Newsletter – Issue #118 * October 2011

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #118 * October 2011
Asheville, NC. USA


Guest Editorial

Your Hidden Treasure

By Dogbo Kofi Fafali (Togo)

There is no useless creature or human being. And since a useless human being is no where to be found, a powerless human being cannot exist. Where do we get our skills and strengths from? No doubt, they come from the mind. Use your mind positively, exploit that vast fortune and it will yield fruits. Your mind is your power. The good news is that science has confirmed that our brains have the same weight. That implies we all have equal opportunities to succeed in life.

Why are we observing inequality among human beings as far as acquiring wealth, and strength are concerned? Wealthy, successful, and strong people are those who make good use of their natural heritages: the mind. Being strong is not a matter of body building exercises but it is the correct use of mental energy. World boxing champions use their mental energies more than their muscles.

Everything that is psychologically conceived and believed as existed will surely come to existence. The mobile phones, the laptops and any other electronic device that we are using today were mentally designed some years back by their manufacturers.

The mind and the thought can be put in the same category. And the English writer James Allen gave much consideration to the thought. For a man to feel powerful, he has to maintain healthy and positive thoughts. Believing in our dreams and visions as well as fulfilling them cannot be possible if the mental weapon is not charged with positive bullets. The mind is a loan we are given. Manage it well and you will get amazing and uncountable profits. But leaving it asleep, it will drag you to poverty and an early grave. Your mind is your real treasure and the key to this treasure is a Positive Mental Attitude.

Positive mental attitude as explained by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone, will take you from the lowest to the highest level. If PMA helps people attract wealth, saves lives, achieves success, maintains sound physical and emotional health and promotes longevity, it supposes determination, goal setting, courage, hard work, perseverance and honesty.

Negative mental attitude, fear, and doubt are the diseases which make the mind powerless. These elements are our handicaps. He who wants to achieve great things in life has to purify his thoughts by eradicating these destroyers from his imagination.

Creative imagination, another child of the mind is a route that leads to success. The yogis use concentration as a great source of power to perform feats that seem supernatural. These concentration exercises gathers both the mental and physical strength to accomplish incredible feats. If man is what he is by his thoughts, a body without a mind is lifeless. This is the true hidden treasure; one that each of us possess if we will only discover and use it.

What Our Students Are Saying

Pius Reis (Nigeria)

I will first start by saying that reading the book ‘Law of Attraction’ has awakened a new consciousness within me. I now know that through the use of deliberate attraction, I can attract what I want to myself, and so I practice the steps taught in the book. I am in the process of mastering deliberate attraction and when I comfortable with it I will empower others with the technique.

What Our Students Are Reading

Leading With Soul

by Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal ($16.47)

Since its original publication in 1995, Leading with Soul has inspired thousands of readers. Far ahead of its time, the book bravely revealed the path to leadership to be a very personal journey requiring a knowledge of self and a servant-leader mentality. Now, in this new and revised edition, authors Bolman and Deal address such currrent issues as the changing nature of work, the new face of today’s workforce, and the greater need for an infusion of soul in the workplace. They also include real-life stories from readers of the first edition, and answer key questions that those readers raise. As vital as ever, this revisted narrative of an executive and his quest for deeper meaning continues to point the way to a more fulfilling work experience.

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation

Kufunda Learning Village


Kufunda Village, located in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, is a learning, training and experimentation centre in creating sustainable communities. It was started in February 2002 by Marianne Knuth, a young woman of Danish and Zimbabwean origin, to develop the capacity for self-reliance of targeted rural communities. Kufunda Village aims at the creation of locally rooted solutions to community self-reliance challenges, through the use of people’s own imagination, collaboration and resources.

Meet Our New Students

We are please to welcome sixnew active students this month. They are from

Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Togo & Uganda

Kuntuo-Asare Richard (Ghana)

Kuntuo-Asare Richard is my name but my dad usually calls me Nana Kuntuo-asare after my grandfather of blessed memory. I am from a family of four children, three boys and a girl. My mum and dad are Christians and also both farmers. My father is into cocoa cultivation and has a lot of citrus farms. My hometown Assin Foso is a small town and a district capital in the central region of Ghana.

At 30, I have first degree in African Studies (majored in History and Politics) from the University of Cape Coast and also a diploma in Network Administration from NIIT in Accra. I am an enthusiastic person who loves to shape the lives of other people in diverse ways. A youth activist and an advocate for development, I like to impact whatever knowledge I acquire on other people especially the youth. Community work has been part of my life since early years and has initiated numerous youth oriented programs to help my folks.

As an African and a former African Studies student, I love books authored by Africans especially the late Professor Adu-Boahen and also love to watch historic movies.

My goal is to advocate for change in the lives of young people in the fields of Education, Sports, Agriculture, and Religion to mention but a few. I believe in the fact that with time every person can change and change for the better. So indeed, I am a naysayer in all my endeavours and do not compromise defeat and failure.

My hobbies are reading good and educative novels and Information technology. I have participated in series of Information and Communications Technology seminars and personally organize Information and Communications Technology workshops for various institutions free of charge in my community as a gesture of giving back to my society.

For now, I am trying to build upon the quality of my leadership skills in order to improve on a project I have started a year ago. This project seeks to help the youth in my area become conscious of their vision of absolute development and also revive the ‘can do’ spirit which for now is dormant. Concerning this project, I have been able to organize series of educational tours, leadership conferences, free teaching in the basic schools and also designed a radio talk show program on our local FM station (Nkwa FM) that discusses issues affecting Youth development in my locality and how to find solutions to such pressing issues with interested and necessary stakeholders.

It is my dream to get partners that can help push my ideologies into practical reality and extend my Youth advocacy into wider areas of my Ghana and Africa as a whole. Religiously, I am a Pan-African Christian.

Eddie Ombagi (Kenya)

My name is Eddie Ombagi, a 22 year old graduate of Language and Literature from Moi University, Kenya.

I consider myself a politician of conscience. I suffer at heart when I see Africa in the deep miseries it is in. I lament inwardly when I see Africa being ravaged by drought and famine, consumed by wars and conflicts and led by leaders who do not understand the essence of being African. Yet amid all this, Africa is a land of plenty, with beautiful people proud of our being African, our sensuality and emotion, our song and dance, our gaiety and spring of step, our resilience, our laughter that springs from the heart, our ability to love and capacity to learn, the beauty of the negress and swagger of the negro, the spirit of ubuntu, the fountain of humanity, the ideals of pan africanism.

I dream to be part of the New Africa, to lead the African Renaissance. To offer hope to our people, to ensure that we reclaim our spot in the global arena.

I am an African Union youth volunteer therefore I have travelled quite a bit and this has informed my political ideals and beliefs. What I have learnt in my sojourn is that Africa is one, our experiences are singular, our dreams and aspirations are united. If we harness our power as Africans, then we can move mountains.

I read quite a lot. In fact I have a small library. I read biographies like ‘Unbowed’ by Wangari Maathai, ‘Long Walk to Freedom’ by Nelson Mandela. I read political books like ‘The Machiavellian Moment’, ’48 Laws of Power’ by Robert Greene and ‘The Art of War.’ I read self help books like ‘The Alchemist’, ‘The Secret Life of Bees’ and ‘The Monk Who Sold My Ferrari’ to name but a few.

I am a leader. I have been a leader in my brief life. I will be a leader till I die. I have written several papers on youth empowerment and education which I have presented in conferences and workshops. I have organized seminars in my university on university student leadership. The seminars were meant to orient student leaders on leadership skills and orientations. I run a youth organization that creates awareness to the young people on HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancies, risky sexual behaviors and behavior change education. In the university I founded a group called Student in Community Organization (SiCO). We engage the community around the university on best environmental practices and civic participation. Among the student population, we organize regular public lectures where we invite respected leaders in different fields to speak to us. We also hold HIV/AIDS awareness events and Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) sessions in school. We partner with Walter Reed Project (WRP) to offer the services. I am a member of the World Youth Alliance where I do advocacy work on Human Rights and Dignity. I am a fellow with the African Union Youth Program where I do volunteering work on matters of youth empowerment and advocacy. I am an Ambassador with the Millennium Candle Campaign (MCC) where we advocate for the attainment of the MDGs. I am a writer and blogger. I write poems and short stories that have been entered in several competitions. I am in the world for a purpose; I am trying so hard to know what it is.

Ajinadu Abdulazeez (Nigeria)

My Name is Ajinadu Abdulazeez, from a polygamous family of 14 and I’m the second child in the family. I’m from Adavi local Government in Kogi State, Nigeria. I grew up under the care of my parent until the age of 13 when I left for my Secondary Education at a boarding school.

I finished my primary school at Sacred Heart Nursery and Primary School, Kabba, Kogi State, after which I went to Federal Government College Ugwolawo, Kogi State, for my Secondary education. After obtaining my Senior Secondary Certificate Education (SSCE) in year 2005, I proceeded to University of Agriculture Makurdi to Study Statistics and computer Science.

As a person I like leadership and I always want to guide, Influence and Motivate people. This has made me to join the Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) while I was an under graduate. During my time as a SIFE student, I was involved in Community Development Projects such as:

1. Prison Reform and Entrepreneurship Project (PREP), this project was designed to help the prison industry redirect the man power and creativity of criminals to entrepreneurship so as to facilitate their correctional process and also help them Generate income for themselves while in prison. PREP also serve as an avenue to compliment the propose rehabilitation of reintegration of the prison inmates

2. Entrepreneurship Drift (e-DRIFT) is another project designed for teenage secondary school students in Makudi the Benue state capital so as to introduce them to entrepreneurship and team work while in secondary school.

3. Women in Free Enterprise (WIFE): This project designed to promote gender equality and women empowerment for women in our community, by teaching them skills that will help improve on their business and also start a new business so as to be able to contribute to their family income.

These projects gave me the opportunity to work with people in the real world and I was able to appreciate the importance of a team work, it also helped me to regulate and manage my emotions as an individual in a team. Other skills I have learnt through these projects are time management skills, Communication skills, project management skills and public speaking.

Part of my goal is to study in Canada and United States of America. After my studies I want to be an educator, book writer and business consultant.

My favourite movies are The Pursuit of happiness and the great debaters, and the books that have inspired me are 360 degree leader by John Maxwell, Good to Great by Jim Collins and 21 Irrefutable laws of Leadership by John Maxwell.

I like travelling and it is my desire to visit Mecca, India, China, Dubai, South Africa, Paris, Rome, and USA. I also like playing computer game whenever I’m less busy. My greatest dream is to be the part of the people that would make the world a great business team where everybody matters and are important towards achieving a balanced and better world.

Nyakpo, Koffi Anani (Togo)

I am from a large family composed of ten children. My parents are farmers. I have a cool and calm nature. I am patient. I like honesty and integrity in life. My first desire is to be in public administration as change maker in my country. I want to become a rich man undertaking my own business. This will allow me to be widely helpful in great generosity, from my family to others. At this time my major goal is to invest in personal growth and development. It is this spirit which brought me to IIGL.

I have travelled many times in Ghana , neighbour country of Togo . I have read books. The one which captured deeply my attention is ”Think and Grow Rich” of Napoleon Hill.

In 2002, I was trained by Red Cross- Togo : ”First Aid Worker, Community Agent of Health”

In 2004, I have been Trainee at an organization: ”Mission Mondiale pour la Femme et l’Enfant Déshérité” I worked as particular Secretary of the President.

In 2006, I participated a campaign with an NGO named ”Synergie des Jeunes pour le Développement”. It was about Sexually transmitted diseases.

In 2010, I participated the fourth campaign of population and habitats, general registration in my country Togo.

Mwebaze Kanaahe Brian (Uganda)

Brian K M. Bilal better known by his first name *Brian* and not ‘Brio’..Nickname K-1 is a Public Health Youth Specialist (Read FREAK), with a high zeal and zap in youths participation and involvement in national and international matters. He masterminded the involvement of HIV-Positive youth in regional programs while with UNAIDS in Zambia (2005). This stage drove him to accept representing the Uganda Red Cross Youth to Copenhagen as a Youth Leader (2009/10) and on his return catalyzed the HIV/AIDS Life Skills Program underway in Pallisa district. He still serves with the Red Cross Youth on the Uganda-Denmark Working Group that designs, plans, monitors and evaluates youth empowerment programs (you could call it a consultancy) on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, Environment, Maternal & Child Health program.

He has (and still) represented youth on a number of platforms of British Council, World Youth Alliance, Africa Water & Youth Movement and the United Nations Youth.

He is a first born from a family of 6 and has a trade mark slang “Hello Fear” which (as he likes joking) Gospel Sensation Kirk Franklin ‘Stole’ to use as the name of his Music Album. In this, Brian suggests correctly that the reason we don’t really get to where we want to be stems from not only making polio-infested choices but also an intrinsic fear of being there. His growth spurt was ignited when a Lecturer told him he would become ‘just a school teacher’ while a sophomore student at University. With his ‘Impossible Is Nothing With Control’, he has since added a Master of Public Health to his name. As of now, he is a DrPH at University of Sydney and hopes to meet his former lecturer and smile in his face. He looks forward to being in public health leadership at international level. When asked what he will be in the next 5 years during the interview with Global Health Corps, he responded ‘I Will Be One Of Those Dudes That Will Bomb The International Health Arena With A Jaw-Dropping-Dunk Characterised By Evidence & Practical Policy. To Do That However, I Need To Be In Solidarity With Like Minded Brains’ And That’s What He Is Looking For. Up to now, he’s got no idea whether the interviewers understood it but time will tell. He questions quite a lot about the methodology of how things are done and seeks to have a paradigm shift from the original status quo citing out that even the previously most rigid religions have hard tougher times to be flexible enough to use media and theatre while preaching.

While not reading practically everything he sets his eyes on, Brian prefers to run around the globe asking himself ‘What Is New Here?” and meeting amazingly cool like-minded youths with a mission in life. He always moves around with a soccer ball and prefers to call himself a Factual Free-Style Ardent Soccer Player, Fan of Uganda Cranes, ScVilla, Arsenal & Barca Since 1986. He believes that Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha Must have played football because there isn’t any other sport that defines RESPECT-INTEGRITY-PASSION & HOPE- his Core Doctrines in his Life Philosophy 🙂

Kisakye Moses (Uganda)

I am a male aged 25, currently i am a student at Uganda Christian University undertaking Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and social Administration ( SWASA). I have just returned from my internship with Child 2 Youth Foundation an Organization that supports sponsorship for vulnerable children, community development, sowing hope initiative for HIV /AIDS victims, water and sanitation. I am due to complete my course in July 2011.

I have participated in different Community Driven Development projects as a volunteer and i have gained experience in dealing with different vulnerable groups such as orphans and widows.

I have been a member of the interact club of St.Lawrence citizens high school and i was the coordinator / chairperson of the club. As a leader i gained a considerable amount of experience especially in communication and coordination of the different activities/projects that the club undertook.


I love reading books about life experiences, how to prosper in life, religious books among others I also like traveling, meeting new people, learning new things; sports i.e football and rugby, watching movies especially action and love stories.

I come from a family of 11 and i am the last born, i come from the central part of Uganda ( Buganda) and my favorite dish is matooke and chicken.


The following student(s) complete one level of study last month:

South Africa

Enock Pedze

Level Three


Bereket Alemayehu

Level Two


Yieh Odette

Level Three

Student Progress

We had 20 students from 9 countries complete a total of 33 books in September. These students were from Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leon, Togo, Uganda & Zimbabwe.

Ziyad Rube Abdule (Ethiopia)

·Giant Steps

·Real Magic

·Keys To Success

·How To Win Friends

Bereket Alemayehu (Ethiopia)

·Nonviolent Communication

Dennis Korbla Amego Penu (Ghana)

·Keys To Success


·Success Through Positive Mental Attitude’

Richard Nana Kuntuo-asare (Ghana)

·As A Man Thinketh

·Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Eric Omari (Kenya)

·Difficult Conversations

Eddie Ombagi (Kenya)

·As A Man Thinketh

·Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

·The Leadership Pill

·The Unprocessed Child

Afere Laurence (Nigeria)

·Matrix Energetics

Ajinadu Abdulazeez (Nigeira)

·As A Man Thinketh

·Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Ayoade Anthony (Nigeria)

·Unlimited Power

Ken Offor (Nigeria)

·Educating For Human Greatness

Paulinus Ekanem (Nigeria)

·As A Man Thinketh

·Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Charles Kabera (Rwanda)

·Money: Understanding Alternatives…

Quintin Berestford Small (Sierra Leon)

·Keys To Success

Mustapha Klah (Sierra Leon)

·Law of Attraction

Nyakpo Koffi Anani (Togo)

·As A Man Thinketh

·Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Brian Mwebaze (Uganda)

·As A Man Thinketh

·Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Moses Kisakye (Uganda)

· As A Man Thinketh

·Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Harriet Opondo (Uganda)

·Goal Achievement Through Treasure Mapping

Busani Sibindi (Zimbabwe)

·Real Magic


New Enrollments

9 enrolled in September

85 enrolled in 2011

Book Assessments

28 in September

282 in 2011

Books Shipped

25 in September

421 in 2011

Cost of books

$479.01 in September

$8,461.62 in 2011

You Make It Possible

We extend a special thanks to the following 20 individuals and/or organizations from four countries who contributed to IIGL during July. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Kosi Davui (Togo)

Edmee DiPauli (UK)

Felix Iziomoh (Nigeria)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)

Margie Tice (USA/NC)

Ron Walker (USA/VA)

Lou Stewart (USA/NC)

Judith Royer (USA/ND)

Corine Wilson (USA.FL)

Peggy Moore (USA/NC)

Heidi Stewart (USA/NC)

Heidi Fallene (USA/WI)

Jane Basswitz (USA/WI)

David Banner (USA/WI)

Lynn Murguia (USA/AZ)

Virginia Essene (USA/CA)

Pampered Chefs (USA/WI)

Julie Loosbrock (USA/WI)

John Hornecker (USA/NC)

Barbara Mader )(USA/NM)

Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)

Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)

Janae & Barry Weinhold (USA/NC)

Make A Difference

Dream Team 22

In January 2009 we launched a new idea which blends two previous endeavors: The Master Mind Group and the 22 Experiment. We are calling this Dream Team 22 and our goal is to have 220 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2009.

Will you join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL? You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money. To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below. To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Michael for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to PO Box 18909, Asheville, NC. 28814, USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Credit Card, Click Here

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