Newsletter – Issue #88 * April 2009

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #88 * April 2009
Asheville, NC. USA


Guest Editorial

Grassroots Heroes

By Rev. Louis Obiakor

In his Christmas & New Year greetings to the IIGL community, my brother, Aloys Hakizimana from Rwanda indicated. “it is not easy to evoke the words “merry” and “happy” in these times when we know that our continent (Africa) is now suffering from diseases (Zimbabwe), war (Congo) and genocide (Darfur) as well as hunger and lack of clean water & oppression in many other countries…… but we continue to pray and our lord is listening to our prayers.” He went on to say “God help those who try to do something,” and that is the point indeed. Perhaps, corruption escaped him and corruption is the real cankerworm that eats the fabric of African continent, right?

It is pertinent here to flash back to the 1930s before most of us were unborn and which history described as the “dirty thirties”. In that era America as a continent, Europe and Asia waded through a bitter period. During that challenging time there emerged a few American men and women who took the bull by the horns, sacrificing time and money to organize the American Youth Club which ultimately played a vanguard role in the crusade against the corruption in their societies

These fore-runners were willing to take the risks necessary to create a new society and It is interesting to note that many of them ultimately emerged as national and world leaders who left a legacy of leadership in the areas of peace & justice.

Today, America & Europe are considered by many as the most civilized nations. America has beautiful cities with a fine democratic arrangement where the haves and have nots are both respected and the people are loving with big heart. Nevertheless, what liberated America from the ‘dirty 30’s’ started with the message and leadership of those initial fore-runners.

In Africa, my brother, Aloys Hakizimana, from Rwanda, has cried out. It is incumbent on us all, both youth and adults to rise up to rescue our continent from total annihilation due to corruption. I think corruption has reached it’s apogee in this continent. We are indeed suffering but smiling.

The question is, how many of us are willing to challenge the status quo with wisdom and courage while remaining law abiding in our respective countries. An IIGL African ‘Vibrational Club’ when properly formed can have a far reaching effect on our continent, don’t you think so?

Incidentally, this work isn’t primarily about funding as it seems to be in the USA. What is really required are grassroot heroes of a special order who aren’t primarily looking for recognition or praise. We need quite “ethical giants” who moment by moment, day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year in quiet persistence. Their names not need to grace the evening news.

Each of us as IIGL students have a role to play in this work because the world needs what we have to offer. Also, none of us are truly free as long as any of us are bound. The gong has sounded, let us respond. This is our chance to make 2009 a turning point year for our beloved Africa by with creating an African Youth Vibrational Club. What do you think?

Rev. Louis Obiakor

Aba, Nigeria

In The News

$20,700 Grant Received From The Nevai Foundation


IIGL Kenyan Book Distribution Center Established

In our ongoing effort to become more cost efficient, we have established a new book distribution point for our students in Kenya. Building on the successful model we initiated in Nigeria last year, new students from Kenya will no longer have to wait 6 to 8 weeks to receive their initial book shipments from the USA. By shipping a large lot of books to one destination, we also reduce our shipping costs by almost 30%. Our new distribution center will be volunteer staffed by one of our students in Nairobi, Jami Yamina Alexander. Jami is a lawyer by profession and is Certified in Conflict Management and Resolution by the Center for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance in Kenya.(N.G.O) Our distribution center in Nigeria is staffed by Prince Devison Nze, who is Executive Director of the Human Rights & Justice Group Human Rights & Justice Group in Surulere, Lagos. Other distribution points will be established as we have enough students in a particularly country to warrant this.

French Speaking Program Launches Book Exchange

As our French and Spanish speaking programs move toward financial independence, they are both looking for ways to create income and reduce expenses. One of the initiatives of the French Speaking program is to require students to contribute toward the cost of their books. This both reduces program expenses and gives students more a sense of ownership of the program. Some of the students are financially able do this but many do not have the means to do so. In order to keep the program available to all students, regardless of income, the project has launched a book exchange program which allows news students to borrow books from more advanced students. The exchange program is currently at work in Cote d’ Ivoire, DR Congo, Niger and Senegal and is proving quite successful.

New Students

We are very pleased to welcome six new students during the month of March from Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria & Venezuela.

Jean Benjamin Ngolote (CAR/Cote d’Ivoire)

I am Jean Benjamin Ngolote, married, father of three; two daughters and a boy. I live in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. I teach marketing and the international business in the professional universities since 1999. I also work as Secretary General in an International NGO called Children Ravaged Without Borders – Enfance Meurtrie Sans Frontières (EMSF-CI) since 2002. Sales engineer; I was trained by the World Bank as an expert within the framework of poverty alleviation. I am specialist in Humanitarian Rights and Action; social dialogue and worker rights. I am registered in DESS (postgraduate studies) for Economic Ethics and Sustainable development the academic year 2008-2009. I served as person in charge of follow-up-evaluation of projects within EMSF in Ivory Coast since 2005 to date, in the capacity of spokesperson of the refugees in Ivory Coast since 2004. I really like traveling, reading holy books and all other books which speak about testimonies of men considered as role models. I like the documentaries because for me, to know the world is capital. I have the ability to adapt quickly in any situation thus team work even under pressure does not pose any problem to me. I took part in several seminars with the Agencies of United Nations System in Ivory Coast (UNICEF, OCHA, UNHCR). My project is to help my country to leave poverty and cycles of conflicts.

Ayoade, Anthony Ayodeji (Nigeria)

I am Ayoade, Anthony Ayodeji, a graduate of Electrical Engineering from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. At the moment, I am the Chief Engineer of Ewekoro Local Government in Ogun State, Nigeria. I am a member of Nigerian Society of Engineers and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA. Although I am a professional engineer with twenty years experiece, I discovered in 2005 that my mission is to empower people around me through information and other resources. To accomplish this mission, I have exposed my mind to many books that can get me updated, because no one can give what he doesn’t possess. My favourite author is Stephen Covey because I appreciate his fundamental approach to knowledge on self-development. Therefore, I acquire all his books that I can lay my hands on

My personal interest lies in changing the way people think through information. This made me to start a magazine called GEMSTONE – the acronym for a generation that is empowered, motivated, stirred to operate in natural excellence. It is being published to make people change their way of thinking. The publication is being made under the Basic Freedom Network, an umbrella organization that I founded to accomplish my mission. At the moment, a book titled “Habits of Exemplary People” has been written by me to expose 14 intrapersonal habits that can make people grow from the inside to have good character. It also contains seven interpersonal habits that we need to show good fruits which make us become influential.

I have written and delivered many papers at various workshops and seminars which include:

* Time to change

* Creating Winning Habits in the Youths

* The Challenges Facing Contemporary Nigerian Graduates

* Creating and Developing Positive Values

* Becoming a Visionary

* Who you are makes you what you are

* Discovering, Developing and Deploying Your Potential

* Moving on to Greater Height

I love reading, traveling and getting my mind engaged in meaningful discussion. I find it easy to relate with people who have ideas to share.

Basic Freedom Network had involved itself in the sponsorship of any projects in conjunctions with other sister organizations in Nigeria. Our organization has a library consisting of over 200 different books that is open to any interested member of the public to read. We believe in the power of words in educating the mind. Therefore, our vision is to establish a leadership school in the nearest future to take care of the missing link in the school curriculum of our educational system. The needs of youths in all areas of growth namely, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual will be addressed in the school.

I have a wide taste for music but my special interest lies in classical music and jazz. I also enjoy traveling and visiting historical sites. I also have passion for the gospel of Christ being a member of the Church of Christ and I’ve preached many messages as well. I belong to a group that publishes Daily Call, a guide to daily devotional Bible study.

Orpha Aleman (Venezuela)

I am Venezuelan, born in Caracas, single, without childre. A Technician in Industrial Relations. I currently live in Barcelona, Anzoátegui. I have completed several courses (some on my own, some invited by institutions where I’ve worked) that have providded great satisfacion: Accelerated Learning, a course for Facilitators, Teaching, Train the Trainer, NLP Therapist, Holistic Coaching, I have taught in several workshops and courses. I am a happy person, perseverant, loyal, friendly, responsible. Life has given me a thousand and one oppportunities to enjoy it and God has given me the strength; some I may have used well. I continue. The most important thing for me is to enjoy what I do! Favortie Movies: Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, In Search for happiness, Pretty Woman, Life is Beautiful…Favorite books: The Bible, The Thornbird, Doctors, The Last Jew…

Carlos Leiton (Costa Rica)

My name is Carlos, I live In San José, Costa Rica. I am 29 years old. I have been married for 2 years and 4 monhts, and I am father of a one year old daughter. I work from home through the Internet, as an idependent worker for an Australian company for over 4 years. I have many interests, mostly studyngabout spirituality, God, and the relationship we can have with Hi,. To learn how to find him inside of us. Apart from spirituality, I like computers. The company i work for is an Internet service provider from Australia…

Milagros Rodriguez (Venezuela)

I was born in Barcelona, Anzoátegui. I am 43 years old. I am married with Pablo Pinto for the past 13 years. We have a daughter, Astrid Estefanía, I studied Administration of Touristic Services. I worked in different hotels in the country. Since May 2004 I am a facilitator in the hotel business area of the INCE Tourism PRogram. This has allowed me to have experience in conflict resolution, motivation to achive objectives, leadership. In 2008, I opened Esencia de Diosas,a holistic and esthetic centerI love music, and i sing in choires since I am 18 years old. Dancing is my great passion. I read self-help books.

Bettyema Rached (Venezuela)

I am a happy woman. I have three sons with whome I share my days in full. I delieve in God, Family, peace, freedom, and gratitude. I love cooking, I collect receipes, and I like to create new dishes. I love sweets… I enjoy taking pictures and watching them. I like reading, especially novels. A major book in my life: You can Heal your Life by Louis Hay. I like joy, music, childrens’ laughter… My favorite phrase: thinking is creating… I enjoy traveling and sharing with my family, inside and outside Venezuela. I am currently finishing a doctor’s degree in education and my thesis has to do with a new university education vision based on the transformation of the human being. I want to learn how to play the guitar and write a book.

What Our Students Are Saying

Francis Abayomi, (Nigeria)

I have just finished my IIGL level one studies and what I gained has taken me to another level and I strongly believe it will spur me on to great achievements, before I start my level two studies I had an opportunity to read True Prosperity by Yehuda Berg, this book no doubt is explosive. The book teaches how to create everything in your life. I was particularly interested in it’s teaching that, first & foremost, money is light, energy and consciousness and not simply material. He speakis about the ego, stress, fear, survivor consciousness, goals and tithing. I can recommend it as one that everyone should read.

What Our Students Are Reading

The Essential Gandhi:

An Anthology of his writings on his life, work and ideas

By Mahatma Gandhi & Louis Fischer

Mohandas K. Gandhi, called Mahatma (“great soul”), was the father of modern India, but his influence has spread well beyond the subcontinent and is as important today as it was in the first part of the twentieth century and during this nation’s own civil rights movement. Taken from Gandhi’s writings throughout his life, The Essential Gandhi introduces us to his thoughts on politics, spirituality, poverty, suffering, love, non-violence, civil disobedience, and his own life. The pieces collected here, with explanatory head notes by Gandhi biographer Louis Fischer, offer the clearest, most thorough portrait of one of the greatest spiritual leaders the world has known. “Gandhi believed in revealing himself. He regarded secrecy as the enemy of freedom-not only the freedom of India but the freedom of man. He exposed even the innermost personal thoughts which individuals usually regard as private. In nearly a half-century of prolific writing, speaking, and subjecting his ideas to the test of actions, he painted a detailed self-portrait of his mind, heart, and soul.

Students In Action

Emmanuel Ande Ivorgba (Nigeria)

The first-ever international conference on Global Ethics, Values and Mindfulness: A Quest for Happiness, was recently organized by IIGL student, Emmanuel Ivorgba, in cooperation with The Dalai Lama Foundation with support with a number of organizations including Teachers Without Borders, the One Village Foundation and the African Christian Youth Development organization. The conference, which was held in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria, brought together a community of over 300 diverse global and local leaders and guests to examine key issues on Ethics, Values and Mindfulness to help catalyze a shift in strengthening positive individual and societal development in Nigeria.

Conference participants gathered for three days of in-depth discussions and presentations to investigate the pressing challenges that exist in making a commitment for personal and societal change. The conference provided participants with a global perspective and the knowledge, skills and tools they need to deal effectively with personal, interpersonal, and community needs. Participants had the opportunity to meet individuals that share a common vision for social change and make personal commitments to realize a better future.

. You can view the conference website at

What Our Donors Are Saying

Elisabeth Tepper (Venezuela)

IIGL is a true reflection of what we can do to change the world in to the place we want to live in. Through the transformations I’ve seen in the students I know we are also achieving world transformation. In IIGL we are building the critical mass for a new heart centered leadership planet. This is why I support IIGL. I have seen it happen!”


We extend a special thanks to the following 32 individuals and/or organizations from six countries who contributed to IIGL during October. Their ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Edmee DiPauli (UK)

Julian Murphy (UK)

Lale Eterm (Turkey)

Lily Ann (USA/NC)

Ron Walker (USA/VA)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)

David Banner (USA/NC)

Marsha Clark (USA/CA)

Dina Kushnir (USA/NY)

Judith Royer (USA/SD)

Janis Thayer (USA/NC)

Corine Wilson (USA/FL)

John Hornecker (USA/CA)

Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)

Gregory Burazer (USA/NC)

Jesse Syverson (USA/WA)

Randa El Sharif (USA/WI)

Anneliese Weiss (USA/FL)

Julie Loosbrock (USA/WI)

Elisabeth Tepper (Venezuela)

Rommy Banaszczyk (USA/AZ)

Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)

Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)

Janae & Barry Weinhold (USA/NC)

Make A Difference In The World!

You can make a lasting difference now by investing in the future of young heart-centered leaders throughout the world who will soon be making critical decisions that will determine the future of humanity and the planet. How? By becoming an active partner in this work with your financial contribution. We are supported by people like you; people who believe that it’s more important to light a candle, however small, than to curse the darkness. We welcome contributions in any amount, however small, because this isn’t just about money. It’s also about energy and connection.

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to PO Box 18909, Asheville, NC. 28814. Contributions may also be made by credit card. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501(c)3 tax codes of the United States Internal Revenue Service.


Student Progress

We had 17 students from 12 countries complete a total of 30 books in March. These students were from Burkina Faso, DR Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Togo, USA, Uganda.

English Speaking Program

Theophilus Tawiah (Ghana)

· PsychoCybernetics 2000

Edwin Nyandisi (Kenya)

· PsychoCybernetics 2000

Diapah Ayo Quinisier (Liberia)

· PsychoCybernetics 2000

Jeremiah Jibro (Nigeria)

· Goal Setting 101

· Goal Mapping

· Law Of Attraction

Omotayo Kehinde Bolajoko (Nigeria)

· Success Through Positive Mental Attitude

Ayoade, Anthony Ayodeji (Nigeria)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

· Goal Setting 101

· Leadership For Dummies

Olita Talent Nyathi (South Africa)

· Spirituality For Dummies

· How To Know God

Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

· The Winning Attitude

Lisa Kiebzak (USA)

· The Winning Attitude

· Real Magic

· Law of Attraction

· Goal Mapping

Julius Magala (Uganda)

· Success Through Positive Mental Attitude

French Speaking Program

Emmanuel Kayembe (Democratic Rep. Of Congo)

· Gbadji Jonathan Livingstone le Goéland

· L’Homme est le Reflet de ses Pensées

Atsu Koffi (Togo)

· L’Homme est le Reflet de ses Pensées

· Jonathan Livingstone le Goéland

Moussa Mounkeila (Niger)

· S’organiser pour Réussir

· Les Mots sont les Fenêtres ou ce sont…

Bertrand Kabore (Burkina Faso)

· L’Homme est le Reflet de ses Pensées

Diby Nicaise (Cote d’Ivoire)

· Jonathan Livingstone le Goéland

· L’Homme est le Reflet de ses Pensées

Jean Benjamin Ngolote (Cote d’Ivoire)

· Jonathan Livingstone le Goéland

· L’Homme est le Reflet de ses Pensées


The following students completed one level of study during March

Davui Kosi Sepenou

(Level Four)

Lisa Kiebzak (USA)

Level One

Statistical Report

New Enrollments

12 enrolled in March

30 enrolled in 2009

Book Assessments

33 in March

102 in 2009

Books Shipped

19 in March

51 in 2009

Cost of books

$354.37 in March

$950.60 in 2009

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