Vivian Muciri – Graduate Profile

Vivian Muciri (Kenya)

What drives me every morning is the fact that I can help someone become a better version of themselves. Having to just know I have equipped, inspired or nurture someone’s ability to be able to transform their live is what gives me fulfillment. My life journey has been driven from this idea, “INSPIRE, EQUIP and NURTURE.” Hence my life statement is; to inspire people tap their inner resource and equip them to live a life that is true to them and what God call them to become. Based on my life statement I have worked in South Sudan and held various managerial and board level position for organizations and networks working on issues of South Sudan and also the region as a whole. I have also been able to work with youth and women helping them become the best version of themselves through coaching and mentorship of this group. I have been driven to work with people who seem helpless and the odds are against them. For they tap a lot of potential and most of the time they have ideas of who they want to be, but are hanged on the limitation and challenges that are hindering them to pursue it.

Currently I am founding my own organizations called Empowering Community for Change (ECC), with a aim of having programs revolving around economic empowerment and social justice. Targeting youth, women and vulnerable community. The main aim of the organization is to inform, inspire and impact them to be the drivers of sustainable development. The main vision for the organization is: Sustainable Development through change.

I am also a speaker, trainer, coach and mentor and do a lot of this targeting women and youth. This is because I feel this group has potential of becoming the best version of themselves but due to various challenges, society and culture norms they are always left behind in development. Not because they want to be left out but because they are inadequately equipped to tap into the existing opportunities and pursue life. On spare time I enjoy writing and I have done poetry a lot and am working on a book project. For me writing has been a way of reflecting my life and where am at now. Writing has also been a way of provoking thoughts on society issues and sharing my life experience and journey. IIGL has been an integral part of who I am. It’s out of the experience I had with IIGL that I was able to transform my life for the better. Its through the program of IIGL I have been able to pursue my life purpose. IIGL gave me essential tools and lessons in life that equipped me to be the best version of who God designed me to be. The program opened doors of opportunity for me and helped me to look deep within me for the resources needed to influence my circumstance. I started this program with fear of how the future will turn out to be. But upon the completion of the program I have held position in organizations that I thought I would never hold, traveled the world and worked on issues of national and regional matters. IIGL showed me possibilities and reminded me that everything I will ever need is deposited within me to be able to achieve everything I am called to be.


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