Name: Lawal Christopher Lawal .
Country: Nigeria
Email: lahwahlkristopha@yahoo.comBirthday: December 14, 1990
Education: Undergraduate
Occupation: Student
Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
A world where prejudice will be nip in the bud, where people are allowed freedom to express fears and concerns without fear of intimidation. A world of togetherness.
What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
This question is amazing. There are so many issues bedeviling the world at present which ranges from terrorism, ethnic cleansing, racism, imperialism, exploitation, domination of man by another man.
How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
Most of these problems are manmade and can only be solved by the realization of man that all humans are born equal and should be respected no matter their belief system, their values, and their cultural inclinations. If these principles are strictly adhered to, the world will be a better place to live.
I am student of political science and international studies. My dreams and goals are to be a world changer through my actions and inactions, to make the world a better place than I met it. I love reading inspirational and motivational materials and overtime, it has succeeded in helping me build a positive perspective about life, people and the world in general. Amongst my favorites books includes success is a journey by Brain Tracy, discovering your potentials by Bob gas, and also 48 laws of power by Robert Greene. I love life and will live it to the fullest. I also love watching movies that are educative, informative and entertaining, because this helps to increase ma imaginative capacity and intelligent quotient. Movies such as 24 Hours by Keifer Sutherland, Nikita, Revenge, 4400, Vanished, to mention but a few. I would also love to visit the Bahamas, take a trip to Amsterdam, also to see one of the seven wonders of the world in Egypt. Finally I derive an inexplicable pleasure in studying people. Humans are amazing creatures of God. The more I study people, I realized that humans don’t just behave hap-hazardly or erratically. Everyone behaves or reacts to certain circumstances or issues around him or her. The World can become a better place if only we as individuals do our part.
When I was very little I used to dream of becoming an aeronautic engineer and a pilot. Back then I used to go the airport with my dad because he travels occasionally then. So I love the sights of planes taking off and being airborne and I also love the sight of planes landing. Reminiscing those incidents always gives be pleasure. So I started go advance in ma education I realized that I couldn’t a pilot neither an aeronautic engineer because I never like science related courses. I felt more relaxed and comfortable with Social science related courses and arts related courses. It was then I realized that in this life there are so many dreams that might not come to fruition but that doesn’t mean that one can make something out of life. I see it more or less like that’s life way of informing you that that is not your course and that there is a need for a paradigm shift on your aspirations and goals. I come from a family of four,2boys and 2 girls, the ladies are the eldest with I and my kid brother following in that respect. I could remember vividly last summer when myself and my siblings travelled to Dubai for vacation. It was an amazing experience. Dubai is a wonderful place to be with all its mind blowing buildings and impressive sky scrapper and the serene surroundings. I never wanted to leave Dubai but as the saying goes “there is no place like home.” Looking forward to visiting that place again and also taking a tour across the continents. It always interesting to visit places and get to mingle with people from other cultures. Also looking back my adolescent period I would never forget my alma mater in a hurry. Command Secondary School, Ibadan. That was where the man in me was groomed and made. It was a para-military school where we were trained and drilled like military personnel going for a peace-keeping function or mission. Aside that it was an avenue and a platform t meet with people from other part of the country and also to be able to live with people and be accommodating. It was also one of my memorable experiences which I won’t want to forget in a hurry. My high school was part of the institutions that shaped my life.
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Books Completed:
As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys to Success
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
The New Psycho-Cybernetics
Real Magic
The New Dynamics of Winning
Giant Steps
How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age
Nonviolent Communication
The Law of Attraction