Joseph Philip Abue – Profile

Joseph Philip Abue
Birthday: March 8, 1978
Education: Bsc Accounting (200 level)
Occupation: Student

What is your vision of a world that works for everyone?
‘If the world is not big enough for everyone, then everyone wouldn’t be in the world’. A world that works for everybody is a world that accommodates, irrespective of where we come from. A world that is free from terrorism, ethnicity, racism, epidemic, boarders and corruption.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The pressing problem facing the world today are Insecurity, Terrorism, Corruption, HIV/AIDS, Epidemics.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
‘There are no bad soldiers but bad officers’ The people are assumed to be blind and need to be led across the street, some leaders would lead but only a half way, some don’t consider it their duty to lead at all because of the assumption that the people are blind. Some of these problems are natural and cannot be stopped but can be checked, thanks to technological break through. However, the people need to be oriented on what is theirs and what is required of them.

My name is Joseph Philip Abue but fondly called ‘JP’ by friends and family. I was born in Port-Harcourt, from Ogoja local Area of Cross River State. I’m the first child of six children,

My dream is to help those who are not privileged to the beauty of education and the ability to think and associate like leaders.

My goal in life is to be a person whose integrity, passion and respect for people will unite those around me and everywhere I go. I’ve not traveled outside my country but within, I’ve almost gone North, South, East and West. Albeit I dream of traveling out to learn about other people and their culture just as much as I wish others would come to learn about my people and culture.

I love reading books that would enhance my knowledge about the world and people.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
The New Dynamics of Winning
Psycho Cybernetics 2000
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Real Magic
Giant Steps
Keys to Success
What to say when you talk to your self
Nonviolent Communication
The Law of Attraction
Unlimited Power
The Power Of Intention
Goal Setting 101
Leadership For Dummies
Goal Mapping
The Art and Craft of Creative Writing feature Articles
The Ecology of Commerce
You can’t eat GNP; Economics as if Ecology matters
What God Wants
Built to Last
Change the World
Full Steam Ahead
Open Book Management
Difficult Conversations
How to make Collaboration Work
30 Lies About Money
Rich Dad Poor Dad
The Great Game of Business
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr.
Black Skin, White Masks
The Leadership Pill
Indigo Child
Confession of an Economic Hit Man
The Power of Failure
The Attractor Factor
The Grip of Death
The Debt Virus
You Just Don’t Understand
Development as Freedom