Newsletter – Issue #137* May2013

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #137* May2013
Asheville, NC. USA

Guest Editorial

Poems and Riddles of Inspiration

By: Charlotte Kabera (Rwanda)


Say “No” Black Woman;

When they break up your family;

And send your son to fight;

For the land that already belongs to him.

Say “No” Black Woman

When they tear down your home

And your bread and shelter

In attempt to break your spirit.

Say “No” Black Woman

When they accuse your son of rape

And send your husband to prison

For a crime that he didn’t commit.

Say “No” Black Woman

When they steal your only daughter

And banish your only son.

Say “No” Black Woman

When they curse you and call you names

Say “No” Black Woman.

Say “No!”


Look Outside, see the trees
Watch the flowers in the breeze
Things won’t be like this in a year or two
If polluting is all we do
Seize the night
Seize the day
Things won’t always be this way
Thousands of people are dying
In the night you hear children crying
Let’s stop the war
Our people are uncomfortable
The world can’t help itself
Who cares about your wealth
Help me to help you
Show the world what you can do.


Q. What gets when Rain comes down?

A. Umbrella

Lesson: We should all get up and make the world a better place than we found it.

Q. There is green house; inside a green house there is a white house; inside a white house there is a red house; inside a red house there is a lot of babies. What is it?

A. Watermelon

Lesson: All people in the world should live like children of the same parent/family.

Q. I have five children who always sit on the same chair. Who are they?

A. Fingers on the same hand.

Lesson: We should work together like fingers on the hand.

(These poems and riddles were presented “live” in Lagos, Nigeria on March 2, 2013 by 11 year old Charlotte Kabera, daughter of IIGL Graduate and Treasurer, Charles Kabera).

What Our Students Are Saying

Harriet Opondo (Uganda)

Life is a journey, which we each travel each day and on this journey we meet many people and make several decisions. I’m still thankful that a dear friend talked to me about International Institute for Global Leadership and I’m glad I made the decision to join.

I have learned incredible lessons and principles in the last two plus years that I have been a student at IIGL. The books have been eye opening and I believe that I have changed for the better and I hope to have more impact in my country even as I continue to learn more and grow.

One of the ways that I have changed is in my thinking patterns. I have always known that our thoughts affect lives but I had never really taken it seriously since I continually allowed negative thoughts to run through my mind. However the books that I read in level one and two really challenged my negative thought patterns, as I learnt that our thoughts affect our mood, emotions, health and destiny. This was clearly brought in the book “law of attraction” we attract into our lives what we constantly think about. I have had some negative experiences in life and prior to joining IIGL I would allow those negative thoughts to cloud my mind and I would end up being so sad and even throw pity parties. however now with the knowledge that I have about the power and effect of thoughts I don’t allow those thoughts to linger around in my mind, instead I have learned to think happy thoughts, dream about the great things I would want to see in my life and I’m already experiencing the results of thinking positively.

I have always been a dreamer; I sometimes thought I lived more in my dreams than in the present! Through reading the books in the past two levels, I have learned to direct and focus my dreams into vision and purpose. I now have a definite purpose that I’m working towards achieving. This has made my life a lot easier since I’m now more focused and I’m clear about what I want and also decision making has been made easier.

We can’t eat our cake and keep it too! We have to decide to forego one thing over another. I have learnt about paying the price for what I think is important. For instance with my IIGL assignments, sometimes it is tempting to watch a movie, go out with friends than completing a book report that is way overdue! I’m also applying this principle in my finances. I’m planning to start my graduate studies very soon so at the beginning of the year I had to increase my savings so that I can have money to pay for my tuition however this meant foregoing a few luxuries like that extra handbag that is not really necessary!

Character has been described as the sum total of all our habits. It is who we really are especially when no one is watching. Throughout Level One and Two, the authors emphasized the importance of having a character of integrity, honesty, hard work and humility. One of my favorite authors, Joyce Meyer once said; “your gifting may take to a place where your character cannot keep you.” Therefore I have learned that I need to keep working on building character traits that will help me be all that I can be. Knowing that we can be trusted with resources and use them well at a work place for instance is very important.

I used to struggle a lot with negative emotions and one of the changes that I have noticed in myself since I joined IIGL is that I’m now very quick to expel negative emotions out of my life. I have learnt many ways of doing this as I read different books, one of the ways is CRAFT and the other is to simply decide not to allow negative emotions to take control over our lives. For instance I have decided to live a stress free life as shared in the book “Power of Intention.” I know Life can be very stressful but we still have a choice to make, for instance I’m handling work stress a lot better now than before. It is amazing how when negative circumstances happen around me, I’m now able to handle it without allow anger and bitterness to take the better side of me; this is a fresh way of living for me!

It is one thing to know what we want and it is another thing to know how to get there. Through the past levels many strategies have been shared about goal setting and achievement. I have been able to write down my goals both long term and short term and also included the strategies of achieving them.

In conclusion, the last two levels of IIGL have greatly impacted my life especially in the area of self-development and goal setting. I feel new, empowered and I’m more passionate about life and all the goals that I’m yet to achieve.

What Our Students Are Reading

The Long Walk To Freedom: The Autobiography Of Nelson Mandela
by Nelson Mandela ($13.51)

The famously taciturn South African president reveals much of himself in Long Walk to Freedom. A good deal of this autobiography was written secretly while Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years on Robben Island by South Africa’s apartheid regime. Among the book’s interesting revelations is Mandela’s ambivalence toward his lifetime of devotion to public works. It cost him two marriages and kept him distant from a family life he might otherwise have cherished. Long Walk to Freedom also discloses a strong and generous spirit that refused to be broken under the most trying circumstances–a spirit in which just about everybody can find something to admire.

Students In Action

Congratulations Noeline!

IIGL President and Level Six student Noeline Kirabo (Uganda) has been awarded a seven month scholarship to undergo training in social entrepreneurship by International Institute for social entrepreneurs in partnership with Braille without Borders in India. She was selected among many applicants from all over the world on the basis of my anticipated project after the training which is to legalize the IIGL Uganda chapter with the intention of launching a leadership and management resource center. The center will also become the head offices in Uganda where leadership trainings for youth and young adults will be coordinated. The chapter will also partner with already existing community organizations to extend services to youth who may not be able to continue with formal school. The goal will be to equip the youth with the desired skills by helping them get access to free on-line courses and launch them into the job market by partnering with other community organizations to offer apprenticeship opportunities to the youth that we will have trained. Noeline stated, “this project idea was birthed out of what IIGL has meant to me and I would like to make a difference with other youth in my country. I feel honored, and am very excited, to have this opportunity.”

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation

African Virtual University

The African Virtual University enables students in over 21 African countries to participate in different learning programs and projects. The AVU is now collaborating with a wide number of partners – governments, universities, development partners, private sector- to offer new programs and courses designed to respond to the demand of the African context and the need of local employers. The programs and courses are offered by AVU or jointly by AVU and its Partner Institutions.

The AVU is introducing new academic programs and courses as well as non academic programs and self learning programs. The latter are largely offered through the Virtual Campus for Development and Peace whose main objective is to provide skills to young and adult learners in the formal and informal sectors.

The AVU is also introducing a series of eLearning courses, programs and workshops designed to provide knowledge and skills about eLearning and Technology in Information and Communication. The main objective of such offers is to unlock the potential of ICTs in Education in Africa. They target a) faculty members and school teachers, b) Information Technology officers, c) university and school administrators, d) decision makers in education as well as officials of governments, international organizations and the private sector.


IIGL Book Drive Launched!

On April 22, IIGL launched a Book Drive to attract more people to learn about and donate to IIGL. Over 1,200 people were invited to participate on Facebook and the IIGL Yahoo Message Board. It costs an average of $22 to order and ship one IIGL book outside of the USA. We will continue the Book Drive throughout May. Please share this idea with Friends and Family members. Donations can be made online through the www.Global-Leadership home page under DONATE NOW or by sending a check to:

IIGL/Deb Rosen

11537 N. Lake Shore Drive

Mequon, WI 53092

If you have questions, please email Deb at

Meet Our New Students

We are please to welcome five new active students this month. They are from Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda.

Magdalene Muthenya (Kenya)

I’m Magdalene Muthenya a Kenyan. I come from a family of eight. 6 girls and 2 brothers and I, am the fourth born in the family. Have been with the Consolata Missionary Sisters for the last 4years but realized that way of life was not meant to be my destiny I just felt I needed to do more with my life. But I thank God for that experience in my lives journey.

Currently am working with the catholic Diocese of Isiolo in Kenya as a social worker. Have worked before in my pastoral experience different parishes in Nairobi Kenya which exposed me to Kibera slum, Soweto slum in Kahawa west Kenya and in Tanzania I had an experience with a group of People infected with HIV/AIDs virus . This has really exposed me to different situations in the world and made me realize that we need each other in the world today. It has really build me to be who I am today realizing that God has really brought me this far in life. I cannot complain but say thank you to him.

At the moment I feel I need to strengthen myself in achieving my goals in life. So much has been blocking me at times I would feel bad about myself and about my experiences in life which would put me down at times I would feel inferior, a failure, unhappy which would make me very dull, sad, and gloomy . But now have set my goals and I want to achieve them. I want to be free from all this and live a fulfilled life.

My interests are singing in the choir and praying. Am a member of the church choir here in Isiolo and my voice is alto, I like reading books, magazines, and watching movies, I also like making friend it is through a friend that have come to know about IGLL. Off late I’m not a fun when it comes to traveling I find it tiring also because the work I am doing I travel a lot and some times the roads are not good. So it becomes unbearable for me. Currently the book that has become my favorite is a book on goals.

Isiolo is a semi-arid area that is very dry. The communities living here are faced with different challenges in life. The catholic Diocese of Isiolo saw the need of a sponsorships program for children here in Isiolo from poor families and the pastoralist’s communities who are deprived off some life privileges due to harsh climatic conditions, Conflicts, droughts, diseases. Am grateful for my experience here which has made me realize that I need to do more with myself so that I can reach the community outside there.

I thank God for my friend who has introduced me to IIGL. For me this is an opportunity and a gift in my life and I am not ready to let it pass just like that. I feel I need to gain more knowledge and acquire more skills in leadership and also a lot of self awareness and living up to my set goals in life. I want to live a focused life. Sometimes we become comfortable and forget about advancing. Good opportunities come our way but pass due to unawareness. I want to be a good leader because I’m convinced that I can make it. And I can help people in the communities wherever I am.

Nsaka Onochie Jonathan (Nigeria)

My name is Nsaka Onochie Jonathan. I was given birth to on the 30th of July, 1986 in the city of Lagos, a state located in the south west of Nigeria. I am a citizen of Nigeria by birth and nationality. Nigeria is located in the western part of Africa with a population of 150 people. It’s renown as the most populous black nation on earth. Highly rich in human and natural resources with its major export as crude oil. It has 36 states with the Federal capital territory and it is democratically govern. I am from Delta state, from Aniocha North local government area, Onicha-olona community, and Ogbekenu quarters. Delta state is located in the southern part of the country. It’s a very rich state in oil and gas. It has large presence of water and aquatic products.

I attended Saint Frances nursery and primary school Owerri, Imo state between 1991 to 1996 were I obtain my primary school leaving certificate then I moved to Awori ajeromi Grammar school from 1996 to 2001 in Lagos state then move to Igieduma Grammar school, Igieduma, Edo state in 2002 were I obtained my o’ level certificate. Then I moved to delta state University, Abraka were I obtained a Bsc(ed) in Integrated science and education from 2003 to 2007. I left with a second class upper division.

After graduation, I began Life corps international (LCI).This is a youth oriented organization with the sole purpose of rising the next generation of leaders. This led me to schools and churches to teach leadership and success principles to youth and to organize success discovery seminars. Before then, while in school, I was the leader of the Christian fellowship in my secondary school and when I got to the University, I was

made the assistant leader of my campus fellowship (Christ chosen campus fellowship) then made the secretary before finally made president of the fellowship in my final year. I also served as the treasurer of the joint Christian campus fellowship and the PRO of my department, science education. After some months I published my first book singleness. This is written specifically to youth who are not yet married on how to make the

most of that single period of their life to effectively prepare for marriage and how to be the right one than just seeking the right one. Then I was posted to Niger state for my National youth service Corp. program (NYSC) This program is design specifically by the Nigeria government for graduates to be posted to serve the nation in other states with the view of fostering national unity and integration. I was sent to Government secondary school pandogari to teach mathematics and chemistry after (three weeks of orientation and paramilitary training. I was made the millennium development goals MDGs/NYSC president in that entire local government (Raffi).This made me organized mass awareness campaign on the millennium development goals, health and hygiene seminars in schools and to construct a school library well stocked with books for the school. This gave me a state award from the Niger state government in the year 2009.I returned from the program September 2009 and register for the word of faith bible Institute. This was to properly prepare me for ministry. I ended the school, April 2010 after which I went into itinerary ministry. Then I went to Dunamis school of ministry which lasted for six months. In these schools, I was thought major things needed for ministry. Then in the year 2011, July 3rd the ministry triumphant faith ministry was establish in the FCT, Abuja. The ministry mandate is to raise triumphant lives. It’s a growing ministry. I also authored a second book titled ‘Academic excellence have a grip’ although not yet published, the book seek to empower youths on how to excel in their academics. This has made me a sought after speaker in areas of youth empowerment and leadership development.

I am not yet married. The third born from four made up of three boys and one girl. My father is a clergy man who served as a pastor from 1988 to 2002 before he passed on to glory in 2010.My mum is a business woman, with specialty in catering services. My elder brother is a pastor, married to a banker and has two kids. The second is a banker married to a banker with a daughter. My younger sister is a graduate of the University of Benin with a Bsc in biochemistry. She is carrying out her national youth service program.

My role models are Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Frances Nsaka (my father) David Oyedepo and Myles Monroe. I love religious movies, romantic and adventurous movies. Examples are: the Passion of the Christ, Titanic and Coming to America. My hobbies are singing, writing, reading, watching television, listening to teachings and sharing of knowledge. Books read includes: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, The Bible, Becoming a Leader by Myles Monroe, Roadmap to Success by John Maxwell, See You at the Top by Zig Zigler just to mention a few. I have visited a few a places within the country but I would love to visit places like the Bahamas, Hawaii, Paris, New York, Califonia, and London and Jerusalem. I also will love to visit Rome. I love football but rarely play. My best footballer is Lionel Messi from Argentina. I think he is the most skillful of the game.

My greatest desire in life is to be a pastor and a global reformer. I desire to be part of international decision making body like the ECOWAS (economic community of West Africa state) the AU (African Union) the UN (United Nations) and others. I desire to have a university that will help people develop their potentials and thus fulfill their purpose. I also want to have a university that is free so that the less privilege can get quality higher education. Also I desire to have a center known as life enhancement center where leadership, purpose fulfillment, marriage, financial management and other life issues will be thought to enhance the total well being of humanity. My dream for my country is to see a Nigeria that is respected in the community of Nation. A country that is completely united without religious or ethnic divide. A country where policies are made and are fully implemented where election is free and credible. Where terrorist activities and insecurity are tales of the past. Where our currency is stable and highly valued amongst other currency, where the teaming youths are gainfully employed, where power supply is stable and efficient. Where the road networks are good and safe. Where railway transportations are functional where fuel prices will be very friendly for all. Where children can get sound and quality education. A land where there is no division between the poor and the rich because all will be comfortable. A land you can dream and see the realization of that dream. A land of equality before the law. A land where all have the fear of God and love for their fellow human. A Nigeria that will become the most desirable nation on earth. This is my dream for my country.

I know that when I enroll in the courses will effectively develop my leadership prowess and thus effectively prepare me for global leadership.

Oloko Ben Chukwuemeka (Nigeria)

My name is Oloko Ben Chukwuemeka. I am from Orba in Udenu Local Government Area, Enugu State of Nigeria. I am currently an Undergraduate student of the Faculty of Law, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. I am in my penultimate year.

I grew up under the care of very loving parents, both civil servants. I am the second of seven children and the first son of my parents. My five sisters are matchless in their show of affection to me. My little brother is just eight. We are very serious Christians. Most of us at home have specific responsibilities at our local church; my mom and dad are both in the Church Committee. We pray together every morning and night. We also eat together, most meals of the day. In essence we are as closely knit in my home as an adhesive.

My parents in a clear show of their unparallel love for me, made sure I attended the best schools in our neighborhood. Notwithstanding the cut-throat school fees, my parents were persistent in their bid to give me the best. My kindergarten and primary education was at the University of Nigeria Nsukka Staff School; My secondary education was at the prestigious University of Nigeria Secondary School Nsukka. To cap it all I am currently a student of the renowned Faculty of Law. University of Nigeria. I cannot wish for any better education than this and I cannot thank my parents enough for their enormous sacrifice to see me through to this level of education.

Now, my ultimate aim in life is to become a great leader of men, the like of Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and a host of others. I feel I am the solution to Nigeria’s perennial problems of leadership. I feel I was sent by God to provide solutions to these problems. Funny enough, throughout my primary and secondary education I usually shirked responsibilities, I refused to take any active part in school; I was never a prefect throughout my primary and secondary education, though in both levels, I was, well…very popular, especially in secondary school. Even a teacher suggested to me that I should contest the prefectship election because I was popular. The greater part of my years in primary school, I played too much and in grade five my teacher remarked “…Benjamin! If only this boy would read his book and leave playing, he will be genius” when I answered a question she did not believe anyone could answer at that level (this statement, meanwhile has served as a inspiration to me up till today in my steady climb to greatness).

In secondary level, I similarly was unserious (not very serious is the apposite word). I however, always passed (not just passing…as far back as I can remember, I have always been in the top ten students in my class). I even graduated from secondary school, best in two subjects. In my junior secondary education, I desired to be an engineer because I wanted to build my own car. As I grew older however, that necessarily had to change, because I came to think at that time that there is no need to build my own car as cars have already been made in varying sizes, shapes, models, capacity, etc. Most of my friends wanted to read law and I also felt law was a nice course too and joined the Art class. Because my background was relatively poor, compared to that of most of my mates, I developed a crippling low self esteem. My mates were brought to school in cars, I went to school with an ancient bicycle; my mates drank mineral drinks and ate meat pies during break times, but most of the times I did not even have money to buy burns or palm cakes; my mates were sons of professors and lecturers, but I was a son of a hostel porter. This was the case in both primary and secondary education. At a point in my secondary education, I started stealing money from my parents, just to belong. I overdid it and I am so ashamed of myself whenever I remember it, though I later told them I took their money and apologized.

In the midst of all this, I’m always seen as exceptional by most people I have met. In my secondary education, my teacher in Government always came around my chair to dearly rub her hands on my head and tell me “Good Boy” when I answer her questions correctly. Trust me, this happened very often. It inspires me whenever I remember it.

The moment of self realization, however came when I had to stay for three years before I was offered admission to any university. I wrote JAMB (University Matriculation Examination) four times. Two of the times my result was not released. Once it was released but I failed the Screening test. It was in the course of staying at home alone, reading books, that my life started to take shape. I started thinking of what, actually I wanted to do with my life. It was then I started seeing myself as a ‘messiah’ of a sort. I started to see all my ordeals (so to say) as a necessary preparation orchestrated by God to bring me to his perfect will for my life. I saw that Nigeria’s major problem is inadequate enforcement of laws. We have good laws, we have a good system but these are always thwarted to serve the private interests of the elite class. This strengthened my resolve to study law in the university as I felt it was necessary for me as I, at this point developed a desire to major in law enforcement and ultimately become the president of the country, at least. I also discovered that most of the renowned world leaders were lawyers and soldiers. I sensed that that was not a mistake; There must be something in those professions that inspired greatness and I‘ve not been disappointed so far in that lofty expectation.

In view of the above I aim to work preferably with the Nigerian Police or Army or any of the other Law enforcement outfits when I graduate.

In furtherance of these goals and dreams, I hold and have held several leadership positions. Currently, I am the National President of Orba Undergraduates Association, and also the president of the UNEC chapter of the Association. I was also the Anglican Youth Fellowship, Secretary of my church and later the church secretary. I was the Secretary of Orba Undergraduates Association, UNEC Chapter, Before I was elected the president. I was a two time Academic Coordinator of Students Christian Movement, SCM, UNEC. I am currently the Academic Coordinator of Christian Law Students Fellowship of Nigeria, UNEC Branch. Also, at a point in my class the need arose to select people to constitute a disciplinary committee. The requirement was that the persons to be selected must be persons of “Unquestionable Integrity.” Proudly, I received the highest vote in my class. I was also a Faculty Sheriff, charged mostly with the enforcement of the Faculty rules and regulations. I have been in all the committees set up in my class, since my first year, ranging from picnic committee to disciplinary committees and by the grace of God; I am doing great in my academics. I have also gone for the Federal Government Citizenship and Leadership Training. I am duly certified and I learnt a lot from the two weeks training. Part of the reasons why I am joining this Institute is the opportunity it will offer me to sharpen my leadership skills, in preparation for the “rainy days”.

I enjoy watching films and reading novels, bordering on solving of crimes, and Comedy films. I also enjoy reading Psychology, hence my Masters Degree, hopefully will be in Criminology. I also enjoy the company of funny friends. If I fail to point out that Pastor Bankie has influenced my life more than any other person…then the profile is incomplete.

Martha Ainomugisha Mugisa (Uganda)

My name is Martha Ainomugisha Mugisa. I am married and a mother of one 2 year old beautiful girl. I am the second born in a family of five. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers. I grew up in Kabale district, in South Western Uganda; it is one of the most beautiful places I have seen and is referred to as the Switzerland of Uganda.

I love reading (I could use the last penny on me to buy a book, even if it takes me another year to read it), traveling, (I have travelled to most of the areas in my countries, all the countries in East Africa and Dream of seeing a lot more of the world) making friends (I thrive on relationships and so my friends and family mean a lot to me), watching movies, news and listening to music.

My best buy and read so far is Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life; no book, besides the Bible has impacted me so much. I have recently re-watched the movie, Courageous and it is a wonderful one!!! I l love watching series too, my best so far being 24!! I admire novel writer Francine Rivers and her book Redeeming Love greatly impacted my life!

I am passionate about children and youth and my career vision is to use my skills and abilities to impact and transform the life of at least one child and one youth. I am hoping to develop myself to become a leading consultant on Child and Youth affairs on the global scene.

I did BSc Education at undergraduate level and went on to serve in an NGO as a youth worker mentoring young people in secondary schools in Uganda. I was also involved in implementing a Life skills program in schools and communities which was a behavior change communication tool for the prevention of HIV/AIDS. I then went on to do Resource mobilization in the same organization where I raised funds both locally and internationally.

I went on to do a Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management. I have done short courses in Strategic human resource management and Basic Business and Financial Management which have made me a better manager. I am a Trainer of Trainers and also have excellent skills in organizing workshops and Trainings.

I currently mentor a group of youth and we meet regularly to discuss and brainstorm about issues concerning them in their generation. I also pay school fees for a young boy from a family that couldn’t support him in school and I hope this can spread to many more children; my dream is to start a Child Support Program. I strongly believe in empowerment through Quality education and holistic development.

I have been a leader most of my life and I am always humbled to know that there are always people looking up to me and so I try to live with excellence at the back of my mind so that the many young people around me can learn a thing or two from me.

I look forward to learning a lot at the International Institute for Global Leadership.

Yvette Ampaire (Uganda)

Having lived and studied in Uganda all my life, I have learned to appreciate and work towards contributing to an environment that is to enjoyable to work, live and survive with other people in consideration. I studied Environmental Management at Makerere University where I attained knowledge on environmentally friendly sustainable development. I further engaged myself into practical management of the urban environment by joining environment movements, networks and campaigns like Makerere University Environment Management Association (MUEMA), 350.Org, African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC Uganda), Food Rights Alliance (FRA), Energy Crossroads, United Nations Framework on Climate Change Youth (UNFCCC) Youth; which led me to work in various places towards national and regional development; Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM Uganda), Easter and Southern African Farmers’ Forum (ESAFF Uganda), Energy Crossroads East African Chapter, NAWODA clean energy project (Nyeihanga Women’s development Association). I have further learned about capacity building, lobbying and advocating for improvement of livelihoods for marginalized citizens.

My interest for international service developed after my experience at the 350.Org Climate Change activist and leadership training in Johannesburg, South Africa and the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2009 increased my interest to understand leadership and international politics in relation to sustainable development. I realized that individual actions at the grass roots are influenced and governed by International policies and the most influential international political actors.

I have gone ahead to pursue an MA in International Relations and Diplomat studies at Makerere University to increase my understanding on the un-avoidable relations and politics that influence sustainable development within states. You will always catch me involved in representing, lobbying and advocating for youth, women and marginalized persons on Clean Energy issues, Climate Change Adaptation, Gender mainstreaming, environment conservation, Human Rights, food security, organic agriculture and entrepreneurship at local, regional and international spaces.

I love to work in teams because I know that many people are gifted and talented in many ways hence it is easy to carry out a project with proper distribution of roles and a uniform vision for a project to be outstanding from other ordinary projects.

I also believe that for one to quickly reach his destiny, he needs to work/go alone with no destruction from other people, but this person will quickly fall apart on his own with no one to help him. One should go slowly to reach his/her destiny with a team of people because they will always have his back in challenging situations.

More about my interests, I love touring and studying areas with rich history or with very different and new cultures from mine. I have been to seven countries in Africa and Europe. I also love reading good inspirational books, taking part in political debates, I appreciate photography and I play the saxophone.

I would like to be an influential leader that speaks and negotiates for Uganda at the Regional, Continental level especially in the area of Environment, Climate Change and security. I would like to be remembered as one of the ladies who inspired many people and worked towards Pan-Africanism and Environment conservation in Africa. With the responsibilities and challenge that leadership comes with, I would like to be a good citizen, an exemplary parent and a good wife.

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Visionary Leadership

Student Progress

We had 21 students from 9 countries complete a total of 32 books in April. These students were from Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Togo, Uganda, USA and Zimbabwe.

Sokona Christelle Koné (Cote D’Ivoire)

* Keys to Success

Dennis Korbla Amego Penu (Ghana)

* Leadership for Dummies

Ann Perez Omenye (Kenya)

* How to Win Friends and Influence People

* Keys to Success

* Psycho-Cybernetics

* Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

Erick Kebeka Omari (Kenya)

* The Intention Experiment

* What You Can Change and What You Can’t – Learning to Accept Who You Are

Magdalene Nzisa Muthenya (Kenya)

* As A Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Sayid Abdullaev (Kyrgyzstan)

* Leadership for Dummies

Ahua Bem Gura (Nigeria)

* Real Magic

David John Oladejo (Nigiera)

* Psycho-Cybernetics

Edwin Joel Akpan (Nigeria)

* Deep Change

* In Search of Excellence

* The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ejidike Chinenye (Nigeria)

* Keys to Success

Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

* How to Win Friends and Influence People

Linus Lawrence Ocheja (Nigeria)

* How to Win Friends and Influence People

Marcus Edibogi Akor (Nigeria)

* Giant Steps

Nsaka Onochie Jonathan

* As A Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Ocheja Linus Lawrence (Nigeria)

* How to Win Friends and Influence People

Oloko Ben Chukwuemeka (Nigeria)

* As A Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Dakou Kofi Agbési (Togo)

* The New Dynamics of Winning

Martha Ainomugisha Mugisa (Uganda)

* As A Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Yvette Ampaire (Uganda)

* As A Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull

N. “Lindzee” Lindholm (USA)

* Mary McAleese: The Outsider

Thomas Shereni (Zimbabwe)

* Keys to Success

* Psycho-Cybernetics

Reactivated Students

Thomas Shereni (Zimbabwe)


Erick Kebeka Omari (Kenya) – Level Six

Edwin Joel Akpan (Nigeria) – Level Six

N. “Lindzee” Lindholm (USA) – Level Six

New Enrollments

7 in April

24 enrolled in 2013

Book Assessments

32 in April

89 in 2013

Books Shipped

7 in April

58 in 2013

Cost of books

$140.28 in April

$1,148.74 in 2013

You Make It Possible

We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Edmee DiPauli (UK)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)

Janis Thayer (USA.NC)

Thomas Miller (USA/MI)

Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)

Charles Betterton (USA/AZ)

Corine Wilson (USA.FL)

Lily Ann (USA/GA)

Michele Cohen (USA/WI)

John Hornecker (USA/NC)

Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)

DM Tilley (USA/AL)

Margie Tice (USA/HI)

Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)

Janae & Barry Weinhold (USA/NC)

Judith Royer (USA/SC)

Joyce Tamori (USA/HI)

Make A Difference

Dream Team 22

In January 2009 we launched a new idea which blends two previous endeavors: The Master Mind Group and the 22 Experiment. We are calling this Dream Team 22 and our goal is to have 220 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2009.

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to PO Box 18909, Asheville, NC. 28814, USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Credit Card, Click Here

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