things when they need to be done or sooner and this has created harmony in my home and at work.

I am now capable of accomplishing any goals I set for myself. The regular and systematic practicing of goal setting will take me from poverty to prosperity, from frustration to fulfillment, from underachievement to success and satisfaction. I have discovered that living without clear goals is like driving in a thick fog. No matter how powerful or well engineered my car, I drive slowly, hesitantly, making little progress on even the smoothest road. When I was living without goals before taking this course, I was like a person moving in darkness and my life was at risk of failure but now I am risk free because I know where I am heading. I have decided to act upon my goals and to clear the fog immediately. In conclusion, I am now an appreciator rather than a depreciator of everything that shows up in my life. I now know why I am here, I know that I am more than an encapsulated collection of bones, blood and organs in a black skin and hair covered body. I now live with a purpose and choose to avoid being detracted by demands of the ego, I now have great reverence for the world of Spirit, and commune with the Source, and I stay inspired.

What Our Students Are Reading

The Formula for Accelerated Change (Visionary People Together in Action over Time make Change): How to Become a Visionary Leader, achieve Success and Sustainable DevelopmentBy Juvénal Turatsinze $9.45

It is difficult to predict or plan change accurately. Every day we face a challenge of making change we want or managing change we face to meet our desire. The Formula for Accelerated Change brings a solution to this problem. This formula enables you to plan the change you want and make it happen quickly. The Formula for Accelerated Change (VxP²xAxT=C) translated as ‘Visionary People together in Action over Time make Change’ is made by four key factors: vision, people, action and time. Each factor is organic in its nature, because it grows with time when nourished with the right ingredients, such as purpose, leadership, innovation, action planning, time management, etc. These ingredients are developed to build the key factors of change. The combination of these factors produces the desired change. The produced change consists of ‘improved lives’. This book introduces also a Vision Approach to change, success and sustainable development. It argues that every desired change starts with a vision. A vision gives a purpose to live for and ignites people to act. People working in synergy improve the lives of other people exponentially over time. This book is a guide for helping you to understand and develop the key factors of change (vision, people, action and time) and ultimately will enable you to predict, plan, measure and make the change you want. The Formula for Accelerated Change is your tool to become a visionary leader in an area of your talents. It will help you to realize paradigm shifts and dismantle myths around leadership, success, development and change. You will discover your potential and internal power to change yourself and the world around you. With a clear vision, you will serve others, achieve your purpose and leave an eternal legacy on earth.

(The Author donated 20 copies to IIGL!)

Students In Action

Dream Project – Rural Literacy Initiative in Nigeria (RLI-NG)

The Rural Literacy Initiative (RLI-NG) is a non profit organization dedicated to educating, and improving the literacy level of young people in rural communities. Level One Student, Ude Nkechika (Nigeria),”> reported that the goals of the organization include:

To encourage reading, writing and public speaking among young people in the rural communities.
To create access to quality education and information.
Developing their computer literacy skills and empowering them through skill acquisition training.

This dream project was launched in Inyi Oji River LGA of Enugu State Nigeria on October 23 and 24, 2015 with a workshop for the youth. The organization is currently in collaboration with the International Center for Leadership Development (ICLDNG) in Nigeria.

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation
The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME)

NAME is a non-profit organization that advances and advocates for equity and social justice through multicultural education whose Objectives are:

To provide opportunities for learning in order to advance multicultural education, equity and social justice.

To proactively reframe public debate and impact current and emerging policies in ways that advance social, political, economic and educational equity through advocacy, position papers, policy statements and other strategies.

To provide the preeminent digital clearinghouse of resources about educational equity and social justice.

The Founders of NAME envisioned an organization that would bring together individuals and groups with an interest in multicultural education from all levels of education, different academic disciplines and from diverse educational institutions and occupations.
At the 1990 meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators’ (ATE) Multicultural Education Special Interest Group, Rose Duhon-Sells challenged members to create such an organization. The new association, NAME, was launched through a national conference held in conjunction with the 1991 ATE meeting in New Orleans.

NAME today is an active, growing organization, with over 1,500 members from throughout the United States and several other countries. NAME is a registered 501-c.3 non-profit organization. Educators from preschool through higher education and representatives from business and communities comprise NAME’s membership. Members in many local communities and states have formed NAME local chapters that serve the same networking, support and outreach functions on the local level, similar to the national network. We are proud to say that more chapters are in the process of forming.


IIGL’s Annual Meeting is Scheduled for June 11, 2016

The IIGL Board of Directors recently announced plans to conduct our 2016 Annual Meeting on June 11, 2016 as a virtual meeting to save on the cost of travel and meeting space. This approach was successfully implemented for the 2015 Annual Meeting because the actual business meeting (without an educational component) is only a few hours in length. The best format for the virtual meeting will once again be researched, with the intention that more students can participate from various locations which is what did occur at the 2015 Annual Meeting. The Board will offer more information as we get closer to the meeting date.

Meet Our New Students

We are happy to welcome 3 new students this month from Kenya and Nigeria.

Erick I. Matsanza (Kenya)

The world today needs social change farmers and the world needs cultivators of spice but above all, the world needs those who will plant the spice in their backyards. For one to make a difference you have to hook up with like-minded individuals who will push your dreams to the stretched limits. You need a springboard that spices up an idea and propel it to actualization. A journey in the right network can be an eye opener to things that you never imagined. The mere thought of inspiring the backyard of your own community ignites countless thoughts and with the online platforms that we have today you stumble on so much information. With a focus on what you yearn for so much can lead you to an organization like IIGL which just reminds you that not all of us can do great things but we can do small things with great love. Those small things could be disrupting the traditional and cultural norms that have for a long time caused discrimination is society especially in the margins of society where they go unpronounced.

“It angers me to see a society that keeps depriving women of having the same opportunities as men. This needs to be challenged and I want to be on the forefront. When I was about to miss my secondary education, it was my mother and my sister who despite their meager resources, stepped in when no man in the family was willing to take up the responsibility. This has inspired me to see the woman empowered with the necessary skills that will foster creative and critical thinking so that they are able to transform society.”

I, Erick Inghatt Matsanza was involved into activism playing a crucial role in shaping the perception on leadership in Kenya at a national level. I was part of the Kenya Ni Kwetu movement, one that brought into the limelight leadership issues. As a social change catalyst, Matsanza was awarded a Leadership scholarship by Kanthari International based in Kerala State, South India in the year 2014. This is where I discovered that apart from going on the streets for self expression, there are much better ways that are more subtle in effecting change in society and this is by catalyzing change through empowering individuals with the necessary skills to be able to identify problems in the community and in their own backyard, come up with solutions to the identified problems and build strong communities free from discrimination through creativism, a term I coined while at Kanthari to refer to activism at the intersection of creative arts and social justice.

I am considered an expert in project management, conceptualizing issue based awareness campaigns, branding, event planning and management, social media advocacy and has skills in fundraising. I have volunteered in a number of organizations across the world at Video Volunteers at their head office in Goa – India, Pawa 254 in Kenya.

I founded Life Bridge an organization that bridges the technological divide and is a director at Intelsoft Limited an ICT firm.

Kingsley Iyamu (Nigeria)

I was born on the February 27, 1972 in Edo state to the family of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Iyamu, who are farmers, They live in Edo state formally known as Bendel state in the former Midwestern state of Nigeria, I am from a family of nine children, five boys and four girls but two girls are late and I am the eldest in the family. I spent the early days of my life with my grandmother whom I stayed within the village called Uronigbe under Orhionmwon local government area of Edo state. My grandmother was likes me very much because my father was the only surviving son after five children who she believe died mysterious probably as a result of the witchcrafts and wickedness during their times and also strange diseases but was very young when both my paternal and maternal grandfather died in fact I can still recall a bit of the memory how loveable l was in their hands and I was six years old I attended Ologbosere primary school and from there to Niger college Benin city where I finished my secondary education in 1987/88 and got my west African examination certificate/General certificate of examination and I briefly worked in one printing company, Retinken Nigeria Limited in Benin city of Edo state as a sales representative using a motorcycle to distribute the goods assigned to me in Edo state and after two years I left there to start teaching in a private nursery/primary school and from there I was employed in 1996 by the National Drug law Enforcement Agency, where I attended Usman Dan Fodio university and got diploma in mass communication in 1999. when I was serving in Fokoto state in North western part of Nigeria, and from there I was transferred to Lagos state in south western part of Nigeria, I then proceeded to Lagos state University where I got bachelor in History and International Studies. Since employment I have undergone basic law Enforcement training from NDLEA Academy jos, Citizenship and leadership Training course Jos, Instructors training course by American Academy under UNODC in Lagos and Standard Policy and Practice Guidelines for Counsellors working with NDLEA under the UNODC in Jos.

I live in the Badagry local Government area of Lagos near the border of Nigeria and Niger republic. My interest is to be able to lead people rightly in any where I am call to serve because leadership in Africa is not standard and most of the leaders does not know what they are doing even those that know are been influence by politics negatively in been able to deliver the basic human entitlement under the fundamental human right in moralistic aspect or as entrenched in the international human right charter furthermore I like travelling to know more about other people leadership perspective in relation to their culture, I like watching action movies in the cinema and at home, I like neat and descent environment and I hope one day Africa would one day enjoy the basic Amenities especially Nigeria.

Yusuff Olayode Yusuff (Nigeria)

I am Yusuff Olayode Yusuff popularly, regarded as Supoto, a writer of resources, a lover of technology and all that surrounds it. I am a diplomatic gent that stands in defense of the voiceless no matter what. Born into a polygamous home in Ibadan, and reared by a disciplinarian father, Late Chief T.Y. Supoto, a community activist and dispute settler. I grew up knowing the essence of education, and as a young boy, finished a manuscript on an African play, though unpublished. Until date, I survive under harsh Nigerian setting, and seek to maximize the little that is available to me as a Nigerian.

I attended Asegun Comprehensive High School, Headquarters International College, and Wesley College of Science, all in Ibadan, Nigeria. He had the opportunity of attending the same Alma mater with Late Obafemi Awolowo of Nigeria, and Professsor Dibu Ojerinde of University Tertiary Matriculation Examination. Upon leaving Secondary school, I had little teaching carrier, but afterward proceeded to Ladoke Akintola University of Technology to study Electronic and Electrical Engineering, which he up till date studies. I have combined learning with Electrical fieldwork, and do a lot of field engineering during holidays. I focus on engineering training, and hopes to be a leading engineering instructor and commentator in few years. At the time, I learned designing, but decided to face writing been a creative writer. While seeking prowess in writing, I develop time to write touching essays, and contributes to blogs, daily newspapers like Guardian newspaper, Nigeria. My writing skills make him write poems especially for his country and his loved ones.

I develop interest, day by day, in teaming with people to make positive impact. I was a participant of Airbus international competition as well as the Google online marketing Challenge, among other essay competitions he participated. I find pleasure in grooming talents, and busy myself with fending for future. I spend most of my time writing, and as of now have a book nearing completion which is called, “Trainee’s Manifesto,” focusing on survival as an industrial trainee. Political scenes are my talks often times, but still regard my religion, Islam, as a way of life. I am a member of various organizations, and a determined defender of justice. Taking advantage of the little resources available is his aim all day. Standing for justice encourages me.

I am a member of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), the world largest professional organization, where I serve as the Public Relation Officer for my University’s Student Body. Aside from all these, I find pleasure in searching about technology, and devote time reading about other religions. Leading people to achieve does not stop coming to my mind, and at this moment, I plan to create and avenue for engineers to grow. Owing to this, I am creating Engineering Africana (EAfricana) for young engineers to relate and innovate. Enjoining good no matter what has a place in my mind, and writing research books is my future aim. When I retire, voluntary mentorship is my benchmark, not minding the constraint money may cause that time.

To view their complete profiles,Click Here.

Visionary Leadership

Student Progress

We had 14 students from 4 countries complete a total of 21 books in January. These students were from Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda.

Erick I. Matsanza

* As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Adedoyin Somorin (Kenya)

* PsychoCybernetics

Rasak Adekoya (Nigeria)

* Keys to Success

* PsychoCybernetics

* Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

* Giant Steps

Ayoade Anthony (Nigeria)

* The Temple of My Familiar

Lawal Christopher (Nigeria)

* Giant Steps

* How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age

Adeosun Oluwatosin Isaac (Nigeria)

* The New Dynamics of Winning

Kingsley Iyamu (Nigeria)

* As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Ola Makinde (Nigeria)

* The Course of My Life

Igwe Matthew (Nigeria)

* Leadership for Dummies

* Nonviolent Communication

Yusuff Olayode Yusuff (Nigeria)

* As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Hakizimana Tuyishime Roger (Rwanda)

* Leadership for Dummies

Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

* Unlimited Power

Harriet Opondo (Uganda)

* Developing the Leaders Around You


Lawal Christopher (Nigeria) completed Level One

Okpe Emmanuel (Nigeria) completed Level Three

Adeosun Oluwatosin Isaac (Nigeria) completed Level One


New Enrollments
4 enrolled in January
4 enrolled in 2016

Book Assessments
21 in January
21 in 2016

Books Shipped
14 in January

14 in 2016

Cost of Books
$284.61 in January
$284.61 in 2016

You Make It Possible

We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)

Mike Tilley (USA/AL)

Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)

Corine Wilson (USA/FL)

John Hornecker (USA/NC)

Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)

Janis Thayer (USA/NC)

Anon Charitable Trust (USA/WI)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)

Julie & Mike Walker (USA/WI)

Make A Difference

Dream Team 22

Please join Dream Team 22 as our goal is to have 220 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2016.

Will you join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL? You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money. To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below. To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Deb for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to IIGL, 11537 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI 53092 USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Credit Card, Click Here

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