Newsletter – Issue #160* April 2015

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #160* April 2015
Asheville, NC. USA

Guest Editorial

Built to Last

Busani Sibindi (Zimbabwe)

Jim Collins and Jerry Porras in the book ”Built to Last” capture the most essential elements of building long lasting companies beyond their founders initial vision. The book Built to Last is an insightful book to the surface the most important and fundamental concepts of building a company that lasts for ages.

Several striking ideas can be depicted from the book below:

Leadership Development Within
An interesting aspect of this idea is that the authors reflected it as an actual success key to the building and establishment of successful and visionary organizations. They seem to suggest that better able and great visionary institutes focus on building leadership from within. This is particularly important to people who want to build initiatives that will
continue to serve humanity me included. I have particularly noted that at times organizations might end living outside their founding vision because of the fact that an external person was hired or outsourced and most of the time without proper induction. I have also met this in some of the organizations I work with.

Talent Attraction
Another key lesson that came to light is the fact that investment in constant talent development and attraction is a critical component in creating, maintaining, and developing lasting organizations. The authors give examples of companies that invest in attracting and nurturing new talent from recent graduates other than sticking to proven and more talented individuals who have been in the industry for some time. They seem to
suggest that even though experience is valuable to an organization it is nonetheless not a replacement for talent which brings about innovation and in turn breeds competitive advantage and product perfection.

Succession planning
Perhaps the question most start-up and organizations serving wider audiences ask is the issue of succession and leadership development. Many visionaries and companies constantly ask themselves the question of whether their institutes will survive beyond its initial foundations. The authors state that institutes should invest in the process of Succession development and planning to ensure that their organizations and companies live outside the initial founding ideas.

The Power of people
The authors seem to debunk the myth that successful organizations and companies are a result of people not great ideas or great leaders. This idea is by far the most controversial view points of the authors. The generally accepted norm has been that great leaders and ideas make a company great. Their summary of this notion is that it is only a myth that has been given more value than it deserves and should not be taken as a key success element for the establishment of great ideas and visionary companies.

The ultimate measure point of any great company or organization is perhaps to sustain itself beyond its start – up phase and initial introductory stages. The authors seem to say that it’s easy to start an organization but extremely difficult to sustain it. I wish to harness this lesson to make sure that I also learn to build organizations that quickly get to
sustainability and live beyond the founders.

Organizational Culture of Success
The authors suggest that cultivating a culture of success and innovation within all levels of the organization or company increases its stakes of staying on top of the competition and surviving through time. Above everything else the above key lessons are essentially important to me as they bring to my attention the most important things I must invest on in building successful organizational models that continue to serve my community for more generations to come. Just like the way companies like Walt Disney have continued to exist even after a long time since their foundation.

I would like to state that the value of visionaries in creating visionary companies has been entirely understated. It has to be stated that visionaries put in a lot of work and sacrifice in building a company and therefore their contribution in building visionary companies cannot only be merely limited to following principles that make their companies live beyond their founders. I would rather say that the author should have also added that Charismatic leadership of visionaries is not enough on its own and has to be balanced and some of the energy visionaries to be transferred to building a visionary company beyond its founding visionary.

What Our Students Are Saying

Ola Makinde (Nigeria)

My Voyage to a Wonder Maker

I have been a knowledge-tourist for years, but the few months I have
invested in the studies of International Institute for Global Leadership
dwarfs those years. The sets of books for Level One and Two are what every
human living should make their study pack. IIGL brings the wonders of the
world (in print) to students, thereby turning the students into
wonders to themselves and to the world. I am a living testimony to that

All of the study books gave an everlasting impression on me. Here are is how the IIGL books have contributed to a new me.

Life is best defined by Contribution, not Consumption: This idea is what I derived from ‘Jonathan Seagull’. When I was reading the book, I felt like stopping all the activities of people I saw on the streets in exchange for the book, for them to study. I almost dropped
tears from my eyes while reading the book. My thoughts have now been channeled to
those things I can learn that will bring a change to my world and that can
also be learned and adopted by others, leading to their own positive change
of stories.

The Power of Silence: This is an idea in “Leadership for Dummies.” Silence is described as a weapon that, if harnessed effectively can be productive. I’m now convinced
that when silence is well utilized, it can bring about a loud victory.
Earlier before I came across this idea, I always have something to say when
I engage someone on a particular issue, which I would bombard the person
with either facts or fantasy just to keep me on top of the speaking spree (I
knew I would always have something to say, since I don’t talk much about
what I do not have plenty of knowledge about).

The Light of Enlightenment: The book Real Magic ranks top-three of the books I read. . The idea about enlightenment gotten there-in has become a lifetime encounter. My
premonition idea on enlightenment is about the knowledge I have in a
particular scheme of study or work. The new meaning of enlightenment as “no
judgment, no anger or bitterness, no hostility or remorse.” This idea consolidates my mantra, which is, “I will never be embittered for a personal gain or favor that people deny me.”

My Rights and Responsibilities: It was in Goal Setting 101 that I understood this idea very well. I have learned in clear terms that our rights are the platforms the
world cannot hide from us, which thereby lead to our progress and
development. Whereas, our responsibilities are the platforms we must provide
the world to benefit by it. My greatest aspiration is to be a contributor to my
society with resources that speaks of excellence on the streets and in the
homes of those around me (and perhaps beyond). My “right to be successful,
happy and prosperous” will also necessitate transferring such to those
around me. And this is the strong reason I decided to run a local NGO where
all that I came across could be shared with others.

Non-Violent Communication: With my clear aspirations, I always look to aim higher at the completion of a particular goal. Without even taking cognizance of
appreciating what has been achieved. I have learned that even when our
aspirations are not in present actualization, showing appreciation for what
contributes to our wellness is important. Since no aspiration can survive
can survive where there is no well-being. And no matter how wanting our
ambition is, there is always a need has already been fulfilled. It is clear
that our today’s achievement happened to be our yesterday’s dreams. Hence,
there is a reason to show appreciation.

My exposure to IIGL equals a lifetime encounter, and I would continue to
preach to people to be part of this great idea, especially for those that
are seeking for the way to a life of purpose. My experience as a student of
IIGL is synonymous to a voyage that leads to a wonder maker.

What Our Students Are Reading

The Heart of Leadership By: Robert Staub ($13.95)

Just as exercise is necessary to strengthen the human heart, exercise and practice are essential to developing the heart of leadership. Robert Staub gets right to the heart of what leadership is and isn’t in this provocative new book. He explains, “My father used to say, ‘Son, any fool can rent the backs and minds of others, but it takes real leadership to earn their hearts and fully engage them.”

The author teaches the four chambers that make up the heart of every true leader: competency, intimacy, integrity, and passion. He encourages leaders to become more than just enthusiastic managers. And he reveals twelve practices of courageous and effective leaders, and provides specific exercises geared to strengthen the leadership heart of business men and women.

Staub reveals that those who purport to lead fail because they don’t understand who it is they’re trying to lead. Within these pages, readers learn about the four chambers that make up the heart of every true leader: competency, intimacy, integrity, and passion.

Students In Action

IIGL Student is Co-Founder of the Youth Arise Organization in Ghana

Level One student, Moses Baffour Awuah is one of the co-founders of Youth Rise. Their mission is to advocate, empower young people and children so that they may discover their God-given talent and become a beacon of light to their generation, a tower of integrity and a castle of realized dreams. They envision that their beneficiaries become self-sufficient and live prosperous lives and young people become effective leaders who would make meaningful contribution to their world. All through the year they offer youth programs and camps that emphasize their mission. You can contact Moses at to be added to their mailing list and if you have specific questions about the organization.

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation


InterAction is an alliance organization in Washington, D.C. of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The 180-plus members work around the world. What unites them is a commitment to working with the world’s poor and vulnerable, and a belief that they can make the world a more peaceful, just and prosperous place – together.

InterAction serves as a convener, thought leader and voice of our community. “Because we want real, long-term change, we work smarter: We mobilize our members to think and act collectively, because we know more is possible that way. We also know that how we get there matters. So we set high standards. We insist on respecting human dignity. We work in partnerships.””>Watch our video


2015 Annual Meeting Set for May 2, 2015

IIGL will be holding its Annual Meeting on Saturday May 2, 2015. Please look for a YAHOO email on the IIGL Message Board from Kathleen Oweegon, IIGL Corresponding Secretary for directions on how to join the meeting either via telephone or Skype. This email will be sent by April 30, 2015 and will include the timing for the meeting. Her email is”> if you have questions. All financial contributors and active students are invited!

IIGL featured on The Susan Harmon Radio Show!

IIGL Director Deb Rosen was featured on The Susan Harmon Hour Radio show hosted in Seattle, WA on March 20, 2015. The broadcast is archived and can be accessed at”>

Meet Our New Students

We are pleased to welcome one new active student this month. He is from Rwanda.

Roger Hakizimana Tuyishime (Rwanda)

I was born in 1990 and grew up in a small city of Muhanga, in a family of five children I am the third born three boys and two girls. Ever since I was young I showed different perspective personalities which would differentiate me with others, like the fact that I never played other boys games, I was always quite, writing infinity of things(used to call them movies), sometimes I would think that I was weak or sick, that I was no one, that I should hate myself and sometimes I would feel sorry for me, but as I grew up, I realized that being different won’t kill me, all I had to do was to learn how to live with myself, I did all my studies in that condition and all the time while others would be playing, me I would be writing, finally those infinity things that I used to write came to have senses, I would write songs, poems and books, which I still write now but I haven’t publish any of my art.

I did accounting in high school, but I never felt like it was my favorite thing to do, I always loved to be an artist, and a writer, which I still believe in for now, I am a song writer, and most of them are in English, I am planning to start singing shortly, my songs are humanitarian songs, where I sing for change, I have finished two books which are laying in my wall drop and I have hope that one day they will be read by someone.

After high school I continued University in India where I followed commerce, I was still trapped in accounting thing but that didn’t stop my talent, when I was in India that’s when I came to realize that I definitely have talent that I should improve it in the way that I should expect something from it .

Currently I am back to my country, and I have a small paid job which helps me to survive, I always loved reading even though sometimes it would be a challenge due my living condition, and I am looking forward to read more of IIGL books and be someone important to my community. I recently volunteered in a program called ICS (International Citizen Service) to which we: In country volunteers were living and working together with UK volunteers, in this program we were involved in may projects and we did learnt many things as well like development work, our communication skills grew, we came to learn about another culture, and our confidence was definitely and other achievement from it.

There is one proverb that I read from one of your books called, What To Say When you Talk to Yourself which says “I know that what I believe about Myself is What I will become.” So I am.

To view his complete profile, Click Here.

Visionary Leadership

Student Progress

We had 9 students from 5 countries complete a total of 14 books in March. These students were from Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Moses Baffour Awuah (Ghana)

* Success through PMA

Annie Assauten (Nigeria)

* How to Win Friends and Influence People

Anene Chikwado Emmanuel (Nigeria)

* How to Win Friends and Influence People

* Real Magic

Iziomoh Emmanuel (Nigeria)

* Heaven is for Real

* Your Faith is your Fortune

Ogbaka Iji Friday (Nigeria)

* Real Magic

Ethelbert Umeh (Nigeria)

* The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Roger Hakizimana Tuyishime (Rwanda)

* As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Noeline Kirabo (Uganda)

* Think and Grown Rich

Busani Sibindi (Zimbabwe)

* Built to Last

* Difficult Conversations

* The Essentials of Gandi


Ola Makinde (Nigeria) completed Level Three

Paul Nwakuma Young (Nigeria) completed Level Three

Aloys Hakizimana (Rwanda) completed Level Three

Busani Sibindi (Zimbabwe) completed Level Four


New Enrollments
7enrolled in March
14 enrolled in 2015

Book Assessments
14 in March
48 in 2015

Books Shipped
29 in March

43 in 2015

Cost of Books
$613.45 in March
$886.78 in 2015

You Make It Possible

We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)

Corine Wilson (USA/FL)

Lily Ann (USA/GA)

Naomi Stauber (USA/ME)

John Hornecker (USA/NC)

Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)

Janis Thayer (USA/NC)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)

Make A Difference

Dream Team 22

In January 2009 we launched a new idea which blends two previous endeavors: The Master Mind Group and the 22 Experiment. We are calling this Dream Team 22 and our goal is to have 220 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2009.

Will you join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL? You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money. To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below. To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Deb for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to P.O. Box 18909, Asheville, NC 28814 USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Credit Card, Click Here

Newsletter Archive: Click Here to view archived issues of the Global Leadership News