Newsletter – Issue #126 * June 2012

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #126 * June 2012
Asheville, NC. USA

Guest Editorial

The Responsibilities of Leadership

By Solomon Teshome (Ethiopia)

I have come to learn that leadership is about embracing responsibility, but not only when it suits us. Some of the toughest leadership challenges are right in our own backyard: in our home and in the situations that support our personal life, such us our community, our schools, our children’s teams and our religious life. We must respond to the daily demands of our families, our communities, and our society by marshalling our inner strengths and fulfilling our promise to lead. We become a leader by acting like a leader. We don’t need the title or the authority. The idea that we only need to be willing to embrace responsibility, to be able to elicit cooperation from people, listen to their needs, and then place those needs above our own. Every time is potentially right for leadership, and every circumstance holds within it the potential for leadership opportunity. Don’t sit around waiting for someone to discover our leadership potential. Instead, begin making our reputation as a leader. I have learnt that having a clear vision is perhaps the most important of all the elements that a leader must successfully execute. Successful leaders provide vision to a group. Leaders communicate to their followers the overarching, doable dream that is somehow different from the present reality.

A vision is a bridge between the present and the future. Vision becomes the energy behind every effort and the force that pushes through all the problems. Great leaders have certain qualities that motivate those around them. But beyond leadership qualities, we have to develop your mission as a leader and then continuously examine our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to keep ourselves and our team at the top of your game. All great leaders have understood that their number one responsibility was for their own discipline and personal growth. If they could not lead themselves, they couldn’t lead others. It is the fact that leadership is a set of disciplines involving the formulation of a vision, the development of plans, the execution of a mission, and the reaching of a goal. We have to learn to become proficient at each one of those skills and to be objective about our weakness and strengths. If our planning skills are weak but our vision and execution skills are strong, get someone to help we bolster our skills. Watch what they do and how they do it and then emulate that person.

It is the fact that demands for leadership confronts us in our daily life, in the society, in workplace and in national & international level. We require a higher quality of leadership from each of use who operate on all levels of society; as union members, teachers, parents, and community service workers. We must respond to the daily demands of our families, our communities, and our society by marshalling our inner strengths and fulfilling our promise to lead. Therefore, no matter how I have limited knowledge and experience, I can be a great leader through time. I believe that if I become a leader for myself, then my future is assured as well as my world is become best place to live. What required from is only doing three things: elicit the cooperation of others, listen, and put others before myself

What Our Students Are Saying

Abraham Tura Belachew (Ethiopia)

Personal power lies within the mind. Once awakened, there are no limits to what one can imagine and then achieve with the power of thought. There is an essential relationship of a person’s thoughts to personal character, life circumstances, physical health, life purpose, achievement, and personal serenity. As we think, all we achieve and all that we fail to achieve is the direct result of our own thoughts

Students In Action

What Our Students Are Reading

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to The Perfect Marriage

Hilary Rich ($11.53)

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Perfect Marriage takes the anxiety out of working on your marriage. Feel confident discussing sex, money, even the in-laws! In this Complete Idiot’s Guide you get down-to-earth strategies for improving your communication skills; idiot-proof steps for dealing with times of transition, such as moving and career changes; expert advice in an easy-to-understand format; and plenty of quizzes and exercises to help you along the way.

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation

Earthnet Institute

EarthNet Institute seeks to partner in education, research and global cooperation with those seeking to ameliorate world problems. Striving for a world filled with greater peace, balance, cooperation, sharing, gentleness, concern, and the promise of human brotherhood is fundamental to Earthnet Institute. ENI senior members believe that although the tasks before us are immense, they are attainable through thoughtful and proactive efforts with the full participation of the global community. We invite you to join with us in the abatement of starvation and homelessness, the reduction of poverty and ignorance, and the control of sickness, disease and suffering in diverse places. We ask for your participation in confronting issues of war, slavery, terrorism, mental illness, environmental devastation, human rights violations, and economic inequities.

Meet Our New Students

We are please to welcome four new active students this month. They are from the Dominican Republic, Ghana, Nigeria and the USA.

José Jairo Valenzuela Luna (Dominican Republic)

I am a young 31 year old hard working, with many dreams to excel, I have two brothers and one sister, two nieces and so far, we are a poor family, struggling and working, we inherit from our parents something very sacred: Honesty, love of work, love of family and respect for others and especially the love of God. I have Christian beliefs.

I studied marketing at the University Dominican Industrial Psychology (UPID) that is the name of the university that taught only commercial careers. I worked as a volunteer with the NGO ‘Solidarity Alliance to Combat HIV and AIDS (ASOLSIDA)’ and on various other projects involved in promoting prevention, care and human rights in HIV and AIDS.

In my work with NGOs I had the opportunity to train in topics such as HIV, AIDS, STIs, Human Rights, Discrimination Based on Gender, perform tasks in the project as Educator / Counselor Community HIV and AIDS, taking also talks to students in schools public sector based information on topics such as theater STIs, HIV and AIDS, stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and AIDS

I was part of the Collective of Young, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in which I presented a proposal to an international research and be a winner, and be able to carry out the research study: “Study of knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices (CCAP) of young people living with Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and health status in relation to antiretroviral drugs. “

In my work with NGOs I had the opportunity to train in topics such as HIV, AIDS, STIs, Human Rights, Discrimination Based on Gender, perform tasks in the project as Educator / Counselor Community HIV and AIDS, taking also talks to students in schools public sector information based on which I had the opportunity to develop a team of members of Solidarity Alliance to Combat HIV and AIDS (ASOLSIDA) and Accessories Leaders of other organizations.

I am bee able to present the results of that research locally and internationally and the same for my volunteer work I had the opportunity to participate in conferences and international events such as ¨ International Conference on HIV and AIDS 2008 in Mexico ¨, and ¨ First Meeting International Youth Volunteer Monterrey, Mexico 2009.

I currently work for a private firm as Administrative Assistant, and am voluntarily Active Member: Alliance Partnership for the Fight against HIV and AIDS (ASOLSIDA).

I have the interest to study English, professional level and study law, I have the desire and motivation to be a representative of Human Rights Groups or individuals in unfavorable situations. What motivated me to become a social activist was to see the reality that people spend scarce resources when they need medical treatment to save his life, the few opportunities that public policy makers offer us, social inequality in which the majority live people, lack of government support to meet their responsibilities.

I consider myself as a bit shy, without attachments, I like challenges, responsibilities, triumphs, to achieve actions that benefit others, I am very optimistic, I believe in the positive, believe in change and above all believe in that change must start with oneself as an individual to convey to others that need to change for a better world.

Godfred K. Annan (Ghana)

I was born on the 1st of December 1982 at Nsawam in the Eastern Region of Ghana. In 2008 I completed a Diploma in ICT in the Institute of Advanced Computer Education in Accra, Ghana.

My interest in leadership and entrepreneur came up when I decided to create a fun club which will help children from 5 years who have no access to computer education in his community. I graduated from the JCI Presenter course in 20th of October 2011 from Accra and also JCI Achieve and JCI Admin on 21st and 22nd of April 2012 respectively from Accra.

As part of my leadership aspiration I started a local chapter of Junior Chamber International (JCI) in Tarkwa in the Western Region of Ghana and am the current president. JCI is a worldwide organization of young active citizens who seek to create positive change in their communities

Being a youth who has passion and determination to become a great leader in Africa, I am now a Local Coordinator for Africa Unbound in Ghana. As part of Leadership aims and commitment to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in my community, I attended the first ever Africa Local Summit in Kumasi from 1st to 4th of April 2012 to learn how to Achieve the MDGs. Mingling with serious minded people and change makers always motivates me.

Ndefo Chikanso Patricia (Nigeria)

I am Ndefo Chikanso Patricia, 21 years old born on the 3rd of July 1990. I am a native of Ekwusigo local government area of Anambra state Nigeria, I speak Igbo, Hausa and English fluently. I am the third in the family of five and schooled in the university of agriculture Makurdi. Benue state, Nigeria where I studied agricultural education, my temperament blend is sanguine and phlegmatic, i am a very jovial person, tolerant, peaceful, friendly, outspoken and fun to be with.

I am devoted to the search for personal development, my interest is in reading, researching and learning new words. Some of the books i have read are ‘why you act the way you do’ by Tim Lahaye, ‘think and grow rich’ by Napoleon Hill, ‘recipe for sucess’ by Emma Etuk, ‘failing forward’ by John Maxwell, Developing the leader within you’ by John Maxwell, ‘purpose driven life’ by Rick Warren, ‘the rules of love by Richard Templar and a lot of other inspiring and motivating books.

I have participated in workshops such as in strategic empowerment and mediation agency (SEMA), Cymmy associates leadership and entrepreneurship summit. I am an awardee of Cymmy associates scholarship scheme which afforded me the opportunity to undergo a five_months research work on topics such as Temperament, leadership, handling failures, legacy and willpower.

I have participated in community development project in SIFE (Students in free enterprise) team in my school where we undertook projects such as prison reforms and entrepreneurship project and women in free enterprise. I have undergone some basic formal education (Nursery. primary and secondary and tertiary institution). I have served in leadership positions as the laboratory prefect in secondary school, treasurer Block rosary crusade in my church chapter, General secretary, students in free enterprise (SIFE) team in my school.

I am the most schooled in my family and i really appreciate my dad for his love for education,fatherly love and care and for training me in school.i am God fearing and my love for God has helped me to live a descent Christian life. i know i have the potential to be great in life and i ask God to see me through in my pursuit for knowledge, education and a fulfilled life that will make for a beautiful future.

Michael Misenheimer (USA)

First and foremost, I should say that I have always had a great passion for helping others live their best lives and bring their best forth. This passion came from being on my own journey toward personal and professional fulfillment. I have learned a lot along the way and now am honored to be able to share what I have learned with others.

My intentions include:

* Contribute to the healing and betterment through various services;

* Provide an open, warm, nonjudgmental and caring environment to support one’s growth, recovery or conflict resolution needs;

* Pass on what I have learned over the years from various teachers, trainings, etc. to help guide others down the road to a brighter, better tomorrow.

My education includes a B.A. in Psychology from Argosy University and Graduate Courses in Counseling, Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peace Building from Argosy University and California State University. In the final stages of completing my M.A. in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. I am also a Certified Life Coach, Fowler Wainwright International, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, Grief Recovery Institute, Certified General Civil Mediator, Resolve to Solve abd Certified Domestic/Family Mediator, Resolve to Solve


The following students completed one level of study this month

Charles Kabera (Rwanda)

Level Six

Noeline Kirabo (Uganda)

Level Four

Anthony Ayoade (Nigeria)

Level Two

Patrick Adjei Nketia (Ghana)

Level One

Dogbo Fafali (Togo)

Level One

Emenike La (USA)

Level One

Student Progress

We had 22 students from 7 countries complete a total of 33 books in May. These students were from the Dominican Republic, Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda and the USA

José Jairo Valenzuela Luna (Dominican Republic

Jonathan Livingston Seatull
As A Man Thinketh

Godfred Kwaku Annan (Ghana)

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Paa Inkumsah (Ghana)

Leading with Soul

Patrick Adjei Nketia (Ghana)

The New Dynamics of Winning

Afere Alaba Lawrence (Nigeria)

The World Is Flat

Aisha Ibrahim (Nigeria)

Keys To Success
Success Through Positive Mental Attitude

Emmanuel Iziomoh (Nigeria)

Success Through Positive Mental Attitude

Ikeh Victor Chinedu (Nigeria)

How To Win Friends & Influence People

Ken Offor (Nigeria)

The Winning Attitude

Ndefo Chikanso Patricia (Nigeria)

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Obarinu Sunday Abidemi (Nigeria)

The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People

Olufisola Olubiyi Oladipo (Nigeria)

How To Win Friends & Influence People

Thompson Michael Ebi

Success Through Positive Mental Attitude

Anthony Ayoade (Nigeria)

Goal Setting 101

Charles Kabera (Rwanda)

The Power of Failure
Thinking Allowed
Seven Habits Of Highly Successful People

Kibogo Placide (Rwanda)

Success Through Positive Mental Attitude

Dogbo Kofi Fafali (Togo)

Giant Steps
The New Dynamics of Winning

Noeline Kirabo Mulongo (Uganda)

Difficult Conversations

Emenike La (USA)

Giant Steps
Real Magic
The Law Of Attraction
The New Dynamics of Winning

Lindzee Lindholm (USA)

Michael Misenheimer (USA)

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull


New Enrollments

7 enrolled in May

38 enrolled in 2012

Book Assessments

33 in May

183in 2012

Books Shipped

33 in May

212 in 2012

Cost of books

$599.09 in April

$4,232.33 in 2012

You Make It Possible

We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Edmee DiPauli (UK)

Felix Iziomoh (Nigeria)

Afere Lawrence (Nigeria)

sikiru adetola azeez (Nigeria)

Noeline Mulongo (Uganda)

LilyAnn (USA/FL)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)

Margie Tice (USA.NC)

Ron Walker (USA/VA)

Janis Thayer (USA/NC)

David Banner (USA/WI)

Peggy Moore (USA/NC)

Unity of Huntsville (USA/AL)

Lynn Murguia (USA/AZ)

Judith Royer (USA/ND)

Corine Wilson (USA.FL)

John Hornecker (USA/CA)

Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)

Janae & Barry Weinhold (USA/NC)

Make A Difference

Dream Team 22

In January 2009 we launched a new idea which blends two previous endeavors: The Master Mind Group and the 22 Experiment. We are calling this Dream Team 22 and our goal is to have 220 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2009.

contact Michael for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to PO Box 18909, Asheville, NC. 28814, USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Credit Card, Click Here

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