Joseph Philip Abue – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

Part I – Contents

Every point in the book, “As a man thinketh,” is a striking point that is hard to dispute and create a balance between what is, what is needed to get what is required in the life of every man from start to finish of the book.

I find certain points striking as it relate to my present situation. In the book I noticed that man‚ as life and vision can become a reality through the power of thinking. The thoughts are the wholeness of every of every human either consciously or not, when thoughts are chosen and encouraged they represent the person in the inner garment as character and outer as circumstance.

In what ever a man do or agitate, a man is what he thinks he is with his character representing the sum of his thoughts. This in turn produce result which may be good or bad, which is determined by his act and the blossom of his thoughts.

The mind is compared or viewed as a garden. A garden that is well cultivated, the plant or flower well watered and protected against invaders represent a model of admiration and that which is not taken care of will only be explored by weed which will invite pest and other harmful or unnecessary plants which represent failure and evil conception, a pure minded man can never fall suddenly into crime by stress of any mere extreme forces.

The hour of opportunity reveals the gathered power of a man‚ as thoughts, where success is the outcome, his thoughts are considered as pure and where he fails, his thoughts are seen as impure. The wishes and prayers of a man for his desire are only gratified and answered when they harmonize with his thoughts and actions.

Men are anxious to change or improve their circumstance but are not willing to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound to what they are. A man may be honest in certain direction yet remain or suffer privation while a man may be dishonest in certain direction yet enjoy or acquire wealth. Good thoughts and action can never produce bad results while bad thoughts and action can never produce good results. Men in margin that thoughts can be kept secret, but it cannot because his action will reveal his thoughts.

Whether rich or poor, a man’s thought will always have a lasting impression on his action because the body is the servant of the mind. Disease and health like circumstance are rooted in thoughts. The thoughts of malice, envy and disappointment rob the body of its health and grace. Doubt and fear are the greatest enemies of knowledge. A man who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure because the visible world is served by the invisible. In the ocean of life the isles of blessedness are smiling and the sunny shore of your ideal awaits your coming.

Part II – Personal Impact

Prior to reading the book as a man thinketh it has always been a problem to deducing what my thoughts are and what my actions are as well. I’ve fought myself again and again over what is practicable in life thoughts or actions?

I don’t have a particular character with which I could be easily identified with because a lot of people that I have gone up, close and personal with often conclude that they don’t understand my intentions albeit most of these people are female friends that I admire and in the end, I end up not doing or being what I have rehashed a thousand time owing to fact that I get discouraged about what I eventually find in this people, because I hold people in high esteem.

I think about money and how to get it and I’m challenged a great deal when I consider my action toward this dream. Practically I can’t get what I want by being gentle and sincere owing to the society because I see myself as a person without drive if I don’t get dirty to have my needs met.

I believe in hard work, commitment both spiritual and moral to be the key to success in life but I find it frustrating when I retire each day to record my loses, waste of time and chance when I did no lie to somebody to get what I want because it doesn’t come by truth and openness. I wonder why people will settle for a lie and give no chance for the truth for a moment. I sometimes go all out to get what I want at all cost but I have a heart that will never let me be each time I lie or do something that is not morally acceptable by my style in life.

I was writing my exam toward the end of the semester and there was a formula I had to memorize in statistics because the question was a sure one, I couldn’t because the course note came late. I was tempted to put down the formula on my palm since the topic was a sure short, my mind would not let rest as it kept on telling me ‘you will be caught.’ Meanwhile, during the exam I noticed a lady who sat by me with an entire script and was writing confidently and nothing happened to her and I asked myself isn’t she just a lady? Thank God I escaped the question because it was not compulsory.

I pray and ask for what I need but each time I don’t notice my prayers being answered because I feel after each request I should move to another level but it seems to me that I am rather going back to another level and I laugh about the crazy thought of the backwardness (another level).

I had a girl I loved a great deal because she was bountifully endowed she had style, class and taste and intelligence, I would steal to win her if it mattered or threaten our togetherness. I noticed each time she came around that she was always after sex. I told her that I respected her values as a woman but don’t fancy a relationship that is sexually driven, she got annoyed and told some friends of ours who knew us and I got the shocker of my life when one of them asked me if I was impotent or eunuch. My discussion with her was that sex should be a thing that is respected and should come naturally and there should be the fear of God attached to it, only then did I realized that most relationships in Nigeria are tied to sex and money and where these are absent, forget it. Where is the spirit of friendship that is tie to love, sharing, learning together, etc. I am tempted to blame it on poverty but like the point in the book which says ‘A pure minded man does not fall suddenly into crime by stress of any mere external forces‚ also, to me it is but what the heart desire in a society entangle in corruption and greed.

I have realized that acceptance or rejection is the outcome of one’s thoughts and actions. I have a feeling that reminds me each time to whom do I owe my apologies or appreciation if I fail or succeed, to my thoughts or actions in my quest in life and what are the standard.? I consider myself a special and unique sample who’s result should not be used to conclude on others in my population because even though we are the same people we share different ideas and values about life, what is right, moral etc. I noticed that even within my nuclear family I am considered special by what I give and receive.

I read the bible for knowledge so I don’t find the moral in the book entirely new but consider it another version of the bible that seek to directly address some the basics I need.

The materials I have read relates to the issues of my life in every way because the human existence is built on thoughts and actions, beliefs and practices, my approach to life at different point in time as well as my conclusion about life. The well from which human thoughts and actions are drawn is very deep (vast) meaning that some things may not be right even though they agree with what we are doing and do not challenge our decision about what is accepted. No one man is an embodiment of knowledge I need those around me to move and to help me know where I am going to with what I have, my understanding alone will not get me far.

In conclusion on this part I am grateful to have come across this book as it has added immensely to my knowledge on thoughts and actions and to hold responsible or thank if I fail or succeed.

Part III – Summary

Personally I think the book as a man thinketh is very educative, entertaining as well as enlightening on how to focus thoughts and action to achieve results. I see the book also as an inspirational article with thoughts provoking points which makes the book a difficult one to drop and forget, It equally consider the factor responsible for failure and progress in any venture and how to address them.

I use to have this fear in me about what people feel about me and why they consider my opinion on issues. The book has help me in this regard that what I think of myself is what people see and take me to be, because my thoughts are revealed in my character. I have to convince my judge that I have what it takes to be chosen. My wish now is if only I had a hard copy of the book so I could carry it with me wherever I go to remind my self of what is next

While reading this book, my conscience was seriously probed by my thoughts and actions or may be my thoughts and actions were probed by my character for misleading, claiming that character has only been what my thoughts and actions are.

Again, I find the book very interesting because it challenges my awareness and serves as a guide to counseling my thoughts and actions on what my expectations should be at every point in time because no sound mind could suddenly fall into crime by means of mere extreme factor unless it has first been conceive in his heart and revealed by his character.

On interest, so far it has been the most sensational book I’ve read lately. The practical values of the book as a man thinketh are achievable in every sense. Although life in most parts of Africa can not be compared with what our counterpart in Europe and America are facing, here it so difficult that some of this point will only make somebody look stupid when too much is said education and not money, we are confronted by a lot of factor ranging from political, economical, social, etc.

I consider the book as a man thinketh a tool to combat fear, depression and poverty which is one of deadliest disease facing the developing nations of the earth. Every point in the book as a man thinketh gives a unique approach to the problem in life we face today. I would recommend the book to most of my people and advice them to give it a try, like the bible, if I have my way I would translate the book into a native languages of most of my Nigeria people.



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

Part 1 – Content

As a seagull, it was not normal or accepted among the flock to see flight and altitude attained as a thing of pride or honour owing to the size and nature of a gull. The gulls considered as what mattered, flying to eat and nothing more. But to Jonathan Livingston Seagull, flying was what mattered to him and he loved to fly, to attain a height that is yet considered possible for a seagull with no instructor, support or any experience in his adventure.

He got discouraged after a bad experience and resolved to return to what his nature has made him to be, what his parent have always wanted him to be, their true son and a respectable and law abiding one with no challenge(s) about doing something different, a seagull with limits, no freedom and without a sense of heaven.

Within him was the desire to go beyond his limits, to break and overcome his fear, nature and fulfill his quest for speed and success which in his own thoughts, his nature would not respect.

Considering what he is and what he want to do and eventually become, he realized what he has and what he need and what he needed to do, to bring the two together to get the third. A seagull with the spirit of an Eagle and the swing of a Falcon the pain of his decision, rejection and the result, his dream a seagull with the appearance of his flock but a nature of heaven (perfection).

His quest would make him an outcast which he felt was worth the price for personal fulfillment. A fulfillment which made him to realized that his desire is just a tip of what he should know. This time with an instructor, a support and experience which makes this part of life a painless pleasure.

Jonathan Livingston was not a self minded seagull who felt he had learnt a lot to remain alone without the flock when he realized that boredom and fear and anger are the reasons that a seagull’s life is so short. At this point he realized he was fit to be an instructor, a supporter with experience this time to those who are ready to accept and embrace change and become instructor(s) themselves. It meant to return to the flock and share his findings in heaven with the flock on earth.

I find this points meaningful because it deals with the movement from being led to being to a leader. The factors and nitty- gritty that are involved, the reception by those around on the proposed adventure especially if it involves what is generally considered not attainable to a particular race, clan or geographical region. Again, the points also help me to be open with what ever I’m doing and my ability to share with those who are around me.

Part II – Personal Impact

Prior to reading the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull, I have my opinion about life. I believe in education as a tool for promoting unity and peaceful co-existence in a nation with vast geographical land area. I am not the only child of my parent but the first of six children who are looking at me.

I’ve always considered education as the strongest and surest means by which I could be heard and my values respected as and so I do my best to ensure that I keep myself well informed about things around me. Like Jonathan, sometimes I feel I should quit school and work to finance my education and support my family because as it stand I don’t have support for my education owing to the fact that I have no father now and my mum is taking care of the rest of my brothers and a sister.

I want to lead a normal life of doing one thing at a time, It’s hard to find a job that will accommodate schooling. It is not funny working Monday – Friday and schooling Saturday and Sunday on a part time basis. Albeit there are people who are comfortable with such a system. I do not consider it the option because the system we operate in do not see such people as competitive students.

I am in a society where people are regarded according to their financial stand. I am from a family that holds such a believe also. A lot of times I get scolded by the level of importance I attach to education, reference is sometimes made on the countless number of graduate we have on the street who have nothing doing or nothing to show that they are well read. I may not be able to change the situation but I strongly believe that there’s more to education than being paid.

I have a girlfriend who scolded me sometime ago that I always wanted things to be perfect. I won’t discuss this program with some people as well as some friends because it doesn’t involve money but books.

As a student I’m fond of testing my friends about certain reaction using scenario. I do this not to much them but to equate their responds to their educational qualification to deduce their level of reason now and what if without school and the response I get sometime makes me very surprised. There was this day I asked a friend what he would do if he returned from work and find his mother who was there on a visit crying and claiming to have been beaten by his wife? The respond he gave me was that, “he was going to beat the wife seriously and send her back to her parent on the ground that if she could do that to his mum she would do the same to him”.

Like Jonathan Livingston Seagull who love to fly, I love to read to expand my knowledge about people, places, culture, etc, but I’m limited and trap because I can’t get the support I need to achieve my aim.

I personally don’t have a lot of striking experience in life so far but in line with what I respect, in the area where my brother is staying I noticed when I paid him a visit is that the children in that neighborhood are not encouraged to go to school rather to go hawking in the street and funny enough the entire family depends on what this little child will bring back as sales for survival.

Part III – Summary

Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a good book. The book from the beginning was about having dreams and knowing the boundaries with which one is operating, at a point in the book I got confused from the point when Jonathan flew and met with the new Seagulls, the moral behind his encounter with them if it means that along the line of success I will meet people who will want me to be like them and forget about my family and his eventual return to the pack or flock. The book is an encouraging one that puts together the force of having a dream and knowing how to use what you have to get what you want. It deals with courage and the will power to succeed in one’s dream. It is also a book that handle one’s nature and teaches about coping with challenges, challenges in everyday life, what we set to achieve and considering the procedure we adopt to meet this aim. In the book I also noted that we as humans have been created specially with everything we need to excel in whatever we are doing because our weapon is in us (inbuilt).

I personally would give thousands of Naira to have this book, although money cannot buy knowledge. It is a book I will like to have as a part of my collection on a hard copy so I would meditate on some of the points at my free period.

While reading the book, I noticed I could still pause and do something else but the last line would not let go of my memory, I was moved to knowing what the next sentence is about.

The practical values of in the book in my opinion can only be imagined rather than the physical aspect. This I feel is because of the harsh weather we operate in. In Nigeria most people want money, the situation is so depressing such that most people don’t respect working anymore. Sometimes when I want to follow my plans of honesty I get the most tempting challenges that give me little or nothing to work with.

I find the book theoretically useful but practically difficult to follow. I would recommend the book to all my friends and family after this assessment.

The New Dynamics of Winning
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book?

The entire book ‘the new dynamics of winning’ is a code of success formula. However, there are ideas in the book that strike a balance between my goals and that which the book is all about.

‘Don’t Rush Success’. I think this idea is the most important when it involves striving for success. Most times when I read books or materials that deal with success, the instant urge to grab wealth creeps in or something is stirred up in me. But as the example of Bill Toomey suggest, success should be like a plant, it must be allowed to grow first by having root, there must be a starting point, the drive can come from anywhere sometimes in article we consider to be of less value. Preparation is very vital; each part of the success journey must be genuine. Again, success to me should not be a point where I’ll reach and look back only to feel good about how far I have come but a process that continues no matter how much I have gain. ‘If the ladder of success leads to an unknown destination, at what point would I say am successful?’ That is why I consider success to be a process and not a point.

On page 72 of the book, Spartan Motor I read is run as a family business where no matter the level of depression or circumstance, there are no lay-offs. In Nigeria the reverse is the case. During my Industrial Training (IT) at a five star hotel, I notice that those who where working on contract bases were told to go home when sales drop only to be called back when sales improved. At that point so many things and questions came that I couldn’t find answers to. One thing I thought was, what were they going to be doing at the period in between? Of course some have family who depend on them for their survival. What baffled me most was that those on top got more pay for working overtime. Some people prefer to have a fat pay by working overtime rather than suggesting a pay cut and accommodating others.

There’s one idea in the book that quotes ‘No matter how much wealth or recognition the world lays at your feet, don’t allow your integrity to be contradicted by your behavior in any area of your life’. This is one idea I don’t think I’ll forget in just a while. When something is hard to forget it must be something that occurs on either a daily bases or at an interval that is too quick to forget. The opposite has registered so hard on the minds of people I know very well some of whom are family members.

There’s no one person that is not driven towards wealth no matter the occupation. How many people are born with the advantage of knowing it, using the position to help those in need, formulating policies that would better the life of the people around them or in their constituency? Sometimes it is easier for those who are born with riches but it is a blessing to those who turn their opportunity, talent, etc to create happiness for themselves and those around them. At the moment I school on a part time bases because I need to work to fund my education. In what I do, I sale goods to people and they make payment over a period of time. The post dated cheque I get from my client 60% of them bounce on due date.

In Nigeria integrity is nothing if it stands in between wealth and poverty. I have witness where people go all out regardless of age, statue, and position to lie if it has to be to claim what’s not theirs. Sometimes I wonder may be I have not had my chances. I still find it hard to believe that honesty, handwork and integrity have a place in my country. I ask myself maybe I’m the one with the problem of worrying about what should be done right. The world is perfect as it should be; one man’s lost is for another’s profit. If you need honesty don’t talk to anybody who works for the government in Nigeria the only man that can tell you the truth is yourself. There’s one thing I hold close to heart that ‘No matter how gloomy the cloud maybe it will always have a silver lining’.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concept of the book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationship, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc.?

Every good book should have a striking point or concept that at a point, one should agree with. In viewing my life over the pages of the book, I have come to terms with the fact that I’m a champion but maybe in a field I’m yet to fully understand. Maybe unconsciously but my goals and dreams are not far from that which the book is for. I was assessing myself the other day on things I can develop myself on and build a career around it, this is what came to mind to be honest, ‘playing smart on people; then of course like every serious minded person, I was trying to review my talent on the move but had nothing to hold on to. I kept on telling myself that, I was better than the thing I had set my mind on and that is not the way of a champion.

Champions don’t think about making other people feel bad but rather they help people discover happiness which is being at peace with oneself. So I came up with my vision; I’m an athlete on the race track, I stumble and fall and at this point I think to myself that I’ve lost. All my preparation and perspiration have come to a sudden end and I have to live with it for the rest of my life, but determine as I am, the race must continue. I will not allow the fear or shame of defeat to deter me from finishing the race. It may be won, but I’m determined to see the finish line. I stood up from the point I fell, courageously and relentlessly I must finish the race at a point along I realized I could see the finish line but it doesn’t seem anybody has got there yet. Then in bewilderment I stopped and look back to see the other athlete I had stated the race together but saw no one but the crowd was still cheering as though I was winning. Then the desire to go across the finish line emerges again but this time propelled by determination, upon crossing the finish line I realized that it is a race that has no winner or loser, we all crossed the finish line at the same time everyone got the ultimate price, what seemed like a competitive race was just a test of faith, skill and above all courage. For everyone who started the race have a price. The desire to start the race and the wiliness to finish no matter the time, there’s a price for all’.

3. What are the most important new ideas you learned from the book?

An idea becomes important only if I put it into practice. There’s nothing that is new in life, if there’s something the book as help me reaffirm is the firmness of my decision concerning life and some of the challenges of change. Of course there are some things that I cannot change no matter what I do but I can develop an attitude that would help me come out on top of every situation I find myself in. Like in my relationship, my goal, my objective, etc.

4. Has the book challenged or changed your thinking in any way?

One of the greatest problems I have is ‘fear of failure’. The question the book has asked me in return to this is ‘ at what point have we not fail?’. Every great person I can think of fell only to learn how to stand or appreciate the beauty of standing. Greg LeMond if he’s still alive can testify to this. Again I should not look for excuses why I can’t be successful because I have everything it takes to get to where ever I want to go only if I combine the dynamics of winning.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with?

No. Because what the mind of a man can conceive the mind of a man can achieve.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

The most helpful thing I find in the book is the twenty-one (21) day plan in the book which is helping me in discovering my daily activities. Before this book I have never had any serious day planner. There’s nothing I find least helpful in the book.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

The idea the book is conveying is first, as an individual I most love myself no matter what happen. I must be aware of myself worth and self trust. Secondly, I must be able to identify what my priority is and what require how much attention and most importantly I must see myself as someone to serve and not to be served as always the case when I’m position.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Psycho Cybernetics 2000
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What ideas were personally most important to you in the book?

Before I read this book ‘Psycho Cybernetics 2000’, I have never thought that each part of the brain has specific (addition and thinking) functions both of which need to synchronize to reach a positive conclusion. The part of the book that I was held spell bound was the part which deals with building confidence which is chapter 2 of the book. I always find myself drifting from my real self sometimes because of the people I meet. I was invited to attend an interview, on my way to the venue of the interview, I was very positive I would delight the panel. When I got to the venue, I was offered a seat close to the door of the hall so I could hear some of the questions that the guys who had gone in before me were asked. I was not scared but I noticed I had started sweating on my palms and was no longer comfortable. The entire ‘room’ became hot and I lost my composure. At that point I told myself I was not going to be able to scale the hurdle of an interview anymore, but I only realized that I became my own witch doctor. Though after that incident, I have improved a lot on my presentation I think.

Another idea in the book I admire is that which advices for the appreciation of oneself. I met a guy who was really feeling bad because he lost three of his right fingers in an accident; he told me how bad he felt and was not ready to loose any part of his body for anything. The first question I asked him was what he is going to do about it. He said ‘nothing; because he could do nothing about it. He even told me that he would have prefer dead than being incomplete in a world were perfection is paramount, his argument was that he won’t be employed by any organization because of his deficiency, he would be considered a cripple. Of course he’s right when those who have everything are finding it hard how much more the person that doesn’t have fingers? I told him that he was better even without his fingers, then I started citing examples of people with even more serious issues who are using their present condition to define and create happiness for themselves. I sometimes wonder why it’s so hard for people to work with what they have. We often feel it’s all about making it big with little swings.

I asked myself this question ‘is there something or any part of me I don’t like?’ Then I took a look at my fingers, I view myself in a mirror and I didn’t see anything I did myself. Everything I carry physically is not my design and to the best of knowledge I am not what is physical but what is very not visible to the physical eye. I am a soul with a body. The expression of what is inside is the reflexion outside. If I want to smile then, I must first smile inside before it can be seen on the outside. I followed a friend who wanted to travel to the embassy when he went to submit his visa application form; it was my first time at any embassy and the crowd my eyes saw my mind could not believe they were all hoping to travel. The kind of treatment they were given I can not imagine. Everybody there had the same complain, ‘Nigeria is bad’.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life?

In a book I read the’ new dynamics of winning’, a part of the book asks us to make friendship a fine art. In the area I live, it’s quite difficult for you to make friends if you don’t anything remarkable to present to the fold. I wanted to ask a girl out in the area I’m staying but something kept telling me she was not my type, and that I was more poised than she was so why should I think of hanging out with her. She had started coming close but when she noticed I was not enjoying her present she had to back off. I now know she’s not the one with the problem but me. On my beliefs, according to the bible which is my standard as a Christian, I believe I was created by God for a special and unique purpose. I have come to appreciate my whole self as a great design of God. If am feeling any pain, it’s not because someone somewhere is wishing me evil as often made to think. My body has the right to respond to changes as it deems it fit. Stress is one of the biggest problems we as people face today and only those with the right attitude can over come. In the book it is pointed out how to overcome stress. The methods are so easy such that at first they seem not real.
In achieving my goals, it is clearly stated that every activity should be broken down such that each part is treated as a whole. In ideas, the book is very much like the new dynamics of winning. I want to make in buying and selling. The market in my country is so large that it can accommodate any number of people but only very few people see this opportunity, some people always brag ‘I’ll make it’ meanwhile they are doing nothing to improve their condition. In my own case, I’m learning new things on how to make it through hard work.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book?

The new idea in the book that I find very helpful is that which deals with stress. The idea is very important because it helped me in managing difficult moment or difficult clients. Recently I met a client and she promised me that her cheque will not bounce; she also assured me that I was not going to have any problem with her transaction. The first cheque she gave me did not fly and when I met her to regularize her cheque she started giving me stories of course, if it was the old me I would have made her feel real bad for the way she handled the issue. I was very calm with her and in the end she gave more lead. It is very hard to maintain a calm attitude always especially when your not used to it but with constant practice I’m sure I’ll be able mind my reaction when issues that warrant annoyance occur.

I was talking to a friend the other day about the benefit of this program, he wanted to join the program earlier and told me to let him have one of my books, and I refused because he wanted to keep it. He said there’s no money involved. I told him that he already had all the money he needed if he could use the right attitude. Attitude determines altitude.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way?

I have always told myself that a good will always add value to the life of the reader but the time it takes effect is what I’m not sure of. The book has challenged me a lot, the first being on the area of self worth and self trust. The greatest weapon of any individual is the feeling of the person. I cannot pretend to be happy with something if it is not from the inside of me. It takes a good feeling to have a good day. On page 241 of the book, the idea is ‘strive for mutual understanding’. I live in a country where we have over two hundred and fifty (250) languages with different culture and background what in the name of peace could be keeping us together if not understanding. I have a lot of friends who are not from my own part of the country. Why? Because I always find myself associating with people of other tribe more than with people of my area. I have witness a lot of intertribal marriages working more now than it did in the last twenty years. People are finding values in other people in market, offices, etc.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with?


6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

I find in this book every point that is helpful in career building, self worth and importance. I also find the ideas on stress relief very helpful. It is working for me and those around me who find true friendship a joy. The world can only be a better place if we show love no matter the color, creed, religion and more. During a clean up session in my place, I stumbled into some old ‘times magazines’, I realized that the guys that were wanted by the FBI for the terrorist attack on both the twin tower and the pentagon were single people who were born with one head, two eyes and who are like any body out there but they have done something that has gone down in the books of history. What I ask myself is that, what if all that time and effort has been put into something more useful. I find so many people with great talent but with no support that’s why embassies are crowded with so many talented people.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

Let me put it this way. A tree has branches, some of which leads to another branch while some lead to a dead end. However, before the plant became a tree, it took a process of growth. The best way I could describe the book with words can not be found but the book is very interesting.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Can I get a copy of the book for a friend who wants to read it and keep?




Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book?

‘We are poor not because of God’. These were the words S.B. Fuller’s mum told him. In the area where I grew up, it is a common practice to find parents or guardian attaching important to what ever field a child has chosen, so in my own case it is not different. Often times I hear people complaining about the way God has been unfair to them. People sometimes don’t use the name God, but use the word nature which in my case I conclude is God to give excuse for their situation. They see every disappointment as the hand work of an enemy. The greatest of this argument is that we have all not been created equally, why some people are blessed with so much when some can hardly get little. Success is only measured in monetary terms and whatever one is doing, if money is not the end product, it is considered a child’s play. I have not read any portion of the bible where it is written that God has blessed only but a few. Like S.B., I have come to agree that the only way to make money is to sell something and whatever is not against the law of God or the right of my fellow man, I’m bound to succeed at it.

I am moved by the story of George Campbell. Often times when I wake in the morning I feel I owe my health to some exercise I must have done the previous day that is, trying to take glory for what I know nothing about. It is very important to give thanks for our senses rather than chasing money without worrying about our health or not minding at what disadvantage are we existing. Some say ‘a living dog is better than a dead lion’, but then again, what if the lion died in glory? Of what good is it for me if I become very rich but without the health to enjoy my wealth? We Africans are in an environment where it is hard for us to make it. Because of this environmental factor, we care less about our health and centre our attention on what to eat. I see graduates been treated like it was a curse for them to have gone to school only because they don’t have a godfather in the firm they search for employment. But now I know it is better to have and appreciate a good health, use the things I have been giving to get to where I’m destined to be. There should be no excuse for me not to be successful or blame my inability to excel to some external factor like the shape of my head, my height, educational qualification, etc.

Chapter thirteen of the book is one of the chapters I most confess I love a great deal; it said ‘If you don’t have money use other people’s money’. I don’t mean to sound like a cheat by saying this because a lot of people think that Nigerians are bad people and are so much involve in crime and poverty and the rest, what I mean is that, like the book suggest, the easiest way of funding a business is having cash to do business with. Here is how OPM is working for me. I sell household appliances to people and they make payment over a period of three months. First the client will see the brochure to have an idea of what he/she is buying; the brochure has the prices of the items; then the client will make an upfront payment of forty percent of the brochure price, then I’ll add the balance of the show room price. The balance is paid over three months in post dated cheque. Sometimes the upfront payment is about ninety percent of the brochure price so what I add is just the little difference which comes from my savings. It is actually a good business because the market is large so one problem I’m having now is that my client base is bigger than my financing power.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life?

The book is about me, building a career and the importance of self esteem and self worth and so the concepts of the book are related to every area of my life. Relationship involves making friend and being a friend. Every day of my life I try to make friendship a fine-art by meeting new people and sharing ideas with them. There was this day when I ask a friend I just met for his opinion on some of the things affecting young people and what he’s opinion was on the Nigerian that died abroad when he found out he was going to be deported back home. He told me it’s the fault of our government that if they had used all our oil profit to create jobs and infrastructure things would have been better and people will not be thinking of living the country at the rate at which it prevailed in the country at the moment. He claimed that there’s nothing we can do to improve the situation. I personally didn’t buy his ideas but I didn’t tell him my reasons. Of course it may be hard and frustrating but with a positive mental attitude we will be able to adjust our old ways of doing things.

My belief is that there’s nothing that is too bad to be fixed most especially if it involves a person. Why is the word the way it is? A person that is not happy can never think of another’s happiness as vital because the world is full greedy people who are ready to put me and my money in their pocket. I’m a pragmatic person. I believe in theories that will work and not just on mere paper theories. I have strong feeling that Nigeria will be a better place. However, there’re strong indications that it’s a wild dream.

On my goals, the book has helped me understand that I have a talent that only I can develop. It is also clear to me that to make it in whatever I have chosen to do; I must be very prudent and sincere no matter how much a set back it’s going to be. The word necessity is a word I must be very careful with; of course it’s the reason why we make some adjustment but not to the point of arrogance. This I got to know when I read the story of Al Capone who blamed all the wrongs he did on ‘necessity’.
I have realized that my values are quite different from those of the people around me. I fancy beautiful ladies, but when I ask them if we can keep sex out of our relationship on till the right time, I get a weird remark. People think that with the way I talk, move and appear, I’ll be a ‘bad boy’. I like reading and learning about new culture as well as ideas, but it becomes very annoying when there are so many road blocks to the next town.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book?

If there’s one thing I should be grateful for is the fact that I have learnt the success formula. All my life I’ve always seen myself as a leader with no troops all because I don’t have money or what it takes to hold a troop but that isn’t true, the truth is that happiness and wealth are mind games. It’s all about what the mind can conceive. If I feel good about myself it will be easier for me to see and know my troops. The happiness inside flow like a river and bring people close to me. Someone once said the beauty of living is the joy of each day.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way?

Like I always say, a good book should add value to the life of the reader. This value most times doesn’t come instantly but with time. In the area of character building which is one of the strong point of the book, the book has also awakened my interest in the area of sourcing for funds and management of funds. Again to be very sincere in whatever I’m doing; use and appreciate my body because no matter what I do, I’m going to be carrying this body for as long as I live.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with?


6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

Let me start by answering backwards. The least thing I find helpful is the thought to steer because they are too many to remember anyway that’s why I have a copy of the book so I can always make reference to the passage. Then the helpful thing about the book is that though the characters are small, but it is easy to read and the tone of the passage is flexible as wall as the reality of each idea in the book.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

The main idea of the book is that first, I must identify my self as an important being with the potentials to actualize my dream if they are not against the law of God or the right of my fellow man. Again I must be prudent and sincere in what ever I’m doing.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Real Magic
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book?

I just don’t know where to start my assessment on this book because every page of the book is a whole new idea on its own. I had read the book even before my own copy came. I collected a copy of the book from a friend, the very person who introduced this entire new life to me. I read each page of the book with keen interest and I asked myself the question, why am I doing this? The reason all the things I experienced before the day I decided to be part of this program was all to lead me to this. So at this point I refer to the idea in the book that says when the student is ready the teacher will appear.

The most important thing I have come to realize is that we are like sheep without a shepherd. Every one of us that I see everyday on the street of Lagos who is still thinking of how do I make it, we are wonderful and well gifted in everything that makes life complete but the big question is how to manage our situation for the better and who is there to lead us there is one who is coming to take me by the hand to place where I want to be. It takes only the right attitude to make the whole difference in my quest.

I hear complain of the wide injustice in the land and how our leaders have left us for dead even with all the oil money we brag about. In the book it is elaborated that the teacher could take any form but to me the teacher is the books I read which is one of the ways the book suggested. The mind is the central processing unit of my whole self, physical and thoughts. The way forward for me now is how to channel it to the right direction so that I could be at peace with myself. I like the kind of people I have around me, the ones that do not think that believing is seeing rather to them, it is the other round. The only thing worth running after is the physical substance i.e. immediate value.

My assessment on this part of the book could take the form a summary of the book. I was counting ten years back and I tried to picture how life was at that time, I realize that I can actually replay back my life to the very point where I want and have an assessment of the things I did. I noticed that the flesh is not only representing time, it is like the space suit I wear to give me identification. It is not the skin color that makes some people more outstanding than others but what the skin is covering. If I can replay any part of my life then it is possible that I can preplay it to that point where I vision myself to be say in a year, two, five, etc.

Again I like the suggestion to implementing the mind set. This involves having an open mind on issues no matter the circumstance in my life. When I was young I use to think that life is only for the affordable but that is a wrong notion, life is everything; the issues we classify as the good, the bad, and the ugly to living and non living things no matter size or nature. According to the book, life goes beyond the five senses and this I agree with. What actually is in full operation here? The mind or the flesh, I was thinking that suppose I entered a dark room which I’m not familiar with, where I can’t see anything. If I touch anything with my hand I won’t know what it is but my mind will interpret what ever I touch, perceive, hear, and feel. My senses are the means by which I collect while my mind is the processor. I read a book that said even if the glass is half empty say it is half full.

2. Can you relate ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstance in your life?

I would like to refer the ideas in the book to my relationship with people. No man is an island and so people make the world go round. Some will come with philosophies that sound and look new while others with familiar tales. The ideas in the book are that openness is the key to reaching full potential. If I want to be successful at what I’m doing, I have to go beyond the five senses to actually reach my point of creating real magic.

On my belief, the book is not far from what I hold as the truth which is the love as admonished by my LORD; the love of God is far beyond words or thoughts which the book recognizes. If not for the mercy of God I would not be hear today. He has a job for me to do in this world. I’m not in this world by mistake because the book has reminded me that there is no mistake in life everything is in perfect order. Again the book has also enabled me know that it is not a sin to go beyond the five senses and enjoy real magic. Some people in Nigeria think to talk about the invisible side of life have to do with voodoo or against the law of the universal intelligent. Often time we practice or are made to belief things we are not sure of either because of our family background or the society, as I recall during my secondary school days it was thought that those who change their religion from Christian to Islam automatically became rich because of the embrace of Islam. Of course that is not true no religion is a guarantee of heaven or riches but the good work and faith that makes it happen.

On my goals, it is a good thing that I have been blessed with such a wonderful book as this. It is my desire to build a positive character and a spirit of sharing as well as teaching those who are in need how to manage their situation. In the face of truth all this can not be achieved without the right mind set or attitude. On my values, the book has enable me know that I can’t do only the things I see but can also enjoy more from that which is not visible to the naked eye.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learnt from this book?

It has always been a problem for me understanding some of the things happening around me. Sometimes I wonder why things change all of a sudden without any reasonable explanation, but the book is helping me to seek answer to some question beyond the five senses and how to respond to some of the things I thought were above me. The little difference between those who are successful and those who are not is the ability to go beyond the five senses.

4. Has the book challenged or changed your thinking in anyway?

The first time I read the book, it took me more than four days to move from first the page to page five of the book because I was so engross in the revelation of the first few pages of the book, so I could not wait to finish but was in no rush to finish the book. The book has challenged me a great deal in the area of positive thinking. It has added to my pool of knowledge in the field of self enhancement. It has also added in the area of people appreciation and value. People are very important and most be considered as valuable weather rich or poor.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with?


6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in the book?

The ideas in the book are very helpful in character formation and problem solving. It is clear to me now that the first step out of any problem is the starting point which is me. I must see myself as the only person who knows what is necessary to put things right at all time in the struggle to make the best out of life.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey?

From the first chapter of the book it is obvious that the book is on mind shaping and making the right decision at the right time. This conclusion is based on fact, which is describe in the example of all those who have used the right state of mind to meet their goals, values, beliefs, objectives, etc. the book is also conveying the message of peace which is like one of the reason for our being here in this world. According to the book the universe is perfect but we need the right attitude to reach real magic.


a. How interesting was it to read? 10
b. How helpful were he contents? 10
c. How easy was it to understand 10
d. Would you recommend it to others? 10
e. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Giant Steps

Assessment Joseph Philip Abue

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book?

My lecturer asked a question in class one day. He said ‘what advantage will a new business bring to the area where it is located’. This is stirred by the idea in the book which says ‘in the same way, your pursuit of worthwhile goals has probably resulted in unforeseen benefits for others’. No one man is an island that has everything that he need. Demand creates supply and thus creates employment. If I set a worthwhile goal it will be beneficial to all those who share the same dream. I have read and considered the profile of some of the world’s richest men and women in the corporate world, in the field of athletics, etc. no matter what they turn out to be, it is not for their benefit alone but that of those who support them in their drive. The benefit may not be physical to the naked eye. Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Here is another idea. I told a friend that happiness does not come from the ownership of a particular thing or the attainment of a particular position in the office but the appreciation of now. Now is what matters and every moment of now must be appreciated with all gratitude, of course the action of now will give us an insight of what to expect tomorrow but it will not determine it all together no matter what. This was because we heard of someone who died in a car accident when he was going to report to camp of the national youth service. The friend said after all the struggle of going to school and pain of the hardship and all that, the person just died and that is the end; no compensation for all the money spent on education to show that his quest meant good.

Personally, I think beliefs are the driving force behind our actions and the reason why we go out every day to find something to keep us busy or to get paid for is the result of our beliefs. These beliefs are either similar, opposite or semi similar among people, which is why someone who is involved in arm robbery when caught will blame it on necessity and the banker will tell you that he has to go to the office because it is necessary and so on.

As humans, I feel we don’t need all that is required at the same time to exist that is why the world we are today is not fix. Everything has its own time but I often hear people say if you are not corrupt you cannot enjoy a country like Nigeria owing to the gross indiscipline, poverty, illiteracy, AIDS and nearly the complete absence of infrastructure.

There’s this idea on page 105 that says ‘a single change in the habitual questions you ask yourself can and will change the quality of your life’. This reminded me of the worthlessness I felt when I was asked to resign from where I was working before. I was constantly involved in asking questions that never gave me any hope that I was good at anything. As at that time, I felt I was open to chances but never came and all I could do was to blame it on someone who I thought was not happy with the level of progress I was making at the time. I started having strong feeling of hate on people and things that would have helped me out of the mess I was. There is nothing like when you are asked to go sit at home simply because people can’t put up with you. Aside the fact that you have been called a fifth wheel, you become lonely in a populated world.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concept in the book to your personal circumstances in life?

Every inspirational book is coded with ideas or concept that would help in creating happiness and understanding the environment in other to be at peace no matter the challenges I face. Creating happiness is one of the basic ideas in the book which I strongly agree with on the grounds that no matter what the challenge is, it must be approach with happiness in other to get the better of the situation. I have seen people who face challenges with a positive mental attitude yet come out on top as though they have handled such a situation before. It looks so easy that I just wonder if they where not the ones who made look like a problem in the first place because they have the answers. Yet again I have seen people who face problem with negative attitude and get defeated by the situation as though it is their fault that everything in the world went wrong and as such they have to suffer it alone.

The book encourages experience as one of the best way of learning. Experience they say is the best teacher. It is true that I look back to and check some of the things I did while working in the bank. Sometimes I feel I was not as innocent as I would want to think. Of course I may not have stolen a dime or insulted anybody but maybe there’s something I was not doing right. Experience in the world we leave in goes to show that even the most intelligent student can fail in an exam. When the proper caution is neglected because of over confidence, it is as good as being a dull student. I recall something that happened in school, I was considered as one of the best in auditing in my class. I was so good with auditing principles that some student who came to me for assistance thought I was better than the lecturer and it somehow got into my head that I did not take lectures serous any more. But when the result came out, wow, I couldn’t believe the grade I got in the course people thought I was the master, I just manage to scale through with the last pass grade a ‘D’. Usefulness is not impaired by perfection after all I can drink from a chipped glass; this is the watch world I use when things do not go the way I feel is perfect. Rather than throwing the whole thing away I feel there’s a part I can still use to create happiness. Happiness is a relative thing, to some it is about how much of anything they have while to some it is all about making the difference in the society they live in. To me, happiness is beyond words. It is the state of freedom, the ability to help, the understanding of the environment every question must not have an answer for some questions are answers in themselves.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concept you learned from this book?

In my own words the ideas are not new. The reason is that I have read about them in some other book. However, the book serves as a reminder that anything worth having is worth working for. Success begins with goal setting and careful planning. I think the only way out of any circumstance is not by how many people I bring down but by the number I’m able to help get up. It is just like this program, it may not come with physical reward from the inception but the idea is the freedom of the mind which is the starting point of anything that lead to success. It begins with the right mind set. Every champion must start by making himself free from cobweb that could becloud the mind of the ultimate prize. It is not the destination that matter but the journey as well. The definition of the destination is a product of the journey. To some people, buying a car is nothing but a journey to the destination while to some it is the destination of their struggle for a good number of years.
Again I have seen that some people do less and get greatly rewarded while some do more and get less than. The truth is that some have a positive attitude while some have negative attitude the options are there it depends on that which I choose.

4. Has he book challenge or changed your thinking in any way?

Not par say but the book is reminding me of some the things what Napoleon Hill wrote in the seventeen principle of success. If I must explain then I’ll have to repeat what I said on the just concluded point number three above. But I want to add that the book has reminded me to stay focus on my goal and hold my dreams dear. No matter what obstacle I encounter, I should be strong and prayerful at all time.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with?


6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in the book?

The book is very easy to read and the ideas are written such that each page is an idea on its own. This makes the book a reference material that can be carried around. The lines and contents are flexible.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the whole idea the book is trying to convey.

The book deals with questions and it is trying to teach the beauty of asking the right questions. The book to my understanding, is on using question to reach our immediate goals. If the right questions are asked the right answers will be provided which will help reach desired goals. Questions are very important if asked at the right time and place.

Please rate this book on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Keys to Success
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book?

I read about the 17 keys to success in Mr. Hill’s success through positive mental attitude as one of the three introductory books and I thought I had all the tips of the success formula. The first idea in the book that I find very important is to develop definiteness of purpose. There’s nothing that can be done in life without adequate plan. My purpose in life is the reason for my existence. There’s no one person I know of who has made it without a plan towards he’s or her goals. It is very important that I set a plan of what I want to do so as to enable me focus my time and resources on my set goal. Each time I ask myself what my goals are, I don’t find any answer.
Sometime I just feel I have not yet started on either setting goals or making effort to attaining my goal or so many things just show up. I’m so confused that I feel this whole thing is just a waste of time, but I know that there’s something in me that is so passionate about all this that I’m yet to fully understand. The feeling sometime is that maybe I don’t have the adequate education to comprehend what I’m after other time is that the environment is not the right place for me. Speaking of environment and education, I have read of a lot of people who left school at grade level yet are making things happen in their world through their creative thinking.

Budgeting time and money is another idea that I think I’m going to be reading each passing day. S. B. fuller as I recount came to terms with the fact that one way of making money is to sell something. Nigeria, owing to its population advantage and the availability of both human and natural resources is one of the biggest markets in the world. There’s virtually nothing legal and economically assessable that cannot be sold in Nigeria. Like I said in my past assessment, I was working in a bank as a bulk teller when I started having problem in my office. When I resigned as advised by the recommendation of my then cash officer, I was out of work for close to twelve months without a reasonable means of survival. I was among those Nigerians that were feeding or surviving on less than a dollar per day. I’m sure it was through the work of the Infinite Intelligence that I survived those times. During this period, I met the friend that introduced me to this program I decided to do it because I needed something to preoccupy my mind since I loved the books he was reading. So I accepted his offer that I would use his computer for my assessment.

Why all this stories? Well so far, maybe no correlation. But it led me to the friend who gave me the opportunity of working as a delivery staff for the company he worked for which sold goods to clients on installment. In the course of work, I started mastering the entire process and learning the rules of the business. Soon I started getting calls from potential and existing clients through lead. The company agreed that I could also become an agent and get two percent of everything I sold. It was tough the first two months but in the third month of our agreement I sold over a million naira worth of goods, of course you can make out how much I got as commission from sales. The problem that led me to embracing this idea is that I was having problem managing my time and money. I realize that sometimes, all the money I made each month could not be accounted for not because I eat the most balance of diet or wore the most expensive cloths but because I was yet to know how to manage my time and money. To me, managing time and money is about all I need to reach the goal which I have set for myself so far as becoming an entrepreneur in consumer finance.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concept in this book to your personal circumstance in life?

I want to be a person of good qualities but with low profile. I want to try as much as I can to understand why that I have total control of my life and that I could actually create happiness in my life and in the life of those around me. In my relationship, I have come to know that I cannot fit into the invitation card of everybody around me. Some will welcome my ideas while others will not. For those who do not, I must not draw a battle line with them.

In my family, I must fine tune myself to be at peace with all members of my family even though we do not share the same ideas or concept. In my love life I must try to be truthful no matter what is will cost me. It is a common thing to find me not wanting to love someone because of factors that neither the person nor I is in control of there is this girl I was dating. I had to avoid her because I felt she had long leg and was too thin.

In my beliefs, the book has strengthen my knowledge about what I should use to get what I want and how to help others. I use to think that sharing my dream with someone will bring me bad luck and that people are not suppose to know what I want to do, but the book has encouraged me to form a mastermind alliance with those who I know can help me in attaining my goal. Goals are very important in life when they are clearly defined. The book has told me what I need to look out for in setting goal and what to do to attain my goal. I have to manage every penny I get and work out ways of meeting my clients need or request.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learn from this book?

The new ideas the book has offered me are the technique in understanding me and working toward using those skills that I think less of in meeting my set goals and objectives. Every person is a complete and wonderful being that need to be harnessed to achieve full potential. The mode of talking, thinking and reason are some of the new ideas the book has revealed. I was invited to a party by a school teacher who was organizing the party for her one year old son. At a point in the party, the children had to watch their parent take turn in dancing to win a prize. There was this child who refused to dance and play with his friends, he would not even eat the food his was served, when the father started dancing, he became so happy that everybody had to clear the stage for him and his dad. I started wondering what was going on in this small boy’s head. Then I realize that he acted the way he did because of the father. The father had refused the food he had been given. Like this child, we learn from things we are most familiar with but that is less than what is available to us to learn from. The part of the book that is on self-discipline is one part that reminds me of something I find myself doing that I have changed.

4. Has the book challenged or changed your thinking in any way?

If we take turn to talk in a group, I must wait for my turn before I speak. I must not shout anybody down no matter what the person has to say. I must be firm in my decision and take responsibility for my action. It will always not be rosy, so if I have to walk I must do it in good faith hoping that it is not going to last forever.

5. Are there ideas in the book you totally disagree with?


6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

I don’t think there’s anything I find least helpful in the book. However, talking about helpful tips, the entire book is very helpful because everything in the book is channeled towards my success and that of those around me. It takes only careful practice to hit the mark. If I fail today, it’s because I did not apply the right attitude to the so many tools I’ve been giving.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main ideas the whole book is trying to convey?

The book is about success and the application of the success in every area of life. There’s no short cut to success in life. The book is practical because chapter of the book is a detail account or explanation on how to combine the feeling of success, the attitude of success and the management of success.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



What to say when you talk to your self
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book?

On page 14, the second paragraph the page asked a very sensible question which is the control of our lives, if it’s in our hands or not. I have always wondered if the decisions I make everyday are mine or someone else’s. Maybe the script has been written by someone else. If I’m in charge of my life, why can I have the things I desire? Why do other people opinion affect my decision to the point where I have no control over what should be my life. When I decided I was not going to keep working for the company that didn’t deem me fit to be part of it system, I got a lot of negative respond from people who didn’t know what I was suffering or passing through, the word then was that ‘you are a banker and should be grateful for it and not so many in life could have such a chance no matter what, you have to keep on even if you have to serve them your head on a plate’.

The part that I hate most is those who said I should fake happiness for the sake of the job. What could be described as the best teacher is the lesson I teach my self. On my behavior, the reason I don’t heed to my own advice is because of something else which affects, directs, influences, or controls all my actions. That something is my feeling. If I have a goal that I’m passionate about, I’ll stop at nothing to achieve my goal. If the feeling for my goal goes beyond a mere wish, then I can channel all my time, resources towards that goal. To be very frank I don’t think I’ve ever set goal(s) for myself until sometime last month. I’ve only been living my life on reflexive action, thoughts and emotions. The result may not turn out to be a disaster or superb but I’ll just be pleased with the outcome.

The reason I agree with this book is because every think I do is as a result of a thought I have inside whether reflexive or not. There’s always a dialogue inside me. I’m always having a meeting on this or that and my mind is good at registering things that tend to stay there for as long as I want to retain or keep it. I was made to believe that to think beyond now is a sin and that it led to evil and people who were involve in the knowledge of the programming of the mind towards the future was bad. I had to settle for the now and nothing more. The mind works like the computer and as the saying goes, garbage in garbage out. The reprogramming of my mind is the only way out of the ditch I now find myself. In believing in the existing of God, it should not be based on mere guess work but on faith that is beyond doubt. I have come to notice that there’s a part of me that is wild and restless. It wants all the good things in the world without paying a dime. I realize that this is always turn on when anything attractive flashes across my mind. Meanwhile there’s this part that is so gentle and quiet, so peaceful that its present is hardly noticed. It is the one that bears the wrong of the other part. It does not complain no matter the injustice it suffers.

2. Can you relate the ideas in the book to your personal circumstances?

I have been doing some serious thinking lately following what a close pal told me. He said he doesn’t keep friendship if he won’t gain anything from the association. Inferring base on the circumstance from which the statement was made, I could say that he only needed people he would use to reach his goal. I think friendship should be on what we can give rather than what we take. Christ gave all in service for mankind and demand just faithfulness and nothing more. In my beliefs, as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. If I think evil of anyone surely that evil I shall get. Though lately I don’t see myself wishing anybody evil. I’m happy with people around me no matter what wrong I suffer. There’s this woman I stopped talking to because I felt she was lousy and all that. I realize I was expecting more than I should, I fail to put certain factors into consideration. But now we are getting along fine. My goal is to increase my saving to a reasonable amount so that I can start my own business. I want to use the money I’ll save to register a company. I use to think that it was a dream beyond me. All I need to do is to follow the plan I have set. My value in life is the help I give without demanding a reward for it. I notice that those who give receive twice of whatever they give out. After all God loves a cheerful giver.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book?

The Bible admonished that I cannot give what I don’t have. The way I feel about myself is the way I’ll give or present myself to those I associate with, which of course will determine what people think and how they associate with me. If I keep telling myself that I always make mistakes then would I ever do anything well? I’ll continue to dwell in mistake even on issues that I should do with my eyes close. Therefore, the new idea in the book that affect me more is the discussion I often have within me and what I tell myself at all time which is what the book is all about. When I make a mistake rather than dwelling on it, I should change my self talk. Self talk forms the entire person at all time. My attitude, feeling, behavior, beliefs and programming are all the result of my self talk. Again, rather than living on reflex action and emotions, I should take some time before I make any move. It is better to measure ten times and cut once than cutting once and measuring ten times.

4. Has the book challenged or changed your thinking in any way?

The book has neither challenged nor changed but has added to way of thinking in other words I would say the book has challenged me to reprogram myself talk and see if I don’t reach my set goal without stress or pain beyond bearable. In self talk it is very important what I tell myself at every time no matter the issue. What is the worse thing that can happen to a person? If I don’t feel good about myself and I tell myself that I cannot reach my goals then I should forget it. There will be no point setting goals or thinking about adding value to the life of those around me. I remember telling myself one day that I was not going to feel good with anything that happen no matter what it was. I just regret what I got that day. It is one day I don’t want to look back at because each time what I got for just that self talk alone, it’s like killing a fly with a sledge hammer. In Nigeria, you become a mad man once you’re involved in self talk aloud.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with?

Not totally but if I will not use an advice then maybe I don’t fancy the technique. The use of tapes to record self talk is one idea I find difficult to practice. I’m not use to tapes.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

The flexibility of the chapters and the tone of the pages are very helpful. I must say that it is one of the books I have read with least expectation but with high result. When I got my books it was the first book I wanted to read but when I looked at the author and title I had to drop it for another book. After reading the book, I join the band of those who say don’t judge a book by its cover and author. The book is very helpful because at every time it remind me to have a discussion within myself before reaching a conclusion.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

The book, what to say when you talk to your self is a book that is to help people find what it takes to have a lasting idea in one’s life. The book admonishes on the importance of changing the way I am use to thinking which is not propelling me to my desired goal.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8



Nonviolent Communication
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What ideas were personally most important to you in this book?

I’m sure that by the time I finish my assessment on this book I would have become a ‘mute’. To be very sincere, this book is one book that has brought me close to thinking about my relationship with my family and dear friends. I can’t say much about what my life was like when I was still with my parent and my other siblings because aside the fact that I don’t remember much, I can’t hold on to any of the thing that happen then to be something I had total control of. I’m not trying to run away from responsibility or denial what I did as not my action but what I’m saying is that most of the things I did back then were due to the fact that I did them to please someone other than myself. I was opportune to stay with a friend for a period of twelve months during the time my family had to relocate back to the country side. If I’m saying this so that you should feel sorry, I was with this friend at the time I was doing my industrial training with a five star hotel somewhere in Victoria Island one of the most important business area in Nigeria. We ran shift at the hotel, so week in week out I had different shift. Sometimes when I come home in the morning after a night shift I would not get a good reception. The reason I noticed was that I wasn’t bringing money for food I would not eat. He would talk with his girlfriend and talk about how I would give money to one lady who needed help rather than bring it for food. May be I was wrong but nobody told me that when you are staying with somebody you pay him back by buying him food even against his wish. I was not feeling free because I thought they were things I should be doing to support the house that I was not doing, when I got this feeling, I started doing nearly all the household chores I could think of but yet I still did not win the approval of my friend. At a point I gave money that was promised to be refunded but never got it back.

I guess when you are not wanted you are not wanted no matter what you do. I came back from work one day and found my things outside; it was the least thing I expected because I just got a new job, the offer was to work with a bank. I could not believe what my eyes saw that day but I took it in good faith. As a Christian, I’m not suppose to recall issues like this but to be sincere they become lessons for us to learn from especially when you read a book that take you back to those moment that you think that all that has happen to you is to lead to this day. To express my self is very important especially if I have to get the result desired. I recall that my friend did not for once talked about anything I did he was not in favor of but I heard it from a neighbor all the ‘atrocities’ I committed while I was with this friend. Rather than tell me, he told his neighbor who later revealed it to me. So what I’m I saying you should think of this?

The one that really touch me the most is what happen when my kid brother had to stay with me. I don’t think if I ask him if he would like to stay with me just for one night he will buy the idea. I’m writing this as an apology to him and all those I have communicated violently with. While he was with me I did not come out in words he would understand me. Maybe what I meant for him was good, but the language I used was not that which he understood. So it is what he has concluded on what happen that he is going to hold as one of the thing he knows about me. When he told me he wanted to work, I did nothing to support him, and I would not give him any financial support even though I knew he needed it. Often time when he touches any thing I keep I would yell and shout at him. I sometimes ridicule him like he was worth nothing to me at all. Then one day I notice I had a problem with his pay check. I got so cold that when I got home that evening I fought him that he should quit the job or quit my end. He opted for the later and ‘left me so I can enjoy my peace’. I feel really bad knowing that I, ‘JP’ actually have done what I’m saying now. He left and never came back. Since I was too blind to see that I don’t need to kill with a gun alone, I have used the most destructive weapon to kill his confidence. I’m really looking for the opportunity to tell him how sorry I am for all I did.

How many books do I have to read to be able to communicate as I want with people? Each time I think of my brother I feel nothing but an insult to all the books I have read on improvement in both interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship. On page 73 of the book one of the key word is that ‘we are often not conscious of what we are requesting’. If I was conscious of what I wanted my brother to do I would have told him by empathizing with him rather than saying it has to be this way or never.
I totally agree with the book that it is better to make request rather than demands. Not only in the home life do I need this but also in the business arena as well. I told a client that I was going to get her item two days after payment of her upfront she did not get her item owing to shortage in the store. She requested that when it was available I could do the delivery I knew it was a request and not a demand because when people make demands the result is only a respond to fear. Demand result to fear while request is another way of empathizing. But this doesn’t go to show that demand is not good. Personally I think I did worse than I got.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concept in this book to your personal circumstances in life?

My life so far has been a life of complete violent, judging by the standard of this book. Even at the point of my assessment on this book. In every area of my life, it is obvious that only little do I known on how to communicate with people. There’s this girl I’m thinking about seriously that I want to be very sincere with, but my mind keep telling me there’s no point trusting anybody mostly if it involves giving my emotion. I’m not afraid of taking the risk. There’s no point wanting to win all the time. Her not reciprocating only goes to show her nature as a person. In my beliefs, I read a book that said ‘it is not who you are that hold you back, but what you think you are not’. To have a good life I don’t need to know how the universe rotates or why do we walk on two feet and not on all four. For every new day, I am a born again. I must see every challenge as a step to move forward in life. I have to be positive and open minded and keep reading good books to reprogram myself, like Shad said in his book the problem is our programming. I have been made to think that being polite should be sometimes of course when I need to get something from somebody but I don’t see that as a ‘sometimes’ thing for no time is perfect to be straight. Straight is straight. My goal is to help those who are yet to see that they are complete whether physically disable or not. Nearly every person I see or talk to want to leave Nigeria, so many say ‘they have lost hope in the government’ but I don’t think it is the government they have lost hope in but themselves. What is hard is for me is to prove it to them and I know it is just a matter of time. My value is that every man is equal in the sight of God. No matter what color, creed or language. Respect is my value. To the point where some people think I’m week and lack the courage to be aggressive. I have noticed that my greatest or most valuable time is that which I spend each time I think of what I can do to add to life and make the world I’m living in a better place. I have not seen anybody who had his age stamped against his forehead so that people will respect him when they see the size of the figure on his head. If my brother were someone I don’t know I would not talk to him the way I did because I know little of him, so I guess I should not allow the advantage of knowing someone make me disrespect him/her.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book?

I like I said, words are the most powerful tools that cost nothing. Communication is life, it determines how far I go in life, not by age but happiness. If someone lived for ten years of absolute happiness and another ten thousand years of sorrow, which of them lived longer? Often times I have used the ‘right words’ to get the ‘wrong result’ the reason is that the words have not said what I intended. This applies to all aspect of human endeavor and in countless times. Language is precious. Understanding is integral. I told a woman in my block good afternoon in ‘hausa’ a native tongue of those from the northern part of Nigeria and she gave me water because she is from the southern part of the country. I was not surprise but added it to my pool. In a sentence the new idea of this book is ‘use words to promote peace and harmony’.

4. Has this book changed or challenged your thinking in any way?

A great deal that cannot be confirmed in writing. First, allow the words that have already gone to find their place because they cannot be taken back, it’s ok to feel sorry for the one that will course pain. Secondly, listen. Finally, my brethren will have to read nonviolent communication from the form of a person.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with?

The book is easy to read but it is going to take sometime to understand.
Hope its ok?

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

I have noticed that no one will stand and say ‘it is my fault that things went wrong’ unless the person is planning on doing worse. I will see every situation I find myself in like a child, and then I’ll get the better of violence.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the book is trying to convey.

The world was saved by words which were said by Jesus on the cross. A woman is in pain because of words she heard. The book is about words, words, words in volume. It is either good or bad both are correct but most be used at the right time.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The Law of Attraction
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What ideas were personally most important to you in this book?

The first idea in the book that I seem to agree with is the definition of the law of attraction which says ‘I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative. It has to be true or false, good or bad, yes or no and may be now or later.

Everything in life falls under this two category. I totally agree with this point because, if I channel all my effort, the little money I’m making from my business of buy and sell as well as my prayers into something I’m emotionally committed to, I’ll get the result of that which I have ventured and then the interpretation I give it is what now becomes positive or negative. I can’t put all into something and nothing comes out of it. There most be a result.

Vibrations are very good which according to the book means my feelings or mood. It serves as the origin of my motive. If I sit on my leg I may be comfortable at first, then if I keep sitting on the same position, I’ll start to feel the pain then the vibration would need me to change my sitting position.

What is it that always causes me to want something, do something? Some of the things I do are not origin of my mood which is not true because I reserve the right to whatever I want. This idea is a product of the books I’ve read in the past twelve months of trying to know who runs the show of what I term ‘my life’. If I attract what I give my attention, energy and focus on why I’m I still at the position or place I find myself today? I daydream a lot of having some of the finest things that life has to offer, nice car, a good home (family), a wonderful job and so on. At a point I had to beg to feed, I was nothing but en empty gung. Why won’t I wake one day to find myself in a ‘perfect world’ where I have everything I want, where I don’t have to move a muscle before I eat, a world of peace, without hunger, no disease, war, color, creed and religion are not factors of adaptation. Why is the good life only on pages of books such as law of attraction, unlimited power and so on? The books are saying one thing life is throwing another. Who is in CHARGE? I think of happiness and attract sadness; I think of joy and attract something I can’t explain. At what point do I see myself as successful?

If I am daydreaming of having everything I want then, the interpretation is that I can get whatever I want by channeling my effort and attention to that which I have vision. To have a dream is indeed a good thing and thanks to the books I’m reading that have enable me to know what it means and the importance of having a dream and how to make the dream a reality. Everything that has happen was all to lead me to this whether it was interpreted to be sadness or whatever I want to call it. No one person can say I’ve had a perfect life if it is not considered a perfect life.

We are gifted in a unique way that requires the control of our desires. If there’s anything I don’t like all I need do is to write a list of the thing I would rather have that cancel out the ones I don’t want. The ‘bad’ experiences are good. At least they are the reason I want to make the desired change.

It is a lot easier in Africa to see the things we don’t have rather than being grateful for the thing that are most valuable in our lives. The general belief is that there are countries where people don’t work for what they want or where the government would pay you for not doing anything. If I think in this way then, I won’t be able to think of what I can do with my life and time.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in your life?

When I was in the polytechnic I was told that if I do not attend tutorial I would not do well in my test and exams. At first I thought it was the truth, I bought the idea with keen respond. I was shock when I got to the venue of the tutorial to find a student from my class to be the leader of the class. I had attracted the belief that without tutorial I won’t pass, but when I saw the guy from my class I was challenged. The first question I asked myself was how many heads did the guy have? Why was he worshipped? Was he not like any of us? I refused to attend the tutorials I knew that I had to work hard like every serious student to pass. May be my ego was at work at the time but the desire that created the drive was what I was up against. It was only later that I was told that those who attended tutorial saw exam questions.

I can only attract what I give my attention, focus and resources on. We are not living in a primitive state where I would educate the people but I have noticed that the problem with where I’m from is that of illiteracy. It is still the major challenge we face here. During the last election if my opinion is sort, I will not hesitate to cancel the poll because people where given as ”much’ as #500 to vote for a particular party and people did this with joy. Goals are set to be attained after careful planning. I know it will take a lot of time to master the art of attracting more of what I want but if I keep practicing, I will become use to the art.

I believe that the world can be a better place if I start with myself. If I attract the things I want that will help promote the wellness of my brother then I’m already on the part that leads to a better world. I like making reference to Nigeria because the law of adaptation states that the environment determines the organizism that survives in it. It is part of the practice of people to think most of what to eat. The entire life of an average citizen is spent on battling with poverty. When people see books like this the first thing is how much can they get out of it. A friend visited me and while talking we stumble on the books I’ve been reading. He told me that he wanted to tell me what his girlfriend did, and the next question I asked him was why he wanted me to know what she did and immediately his vibe changed. If it was in the past I would have gladly want to know. The reason I asked him that was to know what he wanted from me.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned in this book?

The idea I have learn is that I attract to my life that which I give my attention, energy and focus in my studies, business, family and friends. The book looks at it from the top. Prior to this book I have had something or things I don’t want and yet do not know how to handle the situation. I’m changing and I know it. I’m getting to like people and appreciate them not base on what they have like it use to be in the past where I was trying to work with ‘show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are.’ I use to think that poor people will only bring poverty and nothing more. We live in a society where people say; to be rich you have to move with the rich. The greatest riches are that which I can create for myself. Life is not what most of us have been conditioned to think it is; to steal to have plenty to lie to be good. To have the things I want I have the option of drawing a list of the thing I don’t want that I have against the one I want that I don’t have yet.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way?

Yes. The book has just told me why I don’t have some of the things I want and how to use the things I have to get the things I want. God created me complete with all the things it takes to get to wherever I want to go; like in real magic the student is ready so the teacher is appearing if not completely here, then by the time I finish or go half way into this program then I will know if the teacher is here in full or not. When people start to tell you they don’t understand you, your tolerance level is beyond ‘normal’, you decide what you get and not get what comes, you judge!

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with?


6. What did you find most helpful in this book?

In the past I use to think that science is in negation of God’s work or provide base to think less of the importance and presence of God but that is not true. Science is a confirmation of the presence of God beyond doubt.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main ideas the whole book is trying to convey.

Everybody attracts ‘good or bad’ which is the product of our vibe. I ought to know what I’m getting why? What I want and how to use it. We live in a world of where we scramble for what we think it’s ours and nobody is thinking of the effect it has on the society.

8. Please Rate this book on a scale from 1 to 10.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8.6
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Unlimited Power
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What ideas were personally most important to you in this book?

‘How you feel is not the result of what is happening in your life – it is the interpretation of what is happening’. On this single idea, I can spend the entire day writing of people and event that I know that have allowed the outside to affect the inside and course a great deal of damage in their lives. Let me first start with myself. I have always thought it is the other way. I believed that my feelings are not anything I’d control over. There was no distinction between what went on inside and what happened outside. I have always thought its eye for an eye. There are things in the world I cannot change and no matter what I do it will continue to be what it is and that is ‘truth’. If someone said some words that should irk me and I could decide to use the words to my advantage and use them to feel happy, it is hard but possible. If I don’t interpret any situation to be doom then where will the doom come from to take away my chances of feeling good? I think it is the starting point where all our action emancipates from. Marshall Rosenberg said our actions can be influenced but not coursed by external factors. This only goes to prove that it is the interpretation I give the situation that determines my respond.

My kid brother’s silence was interpreted to mean a rebuke and so I acted the way I did. If I had intended it to mean compliance I’m sure we would have got along on a sound note.
While reading the book I got to a point that said ‘every human experience, everything I’ve ever said, seen, heard, smelled, or tested is stored in the brain. So that when I say I can recall anything that has happen, I can actually do it and if I say I can’t remember something then I can’t. There are so many things I can remember now that I keep thinking of. Some of these things bring me happiness while some just make me fell stupid. Like when I was in elementary school, I never liked school. I use to run away from class and wonder about the entire city looking for what I did not lose. My father at that time nearly gave up on me. He’d concluded that he was not going to keep wasting his money on my education, since I would end up in the street when I should be in the class. To me at that time it was cool and fun because I didn’t think that school had anything to do with the life of a person I was just trying to please my father only when I went to school but today it’s a whole different story. Of course education will increase one’s chance of earning a mega job and other incentives that follow but it will never bring happiness if the work is not seen as play.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concept in this book to your personal circumstance in life?

I’ve always told my self that a good book should have effect on the reader whether consciously or unconsciously. Most times the effect is unconscious. The difference between success and failure is a very thin line. The line is so thin that it is not visible to the naked eye. To succeed I must have a goal, to reach the goal, I must have a plan. Every successful person I have seen has suffered set back. No one person could boast that the journey was an all round pleasant one. Through the ideas of this book, I see the world in a different way. I must say that I feel I’m responding to this book using the ideas of NVC and real magic. There are no mistakes in life only result and what the results are interpreted to be is what is more important now in life. There’s an idea in the book that said ‘words are the most important powerful drug used by mankind’. To define my relationship, it depends on the impression I create using the words that I intend. If I’m meeting someone for the first time I ask my self what I would want the person to think about me. Sometimes it’s not the cloths that do the speaking and introduction of what I have to offer the tone of voice alone can win me the person confidence. Relationships are built on trust which is a function of the things we tell each other if I start telling my friend a lie; he’s going to work on what he is told. Communication is very important in every area of human endeavor. Without communication we are no where in life and all the things that have been made would not have been. Through the power of communication demands are made and supply is possible. The word we live in is getting smaller and better through the use of words. I have a friend who is now in the US, sometimes when we talk I wonder if the location is actually as far as I have been condition think in the past. Through research, I have come to know that it is the only thing that is holding us and keep connecting us together. I would not have known Mr. Michael if not the drive to make the world a better place. This dream starts with me. I have always believed that the mind is the soul of my existence but how to take control of it is what I’m just getting to know. There’s no point telling a lie if it will not favor me, but if I choose not to lie then, I know that it is between lie and truth. They both cancel out each other. The con science is only open to that which is true. In my goal I wish to help people to understand that what they feel is not as a result of what is happening around them; but an interpretation of what’s happening. Nigeria is a country with a lot of talent and drive that need to be harnessed in the proper direction. People don’t need to run away from their responsibility owing to the level of corruption in the land. Those who are supposed to represent us in government are busy embezzling the sweat of the common man.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book?

I believe the ideas are not new but a reminder of some of the things to consider if I’m racing towards what I’ve set as my goal.

There are no mistakes in life but result. I have to be open and truthful to things I do and tell my self about the reality of my actions. I can only help if I have the right mind set and attitude towards helping. There’s no one person who can argue that it is alright being alone. The world is full of people with great ideas and plenty talent that need to be directed towards the right angle.

Generalization is not advisable if I want specific result from someone. Most times I find myself generalizing when I’m talking with someone on issues that involve us directly. The other day I wanted to tell a guy that I did not like what he did I remember saying that ‘ you people are fund of touching things that I keep without my permission’ in a world of diverse identity, the way forward is tolerance. It leads to peak performance. Where people are failing I will excel though the world is not a battlefield for who the best is or the strongest amongst men. Success is not on how much money I make each day but on how many people I’m able to tolerate. Denis Waitley said in his book the new dynamics of winning that ‘make friendship a fine art’.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way?

It is one thing to set goal another to achieve the goal. The book is a reminder that I’m already on course to somewhere. I may not find all the goodies that I expect on my way to my destination but surely the end is always better than the beginning. People are a very vital part of the journey and the impression I create is part of the determinant of the time it will take me to get there.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with?


6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

The tone and flexibility of the book are easy to understand. The book is a must read for all those who are aspiring for the top of whatever they have chosen. I had to close my mind to all the books I have read in other to get the message of this book. The book is very helpful in that it has reminded me of the journey ahead and the likely expectation and what should happen if otherwise.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

If I have dreamed of a better world, the book is here to show me how to achieve the extraordinary quality of life I desire and deserve and how to master my personal and professional life. The book is here to help me find what I really want and how to manage what I have. It is book for leaders and those who are led.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9.75



The Power Of Intention
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

Life has never given to anybody what he/she bargain for and most times it is about the things we don’t have rather than the things we have. I asked myself one day that suppose the way we walk now that we are use to is not the way are originally created to walk and that some day we will go back to walking on three legs what would be our respond. Rather than give thanks for what have we spend hours of our time murmuring like the children of Israel. Why are we so different from our and far from the intention we were created for in the first place. The different between those who win and lose is not the fact that some people have been blessed beyond measure while some have been cursed beyond pardon but only realization of who we are and what we should be. If happiness is a destination for some people it is only a journey for some. According to intention of creation, everything in the world is in perfect order. The book is an inquest into the reason why some people are successful and some are not. Why are some people in the society without material acquisition so happy and why some people with all it takes to make a perfect life yet a smile can not be seen on their face? It is a book for all; those who think they have it all and those who think nothing to live for.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The four steps to intention on page 12 are the first the seven ideas in the book that I find very important they are; discipline, wisdom, love and surrender. If I want to be successful in whatever I’ve chosen, then I must discipline myself using wisdom and love to design my plan and to surrender to the power of intention. These points to me are the basics for success and the weapon to achievement.

The last paragraph of page 25 and 27 says ‘when you’re unkind, you’re blocking the face of kindness and ‘beautiful thoughts build a beautiful soul’ respectively. The truth about these points is that it reminds me of the moments I had unkind thoughts about people I felt were not good enough to be around me. At this level of reasoning, there was nothing I found to be good in whatever they did. There were times when all I thought of was to make trouble with them or register my ego over them. These thoughts did not do any good to my soul as they rather spoiled it. It is said that you attract to your life all that you give your attention to.

The third of the seven ideas is that on page 37 that talks about entering into the spirit of intention, the idea there is that what you’re feeling is a function of how you’re thinking. My thoughts have always been a reflection my achievements, they represent all that’s going on of inside me. Each time I make progress it goes to show that I have been thinking of progress for my neighbor. Life is not about what I have gathered for myself but for what I have given in appreciation for my fellow man. I know of people who have all but yet still feel so alone unlike those with nothing but yet feel the world is theirs.

The seven steps for overcoming ego’s hold on me is the fourth idea in the book that I find important. The reason I feel I’m better than anybody is nothing but the work of ego. It will sometimes tell me why I don’t have to give in to some people around me. It will sometimes tell me why I’m better than even myself such that I think less of me. It is the reason I feel my skin color is not what it should be and so much more.

The fifth idea says ‘we are in a world that advertise and promotes reason to be anxious’. This true if my life is based on what I see on television and play boy magazine. I will never get enough of what I don’t want. The more I see the more I want of what is less than necessary owing to the fact that some people said it is so. The decision is no longer mine but that of models.

The sixth idea is on page 180 and says I should pay attention to my feeling. There’s a voice inside of everybody that lead to destiny and only those who are able to listen to their feelings can understand this voice. I recall a day my feeling told me not to lie to cover somebody who left a meeting without excuse by my own thought the person came back only for me to know that the person had been granted excuse by the president. I felt like a little child who was claiming to know but in actual, knew nothing.

The last of the seven ideas is the most thoughtful; it says illness is not a punishment. I have never seen any ill person whose illness isn’t thought to be the reward for a wrong. It is common that those who are sick for a long time are those that are pursued by the enemy. Illness to me is way of calling us back to the power of intention. Illness could take various forms. It could be in the finance, relationship, work and the likes. The most harmful one is personal weakness in the area of composure and pressure taming in my words. I remember a day I could not meet my clients request at the agreed time and when I eventually got the item delivered I was called back that the unit is faulty while on my way home. When I got home that evening, my room was flooded and I was so angry but there was nothing I could do but to clean up the place and move on with next thing on my useful agenda.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

What is life all about and at what time in the course of life do I do what? At what time am I to do the right thing and the wrong? It seems like they are more questions in life than answers or may be there’s only one answer to all the questions in the world. From all that I have seen, heard, touched, tested and smelled, there’s nothing like love. True love is the sources of everything from the inception. The world was created out of love. Everything I need to improve the life in my world is love. I must not give because the recipient is my biological brother or sister.

I don’t have enough money to solve all the problems of the world; however, I can give all the information that the world needs to be a better place and that is love. I got to know about this program through love, all I need to do is spread the gospel.
I live in a country that has a record for violence and social disturbance and this attitude is common among the youth which is my target area. A lot of people see me and wonder what the magic is as regard the way I now display unlike in the past. Some find it hard to believe that it’s what I read and try to practice. One thing on the minds of people is that money brings happiness and without it there’s nothing worth living for. I have seen people with a lot of money but yet can’t find happiness worth a penny.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention?

Though not the only quote that I find very interesting but this is the quote that got me thinking as I read the rest of the book.

‘’ when you’re unkind you’re blocking the face of kindness’’ this thought kept coming back even as I read and each time it came it came with a new idea, one of the idea it came with reminded me of those times I held back when my spirit moved me to give completely. I always have this dispute in me each time I want to give myself in service either physically or financially. I may have the desire or the drive but something would hold me back from doing that which I feel like doing. Sometimes I wonder what is the force behind my not given and the rejection to it.

Giving comes from the heart and it must not be conditional and must not on factors other than that of satisfying the need of my fellow man.

5. Is there anything I n the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?


7. Was there anything you read in book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?

I’d like to add that it requires a high level of intelligence in order to comprehend the message. It book is not about the character language but about the revelation of each sentence. I personally like the book even though it took a long time to read and do the assessment on the book. The book is a soul searching one that leads to reconciliation between God and man. We are at the hour of returning to intention.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 7



Goal Setting 101
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The first time I read goal setting 101, I was filled with thoughts of how I could be what I want to be a world where I had a different view of things. At one time while reading the book I was forced to take a look at the cover of the book and ponder once again on the saying that, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’. To be candid, this is the only book I’ve read since I started this journey that actually defined how to set a goal starting with having a vision and setting or having a mission. Quite a small but more informative than some of the bulky books I have in my collection. Goal setting 101 is not a book about one idea, but a bundle of ideas expressed in the most suitable form for beginners, those who have arrived, and the likes. The only person, who can’t benefit from this book, is the person that doesn’t take time to read. Whether it is written on my forehead that I have a goal or not, there is a goal to be achieved. Everything in life is about a goal. Even if I decide not to do anything that is a goal I have set. It is a book that is designed for leaders and achievers who starts as beginners.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

Ideas are windows through which I see the opportunities that are out there to be harnessed.

The first of the goals that interest me is the definition of a goal. ‘A goal is an end toward which you direct specific effort’. This definition shows that there’s an accomplishment to be achieved. The outcome is measurable, and there’s a date and time of accomplishment. Most times when I think there’s no goal, it only goes to show that I have not decided on what I want however, there’s a goal. Life is defined. Anything I want in life has to be precise and that is the only way I can channel my effort towards that goal. What I realized lately is that sometimes I set goals yet I know not about it.

The truth will prevail, one way or another and usually sooner rather than later. It is better to face fact at the planning phase, and to convince others to do the same. This is not for the sake of building character or maintaining mortality. It is a matter of survival. Whether or not you face it, truth will create consequences. This is the second idea in the book that I read day in day out. I have written and printed and hung on the wall of my bunk. Each time I think of lying and look at it I just smile and tell myself that day by day and in every way through the grace of God I’m getting better and better. I feel good about the way books have help me change a lot of negative program. Though, I don’t have more money to show for it but, I certainly know that I’m happier with myself and things around me. Why should I complain when I know well that it won’t make me feel any better? If I can just put one tenth of time I spend in idle thought to good use, I’m sure I’ll be ten times better than the effort put in. the only thing that is available and at a free cost is information. It is the thin line that makes the big difference between winners and loser in this world we live in today. If I can learn from those who have tried, and then winning should not be difficult.

The third idea is on page 10. It is the last sentence on the page. It says ‘no decision is difficult to make …. If you get all the facts’. Why are things the way things are and not the way I would want them to be? May be I should I’ve come around first to create the world so that I would have done it the way I want. Who created this world? No man. The world was created by God and according to the bible the world was good and pleased the lord who created it. Who I’m I to complain about anything when I’m not a mistake in the world. I should be trying to align myself with the universal law rather the other way. Nothing is hard if I have the information to make or get to where I’m going. Most times it is about the things I don’t have and not the things I have which should take me to my destination. The truth could be in the books I read, the places I go or coded in the people around me, that is why one author said ‘when the student is ready the teacher will appear’.

The fourth idea said everything counts. If you have seen the cartoon the Robinson, you’ll understand. In the movie, the watch word is keep moving forward. This is a strong way of encouraging me to stand firm no matter the challenge. Everything in life count either here on earth or in heaven. All information will lead to the next level of a quest; however, not all level will lead to success. I told a friend sometime ago that I have found the key to happiness and his reply was that let’s see if I’ll stop being sad. Then there was this day when I really feeling like tearing apart the world to find out the guys who rubbed me. He came over and reminded me that I thought you’ve found the key to being happy who come I could not use the key to feel happy when I was rubbed. For a moment he reminded me that I have only chosen to be sad because being sad was a choice.

The fifth idea says act like leader. A leader is the first to follow. A leader is the master of information. A leader is the man with the skill, the one who organizes the group, the one who takes the blame if things don’t go well. He’s one who can bring out something out of nothing, for the interest of the group comes first. Acting like a leader doesn’t mean to be a bully or finding fault with the rest of the group. If I were alone in this world, would there be any need for leadership of any kind? Who needs law when there’s no offence? Life is not about me, nor is it about others, life is for everybody. I met one lady who told me she was feeling so alone but when I looked around I saw more than a dozen people around her. That is one thing I discover though it’s always been there, the things I think I don’t have to move forward are the things around me that I cannot see.

The sixth idea is keep a positive attitude. What can I do in this world that need attitude less that 100%? If I were to assign numbers to alphabet say 1 for A, 2 for B, ….. Z for 26. ATTITUDE if assigned numbers and added, will be 100%. It is a formula everybody could trust.

The seventh idea is learn to manage failure and setback. Attitude may be 100% while the result turns out 0. Failure and setback are not evitable in life. It does a lot of good to sometimes see them as signal I must heed if I must succeed in life. Just day becomes night so too do people and situation changes. The steps that led to the failure must not be ignored or else it becomes a habit which could lead to frustration in life.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

Life is a stage, and at every point or scene I have the opportunity of doing better in what I’ve chosen to show case. People are ideas or sometimes characters which I could either emulate or run away from. A lot bothers on how I chose to look at things. Some will come with woes while some with hope. In either case, none can be held for my action. It is my call and destiny that should hold me and not what someone feels about me. I live in a world were money has been made a thing of worship, those with more are well praised no matter how it was accumulated. Were do I stand if I don’t make it? Who is responsible for my failure?

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which got your attention.

There are a lot of quotations in the book and to be frank all the quotation are special each new one looking better than the last. I want to sum all the quotations in the book into one and which is ‘SET A GOAL TODAY’. It is not enough to set goals but the follow through.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with.


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercise and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?


8. Please rate the following on the scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to other? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Leadership For Dummies
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author(s) are trying to convey in this book?

The book is written by Marshall Loeb and Stephen Kindel, two gentlemen who from their introduction have been there, done it and it worked for them and believe that with right attitude and proper understanding of what leadership entails, we can all become leaders in whatever field we find ourselves. Personally the book is using practical examples to demonstrate the meaning, types, benefit, and challenges of leadership. Leadership involves more than being the president of a group, organization, family but a whole lot more like managing one’s self. Leadership also deals with the understanding of one’s self in the area of personal evaluation and responsibility to others and this where the book comes in. No man can lead unless he is ready to follow and this where the twist is. In leadership the interest of those who are led is the primary aim of leadership.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first of the idea is that which the essence of leadership is. The book defined leadership as the set of qualities that cause people to follow. I remember one time I was seeing a movie and the leader in the movie wanted to lead his troop into battle but while on their way to battle field he told his men that non of them would return home that they were doomed to die in that battle. Before they got to where they were to camp he noticed he was the only one, others had return. The lesson from that scene is that leadership is not supposed to reduce followers to their fear but to encourage them to keep the faith even when the coast is not clear. My leadership time-out has not been on the scale when I have interest that conflicts with my. Most time it has always been me and my self.

Secondly, is the idea about what a leader need. Leadership is not based on the size, color, creed or religion of a person or group. Leadership is a field that I must walk across in other to lead well in life. Life will not present me with all the skills I need to be a good leader at the same time. However, it will, through the step by step movement within the rung of the leadership ladder. That is why I feel that education is everywhere and at every time. I have seen people with good qualification yet have nothing to show for their effort.

The third idea that actually affected me positively is making the emotional connection. Is there anything that can be done without a yarning heart? This is the force of everything I do in life. My emotion is the source that drives me toward the goal. I remember when I was invited for an interview, I was not cut in for the job and it was obvious that I did nothing to please the panel. I was just there to fill in the numbers.

The fourth idea is that which defines the responsibilities of a leader. All my life I don’t think I’ve taken responsibility as I recall. By this, I mean being responsible for others and putting their needs before mine while eliciting their cooperation. I sat down one day and asked my self what my priority was and I just felt bad that all this while it has just been me, me and no one else. My worries are what I will eat, wear, travel to or who I go to for what I need, and not what I do to improve the life of my brother or sister. There was a time someone reminded me that I was stingy and greedy. I pray that God forgives me because even by his command I’m not worthy of His blessings. Sometimes I fill the world is such that all we want is already there for us not to disturb anybody, yet again that is a wicked notion to harbor especially when in a world of shortage, war, illiteracy, hunger and the likes. Responsibility towards others is what makes us who we are (a people), not by what we want to become in the face of competition.

The fifth idea in the book that I enjoy is that which involves volunteering time and skills. No man can give what he doesn’t have. To be a good leader, I must have skills in what I command and the ability to give my time for the interest of the group. A great leader is known for his patience and ability to elicit the cooperation of others. I remember one of my member told my that I was a bad president in the group I head in church, when the words can to me I thought I should give him a piece of my mind and at once I reacted that I was going to slap him if he repeated those words again. I was on my way home that same day when it occurred to me I was wrong no matter what. He had to act the way he did and I was needed to be the leader regardless of what happen. I was feeling sad then I started to look for the reason why my actions or respond. Again I realized that even if I justified my respond a leader should learn to take the heat especially from his members.

Sixth is the idea on page 176, it said, ‘who are we and why are we here’. The question reminds me of the reason for our existence in this life. Sometimes I think we’re not in this for own reason but that of the creator of mankind. He has a purpose for us and whatever position I find myself I must not think I can do it all by myself. I’m a leader either I have troops behind me or in front. Leadership is not all about the man at the top it involves those who are holding him up.

The final idea on the book that I like is on page 292 which is the failure of leadership. Will I always get what I want? No. Will I smile always? No. Why? That is where the failure of leadership come in, this becomes a reminder that even all is fine I could still fail. Leadership involves making mistakes and learning from it no matter what the challenge may be, I have to keep a cool head and hope for the best at all times even when the actual result is not the budget.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world?

Life is a step by step movement if I’m to succeed at whatever I’m doing. These ideas are helpful to me because each time I look at them or recast my mind on the ideas it gives me the encouragement that I’m on the right track. We live in a world where we see more challenges everything around is in short supply and the individual need for more is constantly present. Creating a better world begins with one’s self in leading or using my resources for the better of those around me and helping people to know that they are not just poor children of a rich father.

Personally I’m getting better by each day things that I use to worry about seem to fall in place when the right time comes. It is not by me being so special that I get favored above everybody else. Life itself is a gift. The appreciation of life is the first point of success before other things.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention?

The quotation on page 300 of the book states, ‘keep strong, if possible. In any case keep cool. Have unlimited patience. Never corner an opponent, and always assist him to save face. Put yourself in his shoes – so as to see things through his eyes. Avoid self –righteousness like the devil – nothing so self- blinding.’

After reading the opening words, I paused for a moment to think the words through. I realized we live in a competitive world where the strong need to crush the week to survive. Everything around us is for show, to intimidate those who cannot perform at the pace set by others. The number of people you knock down shows how strong you are and the rest that follows. What is life if I can’t have all I can grab from the loot? Who know what I’ll become if I decide what’s right? It’s all a mind game that what life is. Only those who know their way will make it. There’s nothing wrong if you make a few bucks off your brother, he won’t know.

Should he? I’ll tell him off. It’s a world for the strong.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you do not agree with and, if so why?

Reading this book initially was like reading a newspaper. It is not soul searching in all fairness. It could be as a result of the other books I’ve read from authors like Shad Helmstetter and other authors on personal development and empowerment. The truth is I had to read it again and again for the sake this assessment. Though others, who saw the book, had a feel of some of the ideas, spoke well about the book. ‘

6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete?

While on page 88, I brought out a SWOT table on my note book, then I did some imputation to assess my ability and it is really helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?


A. How interesting was it to read? 5
B. How helpful were the contents? 5
C. How easy was it to understand? 5
D. Would you recommend it to others? 7
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 5


Goal Mapping
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Every leader has the opportunity of starting at some point where it is hard to believe his or her story. The author started from a point where he saw life to be beyond his reach, then the moment where he had to give up like in the movies, when you know the end has come, the story takes a new turn and it is not the impossible that he thought to be the case but rather a case of faith, believe and the ability to feel in the moment. He was not able to read not until he’d reached the age most of us give up. We’re living in a world where everyone wants power, the power to have whatever I want. To some the power is money, to some the power is that of mind over matter. The author had the same option like I do today. He could have chosen to give up on life and end like most people without faith and the hope for something better. The book goal mapping from the title shows that every dream could become a reality if only the attitude to combine the available with the unavailable is positive. No one man has all he needs to make the much impact in the world that is required. The true winner is that man who can put to use that which people think less of.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally important to you and why?

On page 32 of the book is the idea that says ‘thinking about what you want’. I sat one day and said nothing about anything and about anyone, but thinking about the world I live in. It is a wonderful world created out of perfection and good intention. How often do I think about the things I want and what is the reason I think about these things? Why do I get the feeling that I’m on track if I keep thinking of the things I want and not the things I don’t have. How it is that the mind can’t tell which event is just an imagination from the one that is real, and at what point do I get the chance to make the right choice? Life has never had all the answers at a particular time for any one person; it is a one step at a time thing for everybody regardless of what anybody thinks. The most important thing in the world we live in today is the thing that is made from the field of thought. Thinking is the reason for being. It creates an opportunity to go deep into the mind and bring out the best that the mind can conceive at the moment.

Secondly, the idea that I find important is on page 36 which is a follow up of the earlier idea. It said thinking a better result. The mind is like an open box ready to receive whatever is thrown into it. If I think negatively, the box will continue to receive the junk I put into it. This will become a usual habit that I may not be able to manage after some time. At this point I won’t be able to see the creativity in me but only the wrong reasons as to why are things not the way I want it to be. The government will become an issue, why am I not getting the things I feel are mine will challenge me to the grave. I told someone about the program lately and the question he asked was how can it make him a better person? I said being a better person means being at peace with oneself, seeing the good in the next man other than how he does things in the foolish way. When the wrong of my fellow man become my joy or my pleasure is his pain.

The third idea is thinking from the heart. Progress cannot be made out of doing nothing to improve my situation. I have to move, the goal is set already in the form of a dream. It can only come through if I start thinking emotionally about what I want to do. Emotion is a strong driver that leads to accomplishment. It makes the whole thing worthwhile. It creates the desire to want more and keep pushing even when the road seems to be at full stretch. Emotion is force. I can’t make it if my emotion is not in line with my goal.

The forth idea is the seven laws of manifestation. The first of the law said I should have belief in myself and my goal. This is the first point of the journey. At this, I become a partaker in shaping my destiny and write my own script. The second of the laws is balance your goals. The goal must be one that is visible and has a reasonable time span. The goal I set must not be far from my reach. Sometimes I find that mere wishes are turned into goals that have no backing and before I know it, the desire is gone just as it came with a flash. The third law is live in the moment. There’s a part in the Bible where Jesus said anything I pray for, I should believe I have received it. It is the moment that matters. If I start seeing it from the mind eye then I can have it.

Like the last law that say live in the moment, the forth law said state my goals in the present tense. Living the moment means being in the present. It gives me the opportunity to feel the moment I crave for. All of life is now and not about yesterday nor tomorrow but this moment. I get this cool feeling each time I think of myself as a winner though no trophy to lift however, I feel good about the fact that I have life. The strongest do not always wins, nor do the weak always fail.

Fifth is the law that say, I should state my goals in positive tense. My word is my wand like in the movies if I wield it with wisdom, I will not regret my actions no matter what is the outcome.

The sixth law is that I state my goals in personal tense. By this, the goal become traceable such that I can live my goal and make it work like it meant my life.

The last of laws is that which say I should allow for lag-time. This time enables me to check and balance. With this time, I can look back on the goal to measure the level of progress I’ve made.

The fifth idea in the book that I find important is mental preparation on page 100 of the book. A mentally sound mind is the life wire of every achievement regardless of the trials. The mind needs to be told what it should look out for or else it will bring anything and chances are that the mind can hold on to negative thought for a long time owing to there flexible nature.

The sixth idea in the book I like is the idea that said I should mind my language. Language is of two kind and nature, the first is the language of the mind which involved thoughts and seeing the things I want. These things the mind see and talk about aren’t everyday talk with friends, family, etc. These words form the greatest part of my creative power. The second is the physical words used in everyday conversation. Sometimes I say things I don’t mean to honor and do not feel bad about it. It is a common thing to joke with someone and feel cool about it. The mind always wants the truth and anything less will not do.

Finally is the idea that says treasure the gift. One of the greatest gifts to me is the gift of life. Life is the platform from which all other things take shape. The way we live in Africa is such that I wonder if we’re going anywhere. The life is all about money. No more moral values. If everybody in my country could have the chance of reading a book like this weekly, then we can change the world we live in today.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

Each time I look around me in all fairness, I see things that make me feel I’m at the wrong end of the road or sometimes people argue that we’re living in the difficult moment in life and time. What is the inspiration that some are still making it, their dreams are still on course no matter the pain.

4. Quotes: are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention?

There are a lot of quotes in the book. I want to say that this is the book with the most quotes I’ve read. Each page of the book has quote that best describe or confirm the visibility of an idea. The quotes are so much that each time someone asked me for the book, the quotes are the first thing I remember. However, one of the many quotes I ponder on often is on page 96 By Abraham Lincoln, he said ‘always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing’. This goes to confirm a saying I always have that there’s nothing that people say that can change me except what I tell myself. Everybody has a goal, known or unknown. It is not the bad government, my poor family, my level of education and the likes that are responsible for where I am today but what and where I’ve told myself I want to be. I can’t hold anybody responsible for my sins, it’s me. That’s what I want, it’s the desire of my heart. If I’m not comfortable with the way see myself I will change. That how we interpret some as success and call the other whatever. I spoke to a man sometime ago, I’ve looked at him as a success in all of life challenges I was surprise when his answer was the opposite. He didn’t see it like that rather he wanted to fulfill the script of his friends. At first I felt I couldn’t talk to him he should know better it’s the common thing, then I realize that no one too bad no one too good to be uplifted.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are not clear about,


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?

Yes, and I found the exercise very helpful because it reminded me that I’m on course.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you’d like to comment on that was covered in the previous questions


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8



The Art and Craft of Creative Writing feature Articles
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Life is about telling stories, because life itself is a story. All the books that I have read about all the things that happen in the past have come in the form of stories, either told by people who have lived through time or as recorded. For a story to be interesting to read and better understood it must follow certain guideline, which enable the reader to have a better understanding of what the writer or author message is about. Since life is a story, we all tell stories of event, society, culture, personal experience in our lives or reporting some of the changes in our environment.

Sometimes we are opportune to write an article that is read worldwide and in doing these, some of our personal opinion is coiled into the story thereby giving the story a human face. When reporting a story the writer assumes a position as either an actor or an observer. Whatever position the writer takes depends on the writer’s involvement. The author advises that the writer or storyteller assume the position of summarizer, referee or observer in defining his story as it progresses or at different stages.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first of the seven ideas in the book is on extrapolative reasoning on chapter 1 of the book. This is when a story may not worth a feature story in itself but the storyteller looks beyond the boundaries and infer that it goes story goes beyond what it seems now. In life, I have always been looking for the big break to establish myself as a person with ideas and skills that are in demand to make an impact in my world but this “big break” sometimes present itself in the little things that I fail to take note of. If a client cannot trust me with a small amount, nothing will make him give the recommendation that could lead me to the point where I want to get. People are the rung on the success ladder I want to climb and the confidence that I’m a reliable person must continue to live in the mind of those I associate with.

Secondly, on this point, I crave to be a writer or as a columnist. I want to write articles on the creative power of the mind. If I must excel and have, my readers believe in me, I must have the ability to see beyond the borders of the mind in writing.

The second of the seven ideas is on page 11, which is projection. As a writer, my story must be clear and should be able to move into new territories. I must not limit myself to an event without looking around for cause and effect. At central development, something begins to happen. It could a single event; it may not have the taste of a big story. As the development advances, it begins to affect people, places or institution in specific ways. Here, the development has an impact that could be able to address the changes in line with development. As it happens, people should be able to know if it the impact is adverse or not and their response to the impact which becomes a countermove good or ill. The story must be dependable. If I wrote, an article on the nature of the mind like what the mind can imagine can become a reality and I present my facts in such manner that the reader cannot see reality in my article it becomes clear that I don’t know what I am saying and I may not get the materials published.

The third idea is on page 100. A reader should feel that he or she is on a river and not a lake. What is the idea behind running in circle if I want to grow and move forward? Success is not measured by the number of times I win but by the number of times, I’m able to get back on my feet after a fall. When writing is to drive home the point, it must be in such manner that that the reader has a clear picture of the message. I have read some articles that have shape my life today. I am not writing this because I learnt writing in school. When I pick up an article to read, I just don’t just fall in love with the story but consider the structure and the layout. I look out for style and presentation. I’m sure that this is what a lot of people also look for when reading and article.

The fourth idea is on time line. Is there anything that is as important as time, No. time is very important in life and so in writing. Time follows place to place and action for action. It enables the reader to align the situation with the reality of the event. The bible is one good example of how time affects events and the outcome. Those who are bible student will attest to the this fact that time can repeat events, like when God said something at a particular time and it is experience at another time. An event must have an origin, which can be describe in time. Time is a link, which enables to variations to be made.

The fifth idea is heading. If there’s anything that attracts the reader to a story or article, it is the heading. This is like the goal, set to attracts and once in motion, it can only accomplished that which it has been set to do. A good heading is a clearly set goal. It serves as a reference to the reader. It enables the reader to have a quick over view of the entire story. However, sometime the heading can be misleading like some of the articles in some of the local dailies that carry serious heading but have nothing to offer other the inexperience of the writer. I saw one heading that said ‘man dies after sex’. I wanted to read the story as I noticed that people were just rushing to get a copy of the paper the heading of the story lurked in my mind for some time to the point where I wish I could buy the paper. About a week later, somebody brought a copy of the paper to my place and when I went through the paper, I was glad I did not buy the paper. There are so many other great headings with nothing to offer.

One thing I noticed is that some people do not write to educate but just to make money like the experience above.

The sixth idea is on simplicity. Wow, this is one way to attract interest. The story ought to be clearly and understandable immediately. When the situation requires more than just brief explanation for the reader to catch the gist, the explanation must at each comer drive a point that leads to the next. Like doing my assessment, if I don’t have a good link of ideas I could end-up narrating a good idea in an awkward manner that will ruin the whole idea. Sometimes it is better to save the complex example that could create confusion in narrating a situation rather than bore the reader with lengthy stories that yield on but a fraction of result.

The seventh idea in the book that I find helpful is on variety and rhythm. I listen to music a lot and writing is liken to music in every aspect, the composure, lyrics outline and mixing. A good song brings joy to a troubled heart and creates excitement. This is the same with a good article. When the beauty of an article captures a reader’s attention, it creates room for open criticism, which helps the writer to understand areas of improvement. I have not seen or read about any author who had it perfect. From day in to day out the writer, crave for perfection in each job he handles and variety is the one area that enables the writer to understand variation in style and language.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

One of the most effective means of communication is writing. Writing is an art like the book title says. It involves the combination of the mind and ideas in creating a better world. Nearly all that we require as a people in our daily life is in communication. The writer should be aware that he is not operating in isolation that people rely on his or her writing to have a better understanding of his massage or what the writer is trying to convey. Life will be better if we try to tell it as it is, that is using the right words that do not misrepresent my intention because they are vague. In my assessment of books, I should know that it would only be fair if the proper attention is accorded the exercise. If I mean to say a particular thing or express my opinion on a subject and use words in such a way that the reader is not sure of what I’m trying to say the message will not passed across.

As a writer, I have to be sure that what I’m talking about in my writing either published or not should be reliable. The reader should be able to use my story for reference just I rely on some of the things I read to form some of the decisions that affect my life. I still hold on to what Shad Helmstetter said in his book ‘what you say when you talk to yourself’. He said that the problem with us is our programming. That it is what is holding us back when we are afraid to change our ways of doing things we know are not helping us move forward.

Writing is one of the things I love to do and I know I need all the help I can get.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.


5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.



A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would it recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating? 8.5



The Ecology of Commerce
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

This book is the other part of you can’t eat GNP. The book is about the possible effects of over exploiting the earth in search of wealth to feed the growing population, the activities of the super rich organization and their mode of operation without considering the limited nature of the recourses that they use to declare mega profit. According to Ecological findings by my deduction, resources are not scares. The desire to harness these resources has created the scarcity theory preached by Economist. Our need or the crave for wealth has only taken us to the point where we are no longer hunting to feed ourselves but to feed the children unborn. In the cause of multinational companies meeting their target (profit), they do not consider the effects of waste the environment has to suffer.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first of the ideas that I find very important is that the ultimate purpose of business should not be to make profit. I strongly agree with the author on the basis that business should be to help humanity manage his resources and not to exploit it for the sake of profit and himself. The resources from which we claim as our wealth belongs to nobody in particular but to be use for the wellness of those within that geographical area. If business is for profit then the wellness of those who manage it and those it should serve will be ruin as nothing short of profit will be tolerated. I was going through an audited report of one of the banks in my locality and I was shock by the figure declared as profit after tax. Comparing the pen ultimate year’s earning, I noticed that there was about 65% increase in profit after tax when compared to the previous earning. Good work by the staff and management team of the company. At the same time, I also notice that there was a school close to the head office of the company without roof and louver and then I wonder what is the benefit of all the mega bucks? I also notice some of the company’s staff wards attended the school. I thought to myself profit indeed. As a young business minded person, I have a line to draw from what I have just said. It is sad really to see all that money and yet nothing is done to improve the life of those around.

Towards the end of the first chapter, in the last paragraph to be precise the author noted that ‘business is the problem and should be part of the solution’. This I agree with as the second idea in the book that I find important. Nigeria is known worldwide to be endowed with vast human and natural resources with should put the country in a position to be reckoned with. That is not the case today because it is business as usual. In the Niger Delta region where the major sources of the nation’s income are derived, the standard of living is the worse when compared to areas that add nearly nothing to the nations GNP. The companies involved in the extraction of the resources will argue that they are paying returns to the government, which is supposed to meet the needs of the locals. It should not be business as usual. In the movie AVATAR, the sky people destroyed their land and in their quest for industrial survival, they needed to look elsewhere for land to meet their demand. The inhabitants of the land the sky people wanted to claim where not interested in choppers, cars or modern technology. They were part of the land and the land was part of them. They could communicate with the environment, as the environment and the inhabitants were both integral for the survival of the other. Greed would not allow the leaders of the sky people to see the connection between the environment and the people. The same thing is in practice today in our society. It is business. Yes, but it is the reason for the change in our environment to the point where we can no longer birth in the rain because it is too cold and more changes in environment that tend to wipe us to the point of extinction if not checked. In the oil producing states of the country, the local do not have portable drinking water because all their streams and well have been polluted and a lot more damage that has been done to the environment. Like the inhabitants in the movie, the people want the oil companies to vacate their land.

The third idea is on the definition of market and the rise of a market in the modern era as seen from pages 75 to 79. I feel one thing that keeps us going in life today is the knowing that we have something to sell. Market dates back to the creation of man. In the past it was that every home would produced all they needed and did not have to buy anything because there was nothing known as money. Later it became trade by barter where goods where exchanged for goods and then came money. The market evolved from stage to stage over time with each stage having its own challenges, which gives birth to the next stage and possible solution. In the present era, the market is far bigger than one could imagine. The market is now political, religiously and in all manners influenced and motivated such that it is no longer as free as defined as a free market. No one particular place can be held as the original market place for the distribution of goods and services rather it has been defined as the when production reach consumption. I’m in the market to sell ideas and manage skills acquired over time through school, personal experience and the society at large.

The fourth idea is the cost of production that is not added to the real cost of production. The environment is deteriorating at a level that is unbearable following man’s quest for wealth. In the book, the author said that the biggest 1,000 companies in America account for 65% of the country’s GNP while the remaining 11 million small businesses make up the rest of the figure. The same thing is obtainable in this part of the country and even at an outcome that is breath taking. The struggle is such that the big players are the ones with all the political influence that do not consider the effects of environmental pollution but profit. If the cost of pollution is added to cost of production goods will not be produced at rates that will lead to abuse. I may not find the right words to explain this point but I do understand the underlying meaning.

The fifth idea in the book is on the population growth rate. In all fairness, people have to feed. Whether it is to reclaim land from the sea to build homes or turn the forest into a desert, the needs of the growing population has to be met, somehow and this must continue as long as people keep procreating. The only way to check environmental degradation is to check population growth, which could lead disaster. A lot has been written and said on the population growth rate but not much has been done to check this trend owing to the sensitive nature of child birth control which can be highlighted from religion and political factors. In my life as a person, if I don’t want to have children of my own like everybody in Nigeria belief that a man can only be measured by the strength of his family. If I decide today that I don’t want to have children I’ll be looked at as impotent not minding the fact that children should be raised in a better environment.

The sixth idea I find helpful says that sustainable business do not require exotic capital in order to grow and develop. This idea reminds me of the period I started WATERMARK VENTURES. As at the time I did not have all the millions it takes to run a firm but I had the desire to start the project. It was one daring thing I had to do because my whole life depended on the outcome. That was when I realized that the key to success is not in what I don’t have but in the ‘little’ I have.

The seventh idea in the book is that sustainable business change consumers to consumers through education. When I agreed with the author that business should not be sponsored by the motive of profit it was because business should be another form of viable and laudable education. The customer is the reason for business otherwise there would be no market and eventually economy. The customer wants value for money and safety from consuming a product. Sometimes the seller may ignore the environmental importance of revealing some of the harm in a product if it will affect sale figure negatively. They are some manufacturing company that ought to been closed long ago but because they have affiliate with the regulators, nothing is done to check the operation. When Dr. Dorothy Akunyuli was the director of the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administrative Control (NAFDAC) an assassination on her life was attempted after she closed the biggest warehouse in Nigeria that was manufacturing fake drugs. Prior to her appointment, this company and NAFDAC have been in existence for a long time and we nothing was done to check the company or perhaps the company and NAFDAC were working hand in hand. If the intention of the business is to educate the customers they would not have been packaging chalk as analgesics.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

It is my wish that the world should be a better place. A world where I’ll be at peace with the environment, where the next earthquake will not be the effect man’s quest to find cheap energy which led to pollution and then consequently the earthquake. I may not see myself harming my environment because I’m not involved in mining for oil or energy or feel concern because the tsunami that occurred did not affect me, what about that nylon wrapper that I dropped into the gutter, it will be carried all the way to the lagoon.

Our environment is in need of rescue, it is true that the government that can enforce laws that will protect the environment from pollution, but somebody has to intimate the government about the dangers ahead. In my daily life I’ll try to ensure that I do not litter the environment. I’ll take up membership with organizations that have set out to protect the environment so together we can help spread the gospel of environmental protection and the benefits. I was watching a documentary on the local television sometimes late last year about the disappearance of forest in the Northern part of Nigeria. Some of the people that were interviewed on why the once upon a time forest has become a desert said the demand for wood was the main reason for the disappearance of the forest. He said that trees were cut but nothing was done as per planting another. He said the demand for wood rose and those with the energy to cut trees took advantage of falling the trees for wood. I noticed in the cause of the report that the rise in demand was as a rise in the population of the area. The first step to checking environmental pollution and deforestation is checking population growth rate. If the number of people continues to increase, the demand for natural resources will increase at a rate higher than supply and that is what is already in motion now. I also noticed that the government was paying lip service to prohibiting people from cutting trees because there were a sign post warning people not to fall trees but as at the time of the interview, there was a man with a truck load of timber who would not speak on camera.

Before now I thought it was development to see forest become estate but now I know it is a clear sign of famine if there is no land to grow crops then God forbid it becomes a dog eat dog to survive affair in our world.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book, which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

No. There are no quotes.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No. There was no table for me to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes, and I think it is on the scale of study by the author. Issues like this, should not be centered on the United State alone. The US is not the only country in the world with production capacity for pollution. It is an issue of global concern and therefore, reference be made with attention to other countries that contribute to global pollution in either scale.


A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 7
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you give it? 7.75



You can’t eat GNP; Economics as if Ecology matters
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

One of the most realistic books I have read about the environment and effects of man’s activities on the environment. The author by my own deduction is an Ecologist who sees the danger of exploiting the earth for profit that the Economist do not consider as a valuable resources in computing the Gross National Product (GNP) of a nation. Using the thesis of some of the neoclassical economist, the author defines what item(s) compose the rudiment for computing the GNP; explain the importance of what is left out and the impact on the globe. The author takes the reader on a journey where the reader can clearly distinct between the values of the soil and the big blue sky. The impact of pollution could course large-scale damage to mother earth. Over the past years, I have heard of global warming but never bothered to find out what it means. However, this is one material that has taken me to a point where I feel part of the situation regardless which angle I view the development. If the quest for profit will blindfold us of the harm we are emitting into the atmosphere then little or nothing of a bright future there is for those coming behind. The world is fast becoming hotter for our own comfort and over the years, there have been significant change in some of the pattern of life humans, plant and animal. Our attention therefore is drawn to the rise in sea level, the melting of Arctic ice, glaciers that are receding throughout the world, changes in the migrating patterns in birds. etc. This book reminds me a lot of some of the effect of global warming in the movie 2012.

According to the author, there are people who do not believe in global warming and some of this people are not just the everyday people on the street but people with the influence to help control pollution, people in government, private businesses, farmers, scientist in different fields, etc. It is about time we become aware of the importance of the environment and the effect of pollution.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

On page five of the book the author referred to those of us in the cities as urban peasants. This got me thinking for a while about the reality of the idea. I must say that I total agree with the author. We struggle from sun up to sun down to find our daily bread in the city, which is no different from those in villages. The pattern of operation is the same with that of the rural peasant. The book may have been written for the intention of preserving the environment but I must say that the under tone goes beyond the environment but to our attitude as well. We are connected to the environment, and at any one time, our activity has direct consequence on the environment whether negative or positive. At the same time of this assessment, there’s a young man of my age, height, and color who is on the farm struggling to earn his daily bread. While I use the computer to do my own form of farming, he uses the hoe and cutlass. We are no different as the rural peasant is even more on the advantage side than I am because he is closer to nature while I inhale smoke, carbon, harmful gases, etc.

The second idea in the book is the value of the attached to some of the natural resources like the ocean, big blue sky, etc. What is the monetary value for the human life? No amount of money equals a single life no matter how ‘useless’ the person might be to me. The environment is losing its grip and all we care about how much we can make out of it. The problem is not that of the United State alone. The United State is even in a better position to combat population because she has the recourses what about other countries of the world and in particular Africa. The level of environmental pollution in Nigeria is worrisome and all the leaders want is money and nothing more. Nothing is done to check pollution and all that happens is that only when lives are lost that fire bridged checks will be brought to assess the the level of damage. I remember when the resident of one community were calling on the government to come to their aid as they were living in danger of facing high number of death following spillage of harmful chemical from a manufacturing company located around the area.

In Nigeria people settle where they find space and regardless of the risk involve people just are not bothered. By my assessment, I feel we should have industrial estate at some distance away from residential areas.

The third idea I find important is the growth of the world’s population. Wow to the rate of population growth and more wow. I live in Lagos, the former capital of my great country Nigeria. While I was growing around family and friends I noticed that some places in Lagos even as young as I was back then I could count the number of people that occupy the entire area. Of course, if I could count the houses then I should be able to estimate the number of occupants. That is not the case as it is today should I ask a child of my then age now to go the same place and take census of the population of that same area. Before the present administration, Lagos was a mess. You could hardly find space along the road to park your suppose it became necessary to pull over as every open space was quickly turned into a market. The streets became heavily populated like the street of New York where you can’t walk without hitting somebody. Some of these things are the demands of an increasing population. The places that I used to play as my own garden where converted to market and then later residential quarters. Nigeria alone accounts for more than one hundred and forty million of the world’s population and the number is still growing with the high level of illiteracy and corruption that has nearly the heart of all.

The forth idea is the distinction between the Ecologist and Economist view of resources and application. The Economist argue that resources is scare as compare to the demand and the level of extraction is not enough to meet demand so more drilling, deeper digging must continue using the latest technology. While Ecologist are of the feel that it is the clamor for wealth that has created the scarcity in a bid to jack prices and make more profit. They are also of the opinion that the rate at which the environment is suffering from pollution, will cause great danger to humanity. I personally feel that both Economist and Ecologist are out to serve humanity and rather that agreeing not to agree, a middle ground be established to effectively manage the situation such that the environment is not polluted in a bid to conducting business. Every day on the TV, in the papers, and around us there are changes that we know is sign of depletion of the environment and yet little or no attention is been given to these changes.

The fifth idea is on the awareness the book has created. It has given me the exposure to some of the terminologies and ideas as to what greenhouse gas effect is. I never knew that sulfate aerosol is a particle and it caused acid rain. I was introduced to words like chlorofluorocarbon and what they do, though I don’t think I can identify these compounds if shown to me. Again, the book as also open a dialog box for me to use as reference when I want to make a case on the effects of greenhouse gases. It is clear that in life argument can be sponsored by adequate knowledge, therefore it will to my advantage to have a better understanding of some issues that affect the environment.

The sixth idea in the book is on the three fallacies. The one that strike me the most is the Custer folly’s fallacy that say that the technological development that will save us from soil depletion and groundwater contamination. This reminds me so much of the damage that has already been done in the oil producing areas of the nation. Before the discovery of oil, Nigeria use to depend on agriculture and this accounted for over 70% of nation’s income. Then every zone of the nation was actively involved in the growth process of nation by engaging in farming of crops for both domestic consumption and foreign trade. The north I remember had a lot of pyramid of groundnut, hid and skin while places like the south had timber and rubber, palm oil and the likes. After the discovery of oil all farming work went into eternal suspension and ever since then the reliant has been on oil. When we can no longer drink from stream and harvest crops from the field then Marie Antoinette will suggest that we can drink fuel if there is no water like people will eat cake if there’s no bread.

The seventh idea in the book I that find very important is the discounting of resources so that they can be sold now. I do not see the sense in telling myself that my life will worth less in future so that I can over price myself today. If we discount the value of resources now so that we sell all we have then in future there will be nothing left for those we call our children. I have a parcel of land back at the countryside that I know means nearly nothing except that when I travel home, it is where I stay during the holiday period. If I decide to sell the place so that it can be used to grow crops the Economist would only attach value to the crops that the land produced and nothing to the land itself. The house could mean a lot to my family and beyond. The idea of discounting resources is doing more harm to the environment than good.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I have never felt connected to the environment before now and to be honest it use to be if it did not affect me it doesn’t concern me. In truth there’s no way I can distance myself from the environment. As the author suggested, I may not have any direct effect on the environment but if I take the gospel to those around me about how our little I don’t care attitude towards our environment can become global disaster, it will do a lot of good. This good may not be now but in future. When my family was still residing in the barracks, we use to watch my dad and other of his block members bury the garbage they gather after the monthly clean up exercise. I also noticed it got to a point where there was nowhere else to bury any more garbage because the ones that were bury many months ago were still like it was buried only yesterday. The whole compound bumpy and sometimes when we had heavy rain the surface soil would be washed away and some of the nylon and plastic would be expose. It was really a mess but nobody was bothered and some time I had to garbage myself.

When I was living on the mainland, that is where I saw how land has been abused in Nigeria and I want to say that the level of poverty in the land is so pronounced people don’t bother about their health not to talk of caring for the environment. I noticed that the rate at which people where dumping garbage was indiscriminate. Landowner would allow their undeveloped land to be use as a dumpsite before sand filling.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book, which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There are quotes in the book that the author used to support his point on the importance of the environment and the implication of environmental pollution. The quotes are in agreement with what the author belief that population has effects far greater than what could be valued using economic models.

There’s a quotation on page 58, it said ‘the economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment’. During my time in secondary school and the high institution and until date, I noticed that land is only valued based on the owner’s interest and nothing mattered if the land was going to be used as a dumpsite. The big blue sky was something that only scientist should talk about and if any harm is done to it, it is not our trouble. We are connected to the environment and if we misuse it, effect is that we could become in need of it later and not find it. In Lagos where I live now I noticed that all the areas that use to have trees and lakes have all been sand filled and turned into estate. All the greenery is fast going into extinction because of the quest for accommodation to shelter the ever-increasing population.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I’ll like to comment again on the rate of population growth in line with the resources available at our disposal. I know that the earth is big. And on a daily bases new grounds are conquered as technology is enhancing the level of production which gives man the opportunity to take tea with omelet in the morning, then rice and salad for lunch and whatever he so desire for dinner. But I’m of the opinion that this will not be the same in just a few years if the natural growth rate continue to spin upward. I remember some years back when I asked my dad that why did he give birth to ten children and he replied who should he not have given birth to among my brothers and sisters? I know people are becoming more informed on the effects of having more children than can manage but the population of those in the dark about this awareness is alarming.


A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you give it? 9



What God Wants
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

There is a big problem in the world in the author’s view that needs to be carefully examined. It is not about me or about you, it is about what we have been told from time, far back about who we are and what we are capable of doing. The author is of the opinion that life is not suppose to be what it is today and that we are trying to tackle the problem but not from the root that gave birth to the problem. Our ancestral knowledge about God, who He is and what He demands of us has been misinterpreted such that the world has shifted from what it should be to the complete opposite using religion as the pivot. People in an unthinkable number have been killed in God’s name and more are still killing in God’s name all because of what they have been told that God wants. We struggle to understand and agree with some of the teachings of what God wants that has been handed over to us by those before us. The authors also introduce the fact that rather than FEAR God, we should love him in ourselves and we should be free to find out how we can do this more without offending Him. Some of the world’s religion has miss-guided people on the things that God want from us using heaven and hell as promotional and tools of getting us to give in to their demand only in the form of what God wants. According to the author there is nothing God wants from me, He want me to be happy with myself and live in peace with my neighbor without judging who knows God more.

The author went further to look at areas that affect people’s belief about God and What God Wants. These includes the person of God himself and how he should be viewed, God’s Word and God’s Messenger, Heaven and Hell, Life, Male and female, marriage, Sex, etc. The author went on to provide answers to an important question that says WHAT IF SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT THAT HUMANS THINK THEY KNOW ABOUT GOD IS SIMPLY INACCURATE. In addressing this question, the author defined the fact that we’ve always been thought that God is separate from us by those who claim to know what God wants and who he is.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first idea, which is dear to me, is general about the entire book. While I was reading the book, I needed to be very open with the presentation of ideas by the author. I was not reading the book from a Christian point of view such that it is only through Christianity that I can be saved. The book did not give special regard to any of the messengers in whose name so many people in the world have been killed, rather the book embraced all their message which of course is the love of God and one’s fellow self. I personally believe this is the best way to view the world and most of the issues that affect us. I don’t think that I will be doing myself any good if I decide to harm my brother because we defer in belief. Suppose I was born in a world, where there is no such thing as church or mosque I wonder what kind of world that would have been today. Between the year 1999 and 2000 I visited the Northern state of Kaduna just few days after the religious clash that took place there and I was devastated by what my eyes saw. The situation I saw was no better imagined than witnessed, all in the name of God. I’m sure that God was and is still not happy with what happened in his name. I saw the extend at which man can unleash his control on his fellow and what power means to some people and at what level has the human mind gone. People were trapped in houses while it was set on fire. Cars that knew nothing about what was going on were burnt because they belonged to people who did not understand what God wants.

Another idea in the book that strikes me is where the author referred to the amount that rich nations give to poor nations and the amount budgeted for the defense of these country. Let’s assume and agree that one person cannot be in the world. In the world we live in today there two people, you and me. Just the two of us and everything else stay the same technology and the rest, I use dollar and you use whatever currency but not greater than my dollar in value. It occurred to me that you have more needs than I do. I decide to use policies to collect all your money and the give you only a dollar and the next thing I did was to build fence that could touch the sky so that you will not disturb me and claim to be where I am and where you are as the will of God. There is so much injustice in the world in the name of God that sometimes I wonder if we really know what we are doing. I’m not left out of the whole saga. I know how many people I have lied to using Gods name and though sometimes I ask for forgiveness from God but do the people who have trusted what I told them believe that it is what God wants ever going to like me and my God, when they find out I lied to them. This is very common when I want someone’s conviction I say I SWEAR TO GOD and with these words the person is quick to think it is true.

Another idea I agree with is that which says that God wants nothing from us. In the Nigerian society, some of the churches are of the opinion that they are doing the will of God when it is obvious that they are jostling for their own pocket every-body want to a pastor, to enjoy the benefits of pasturing which come in the form of tight and offerings. Sometime ago I thought why should people take a tenth of their income to the church when their next-door neighbor has not eating. The bible of course instructs that tight be paid; it should not make the church authority super rich while members lounge in poverty. I personally feel that if I should give that one tenth to the motherless it is still the will of God. God does not want our money to feed or our clothes to wear rather he would welcome the man who clothes the naked, give drink to the testy, feed the hungry, visit the sick, visit the imprison and bury the dead. When I was still living on the mainland, there was a family church behind my building and there were times I’ll hear the pastor say he doesn’t want those people who were coming with #5 (five Naira) as their offering that they should do more. This man did nothing but depended on what came in from the church. There was a day I over head him tell one of his fellow that if he want #5000 (five thousand) he’ll request for five people that will give #1000 (one thousand) each according to the spirit. In addition, in a bid not to deny those with less from the blessings, he’ll say if you less than a thousand you can come out and donate and in that category you have more people donating as nobody want to miss out of the blessing.

The idea that God is life and life is God is one that personally interests me. I’ve not heard anybody say ‘I’ve seen God’. However, I have heard people say they feel good when they enjoy good health, I feel is the presence of God. We live in a world where we want to believe things only when proven scientifically, such that it can be touched or seen. My belief in the existence of God is anchored on faith and this faith is based on my conviction or experience about what God wants and the role he plays in my life. I know by my conviction that God exist but what I cannot defend is how he operates. There are so many things that

Another important idea I like is language. Language is one important aspect or factor that has affected us as a people to a point where I think it will take us a long time to resolve. Some language has form and this form is such that when interpreted in a common language it creates no difference. In Nigeria, the Christians call ‘God’ in English language and Muslims refer ‘Allah’, which could be in either Arabic or Hausa. Hausa is the common language of the people up north. These are the two main religions in Nigeria now. My state Cross River has more than 50 languages that I know of with each tribe with her own name for God. Some people want God to be identified in their language otherwise there’ll be “Holy war’. Sometimes it is not the reason why people disagree but it affects the outcome and has a major impact on the entire nation. It is from this language factor that so many have gone to early grave. The language induction of young people from the north is such that they think more like a warrior and that another language is infidel. Even in government, people tend to favor those with whom they share the same mother tongue. It is the reason we can move forward as a nation.

The sixth idea in the book that I find important is that which states that behavior is the currency of human transaction. I thought about this idea for a long time then came to the point where I was left with no choice but agree with the statement. Behavior is part of habit if not seen as habit in totality by those who do not agree. When a particular believe system changes it creates a rise or fall in the value of the currency. The value depends on the direction of behavior. If the behavior is positive then the value increases or converse. Most time it is the definition of other people about who I am and what I’m capable of unleashing that form my behavior. There was this day I was walking down the street and all of a sudden I felt like someone was watching me and I started to lose confidence in myself. I remember I almost lost control of my movement. My behavior for the remainder of that journey was awkward. Some people I see in church make me think that I’m not anywhere near holiness looking at the way they behave in church. They carry themselves as if they don’t use the toilet, as though they have never said a wrong word all their life. This kind of behavior I call hard currency but fake in value or a toothless bulldog.

The seventh idea is God wants nothing; because God has, and is everything that God could possibly want. This is a very strong affirmation about the wholesomeness of God. Life is not complete in the life of any man without God. God can do without man but man cannot do without God. I like this point because it reminds of creation and God’s intention for man before sin corrupted the master plan of man’s long life and goodness. God is the power of intention and each time I meditate on my nearness to God, I get all I ask for. My problem so far is that I want to keep in touch with the divine power of intention from which I can draw grace and strength. When I alone I still fill that God is watching me though I cannot prove this but at the same time I don’t think I need to prove it to anybody because it a personal mantra.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I must confess that one area of human endeavor that people are scared to either talk about or run their personal opinion freely is religion, that which question our faith or what we believe in. Most times, we rely on what people tell us to form our own opinion and when things don’t turn out as we forecast or expect we are told that it is the will of the one we cannot question. Some people have found a way of using this fear to enslaving so many others out there all in the claim that it is what God wants and in area where authority interest differs, there’s is separation. This separation has grown and has in itself created a mechanism that do not allow for those who do not share in a particular belief to be viewed as infidel. I remember a group back in the church that started to question some of the practices of the church. Before it started, they were in harmony with the authority but when questions started flying about some of the ways of the church, the group was ex-communicated and people where strongly advise not to have anything with the or they too will be disowned. I was very small when this happened, but old enough to remember that nobody dared ask why. This group left the church and started their own church entirely, it created a lot misunderstanding even within family, and I did not know that it would get to a point where I’ll use to the incident in my assessment today. It happened so long and I lost some of my friends whose parent belonged to that group. We could have nothing to do with them or else loose our membership with the church. It got to a point where we are monitored to see if those who left would come to visit us and when they did, it did not go well the church authority, as they would often call my father for questioning as regard the nature of the visit.

I say boldly that it happen because we were told that God did not want those who opposed him in his house. I’m not saying that we are free to oppose God because it is not possible to oppose God. Meanwhile I’ve not read anywhere in the bible where it said that the white ones are for God and the black ones are for the devil. I don’t believe that god created me because he want to destroy me rather I’ve been created to bring him close to those who do not understand what he wants and the truth is that I can only do that if I have a better understanding of him.

These ideas are important and helpful to me in answering some of the questions I doubted and as well as confirming some of the ideas I was not sure I had any right to know about. Like whether I had the right to know more about God and his nature. This I know the church has been quiet about and sometimes when issues like this come up, we’re quickly counsel not to talk about it and we’re not suppose to talk about some of such issues, it is blasphemy.

It is every man’s dream to create a better world, a world where he can be sure that he is actively involved in the decisions that affects his life. A world that all the information available is for the wellness of all humanity. Information no matter how long in circulation should be able to stand the test of time. The opposite is what is happening in my society and the worse fear is that people are afraid to question some of these orders because we have told that this is what God want. Most of the teachings of pastors and ministers are on prosperity and finding a balance that makes them comfortable sometimes even at the expense of their members.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

Sometimes people think they live the way they are living because they have no choice. This is a sentence on page 13 of the book, I want to comment on it as a quote. This is an idea actually and reminds me so much of one of the things that I’ll like to be more enlightened on. I’ve always wondered why there’s so much imbalance in the system that I find myself in today. Why is the gap between the rich and the poor so wide and yet we claim to be serving the same God? Is it that God blesses the rich people, while the poor are cursed yet we claim the same linage? Some people I know where I stayed before think that they are where they are

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

One thing the author is in support that I don’t is homosexual. I personally do not agree with the fact that homosexual is normal. How can people of the same sex have intimate feelings for each other? What is there to enjoy in a photocopy. Why should I see my fellow man as a woman and address him as a she. Those people who clamor for same sex marriage need to be checked properly and their mental state determined. There’s an undertone to it that is doing humanity a lot of damage but I cannot prove this. Only recently, I heard in the news that the Anglican Church in America ordained another gay as bishop in the church. Why are we looking for human excuses to do evil? There is a lot the author said that I agree with but not on this issue. Like how things are done using Gods name as a cover since people are too scared to ask. Homosexual negates procreation, which in turn will lead to scarcity of humans over time if embraced on a wide scale.

Again, I think it will be a wise idea to think that God is one old man with white hair with a stick in his hand to punish those who are evil. It is not God’s intention that man should perish but to enjoy his blessings. It is the way man has turned the opportunity accorded him that strike me the most, I can’t imagine the world if there was no fear of God. However, some people have taken advantage of the situation but God will still check and balance the equation.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

On page 31, the author referred to some culture where women are denied the opportunity to act as leaders either in government or in church. That is true but things are changing, we have women in power and as ministers in churches. In Argentina and Germany and some other counties, woman are head of government which show that male dominance is been checked by their woman counterpart. This was only a dream about some years ago.

Chapter 13 of the book is the most interesting part of the book. It is where I was hoping to see a list of things and yet I saw nothing, not even one a word. Which shows that from us God wants nothing and all that commanded us to bring and give is for own self and no one else? Thank be to God


A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Built to Last
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author(s) is trying to convey in the book?

The book dwells on the strategies of building a company that could stand the test of time and continue to function long after the demise of the founder(s). The authors, with vast wealth of experience in strategy formulation and implementation have been able to see through the thick glass and deduce why two children born on the same day and about the same time would turn out to be complete opposite. A company should be established to make profit but not as an end.

It could also be put this way that a company’s core ideology should not be profit maximization but service to humanity. Profit should be a gain for investing in a venture while those in the organization should be made to feel as part of the whole process. According to the authors, where this is achievable, the whole enterprise is seen as one with those who are involved in it regardless of position. This practice enables the company to function across many centuries.

Visionary companies are those that preserve the core and stimulate progress. In the face of change the core ideology does not change even though strategy, system of operation, product line changes.

2. What are the seven ideas which were very personally most important to you and why?

The first idea in the book that I find very important says ‘waiting for a great idea might be a bad idea’. The thought of this idea sound like a point to build from, most times in life the notion that I need all in the world to get to where I want to go is very frustrating. Again, when I hear people say it takes little things to make a big difference I don’t fancy such. How can I build an empire when I don’t have a dime? My father’s name doesn’t open doors so why should a bank grant me what I want. Hello! Is someone listening to me? This is Africa things don’t work like that here. It starts with who you are and where you are coming from, if you get the support you need to do anything it is simply because those giving it will need your approval someday.

The second idea in the book is the acceptance of the fact that I can live with two seemingly contradicting ideas at the same time. I noticed that in my life as a person I’m quick to think that it has to be what comes and not what I want. That if it’s not black then it is white and the two cannot go together but the idea presented by the authors is that the two can go together i.e. core ideology and stimulating progress. Like saying, instead of change or die, I can change and live, I thought I had the right to air my view and have somebody respect my opinion, not that I have to settle for what other people say. Ideas can sometimes be conflicting with present situation which create a point of confusion thereby leading to choices I regret. I should have done this to that which I did that brought me to this place of regret as I feel when things don’t come out the way I expect. In truth there is no perfect way, even my mistake are part of what defines me that is why I must learn to accommodate those on the opposite lane of the traffic.

The third idea in the book that I find very important says ‘the only constant in life is change’. This is the most sincere truth that no one can alter ever since creation. At a point I was just the result of a combination of some specimen then, I formed in my mother’s womb and was given birth to, after which I became the decision maker of what I want and how I wanted it. All this are changes, noticeable from the human life and that is how a company too changes. At a point it would seem like all the effort is a waste and that is where courage becomes integral. Change must be welcomed whether seen to favourable or adverse.

The fourth idea in the book is that a visionary company is a great place to work. This I noticed during my short spell in the banking sector. I noticed that apart from the top management team, those below did not believe in what they were doing. So long it put food on the table that was all that mattered. The office was not a place of fun as I got to know, and so many other offices out there.

The fifth idea in the book is the idea of a credo. When a man has a reason to succeed nothing in the form of challenge can stand on his way. Everything becomes an opportunity that will lead to the next level. The credo in this case becomes the torch in the dark tunnel which gives me sight to miles ahead but where I decide to go becomes my choice.

The sixth idea is a set of ideas on page 163, lessons for managers, CEOs, etc. the first said give it a try and quick. It is an attempt that if good then becomes success and if fail become learning point. Nothing can be achieved without an attempt of some sort. The idea here is that the outcome may not be a sure one as I mostly would like. The second one is to accept that mistakes will be made. Any person that has not made a mistake before has not done anything. As a manager I should expect it. However, these mistakes should not be to the point where the organization implodes.

The last idea in the book said let the evidence speak. A lot of people have gawk at me when I tell them that I’m running an online program. Like I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing with my time. One day I know the evident of what I’m doing today will speak for itself. A man has to take pride in whatever he is doing.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

The book Built to last is one on strategy, on why it is important to look beyond profit in setting up an organisation or a business that will be around long after I’m gone. As I turn in this assessment my project which was registered as far back as in 2007 as motivated by this institute is still in darkness and a long way from reality unless I change my attitude. I have never really pushed myself to the point where I would be totally committed to building a visionary company. The ideas in this book woke me to the reality of doing something not for the gain of today. I noticed also that my contemporaries who are suffering the same fate have the same problem as I do.

I also noticed that all along my quest has been channeled towards meeting my immediate need and once the moment is satisfied, I go to sleep until there’s a need for me to push yet another deal. Again I have not kept record of my transaction as well as details of my client so that I can do follow ups.

I must say that reading of books may not be as sure as what I want but it is a big reminder of what is necessary in life and what the consequences are if the right thing is not done.

Another thing I noticed is that the core of a business can never change. Though strategy, mode of operation, stimulator of progress may change the core of why I’m in business mustn’t. I must have a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG).

In translating these ideas to daily life means applying the lessons learnt to my life and the life of those around me. Everyday is a blessing that should be cherished regardless of daily challenges. Life is a business, in building a business of legacy I have to make the most of what I have today. Some of the people whose work serve as reference today did not enjoy the luxury I have yet went ahead to set and attain BHAG. It is my prayer now that I should ask myself each day that passes what impact I had in the life of someone.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

On page 140 of the book there are three opening quotes and the one that strikes me is the shortest. It says ‘failure is our most important product’. Do you want to know how many times I’ve given up on myself from just thinking that I’ll fail? Countless is the number. Failure is a very frightening thing and knowing that there are people out there who want to make fun of me from failing gives me the creeps not to venture into anything at all. Sometime failure freezes me on my track.

5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is clear and interesting to read

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.

There were no exercises in the book to be completed.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered inn the previous questions? If so, please comment.



How interesting was it to read 8
How helpful were the content 8
How easy was it to understand 9
Would you recommend the book to others 9
What is the overall rating you would give the book 8.5



Change the World
How Ordinary People Can Achieve Extraordinary Results
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

Change the world by my own understanding of what the author is trying to pass across is about the spiritual path to understanding some of the things that affect us as a people in our every day life that has been normalized.

According to the author changing the world is not about making everybody in the world to become a stereo type who I am or expect things my way but that in changing the world I should look at my self and make the basic changes I crave for.

This is because we all have an idea of what the world should be like for us to be at our best. In life as individuals we all have our script from which nearly of all we are is shaped from and in most times it is the beacon that determines our decision on issues that affect not only us as people but that could change an entire generation.

When in a collective society I should remember that it is not about my script anymore but the collective will so that we can become a productive community.

Secondly, the book is about building an organization that works for everybody where people are not a threat nor see threat in the opinions of others in the community, a system that welcome change even when this change is in the form of chaos.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first ideas in the book that represent my interest suggest that as a collective community I must not always push for my script to be the standard in assessing others. Individually we all have scripts but it should not be brought to bear if we want to see and be a change object in a progressive community. It is the reason why things are the way they are in Africa today. It is about my own or your own. The change I want to see in the world can only come from me by doing the good in me not for my self but for my community as a whole.

Another idea that important is on the decision to be a change agent. All my life I have only heard of people who wish for change but little has been done to it effect. I also noticed at sometimes when I crave for change I do not know what change I want to see happen. What is I want to change or is the change not about me per say?

The third idea is on the journey of intense achievement on page126 of the book. This journey is sponsored by inner direction and inner focus. Why it is important is that I’ve always thought of making people think highly of me as an outstanding person even when I don’t deserve it. It is our nature as humans to think and feel this way because we feel we have to be in control. Being in control sometimes is the only way we can express ourselves.

The fourth idea is that life weather as an individual or organization is not a linear journey. There are times when things happen in life as though there are following a particular order one event leading to another in sequence and at other times it seems things don’t make sense at all regardless of what we expect. Things are strange and stirring nothing but anger and hatred within me, against society for all the uncheck injustice and indeed the world at large for voting for nuclear war schools rather than poverty eradication.

The fifth idea in the book is important to me said that in a transactional system, people put themselves first. When the common good is not fulfilling their self-interest they turn their backs on the common good. This is our first response as people regardless of what our conscience ask of us. I recall a time when I was under paid employment, I was not there because I wanted to see the company grow out of the box and become a mega outfit but solely interested in what I get as wage for my service sometimes when I’m tempted to wonder how the company is surviving I quickly snap myself out of it that it is not my business and that those with responsibility are out there mine is just to do what I have to do and get paid.

The sixth idea in the book is that I should embody a vision of common good. Yes like every sane person would say ’I want what is good for my neighbor’ but in truth nobody want to see another get ahead of him or her. It creates a lot of tension in me when I see people around me change cloths, upgrade personal effects, and do things that we describe as being responsible and more.

The seventh idea in said I should invite others to transcend their script. Change is a constant thing like one author said. When I’ve been able to learn the ropes I can then encourage others around me to do the same and continue the process. In my meeting where I am the president someone told me one day that it is what I do or say that they will follow, it is the reason why I’m the president. At that point I felt the weight of the whole group on my shoulder and wonder what will happen if I fail?

I felt like running away and started to look for excuses not to attend meetings regularly, I noticed that those few words had an effect on me that I could not comprehend. In changing my script and allowing for the flow to come naturally is better than trying to be artificial.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Life sometimes requires a combination of both theory and practical ideas in reaching a decision. Some of the ideas are codified in works like a book title change the world. At a point looking at the title, changing the world does not infer to relocating the trees and mountains but finding a reason to live beyond personal fulfillment or achievement. These ideas will help in two ways. First creating a better world for those around me and secondly helping me to fine a reason for every day.

At some point while reading this book I had to look back at the way I have led those in my group in church. As president, judging by some of the ideas in the book about allowing chaos to lead transformation, I have always thought that as a leader I should do all in my power to avoid chaos in my meetings but I’ve realized that chaos will only bring about the best of people as it allows them to air their views on issues that affect us all.

There are certain things in my society that has been normalized which should not be like corruption. Every arm of government in my country is waging war against corruption but it is the same corruption that brought them to office so how can they win the war against corruption? People are afraid of change especially if that change will alter the status quo and question their power.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.


5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.

Not in terms of physical exercise but every idea in the book is a practical exercise that needs to be completed in the mind to make a better person.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered inn the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The book is in a clear balance of using spirituality to attain physicality. Like I’ve told myself that it is not enough to read and expect impact immediately. Someone once told me that building is not a day thing unless I don’t want that building to last.


How interesting was it to read? 8
How helpful were the content? 8
How easy was it to understand? 9
Would you recommend the book to others? 9
What is the overall rating you would give the book? 8.5



Full Steam Ahead
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

Full steam ahead is a book on leadership that is different from all the books on leadership that I have read before it. The book is a very comfortable style of understanding how leadership works from a personal perspective of every day life. I was able to picture the possibilities or interpreting leadership in a more measurable scale. The author took one of the most captivating approaches, a novel like style of messaging that you find hard to part from. There is nothing new about the leadership rudiment but the reality and nearness to the heart is one thing I could ponder on for long.

The author is of the opinion that our leadership style must be base on certain principles that shape our understanding. I don’t need to have all that I want to make the impact I want in my life. Leadership starts from the house before it can be brought to bear on others. If the little challenges of every day life cannot afford me the chance to display my leadership qualities then I’m not ready for the challenges of the bigger world.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally important to you and why?

The first idea in the book that I like is that of setting clear goals. This is very important to everybody that is business incline and wants success in life. I want a lot of things in this life but if I’m not precise as to what I actually need I could end up not achieving anything because of failure to set clear goals.

The second idea is that of an unfamiliar world. Everyday I wake up at where I stay but the world is still very unfamiliar to me. There is a lot in the world that no matter how long I live I will still not understand why I do certain things even though I know they are wrong. I still cannot find a good reason why I have to lie to someone because I want their favour. Why is there so much budget on defence and only a fraction of nothing to agriculture and health care? Personally, I can’t think of anything I’ve done for the better of my fellow if it is not more to my advantage than what the others are getting. The world is indeed a small place yet I know nothing as to what I’ll do the next minute to add value to my world.

The third idea in the book is significant of purpose. I remember this idea in one of the books I read earlier in this program. Why am I doing this assessment in the first place, is it because I think somebody will give me a gift at the end of the program or I’m just doing it to brag to some of my friends that I have a certificate from a school abroad? The above question could be the answers why I’m doing this assessment but it is what keeps me going. It is the reason why I want to turn in my assessment it is the purpose of doing this, the idea whether it is moral, acceptable or not is not why I’m doing this assessment.

The fourth idea in the book is that I should have a picture of the future. There is nothing that can be done without first having a picture of it, the processes, challenge and then the final fit of when all said and done. This is where the usefulness of significant of purpose becomes relevant. This is how the universe came into existence. According to the Bible God said it and it came to be confirming the power of vision. Most of the things we use today like the motor car, phone, construction of houses, etc are all first seen from the mental picture in our head before they become visible with the mind picture as our guide, the mind picture is one of the powerful tools of creation, having a vision of what wants.

The fifth idea is blurry vision. Although I want all in life to be good but things will always not be rosy at all time that is why I like this point in the book. When all in life is picture perfect then we are no longer humans because as humans it is in our nature to make mistakes. When an idea is blurring, it is not enough to conclude that nothing good will come out of it because behind the dark cloud there’s always a silver lining. There was this day I woke with a dreadful dream that something was chasing me and I was scared of coming out with the belief that the dream was a warning so I needed to stay indoor all through. Later that day I manage to come out but to my surprise it was a wonderful day with so much memorable time that I did not remember that I had a nightmare.

The sixth idea in the book is the 20/20 vision. This idea remind me that every vision must have a time frame otherwise it becomes a wild goose chase with no date of capture. When there’s a time frame it allows for variance and performance assess ability to determine out put. Time is classic and this allows for more options in goal setting. If I want to set a plan of finishing this program then at a particular period I should be able to say what I’ve done from when I started to this point of this assessment.

The seventh idea in the book that is important is courage. In the face of defeat and from the claws of death courage can bring me victory. This courage like love must be unconditional if I must reap the full benefit of what I want in life. To be courageous means that I know the task ahead to be challenging but I won’t quit because so many have fallen by the way side.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

I’ve always said and will remain a strong advocate of future effect for today’s action. Everything counts in making my life better. These ideas will not stick unless I master the art of understanding who I am how I can create impact in the world.

I must set clear goal in an unfamiliar territory and make sure that I’m courageous enough to help those around me in finding happiness in everyday life. In my organization I must ensure that the progress of all the employees is served with the best interest.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

The quote in the book that I love is that of Martin Luther King Jr. his famous speech of I have a dream. This today is a dream come true not only in the United State of America but to every person who believe in the change that we all crave for. There is nothing that is not possible with the right attitude and focus. Having a dream is one thing and living the dream is another that requires the best of intention to get achieve. When those words were said by Dr. King many years ago he had a vision that one day the children of slave and slave owners will sit down one day at the table of brotherhood. The attention may not be on the content of the words that were said but on the picture that created those words. Knowing that it is possible if I believe is what gives me joy the most. We all have dreams and in most situations we do not know how to pursue these dreams. In making the world a better place I have to believe in myself and my ability to positively impact the world. This has to start from myself and my house. Personal bias must be kept far from the process.

5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is just a wonderful book to read and understand.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.

There is no table in the book to complete but there exercises in the book that I find very helpful. The words in italics are of very good for daily meditation and use.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered inn the previous questions? If so, please comment.



How interesting was it to read? 9
How helpful were the content? 9
How easy was it to understand? 9
Would you recommend the book to others? 9
What is the overall rating you would give the book? 9



Open Book Management
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey?

Do you want to know the reason some people are willing to die for a company, protect certain information as though there are under oath? It is not just because the company is responsible for their pay cheque. Nor because the cheque do not come when due, or the management is operating in an autocratic style that the employees are only subjected to obey.

According to the title of the book, open book management is about the involvement of all those who are involved in the running of a business and in the sharing of profit and loss of the company. This is where all the books are open for all employees to see their contribution towards the existence, growth or decline of the firm. Employees are constantly circularized with changes the organization experience or expect. Open book management is designed to help both new and existing company meet the challenge of corporate existence. A walk-in customer can be satisfied by the person at the gate about the give and take of a company.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally important to you and why?

The first of the seven ideas in the book that represent my interest is that in the new economy, the market place is more competitive sometime by orders of magnitude than it used to be. While growing my definition of business was not too far buying and selling in ordinary words but with time I started to understand that it far more than that. Business is like the human body with many function all working to achieve one goal, comfort. Sometimes the body parts struggles but the struggle is not to over throw the other but in business this is the idea in a competitive market as noted by the author. Through competition, the market checks itself there by forcing those who can’t stand the heat out.

The second idea is thinking like an owner. “If wicked people know how to give good things to their children what about your father in heaven” God has blessed every man with the heart of knowing what is good and how to appreciate it. You may wonder what this has to do with thinking like the owner but if you look closely you’ll see that it is the reason why any body would hold on to something dearly or may let go without feeling any guilt. When I feel as the owner of something that thing becomes something of unequal value to me even though to some it is just a piece of trash. When a business becomes part of me not just in terms of feeding me but meeting the needs of those who work with me it create a sense of belonging or ownership that push for continuity to a point where I’ll be willing to give all I have to see it grow.

The third idea in the book is that there isn’t anything mysterious about open book management. By the ideas of a civilized society this should be perfect. However, in places like my country where there’s a lot of corruption, hate and cheap labor this style of management is not the best for now. Business owners only want to inspire employee to give their best shot for the benefit of the investors and claim that the monthly take home is enough to garner the required attention from the employees. Most companies in Nigeria do not feel comfortable with the idea of sharing information with employees for fear that the employees will become too inform about the business thereby causing challenge from the employees which management will not welcome. I remember when a childhood friend got a job and was promise stock option as part of his compensation the whole idea was so strange to him and those of us he told because it was not a familiar tale. How long would he work to enjoy his stock which was subject to a certain target of sales and the great fear was what if he did not meet the company’s target?

The fourth idea is to look at my business and answer the question of what I hope to achieve. This is one very important question that all business people have to answer at every point as things unfold in doing business. While I got the motivation to register my business name I did not get the same motivation to transact business owing to the fact that since the business put food on my table that was all I needed once a meal was sure no need to put in more effort. This idea is like digging my grave but not wanting to throw myself in the pit.

The fifth idea in the book is the power of information. The greatest knowledge available to any man alive or dead is the power of knowledge and this come from information from all forms of learning including violence. I must say that the information about running a business that I’ve learnt from reading books provided by the IIGL is priceless. This has given me a new sense of ownership that has changed me a lot. I use to be afraid that I don’t have what it takes to be a big league player but the last few years have told me that I have more than enough to be up there calling the shots and making things happen but I just have to take my chance. It is all about having the right information on the trends in the market place and confronting the great fear.

The sixth idea is that everybody has to understand the information they get. I went to make enquiries one day while I was considering a diploma in networking. When I got to the front desk the beautiful lady I met though polite was as good as invisible because she knew nearly nothing of what I was talking about, I also noticed that I was really asking her too many questions that she fired that “I’ll get someone to talk to you”. Though at that point it meant nothing to me because I did not know it should. While I read further on this idea, the incident came to mind as though it happened only yesterday. If the information available is not properly understood it becomes nothing but trash. We now live in a world of information and from diverse sources such that sometimes I wonder how people in Nigeria survived or how we did business when there was no mobile phones and internet.

The seventh idea in the book is that the operation of a business must be transparent. This is sequel to the third idea I talked about earlier. If not for the fact that people (management) have something to hide, why would it be hard for information that should promote the company be held back from those who playing the game. During my industrial training, the hotel never for once display how much the hotel was making and how the staff were performing to achieve the hotels rating of a five star hotel. When the staffs that were not working with the account section got a hint of how much the hotel made you could hear all the side talks from different groups of how much their service charge will be and if anything other than what they expect, you know the line.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

When a person is blessed there is only one way to find out. Check the kind of people he listens to, places he goes and most importantly the book he reads. The world is in perfect state that nothing is needed to make it any better than it already is one of the things that need changing is the way business is done and our attitude as managers. Although in my line of work for now I don’t have to open my books to inspire anybody but there are times when even to myself I don’t say the truth. I cannot count how many times I have said I’ll not do a particular thing yet again it is done.

I have the believe that some day I’m going to need to the books to people and if I can inculcate that habit now by being sincere in my business then when that time comes, it won’t be a hard thing to do. Being transparent is one of the best things that could happen to any business.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book that stand out as quotes that could be referenced.

5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Seriously, the book is modern with historical collection of how doing business has moved through various stages, the challenges that have led to scientific management in organization.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered inn the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Generally, I like the book and personally feel it is informative enough and a must read for all those who are aspiring to becoming entrepreneur.

How interesting was it to read? 8
How helpful were the content? 8
How easy was it to understand? 9
Would you recommend the book to others? 9



Difficult Conversations
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

Wars have been fought, relationship broken, great minds reduced to nearly nothing, sane mind acting insane all because of a conversation said or heard. In this life no one person has all the answers to the multiple questions of managing himself perfectly let alone understanding the man standing next to him. The book is about looking beyond the surface to have a better understanding of what the other person want when a word is said or a demand made. The information available to our senses is enormous such that we can’t grab all the information at the same time and what may interest us may not be appealing to the next person thereby creating differences in our opinion even when we are looking at a situation from the same stand point. What we decide to hold from this stream of information is what forms our life style or the principle that represent us. This retained information is what defines me as a person. An example of this is two people born in the same place, who have never left where they were born, may choose to like different colors and could prefer what the other hates.

2. What are the seven ideas which were very personally most important to you and why?

The first idea I learnt in the book not by order of preference is that I should look beyond the surface in addressing an issue than thinking about it. I remember when I just met a lady in church permit me to withhold her name, she caught my attention when we talked and later I started to think about her and some of the things she said more often. She occupied my thoughts nearly all through the week and at a point I thought I loved someone who is not even aware of it. Towards the end of the week I called to fix a meeting and the respond I got knocked me off my feet, she was more excited than I could imagine. I got the impression that she was even more anxious than I was to stick with me, so I asked her out officially after some time together but my request was turned down. I thought she was still in the hang over of the excitement therefore did not want to enter any rash agreement but when I perceived that the coast was clear she was no where on the radar. She did not return my calls, she was avoiding me like a plague and when I called from a pay phone I’ll get response that could make a saint turn sinner. She became a good reference point of how people (women) are not serious when one meant business. At our last conversation she told me that I should work hard that my current level of performance is low and at this I concluded she was greedy and will get nothing more.

The second idea is accepting that I will make mistake. This is one idea in the book that got me thinking for long. I thought about the truth in the idea and I came to terms with the fact that I have not been sincere with myself for the greater part of my adult life so far. Owning up to a mistake is one thing I noticed that we Africans or me hate. I always look for reason for everything I’ve done, a reason to justify my action even when it is morally not acceptable. I can’t think of any mistake I’ve made because they are too much and too often that they don’t feel like mistakes anymore. If I may ask, in the first idea above what did I do wrong to be told to work hard? She must have known that I’m not a hard worker when she gave me the green light only to come up with an excuse I still don’t understand. Please note that this doesn’t mean I’m above mistakes and take pride in mistakes. The more I make them and don’t learn from them is what tears me apart.

Third idea is accepting that my intentions are complex. I can remember when I had a clear intention about a particular action. When I went through the text on this idea, I asked myself how true this is and how do I define my conversation to truly appreciate the other person like the girl I met in church. Was I really feeling something strong enough for her to the point where she could see it and truly believe me? May be I was just over excited and lost focus of what I really wanted. I could have just wanted a one night stand and yet did not question my intention and went ahead to tell her something else. I have avoided people on the platform that my intentions have led me to think that am above mistake and when it becomes obvious that I’m wrong I go into hiding. Intentions like desire are very complex and could lead to very difficult conversation both interpersonally and intra personally.

The fourth idea is the assumption that bad intention is bad character. By this idea I can easily conclude that the girl I met in church has a very bad character. She is good for nothing except for what she wants, and this is not true, her action do not define her character I do not understand what she want. I’m sure she will equally think that my character is bad because my intentions are bad as well. When this is the only think of her it will not afford me the opportunity getting to appreciate the good she’s capable of unleashing.

The fifth idea I personally find helpful is the idea to stop arguing about who is right. OK, I’m right she’s not my reason for this conclusion is that is selfish. She’s only looking out for her interest and giving no attention to what I feel so my point is valid. According to her story I’m the one wrong while she’s right her reason is that I’m too greedy to notice what she want out of the relationship. She wants someone who would love her all through and not a one night stand affair. May it just has not occurred to me that I got her attention all the wrong way she just wanted someone to spend some time and noting more I just happen to be the one at that moment it could have been anyone. She’s already involved with someone else and she is not looking at double dating. We could go on again and again about who is right but this will get us no where if we truly love each other. I think the person that is not getting the massage here is me. Why can’t I just take it easy?

The sixth is to check my understanding. Sometimes I feel I’m so smart that I don’t even follow instruction before I begin a venture. I leave to chance the facts and conclude that what will be, will definitely be. Though I sometimes catch myself doing this but when I checked I found that I have done this more and more without learning from my mistakes. What kind of person will not learn from his mistakes? JP! I know I cannot be too careful not to make mistakes but it is still not enough for me not to learn from my short comings.

The seventh idea in the book is find courage to ask for help. Between me and my girl from the church who need help? I need help but I did not find the understanding to ask for this because I feel I know everything at least I’m a student of IIGL and by now I should have know everything. This is one wrong way of assuming no matter the level of my educational attainment. Some people conclude that I’m an intelligent person and that I have the ability to manage people and I’m smart and all other nice lies about me but to myself as a person I don’t think I have enough to relax and take pride in those compliment. What I need this moment is help but each time I think of asking for help I feel that I’m throwing away my pride and letting myself down.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Finding the ability to love someone alone is a gift. This opportunity should not be mistaken and clearly defined when mixed with greed and personal interest. In the first idea I shared I was too quick to conclude that she’s greedy simply because she said I should work hard. I did not wait for a positive feedback from my inner voice about seeing light in what she said. It was as I read further that I realized that I got it all wrong. She has the right to her decision and should be respected for that. I think in making the world a better place I have to see her and apologize for all the wrong commentaries and tell her how I now truly appreciate her honesty. It better to hear the truth and suffer the pain if any now than later but as my nature has made me understand talk is cheap while action is precious.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book that stand out.

5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.

There were no exercises in the book for the reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

My comment on this book is that it should be amongst the books that students of the institute will have to read at a level that they don’t have to select books. That is, it should be a level one or two book.


How interesting was it to read 9
How helpful were the content 9
How easy was it to understand 9
Would you recommend the book to others

Goal Mapping
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Every leader has the opportunity of starting at some point where it is hard to believe his or her story. The author started from a point where he saw life to be beyond his reach, then the moment where he had to give up like in the movies, when you know the end has come, the story takes a new turn and it is not the impossible that he thought to be the case but rather a case of faith, believe and the ability to feel in the moment. He was not able to read not until he’d reached the age most of us give up. We’re living in a world where everyone wants power, the power to have whatever I want. To some the power is money, to some the power is that of mind over matter. The author had the same option like I do today. He could have chosen to give up on life and end like most people without faith and the hope for something better. The book goal mapping from the title shows that every dream could become a reality if only the attitude to combine the available with the unavailable is positive. No one man has all he needs to make the much impact in the world that is required. The true winner is that man who can put to use that which people think less of.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally important to you and why?

On page 32 of the book is the idea that says ‘thinking about what you want’. I sat one day and said nothing about anything and about anyone, but thinking about the world I live in. It is a wonderful world created out of perfection and good intention. How often do I think about the things I want and what is the reason I think about these things? Why do I get the feeling that I’m on track if I keep thinking of the things I want and not the things I don’t have. How it is that the mind can’t tell which event is just an imagination from the one that is real, and at what point do I get the chance to make the right choice? Life has never had all the answers at a particular time for any one person; it is a one step at a time thing for everybody regardless of what anybody thinks. The most important thing in the world we live in today is the thing that is made from the field of thought. Thinking is the reason for being. It creates an opportunity to go deep into the mind and bring out the best that the mind can conceive at the moment.

Secondly, the idea that I find important is on page 36 which is a follow up of the earlier idea. It said thinking a better result. The mind is like an open box ready to receive whatever is thrown into it. If I think negatively, the box will continue to receive the junk I put into it. This will become a usual habit that I may not be able to manage after some time. At this point I won’t be able to see the creativity in me but only the wrong reasons as to why are things not the way I want it to be. The government will become an issue, why am I not getting the things I feel are mine will challenge me to the grave. I told someone about the program lately and the question he asked was how can it make him a better person? I said being a better person means being at peace with oneself, seeing the good in the next man other than how he does things in the foolish way. When the wrong of my fellow man become my joy or my pleasure is his pain.

The third idea is thinking from the heart. Progress cannot be made out of doing nothing to improve my situation. I have to move, the goal is set already in the form of a dream. It can only come through if I start thinking emotionally about what I want to do. Emotion is a strong driver that leads to accomplishment. It makes the whole thing worthwhile. It creates the desire to want more and keep pushing even when the road seems to be at full stretch. Emotion is force. I can’t make it if my emotion is not in line with my goal.

The forth idea is the seven laws of manifestation. The first of the law said I should have belief in myself and my goal. This is the first point of the journey. At this, I become a partaker in shaping my destiny and write my own script. The second of the laws is balance your goals. The goal must be one that is visible and has a reasonable time span. The goal I set must not be far from my reach. Sometimes I find that mere wishes are turned into goals that have no backing and before I know it, the desire is gone just as it came with a flash. The third law is live in the moment. There’s a part in the Bible where Jesus said anything I pray for, I should believe I have received it. It is the moment that matters. If I start seeing it from the mind eye then I can have it.

Like the last law that say live in the moment, the forth law said state my goals in the present tense. Living the moment means being in the present. It gives me the opportunity to feel the moment I crave for. All of life is now and not about yesterday nor tomorrow but this moment. I get this cool feeling each time I think of myself as a winner though no trophy to lift however, I feel good about the fact that I have life. The strongest do not always wins, nor do the weak always fail.

Fifth is the law that say, I should state my goals in positive tense. My word is my wand like in the movies if I wield it with wisdom, I will not regret my actions no matter what is the outcome.

The sixth law is that I state my goals in personal tense. By this, the goal become traceable such that I can live my goal and make it work like it meant my life.

The last of laws is that which say I should allow for lag-time. This time enables me to check and balance. With this time, I can look back on the goal to measure the level of progress I’ve made.

The fifth idea in the book that I find important is mental preparation on page 100 of the book. A mentally sound mind is the life wire of every achievement regardless of the trials. The mind needs to be told what it should look out for or else it will bring anything and chances are that the mind can hold on to negative thought for a long time owing to there flexible nature.

The sixth idea in the book I like is the idea that said I should mind my language. Language is of two kind and nature, the first is the language of the mind which involved thoughts and seeing the things I want. These things the mind see and talk about aren’t everyday talk with friends, family, etc. These words form the greatest part of my creative power. The second is the physical words used in everyday conversation. Sometimes I say things I don’t mean to honor and do not feel bad about it. It is a common thing to joke with someone and feel cool about it. The mind always wants the truth and anything less will not do.

Finally is the idea that says treasure the gift. One of the greatest gifts to me is the gift of life. Life is the platform from which all other things take shape. The way we live in Africa is such that I wonder if we’re going anywhere. The life is all about money. No more moral values. If everybody in my country could have the chance of reading a book like this weekly, then we can change the world we live in today.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

Each time I look around me in all fairness, I see things that make me feel I’m at the wrong end of the road or sometimes people argue that we’re living in the difficult moment in life and time. What is the inspiration that some are still making it, their dreams are still on course no matter the pain.

4. Quotes: are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention?

There are a lot of quotes in the book. I want to say that this is the book with the most quotes I’ve read. Each page of the book has quote that best describe or confirm the visibility of an idea. The quotes are so much that each time someone asked me for the book, the quotes are the first thing I remember. However, one of the many quotes I ponder on often is on page 96 By Abraham Lincoln, he said ‘always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing’. This goes to confirm a saying I always have that there’s nothing that people say that can change me except what I tell myself. Everybody has a goal, known or unknown. It is not the bad government, my poor family, my level of education and the likes that are responsible for where I am today but what and where I’ve told myself I want to be. I can’t hold anybody responsible for my sins, it’s me. That’s what I want, it’s the desire of my heart. If I’m not comfortable with the way see myself I will change. That how we interpret some as success and call the other whatever. I spoke to a man sometime ago, I’ve looked at him as a success in all of life challenges I was surprise when his answer was the opposite. He didn’t see it like that rather he wanted to fulfill the script of his friends. At first I felt I couldn’t talk to him he should know better it’s the common thing, then I realize that no one too bad no one too good to be uplifted.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are not clear about,


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?

Yes, and I found the exercise very helpful because it reminded me that I’m on course.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you’d like to comment on that was covered in the previous questions


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8


The Art and Craft of Creative Writing feature Articles
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Life is about telling stories, because life itself is a story. All the books that I have read about all the things that happen in the past have come in the form of stories, either told by people who have lived through time or as recorded. For a story to be interesting to read and better understood it must follow certain guideline, which enable the reader to have a better understanding of what the writer or author message is about. Since life is a story, we all tell stories of event, society, culture, personal experience in our lives or reporting some of the changes in our environment.

Sometimes we are opportune to write an article that is read worldwide and in doing these, some of our personal opinion is coiled into the story thereby giving the story a human face. When reporting a story the writer assumes a position as either an actor or an observer. Whatever position the writer takes depends on the writer’s involvement. The author advises that the writer or storyteller assume the position of summarizer, referee or observer in defining his story as it progresses or at different stages.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first of the seven ideas in the book is on extrapolative reasoning on chapter 1 of the book. This is when a story may not worth a feature story in itself but the storyteller looks beyond the boundaries and infer that it goes story goes beyond what it seems now. In life, I have always been looking for the big break to establish myself as a person with ideas and skills that are in demand to make an impact in my world but this “big break” sometimes present itself in the little things that I fail to take note of. If a client cannot trust me with a small amount, nothing will make him give the recommendation that could lead me to the point where I want to get. People are the rung on the success ladder I want to climb and the confidence that I’m a reliable person must continue to live in the mind of those I associate with.

Secondly, on this point, I crave to be a writer or as a columnist. I want to write articles on the creative power of the mind. If I must excel and have, my readers believe in me, I must have the ability to see beyond the borders of the mind in writing.

The second of the seven ideas is on page 11, which is projection. As a writer, my story must be clear and should be able to move into new territories. I must not limit myself to an event without looking around for cause and effect. At central development, something begins to happen. It could a single event; it may not have the taste of a big story. As the development advances, it begins to affect people, places or institution in specific ways. Here, the development has an impact that could be able to address the changes in line with development. As it happens, people should be able to know if it the impact is adverse or not and their response to the impact which becomes a countermove good or ill. The story must be dependable. If I wrote, an article on the nature of the mind like what the mind can imagine can become a reality and I present my facts in such manner that the reader cannot see reality in my article it becomes clear that I don’t know what I am saying and I may not get the materials published.

The third idea is on page 100. A reader should feel that he or she is on a river and not a lake. What is the idea behind running in circle if I want to grow and move forward? Success is not measured by the number of times I win but by the number of times, I’m able to get back on my feet after a fall. When writing is to drive home the point, it must be in such manner that that the reader has a clear picture of the message. I have read some articles that have shape my life today. I am not writing this because I learnt writing in school. When I pick up an article to read, I just don’t just fall in love with the story but consider the structure and the layout. I look out for style and presentation. I’m sure that this is what a lot of people also look for when reading and article.

The fourth idea is on time line. Is there anything that is as important as time, No. time is very important in life and so in writing. Time follows place to place and action for action. It enables the reader to align the situation with the reality of the event. The bible is one good example of how time affects events and the outcome. Those who are bible student will attest to the this fact that time can repeat events, like when God said something at a particular time and it is experience at another time. An event must have an origin, which can be describe in time. Time is a link, which enables to variations to be made.

The fifth idea is heading. If there’s anything that attracts the reader to a story or article, it is the heading. This is like the goal, set to attracts and once in motion, it can only accomplished that which it has been set to do. A good heading is a clearly set goal. It serves as a reference to the reader. It enables the reader to have a quick over view of the entire story. However, sometime the heading can be misleading like some of the articles in some of the local dailies that carry serious heading but have nothing to offer other the inexperience of the writer. I saw one heading that said ‘man dies after sex’. I wanted to read the story as I noticed that people were just rushing to get a copy of the paper the heading of the story lurked in my mind for some time to the point where I wish I could buy the paper. About a week later, somebody brought a copy of the paper to my place and when I went through the paper, I was glad I did not buy the paper. There are so many other great headings with nothing to offer.

One thing I noticed is that some people do not write to educate but just to make money like the experience above.

The sixth idea is on simplicity. Wow, this is one way to attract interest. The story ought to be clearly and understandable immediately. When the situation requires more than just brief explanation for the reader to catch the gist, the explanation must at each comer drive a point that leads to the next. Like doing my assessment, if I don’t have a good link of ideas I could end-up narrating a good idea in an awkward manner that will ruin the whole idea. Sometimes it is better to save the complex example that could create confusion in narrating a situation rather than bore the reader with lengthy stories that yield on but a fraction of result.

The seventh idea in the book that I find helpful is on variety and rhythm. I listen to music a lot and writing is liken to music in every aspect, the composure, lyrics outline and mixing. A good song brings joy to a troubled heart and creates excitement. This is the same with a good article. When the beauty of an article captures a reader’s attention, it creates room for open criticism, which helps the writer to understand areas of improvement. I have not seen or read about any author who had it perfect. From day in to day out the writer, crave for perfection in each job he handles and variety is the one area that enables the writer to understand variation in style and language.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

One of the most effective means of communication is writing. Writing is an art like the book title says. It involves the combination of the mind and ideas in creating a better world. Nearly all that we require as a people in our daily life is in communication. The writer should be aware that he is not operating in isolation that people rely on his or her writing to have a better understanding of his massage or what the writer is trying to convey. Life will be better if we try to tell it as it is, that is using the right words that do not misrepresent my intention because they are vague. In my assessment of books, I should know that it would only be fair if the proper attention is accorded the exercise. If I mean to say a particular thing or express my opinion on a subject and use words in such a way that the reader is not sure of what I’m trying to say the message will not passed across.

As a writer, I have to be sure that what I’m talking about in my writing either published or not should be reliable. The reader should be able to use my story for reference just I rely on some of the things I read to form some of the decisions that affect my life. I still hold on to what Shad Helmstetter said in his book ‘what you say when you talk to yourself’. He said that the problem with us is our programming. That it is what is holding us back when we are afraid to change our ways of doing things we know are not helping us move forward.

Writing is one of the things I love to do and I know I need all the help I can get.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.


5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.



A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would it recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating? 8.5


The Ecology of Commerce
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

This book is the other part of you can’t eat GNP. The book is about the possible effects of over exploiting the earth in search of wealth to feed the growing population, the activities of the super rich organization and their mode of operation without considering the limited nature of the recourses that they use to declare mega profit. According to Ecological findings by my deduction, resources are not scares. The desire to harness these resources has created the scarcity theory preached by Economist. Our need or the crave for wealth has only taken us to the point where we are no longer hunting to feed ourselves but to feed the children unborn. In the cause of multinational companies meeting their target (profit), they do not consider the effects of waste the environment has to suffer.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first of the ideas that I find very important is that the ultimate purpose of business should not be to make profit. I strongly agree with the author on the basis that business should be to help humanity manage his resources and not to exploit it for the sake of profit and himself. The resources from which we claim as our wealth belongs to nobody in particular but to be use for the wellness of those within that geographical area. If business is for profit then the wellness of those who manage it and those it should serve will be ruin as nothing short of profit will be tolerated. I was going through an audited report of one of the banks in my locality and I was shock by the figure declared as profit after tax. Comparing the pen ultimate year’s earning, I noticed that there was about 65% increase in profit after tax when compared to the previous earning. Good work by the staff and management team of the company. At the same time, I also notice that there was a school close to the head office of the company without roof and louver and then I wonder what is the benefit of all the mega bucks? I also notice some of the company’s staff wards attended the school. I thought to myself profit indeed. As a young business minded person, I have a line to draw from what I have just said. It is sad really to see all that money and yet nothing is done to improve the life of those around.

Towards the end of the first chapter, in the last paragraph to be precise the author noted that ‘business is the problem and should be part of the solution’. This I agree with as the second idea in the book that I find important. Nigeria is known worldwide to be endowed with vast human and natural resources with should put the country in a position to be reckoned with. That is not the case today because it is business as usual. In the Niger Delta region where the major sources of the nation’s income are derived, the standard of living is the worse when compared to areas that add nearly nothing to the nations GNP. The companies involved in the extraction of the resources will argue that they are paying returns to the government, which is supposed to meet the needs of the locals. It should not be business as usual. In the movie AVATAR, the sky people destroyed their land and in their quest for industrial survival, they needed to look elsewhere for land to meet their demand. The inhabitants of the land the sky people wanted to claim where not interested in choppers, cars or modern technology. They were part of the land and the land was part of them. They could communicate with the environment, as the environment and the inhabitants were both integral for the survival of the other. Greed would not allow the leaders of the sky people to see the connection between the environment and the people. The same thing is in practice today in our society. It is business. Yes, but it is the reason for the change in our environment to the point where we can no longer birth in the rain because it is too cold and more changes in environment that tend to wipe us to the point of extinction if not checked. In the oil producing states of the country, the local do not have portable drinking water because all their streams and well have been polluted and a lot more damage that has been done to the environment. Like the inhabitants in the movie, the people want the oil companies to vacate their land.

The third idea is on the definition of market and the rise of a market in the modern era as seen from pages 75 to 79. I feel one thing that keeps us going in life today is the knowing that we have something to sell. Market dates back to the creation of man. In the past it was that every home would produced all they needed and did not have to buy anything because there was nothing known as money. Later it became trade by barter where goods where exchanged for goods and then came money. The market evolved from stage to stage over time with each stage having its own challenges, which gives birth to the next stage and possible solution. In the present era, the market is far bigger than one could imagine. The market is now political, religiously and in all manners influenced and motivated such that it is no longer as free as defined as a free market. No one particular place can be held as the original market place for the distribution of goods and services rather it has been defined as the when production reach consumption. I’m in the market to sell ideas and manage skills acquired over time through school, personal experience and the society at large.

The fourth idea is the cost of production that is not added to the real cost of production. The environment is deteriorating at a level that is unbearable following man’s quest for wealth. In the book, the author said that the biggest 1,000 companies in America account for 65% of the country’s GNP while the remaining 11 million small businesses make up the rest of the figure. The same thing is obtainable in this part of the country and even at an outcome that is breath taking. The struggle is such that the big players are the ones with all the political influence that do not consider the effects of environmental pollution but profit. If the cost of pollution is added to cost of production goods will not be produced at rates that will lead to abuse. I may not find the right words to explain this point but I do understand the underlying meaning.

The fifth idea in the book is on the population growth rate. In all fairness, people have to feed. Whether it is to reclaim land from the sea to build homes or turn the forest into a desert, the needs of the growing population has to be met, somehow and this must continue as long as people keep procreating. The only way to check environmental degradation is to check population growth, which could lead disaster. A lot has been written and said on the population growth rate but not much has been done to check this trend owing to the sensitive nature of child birth control which can be highlighted from religion and political factors. In my life as a person, if I don’t want to have children of my own like everybody in Nigeria belief that a man can only be measured by the strength of his family. If I decide today that I don’t want to have children I’ll be looked at as impotent not minding the fact that children should be raised in a better environment.

The sixth idea I find helpful says that sustainable business do not require exotic capital in order to grow and develop. This idea reminds me of the period I started WATERMARK VENTURES. As at the time I did not have all the millions it takes to run a firm but I had the desire to start the project. It was one daring thing I had to do because my whole life depended on the outcome. That was when I realized that the key to success is not in what I don’t have but in the ‘little’ I have.

The seventh idea in the book is that sustainable business change consumers to consumers through education. When I agreed with the author that business should not be sponsored by the motive of profit it was because business should be another form of viable and laudable education. The customer is the reason for business otherwise there would be no market and eventually economy. The customer wants value for money and safety from consuming a product. Sometimes the seller may ignore the environmental importance of revealing some of the harm in a product if it will affect sale figure negatively. They are some manufacturing company that ought to been closed long ago but because they have affiliate with the regulators, nothing is done to check the operation. When Dr. Dorothy Akunyuli was the director of the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administrative Control (NAFDAC) an assassination on her life was attempted after she closed the biggest warehouse in Nigeria that was manufacturing fake drugs. Prior to her appointment, this company and NAFDAC have been in existence for a long time and we nothing was done to check the company or perhaps the company and NAFDAC were working hand in hand. If the intention of the business is to educate the customers they would not have been packaging chalk as analgesics.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

It is my wish that the world should be a better place. A world where I’ll be at peace with the environment, where the next earthquake will not be the effect man’s quest to find cheap energy which led to pollution and then consequently the earthquake. I may not see myself harming my environment because I’m not involved in mining for oil or energy or feel concern because the tsunami that occurred did not affect me, what about that nylon wrapper that I dropped into the gutter, it will be carried all the way to the lagoon.

Our environment is in need of rescue, it is true that the government that can enforce laws that will protect the environment from pollution, but somebody has to intimate the government about the dangers ahead. In my daily life I’ll try to ensure that I do not litter the environment. I’ll take up membership with organizations that have set out to protect the environment so together we can help spread the gospel of environmental protection and the benefits. I was watching a documentary on the local television sometimes late last year about the disappearance of forest in the Northern part of Nigeria. Some of the people that were interviewed on why the once upon a time forest has become a desert said the demand for wood was the main reason for the disappearance of the forest. He said that trees were cut but nothing was done as per planting another. He said the demand for wood rose and those with the energy to cut trees took advantage of falling the trees for wood. I noticed in the cause of the report that the rise in demand was as a rise in the population of the area. The first step to checking environmental pollution and deforestation is checking population growth rate. If the number of people continues to increase, the demand for natural resources will increase at a rate higher than supply and that is what is already in motion now. I also noticed that the government was paying lip service to prohibiting people from cutting trees because there were a sign post warning people not to fall trees but as at the time of the interview, there was a man with a truck load of timber who would not speak on camera.

Before now I thought it was development to see forest become estate but now I know it is a clear sign of famine if there is no land to grow crops then God forbid it becomes a dog eat dog to survive affair in our world.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book, which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

No. There are no quotes.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No. There was no table for me to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes, and I think it is on the scale of study by the author. Issues like this, should not be centered on the United State alone. The US is not the only country in the world with production capacity for pollution. It is an issue of global concern and therefore, reference be made with attention to other countries that contribute to global pollution in either scale.


A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 7
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you give it? 7.75


You can’t eat GNP; Economics as if Ecology matters
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

One of the most realistic books I have read about the environment and effects of man’s activities on the environment. The author by my own deduction is an Ecologist who sees the danger of exploiting the earth for profit that the Economist do not consider as a valuable resources in computing the Gross National Product (GNP) of a nation. Using the thesis of some of the neoclassical economist, the author defines what item(s) compose the rudiment for computing the GNP; explain the importance of what is left out and the impact on the globe. The author takes the reader on a journey where the reader can clearly distinct between the values of the soil and the big blue sky. The impact of pollution could course large-scale damage to mother earth. Over the past years, I have heard of global warming but never bothered to find out what it means. However, this is one material that has taken me to a point where I feel part of the situation regardless which angle I view the development. If the quest for profit will blindfold us of the harm we are emitting into the atmosphere then little or nothing of a bright future there is for those coming behind. The world is fast becoming hotter for our own comfort and over the years, there have been significant change in some of the pattern of life humans, plant and animal. Our attention therefore is drawn to the rise in sea level, the melting of Arctic ice, glaciers that are receding throughout the world, changes in the migrating patterns in birds. etc. This book reminds me a lot of some of the effect of global warming in the movie 2012.

According to the author, there are people who do not believe in global warming and some of this people are not just the everyday people on the street but people with the influence to help control pollution, people in government, private businesses, farmers, scientist in different fields, etc. It is about time we become aware of the importance of the environment and the effect of pollution.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

On page five of the book the author referred to those of us in the cities as urban peasants. This got me thinking for a while about the reality of the idea. I must say that I total agree with the author. We struggle from sun up to sun down to find our daily bread in the city, which is no different from those in villages. The pattern of operation is the same with that of the rural peasant. The book may have been written for the intention of preserving the environment but I must say that the under tone goes beyond the environment but to our attitude as well. We are connected to the environment, and at any one time, our activity has direct consequence on the environment whether negative or positive. At the same time of this assessment, there’s a young man of my age, height, and color who is on the farm struggling to earn his daily bread. While I use the computer to do my own form of farming, he uses the hoe and cutlass. We are no different as the rural peasant is even more on the advantage side than I am because he is closer to nature while I inhale smoke, carbon, harmful gases, etc.

The second idea in the book is the value of the attached to some of the natural resources like the ocean, big blue sky, etc. What is the monetary value for the human life? No amount of money equals a single life no matter how ‘useless’ the person might be to me. The environment is losing its grip and all we care about how much we can make out of it. The problem is not that of the United State alone. The United State is even in a better position to combat population because she has the recourses what about other countries of the world and in particular Africa. The level of environmental pollution in Nigeria is worrisome and all the leaders want is money and nothing more. Nothing is done to check pollution and all that happens is that only when lives are lost that fire bridged checks will be brought to assess the the level of damage. I remember when the resident of one community were calling on the government to come to their aid as they were living in danger of facing high number of death following spillage of harmful chemical from a manufacturing company located around the area.

In Nigeria people settle where they find space and regardless of the risk involve people just are not bothered. By my assessment, I feel we should have industrial estate at some distance away from residential areas.

The third idea I find important is the growth of the world’s population. Wow to the rate of population growth and more wow. I live in Lagos, the former capital of my great country Nigeria. While I was growing around family and friends I noticed that some places in Lagos even as young as I was back then I could count the number of people that occupy the entire area. Of course, if I could count the houses then I should be able to estimate the number of occupants. That is not the case as it is today should I ask a child of my then age now to go the same place and take census of the population of that same area. Before the present administration, Lagos was a mess. You could hardly find space along the road to park your suppose it became necessary to pull over as every open space was quickly turned into a market. The streets became heavily populated like the street of New York where you can’t walk without hitting somebody. Some of these things are the demands of an increasing population. The places that I used to play as my own garden where converted to market and then later residential quarters. Nigeria alone accounts for more than one hundred and forty million of the world’s population and the number is still growing with the high level of illiteracy and corruption that has nearly the heart of all.

The forth idea is the distinction between the Ecologist and Economist view of resources and application. The Economist argue that resources is scare as compare to the demand and the level of extraction is not enough to meet demand so more drilling, deeper digging must continue using the latest technology. While Ecologist are of the feel that it is the clamor for wealth that has created the scarcity in a bid to jack prices and make more profit. They are also of the opinion that the rate at which the environment is suffering from pollution, will cause great danger to humanity. I personally feel that both Economist and Ecologist are out to serve humanity and rather that agreeing not to agree, a middle ground be established to effectively manage the situation such that the environment is not polluted in a bid to conducting business. Every day on the TV, in the papers, and around us there are changes that we know is sign of depletion of the environment and yet little or no attention is been given to these changes.

The fifth idea is on the awareness the book has created. It has given me the exposure to some of the terminologies and ideas as to what greenhouse gas effect is. I never knew that sulfate aerosol is a particle and it caused acid rain. I was introduced to words like chlorofluorocarbon and what they do, though I don’t think I can identify these compounds if shown to me. Again, the book as also open a dialog box for me to use as reference when I want to make a case on the effects of greenhouse gases. It is clear that in life argument can be sponsored by adequate knowledge, therefore it will to my advantage to have a better understanding of some issues that affect the environment.

The sixth idea in the book is on the three fallacies. The one that strike me the most is the Custer folly’s fallacy that say that the technological development that will save us from soil depletion and groundwater contamination. This reminds me so much of the damage that has already been done in the oil producing areas of the nation. Before the discovery of oil, Nigeria use to depend on agriculture and this accounted for over 70% of nation’s income. Then every zone of the nation was actively involved in the growth process of nation by engaging in farming of crops for both domestic consumption and foreign trade. The north I remember had a lot of pyramid of groundnut, hid and skin while places like the south had timber and rubber, palm oil and the likes. After the discovery of oil all farming work went into eternal suspension and ever since then the reliant has been on oil. When we can no longer drink from stream and harvest crops from the field then Marie Antoinette will suggest that we can drink fuel if there is no water like people will eat cake if there’s no bread.

The seventh idea in the book I that find very important is the discounting of resources so that they can be sold now. I do not see the sense in telling myself that my life will worth less in future so that I can over price myself today. If we discount the value of resources now so that we sell all we have then in future there will be nothing left for those we call our children. I have a parcel of land back at the countryside that I know means nearly nothing except that when I travel home, it is where I stay during the holiday period. If I decide to sell the place so that it can be used to grow crops the Economist would only attach value to the crops that the land produced and nothing to the land itself. The house could mean a lot to my family and beyond. The idea of discounting resources is doing more harm to the environment than good.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I have never felt connected to the environment before now and to be honest it use to be if it did not affect me it doesn’t concern me. In truth there’s no way I can distance myself from the environment. As the author suggested, I may not have any direct effect on the environment but if I take the gospel to those around me about how our little I don’t care attitude towards our environment can become global disaster, it will do a lot of good. This good may not be now but in future. When my family was still residing in the barracks, we use to watch my dad and other of his block members bury the garbage they gather after the monthly clean up exercise. I also noticed it got to a point where there was nowhere else to bury any more garbage because the ones that were bury many months ago were still like it was buried only yesterday. The whole compound bumpy and sometimes when we had heavy rain the surface soil would be washed away and some of the nylon and plastic would be expose. It was really a mess but nobody was bothered and some time I had to garbage myself.

When I was living on the mainland, that is where I saw how land has been abused in Nigeria and I want to say that the level of poverty in the land is so pronounced people don’t bother about their health not to talk of caring for the environment. I noticed that the rate at which people where dumping garbage was indiscriminate. Landowner would allow their undeveloped land to be use as a dumpsite before sand filling.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book, which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There are quotes in the book that the author used to support his point on the importance of the environment and the implication of environmental pollution. The quotes are in agreement with what the author belief that population has effects far greater than what could be valued using economic models.

There’s a quotation on page 58, it said ‘the economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment’. During my time in secondary school and the high institution and until date, I noticed that land is only valued based on the owner’s interest and nothing mattered if the land was going to be used as a dumpsite. The big blue sky was something that only scientist should talk about and if any harm is done to it, it is not our trouble. We are connected to the environment and if we misuse it, effect is that we could become in need of it later and not find it. In Lagos where I live now I noticed that all the areas that use to have trees and lakes have all been sand filled and turned into estate. All the greenery is fast going into extinction because of the quest for accommodation to shelter the ever-increasing population.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I’ll like to comment again on the rate of population growth in line with the resources available at our disposal. I know that the earth is big. And on a daily bases new grounds are conquered as technology is enhancing the level of production which gives man the opportunity to take tea with omelet in the morning, then rice and salad for lunch and whatever he so desire for dinner. But I’m of the opinion that this will not be the same in just a few years if the natural growth rate continue to spin upward. I remember some years back when I asked my dad that why did he give birth to ten children and he replied who should he not have given birth to among my brothers and sisters? I know people are becoming more informed on the effects of having more children than can manage but the population of those in the dark about this awareness is alarming.


A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you give it? 9


What God Wants
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

There is a big problem in the world in the author’s view that needs to be carefully examined. It is not about me or about you, it is about what we have been told from time, far back about who we are and what we are capable of doing. The author is of the opinion that life is not suppose to be what it is today and that we are trying to tackle the problem but not from the root that gave birth to the problem. Our ancestral knowledge about God, who He is and what He demands of us has been misinterpreted such that the world has shifted from what it should be to the complete opposite using religion as the pivot. People in an unthinkable number have been killed in God’s name and more are still killing in God’s name all because of what they have been told that God wants. We struggle to understand and agree with some of the teachings of what God wants that has been handed over to us by those before us. The authors also introduce the fact that rather than FEAR God, we should love him in ourselves and we should be free to find out how we can do this more without offending Him. Some of the world’s religion has miss-guided people on the things that God want from us using heaven and hell as promotional and tools of getting us to give in to their demand only in the form of what God wants. According to the author there is nothing God wants from me, He want me to be happy with myself and live in peace with my neighbor without judging who knows God more.

The author went further to look at areas that affect people’s belief about God and What God Wants. These includes the person of God himself and how he should be viewed, God’s Word and God’s Messenger, Heaven and Hell, Life, Male and female, marriage, Sex, etc. The author went on to provide answers to an important question that says WHAT IF SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT THAT HUMANS THINK THEY KNOW ABOUT GOD IS SIMPLY INACCURATE. In addressing this question, the author defined the fact that we’ve always been thought that God is separate from us by those who claim to know what God wants and who he is.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first idea, which is dear to me, is general about the entire book. While I was reading the book, I needed to be very open with the presentation of ideas by the author. I was not reading the book from a Christian point of view such that it is only through Christianity that I can be saved. The book did not give special regard to any of the messengers in whose name so many people in the world have been killed, rather the book embraced all their message which of course is the love of God and one’s fellow self. I personally believe this is the best way to view the world and most of the issues that affect us. I don’t think that I will be doing myself any good if I decide to harm my brother because we defer in belief. Suppose I was born in a world, where there is no such thing as church or mosque I wonder what kind of world that would have been today. Between the year 1999 and 2000 I visited the Northern state of Kaduna just few days after the religious clash that took place there and I was devastated by what my eyes saw. The situation I saw was no better imagined than witnessed, all in the name of God. I’m sure that God was and is still not happy with what happened in his name. I saw the extend at which man can unleash his control on his fellow and what power means to some people and at what level has the human mind gone. People were trapped in houses while it was set on fire. Cars that knew nothing about what was going on were burnt because they belonged to people who did not understand what God wants.

Another idea in the book that strikes me is where the author referred to the amount that rich nations give to poor nations and the amount budgeted for the defense of these country. Let’s assume and agree that one person cannot be in the world. In the world we live in today there two people, you and me. Just the two of us and everything else stay the same technology and the rest, I use dollar and you use whatever currency but not greater than my dollar in value. It occurred to me that you have more needs than I do. I decide to use policies to collect all your money and the give you only a dollar and the next thing I did was to build fence that could touch the sky so that you will not disturb me and claim to be where I am and where you are as the will of God. There is so much injustice in the world in the name of God that sometimes I wonder if we really know what we are doing. I’m not left out of the whole saga. I know how many people I have lied to using Gods name and though sometimes I ask for forgiveness from God but do the people who have trusted what I told them believe that it is what God wants ever going to like me and my God, when they find out I lied to them. This is very common when I want someone’s conviction I say I SWEAR TO GOD and with these words the person is quick to think it is true.

Another idea I agree with is that which says that God wants nothing from us. In the Nigerian society, some of the churches are of the opinion that they are doing the will of God when it is obvious that they are jostling for their own pocket every-body want to a pastor, to enjoy the benefits of pasturing which come in the form of tight and offerings. Sometime ago I thought why should people take a tenth of their income to the church when their next-door neighbor has not eating. The bible of course instructs that tight be paid; it should not make the church authority super rich while members lounge in poverty. I personally feel that if I should give that one tenth to the motherless it is still the will of God. God does not want our money to feed or our clothes to wear rather he would welcome the man who clothes the naked, give drink to the testy, feed the hungry, visit the sick, visit the imprison and bury the dead. When I was still living on the mainland, there was a family church behind my building and there were times I’ll hear the pastor say he doesn’t want those people who were coming with #5 (five Naira) as their offering that they should do more. This man did nothing but depended on what came in from the church. There was a day I over head him tell one of his fellow that if he want #5000 (five thousand) he’ll request for five people that will give #1000 (one thousand) each according to the spirit. In addition, in a bid not to deny those with less from the blessings, he’ll say if you less than a thousand you can come out and donate and in that category you have more people donating as nobody want to miss out of the blessing.

The idea that God is life and life is God is one that personally interests me. I’ve not heard anybody say ‘I’ve seen God’. However, I have heard people say they feel good when they enjoy good health, I feel is the presence of God. We live in a world where we want to believe things only when proven scientifically, such that it can be touched or seen. My belief in the existence of God is anchored on faith and this faith is based on my conviction or experience about what God wants and the role he plays in my life. I know by my conviction that God exist but what I cannot defend is how he operates. There are so many things that

Another important idea I like is language. Language is one important aspect or factor that has affected us as a people to a point where I think it will take us a long time to resolve. Some language has form and this form is such that when interpreted in a common language it creates no difference. In Nigeria, the Christians call ‘God’ in English language and Muslims refer ‘Allah’, which could be in either Arabic or Hausa. Hausa is the common language of the people up north. These are the two main religions in Nigeria now. My state Cross River has more than 50 languages that I know of with each tribe with her own name for God. Some people want God to be identified in their language otherwise there’ll be “Holy war’. Sometimes it is not the reason why people disagree but it affects the outcome and has a major impact on the entire nation. It is from this language factor that so many have gone to early grave. The language induction of young people from the north is such that they think more like a warrior and that another language is infidel. Even in government, people tend to favor those with whom they share the same mother tongue. It is the reason we can move forward as a nation.

The sixth idea in the book that I find important is that which states that behavior is the currency of human transaction. I thought about this idea for a long time then came to the point where I was left with no choice but agree with the statement. Behavior is part of habit if not seen as habit in totality by those who do not agree. When a particular believe system changes it creates a rise or fall in the value of the currency. The value depends on the direction of behavior. If the behavior is positive then the value increases or converse. Most time it is the definition of other people about who I am and what I’m capable of unleashing that form my behavior. There was this day I was walking down the street and all of a sudden I felt like someone was watching me and I started to lose confidence in myself. I remember I almost lost control of my movement. My behavior for the remainder of that journey was awkward. Some people I see in church make me think that I’m not anywhere near holiness looking at the way they behave in church. They carry themselves as if they don’t use the toilet, as though they have never said a wrong word all their life. This kind of behavior I call hard currency but fake in value or a toothless bulldog.

The seventh idea is God wants nothing; because God has, and is everything that God could possibly want. This is a very strong affirmation about the wholesomeness of God. Life is not complete in the life of any man without God. God can do without man but man cannot do without God. I like this point because it reminds of creation and God’s intention for man before sin corrupted the master plan of man’s long life and goodness. God is the power of intention and each time I meditate on my nearness to God, I get all I ask for. My problem so far is that I want to keep in touch with the divine power of intention from which I can draw grace and strength. When I alone I still fill that God is watching me though I cannot prove this but at the same time I don’t think I need to prove it to anybody because it a personal mantra.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I must confess that one area of human endeavor that people are scared to either talk about or run their personal opinion freely is religion, that which question our faith or what we believe in. Most times, we rely on what people tell us to form our own opinion and when things don’t turn out as we forecast or expect we are told that it is the will of the one we cannot question. Some people have found a way of using this fear to enslaving so many others out there all in the claim that it is what God wants and in area where authority interest differs, there’s is separation. This separation has grown and has in itself created a mechanism that do not allow for those who do not share in a particular belief to be viewed as infidel. I remember a group back in the church that started to question some of the practices of the church. Before it started, they were in harmony with the authority but when questions started flying about some of the ways of the church, the group was ex-communicated and people where strongly advise not to have anything with the or they too will be disowned. I was very small when this happened, but old enough to remember that nobody dared ask why. This group left the church and started their own church entirely, it created a lot misunderstanding even within family, and I did not know that it would get to a point where I’ll use to the incident in my assessment today. It happened so long and I lost some of my friends whose parent belonged to that group. We could have nothing to do with them or else loose our membership with the church. It got to a point where we are monitored to see if those who left would come to visit us and when they did, it did not go well the church authority, as they would often call my father for questioning as regard the nature of the visit.

I say boldly that it happen because we were told that God did not want those who opposed him in his house. I’m not saying that we are free to oppose God because it is not possible to oppose God. Meanwhile I’ve not read anywhere in the bible where it said that the white ones are for God and the black ones are for the devil. I don’t believe that god created me because he want to destroy me rather I’ve been created to bring him close to those who do not understand what he wants and the truth is that I can only do that if I have a better understanding of him.

These ideas are important and helpful to me in answering some of the questions I doubted and as well as confirming some of the ideas I was not sure I had any right to know about. Like whether I had the right to know more about God and his nature. This I know the church has been quiet about and sometimes when issues like this come up, we’re quickly counsel not to talk about it and we’re not suppose to talk about some of such issues, it is blasphemy.

It is every man’s dream to create a better world, a world where he can be sure that he is actively involved in the decisions that affects his life. A world that all the information available is for the wellness of all humanity. Information no matter how long in circulation should be able to stand the test of time. The opposite is what is happening in my society and the worse fear is that people are afraid to question some of these orders because we have told that this is what God want. Most of the teachings of pastors and ministers are on prosperity and finding a balance that makes them comfortable sometimes even at the expense of their members.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

Sometimes people think they live the way they are living because they have no choice. This is a sentence on page 13 of the book, I want to comment on it as a quote. This is an idea actually and reminds me so much of one of the things that I’ll like to be more enlightened on. I’ve always wondered why there’s so much imbalance in the system that I find myself in today. Why is the gap between the rich and the poor so wide and yet we claim to be serving the same God? Is it that God blesses the rich people, while the poor are cursed yet we claim the same linage? Some people I know where I stayed before think that they are where they are

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

One thing the author is in support that I don’t is homosexual. I personally do not agree with the fact that homosexual is normal. How can people of the same sex have intimate feelings for each other? What is there to enjoy in a photocopy. Why should I see my fellow man as a woman and address him as a she. Those people who clamor for same sex marriage need to be checked properly and their mental state determined. There’s an undertone to it that is doing humanity a lot of damage but I cannot prove this. Only recently, I heard in the news that the Anglican Church in America ordained another gay as bishop in the church. Why are we looking for human excuses to do evil? There is a lot the author said that I agree with but not on this issue. Like how things are done using Gods name as a cover since people are too scared to ask. Homosexual negates procreation, which in turn will lead to scarcity of humans over time if embraced on a wide scale.

Again, I think it will be a wise idea to think that God is one old man with white hair with a stick in his hand to punish those who are evil. It is not God’s intention that man should perish but to enjoy his blessings. It is the way man has turned the opportunity accorded him that strike me the most, I can’t imagine the world if there was no fear of God. However, some people have taken advantage of the situation but God will still check and balance the equation.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

On page 31, the author referred to some culture where women are denied the opportunity to act as leaders either in government or in church. That is true but things are changing, we have women in power and as ministers in churches. In Argentina and Germany and some other counties, woman are head of government which show that male dominance is been checked by their woman counterpart. This was only a dream about some years ago.

Chapter 13 of the book is the most interesting part of the book. It is where I was hoping to see a list of things and yet I saw nothing, not even one a word. Which shows that from us God wants nothing and all that commanded us to bring and give is for own self and no one else? Thank be to God


A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


Built to Last
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author(s) is trying to convey in the book?

The book dwells on the strategies of building a company that could stand the test of time and continue to function long after the demise of the founder(s). The authors, with vast wealth of experience in strategy formulation and implementation have been able to see through the thick glass and deduce why two children born on the same day and about the same time would turn out to be complete opposite. A company should be established to make profit but not as an end.

It could also be put this way that a company’s core ideology should not be profit maximization but service to humanity. Profit should be a gain for investing in a venture while those in the organization should be made to feel as part of the whole process. According to the authors, where this is achievable, the whole enterprise is seen as one with those who are involved in it regardless of position. This practice enables the company to function across many centuries.

Visionary companies are those that preserve the core and stimulate progress. In the face of change the core ideology does not change even though strategy, system of operation, product line changes.

2. What are the seven ideas which were very personally most important to you and why?

The first idea in the book that I find very important says ‘waiting for a great idea might be a bad idea’. The thought of this idea sound like a point to build from, most times in life the notion that I need all in the world to get to where I want to go is very frustrating. Again, when I hear people say it takes little things to make a big difference I don’t fancy such. How can I build an empire when I don’t have a dime? My father’s name doesn’t open doors so why should a bank grant me what I want. Hello! Is someone listening to me? This is Africa things don’t work like that here. It starts with who you are and where you are coming from, if you get the support you need to do anything it is simply because those giving it will need your approval someday.

The second idea in the book is the acceptance of the fact that I can live with two seemingly contradicting ideas at the same time. I noticed that in my life as a person I’m quick to think that it has to be what comes and not what I want. That if it’s not black then it is white and the two cannot go together but the idea presented by the authors is that the two can go together i.e. core ideology and stimulating progress. Like saying, instead of change or die, I can change and live, I thought I had the right to air my view and have somebody respect my opinion, not that I have to settle for what other people say. Ideas can sometimes be conflicting with present situation which create a point of confusion thereby leading to choices I regret. I should have done this to that which I did that brought me to this place of regret as I feel when things don’t come out the way I expect. In truth there is no perfect way, even my mistake are part of what defines me that is why I must learn to accommodate those on the opposite lane of the traffic.

The third idea in the book that I find very important says ‘the only constant in life is change’. This is the most sincere truth that no one can alter ever since creation. At a point I was just the result of a combination of some specimen then, I formed in my mother’s womb and was given birth to, after which I became the decision maker of what I want and how I wanted it. All this are changes, noticeable from the human life and that is how a company too changes. At a point it would seem like all the effort is a waste and that is where courage becomes integral. Change must be welcomed whether seen to favourable or adverse.

The fourth idea in the book is that a visionary company is a great place to work. This I noticed during my short spell in the banking sector. I noticed that apart from the top management team, those below did not believe in what they were doing. So long it put food on the table that was all that mattered. The office was not a place of fun as I got to know, and so many other offices out there.

The fifth idea in the book is the idea of a credo. When a man has a reason to succeed nothing in the form of challenge can stand on his way. Everything becomes an opportunity that will lead to the next level. The credo in this case becomes the torch in the dark tunnel which gives me sight to miles ahead but where I decide to go becomes my choice.

The sixth idea is a set of ideas on page 163, lessons for managers, CEOs, etc. the first said give it a try and quick. It is an attempt that if good then becomes success and if fail become learning point. Nothing can be achieved without an attempt of some sort. The idea here is that the outcome may not be a sure one as I mostly would like. The second one is to accept that mistakes will be made. Any person that has not made a mistake before has not done anything. As a manager I should expect it. However, these mistakes should not be to the point where the organization implodes.

The last idea in the book said let the evidence speak. A lot of people have gawk at me when I tell them that I’m running an online program. Like I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing with my time. One day I know the evident of what I’m doing today will speak for itself. A man has to take pride in whatever he is doing.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

The book Built to last is one on strategy, on why it is important to look beyond profit in setting up an organisation or a business that will be around long after I’m gone. As I turn in this assessment my project which was registered as far back as in 2007 as motivated by this institute is still in darkness and a long way from reality unless I change my attitude. I have never really pushed myself to the point where I would be totally committed to building a visionary company. The ideas in this book woke me to the reality of doing something not for the gain of today. I noticed also that my contemporaries who are suffering the same fate have the same problem as I do.

I also noticed that all along my quest has been channeled towards meeting my immediate need and once the moment is satisfied, I go to sleep until there’s a need for me to push yet another deal. Again I have not kept record of my transaction as well as details of my client so that I can do follow ups.

I must say that reading of books may not be as sure as what I want but it is a big reminder of what is necessary in life and what the consequences are if the right thing is not done.

Another thing I noticed is that the core of a business can never change. Though strategy, mode of operation, stimulator of progress may change the core of why I’m in business mustn’t. I must have a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG).

In translating these ideas to daily life means applying the lessons learnt to my life and the life of those around me. Everyday is a blessing that should be cherished regardless of daily challenges. Life is a business, in building a business of legacy I have to make the most of what I have today. Some of the people whose work serve as reference today did not enjoy the luxury I have yet went ahead to set and attain BHAG. It is my prayer now that I should ask myself each day that passes what impact I had in the life of someone.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

On page 140 of the book there are three opening quotes and the one that strikes me is the shortest. It says ‘failure is our most important product’. Do you want to know how many times I’ve given up on myself from just thinking that I’ll fail? Countless is the number. Failure is a very frightening thing and knowing that there are people out there who want to make fun of me from failing gives me the creeps not to venture into anything at all. Sometime failure freezes me on my track.

5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is clear and interesting to read

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.

There were no exercises in the book to be completed.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered inn the previous questions? If so, please comment.



How interesting was it to read 8
How helpful were the content 8
How easy was it to understand 9
Would you recommend the book to others 9
What is the overall rating you would give the book 8.5


Change the World
How Ordinary People Can Achieve Extraordinary Results
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

Change the world by my own understanding of what the author is trying to pass across is about the spiritual path to understanding some of the things that affect us as a people in our every day life that has been normalized.

According to the author changing the world is not about making everybody in the world to become a stereo type who I am or expect things my way but that in changing the world I should look at my self and make the basic changes I crave for.

This is because we all have an idea of what the world should be like for us to be at our best. In life as individuals we all have our script from which nearly of all we are is shaped from and in most times it is the beacon that determines our decision on issues that affect not only us as people but that could change an entire generation.

When in a collective society I should remember that it is not about my script anymore but the collective will so that we can become a productive community.

Secondly, the book is about building an organization that works for everybody where people are not a threat nor see threat in the opinions of others in the community, a system that welcome change even when this change is in the form of chaos.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first ideas in the book that represent my interest suggest that as a collective community I must not always push for my script to be the standard in assessing others. Individually we all have scripts but it should not be brought to bear if we want to see and be a change object in a progressive community. It is the reason why things are the way they are in Africa today. It is about my own or your own. The change I want to see in the world can only come from me by doing the good in me not for my self but for my community as a whole.

Another idea that important is on the decision to be a change agent. All my life I have only heard of people who wish for change but little has been done to it effect. I also noticed at sometimes when I crave for change I do not know what change I want to see happen. What is I want to change or is the change not about me per say?

The third idea is on the journey of intense achievement on page126 of the book. This journey is sponsored by inner direction and inner focus. Why it is important is that I’ve always thought of making people think highly of me as an outstanding person even when I don’t deserve it. It is our nature as humans to think and feel this way because we feel we have to be in control. Being in control sometimes is the only way we can express ourselves.

The fourth idea is that life weather as an individual or organization is not a linear journey. There are times when things happen in life as though there are following a particular order one event leading to another in sequence and at other times it seems things don’t make sense at all regardless of what we expect. Things are strange and stirring nothing but anger and hatred within me, against society for all the uncheck injustice and indeed the world at large for voting for nuclear war schools rather than poverty eradication.

The fifth idea in the book is important to me said that in a transactional system, people put themselves first. When the common good is not fulfilling their self-interest they turn their backs on the common good. This is our first response as people regardless of what our conscience ask of us. I recall a time when I was under paid employment, I was not there because I wanted to see the company grow out of the box and become a mega outfit but solely interested in what I get as wage for my service sometimes when I’m tempted to wonder how the company is surviving I quickly snap myself out of it that it is not my business and that those with responsibility are out there mine is just to do what I have to do and get paid.

The sixth idea in the book is that I should embody a vision of common good. Yes like every sane person would say ’I want what is good for my neighbor’ but in truth nobody want to see another get ahead of him or her. It creates a lot of tension in me when I see people around me change cloths, upgrade personal effects, and do things that we describe as being responsible and more.

The seventh idea in said I should invite others to transcend their script. Change is a constant thing like one author said. When I’ve been able to learn the ropes I can then encourage others around me to do the same and continue the process. In my meeting where I am the president someone told me one day that it is what I do or say that they will follow, it is the reason why I’m the president. At that point I felt the weight of the whole group on my shoulder and wonder what will happen if I fail?

I felt like running away and started to look for excuses not to attend meetings regularly, I noticed that those few words had an effect on me that I could not comprehend. In changing my script and allowing for the flow to come naturally is better than trying to be artificial.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Life sometimes requires a combination of both theory and practical ideas in reaching a decision. Some of the ideas are codified in works like a book title change the world. At a point looking at the title, changing the world does not infer to relocating the trees and mountains but finding a reason to live beyond personal fulfillment or achievement. These ideas will help in two ways. First creating a better world for those around me and secondly helping me to fine a reason for every day.

At some point while reading this book I had to look back at the way I have led those in my group in church. As president, judging by some of the ideas in the book about allowing chaos to lead transformation, I have always thought that as a leader I should do all in my power to avoid chaos in my meetings but I’ve realized that chaos will only bring about the best of people as it allows them to air their views on issues that affect us all.

There are certain things in my society that has been normalized which should not be like corruption. Every arm of government in my country is waging war against corruption but it is the same corruption that brought them to office so how can they win the war against corruption? People are afraid of change especially if that change will alter the status quo and question their power.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.


5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.

Not in terms of physical exercise but every idea in the book is a practical exercise that needs to be completed in the mind to make a better person.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered inn the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The book is in a clear balance of using spirituality to attain physicality. Like I’ve told myself that it is not enough to read and expect impact immediately. Someone once told me that building is not a day thing unless I don’t want that building to last.


How interesting was it to read? 8
How helpful were the content? 8
How easy was it to understand? 9
Would you recommend the book to others? 9
What is the overall rating you would give the book? 8.5


Full Steam Ahead
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

Full steam ahead is a book on leadership that is different from all the books on leadership that I have read before it. The book is a very comfortable style of understanding how leadership works from a personal perspective of every day life. I was able to picture the possibilities or interpreting leadership in a more measurable scale. The author took one of the most captivating approaches, a novel like style of messaging that you find hard to part from. There is nothing new about the leadership rudiment but the reality and nearness to the heart is one thing I could ponder on for long.

The author is of the opinion that our leadership style must be base on certain principles that shape our understanding. I don’t need to have all that I want to make the impact I want in my life. Leadership starts from the house before it can be brought to bear on others. If the little challenges of every day life cannot afford me the chance to display my leadership qualities then I’m not ready for the challenges of the bigger world.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally important to you and why?

The first idea in the book that I like is that of setting clear goals. This is very important to everybody that is business incline and wants success in life. I want a lot of things in this life but if I’m not precise as to what I actually need I could end up not achieving anything because of failure to set clear goals.

The second idea is that of an unfamiliar world. Everyday I wake up at where I stay but the world is still very unfamiliar to me. There is a lot in the world that no matter how long I live I will still not understand why I do certain things even though I know they are wrong. I still cannot find a good reason why I have to lie to someone because I want their favour. Why is there so much budget on defence and only a fraction of nothing to agriculture and health care? Personally, I can’t think of anything I’ve done for the better of my fellow if it is not more to my advantage than what the others are getting. The world is indeed a small place yet I know nothing as to what I’ll do the next minute to add value to my world.

The third idea in the book is significant of purpose. I remember this idea in one of the books I read earlier in this program. Why am I doing this assessment in the first place, is it because I think somebody will give me a gift at the end of the program or I’m just doing it to brag to some of my friends that I have a certificate from a school abroad? The above question could be the answers why I’m doing this assessment but it is what keeps me going. It is the reason why I want to turn in my assessment it is the purpose of doing this, the idea whether it is moral, acceptable or not is not why I’m doing this assessment.

The fourth idea in the book is that I should have a picture of the future. There is nothing that can be done without first having a picture of it, the processes, challenge and then the final fit of when all said and done. This is where the usefulness of significant of purpose becomes relevant. This is how the universe came into existence. According to the Bible God said it and it came to be confirming the power of vision. Most of the things we use today like the motor car, phone, construction of houses, etc are all first seen from the mental picture in our head before they become visible with the mind picture as our guide, the mind picture is one of the powerful tools of creation, having a vision of what wants.

The fifth idea is blurry vision. Although I want all in life to be good but things will always not be rosy at all time that is why I like this point in the book. When all in life is picture perfect then we are no longer humans because as humans it is in our nature to make mistakes. When an idea is blurring, it is not enough to conclude that nothing good will come out of it because behind the dark cloud there’s always a silver lining. There was this day I woke with a dreadful dream that something was chasing me and I was scared of coming out with the belief that the dream was a warning so I needed to stay indoor all through. Later that day I manage to come out but to my surprise it was a wonderful day with so much memorable time that I did not remember that I had a nightmare.

The sixth idea in the book is the 20/20 vision. This idea remind me that every vision must have a time frame otherwise it becomes a wild goose chase with no date of capture. When there’s a time frame it allows for variance and performance assess ability to determine out put. Time is classic and this allows for more options in goal setting. If I want to set a plan of finishing this program then at a particular period I should be able to say what I’ve done from when I started to this point of this assessment.

The seventh idea in the book that is important is courage. In the face of defeat and from the claws of death courage can bring me victory. This courage like love must be unconditional if I must reap the full benefit of what I want in life. To be courageous means that I know the task ahead to be challenging but I won’t quit because so many have fallen by the way side.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

I’ve always said and will remain a strong advocate of future effect for today’s action. Everything counts in making my life better. These ideas will not stick unless I master the art of understanding who I am how I can create impact in the world.

I must set clear goal in an unfamiliar territory and make sure that I’m courageous enough to help those around me in finding happiness in everyday life. In my organization I must ensure that the progress of all the employees is served with the best interest.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

The quote in the book that I love is that of Martin Luther King Jr. his famous speech of I have a dream. This today is a dream come true not only in the United State of America but to every person who believe in the change that we all crave for. There is nothing that is not possible with the right attitude and focus. Having a dream is one thing and living the dream is another that requires the best of intention to get achieve. When those words were said by Dr. King many years ago he had a vision that one day the children of slave and slave owners will sit down one day at the table of brotherhood. The attention may not be on the content of the words that were said but on the picture that created those words. Knowing that it is possible if I believe is what gives me joy the most. We all have dreams and in most situations we do not know how to pursue these dreams. In making the world a better place I have to believe in myself and my ability to positively impact the world. This has to start from myself and my house. Personal bias must be kept far from the process.

5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is just a wonderful book to read and understand.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.

There is no table in the book to complete but there exercises in the book that I find very helpful. The words in italics are of very good for daily meditation and use.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered inn the previous questions? If so, please comment.



How interesting was it to read? 9
How helpful were the content? 9
How easy was it to understand? 9
Would you recommend the book to others? 9
What is the overall rating you would give the book? 9


Open Book Management
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey?

Do you want to know the reason some people are willing to die for a company, protect certain information as though there are under oath? It is not just because the company is responsible for their pay cheque. Nor because the cheque do not come when due, or the management is operating in an autocratic style that the employees are only subjected to obey.

According to the title of the book, open book management is about the involvement of all those who are involved in the running of a business and in the sharing of profit and loss of the company. This is where all the books are open for all employees to see their contribution towards the existence, growth or decline of the firm. Employees are constantly circularized with changes the organization experience or expect. Open book management is designed to help both new and existing company meet the challenge of corporate existence. A walk-in customer can be satisfied by the person at the gate about the give and take of a company.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally important to you and why?

The first of the seven ideas in the book that represent my interest is that in the new economy, the market place is more competitive sometime by orders of magnitude than it used to be. While growing my definition of business was not too far buying and selling in ordinary words but with time I started to understand that it far more than that. Business is like the human body with many function all working to achieve one goal, comfort. Sometimes the body parts struggles but the struggle is not to over throw the other but in business this is the idea in a competitive market as noted by the author. Through competition, the market checks itself there by forcing those who can’t stand the heat out.

The second idea is thinking like an owner. “If wicked people know how to give good things to their children what about your father in heaven” God has blessed every man with the heart of knowing what is good and how to appreciate it. You may wonder what this has to do with thinking like the owner but if you look closely you’ll see that it is the reason why any body would hold on to something dearly or may let go without feeling any guilt. When I feel as the owner of something that thing becomes something of unequal value to me even though to some it is just a piece of trash. When a business becomes part of me not just in terms of feeding me but meeting the needs of those who work with me it create a sense of belonging or ownership that push for continuity to a point where I’ll be willing to give all I have to see it grow.

The third idea in the book is that there isn’t anything mysterious about open book management. By the ideas of a civilized society this should be perfect. However, in places like my country where there’s a lot of corruption, hate and cheap labor this style of management is not the best for now. Business owners only want to inspire employee to give their best shot for the benefit of the investors and claim that the monthly take home is enough to garner the required attention from the employees. Most companies in Nigeria do not feel comfortable with the idea of sharing information with employees for fear that the employees will become too inform about the business thereby causing challenge from the employees which management will not welcome. I remember when a childhood friend got a job and was promise stock option as part of his compensation the whole idea was so strange to him and those of us he told because it was not a familiar tale. How long would he work to enjoy his stock which was subject to a certain target of sales and the great fear was what if he did not meet the company’s target?

The fourth idea is to look at my business and answer the question of what I hope to achieve. This is one very important question that all business people have to answer at every point as things unfold in doing business. While I got the motivation to register my business name I did not get the same motivation to transact business owing to the fact that since the business put food on my table that was all I needed once a meal was sure no need to put in more effort. This idea is like digging my grave but not wanting to throw myself in the pit.

The fifth idea in the book is the power of information. The greatest knowledge available to any man alive or dead is the power of knowledge and this come from information from all forms of learning including violence. I must say that the information about running a business that I’ve learnt from reading books provided by the IIGL is priceless. This has given me a new sense of ownership that has changed me a lot. I use to be afraid that I don’t have what it takes to be a big league player but the last few years have told me that I have more than enough to be up there calling the shots and making things happen but I just have to take my chance. It is all about having the right information on the trends in the market place and confronting the great fear.

The sixth idea is that everybody has to understand the information they get. I went to make enquiries one day while I was considering a diploma in networking. When I got to the front desk the beautiful lady I met though polite was as good as invisible because she knew nearly nothing of what I was talking about, I also noticed that I was really asking her too many questions that she fired that “I’ll get someone to talk to you”. Though at that point it meant nothing to me because I did not know it should. While I read further on this idea, the incident came to mind as though it happened only yesterday. If the information available is not properly understood it becomes nothing but trash. We now live in a world of information and from diverse sources such that sometimes I wonder how people in Nigeria survived or how we did business when there was no mobile phones and internet.

The seventh idea in the book is that the operation of a business must be transparent. This is sequel to the third idea I talked about earlier. If not for the fact that people (management) have something to hide, why would it be hard for information that should promote the company be held back from those who playing the game. During my industrial training, the hotel never for once display how much the hotel was making and how the staff were performing to achieve the hotels rating of a five star hotel. When the staffs that were not working with the account section got a hint of how much the hotel made you could hear all the side talks from different groups of how much their service charge will be and if anything other than what they expect, you know the line.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

When a person is blessed there is only one way to find out. Check the kind of people he listens to, places he goes and most importantly the book he reads. The world is in perfect state that nothing is needed to make it any better than it already is one of the things that need changing is the way business is done and our attitude as managers. Although in my line of work for now I don’t have to open my books to inspire anybody but there are times when even to myself I don’t say the truth. I cannot count how many times I have said I’ll not do a particular thing yet again it is done.

I have the believe that some day I’m going to need to the books to people and if I can inculcate that habit now by being sincere in my business then when that time comes, it won’t be a hard thing to do. Being transparent is one of the best things that could happen to any business.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book that stand out as quotes that could be referenced.

5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Seriously, the book is modern with historical collection of how doing business has moved through various stages, the challenges that have led to scientific management in organization.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered inn the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Generally, I like the book and personally feel it is informative enough and a must read for all those who are aspiring to becoming entrepreneur.

How interesting was it to read? 8
How helpful were the content? 8
How easy was it to understand? 9
Would you recommend the book to others? 9


Difficult Conversations
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

Wars have been fought, relationship broken, great minds reduced to nearly nothing, sane mind acting insane all because of a conversation said or heard. In this life no one person has all the answers to the multiple questions of managing himself perfectly let alone understanding the man standing next to him. The book is about looking beyond the surface to have a better understanding of what the other person want when a word is said or a demand made. The information available to our senses is enormous such that we can’t grab all the information at the same time and what may interest us may not be appealing to the next person thereby creating differences in our opinion even when we are looking at a situation from the same stand point. What we decide to hold from this stream of information is what forms our life style or the principle that represent us. This retained information is what defines me as a person. An example of this is two people born in the same place, who have never left where they were born, may choose to like different colors and could prefer what the other hates.

2. What are the seven ideas which were very personally most important to you and why?

The first idea I learnt in the book not by order of preference is that I should look beyond the surface in addressing an issue than thinking about it. I remember when I just met a lady in church permit me to withhold her name, she caught my attention when we talked and later I started to think about her and some of the things she said more often. She occupied my thoughts nearly all through the week and at a point I thought I loved someone who is not even aware of it. Towards the end of the week I called to fix a meeting and the respond I got knocked me off my feet, she was more excited than I could imagine. I got the impression that she was even more anxious than I was to stick with me, so I asked her out officially after some time together but my request was turned down. I thought she was still in the hang over of the excitement therefore did not want to enter any rash agreement but when I perceived that the coast was clear she was no where on the radar. She did not return my calls, she was avoiding me like a plague and when I called from a pay phone I’ll get response that could make a saint turn sinner. She became a good reference point of how people (women) are not serious when one meant business. At our last conversation she told me that I should work hard that my current level of performance is low and at this I concluded she was greedy and will get nothing more.

The second idea is accepting that I will make mistake. This is one idea in the book that got me thinking for long. I thought about the truth in the idea and I came to terms with the fact that I have not been sincere with myself for the greater part of my adult life so far. Owning up to a mistake is one thing I noticed that we Africans or me hate. I always look for reason for everything I’ve done, a reason to justify my action even when it is morally not acceptable. I can’t think of any mistake I’ve made because they are too much and too often that they don’t feel like mistakes anymore. If I may ask, in the first idea above what did I do wrong to be told to work hard? She must have known that I’m not a hard worker when she gave me the green light only to come up with an excuse I still don’t understand. Please note that this doesn’t mean I’m above mistakes and take pride in mistakes. The more I make them and don’t learn from them is what tears me apart.

Third idea is accepting that my intentions are complex. I can remember when I had a clear intention about a particular action. When I went through the text on this idea, I asked myself how true this is and how do I define my conversation to truly appreciate the other person like the girl I met in church. Was I really feeling something strong enough for her to the point where she could see it and truly believe me? May be I was just over excited and lost focus of what I really wanted. I could have just wanted a one night stand and yet did not question my intention and went ahead to tell her something else. I have avoided people on the platform that my intentions have led me to think that am above mistake and when it becomes obvious that I’m wrong I go into hiding. Intentions like desire are very complex and could lead to very difficult conversation both interpersonally and intra personally.

The fourth idea is the assumption that bad intention is bad character. By this idea I can easily conclude that the girl I met in church has a very bad character. She is good for nothing except for what she wants, and this is not true, her action do not define her character I do not understand what she want. I’m sure she will equally think that my character is bad because my intentions are bad as well. When this is the only think of her it will not afford me the opportunity getting to appreciate the good she’s capable of unleashing.

The fifth idea I personally find helpful is the idea to stop arguing about who is right. OK, I’m right she’s not my reason for this conclusion is that is selfish. She’s only looking out for her interest and giving no attention to what I feel so my point is valid. According to her story I’m the one wrong while she’s right her reason is that I’m too greedy to notice what she want out of the relationship. She wants someone who would love her all through and not a one night stand affair. May it just has not occurred to me that I got her attention all the wrong way she just wanted someone to spend some time and noting more I just happen to be the one at that moment it could have been anyone. She’s already involved with someone else and she is not looking at double dating. We could go on again and again about who is right but this will get us no where if we truly love each other. I think the person that is not getting the massage here is me. Why can’t I just take it easy?

The sixth is to check my understanding. Sometimes I feel I’m so smart that I don’t even follow instruction before I begin a venture. I leave to chance the facts and conclude that what will be, will definitely be. Though I sometimes catch myself doing this but when I checked I found that I have done this more and more without learning from my mistakes. What kind of person will not learn from his mistakes? JP! I know I cannot be too careful not to make mistakes but it is still not enough for me not to learn from my short comings.

The seventh idea in the book is find courage to ask for help. Between me and my girl from the church who need help? I need help but I did not find the understanding to ask for this because I feel I know everything at least I’m a student of IIGL and by now I should have know everything. This is one wrong way of assuming no matter the level of my educational attainment. Some people conclude that I’m an intelligent person and that I have the ability to manage people and I’m smart and all other nice lies about me but to myself as a person I don’t think I have enough to relax and take pride in those compliment. What I need this moment is help but each time I think of asking for help I feel that I’m throwing away my pride and letting myself down.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Finding the ability to love someone alone is a gift. This opportunity should not be mistaken and clearly defined when mixed with greed and personal interest. In the first idea I shared I was too quick to conclude that she’s greedy simply because she said I should work hard. I did not wait for a positive feedback from my inner voice about seeing light in what she said. It was as I read further that I realized that I got it all wrong. She has the right to her decision and should be respected for that. I think in making the world a better place I have to see her and apologize for all the wrong commentaries and tell her how I now truly appreciate her honesty. It better to hear the truth and suffer the pain if any now than later but as my nature has made me understand talk is cheap while action is precious.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book that stand out.

5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.

There were no exercises in the book for the reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

My comment on this book is that it should be amongst the books that students of the institute will have to read at a level that they don’t have to select books. That is, it should be a level one or two book.


How interesting was it to read 9
How helpful were the content 9
How easy was it to understand 9
Would you recommend the book to others 9
What is the overall rating you would give the book 9


How to make Collaboration Work
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

I can’t think of the day I woke and said nothing to anybody, or did not need somebody’s help to get something done in some way. As a person everything is perfect but when it involves two or more people then there is a tendency that there will be disagreement at some point. How to make collaboration work is a book that looks at these conflicts that may arise from our day to day life activities either in the office, at play or at home. The book helps to understand that at certain point we must accept certain responsibility if we are to build healthy relationships. Sometime the so called ‘experience’ I have in a particular field may only lead to stress, frustration and inefficiency. Aside the fact that the book presents ideas that resolves conflict in the corporate environment; it also helps in self talk. As the president of my group in church this book is the best piece of material that I’ve ever read

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally important to you and why?

Every man has the ability to make an impact in the society and the thought of this alone is met with mixed feelings. On one hand is the fact that I can take pride in myself and feel successful if it all turns out well, while on the other hand I’ll be dammed if I fail. Can I face the shame of letting people who trusted my ability down? Being a facilitator is not just about standing in the middle, watching each side take it out on the other nor is it about helping others find a way to make peace but about finding inner dialogue with oneself.

The second idea from the book is that as the president of my group, there are some decisions I’ll take that do not require consensus and when such, I must try to frame my decision in its context explaining the underlying rationale for it and how the criteria I used are consistent with the established principle. Again it should be known that when I make decision I must have the strength and will to back it up. This is because there are certain times when I’ll need quick result on issues that are urgent and getting my members to share their advice may not be possible due to time. There was this day I got a message that our meeting will not hold at the agreed time owing to something that can up but when I got to the venue at the supposed time for the meeting there was nobody but me. Then I waited for over half an hour before the next person can and when two others can and suggested that the meeting be postponed I refused and insisted that the meeting will hold but it would be brief and it happened so and the outcome was very pleasing for my group members.

The third idea I gather from the book is that I can really learn a lot from my group members if I allow them to be themselves in the course of facilitating. We are different in ideas and knowledge and so there is a tendency that if I don’t impose myself on my members then I’ll be able to bring out their true picture and this can be very worthwhile. In collaborative environment every member has the same voting that guarantees that his or her opinion is important to the group. During the course of a meeting one Sunday, a member raised an objection to an observation which was greeted with sharp criticism of how she is not working in accordance with accepted standard of work done I noticed that while she was trying to state the honesty of her intention I just sat there I watch how things turned out as the president I’m sure some would have expected that I’ll cut them off and usher the next agenda but I just allowed them to speak their minds and in the end it turned out that there was more to it, one took it personal while the other was only trying to help.

The fourth idea is on the heuristic way of finding things. This is the most effective way of sorting out issues. Before this book I never knew there was a name for this way of looking for things. The way the mind works is one that I can’t tell and it amaze me when I think of the creative power of the mind. There was this day I was looking for my wrist watch and I could not tell where in the house the watch was. I looked every where and did not find the watch then I stopped and sat down and pictured myself from the last time I used the watch and at once I saw my self in the office taking off the watch and throwing it into my locker while I was going for my evening game and when I got to the office I went straight to the locker there was the watch I was looking for at home. This way of looking for things can be employed into solving problem is in a collaborating community. This strategy enables for precise result rather than having to make everybody in the group uncomfortable just to get things done.

The fifth idea is what I have to do when the group cannot reach a consensus. When my group cannot reach a consensus I must be the fallback. That is the consequence of the decision falls on me as the president. This idea should help the group reach some conclusions that would otherwise hold the group back may be due diverse opinion on the matter. As a leader I should also know that at this point of decision making not all members would want to see things turn out well if they feel that they are influential enough to be left out of a planning process.

The sixth idea is that collaboration creates understanding and foster growth in the team. When all the members in a group feel responsible for the way the team’s performance will affect them, they will be willing to go the extra mile to ensure that their role is clearly understood and that their contribution is for the best interest of the group. Collaboration allows for the members to listen to others just because they know others will listen to them. During our year end party I noticed that some people were trying to hijack the work while some where just interested in giving others and some were just there for nothing and at a point interest were conflicting after the wholes ding dung during the next meeting after the party a member could not hide her displeasure over the bossiness another member. The meeting was almost turned apart and though I felt it was my fault but I think it was a good thing that people were able to air their views.

The last idea on collaboration is that it makes me a better leader. If I were to rely solely on my own ability I will not accomplish much and the group I lead will not have the benefit of learning from other members of the group. It would make me an island and that could be really boring. Collaboration as far as this moment should be the best form of leadership as this will help check conflict. When people feel that they have an equal chance like anybody even when they are not given the opportunity they will not feel bad knowing it could be anybody and when they are chosen to certain position they will not allow it get into their heads.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Collaboration like I said in the last idea is the best form of government. A participatory government where all is involved in what affects them, in my daily life these ideas will help be more attentive to the voice of others rather than trying to do all the talking. There are people I see everyday and feel I’m far better than them and so have nothing to tell me that I don’t already know. This is a big mistake and could be very dangerous if I don’t start applying the countless strategies in the book about dealing with situations.

Leadership is built on strength and honesty and these are virtues I have to start working on because it is not too late. There are times when I feel that all I need to sit and things will fall into place or that I’ll go sleep broke and wake up rich like a scene in the movie but that is not true, I have to combine my effort with that of those I work or else I’m going to be running in circle. One of the reasons the Niger part of Nigeria is in total disunity today is because the process has not involved a collaborative effort of both the government and those are suffering from the oil spill. Those who sit at the table are those who have nothing to loose but what will accrue to their pocket at the end of each negotiation.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book.

5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that I did not understand.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered inn the previous questions? If so, please comment.


A. How interesting was it to read 8
B. How helpful were the content 8
C. How easy was it to understand 9
D. Would you recommend the book to others 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give the book 8.5


30 Lies About Money
Assessment by Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book’s author though with a background in Social Economics, takes a practical look at money as it affects the emotional and spiritual well being of a person. The book present a new way of tackling the generational change for the demand and supply of money. In a normal situation there are certain forces that affect the demand for money which has almost turned everybody in the world into a slave, which has led to the need to have money by all means. The relation to money affects the way we conduct ourselves as people and how we manage our organization. We have attached a certain degree of importance to money that money has become more than what it should be.

There is a need to understand how the quest for money affects us as people and what are the steps to take in ensuring that we don’t spend all our useful years chasing the wind while there is more to what we are looking for, there is this believe that money brings happiness. I have often heard though mostly among the elderly people talk about how much pain they had to endure to make a little amount of that was barely enough for them to feed the family with.

2. What are the seven ideas that were personally most important to you and why?

I reasoned in the course of reading through the pages of the book that there are so many modern day misconceptions about money that need to be change or else we’ll all become robots. On the first chapter I noticed that I’ve always thought that money will bring happiness. Again, let me say here that there are times when I just feel comfortable with myself because I just remember that I have some money in my pocket. That at that material time I can get what I want if I have the means to afford it. Money has a way of inducing some level of confidence, though this confidence is pseudo it does not stand the test of time. Money is manmade but happiness is far from man if it is not self made.

Secondly I personally not hold dear the fact that money is power. In the transaction world where money is the standard of exchange the amount in one’s hand validates this point. In the world of matter and form where we search for truth and sincere happiness money is not of any relevance. Every person in life has a definition of what money is and what it is capable of attracting to him/her at the moment. I was in the bus one day on my way to see a client when a man stood up and market a drug. He spoke for a while about what the drug would do and the advantage of buying from him after recommending some of the other places the drug could be got. After some jokes he let us have the price and people where like “no way, in a bus can we buy the drug for such a price”. At that point I noticed that the power was not in the drug to command that price for people could walk into a drug store and buy that drug for twice the price but for the fact that it was in a bus, the price was a no deal. We have been made to think that the more money in our pocket the greater the power we command. This is because most of us are from societies where poverty is pronounced beyond words those who have been opportune to serve in government have created artificial scarcity so that those that don’t have will continue to look on those who do have.

The third idea believes that debt is not bad. I’ve heard someone argue sternly that people who are in debt are not reliable. I have a steady job that guarantees that I meet some of my needs at the end of each month and if for some emergency reason I have a pressing need that can’t wait till the end of the month is there anything wrong with IOU? Of course not, there is no business out there that can survive without some form of credit.

The fourth idea is that everybody can make a profit. In the authors example of profiting, it takes one person to make a loss for another person to make a profit which I agree with in the short run while in the long run we all make profit because one person do not win all the time. I have a friend who is into event management and planning, he’d a job one time and invited to be part of his team. This even attracted people from far and wide so I was delighted to be part of the whole experience. Initially I was not interested in the monetary part of the agreement because I felt that anything would do. As the event progressed I felt like a slave, there was this awareness in me that I should not allow myself be used for such a price if its money we should all make profit what I was getting was nothing near profit by any standard.

The fifth idea is a lie and the lie is that money is freedom. Let no man be deceived out there that money is freedom. The more you have the longer the stay in prison. This is one thing a lot of people have failed to understanding that we are not bound to be happy base on the amount of money in our possession. Lately I got some money from a brother who returned from a trip abroad but it did not add a dime sense of happiness to my life but I feel very happy knowing that I’m alive and I can do things like a normal person and play volleyball. Again, when it involves meeting my daily needs and putting food on my table it could be just to say that money would bring some form of freedom and this is in knowing that I don’t have to beg but work to get that things I want.

The sixth idea is another lie that the health of a country may be accurately judged by looking at its GNP and other Economic statistics. Let anybody who doubts this lie look at Nigeria GNP, annual inflow from crude oil sales, taxes, among others. The figures will leave you confused. Take a look at the unemployment rate and the state of infrastructural development and the over whelming level of corruption at all level of government, the total decay in moral and the social life and tell me if the GNP figures are anything to rely on.

The seventh idea in the book is that men handle money better than women. Personally I don’t think so. Rather it should be that women handle money more than men by a mile. Women are the better manager of the house and are more prudent in spending. I have observed that in a house, the man work more for the money but it is the woman that determines how long the money last and this depend on individual.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world, If so, how?

There are some things in life that no matter how educated I am as a person I may not understand like why can’t I have all the things I want at the same time? It is not enough to rely on classroom knowledge alone to deal with all the financial challenges because most of the real life situations cannot be contained in a text book.

The way I pursue money has been with so much energy that at some point I feel like selling my soul for some few bucks. We all get tempted. I know that money is not needed for the sake of money itself but what it can afford at a particular time because the value of money is never stable. There are some things that money can’t buy and one of such is happiness. The primary aim of the author is to enlighten readers on the need to pay less attention to the luxury of chasing money while there are other things that mean more.

My life as one more stream of knowledge. I have one or more ideas on how to manage my money and how to make it work for me. One of the greatest challenge of humanity is satisfying human want. In Economics, while in school I learnt that human want are insatiable as compare to the limited resources. The quest for money should not make me a slave.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

The quote in the book that caught my attention is on page 13 “A rich man is only a poor man with a lot of money. Whoever believes that with money you can buy everything has obviously never had any.” If you want to see show offs with money just give a little amount of money to a man who don’t have. It is not easy to have money and still keep ones cool in a society like Nigeria where there is oppression from every corner. Another area where this might be true is when you consider the high level of poverty. There are so many imbalances in the society that people do things for money that would ordinarily not venture with the excuse that they have survive.

Personally I don’t see this as true even though I’ve stooped low for the sake of money at some point in my life and even more recently. It is not enough to rely on my money for happiness, I can buy a person but I can’t buy his trust and loyalty.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that I do not agree with because the ideas in the book are precise and easy to understand and the book is a wonderful.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are no exercises in the book for the reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Personally I think that more of this kind of book should be added to the curriculum of the institution to enhance our financial knowledge.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


Rich Dad Poor Dad
Assessment by Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Rich dad poor dad is a book for both parent and children that teaches how to make choices and explore options in a fast changing world. The authors are using their personal experiences in this book to help parent allow their children make decision on issues that affect them as independent people so that they can live a financial aptitude life.

It is true that parent should be there for their children but not to a point where the children become robots while the remote is with the parent. Some parents do not feel comfortable discussing their finances with their children and yet want the children to understand the implication of spending their money working for it.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first idea from the book is that class room education is not enough to see me through in the real world because subject thought in the class are not able to address the issues out there if I want to successful and not entirely dependent for the rest of my life. I was thought in school that getting a good job is the most reason why I have to go school and that until I reach a particular level educational pursuit I’m only wasting my time. I must get a master degree after a bachelor degree and then a PhD before I can stand up to defend my right to freedom.

This idea of school not being the determinate of my future is important to me because I’ve seen people in countless number with little or no educational background who followed their heart and listened to that little inner voice who are ruling the world of business today in this ever changing world.

The second idea is on the effect of parent on their children. During the formative stage of a child, the child is busy doing the bidding of the parent so that that child could enjoy the favor and respect of the siblings. A child that defiles the wishes or command of the parent is not loved and the parent makes no displeasure hidden as that child will not enjoy any the preferential treatment from the parent. I use to hate school so much that when I leave home in the morning I would go elsewhere and stay till school time is over then I returned home. It was when my friends at school did not see me in class that the report got to both my teacher and parent. I love adventure I wanted to see the world and feel part of it.

The third idea I noticed is that people really shape their life through their thought. What will my life become if I spend all my time thinking about the problems of the world and getting angry with the level of corruption or the state of infrastructural decay in the country? Again what will be said of my life if I spend my time on positive thought on how to love unconditionally and lend a helping hand to a project that is designed to help people living with AIDS? What if I take up voluntary teaching in areas where they lack teachers since I know how much the standard of education has dropped in the country? Thoughts are the key that unlock the creative mind of a person just as they are the destructive brainchild of a person as well.

The fourth idea is on the power of determination. This is a fall out from the third idea. Determination when channeled towards positive thoughts breeds countless success. There will be challenges that will threaten success but with a strong determination the challenges will be quickly and skillfully averted.

The fifth idea from the book is having a multiple stream of income. According to the author, having a multiple stream of income would increase my assets if I have a small stream of expenses. This will enable me make more money while I spend less. Rather than wait for my paycheck I can invest in other areas where I’ll enjoy high return on investment.

The sixth idea in the book is the idea of having money work for me rather than working for money. When a person acquires property in Nigeria there’s a tendency that the person will retire early in life. Let me tell you how it works around here. Most people that I have seen retire early are those who while they were in paid employment were able to acquire property develop it and rent it out, over time the rent that accrue from the property becomes a their pension plan rather than buying stock and bonds people prefer to invest in property.

The seventh idea is on the advantage of saving for investment. I have never kept money in the bank for a period more than two weeks unless the cash is not mine, and some time even when the cash is mine I still temper with it with the hope that I’ll pay back. Saving for investment requires a lot of sacrifice or look away if the aim is to be met later.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

In a short moment I’ll be a father and a husband and I’ll not want my child to write an assessment with this same story line then I’ll have to let the child understand the implication and effects of financial and investment freedom. Why should I teach my child to work for someone when people can work for him?

Children should be thought how to express themselves, in Africa it seen as a clear sign of disrespect for a child to want to his/her way even when it is obvious. My younger brother and I are a classical example. I want him to take his academic work more seriously and get the entire good grade out there but he is more of a music person. The day he told me he wanted to do music I felt like cutting him into two parts.

Now as part of the lesson from the book I can only assist him find his part by following his lead rather than trying to impose believes on him.

As a leader I must concentrate my thoughts on positive things that will unlock my creative powers.

There is nothing like a perfect environment to think straight. Every place provide its own challenge that is why I must be very careful when I allow the challenges of a harsh economy to blind fold me to the reality a mental positive attitude.

Having a goal as a person is not enough if there is no will of fruition on my part. I have to ensure that in building a world of financial freedom I’m able to reduce wasteful but enticing spending. There are times when I would buy the same thing over and over again just because I have the money and not minding the fact that it is just a waste. If I want to change my spending habit then I must have the determination to let go of some things to make every day worthwhile.

It is my dream to be a landlord some day and live the rest of my depending on the return from my property and it is one of the prime target I have set for myself as I struggle each day to find how I can improve my world.

I’ll like to help myself by doing more of what I have to do to improve my situation as a person. Back in school I read that one way of sourcing for fund was through personal saving for a venture but like I said, I’ve never saved for a project before and always think that when the time comes for the project the money will come and in all cases I fail. I want to make my life better by drawing a plan and sticking to it.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book that I’ll like to comment on.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

My disagreement here is on the idea that the price of houses do not go up and an example was given of people who owe millions for house while the actual value of those property is only in thousands. This may be obtainable in the US and some other parts of the world. In Nigeria, a house that was built in the 70s is enjoying the same rent as house built today if they are in the same location. It is only the location of a property that causes difference I price like comparing a house in Lekki to a house in Yaba, or say a house in Lagos to a property in Abuja.

The greatest asset one could have in Nigeria is to own a property and this is a well known fact that even infant want to be property owners.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are no exercises in the book to be completed.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The book create an awareness into the financial world that enable people to start thinking early about taking decisions that affect their adult life in more positive way. There’s nothing wrong with the time I find myself but what would have been of me if I’d been expose to these ideas while I was much more younger? Like I said no hope is lost. And this is the best time to start

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


The Great Game of Business
Assessment by Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The great game of business is unlocking the power of creating a business that can stand the test of time, maximizing profitability of the business using the open book management to get everybody involved in what they are doing. The author presents the tips in form of chapters to help me understand how to apply the basic principles of open book management that have worked for him over the past years.

The author is aware that sometimes people have great ideas on how to make the most of every
situation in the life cycle of a business but may not have the technical ability to harness the ideas or may not know how to fit the whole theory together to get the desired result. Open book management according to trial and error is the best way to get people involved in the business that concerns them if they are to give in their best shot. It tells the people involved what the true position of the business is and what must be done to operate at full capacity. The book is written for everybody in the organization to enhance each person’s ability which will in turn lead to increase in output and result oriented performance.

Finally the book is a critical analysis of the effect of applying open book management in the running of a business not solely on the motive of profit but to give the people the opportunity to be part of something bigger and to help them manage decisions the affects their lives at the work place.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first idea is that the great game of business teaches people to be part of something. When I see myself as the owner of something maybe a business, meeting or an association, I’ll do all within my power to make sure that I give it all the protection it deserve to survive. With this registered, I know that I get what I give. If on the other hand I see myself as only a tool that will be used and dumped, then I’ll do all within my power to make sure that I make the most of the opportunity I get even when the interest is selfish. I recalled working after I left secondary school. Though I’m sorry now but I was part of the factors that wreck the business because I did not see any connection between me and the business or the person I worked for. My salary was all that mattered to me. Once I got my pay whatever happened was not my concern.

The second idea is very vital and that is on making money. The idea says that the only way to be secure is to make money and generate cash; everything else is a means to an end, although my agreement is not 100 percent but with money every other thing material is possible to be achieved. We live in a world where nothing is free as everything has price tag including humans. I remember one of the books I read in my level two of the program where S.B. Fuller said that the only way to make money is to sell something. The idea stuck and has been a driving force for and my partner that today we are building a company that will stand out has the company of the year in a few years time. Today people sell even their body all in a bid to make money.

The third idea is on the open book policy of a company where the books of the company are prepared by those who run the company, a policy that allows the full knowledge to the employee on how the business operates, a policy that suggests to the employees that they are the owners and not just tools. I could also describe this as the democratic way of running a business.

The fourth idea is having a better idea of what the numbers are and how to interpret them. This is usually one of the biggest problems faced by entrepreneurs in modern business. The biggest barrier in business is ignorant and if the management do not understand the figures and have a better interpretation of the ratios and other indicator of the true financial position of the business it will always lead to fear, suspicion and intimidation which the business do not need at any point in the life of its operation if it want to continue to win the trust of the employees.

Fifth is finding the right motivation to get people to work. It is not enough to tell people what the figures are and what they mean if the proper channel of placement is not followed to boost motivation. The right people must be hired to positions that require their services and must be given all the chance to perform without external interference.

Where a particular appraisal should be given it must not be denied to avoid redundancy.

The sixth idea is on setting standard. Nowhere in the world has there been success without a standard or there is no profit in a business unless there is a difference in cost. In life everything has a standard that should be attained, surpassed and in some cases to determine how much more is needed to measure up. These standards form the basis of reward or punishments. If the business is doing well according to the set standard everybody should know benefit from the fit and vice versa.

Every business should have a game plan. This deals with how to approach the market, handle request and deal with delays. The game plan should also address how to deal with market trends and competitors. To some companies or businesses it forms the secret winning formula of the organization. The game plan must be known to all in the organization and what is expected from each if they are to take stock options as well as other benefits.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Today I’m part of a body that is set to help change the way leadership is viewed in my country. The first step is with changing the person of who I want to see in myself and be identified with. I want to add my voice to the many that call for a democratic world. A world that the views and opinion of the people are not kept at the back seat while the selfish interest of the a few hold sway. In the great game of business is not solely profit oriented but serving the populace.

Making money is fun and sometimes serves as a standard to measure performance and draw conclusion. The importance of money must not over shadow the need to serve humanity in one’s business. I deal with my client not with the sole intention of getting them to buy even though it is the motive of going out, some of my client treat me as a family member and sometimes I wonder if it is not more than meet the eye. There are times when the client will need a little more attention and some form of support from me.

The knowing that one is the owner of a business gives one the total sense of belonging and a desire to be at peak performance. The knowledge takes away fear and encourages full participation without holding back information that could lead to the promotion of the business. Although I have not been totally honest in this regard because there times that I’ll want to make some money outside the business that is my own.

My plan is to stick to the motive that made me start the business in the first place by bringing all the deals to the knowledge of all my partners.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention. If so, please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that I did not understand or unclear about.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There is no exercise for the reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I think it is not easy to operate open book style of management in this part of the word. I also want to say that some of the ideas we read in books are not generally applicable owing to certain factors like environment, social and politically sensitive issues. To get a bank a loan in Nigeria you have to be related to the manager and when these loans are given people do not want to pay back.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr.
Assessment by Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book is one man’s account in the struggle for equality, the liberation of the black race from slavery, oppression and denial at a time when humans were not considered to be equal owing to color. An account of ‘good versus evil’, the white against the black, a documentation of a man’s quest to be accepted in a society that do not want him and would do everything within its reach to remove him and his kin, an account about the making of an historical movement that would re-write history in the unification of the rest of the black race with their white counterpart.

The author presents the life and time of Martin Luther King Jr. His struggle for justice using a means that will register as one of the best way of resolving conflict without spilling blood, a method that will demonstrate the power of will over strength, the abundance of courage over fear.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first of the seven ideas in from the book that I envy is the humility of Martin Luther King Jr. How he submitted to the power that be from the onset of his life. He wanted to understand why things were that way and had the full knowledge that if he pressed, he would get a good deal that will equate the races that dominated the land at the time. The humility of Martin Luther reminds me that I can still achieve greatness by being humble. I sometimes feel that being gentle or humble is a stupid thing to do in a society like the one I find myself today where people are waiting for every opportunity to take advantage of another person. Like in his own time, times are the same for everybody. He could have just sat there the watch the world go by and maybe nothing evil will happen to him because he was from a home that could protect him and his family from the oppression that face the time.

Another idea in the book that I find important is the principle of non violence that was used to handle the oppression. Our world is changing and people are becoming more and more aware of the bad leadership style of leader everywhere and in all corners of the world. Rather than peaceful demonstration to register their displeasure with the government people are resolving to suicide bombing and it has become the most common mean of sending home the message these days. Never in my life did I think that a bomb will ever go off in my country but that has become the latest strategy employed by some groups or individuals who feels that the government is not serving their interest or that the candidate of the majority is not good enough or do
not represent their interest. I read an article in the June 2011 edition of ‘Awake’ a religious news letter and I was marvel to find that the only countries in the world that have not experience suicide attack of any kind were Australia and Antarctica. This shows that the principle of non violence that worked wonder for people like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela (the Madiba) and so many others do not seem to register in the minds of a good number of people around the world. In Nigeria alone the number of people and property claimed by this act alone is countless as well.

The third idea is on the advantage of education. Basically the life of Martin was not shaped primarily by what he studied in the classroom. By my own deduction is life was fashioned by the life of those people he studied and his ability to use his position to serve the people rather than enriching himself and his unborn generation like we have it today. The most annoying thing with our leaders today especially in Africa is that they are the few who are exposed to the knowledge that can take the nation or continent to a position that will make her people live in harmony, peace and wealth of both mind and body as we have all in terms of human and material resources to achieve the dream of a happy continent. The last speaker of the house of representative a legislative arm of government in Nigeria that we the young people were looking up to as a sign of hope for the youth was involved in a N40b loan scam which he claimed was shared between some members of the house and himself. He could have given every Nigerian N1m and still be a rich man. With all the scholarships he displayed what is the impact of his leadership in the life of the man on the street.

The fourth idea in the book is having faith in oneself. America today is witnessing the dream of one man. The realization of self or better said the believing before receiving. Martin Luther King Jr. had faith that if what he was doing was not against the law of God or the right of his fellow man he was bound to succeed at it. He found the will to listen to his heart and meditate on the strength of his action. I like this quality very much and it reminds me of the many times I have failed to listen to my heart and find my rhythm. No man has seen the future but according to the laws of nature if my heart is pure and my intentions sincere then like Martin I can have a dream that will change the life of people for the better. A lot his based on the confidence I have in my ability to improve myself and serve people, and not on what people think of me though it also build confidence if people think highly of me.

The fifth idea in the book that I find very important is to have courage in the face of adversaries. Nothing good comes without a price and in some cases we enjoy the result before we suffer the consequences. As humans, it’s in our nature to have things or everything we want without really doing anything to justify our request. This is one of the most important driving factor that most not be ignored. I have seen men who talk the talk but could not walk the walk for lack of courage. Courage must stem from not just self confidence but also in the knowing that one is doing the right thing and that what I’m fighting for is what I should get not just to show off my ability in maneuvering people with a fake life style. Most of the leadership materials out there are ideas put together to overcome challenges, which is how to apply courage in ways that will lead to a win––win situation for all.

The sixth idea in the book that inspired me is his ability to have respect for his fellow man, regardless of color black or white. When I hear something about me that I don’t want, I feel that I am exposed and as a result I try to hate those who are behind such move. It is not the best way to go about the situation. Dr. King had every right to hate those who made life difficult for him to bear but he stood his ground once he got the truth he never allowed it flee from him.
Again I use to think that some people have been created to make people in their lives sad but that is not true as we all want what is good for us all.

The seventh idea in the book is on the general knowledge of reading the book the autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr. In my high school days I took history and it became one of my best subjects. The subject gave me the first exposure of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade and its abolition. After high school nothing much came my way again until the book. I read it with the most of intention like I was investigating the events that occurred at the time. During the course of reading I pictured myself actually being part of movement that advocated youth leadership and the challenges frightened me. I must also say here that life is a lesson for all to participate. Our mistakes do not define us but a culmination of all that be that makes us who we are.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Practically my life is a whole lot better than it was some years ago. As I recall, every book leading up to this that I’ve read in the past years since I started the program has added to my totality as a person. The ideas in the book like the ones before are telling me or confirming to me the importance of living for a reason. If I don’t have a reason to live then I’m living for a reason, which in this case I cannot control but to follow the script of another person. Dr. King was a man who knew what he wanted from the day it became clear to him that something in his society is wrong. The cultures were divided; his race was a subject of ridicule and rejection. Young people today are challenged to the point of realization that something has to be done to change the face of leadership. Just Martin noticed that the society was not balance ours today is not balance and the change starts with changing me. Today within the same nation, we are made to yarn for foreign land as a result of bad leadership in the country. Those in government have made it clear that the government is not for the people.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention if so, please list and comment on them.

The most memorable of all the quotes in the book is the “I have a dream….” I’d heard of the quote or phrase for so long before I dreamt of this program but never really had the opportunity of having it to myself the way it is captured in the book. It goes to show how much power lies in the mind and the effect when it is put to either bad or good use. Today that dream is a reality in so many ways that I can completely comprehend.

People are doing away with the barriers that should keep us apart and holding on to one another as brothers and sisters of one family. Today America has a president that the black race would look at and feels that the wall of difference has crumble.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is absolutely nothing in the book that is not worth a second look.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There was no exercise for me to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.



A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


Black Skin, White Masks
Assessment by Joseph P. Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

This book reminds me of a book I read years ago, though I cannot remember the author’s name but the title is a ‘white man in a black country.’ What really caught my eye from the book is the picture with a contrasting title. The picture was that of a black man dressed in all white clothes with a well polished skin. The book revealed that behind the black skin is the orientation of a white man and that is not far from the author’s message in this book, black skin white mask.

The author introduces the importance that the black man attaches to the values of white culture in his quest to be accepted in the white community. These attachments have created and will continue to create a gap between the black and the white race in areas that should rather unite both races. The author recognizes the fact that the black and the white man’s difference in attitude is only product of the environment while we are the same in other areas of human endeavor.

The book is also an analysis of Monsieur Mannoni’s view of the character of an African in Europe (France) looking at it from the colonial era and the other side of colonialism and its effect on Africa. The author seems to disagree with some of the facts presented in Mannoni work.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first idea in the book is on the inferiority of the black man before the white man. This inferiority is not solely as a result of the color of either but let me state here that color is the common means used as a separating factor black or white. The inferiority is in terms of cultural disposition. When a white man is in the midst of black there’s this air superiority just as much as there is inferiority. There will be struggle amongst the black to win over the favor of that single white man that will result personal self worthiness.

The second idea in the book is on the harm that colonialism has done to Africa and other ‘third world nations’ of the earth. The author suggests that the need to civilize the world was done by adventurers and politicians. This point created a racist structure. Before the coming of Europe, Africa was in a state of understanding. There were wars, inter tribal mix up, oppression and subjection to the power that be at the time. The white man did nothing to stop it but instead capitalized on it to his advantage. Colonialism came with its own war, oppression and subjection.

So many will argue that the white man brought education; again the education was to serve his purpose of transforming the world into what he pictured.

The third idea is on the effect of language. As a people, one of the most important tools available to us today is language. It is our identity as a people and defines our origin. A lot of people like me feel that one of the separating factors of the country (Nigeria) today is language. Imagine if we had a single language not English, one that we all don’t have to learn in school that is our birth right, do you think some of the killings that have taken place in the land today would have taken place? It may not have completely eluded all the challenges the country as suffer but would to a large extend contained the difference we’d suffered so far.

The fourth idea is using the attitude of one black man to determine the fate of the entire black race. If a man decide to live outside the context of what is a generally an acceptable principle it should have nothing to do with the next man of same color. This is not relegated to the black or white colors alone. I met a friend who felt he did not get a fair deal from a fellow and the next thing he said was that ‘I should have known that that is how people from that area behave’. The statement did not surprise me then because it is an opinion that is commonly carried around which I was a victim of. That is about the same thought I carry about some tribes that people do not want to associate with.

The fifth from the book that caught my attention is on the perception that the Jews as the blacks did not deserve a fair acceptance in the world. Like the black man that was seen more as an inferior being, more as a brute the Jews was seen as the thief, monster and a man capable of every crime imaginable. At the time these were the worst atrocities committed against mankind. This also reminds me of a movie title “escape from Sobibor”. In the movie the Jews that were brought to the Nazi camp at Sobibor where filtered and those that were too old to do anything were roasted alive along with little children while those that could work were given different jobs to do as deemed qualified. This movie terrified us as children but we did not know why people where punished so cruel for nothing.

The sixth idea in the book is that I should take pride in my color and feel totally part of world that has dreams and aspiration. Towards the end of the book the author argues that he should not spend time questioning why his ancestors were slave but rather how he can contribute to world that needs him. We have come to a point where we should not be bothered by our color but our contribution towards building a world of lasting peace and tolerance.

The seventh idea is that we are not in this world to discriminate against each other. There are too many reasons why we should love rather than hate. I may have been told some things about why I should not like a particular tribe but I would not have done myself any justice if I don’t tolerate that person

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

In Nigeria there’s a lot of tension related to tribal issues. People are quick to flare when it comes to their knowledge that they are denied certain rights as a result of past experience with people from their area or region. These are not people in government, or people managerial positions even though they feel the same it is common amongst everyday people, people on the street, buses, shops, market, and so no. Winning the heart of the young people is about the best way to change the mind set of people in the country. In my life on a daily basis I pray that people should look beyond the tongue in doing anything that should profit mankind.

If you check the record of migrant with all the embassies in the country, Nigerians are no longer interested in staying back to build their country. Everybody wants to check out and that is the reason why embassies in Nigeria are making so much money from visa application. The quest to have a taste of Europe and American among young people unimaginable, this is the dream of some people.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book but however, there are some translations that were done to follow as part of each chapter to give the reader a better understanding of some of the ideas that the author presented. This translation actually gave the work a simpler language to study the author’s work on black skin, white mask.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The first time I read the book I was unsure if I was ever going to turn in a self satisfying assessment of the book. The register, vocabulary, and the high tone were really challenging. However, reading it again gave me a clearer picture of what the book is about and the style of the author and those the book is primary aimed at.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain exercises for the reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

My comment is on the general view of people in Africa about what is obtainable in the west. I remember when I read the book you can eat GNP where the author said people in the local area confronted him with the question of people being paid even for not working in America. I’m sure that if the author’s answer was yes then the entire youth of that locality would migrate. The same idea is everywhere of what anybody in the west would enjoy the only problem is just to get there.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8


The Leadership Pill
Assessment by Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Looking at today’s work force and the challenges of modern day in terms of production, distribution and consumption, so much is heavily depended on the leadership style to achieve positive result at every point of value added from extraction to consumption. Nearly all in life that involves the human and materials hinges on leadership and the style adopted.

The authors of the book Leadership Pill are looking at drawing a line between a leader that is well groomed in all the rudiments of effective leadership and the one that is ordinary in every sense. A leader that is not based on the tested and trusted principles of leadership, building a culture of partnership, affirming the self worth of people and sponsoring integrity by allowing themselves to be viewed as example in the work place, home or at leisure, a leadership style that do not suit the modern day work force.

If the entire principles that make a genuine leader could be combined and made to form a pill that can be taken like when we have headache or body pain then after completing the full dose as required then we will have leaders who could be relied on and that would deliver state of the art leadership at every sphere of life. But that is not how it works according to the author of the book.

The fundamentals for effective leadership cannot be swallowed like a drug; they are life time principles that can be studied, accepted or inherited. These principles may not be initially appreciated but as time and consistence of practice set in they become easier to apply.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first idea in the book is the grand reception of the drug hitting seven million in the first week. This is usually the reception when something is a solution to a long suffering. Sometimes the need to do proper examination is thrown away as a result of the packaging of the idea(s). There is this drug peddler in a bus who was sorrowfully talking people into buying rubbish, I noticed that because the guy wanted to sell his drug he was not ready to tell people about the side effects of the drug and the manipulations that have been done to conceal the drug expiry date. Only days later it was on the news that the drug was adulterated and the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) will be destroying the drug along other contaminated items of food and drugs. It is a good thing to know that a product is widely accepted but advertisement should not blind people to the reality on ground.

Leadership is not built on some religious principles of life but on the everyday challenges of life. This is the second idea in the book I find interesting. In the book the leadership pill worked wonder because it was what the people expected but it did not stand the test of time as the effective leader would. The reason is not because the drug is ‘knock off’ but because the challenges of leadership are more than a drug can handle.

The third idea in the book is that true leadership takes time to build. In the book I noticed that the leadership pill worked wonder after usage. True leadership starts like a child learning to walk, the process starts with the child crawling then trying to stand and stumbling after the few first step or steps. If anybody out there thinks that leadership work like a drug then that leadership is pseudo and will only back fire and do more harm as revealed in the book. It requires practice, consistency, mistakes and courage to make an effective leader. Leadership is not about dishing out instructions and expecting results it is about being an embodiment of what you want. Again let me also add here that it takes time to see the result of effective leadership, at the implementation stage it may not go well with all the members of the team.

The fourth idea is that leadership is getting the commitment of the team members. I am the president of one of the organizations in my church. I wanted to know what my team members thought of me and my leadership ability after reading some of my level one and two books. After a personal assessment of my years in office, I felt like nothing much have been achieve within the period of leadership so far. I was surprised by the respond I got and how many of the people in the team thought I was way above average and near perfect. One member told me straight that I’m the father and they are my children even though he was older with wife and children. At that point I was afraid that the challenge was more than me and thought of running away. My! How much I was given that I didn’t notice, that meant a lot to the team. Nobody is a leader if there is no team and if there is a team and do not understand the leader, then there is no leader.

The fifth idea in the book is that leadership is not just what happened when you are there but what happen when you are not there and effects. The world we live in today is the leadership of the past. The great American society we all envy today is the leadership Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and co. The bomb blast in the Afghanistan is the leadership of el Qaeda. The ethnic and communal crises in Nigeria are the leadership style of the greedy and heartless leaders in the country. To add to the latest in the series of bomb blast that has claimed over 200 lives, the current and well announced presence of Boko Haram is another crystal clear example of bad leadership.

The sixth idea is the understanding that every member of the team is part of the small puzzle piece that when brought together it forms the big picture. No man is an island and as sure it takes a collective effort to get things done, a nation moving forward, a company hitting sales target, a child impressive performance in class and so on.

The seventh idea in the book is that each of us has the power to recognize the goodness in others. I feel very much happy when I’m told well done, when my effort is sincerely appreciated. In each man lies the ability to love and be loved. It creates an environment that enables growth when people feel wanted in an organization. I always want to do more if I know that I will not be crucified for going the extra mile.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Yes! Thank you very much for the question. I have not taking any pill that is suppose to make me a leader but if there was a pill physically, like an aspirin other than that which is the theoretical ingredients of effective leadership like setting goals, having an action plan to achieve one’s goal, I think I would have taken the drug a couple of times. What I’m saying is that the drug is not a bad idea in the short run but it is not a drug that can stand the test of time in the long run but in the short run, it’s a wonder drug. There are times in everyday life that I need the “quick fix” to get result.

The principles of effective leadership are not easy to understand and require a lot of patience with oneself to master the art and application. In everyday life, I try to ensure that I make the most of the chances I get. Life is not about the things I don’t have but how I’m able to manage every day challenges at work, home, and leisure.

There are times when I just go bizarre and act like I have not even read a book on leadership or that the ideas in the books I’ve read are just for fun, how do I feel when I see a fellow man in need? Do I rather think that well I don’t have enough or because when I was down no one was there to help me so I don’t have to help another person?

These are the leadership qualities that define us as people and propel us to the next higher if the use the right mental positive attitude when going about our duties.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention, if so, please list and comment on them.

Integrity lays the foundation for trust and respect. Partnership harvests the potential of the team. Affirmation let people know that what they do is important. This is what I coined out of the book. This is about the most important combination in the book that really got me thinking about my life and how far in contrast it is from these few but powerful words. Integrity is important in every life because it is the reason why people deal with people. In Nigeria integrity is not a matter to our leaders and who do not hold their words as they have failed us one time too many.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are no exercises in the book for the reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


Indigo Child

Assessment by Joseph Abue

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book is about the discovery in the modern day child an how to deal with the challenges of an indigo child.

An indigo child is a child who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes and shows a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. There are children who need to be attended to in this modern time not with the old fashion way of attending to kids because according to the author this children are born will special request that need more than the ordinary to please.

According to the author, the concern is about knowing how to deal with these traits and

demand of the indigo child, knowing how to meet the need of an indigo such that a better relationship is establish between the child and parent. This is one of the most advance discovery made by man in the recent time as it tend to foster relationship even among indigos.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first idea from the book is that it creates a healthy relationship between the parent and the child. The challenges of an indigo aren’t the everyday demand of children that most parent are use to. Sometimes I feel that I’m an indigo, judging by the definition of an indigo and the time the knowledge of the existence of indigo started. There are times again that I feel I don’t belong to the society I find myself in today owing to the yarning of my heart. I long for a society that people can live without fear and not the mess the world is in right now.

The second idea is how to manage myself when I come in contact with an indigo. Owing to the challenges of and demand one can be tempted to act wrongly. There’s this boy of about eighteen or nineteen around my area and by the definition of an indigo I do not need a sudsier to tell me that he is an indigo. We are close most time I hear people complain about the boy though I made no judgment about but I often listened with keen interest. It was only after I read the book that it became clear to me on how to handle and deal with him. They were times when he asked for things that I felt he should not get and that he is being too pompous for his age. My mother’s last child is an indigo from start to finish. As described in the book about the demand and challenges of an indigo he is perfect. This has always created problems between the two of us to the point where I use to hate it when we come together especially in public. He assumes he knows more and that what is he’s is and no one has claim over what he decides to do with his life. I became aware of how to handle his matter only very recently and to candid I’m glad.

The third idea is that it makes me feel special knowing that I know and can identify an indigo. Knowledge at every level in life is a thing that can only be appreciated especially when it deals with the discovery of something people have not noticed. I told the father and the mother though at separate time their boy the one I talked about above that their son is an indigo child and they were like what I’m I talking about. I had to show the father the title of the book and read to him some lines to fully catch his attention.

The fourth idea from the book is that dealing with an indigo requires personal discipline. Looking at the demand of modern day indigo child as compare to the way some of us were raised, there is a lot of difference and very contrasting ones that if a parent is not personally disciplined could result into a full scale war between parent and children. According to the author and with what I have seen around, these are children with ability and demand that most parents are not aware of or prepared for.

The fifth idea in the book is that our society and generation is becoming more aware of changes in the human structure. In the past in Africa these new demands of the indigo child would have been labeled witchcraft. Just some months ago there was a report from one south-south state were the governor of the state had to come to the rescue of some children that were doom to die that they were evil. It was after the book that I came to the conclusion that the children not be what people thing but just because the people did not understand the children.

The sixth idea in the book is that learning about the indigo child creates a new field of study. This knowledge about the indigo leads to the discovery of new technique of relating with people. Sometimes you’ll see people who tend to display the characteristics of an indigo in public and one quick assumption is that the child lacks the basic home training. The traits on an indigo cannot be hidden so the fear that the children are stubborn will always arise. However, if there is proper knowledge it creates room for tolerance and freedom.

The last idea is on using the ability of an indigo to create a better world. As a result of the environment I find myself it is sometimes a bit down sided to use my special ability or knowledge for the common good of the society. People horde things that will benefit the larger populace and it is one of the biggest challenges of leadership today especially in Africa. Those on top feel it is there birth right to rule while other follow even when it is obvious that they are not fit as leaders. It is like a super hero movie only that in this part of the planet the hero is not for the people but rather against them.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The life of every man is a challenge measured according to what each day holds. When there is a discovery about something that should benefit and promote mankind, the only thing there is for its application and threat should be learnt. In every house today there are children born with the characteristics of an indigo and most do not know how to tap this energy for positive use. Rather, there is fear and rejection which ultimately lead to self denial and waste of talent.

Whether it is the being an indigo or the knowledge of the existence of an indigo the world will be a better place if the right interpretation is accorded the proper attention. In my family which is the first point of application it must be stated that my brother the last in the clan exhibits absolutes traits of an indigo by all definition.

I have always fought with him because I did not fully understand him and now that I have a better idea of how to react around him when he start telling me of the things he’d like to do and become.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There is no quotation in the book to comment on.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

What I’ll like to say here is that the idea and findings of the indigo are not so popular in this part of the globe and so it’s not so common to bring up a discussion of this nature and get meaningful audience. From force of habit, it is norm when things like this are left and talk about by the concerned family.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to commenton that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

There was nothing in the book that is not covered so far.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8

B. How helpful were the contents? 8

C. How easy was it to understand? 8

D. Would you recommend it to others? 8

E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8


Confession of an Economic Hit Man

Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

We all have our opinion about certain places, events, things and people; these opinions are based on what we have either personally experienced, a norm or what we have been told by those who visited ahead of us in this case an inherited idea. The author as created a mind probing image of what I personally think about the United State of America (USA), her foreign policy which seek to serve her interest regardless at whose expense and her quest for world power. In my own story when the United State was attacked back in September, I thought it was just a provocation of what led to the invasion of Iraq and pursue of Osama Bin Laden and his groups, the Al-Qaeda. The author’s view of the American foreign policy and the politics involved in the quest to feed her industries has created a deceptive bridge that rather than help poor countries, she exploits them and do all it takes to remove those who oppose it using puppets.

In general the author is warning all those who deal with America to be careful and pleading in some way with the government to put a human face in their style of doing business. The world is waking to know the politics involved in the game played by America and how it serves her interest in areas where she is planning to develop. There’s a lot of manipulation of foreign policies all in a bit to serve the interest of the state. If anything I have read in this book is true then the quest for world power has subjected us to latest version of modern day slavery. The book is a revelation of some of the inner dealings of the state with other nations of the world that do not truly represent the core of the nation.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first idea in the book is that not all that glitters that is gold. If you look at the way the US is involved in the affairs of other nations and how much she contribute to help less developed nations one would find the revelations in the book nothing but a scam to blackmail the US. While I was reading, my mind was just searching for the truth. The first question I asked myself was that could this be true? Are the foreign policies of the state channeled solely in the exploitation of the poorer nations? Recent event have revealed that the US only enter areas that seek to serve her own interest while the media house project the good about them and give countless reasons why they should invade other nations that don’t have the fire power that could resist them.

The second idea is that our nations are oppressing the poor at every level of government. This is not a case or story of the US alone, my country is one classic example of injustice of the highest level. True that America is using all available means to feed her industries and promote development and create employment at the expense of other nations but what about nations like Nigeria that have the well withal for her people to live well like people and not like animal were only the strong survive and the week die.

The third idea is on the damage the oil companies and her allies have done in the country in the quest for oil of which America is a beneficiary. Most part of Ogoni land is in total ruin with the inhabitants reduced to beggars, the handiwork of Shell and family who have turned our land to experimental fields of research and development for foreign consumption with blessings of a corrupt government that seek only the interest of those in office.

The fourth idea is on the role of the media and what it should be. The media is supposed to represent the people. The voice of the voiceless and the channel of reaching government since all of us cannot be there at the same time. The media is now for sale and it what the highest bidder want on air that the listeners will hear. The government in this case is the one with all the power to short down in the case of non compliance or control the activities of media houses thereby using the media to further their evil and inhuman intentions which have only brought hatred and deception in a land where people should live like kings and queens.

The fifth idea in the book is on the high unemployment caused by the wrong decisions of the government. As a result of government decisions to create loop holes in the system of administration which has allowed for them and their family to loot our nations wealth most of the moneys that should have been used to upgrade infrastructure and create employment are resting in the foreign account of our past and present leaders.

The sixth idea is that believe that some people are born to rule. I read this book a long time ago but was not sure of what ideas there are that I could relate to. I felt everything about the book was not a business of mine or any of my kindred. After meditating on some of the ideas in a more realistic manner when I was reading it the second time, I came to realize that in my country a section of the populace fee they are the ones that have been born to rule like the house of Saud in Saudi Arabia and any tribe that try to wrestle that with them will not find it funny. The present state of affairs in the country is a clear confirmation of this. For the first time in the country’s history a south southerner is a president against the odd, the north is doing everything possible to make the country ungovernable for our dear president.

The seventh idea is the mismanagement of national treasure. It is a clear pointer that leaders in Africa are not in office to serve the people but to do their own bidding. Personally I feel no real person with the fear of God would want to be a president in a society like the one I find myself in today. My good president has the intention of working for the people but those who have influence his victory will not give him the freehand to run the country in the light the will bring happiness and smile to the face of the people. A religious man will never get the endorsement of the king maker unless he is just using it as a conduit to win the people.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world, If so, how?

There are three types of leadership style that are available to every leader and the leader is free to switch to any style that fits the situation. These styles are the autocratic, democratic and lazier fair style of leadership. I remember when I was asked back in school which of these styles was the best and because I felt democracy is more people involved I thought it was the best form of leadership but was told that all are good the situation determines which to apply at the time. There are times in a situation where all three will be applied, i.e. when I have to rigid to get result and there are also times when I just have to sit and watch things unfold. The American government has exercised these forms of rule in meeting her needs as an industrialized nation and protecting her interest by using puppets.

Again these ideas have thought me how to remain focus on my strategies and seek information from diverse sources to help me have a better option in my leadership quest. Leadership is an everyday thing but in different magnitude and most times it seems that all I want is at a scale where the whole world would recognize me.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There no quotes in the book that I’ll like to comment on.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that is not clear about the way the richer nations flex their muscles on poorer or wrongly managed nations.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There is no exercise in the book for me to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Life is changing and anyone in the way of change will be swept with it. It is not business as usual. People will rise to defend and protect their and from both local and foreign invaders.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10

B. How helpful were the contents? 9

C. How easy was it to understand? 9

D. Would you recommend it to others? 9

E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


The Power of Failure

Assessment By J. P. Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

There is nobody out there who would love to be associated with failure regardless of the circumstance in which failure present itself. However, this failure is a companion of anybody who wants to be successful in whatever endeavor. The thought of failure alone has froze so many on their tracks and sent so many others packing without trying. The author in this book feels that the problem is not with failure itself because it will always be present at any venture but that I have to change the way I view failure, that failure is not an end but only a spring board that will get me to the next level if I apply the right attitude.

The author introduces a powerful message that the only person who makes no mistakes is the person who does nothing. This mean that in my everyday life things will happen that will test my competence and when I fail I should not dwell in regret and hate rather I should be glad that I had the opportunity to do it again only that this time I am more informed and better prepared for the task ahead which I should now do flawlessly.

Failure is not a thing that should be dreaded because no one is perfect therefore I should learn to tolerate people when I don’t get what I want from them so that together we can build a better world for together we stand strong and united while divided we are easily conquered.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally important to you and why?

The first of the seven ideas that were personally important to me is that I can really accomplish a lot as a person if I don’t see failure as a dead end. I have all it takes to establish myself as a leader and in trying to find my feet; I’ll take some wrong foot as a learning process. There is no point of perfection in human because every day is a struggle. Sometime when I look at where I’m standing from where I think I should be, I get discouraged and feel that all hope is lost. I left school about seven years ago and between that time and now I can’t boast of anything worthwhile, no car, house, money nothing and yet I keep dreaming that things will change. But this is not true as everyday is an opportunity to excel

Another idea that is interesting is that when failure is failure it should be clearly stated. This idea reminds me of a project we undertook in school. It was designed to fail from the onset though we did not know about it. The lecturer just wanted to see our reaction in the event that the project failed. He knew that defeat is difficult to conceive and so we would not come out to tell the class that our effort was not good enough. Even if we did it well the result would have been the same as doing nothing, so even if we’d just come back to say work done nothing would happen. When we came out to present our challenges we’re all stirring at each other as though it was the next person’s fault that we failed.

We could not come to terms with the fact that we failed, our friends would be disappointed and it would mean that those of us in that group would not lead any group again as our leadership qualities are in serous doubt. The lecturer made us understand that in life some things are like that and that is why we have to be honest in reporting our observation.

The third idea in the book that I find very important is that I can choose to be happy rather than choosing to be right. We always want things done in the moral way and even if sometimes these things don’t bring us happiness for the fact that it is the right thing then it is ok. Life is not more than being right nor is it about the fulfillment of one’s desire. My parent never gave me a chance that I could go to school because I was more of a music person than a book warm. I sang in school and each time my parent got the report that I was doing shows in school they felt bad. Reading was what they wanted but at that time it did not bring me happiness like doing shows did. Later as time went by I started to love books and could read any material I found around and I loved the fact that I could read. Being happy brings personal fulfillment and joy like working for myself reminds me of the challenges faced by those are employers and enable me to appreciate them.

The fourth idea is that in every failure I can choose to make the most of it to get a positive result. Some years ago a neighbor sent me on an errand and thing went sour. Later I became known by this man as a bad boy. He made me hate myself for allowing him send me in the first place. As a fall out of that I decided that I was never going on errand again for anybody but little did I know that I was doing myself more harm than good. I became known as a stubborn child and did not seem to care about what people said about me. When I needed help I could not get it because what goes around comes around and in the present life most of the things that happen now seem to recall back those days and wish I should have known better back then not to allow a mistake to call for a habit that when I think of know I feel bad.

The fifth idea from the book that I like is that I should find a new path when I feel lost and demoralized. A first look at this feels awkward like every time something don’t work I should leave it and start all over when life is not a bed of roses. But the truth is not in the falling but in rising. In failure I draw inspiration or take a breeder by doing something new that would revitalize my energy. Finding a new path is not running from responsibility but a mean responding in a more positive way knowing that there is something of equal importance to learn in the moment of pain. When I feel I’ve had enough of the wrong things or my challenges are affecting my response I try to catch myself in the act. I try to see myself as an observer of the situation rather than the person involved. This allows for new ways of doing things so that I can get the desired positive result. My mentor told me that it is a lot better to think of those moments that brings happiness rather than dwelling in those moments of regret. It a common thing among young people to dwell in defeat in Nigeria and they end up looking miserable and rejected.

The sixth idea is that failure is another word for patience. I’ve noticed that one of the problems with me is that I want quick fix. I want to see result now and God help me the result must be favorable with little or no effort. I’ve also noticed that in this situation I should be ready for the greatest amount of failure. Life in our time requires a lot of patience and hope. It will be foolhardy to think that I have all it takes to get all I need the truth is I build on what I have.

The last idea is that I can use failure to master myself. The best way to find out one’s ability is in failure. I find it pretty amazing I’ve not known this all this while but that is the essence of the book in the first place. It feels like looking at the mirror and notice that the movement between me and my image is not the same. I’m still while my image is doing my thought and when I get it wrong in conclusion I find the result of my thought pleasing or not depending on what I want. My mirror image gives me the true picture of who I am and tell me what I’m capable of doing at times when I feel I can do nothing which is standing still.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

In fairness if am not suppose to blow my horn then this point should be ignored, if allowed then permit me to state here that life is better now and I’m happier knowing I’m getting to know who this young man name Joseph is and his ability to create a world where he can be at peace with the rest of mankind. I have found a reason to live that is far above oppressing the man next to me. Again let me say here that I’ve also found a reason to live that is far beyond looking at what the next man have that I don’t.

A young man about my age accosted me and frankly said, “You told me that life is not a competition how come you want to be like the Mr. Mike”? For once I thought he was wrong about me and had no reason to speak to me with such a commanding tone. How much of me does he know to draw conclusion that I want to be like somebody. The old me would have given him a piece of me but I noticed that I was just calm and allowed everything to come as though I was only observing. I tried to see where he was coming from and I quickly evaluated myself and noticed that he was right in a way.

The way I’ve been acting or talking was as though I was actually trying to be the person he mentioned but that was not the message I wanted to send. The fact that I’ve been talking about someone in a particular way is not enough to suggest I wanted a copy of that person. I was only using him as a reference to tell someone that we are not living measure up someone and that it was only premature to view life in that way. I was able to help him see that though we sometimes want similar things and fancy certain success in other but we have our own strong point that we should be proud of and most time it in failing that we find this to be true.

In creating ideas for everyday life I don’t have to carry myself to a point that becomes overbearing on others. I know also that our environment may not be the best place to put some of these foreign ideas into practice but it is the best place to know if these ideas are feasible or not. It sounds conflicting right? When you are in a system that corruption, power abuse, ethnicity, tribalism, etc have been normalized how do I preach sanity and tolerance. Again, what defines as a leader? It is my ability in the face of corruption, war, hate and insanity to stand up to my virtues and principles that defined me.

Let me take you down memory lane. Nelson Mandela believed in freedom and equality. He believed that all should equal. Martin Luther King wanted people to be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Both men where in environment that did not allow them practice what they believe but this same environment afforded them the perfect opportunity to display what they stood for and in the face of pain and torture they lived their value and today the world remembers the impact they have in writing history. I don’t want to be remembered that I had a five story building but lived alone but that I had a room but harbored the homeless.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

Several of the notes at the end of each chapter really got me thinking but the one that registered the most is the one on chapter one that said ‘if you want to be successful…….. Double your failure rate’. I think that to be a success I have the opportunity of trying a lot of method till I find that not against the law of God and the right of my fellow man.

5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered inn the previous questions? If so, please comment.



How interesting was it to read 8

How helpful were the content 8

How easy was it to understand 9

Would you recommend the book to others 9

What is the overall rating you would give the book 8


The Attractor Factor

Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The attractor factor is a book that brings out the best in people using the law of attraction. A book that is detailed on how to logically apply the fundamentals of setting and achieving goals, like having faith in one’s ability to reach a set goals. The most important thing in setting and achieving goal is not the end result. It is about developing the right amount of energy, using the energy in a manner that will lead to the realization of the goal. The ability to have something starts with the dream of what that thing will fulfill and the comfort of having it. Most times I make mere wishes that are not backed by the energy to see it become a reality and yet I complain of not achieving the goal, hoping for output without input.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first idea is about having a clear understanding of what I want. This is my biggest challenge as a person to the point where I don’t know what I should pursue at a time. there are moment where I feel there is something in my past that I did not do well and up to this moment things will not be right unless I go back to right that wrong, but looking back its hard to find anything that is out of place because if you ask me to relive my life I don’t think there is anything I’ll change from what I am and have now.

The second idea is about writing down what I’ll like to achieve and a time line of realizing the goal. In practice this is not as easy as words would say. Writing down goals is as important as achieving them because they remind me of the task in hand and the strategies aligned to see the goals become a reality. Writing down these goals creates a reminder and each time they are visited they keep me in focus of the job at hand.

The third idea in the book is about being patient. I have never seen where a tree was planted from seed to plant all in one day or a house built in a day’s job. These days it is not like that in our lives. Even in a relationship we want everything at once. You meet a girl today you want to know all about her and want to have sex in another two hours. We are always in a rush to get things and end up missing out in most cases as I personally recall. To attract anything lasting requires a lot of time and hard work which must receive the blessings of the will within.

The fourth idea in the book is the shortcut to attracting whatever I want. When I was reading through the book I was looking forward to reading the part where I don’t have to follow a long formula of attracting anything, I just wanted some easy way but when I found it I did not believe it could be that easy. The shortcut to attracting anything is to be happy now not yesterday nor tomorrow but now. It sounded like nonsense but when I applied it for just a week I can’t say how much stress it took off my system.

The fifth idea in the book is finding a springboard. When there is a desire to do something, that desire must be matched with other factors that will see it become a reality. I have said this before that the springboard can be just a book like this one or it could be a conversation or right of passage. I must open my eyes to see the opportunity or it will be there meanwhile I’ll be busy looking else where.

The sixth idea is learning from those before me. How practical can it get if those ahead have nothing to teach me. There are so many people local and abroad with time tested testimonies of grass to grace as a result of observing some of the listed ideas above. These records are not kept out of order but to remind me of it efficacy.

The seventh idea is imagining the outcome. This is the one idea that has really kept me on each time I think of quitting. It has given me the courage to hold on in the office work or a play. It makes me feel like the harvest time is only some minutes away. What makes a man enter a business is the profit he hopes to get, to an athlete, the podium of glory. Though to me the journey is more important than the destination but the destination defines the journey.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I believe I was made perfect regardless of how I feel about my looks or family status. Knowing why I am here in the first place and what my purpose is a lot of discovery to last me a life time. I don’t think I’m living to acquire selfish wealth. Being happy with myself and loving my family is enough a challenge that running after “abstracts”. Being happy with myself and my environment is the first step to making the world a better place.

Most times when I look at the way things are disorganized around me I realize that it is just because I have not made a note of the things I should focus on. Changing the world is not about going about screaming at the top of my voice that people should change but my simply changing the things I take for granted.

Patient like time is the only cure of any trouble I find myself in today. If only I could just wait a bit and work hard more hopping that the best is yet to come thing will really pan out right and I’ll be happy regardless of the country is saying or what my balance sheet looks like.

I decide my fate and I can only be better if I make the most of what I have been blessed with.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

· Everyone knows what they want – who can dispute this point. We all know our strength and understand what it means to be content with one’s ability.

· To achieve goals you’ve never achieved before, you may need to rise in level and participate with new people on a new playing field¬- this quotation remind me of where I see myself in the next couple of years as the manager and chief executive owner of a company and the kind of people I’ll be dealing with. I have slowly started but not there yet.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No, there is nothing in the book that I do not understand or disagree with.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

On the chapter 2 of the book is the attractor factor IQ test. I took the test although I could not follow it when I went online as the as the site would not come up but I must say that I find the test very real to the everyday though I run in my head. I found that most of the questions if not all are direct to me as though the author was thinking of me when the book was designed. Although the answers to the question are closely the same making it really tough for me to peach without looking back, I really find the IQ test very well. The book also contain areas where responds could be entered depending on the reader, I also found this very helpful as writing down so of the things really painted a clear picture of who I am and what I stand for. It was clear to me that all that matters in life is the ability to live for something that brings happiness.

There so many tables in the book that after completing them I realize my strength and weakness as a person and areas of improvement. The book is a very well thought of book for the leaders of today especially for those of us in regions termed ‘developing’.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I just want to add that the book is one of those materials for people with faith. It is a book that should be read with all the attention of learning and not just to fulfill an obligation like turning an assessment. I wish the entire student in the program can select the book as part of the material for future guide.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10

B. How helpful were the contents? 10

C. How easy was it to understand? 10

D. Would you recommend it to others? 10

E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

The Grip of Death
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book titled the grip of death is an account of where our money comes from, the role of money in every economy giving the variables of buying and selling. It is also an enquiry as to why so many businesses and people are in heavy debt that has led to bankruptcy, foreclosure, seizure, depression and economic recession, and a review of the structures that build a strong a viable society using debt free money.

The author presents the effects of money as it relates to mortgages, food and farming, transport, poverty and wealth, etc. there’s a constant reduction in the purchasing power of money from time to time and the implication of this is that a point will come when there will be so much money in the hands of people yet there’ll be little or nothing to buy if the trend of creating money as a debt continues.

The book highlights grey areas in our monetary system that need immediate or prompt attention in restructuring to avoid a total collapse in the economy since money is the lubricant used to keep the wheel of the economy spinning.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas that interest me in the book are;

A. Why consumers can’t get quality product.

In the past I as remember, we use to have quality goods and most were imported from countries like the UK, US and from Asia state like Japan. These products which varied from household to automobile stood the test of time and some of them could still be seen in some homes today. These products have been around for more than twenty years and still waxing owing to the quality of materials and finishing. In the present it is all about plastic and rubber, mass production at the lowest of quality ever, all in the name “cheap” or “affordable” goods.

B. The role of advertisement and the purchasing power of money.

Like in the first idea, some companies that produce goods use advertisement in a wrong way to sell their products. Advertisement should provide information about what is in the market and not on what is not in the market as I have come to find out in recent times in the name of technology. Consumers are left with no option but to buy that which they can afford at prices higher than income. The purchasing power keeps reducing and the quality of goods decrease. It is common to find people with little or no money while the market is flooded with inferior goods. People spend more than what they earn and in accounting this type of flow is referred to as the deficit structure. Income is not enough to provide the needs of the house so every capable hand must work to contribute.

C. National debt can never be paid.

My country has been in debt before I was born and will be even in more debt by the time I’m long gone. The monetary system of the world is designed to keep nations like mine in constant debt. Money is created as debt therefore those who use it must service it. In servicing the debt, more debt is crested so how do you pay back that which in itself is debt. It goes to explain the reason why it is so hard to get out of my debt as a business person.

D. The reason mortgages do not work in most third world country.

When a friend of mine who now reside in the United State told me about the housing structure in the US and other developed economies of the world I envied the simplicity of his explanation but I did not fancy the idea that I’ll have to work my entire life to off-set my mortgage. In Africa there’s so much looting especially in the public sector such that the basic things of life have now become luxury that most people cannot afford with their wage so people result to seeking alternative which present itself in the form of public service.

The reason for this still boils down to the creation of money as a debt. People find it hard to own property and the effect have led to the move of brother taking up arms against his brother over land matter.

E. The role of the monetary agencies to effect the change that would bring about stability in the world economy.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and her twin sister the world bank are doing everything possible to keep third world nations in debt by advising and granting them loans that can ever be paid back all in the name of development. In the course of the book, I found that the IMF and World Bank became relevant out of nothing but to create a hub for global debt. They showed up and pretend to be the solution to world monetary and economic challenges only to create more misery for nations with low output.

F. The role of politicians in creating more hardship for the populace.

Nigeria is rated as one of the most corrupt nation of world. This is a reflection of the leadership style adopted by her leaders. They have created a system where everybody is left with the option of looting once they find themselves in the corridor of power by creating and building on structures that are not constant with economic changes in the market. The government keeps borrowing into private pockets with the name of the nation. These debts cannot be paid because the money collected has not gone into the productive sector of the economy yet interest will be paid on the principal.

G. What has lead to the closure of some business as a result of bankruptcy.

When money is borrowed to run an organization and the interest on that money must be repaid where that same money is created as a debt, it creates unhealthy business environment and leads to survival of the fittest. The total money in circulation in the world is created as a debt, meaning that to use this debt money there must be money from somewhere interest free or debt free money. The government that has the power to effect these changes is playing lips services as it gives those in power the opportunity to create unhealthy business environment which favors them and their relatives. This unhealthy competition has forced so many to close shop or become inferior and produces inferior goods to sell at “cheap” prices.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Every lesson in life has either a positive or negative effect depending on number variables. In a world of huge debt at every level of endeavor, economic units are not left out and I’m one of such unit. The lessons I learn here is that our world may not operate as some text recommend but it takes a lot personal assessment to reach meaningful conclusions. There’s a lot of power play in the market and the currency is slowly but surely losing its grip in the market.

When I look at the note in my hand I see a nothing more than a great display of artistic instincts but my instincts say more and more of the note. The world is changing and I can only change myself in relations to some of the changes. Some things in life are just not worth the trouble.

These ideas have brought me to the awareness of global economic and the politics of domestic economy as it affects units like me. Effecting change is telling the truth about a product I sell and raising the consciousness of my client.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book. It’s a text book on economics at a higher level.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is bulky and took me a lot of time to read. It is not a book that should not be read in mood of submitting assessment for a better and dipper understanding.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain exercise for the reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

The Debt Virus
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Everyone in business is in debt. The reason for this is not because every business is in bad management. Government debt has been rising ever since the introduction of money. Economies have swallowed economies as a by-product of debt. The purchasing power of the Naira is on auto decline as compare to its value in any year in the past. The role of money is an issue of global debate with no global solution given the factors of modern supply of money.

The author points out a monetary error at the root of our cyclical economic problems and prescribes a cure that promises to benefit all mankind. According to the author, the creation of money as debt and the government’s inability to address the issues involved with demand and supply of money has created global world debt where everybody is within the debt cycle. The government’s inability to regulate the non productive capital by creating interest free money is what has resulted in the high level of poverty, business closure, bankruptcy and economic recession at a global scale.

The book deals with some of the pragmatic issues involving the creation, demand and supply of money in modern economics to boost the vibrancy of world economy.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. The general role of money.

Looking at the economy and political environment of my country, our nature under the influence of money, it is sure that there’s something fundamentally wrong with the role of money. The situation now is that everybody has a value in monetary terms. This is a fact that is not normal with the need for money. Aside the matter that money is created as debt the moral role of money in the modern world is evil.

B. The bank interest rate.

I placed a call to a friend sometime ago who is in the banking sector to confirm the interest rate on loans, and I went dumb from what he said. He told me that the interest rate on loans is between 20 – 25 percent though negotiable but the interest on savings is around 3 percent. In the first place money is a debt plus another debt that is non-productive in the form of interest rate. It goes to drive home the reason why we have so many businesses in serious debt that cannot be paid and it eventually leads to business closure and bankruptcy.

C. The role of government and bank in the creation and supply of money.

It is a well known fact, that the only organization with the resources and man power to determine the fate of every nation is the government. The government instead of ensuring that the creation of money rest with the people, have created an avenue where those in the cycle are those doing the bidding of those in office. What is commonly obtained here in the third world like Nigeria is that the government use the banks to loot the nation. The banks are there partners in crime of the government.

D. The awareness of what has led us into this untold debt.

For a very long time I was of the opinion that inflation was a product of excess money in the economy. After reviewing the book, I thought to myself that if there was too much money with people then newspaper advert should be covered more by those with money looking for what to buy rather than goods advertised with no money to purchase them.

E. Prudence.

In an economy with so much interest one can only ask for prudence on the part of those saddled with the responsibility on running the nation. It is clear that those at the top want to remain there using all means. The basic needs of people have long been thrown far from the reach of the people. It is survival of the fittest and the government is the strongest, feeding on the wealth that should go enrich the lives of people.

F. The reality of the debt crises we find ourselves in. the author suggest that central banks should be dissolved and made part of their respective national treasuries.

In Nigeria, we are like zombies. We do not know in whose hands the creation of money is. The whole idea of money creation and supply is still strange and the common belief is that the central bank is run by the government trough their agent who is only answerable to those put him there. The idea of dissolving the central bank will not be received with a hand shake.

G. The legal devaluation of money.

Some months ago, the current governor of the central bank of Nigeria, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi made an announcement that the naira will be devalued to accommodate foreign investment or so. I recall when the decision was made. There was nothing politicians will not do to foster their effort. I think the idea as at the time was not to attract foreign investment but to increase the value of loots. We are operating on monetary policies and not on monetary laws. Policies can change at whim but not laws as they require legislative approval. The idea of the CBN governor may be born of out the need of necessity but the benefiting group would be those in office and their families.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

In business, it is very good and helpful to understand the flow of money, the consequence of debt as it affect business especially the non-productive capital know as the interest rate. The book has given an insight into the use of fund.

Funding in business leads to growth and expansion. The role of money in modern life after the barter system has made exchange of goods and services easy and at a scale that has taken business beyond boarders. Business between countries with comparative advantage has grown by tons given the use of money thereby making the exchange of man-power, technology, and infrastructural development even to nations with smaller economy.

The world is expanding, thanks to money. The income of families can be ascertained and areas which need to be checked can be and the necessary adjustment made to ensure that the entire economy is positively monitored. The total value of a nations produce can be determined and measured alongside the population.

As a business person I now understand the need for the figures to balance, not just for the sake of accounting. There is a need to expand on all frontiers of human endeavor, but there is also a need to consider areas that are not receiving the due attention as money has replaced morality. There’s a lot the government has to put in place to ensure that we the people are not made to be slaves of money, that rather it should be money that is a slave to us. This is in the area of infrastructural development. There is a huge demand for the upgrade of roads, provision of electricity, investment in agriculture which will provide food for the constantly growing population. There is need to check waste and corruption using more purposeful channels of issuing and mopping cash from the economy.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

The quote is by Leo Tolstoy, “money is a new form of slavery, and distinguished from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal, that there is no human relation between master and slave.”

My office is on the 5th floor of a seven story building, a corner piece, over-looking the ever busy third mainland bridge and fronting the former force headquarter. From my little space, I can see virtually the entire one kilometer of either my left or right from this point in my office, what I see looks like a scene from the movie The Roots, where Kunta Kinte if I got that correctly and company were being led to their slave ship. People wake as early as 4am and do not return home until about 8pm. This is inspired by the quotation on page 96, chapter 7, title ‘debt bondage’.

There are times when I look back at some of the things I’ve done for money I feel a shamed of myself yet I can’t get enough of what I don’t want and that is not relegated to me alone. In Nigeria you hear stories of people looting billions of public funds by virtue of their office and they are celebrities and worshiped. The level of prostitution at every level has risen astronomically to a point where nothing seems to be wrong any more so long as it will bring money. Relationships are valued by how much each party will get from the deal and so on. It is a democratic slavery. A system of government where how much money I have is the only yardstick of measuring success.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that I do not understand or unclear about.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Not really.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9.5
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

You Just Don’t Understand

Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

It was Saturday morning; I got outside and decided to take a walk along the street. While working, I noticed two people struggling over a 5 liter rubber. I was not sure of what started the tussle but I noticed as I drew closer that one of them was shouting while the other was just dead silent. A few steps more I realized that the quiet one was a dumb while the one shouting was a def. they could not understand each other. The dumb wanted to use the rubber to get water, while the def wanted to tell him that the rubber is leaking. The problem with this two is the same with even those of us that are not disabled in any form and even worst off. Communication is very important in the life of every man. It is not enough to open one’s mouth and talk but what we say has a lot of effect no us and sometimes to the people we talk to. A clear cut understanding of the things we say is about the best way to know what we are asking for. A good intention may be delivered with wrong words has it has so often happen to me. Choosing a language is another important part of conversation that can help clear cob web and that is what the book is about, everyday conversation and the effects on us and other people.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. The first idea in the book is on the importance of conversation.

It should be acknowledged here that one of the greatest gift man enjoy is the ability to talk. It would be difficult for a person who can’t talk to flow freely. Aside the fact that a person can’t talk; it would be a disaster if the other person can’t hear. The ability to talk should be appreciated before what is said can be brought into reason to determine if the right or intended message is delivered.

ii. The second idea in the book is on different words different worlds.

Just as a word is enough to take a man to the moon so is a word enough to send a man to the grave. Relationship have suffered setbacks not because those involved don’t want progress but because the choice of words has delivered an effect contrary to that intended. Sometimes it is not about talking and not listening or vice versa, there should be a balance in communication. Words should not be intended to mean that which they are not or else it would lead to misinterpretation.

iii. The third idea is framing.

I’m not saying that this is the most important topic in the book, but in framing I got to understand that words could be treated like physical objects that kids play with. There’s a lawyer in my complex that seem hard to please. She’s always mindful of her company and always on the defensive; for the most part of our encounter she gives me the impression that men take advantage of women because the society say that they are the weak ones. I can’t remember a time when we talked that she didn’t let me know that she is a different woman from the rest in the building. In framing I got a clue on how to deal or handle her matter each time we crossed path. As a result of this knowledge, she is free with me and people think we have something inside that is more than meets the eye.

iv. The fourth idea is on the importance of communication in a relationship.

We’re all in a relationship romantic, social or commercial, as the case maybe, there is need to have a better understanding of what we are given especially when it has to do with instruction.

v. The fifth idea is on understanding the point the other person is getting at.

My fiancé and I spent one evening discussing some of the things we want from each other and how we’d like appreciated. When she asked me of what I wanted, I thought about the question for a while before I could come up with something which to her made absolutely no sense. At a point I felt a bit awkward every time she had to interject to remind me what I should focus on. While I thought I answering the question with sincere intentions, I still could not meet her expectations because I did not understand her.

vi. The sixth idea is on the complex nature of our simple language and the use of words.

Just one word, right word can set a man for life as much as a single word could condemn a man to the grave. In Nigeria the level of the common language (English) understanding is low even within high school leavers that to be clearly and properly interpreted I have to reduce the use of words to the barest minimum.

vii. The seventh idea in the book is on mixed blessings as a result of cultural explanation.

An open minded person will agree with me that one of the most exciting discoveries in life is the knowledge that there are other languages and cultures. Being use to one way of doing things is really boring and could lead to early death. If you fancy the idea of relating with people outside your comfort zone then the learning process will never end and there will be a whole lot more to discover. The world is changing from what our grandparents were use to and to what is available to us today and so too is our conversations. There are more ways of getting things done today than it were a couple of decades ago.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas that I have highlighted above are very important if I want to build a healthy relationship and a life style that will help me overcome some of the everyday bumps of life. Life is built on words and the right words at the right time allows for the appropriate message to be sent or received. There are times when I meet people who are not on the same communication level as I am, this sometimes creates confusion which in some cases has led to quarrels. I wish to use these ideas to better myself as a person and to able to share with others by trying to be more of a listener than a talker that is, trying to understand what the other person is saying.

When I look at the way I live now there’s this feeling in me that I’m by a mile a better person than what I would have been if not for ideas as such. Most times I don’t see things the way they appear. I’m not quick to conclude on issues until I see to it that I’ve given it the best thought and for that some people are not comfortable with my style. Why should commit to someone I have no feelings for just so that the mutual friend will feel better? I think life is about the choices we make from the lot available to us. If I find someone that satisfy my expectation then I feel I should let the person know.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book that I’ll personally make reference to however, all the sub-titles in the book deals with a unique cell n human discussions and daily conversations.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is very precise in dealing with issues as they affect human interaction.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No, the book did not contain exercises for me to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Though it’s the essence of the book but some of the sub-topics are more like saying the same thing only in a different way, referring to a topic that has been treated only with a different title.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 7
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 7

Development as Freedom

Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Development as freedom is a work of art and advance poetry designed to aid the mind of any person who appreciates life in the context of positive economic growth and a viable social environment. The world is a global village where every cell in the form of a nation is struggling with meeting its own need to survive. There are several issues that are related to human life and decision making. Sometimes a decision made by the state could be to the benefit of some, all or to the detriment of social platform.

Every society is built on culture. This culture defines patterns that should be acceptable or imposes obstacles that could hinder growth if contrary to public opinion. The book is a comprehensive analysis of today’s economy, a look at the roles of different institutions which include the market, media, state, opposition groups, NGO’s and the role of international bodies.

The focus of this work is on freedom both as the basic end and as the most effective means of sustaining economic life in combating poverty and insecurity in the contemporary world.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. The first idea is on the importance of freedom.

Wealth is not measured by the amount of money but on the quality of freedom a soul enjoys. Amenities, social structure for growth, theories that are based on people or people oriented programs. Often time we rate the amount of money in the pocket of a man as the level of freedom he enjoys simply because he can afford to buy whatever and presently whoever.

ii. The second idea is on the role of the baker, butcher and the brewer.

It was in the cause of reading this book that the idea came to my mind that indeed the baker, butcher and brewer are not there because of my need for bread, meat and beer but however, while they seek to make a profit from what they are good at, my need for their products are satisfied. This can also be related to our daily relationship with family, friends and colleagues. There are moments when I seek my need but in my quest, I add value to the life of another person. At other times, it is the cause of inequality in our society such that laws are made to favor those in authority but sometimes tend to benefit those at the lowest rung on the ladder.

iii. The third idea is on the growth of a nation when if the standard of living of the people grows.

I am a pragmatic person with faith that our world will improve where we don’t have people eating from the trash. However I don’t fancy that claim that there’s growth in the economy when the standard of living and the quality of life is zero. The government claims that they are improving welfare of civil servants while there is a price increase at a percentage that outweighs pay check increase. In Nigeria the level of corruption in the civil is beyond imagination, this is the sector that is supposed to be there for the people yet it is the furthest from the people it serve. Every public office holder is a billionaire or has to be to get office so there allegiance run to only the man on-top of the sport they occupy and are celebrated when they leave office.

iv. The fourth idea is the reason for the problem.

Nigeria in my opinion is one of the most blessed nations of the world. Before the black gold (oil) we had agriculture which at the time was responsible for about seventy percent of the nation’s income. After the discovery of oil we abandoned agriculture, everybody wanted to wear tie and shirt. Large scale or mechanize farming has been relegated to peasant farming for the dying old. The other areas of the nation that do not have oil just do nothing but to wait for oil revenue to come so all can share.

Rather than add to what should make us a great nation a good people, the oil has only become a curse to us. The idea of farming which is supposed to provide food for all has been abandoned.

v. The fifth idea is democratic style of government.

Although neither of the three leadership style is better than the other, I like the democratic style of government which allows for all sides to be heard. In uniting a state where every kilometer is a tribe it is very important to note that once a section feel it has been left out there will always be trouble from that section or cell.

vi. The sixth idea in the book is on learning from the past.

Some people will argue that it matters not to dwell on the past but it becomes a learning point if lessons from the past remind us on how to make adjustments for the future. There are so many things that we should keep in mind like the way we use our environment and some of the things that have extinct as a result of our quest for wealth and power.

vii. The seventh idea is on effective leadership.

Every nation under the sun is challenge in what could qualify as same problem for all. Some the countries we envy today are those that are built on the culture of effective leadership. This is the most vital aspect of a country’s survival. It is no news that leadership in Africa is a mockery of what the civilized part of the world enjoys. Our system of leadership is that which our leaders see themselves as opportunist and are concerned about what they can gather while in office.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

We all want a world that works for us, a world we can be ourselves and have a say in the affairs that affect us. I’m not an exception to the above and so the race is on. I dream of building my own world where it will work for me, I must learn, observe, try and maybe fail but keep trying until I get it. Maybe it is not about me trying to make everybody in the world think, move, and talk like me; it could be that all I have to do is to align myself with my environment to get the world where I want it to be.

It is true that I cannot get all I ask for but what I do with the little I have goes a long way in shaping my world. I need to be positive and stay focus on my goal(s) as this will lead to life of happiness and fullness.

There is a lot in the world that frightens me. Countries of the world spend more on defense and intelligence gathering than on education and health care. The ideas in the book remind me of the need to look at the bright side of life rather than dwelling on the things that slow the level of growth. The change I so desire has to start with myself, my outlook on the world and why I have a vital role to play regardless of how small that role is.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book that got my attention.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I’ll like to add that the book is a tough one, to be able to read and clearly understand the lessons therein; one has to have attained a certain level of academic class. Thebookis not an everyday every person’s book. In all I enjoyed the lesson.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 7
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8

What is the overall rating you would give the book 9


How to make Collaboration Work
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

I can’t think of the day I woke and said nothing to anybody, or did not need somebody’s help to get something done in some way. As a person everything is perfect but when it involves two or more people then there is a tendency that there will be disagreement at some point. How to make collaboration work is a book that looks at these conflicts that may arise from our day to day life activities either in the office, at play or at home. The book helps to understand that at certain point we must accept certain responsibility if we are to build healthy relationships. Sometime the so called ‘experience’ I have in a particular field may only lead to stress, frustration and inefficiency. Aside the fact that the book presents ideas that resolves conflict in the corporate environment; it also helps in self talk. As the president of my group in church this book is the best piece of material that I’ve ever read

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally important to you and why?

Every man has the ability to make an impact in the society and the thought of this alone is met with mixed feelings. On one hand is the fact that I can take pride in myself and feel successful if it all turns out well, while on the other hand I’ll be dammed if I fail. Can I face the shame of letting people who trusted my ability down? Being a facilitator is not just about standing in the middle, watching each side take it out on the other nor is it about helping others find a way to make peace but about finding inner dialogue with oneself.

The second idea from the book is that as the president of my group, there are some decisions I’ll take that do not require consensus and when such, I must try to frame my decision in its context explaining the underlying rationale for it and how the criteria I used are consistent with the established principle. Again it should be known that when I make decision I must have the strength and will to back it up. This is because there are certain times when I’ll need quick result on issues that are urgent and getting my members to share their advice may not be possible due to time. There was this day I got a message that our meeting will not hold at the agreed time owing to something that can up but when I got to the venue at the supposed time for the meeting there was nobody but me. Then I waited for over half an hour before the next person can and when two others can and suggested that the meeting be postponed I refused and insisted that the meeting will hold but it would be brief and it happened so and the outcome was very pleasing for my group members.

The third idea I gather from the book is that I can really learn a lot from my group members if I allow them to be themselves in the course of facilitating. We are different in ideas and knowledge and so there is a tendency that if I don’t impose myself on my members then I’ll be able to bring out their true picture and this can be very worthwhile. In collaborative environment every member has the same voting that guarantees that his or her opinion is important to the group. During the course of a meeting one Sunday, a member raised an objection to an observation which was greeted with sharp criticism of how she is not working in accordance with accepted standard of work done I noticed that while she was trying to state the honesty of her intention I just sat there I watch how things turned out as the president I’m sure some would have expected that I’ll cut them off and usher the next agenda but I just allowed them to speak their minds and in the end it turned out that there was more to it, one took it personal while the other was only trying to help.

The fourth idea is on the heuristic way of finding things. This is the most effective way of sorting out issues. Before this book I never knew there was a name for this way of looking for things. The way the mind works is one that I can’t tell and it amaze me when I think of the creative power of the mind. There was this day I was looking for my wrist watch and I could not tell where in the house the watch was. I looked every where and did not find the watch then I stopped and sat down and pictured myself from the last time I used the watch and at once I saw my self in the office taking off the watch and throwing it into my locker while I was going for my evening game and when I got to the office I went straight to the locker there was the watch I was looking for at home. This way of looking for things can be employed into solving problem is in a collaborating community. This strategy enables for precise result rather than having to make everybody in the group uncomfortable just to get things done.

The fifth idea is what I have to do when the group cannot reach a consensus. When my group cannot reach a consensus I must be the fallback. That is the consequence of the decision falls on me as the president. This idea should help the group reach some conclusions that would otherwise hold the group back may be due diverse opinion on the matter. As a leader I should also know that at this point of decision making not all members would want to see things turn out well if they feel that they are influential enough to be left out of a planning process.

The sixth idea is that collaboration creates understanding and foster growth in the team. When all the members in a group feel responsible for the way the team’s performance will affect them, they will be willing to go the extra mile to ensure that their role is clearly understood and that their contribution is for the best interest of the group. Collaboration allows for the members to listen to others just because they know others will listen to them. During our year end party I noticed that some people were trying to hijack the work while some where just interested in giving others and some were just there for nothing and at a point interest were conflicting after the wholes ding dung during the next meeting after the party a member could not hide her displeasure over the bossiness another member. The meeting was almost turned apart and though I felt it was my fault but I think it was a good thing that people were able to air their views.

The last idea on collaboration is that it makes me a better leader. If I were to rely solely on my own ability I will not accomplish much and the group I lead will not have the benefit of learning from other members of the group. It would make me an island and that could be really boring. Collaboration as far as this moment should be the best form of leadership as this will help check conflict. When people feel that they have an equal chance like anybody even when they are not given the opportunity they will not feel bad knowing it could be anybody and when they are chosen to certain position they will not allow it get into their heads.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Collaboration like I said in the last idea is the best form of government. A participatory government where all is involved in what affects them, in my daily life these ideas will help be more attentive to the voice of others rather than trying to do all the talking. There are people I see everyday and feel I’m far better than them and so have nothing to tell me that I don’t already know. This is a big mistake and could be very dangerous if I don’t start applying the countless strategies in the book about dealing with situations.

Leadership is built on strength and honesty and these are virtues I have to start working on because it is not too late. There are times when I feel that all I need to sit and things will fall into place or that I’ll go sleep broke and wake up rich like a scene in the movie but that is not true, I have to combine my effort with that of those I work or else I’m going to be running in circle. One of the reasons the Niger part of Nigeria is in total disunity today is because the process has not involved a collaborative effort of both the government and those are suffering from the oil spill. Those who sit at the table are those who have nothing to loose but what will accrue to their pocket at the end of each negotiation.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book.

5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that I did not understand.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered inn the previous questions? If so, please comment.


A. How interesting was it to read 8
B. How helpful were the content 8
C. How easy was it to understand 9
D. Would you recommend the book to others 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give the book 8.5


30 Lies About Money
Assessment by Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book’s author though with a background in Social Economics, takes a practical look at money as it affects the emotional and spiritual well being of a person. The book present a new way of tackling the generational change for the demand and supply of money. In a normal situation there are certain forces that affect the demand for money which has almost turned everybody in the world into a slave, which has led to the need to have money by all means. The relation to money affects the way we conduct ourselves as people and how we manage our organization. We have attached a certain degree of importance to money that money has become more than what it should be.

There is a need to understand how the quest for money affects us as people and what are the steps to take in ensuring that we don’t spend all our useful years chasing the wind while there is more to what we are looking for, there is this believe that money brings happiness. I have often heard though mostly among the elderly people talk about how much pain they had to endure to make a little amount of that was barely enough for them to feed the family with.

2. What are the seven ideas that were personally most important to you and why?

I reasoned in the course of reading through the pages of the book that there are so many modern day misconceptions about money that need to be change or else we’ll all become robots. On the first chapter I noticed that I’ve always thought that money will bring happiness. Again, let me say here that there are times when I just feel comfortable with myself because I just remember that I have some money in my pocket. That at that material time I can get what I want if I have the means to afford it. Money has a way of inducing some level of confidence, though this confidence is pseudo it does not stand the test of time. Money is manmade but happiness is far from man if it is not self made.

Secondly I personally not hold dear the fact that money is power. In the transaction world where money is the standard of exchange the amount in one’s hand validates this point. In the world of matter and form where we search for truth and sincere happiness money is not of any relevance. Every person in life has a definition of what money is and what it is capable of attracting to him/her at the moment. I was in the bus one day on my way to see a client when a man stood up and market a drug. He spoke for a while about what the drug would do and the advantage of buying from him after recommending some of the other places the drug could be got. After some jokes he let us have the price and people where like “no way, in a bus can we buy the drug for such a price”. At that point I noticed that the power was not in the drug to command that price for people could walk into a drug store and buy that drug for twice the price but for the fact that it was in a bus, the price was a no deal. We have been made to think that the more money in our pocket the greater the power we command. This is because most of us are from societies where poverty is pronounced beyond words those who have been opportune to serve in government have created artificial scarcity so that those that don’t have will continue to look on those who do have.

The third idea believes that debt is not bad. I’ve heard someone argue sternly that people who are in debt are not reliable. I have a steady job that guarantees that I meet some of my needs at the end of each month and if for some emergency reason I have a pressing need that can’t wait till the end of the month is there anything wrong with IOU? Of course not, there is no business out there that can survive without some form of credit.

The fourth idea is that everybody can make a profit. In the authors example of profiting, it takes one person to make a loss for another person to make a profit which I agree with in the short run while in the long run we all make profit because one person do not win all the time. I have a friend who is into event management and planning, he’d a job one time and invited to be part of his team. This even attracted people from far and wide so I was delighted to be part of the whole experience. Initially I was not interested in the monetary part of the agreement because I felt that anything would do. As the event progressed I felt like a slave, there was this awareness in me that I should not allow myself be used for such a price if its money we should all make profit what I was getting was nothing near profit by any standard.

The fifth idea is a lie and the lie is that money is freedom. Let no man be deceived out there that money is freedom. The more you have the longer the stay in prison. This is one thing a lot of people have failed to understanding that we are not bound to be happy base on the amount of money in our possession. Lately I got some money from a brother who returned from a trip abroad but it did not add a dime sense of happiness to my life but I feel very happy knowing that I’m alive and I can do things like a normal person and play volleyball. Again, when it involves meeting my daily needs and putting food on my table it could be just to say that money would bring some form of freedom and this is in knowing that I don’t have to beg but work to get that things I want.

The sixth idea is another lie that the health of a country may be accurately judged by looking at its GNP and other Economic statistics. Let anybody who doubts this lie look at Nigeria GNP, annual inflow from crude oil sales, taxes, among others. The figures will leave you confused. Take a look at the unemployment rate and the state of infrastructural development and the over whelming level of corruption at all level of government, the total decay in moral and the social life and tell me if the GNP figures are anything to rely on.

The seventh idea in the book is that men handle money better than women. Personally I don’t think so. Rather it should be that women handle money more than men by a mile. Women are the better manager of the house and are more prudent in spending. I have observed that in a house, the man work more for the money but it is the woman that determines how long the money last and this depend on individual.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world, If so, how?

There are some things in life that no matter how educated I am as a person I may not understand like why can’t I have all the things I want at the same time? It is not enough to rely on classroom knowledge alone to deal with all the financial challenges because most of the real life situations cannot be contained in a text book.

The way I pursue money has been with so much energy that at some point I feel like selling my soul for some few bucks. We all get tempted. I know that money is not needed for the sake of money itself but what it can afford at a particular time because the value of money is never stable. There are some things that money can’t buy and one of such is happiness. The primary aim of the author is to enlighten readers on the need to pay less attention to the luxury of chasing money while there are other things that mean more.

My life as one more stream of knowledge. I have one or more ideas on how to manage my money and how to make it work for me. One of the greatest challenge of humanity is satisfying human want. In Economics, while in school I learnt that human want are insatiable as compare to the limited resources. The quest for money should not make me a slave.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

The quote in the book that caught my attention is on page 13 “A rich man is only a poor man with a lot of money. Whoever believes that with money you can buy everything has obviously never had any.” If you want to see show offs with money just give a little amount of money to a man who don’t have. It is not easy to have money and still keep ones cool in a society like Nigeria where there is oppression from every corner. Another area where this might be true is when you consider the high level of poverty. There are so many imbalances in the society that people do things for money that would ordinarily not venture with the excuse that they have survive.

Personally I don’t see this as true even though I’ve stooped low for the sake of money at some point in my life and even more recently. It is not enough to rely on my money for happiness, I can buy a person but I can’t buy his trust and loyalty.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that I do not agree with because the ideas in the book are precise and easy to understand and the book is a wonderful.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are no exercises in the book for the reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Personally I think that more of this kind of book should be added to the curriculum of the institution to enhance our financial knowledge.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


Rich Dad Poor Dad
Assessment by Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Rich dad poor dad is a book for both parent and children that teaches how to make choices and explore options in a fast changing world. The authors are using their personal experiences in this book to help parent allow their children make decision on issues that affect them as independent people so that they can live a financial aptitude life.

It is true that parent should be there for their children but not to a point where the children become robots while the remote is with the parent. Some parents do not feel comfortable discussing their finances with their children and yet want the children to understand the implication of spending their money working for it.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first idea from the book is that class room education is not enough to see me through in the real world because subject thought in the class are not able to address the issues out there if I want to successful and not entirely dependent for the rest of my life. I was thought in school that getting a good job is the most reason why I have to go school and that until I reach a particular level educational pursuit I’m only wasting my time. I must get a master degree after a bachelor degree and then a PhD before I can stand up to defend my right to freedom.

This idea of school not being the determinate of my future is important to me because I’ve seen people in countless number with little or no educational background who followed their heart and listened to that little inner voice who are ruling the world of business today in this ever changing world.

The second idea is on the effect of parent on their children. During the formative stage of a child, the child is busy doing the bidding of the parent so that that child could enjoy the favor and respect of the siblings. A child that defiles the wishes or command of the parent is not loved and the parent makes no displeasure hidden as that child will not enjoy any the preferential treatment from the parent. I use to hate school so much that when I leave home in the morning I would go elsewhere and stay till school time is over then I returned home. It was when my friends at school did not see me in class that the report got to both my teacher and parent. I love adventure I wanted to see the world and feel part of it.

The third idea I noticed is that people really shape their life through their thought. What will my life become if I spend all my time thinking about the problems of the world and getting angry with the level of corruption or the state of infrastructural decay in the country? Again what will be said of my life if I spend my time on positive thought on how to love unconditionally and lend a helping hand to a project that is designed to help people living with AIDS? What if I take up voluntary teaching in areas where they lack teachers since I know how much the standard of education has dropped in the country? Thoughts are the key that unlock the creative mind of a person just as they are the destructive brainchild of a person as well.

The fourth idea is on the power of determination. This is a fall out from the third idea. Determination when channeled towards positive thoughts breeds countless success. There will be challenges that will threaten success but with a strong determination the challenges will be quickly and skillfully averted.

The fifth idea from the book is having a multiple stream of income. According to the author, having a multiple stream of income would increase my assets if I have a small stream of expenses. This will enable me make more money while I spend less. Rather than wait for my paycheck I can invest in other areas where I’ll enjoy high return on investment.

The sixth idea in the book is the idea of having money work for me rather than working for money. When a person acquires property in Nigeria there’s a tendency that the person will retire early in life. Let me tell you how it works around here. Most people that I have seen retire early are those who while they were in paid employment were able to acquire property develop it and rent it out, over time the rent that accrue from the property becomes a their pension plan rather than buying stock and bonds people prefer to invest in property.

The seventh idea is on the advantage of saving for investment. I have never kept money in the bank for a period more than two weeks unless the cash is not mine, and some time even when the cash is mine I still temper with it with the hope that I’ll pay back. Saving for investment requires a lot of sacrifice or look away if the aim is to be met later.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

In a short moment I’ll be a father and a husband and I’ll not want my child to write an assessment with this same story line then I’ll have to let the child understand the implication and effects of financial and investment freedom. Why should I teach my child to work for someone when people can work for him?

Children should be thought how to express themselves, in Africa it seen as a clear sign of disrespect for a child to want to his/her way even when it is obvious. My younger brother and I are a classical example. I want him to take his academic work more seriously and get the entire good grade out there but he is more of a music person. The day he told me he wanted to do music I felt like cutting him into two parts.

Now as part of the lesson from the book I can only assist him find his part by following his lead rather than trying to impose believes on him.

As a leader I must concentrate my thoughts on positive things that will unlock my creative powers.

There is nothing like a perfect environment to think straight. Every place provide its own challenge that is why I must be very careful when I allow the challenges of a harsh economy to blind fold me to the reality a mental positive attitude.

Having a goal as a person is not enough if there is no will of fruition on my part. I have to ensure that in building a world of financial freedom I’m able to reduce wasteful but enticing spending. There are times when I would buy the same thing over and over again just because I have the money and not minding the fact that it is just a waste. If I want to change my spending habit then I must have the determination to let go of some things to make every day worthwhile.

It is my dream to be a landlord some day and live the rest of my depending on the return from my property and it is one of the prime target I have set for myself as I struggle each day to find how I can improve my world.

I’ll like to help myself by doing more of what I have to do to improve my situation as a person. Back in school I read that one way of sourcing for fund was through personal saving for a venture but like I said, I’ve never saved for a project before and always think that when the time comes for the project the money will come and in all cases I fail. I want to make my life better by drawing a plan and sticking to it.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book that I’ll like to comment on.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

My disagreement here is on the idea that the price of houses do not go up and an example was given of people who owe millions for house while the actual value of those property is only in thousands. This may be obtainable in the US and some other parts of the world. In Nigeria, a house that was built in the 70s is enjoying the same rent as house built today if they are in the same location. It is only the location of a property that causes difference I price like comparing a house in Lekki to a house in Yaba, or say a house in Lagos to a property in Abuja.

The greatest asset one could have in Nigeria is to own a property and this is a well known fact that even infant want to be property owners.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are no exercises in the book to be completed.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The book create an awareness into the financial world that enable people to start thinking early about taking decisions that affect their adult life in more positive way. There’s nothing wrong with the time I find myself but what would have been of me if I’d been expose to these ideas while I was much more younger? Like I said no hope is lost. And this is the best time to start

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


The Great Game of Business
Assessment by Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The great game of business is unlocking the power of creating a business that can stand the test of time, maximizing profitability of the business using the open book management to get everybody involved in what they are doing. The author presents the tips in form of chapters to help me understand how to apply the basic principles of open book management that have worked for him over the past years.

The author is aware that sometimes people have great ideas on how to make the most of every
situation in the life cycle of a business but may not have the technical ability to harness the ideas or may not know how to fit the whole theory together to get the desired result. Open book management according to trial and error is the best way to get people involved in the business that concerns them if they are to give in their best shot. It tells the people involved what the true position of the business is and what must be done to operate at full capacity. The book is written for everybody in the organization to enhance each person’s ability which will in turn lead to increase in output and result oriented performance.

Finally the book is a critical analysis of the effect of applying open book management in the running of a business not solely on the motive of profit but to give the people the opportunity to be part of something bigger and to help them manage decisions the affects their lives at the work place.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first idea is that the great game of business teaches people to be part of something. When I see myself as the owner of something maybe a business, meeting or an association, I’ll do all within my power to make sure that I give it all the protection it deserve to survive. With this registered, I know that I get what I give. If on the other hand I see myself as only a tool that will be used and dumped, then I’ll do all within my power to make sure that I make the most of the opportunity I get even when the interest is selfish. I recalled working after I left secondary school. Though I’m sorry now but I was part of the factors that wreck the business because I did not see any connection between me and the business or the person I worked for. My salary was all that mattered to me. Once I got my pay whatever happened was not my concern.

The second idea is very vital and that is on making money. The idea says that the only way to be secure is to make money and generate cash; everything else is a means to an end, although my agreement is not 100 percent but with money every other thing material is possible to be achieved. We live in a world where nothing is free as everything has price tag including humans. I remember one of the books I read in my level two of the program where S.B. Fuller said that the only way to make money is to sell something. The idea stuck and has been a driving force for and my partner that today we are building a company that will stand out has the company of the year in a few years time. Today people sell even their body all in a bid to make money.

The third idea is on the open book policy of a company where the books of the company are prepared by those who run the company, a policy that allows the full knowledge to the employee on how the business operates, a policy that suggests to the employees that they are the owners and not just tools. I could also describe this as the democratic way of running a business.

The fourth idea is having a better idea of what the numbers are and how to interpret them. This is usually one of the biggest problems faced by entrepreneurs in modern business. The biggest barrier in business is ignorant and if the management do not understand the figures and have a better interpretation of the ratios and other indicator of the true financial position of the business it will always lead to fear, suspicion and intimidation which the business do not need at any point in the life of its operation if it want to continue to win the trust of the employees.

Fifth is finding the right motivation to get people to work. It is not enough to tell people what the figures are and what they mean if the proper channel of placement is not followed to boost motivation. The right people must be hired to positions that require their services and must be given all the chance to perform without external interference.

Where a particular appraisal should be given it must not be denied to avoid redundancy.

The sixth idea is on setting standard. Nowhere in the world has there been success without a standard or there is no profit in a business unless there is a difference in cost. In life everything has a standard that should be attained, surpassed and in some cases to determine how much more is needed to measure up. These standards form the basis of reward or punishments. If the business is doing well according to the set standard everybody should know benefit from the fit and vice versa.

Every business should have a game plan. This deals with how to approach the market, handle request and deal with delays. The game plan should also address how to deal with market trends and competitors. To some companies or businesses it forms the secret winning formula of the organization. The game plan must be known to all in the organization and what is expected from each if they are to take stock options as well as other benefits.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Today I’m part of a body that is set to help change the way leadership is viewed in my country. The first step is with changing the person of who I want to see in myself and be identified with. I want to add my voice to the many that call for a democratic world. A world that the views and opinion of the people are not kept at the back seat while the selfish interest of the a few hold sway. In the great game of business is not solely profit oriented but serving the populace.

Making money is fun and sometimes serves as a standard to measure performance and draw conclusion. The importance of money must not over shadow the need to serve humanity in one’s business. I deal with my client not with the sole intention of getting them to buy even though it is the motive of going out, some of my client treat me as a family member and sometimes I wonder if it is not more than meet the eye. There are times when the client will need a little more attention and some form of support from me.

The knowing that one is the owner of a business gives one the total sense of belonging and a desire to be at peak performance. The knowledge takes away fear and encourages full participation without holding back information that could lead to the promotion of the business. Although I have not been totally honest in this regard because there times that I’ll want to make some money outside the business that is my own.

My plan is to stick to the motive that made me start the business in the first place by bringing all the deals to the knowledge of all my partners.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention. If so, please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that I did not understand or unclear about.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There is no exercise for the reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I think it is not easy to operate open book style of management in this part of the word. I also want to say that some of the ideas we read in books are not generally applicable owing to certain factors like environment, social and politically sensitive issues. To get a bank a loan in Nigeria you have to be related to the manager and when these loans are given people do not want to pay back.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr.
Assessment by Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book is one man’s account in the struggle for equality, the liberation of the black race from slavery, oppression and denial at a time when humans were not considered to be equal owing to color. An account of ‘good versus evil’, the white against the black, a documentation of a man’s quest to be accepted in a society that do not want him and would do everything within its reach to remove him and his kin, an account about the making of an historical movement that would re-write history in the unification of the rest of the black race with their white counterpart.

The author presents the life and time of Martin Luther King Jr. His struggle for justice using a means that will register as one of the best way of resolving conflict without spilling blood, a method that will demonstrate the power of will over strength, the abundance of courage over fear.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first of the seven ideas in from the book that I envy is the humility of Martin Luther King Jr. How he submitted to the power that be from the onset of his life. He wanted to understand why things were that way and had the full knowledge that if he pressed, he would get a good deal that will equate the races that dominated the land at the time. The humility of Martin Luther reminds me that I can still achieve greatness by being humble. I sometimes feel that being gentle or humble is a stupid thing to do in a society like the one I find myself today where people are waiting for every opportunity to take advantage of another person. Like in his own time, times are the same for everybody. He could have just sat there the watch the world go by and maybe nothing evil will happen to him because he was from a home that could protect him and his family from the oppression that face the time.

Another idea in the book that I find important is the principle of non violence that was used to handle the oppression. Our world is changing and people are becoming more and more aware of the bad leadership style of leader everywhere and in all corners of the world. Rather than peaceful demonstration to register their displeasure with the government people are resolving to suicide bombing and it has become the most common mean of sending home the message these days. Never in my life did I think that a bomb will ever go off in my country but that has become the latest strategy employed by some groups or individuals who feels that the government is not serving their interest or that the candidate of the majority is not good enough or do
not represent their interest. I read an article in the June 2011 edition of ‘Awake’ a religious news letter and I was marvel to find that the only countries in the world that have not experience suicide attack of any kind were Australia and Antarctica. This shows that the principle of non violence that worked wonder for people like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela (the Madiba) and so many others do not seem to register in the minds of a good number of people around the world. In Nigeria alone the number of people and property claimed by this act alone is countless as well.

The third idea is on the advantage of education. Basically the life of Martin was not shaped primarily by what he studied in the classroom. By my own deduction is life was fashioned by the life of those people he studied and his ability to use his position to serve the people rather than enriching himself and his unborn generation like we have it today. The most annoying thing with our leaders today especially in Africa is that they are the few who are exposed to the knowledge that can take the nation or continent to a position that will make her people live in harmony, peace and wealth of both mind and body as we have all in terms of human and material resources to achieve the dream of a happy continent. The last speaker of the house of representative a legislative arm of government in Nigeria that we the young people were looking up to as a sign of hope for the youth was involved in a N40b loan scam which he claimed was shared between some members of the house and himself. He could have given every Nigerian N1m and still be a rich man. With all the scholarships he displayed what is the impact of his leadership in the life of the man on the street.

The fourth idea in the book is having faith in oneself. America today is witnessing the dream of one man. The realization of self or better said the believing before receiving. Martin Luther King Jr. had faith that if what he was doing was not against the law of God or the right of his fellow man he was bound to succeed at it. He found the will to listen to his heart and meditate on the strength of his action. I like this quality very much and it reminds me of the many times I have failed to listen to my heart and find my rhythm. No man has seen the future but according to the laws of nature if my heart is pure and my intentions sincere then like Martin I can have a dream that will change the life of people for the better. A lot his based on the confidence I have in my ability to improve myself and serve people, and not on what people think of me though it also build confidence if people think highly of me.

The fifth idea in the book that I find very important is to have courage in the face of adversaries. Nothing good comes without a price and in some cases we enjoy the result before we suffer the consequences. As humans, it’s in our nature to have things or everything we want without really doing anything to justify our request. This is one of the most important driving factor that most not be ignored. I have seen men who talk the talk but could not walk the walk for lack of courage. Courage must stem from not just self confidence but also in the knowing that one is doing the right thing and that what I’m fighting for is what I should get not just to show off my ability in maneuvering people with a fake life style. Most of the leadership materials out there are ideas put together to overcome challenges, which is how to apply courage in ways that will lead to a win––win situation for all.

The sixth idea in the book that inspired me is his ability to have respect for his fellow man, regardless of color black or white. When I hear something about me that I don’t want, I feel that I am exposed and as a result I try to hate those who are behind such move. It is not the best way to go about the situation. Dr. King had every right to hate those who made life difficult for him to bear but he stood his ground once he got the truth he never allowed it flee from him.
Again I use to think that some people have been created to make people in their lives sad but that is not true as we all want what is good for us all.

The seventh idea in the book is on the general knowledge of reading the book the autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr. In my high school days I took history and it became one of my best subjects. The subject gave me the first exposure of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade and its abolition. After high school nothing much came my way again until the book. I read it with the most of intention like I was investigating the events that occurred at the time. During the course of reading I pictured myself actually being part of movement that advocated youth leadership and the challenges frightened me. I must also say here that life is a lesson for all to participate. Our mistakes do not define us but a culmination of all that be that makes us who we are.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Practically my life is a whole lot better than it was some years ago. As I recall, every book leading up to this that I’ve read in the past years since I started the program has added to my totality as a person. The ideas in the book like the ones before are telling me or confirming to me the importance of living for a reason. If I don’t have a reason to live then I’m living for a reason, which in this case I cannot control but to follow the script of another person. Dr. King was a man who knew what he wanted from the day it became clear to him that something in his society is wrong. The cultures were divided; his race was a subject of ridicule and rejection. Young people today are challenged to the point of realization that something has to be done to change the face of leadership. Just Martin noticed that the society was not balance ours today is not balance and the change starts with changing me. Today within the same nation, we are made to yarn for foreign land as a result of bad leadership in the country. Those in government have made it clear that the government is not for the people.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention if so, please list and comment on them.

The most memorable of all the quotes in the book is the “I have a dream….” I’d heard of the quote or phrase for so long before I dreamt of this program but never really had the opportunity of having it to myself the way it is captured in the book. It goes to show how much power lies in the mind and the effect when it is put to either bad or good use. Today that dream is a reality in so many ways that I can completely comprehend.

People are doing away with the barriers that should keep us apart and holding on to one another as brothers and sisters of one family. Today America has a president that the black race would look at and feels that the wall of difference has crumble.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is absolutely nothing in the book that is not worth a second look.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There was no exercise for me to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.



A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


Black Skin, White Masks
Assessment by Joseph P. Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

This book reminds me of a book I read years ago, though I cannot remember the author’s name but the title is a ‘white man in a black country.’ What really caught my eye from the book is the picture with a contrasting title. The picture was that of a black man dressed in all white clothes with a well polished skin. The book revealed that behind the black skin is the orientation of a white man and that is not far from the author’s message in this book, black skin white mask.

The author introduces the importance that the black man attaches to the values of white culture in his quest to be accepted in the white community. These attachments have created and will continue to create a gap between the black and the white race in areas that should rather unite both races. The author recognizes the fact that the black and the white man’s difference in attitude is only product of the environment while we are the same in other areas of human endeavor.

The book is also an analysis of Monsieur Mannoni’s view of the character of an African in Europe (France) looking at it from the colonial era and the other side of colonialism and its effect on Africa. The author seems to disagree with some of the facts presented in Mannoni work.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first idea in the book is on the inferiority of the black man before the white man. This inferiority is not solely as a result of the color of either but let me state here that color is the common means used as a separating factor black or white. The inferiority is in terms of cultural disposition. When a white man is in the midst of black there’s this air superiority just as much as there is inferiority. There will be struggle amongst the black to win over the favor of that single white man that will result personal self worthiness.

The second idea in the book is on the harm that colonialism has done to Africa and other ‘third world nations’ of the earth. The author suggests that the need to civilize the world was done by adventurers and politicians. This point created a racist structure. Before the coming of Europe, Africa was in a state of understanding. There were wars, inter tribal mix up, oppression and subjection to the power that be at the time. The white man did nothing to stop it but instead capitalized on it to his advantage. Colonialism came with its own war, oppression and subjection.

So many will argue that the white man brought education; again the education was to serve his purpose of transforming the world into what he pictured.

The third idea is on the effect of language. As a people, one of the most important tools available to us today is language. It is our identity as a people and defines our origin. A lot of people like me feel that one of the separating factors of the country (Nigeria) today is language. Imagine if we had a single language not English, one that we all don’t have to learn in school that is our birth right, do you think some of the killings that have taken place in the land today would have taken place? It may not have completely eluded all the challenges the country as suffer but would to a large extend contained the difference we’d suffered so far.

The fourth idea is using the attitude of one black man to determine the fate of the entire black race. If a man decide to live outside the context of what is a generally an acceptable principle it should have nothing to do with the next man of same color. This is not relegated to the black or white colors alone. I met a friend who felt he did not get a fair deal from a fellow and the next thing he said was that ‘I should have known that that is how people from that area behave’. The statement did not surprise me then because it is an opinion that is commonly carried around which I was a victim of. That is about the same thought I carry about some tribes that people do not want to associate with.

The fifth from the book that caught my attention is on the perception that the Jews as the blacks did not deserve a fair acceptance in the world. Like the black man that was seen more as an inferior being, more as a brute the Jews was seen as the thief, monster and a man capable of every crime imaginable. At the time these were the worst atrocities committed against mankind. This also reminds me of a movie title “escape from Sobibor”. In the movie the Jews that were brought to the Nazi camp at Sobibor where filtered and those that were too old to do anything were roasted alive along with little children while those that could work were given different jobs to do as deemed qualified. This movie terrified us as children but we did not know why people where punished so cruel for nothing.

The sixth idea in the book is that I should take pride in my color and feel totally part of world that has dreams and aspiration. Towards the end of the book the author argues that he should not spend time questioning why his ancestors were slave but rather how he can contribute to world that needs him. We have come to a point where we should not be bothered by our color but our contribution towards building a world of lasting peace and tolerance.

The seventh idea is that we are not in this world to discriminate against each other. There are too many reasons why we should love rather than hate. I may have been told some things about why I should not like a particular tribe but I would not have done myself any justice if I don’t tolerate that person

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

In Nigeria there’s a lot of tension related to tribal issues. People are quick to flare when it comes to their knowledge that they are denied certain rights as a result of past experience with people from their area or region. These are not people in government, or people managerial positions even though they feel the same it is common amongst everyday people, people on the street, buses, shops, market, and so no. Winning the heart of the young people is about the best way to change the mind set of people in the country. In my life on a daily basis I pray that people should look beyond the tongue in doing anything that should profit mankind.

If you check the record of migrant with all the embassies in the country, Nigerians are no longer interested in staying back to build their country. Everybody wants to check out and that is the reason why embassies in Nigeria are making so much money from visa application. The quest to have a taste of Europe and American among young people unimaginable, this is the dream of some people.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book but however, there are some translations that were done to follow as part of each chapter to give the reader a better understanding of some of the ideas that the author presented. This translation actually gave the work a simpler language to study the author’s work on black skin, white mask.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The first time I read the book I was unsure if I was ever going to turn in a self satisfying assessment of the book. The register, vocabulary, and the high tone were really challenging. However, reading it again gave me a clearer picture of what the book is about and the style of the author and those the book is primary aimed at.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain exercises for the reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

My comment is on the general view of people in Africa about what is obtainable in the west. I remember when I read the book you can eat GNP where the author said people in the local area confronted him with the question of people being paid even for not working in America. I’m sure that if the author’s answer was yes then the entire youth of that locality would migrate. The same idea is everywhere of what anybody in the west would enjoy the only problem is just to get there.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8


The Leadership Pill
Assessment by Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Looking at today’s work force and the challenges of modern day in terms of production, distribution and consumption, so much is heavily depended on the leadership style to achieve positive result at every point of value added from extraction to consumption. Nearly all in life that involves the human and materials hinges on leadership and the style adopted.

The authors of the book Leadership Pill are looking at drawing a line between a leader that is well groomed in all the rudiments of effective leadership and the one that is ordinary in every sense. A leader that is not based on the tested and trusted principles of leadership, building a culture of partnership, affirming the self worth of people and sponsoring integrity by allowing themselves to be viewed as example in the work place, home or at leisure, a leadership style that do not suit the modern day work force.

If the entire principles that make a genuine leader could be combined and made to form a pill that can be taken like when we have headache or body pain then after completing the full dose as required then we will have leaders who could be relied on and that would deliver state of the art leadership at every sphere of life. But that is not how it works according to the author of the book.

The fundamentals for effective leadership cannot be swallowed like a drug; they are life time principles that can be studied, accepted or inherited. These principles may not be initially appreciated but as time and consistence of practice set in they become easier to apply.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first idea in the book is the grand reception of the drug hitting seven million in the first week. This is usually the reception when something is a solution to a long suffering. Sometimes the need to do proper examination is thrown away as a result of the packaging of the idea(s). There is this drug peddler in a bus who was sorrowfully talking people into buying rubbish, I noticed that because the guy wanted to sell his drug he was not ready to tell people about the side effects of the drug and the manipulations that have been done to conceal the drug expiry date. Only days later it was on the news that the drug was adulterated and the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) will be destroying the drug along other contaminated items of food and drugs. It is a good thing to know that a product is widely accepted but advertisement should not blind people to the reality on ground.

Leadership is not built on some religious principles of life but on the everyday challenges of life. This is the second idea in the book I find interesting. In the book the leadership pill worked wonder because it was what the people expected but it did not stand the test of time as the effective leader would. The reason is not because the drug is ‘knock off’ but because the challenges of leadership are more than a drug can handle.

The third idea in the book is that true leadership takes time to build. In the book I noticed that the leadership pill worked wonder after usage. True leadership starts like a child learning to walk, the process starts with the child crawling then trying to stand and stumbling after the few first step or steps. If anybody out there thinks that leadership work like a drug then that leadership is pseudo and will only back fire and do more harm as revealed in the book. It requires practice, consistency, mistakes and courage to make an effective leader. Leadership is not about dishing out instructions and expecting results it is about being an embodiment of what you want. Again let me also add here that it takes time to see the result of effective leadership, at the implementation stage it may not go well with all the members of the team.

The fourth idea is that leadership is getting the commitment of the team members. I am the president of one of the organizations in my church. I wanted to know what my team members thought of me and my leadership ability after reading some of my level one and two books. After a personal assessment of my years in office, I felt like nothing much have been achieve within the period of leadership so far. I was surprised by the respond I got and how many of the people in the team thought I was way above average and near perfect. One member told me straight that I’m the father and they are my children even though he was older with wife and children. At that point I was afraid that the challenge was more than me and thought of running away. My! How much I was given that I didn’t notice, that meant a lot to the team. Nobody is a leader if there is no team and if there is a team and do not understand the leader, then there is no leader.

The fifth idea in the book is that leadership is not just what happened when you are there but what happen when you are not there and effects. The world we live in today is the leadership of the past. The great American society we all envy today is the leadership Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and co. The bomb blast in the Afghanistan is the leadership of el Qaeda. The ethnic and communal crises in Nigeria are the leadership style of the greedy and heartless leaders in the country. To add to the latest in the series of bomb blast that has claimed over 200 lives, the current and well announced presence of Boko Haram is another crystal clear example of bad leadership.

The sixth idea is the understanding that every member of the team is part of the small puzzle piece that when brought together it forms the big picture. No man is an island and as sure it takes a collective effort to get things done, a nation moving forward, a company hitting sales target, a child impressive performance in class and so on.

The seventh idea in the book is that each of us has the power to recognize the goodness in others. I feel very much happy when I’m told well done, when my effort is sincerely appreciated. In each man lies the ability to love and be loved. It creates an environment that enables growth when people feel wanted in an organization. I always want to do more if I know that I will not be crucified for going the extra mile.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Yes! Thank you very much for the question. I have not taking any pill that is suppose to make me a leader but if there was a pill physically, like an aspirin other than that which is the theoretical ingredients of effective leadership like setting goals, having an action plan to achieve one’s goal, I think I would have taken the drug a couple of times. What I’m saying is that the drug is not a bad idea in the short run but it is not a drug that can stand the test of time in the long run but in the short run, it’s a wonder drug. There are times in everyday life that I need the “quick fix” to get result.

The principles of effective leadership are not easy to understand and require a lot of patience with oneself to master the art and application. In everyday life, I try to ensure that I make the most of the chances I get. Life is not about the things I don’t have but how I’m able to manage every day challenges at work, home, and leisure.

There are times when I just go bizarre and act like I have not even read a book on leadership or that the ideas in the books I’ve read are just for fun, how do I feel when I see a fellow man in need? Do I rather think that well I don’t have enough or because when I was down no one was there to help me so I don’t have to help another person?

These are the leadership qualities that define us as people and propel us to the next higher if the use the right mental positive attitude when going about our duties.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention, if so, please list and comment on them.

Integrity lays the foundation for trust and respect. Partnership harvests the potential of the team. Affirmation let people know that what they do is important. This is what I coined out of the book. This is about the most important combination in the book that really got me thinking about my life and how far in contrast it is from these few but powerful words. Integrity is important in every life because it is the reason why people deal with people. In Nigeria integrity is not a matter to our leaders and who do not hold their words as they have failed us one time too many.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are no exercises in the book for the reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


Indigo Child

Assessment by Joseph Abue

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book is about the discovery in the modern day child an how to deal with the challenges of an indigo child.

An indigo child is a child who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes and shows a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. There are children who need to be attended to in this modern time not with the old fashion way of attending to kids because according to the author this children are born will special request that need more than the ordinary to please.

According to the author, the concern is about knowing how to deal with these traits and

demand of the indigo child, knowing how to meet the need of an indigo such that a better relationship is establish between the child and parent. This is one of the most advance discovery made by man in the recent time as it tend to foster relationship even among indigos.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first idea from the book is that it creates a healthy relationship between the parent and the child. The challenges of an indigo aren’t the everyday demand of children that most parent are use to. Sometimes I feel that I’m an indigo, judging by the definition of an indigo and the time the knowledge of the existence of indigo started. There are times again that I feel I don’t belong to the society I find myself in today owing to the yarning of my heart. I long for a society that people can live without fear and not the mess the world is in right now.

The second idea is how to manage myself when I come in contact with an indigo. Owing to the challenges of and demand one can be tempted to act wrongly. There’s this boy of about eighteen or nineteen around my area and by the definition of an indigo I do not need a sudsier to tell me that he is an indigo. We are close most time I hear people complain about the boy though I made no judgment about but I often listened with keen interest. It was only after I read the book that it became clear to me on how to handle and deal with him. They were times when he asked for things that I felt he should not get and that he is being too pompous for his age. My mother’s last child is an indigo from start to finish. As described in the book about the demand and challenges of an indigo he is perfect. This has always created problems between the two of us to the point where I use to hate it when we come together especially in public. He assumes he knows more and that what is he’s is and no one has claim over what he decides to do with his life. I became aware of how to handle his matter only very recently and to candid I’m glad.

The third idea is that it makes me feel special knowing that I know and can identify an indigo. Knowledge at every level in life is a thing that can only be appreciated especially when it deals with the discovery of something people have not noticed. I told the father and the mother though at separate time their boy the one I talked about above that their son is an indigo child and they were like what I’m I talking about. I had to show the father the title of the book and read to him some lines to fully catch his attention.

The fourth idea from the book is that dealing with an indigo requires personal discipline. Looking at the demand of modern day indigo child as compare to the way some of us were raised, there is a lot of difference and very contrasting ones that if a parent is not personally disciplined could result into a full scale war between parent and children. According to the author and with what I have seen around, these are children with ability and demand that most parents are not aware of or prepared for.

The fifth idea in the book is that our society and generation is becoming more aware of changes in the human structure. In the past in Africa these new demands of the indigo child would have been labeled witchcraft. Just some months ago there was a report from one south-south state were the governor of the state had to come to the rescue of some children that were doom to die that they were evil. It was after the book that I came to the conclusion that the children not be what people thing but just because the people did not understand the children.

The sixth idea in the book is that learning about the indigo child creates a new field of study. This knowledge about the indigo leads to the discovery of new technique of relating with people. Sometimes you’ll see people who tend to display the characteristics of an indigo in public and one quick assumption is that the child lacks the basic home training. The traits on an indigo cannot be hidden so the fear that the children are stubborn will always arise. However, if there is proper knowledge it creates room for tolerance and freedom.

The last idea is on using the ability of an indigo to create a better world. As a result of the environment I find myself it is sometimes a bit down sided to use my special ability or knowledge for the common good of the society. People horde things that will benefit the larger populace and it is one of the biggest challenges of leadership today especially in Africa. Those on top feel it is there birth right to rule while other follow even when it is obvious that they are not fit as leaders. It is like a super hero movie only that in this part of the planet the hero is not for the people but rather against them.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The life of every man is a challenge measured according to what each day holds. When there is a discovery about something that should benefit and promote mankind, the only thing there is for its application and threat should be learnt. In every house today there are children born with the characteristics of an indigo and most do not know how to tap this energy for positive use. Rather, there is fear and rejection which ultimately lead to self denial and waste of talent.

Whether it is the being an indigo or the knowledge of the existence of an indigo the world will be a better place if the right interpretation is accorded the proper attention. In my family which is the first point of application it must be stated that my brother the last in the clan exhibits absolutes traits of an indigo by all definition.

I have always fought with him because I did not fully understand him and now that I have a better idea of how to react around him when he start telling me of the things he’d like to do and become.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There is no quotation in the book to comment on.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

What I’ll like to say here is that the idea and findings of the indigo are not so popular in this part of the globe and so it’s not so common to bring up a discussion of this nature and get meaningful audience. From force of habit, it is norm when things like this are left and talk about by the concerned family.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to commenton that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

There was nothing in the book that is not covered so far.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8

B. How helpful were the contents? 8

C. How easy was it to understand? 8

D. Would you recommend it to others? 8

E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8


Confession of an Economic Hit Man

Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

We all have our opinion about certain places, events, things and people; these opinions are based on what we have either personally experienced, a norm or what we have been told by those who visited ahead of us in this case an inherited idea. The author as created a mind probing image of what I personally think about the United State of America (USA), her foreign policy which seek to serve her interest regardless at whose expense and her quest for world power. In my own story when the United State was attacked back in September, I thought it was just a provocation of what led to the invasion of Iraq and pursue of Osama Bin Laden and his groups, the Al-Qaeda. The author’s view of the American foreign policy and the politics involved in the quest to feed her industries has created a deceptive bridge that rather than help poor countries, she exploits them and do all it takes to remove those who oppose it using puppets.

In general the author is warning all those who deal with America to be careful and pleading in some way with the government to put a human face in their style of doing business. The world is waking to know the politics involved in the game played by America and how it serves her interest in areas where she is planning to develop. There’s a lot of manipulation of foreign policies all in a bit to serve the interest of the state. If anything I have read in this book is true then the quest for world power has subjected us to latest version of modern day slavery. The book is a revelation of some of the inner dealings of the state with other nations of the world that do not truly represent the core of the nation.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

The first idea in the book is that not all that glitters that is gold. If you look at the way the US is involved in the affairs of other nations and how much she contribute to help less developed nations one would find the revelations in the book nothing but a scam to blackmail the US. While I was reading, my mind was just searching for the truth. The first question I asked myself was that could this be true? Are the foreign policies of the state channeled solely in the exploitation of the poorer nations? Recent event have revealed that the US only enter areas that seek to serve her own interest while the media house project the good about them and give countless reasons why they should invade other nations that don’t have the fire power that could resist them.

The second idea is that our nations are oppressing the poor at every level of government. This is not a case or story of the US alone, my country is one classic example of injustice of the highest level. True that America is using all available means to feed her industries and promote development and create employment at the expense of other nations but what about nations like Nigeria that have the well withal for her people to live well like people and not like animal were only the strong survive and the week die.

The third idea is on the damage the oil companies and her allies have done in the country in the quest for oil of which America is a beneficiary. Most part of Ogoni land is in total ruin with the inhabitants reduced to beggars, the handiwork of Shell and family who have turned our land to experimental fields of research and development for foreign consumption with blessings of a corrupt government that seek only the interest of those in office.

The fourth idea is on the role of the media and what it should be. The media is supposed to represent the people. The voice of the voiceless and the channel of reaching government since all of us cannot be there at the same time. The media is now for sale and it what the highest bidder want on air that the listeners will hear. The government in this case is the one with all the power to short down in the case of non compliance or control the activities of media houses thereby using the media to further their evil and inhuman intentions which have only brought hatred and deception in a land where people should live like kings and queens.

The fifth idea in the book is on the high unemployment caused by the wrong decisions of the government. As a result of government decisions to create loop holes in the system of administration which has allowed for them and their family to loot our nations wealth most of the moneys that should have been used to upgrade infrastructure and create employment are resting in the foreign account of our past and present leaders.

The sixth idea is that believe that some people are born to rule. I read this book a long time ago but was not sure of what ideas there are that I could relate to. I felt everything about the book was not a business of mine or any of my kindred. After meditating on some of the ideas in a more realistic manner when I was reading it the second time, I came to realize that in my country a section of the populace fee they are the ones that have been born to rule like the house of Saud in Saudi Arabia and any tribe that try to wrestle that with them will not find it funny. The present state of affairs in the country is a clear confirmation of this. For the first time in the country’s history a south southerner is a president against the odd, the north is doing everything possible to make the country ungovernable for our dear president.

The seventh idea is the mismanagement of national treasure. It is a clear pointer that leaders in Africa are not in office to serve the people but to do their own bidding. Personally I feel no real person with the fear of God would want to be a president in a society like the one I find myself in today. My good president has the intention of working for the people but those who have influence his victory will not give him the freehand to run the country in the light the will bring happiness and smile to the face of the people. A religious man will never get the endorsement of the king maker unless he is just using it as a conduit to win the people.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world, If so, how?

There are three types of leadership style that are available to every leader and the leader is free to switch to any style that fits the situation. These styles are the autocratic, democratic and lazier fair style of leadership. I remember when I was asked back in school which of these styles was the best and because I felt democracy is more people involved I thought it was the best form of leadership but was told that all are good the situation determines which to apply at the time. There are times in a situation where all three will be applied, i.e. when I have to rigid to get result and there are also times when I just have to sit and watch things unfold. The American government has exercised these forms of rule in meeting her needs as an industrialized nation and protecting her interest by using puppets.

Again these ideas have thought me how to remain focus on my strategies and seek information from diverse sources to help me have a better option in my leadership quest. Leadership is an everyday thing but in different magnitude and most times it seems that all I want is at a scale where the whole world would recognize me.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There no quotes in the book that I’ll like to comment on.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that is not clear about the way the richer nations flex their muscles on poorer or wrongly managed nations.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There is no exercise in the book for me to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Life is changing and anyone in the way of change will be swept with it. It is not business as usual. People will rise to defend and protect their and from both local and foreign invaders.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



The Power of Failure

Assessment By J. P. Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

There is nobody out there who would love to be associated with failure regardless of the circumstance in which failure present itself. However, this failure is a companion of anybody who wants to be successful in whatever endeavor. The thought of failure alone has froze so many on their tracks and sent so many others packing without trying. The author in this book feels that the problem is not with failure itself because it will always be present at any venture but that I have to change the way I view failure, that failure is not an end but only a spring board that will get me to the next level if I apply the right attitude.

The author introduces a powerful message that the only person who makes no mistakes is the person who does nothing. This mean that in my everyday life things will happen that will test my competence and when I fail I should not dwell in regret and hate rather I should be glad that I had the opportunity to do it again only that this time I am more informed and better prepared for the task ahead which I should now do flawlessly.

Failure is not a thing that should be dreaded because no one is perfect therefore I should learn to tolerate people when I don’t get what I want from them so that together we can build a better world for together we stand strong and united while divided we are easily conquered.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally important to you and why?

The first of the seven ideas that were personally important to me is that I can really accomplish a lot as a person if I don’t see failure as a dead end. I have all it takes to establish myself as a leader and in trying to find my feet; I’ll take some wrong foot as a learning process. There is no point of perfection in human because every day is a struggle. Sometime when I look at where I’m standing from where I think I should be, I get discouraged and feel that all hope is lost. I left school about seven years ago and between that time and now I can’t boast of anything worthwhile, no car, house, money nothing and yet I keep dreaming that things will change. But this is not true as everyday is an opportunity to excel

Another idea that is interesting is that when failure is failure it should be clearly stated. This idea reminds me of a project we undertook in school. It was designed to fail from the onset though we did not know about it. The lecturer just wanted to see our reaction in the event that the project failed. He knew that defeat is difficult to conceive and so we would not come out to tell the class that our effort was not good enough. Even if we did it well the result would have been the same as doing nothing, so even if we’d just come back to say work done nothing would happen. When we came out to present our challenges we’re all stirring at each other as though it was the next person’s fault that we failed.

We could not come to terms with the fact that we failed, our friends would be disappointed and it would mean that those of us in that group would not lead any group again as our leadership qualities are in serous doubt. The lecturer made us understand that in life some things are like that and that is why we have to be honest in reporting our observation.

The third idea in the book that I find very important is that I can choose to be happy rather than choosing to be right. We always want things done in the moral way and even if sometimes these things don’t bring us happiness for the fact that it is the right thing then it is ok. Life is not more than being right nor is it about the fulfillment of one’s desire. My parent never gave me a chance that I could go to school because I was more of a music person than a book warm. I sang in school and each time my parent got the report that I was doing shows in school they felt bad. Reading was what they wanted but at that time it did not bring me happiness like doing shows did. Later as time went by I started to love books and could read any material I found around and I loved the fact that I could read. Being happy brings personal fulfillment and joy like working for myself reminds me of the challenges faced by those are employers and enable me to appreciate them.

The fourth idea is that in every failure I can choose to make the most of it to get a positive result. Some years ago a neighbor sent me on an errand and thing went sour. Later I became known by this man as a bad boy. He made me hate myself for allowing him send me in the first place. As a fall out of that I decided that I was never going on errand again for anybody but little did I know that I was doing myself more harm than good. I became known as a stubborn child and did not seem to care about what people said about me. When I needed help I could not get it because what goes around comes around and in the present life most of the things that happen now seem to recall back those days and wish I should have known better back then not to allow a mistake to call for a habit that when I think of know I feel bad.

The fifth idea from the book that I like is that I should find a new path when I feel lost and demoralized. A first look at this feels awkward like every time something don’t work I should leave it and start all over when life is not a bed of roses. But the truth is not in the falling but in rising. In failure I draw inspiration or take a breeder by doing something new that would revitalize my energy. Finding a new path is not running from responsibility but a mean responding in a more positive way knowing that there is something of equal importance to learn in the moment of pain. When I feel I’ve had enough of the wrong things or my challenges are affecting my response I try to catch myself in the act. I try to see myself as an observer of the situation rather than the person involved. This allows for new ways of doing things so that I can get the desired positive result. My mentor told me that it is a lot better to think of those moments that brings happiness rather than dwelling in those moments of regret. It a common thing among young people to dwell in defeat in Nigeria and they end up looking miserable and rejected.

The sixth idea is that failure is another word for patience. I’ve noticed that one of the problems with me is that I want quick fix. I want to see result now and God help me the result must be favorable with little or no effort. I’ve also noticed that in this situation I should be ready for the greatest amount of failure. Life in our time requires a lot of patience and hope. It will be foolhardy to think that I have all it takes to get all I need the truth is I build on what I have.

The last idea is that I can use failure to master myself. The best way to find out one’s ability is in failure. I find it pretty amazing I’ve not known this all this while but that is the essence of the book in the first place. It feels like looking at the mirror and notice that the movement between me and my image is not the same. I’m still while my image is doing my thought and when I get it wrong in conclusion I find the result of my thought pleasing or not depending on what I want. My mirror image gives me the true picture of who I am and tell me what I’m capable of doing at times when I feel I can do nothing which is standing still.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

In fairness if am not suppose to blow my horn then this point should be ignored, if allowed then permit me to state here that life is better now and I’m happier knowing I’m getting to know who this young man name Joseph is and his ability to create a world where he can be at peace with the rest of mankind. I have found a reason to live that is far above oppressing the man next to me. Again let me say here that I’ve also found a reason to live that is far beyond looking at what the next man have that I don’t.

A young man about my age accosted me and frankly said, “You told me that life is not a competition how come you want to be like the Mr. Mike”? For once I thought he was wrong about me and had no reason to speak to me with such a commanding tone. How much of me does he know to draw conclusion that I want to be like somebody. The old me would have given him a piece of me but I noticed that I was just calm and allowed everything to come as though I was only observing. I tried to see where he was coming from and I quickly evaluated myself and noticed that he was right in a way.

The way I’ve been acting or talking was as though I was actually trying to be the person he mentioned but that was not the message I wanted to send. The fact that I’ve been talking about someone in a particular way is not enough to suggest I wanted a copy of that person. I was only using him as a reference to tell someone that we are not living measure up someone and that it was only premature to view life in that way. I was able to help him see that though we sometimes want similar things and fancy certain success in other but we have our own strong point that we should be proud of and most time it in failing that we find this to be true.

In creating ideas for everyday life I don’t have to carry myself to a point that becomes overbearing on others. I know also that our environment may not be the best place to put some of these foreign ideas into practice but it is the best place to know if these ideas are feasible or not. It sounds conflicting right? When you are in a system that corruption, power abuse, ethnicity, tribalism, etc have been normalized how do I preach sanity and tolerance. Again, what defines as a leader? It is my ability in the face of corruption, war, hate and insanity to stand up to my virtues and principles that defined me.

Let me take you down memory lane. Nelson Mandela believed in freedom and equality. He believed that all should equal. Martin Luther King wanted people to be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Both men where in environment that did not allow them practice what they believe but this same environment afforded them the perfect opportunity to display what they stood for and in the face of pain and torture they lived their value and today the world remembers the impact they have in writing history. I don’t want to be remembered that I had a five story building but lived alone but that I had a room but harbored the homeless.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

Several of the notes at the end of each chapter really got me thinking but the one that registered the most is the one on chapter one that said ‘if you want to be successful…….. Double your failure rate’. I think that to be a success I have the opportunity of trying a lot of method till I find that not against the law of God and the right of my fellow man.

5. Is there anything in the book that you did not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered inn the previous questions? If so, please comment.



How interesting was it to read 8
How helpful were the content 8
How easy was it to understand 9
Would you recommend the book to others 9
What is the overall rating you would give the book 8



The Attractor Factor

Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The attractor factor is a book that brings out the best in people using the law of attraction. A book that is detailed on how to logically apply the fundamentals of setting and achieving goals, like having faith in one’s ability to reach a set goals. The most important thing in setting and achieving goal is not the end result. It is about developing the right amount of energy, using the energy in a manner that will lead to the realization of the goal. The ability to have something starts with the dream of what that thing will fulfill and the comfort of having it. Most times I make mere wishes that are not backed by the energy to see it become a reality and yet I complain of not achieving the goal, hoping for output without input.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first idea is about having a clear understanding of what I want. This is my biggest challenge as a person to the point where I don’t know what I should pursue at a time. there are moment where I feel there is something in my past that I did not do well and up to this moment things will not be right unless I go back to right that wrong, but looking back its hard to find anything that is out of place because if you ask me to relive my life I don’t think there is anything I’ll change from what I am and have now.

The second idea is about writing down what I’ll like to achieve and a time line of realizing the goal. In practice this is not as easy as words would say. Writing down goals is as important as achieving them because they remind me of the task in hand and the strategies aligned to see the goals become a reality. Writing down these goals creates a reminder and each time they are visited they keep me in focus of the job at hand.

The third idea in the book is about being patient. I have never seen where a tree was planted from seed to plant all in one day or a house built in a day’s job. These days it is not like that in our lives. Even in a relationship we want everything at once. You meet a girl today you want to know all about her and want to have sex in another two hours. We are always in a rush to get things and end up missing out in most cases as I personally recall. To attract anything lasting requires a lot of time and hard work which must receive the blessings of the will within.

The fourth idea in the book is the shortcut to attracting whatever I want. When I was reading through the book I was looking forward to reading the part where I don’t have to follow a long formula of attracting anything, I just wanted some easy way but when I found it I did not believe it could be that easy. The shortcut to attracting anything is to be happy now not yesterday nor tomorrow but now. It sounded like nonsense but when I applied it for just a week I can’t say how much stress it took off my system.

The fifth idea in the book is finding a springboard. When there is a desire to do something, that desire must be matched with other factors that will see it become a reality. I have said this before that the springboard can be just a book like this one or it could be a conversation or right of passage. I must open my eyes to see the opportunity or it will be there meanwhile I’ll be busy looking else where.

The sixth idea is learning from those before me. How practical can it get if those ahead have nothing to teach me. There are so many people local and abroad with time tested testimonies of grass to grace as a result of observing some of the listed ideas above. These records are not kept out of order but to remind me of it efficacy.

The seventh idea is imagining the outcome. This is the one idea that has really kept me on each time I think of quitting. It has given me the courage to hold on in the office work or a play. It makes me feel like the harvest time is only some minutes away. What makes a man enter a business is the profit he hopes to get, to an athlete, the podium of glory. Though to me the journey is more important than the destination but the destination defines the journey.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I believe I was made perfect regardless of how I feel about my looks or family status. Knowing why I am here in the first place and what my purpose is a lot of discovery to last me a life time. I don’t think I’m living to acquire selfish wealth. Being happy with myself and loving my family is enough a challenge that running after “abstracts”. Being happy with myself and my environment is the first step to making the world a better place.

Most times when I look at the way things are disorganized around me I realize that it is just because I have not made a note of the things I should focus on. Changing the world is not about going about screaming at the top of my voice that people should change but my simply changing the things I take for granted.

Patient like time is the only cure of any trouble I find myself in today. If only I could just wait a bit and work hard more hopping that the best is yet to come thing will really pan out right and I’ll be happy regardless of the country is saying or what my balance sheet looks like.

I decide my fate and I can only be better if I make the most of what I have been blessed with.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

· Everyone knows what they want – who can dispute this point. We all know our strength and understand what it means to be content with one’s ability.

· To achieve goals you’ve never achieved before, you may need to rise in level and participate with new people on a new playing field¬- this quotation remind me of where I see myself in the next couple of years as the manager and chief executive owner of a company and the kind of people I’ll be dealing with. I have slowly started but not there yet.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No, there is nothing in the book that I do not understand or disagree with.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

On the chapter 2 of the book is the attractor factor IQ test. I took the test although I could not follow it when I went online as the as the site would not come up but I must say that I find the test very real to the everyday though I run in my head. I found that most of the questions if not all are direct to me as though the author was thinking of me when the book was designed. Although the answers to the question are closely the same making it really tough for me to peach without looking back, I really find the IQ test very well. The book also contain areas where responds could be entered depending on the reader, I also found this very helpful as writing down so of the things really painted a clear picture of who I am and what I stand for. It was clear to me that all that matters in life is the ability to live for something that brings happiness.

There so many tables in the book that after completing them I realize my strength and weakness as a person and areas of improvement. The book is a very well thought of book for the leaders of today especially for those of us in regions termed ‘developing’.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I just want to add that the book is one of those materials for people with faith. It is a book that should be read with all the attention of learning and not just to fulfill an obligation like turning an assessment. I wish the entire student in the program can select the book as part of the material for future guide.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The Grip of Death
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book titled the grip of death is an account of where our money comes from, the role of money in every economy giving the variables of buying and selling. It is also an enquiry as to why so many businesses and people are in heavy debt that has led to bankruptcy, foreclosure, seizure, depression and economic recession, and a review of the structures that build a strong a viable society using debt free money.

The author presents the effects of money as it relates to mortgages, food and farming, transport, poverty and wealth, etc. there’s a constant reduction in the purchasing power of money from time to time and the implication of this is that a point will come when there will be so much money in the hands of people yet there’ll be little or nothing to buy if the trend of creating money as a debt continues.

The book highlights grey areas in our monetary system that need immediate or prompt attention in restructuring to avoid a total collapse in the economy since money is the lubricant used to keep the wheel of the economy spinning.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas that interest me in the book are;

A. Why consumers can’t get quality product.

In the past I as remember, we use to have quality goods and most were imported from countries like the UK, US and from Asia state like Japan. These products which varied from household to automobile stood the test of time and some of them could still be seen in some homes today. These products have been around for more than twenty years and still waxing owing to the quality of materials and finishing. In the present it is all about plastic and rubber, mass production at the lowest of quality ever, all in the name “cheap” or “affordable” goods.

B. The role of advertisement and the purchasing power of money.

Like in the first idea, some companies that produce goods use advertisement in a wrong way to sell their products. Advertisement should provide information about what is in the market and not on what is not in the market as I have come to find out in recent times in the name of technology. Consumers are left with no option but to buy that which they can afford at prices higher than income. The purchasing power keeps reducing and the quality of goods decrease. It is common to find people with little or no money while the market is flooded with inferior goods. People spend more than what they earn and in accounting this type of flow is referred to as the deficit structure. Income is not enough to provide the needs of the house so every capable hand must work to contribute.

C. National debt can never be paid.

My country has been in debt before I was born and will be even in more debt by the time I’m long gone. The monetary system of the world is designed to keep nations like mine in constant debt. Money is created as debt therefore those who use it must service it. In servicing the debt, more debt is crested so how do you pay back that which in itself is debt. It goes to explain the reason why it is so hard to get out of my debt as a business person.

D. The reason mortgages do not work in most third world country.

When a friend of mine who now reside in the United State told me about the housing structure in the US and other developed economies of the world I envied the simplicity of his explanation but I did not fancy the idea that I’ll have to work my entire life to off-set my mortgage. In Africa there’s so much looting especially in the public sector such that the basic things of life have now become luxury that most people cannot afford with their wage so people result to seeking alternative which present itself in the form of public service.

The reason for this still boils down to the creation of money as a debt. People find it hard to own property and the effect have led to the move of brother taking up arms against his brother over land matter.

E. The role of the monetary agencies to effect the change that would bring about stability in the world economy.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and her twin sister the world bank are doing everything possible to keep third world nations in debt by advising and granting them loans that can ever be paid back all in the name of development. In the course of the book, I found that the IMF and World Bank became relevant out of nothing but to create a hub for global debt. They showed up and pretend to be the solution to world monetary and economic challenges only to create more misery for nations with low output.

F. The role of politicians in creating more hardship for the populace.

Nigeria is rated as one of the most corrupt nation of world. This is a reflection of the leadership style adopted by her leaders. They have created a system where everybody is left with the option of looting once they find themselves in the corridor of power by creating and building on structures that are not constant with economic changes in the market. The government keeps borrowing into private pockets with the name of the nation. These debts cannot be paid because the money collected has not gone into the productive sector of the economy yet interest will be paid on the principal.

G. What has lead to the closure of some business as a result of bankruptcy.

When money is borrowed to run an organization and the interest on that money must be repaid where that same money is created as a debt, it creates unhealthy business environment and leads to survival of the fittest. The total money in circulation in the world is created as a debt, meaning that to use this debt money there must be money from somewhere interest free or debt free money. The government that has the power to effect these changes is playing lips services as it gives those in power the opportunity to create unhealthy business environment which favors them and their relatives. This unhealthy competition has forced so many to close shop or become inferior and produces inferior goods to sell at “cheap” prices.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Every lesson in life has either a positive or negative effect depending on number variables. In a world of huge debt at every level of endeavor, economic units are not left out and I’m one of such unit. The lessons I learn here is that our world may not operate as some text recommend but it takes a lot personal assessment to reach meaningful conclusions. There’s a lot of power play in the market and the currency is slowly but surely losing its grip in the market.

When I look at the note in my hand I see a nothing more than a great display of artistic instincts but my instincts say more and more of the note. The world is changing and I can only change myself in relations to some of the changes. Some things in life are just not worth the trouble.

These ideas have brought me to the awareness of global economic and the politics of domestic economy as it affects units like me. Effecting change is telling the truth about a product I sell and raising the consciousness of my client.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book. It’s a text book on economics at a higher level.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is bulky and took me a lot of time to read. It is not a book that should not be read in mood of submitting assessment for a better and dipper understanding.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain exercise for the reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



The Debt Virus
Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Everyone in business is in debt. The reason for this is not because every business is in bad management. Government debt has been rising ever since the introduction of money. Economies have swallowed economies as a by-product of debt. The purchasing power of the Naira is on auto decline as compare to its value in any year in the past. The role of money is an issue of global debate with no global solution given the factors of modern supply of money.

The author points out a monetary error at the root of our cyclical economic problems and prescribes a cure that promises to benefit all mankind. According to the author, the creation of money as debt and the government’s inability to address the issues involved with demand and supply of money has created global world debt where everybody is within the debt cycle. The government’s inability to regulate the non productive capital by creating interest free money is what has resulted in the high level of poverty, business closure, bankruptcy and economic recession at a global scale.

The book deals with some of the pragmatic issues involving the creation, demand and supply of money in modern economics to boost the vibrancy of world economy.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. The general role of money.

Looking at the economy and political environment of my country, our nature under the influence of money, it is sure that there’s something fundamentally wrong with the role of money. The situation now is that everybody has a value in monetary terms. This is a fact that is not normal with the need for money. Aside the matter that money is created as debt the moral role of money in the modern world is evil.

B. The bank interest rate.

I placed a call to a friend sometime ago who is in the banking sector to confirm the interest rate on loans, and I went dumb from what he said. He told me that the interest rate on loans is between 20 – 25 percent though negotiable but the interest on savings is around 3 percent. In the first place money is a debt plus another debt that is non-productive in the form of interest rate. It goes to drive home the reason why we have so many businesses in serious debt that cannot be paid and it eventually leads to business closure and bankruptcy.

C. The role of government and bank in the creation and supply of money.

It is a well known fact, that the only organization with the resources and man power to determine the fate of every nation is the government. The government instead of ensuring that the creation of money rest with the people, have created an avenue where those in the cycle are those doing the bidding of those in office. What is commonly obtained here in the third world like Nigeria is that the government use the banks to loot the nation. The banks are there partners in crime of the government.

D. The awareness of what has led us into this untold debt.

For a very long time I was of the opinion that inflation was a product of excess money in the economy. After reviewing the book, I thought to myself that if there was too much money with people then newspaper advert should be covered more by those with money looking for what to buy rather than goods advertised with no money to purchase them.

E. Prudence.

In an economy with so much interest one can only ask for prudence on the part of those saddled with the responsibility on running the nation. It is clear that those at the top want to remain there using all means. The basic needs of people have long been thrown far from the reach of the people. It is survival of the fittest and the government is the strongest, feeding on the wealth that should go enrich the lives of people.

F. The reality of the debt crises we find ourselves in. the author suggest that central banks should be dissolved and made part of their respective national treasuries.

In Nigeria, we are like zombies. We do not know in whose hands the creation of money is. The whole idea of money creation and supply is still strange and the common belief is that the central bank is run by the government trough their agent who is only answerable to those put him there. The idea of dissolving the central bank will not be received with a hand shake.

G. The legal devaluation of money.

Some months ago, the current governor of the central bank of Nigeria, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi made an announcement that the naira will be devalued to accommodate foreign investment or so. I recall when the decision was made. There was nothing politicians will not do to foster their effort. I think the idea as at the time was not to attract foreign investment but to increase the value of loots. We are operating on monetary policies and not on monetary laws. Policies can change at whim but not laws as they require legislative approval. The idea of the CBN governor may be born of out the need of necessity but the benefiting group would be those in office and their families.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

In business, it is very good and helpful to understand the flow of money, the consequence of debt as it affect business especially the non-productive capital know as the interest rate. The book has given an insight into the use of fund.

Funding in business leads to growth and expansion. The role of money in modern life after the barter system has made exchange of goods and services easy and at a scale that has taken business beyond boarders. Business between countries with comparative advantage has grown by tons given the use of money thereby making the exchange of man-power, technology, and infrastructural development even to nations with smaller economy.

The world is expanding, thanks to money. The income of families can be ascertained and areas which need to be checked can be and the necessary adjustment made to ensure that the entire economy is positively monitored. The total value of a nations produce can be determined and measured alongside the population.

As a business person I now understand the need for the figures to balance, not just for the sake of accounting. There is a need to expand on all frontiers of human endeavor, but there is also a need to consider areas that are not receiving the due attention as money has replaced morality. There’s a lot the government has to put in place to ensure that we the people are not made to be slaves of money, that rather it should be money that is a slave to us. This is in the area of infrastructural development. There is a huge demand for the upgrade of roads, provision of electricity, investment in agriculture which will provide food for the constantly growing population. There is need to check waste and corruption using more purposeful channels of issuing and mopping cash from the economy.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

The quote is by Leo Tolstoy, “money is a new form of slavery, and distinguished from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal, that there is no human relation between master and slave.”

My office is on the 5th floor of a seven story building, a corner piece, over-looking the ever busy third mainland bridge and fronting the former force headquarter. From my little space, I can see virtually the entire one kilometer of either my left or right from this point in my office, what I see looks like a scene from the movie The Roots, where Kunta Kinte if I got that correctly and company were being led to their slave ship. People wake as early as 4am and do not return home until about 8pm. This is inspired by the quotation on page 96, chapter 7, title ‘debt bondage’.

There are times when I look back at some of the things I’ve done for money I feel a shamed of myself yet I can’t get enough of what I don’t want and that is not relegated to me alone. In Nigeria you hear stories of people looting billions of public funds by virtue of their office and they are celebrities and worshiped. The level of prostitution at every level has risen astronomically to a point where nothing seems to be wrong any more so long as it will bring money. Relationships are valued by how much each party will get from the deal and so on. It is a democratic slavery. A system of government where how much money I have is the only yardstick of measuring success.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that I do not understand or unclear about.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Not really.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9.5
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


You Just Don’t Understand

Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

It was Saturday morning; I got outside and decided to take a walk along the street. While working, I noticed two people struggling over a 5 liter rubber. I was not sure of what started the tussle but I noticed as I drew closer that one of them was shouting while the other was just dead silent. A few steps more I realized that the quiet one was a dumb while the one shouting was a def. they could not understand each other. The dumb wanted to use the rubber to get water, while the def wanted to tell him that the rubber is leaking. The problem with this two is the same with even those of us that are not disabled in any form and even worst off. Communication is very important in the life of every man. It is not enough to open one’s mouth and talk but what we say has a lot of effect no us and sometimes to the people we talk to. A clear cut understanding of the things we say is about the best way to know what we are asking for. A good intention may be delivered with wrong words has it has so often happen to me. Choosing a language is another important part of conversation that can help clear cob web and that is what the book is about, everyday conversation and the effects on us and other people.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. The first idea in the book is on the importance of conversation.

It should be acknowledged here that one of the greatest gift man enjoy is the ability to talk. It would be difficult for a person who can’t talk to flow freely. Aside the fact that a person can’t talk; it would be a disaster if the other person can’t hear. The ability to talk should be appreciated before what is said can be brought into reason to determine if the right or intended message is delivered.

ii. The second idea in the book is on different words different worlds.

Just as a word is enough to take a man to the moon so is a word enough to send a man to the grave. Relationship have suffered setbacks not because those involved don’t want progress but because the choice of words has delivered an effect contrary to that intended. Sometimes it is not about talking and not listening or vice versa, there should be a balance in communication. Words should not be intended to mean that which they are not or else it would lead to misinterpretation.

iii. The third idea is framing.

I’m not saying that this is the most important topic in the book, but in framing I got to understand that words could be treated like physical objects that kids play with. There’s a lawyer in my complex that seem hard to please. She’s always mindful of her company and always on the defensive; for the most part of our encounter she gives me the impression that men take advantage of women because the society say that they are the weak ones. I can’t remember a time when we talked that she didn’t let me know that she is a different woman from the rest in the building. In framing I got a clue on how to deal or handle her matter each time we crossed path. As a result of this knowledge, she is free with me and people think we have something inside that is more than meets the eye.

iv. The fourth idea is on the importance of communication in a relationship.

We’re all in a relationship romantic, social or commercial, as the case maybe, there is need to have a better understanding of what we are given especially when it has to do with instruction.

v. The fifth idea is on understanding the point the other person is getting at.

My fiancé and I spent one evening discussing some of the things we want from each other and how we’d like appreciated. When she asked me of what I wanted, I thought about the question for a while before I could come up with something which to her made absolutely no sense. At a point I felt a bit awkward every time she had to interject to remind me what I should focus on. While I thought I answering the question with sincere intentions, I still could not meet her expectations because I did not understand her.

vi. The sixth idea is on the complex nature of our simple language and the use of words.

Just one word, right word can set a man for life as much as a single word could condemn a man to the grave. In Nigeria the level of the common language (English) understanding is low even within high school leavers that to be clearly and properly interpreted I have to reduce the use of words to the barest minimum.

vii. The seventh idea in the book is on mixed blessings as a result of cultural explanation.

An open minded person will agree with me that one of the most exciting discoveries in life is the knowledge that there are other languages and cultures. Being use to one way of doing things is really boring and could lead to early death. If you fancy the idea of relating with people outside your comfort zone then the learning process will never end and there will be a whole lot more to discover. The world is changing from what our grandparents were use to and to what is available to us today and so too is our conversations. There are more ways of getting things done today than it were a couple of decades ago.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas that I have highlighted above are very important if I want to build a healthy relationship and a life style that will help me overcome some of the everyday bumps of life. Life is built on words and the right words at the right time allows for the appropriate message to be sent or received. There are times when I meet people who are not on the same communication level as I am, this sometimes creates confusion which in some cases has led to quarrels. I wish to use these ideas to better myself as a person and to able to share with others by trying to be more of a listener than a talker that is, trying to understand what the other person is saying.

When I look at the way I live now there’s this feeling in me that I’m by a mile a better person than what I would have been if not for ideas as such. Most times I don’t see things the way they appear. I’m not quick to conclude on issues until I see to it that I’ve given it the best thought and for that some people are not comfortable with my style. Why should commit to someone I have no feelings for just so that the mutual friend will feel better? I think life is about the choices we make from the lot available to us. If I find someone that satisfy my expectation then I feel I should let the person know.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book that I’ll personally make reference to however, all the sub-titles in the book deals with a unique cell n human discussions and daily conversations.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is very precise in dealing with issues as they affect human interaction.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No, the book did not contain exercises for me to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Though it’s the essence of the book but some of the sub-topics are more like saying the same thing only in a different way, referring to a topic that has been treated only with a different title.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 7
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 7



Development as Freedom

Assessment by Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Development as freedom is a work of art and advance poetry designed to aid the mind of any person who appreciates life in the context of positive economic growth and a viable social environment. The world is a global village where every cell in the form of a nation is struggling with meeting its own need to survive. There are several issues that are related to human life and decision making. Sometimes a decision made by the state could be to the benefit of some, all or to the detriment of social platform.

Every society is built on culture. This culture defines patterns that should be acceptable or imposes obstacles that could hinder growth if contrary to public opinion. The book is a comprehensive analysis of today’s economy, a look at the roles of different institutions which include the market, media, state, opposition groups, NGO’s and the role of international bodies.

The focus of this work is on freedom both as the basic end and as the most effective means of sustaining economic life in combating poverty and insecurity in the contemporary world.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. The first idea is on the importance of freedom.

Wealth is not measured by the amount of money but on the quality of freedom a soul enjoys. Amenities, social structure for growth, theories that are based on people or people oriented programs. Often time we rate the amount of money in the pocket of a man as the level of freedom he enjoys simply because he can afford to buy whatever and presently whoever.

ii. The second idea is on the role of the baker, butcher and the brewer.

It was in the cause of reading this book that the idea came to my mind that indeed the baker, butcher and brewer are not there because of my need for bread, meat and beer but however, while they seek to make a profit from what they are good at, my need for their products are satisfied. This can also be related to our daily relationship with family, friends and colleagues. There are moments when I seek my need but in my quest, I add value to the life of another person. At other times, it is the cause of inequality in our society such that laws are made to favor those in authority but sometimes tend to benefit those at the lowest rung on the ladder.

iii. The third idea is on the growth of a nation when if the standard of living of the people grows.

I am a pragmatic person with faith that our world will improve where we don’t have people eating from the trash. However I don’t fancy that claim that there’s growth in the economy when the standard of living and the quality of life is zero. The government claims that they are improving welfare of civil servants while there is a price increase at a percentage that outweighs pay check increase. In Nigeria the level of corruption in the civil is beyond imagination, this is the sector that is supposed to be there for the people yet it is the furthest from the people it serve. Every public office holder is a billionaire or has to be to get office so there allegiance run to only the man on-top of the sport they occupy and are celebrated when they leave office.

iv. The fourth idea is the reason for the problem.

Nigeria in my opinion is one of the most blessed nations of the world. Before the black gold (oil) we had agriculture which at the time was responsible for about seventy percent of the nation’s income. After the discovery of oil we abandoned agriculture, everybody wanted to wear tie and shirt. Large scale or mechanize farming has been relegated to peasant farming for the dying old. The other areas of the nation that do not have oil just do nothing but to wait for oil revenue to come so all can share.

Rather than add to what should make us a great nation a good people, the oil has only become a curse to us. The idea of farming which is supposed to provide food for all has been abandoned.

v. The fifth idea is democratic style of government.

Although neither of the three leadership style is better than the other, I like the democratic style of government which allows for all sides to be heard. In uniting a state where every kilometer is a tribe it is very important to note that once a section feel it has been left out there will always be trouble from that section or cell.

vi. The sixth idea in the book is on learning from the past.

Some people will argue that it matters not to dwell on the past but it becomes a learning point if lessons from the past remind us on how to make adjustments for the future. There are so many things that we should keep in mind like the way we use our environment and some of the things that have extinct as a result of our quest for wealth and power.

vii. The seventh idea is on effective leadership.

Every nation under the sun is challenge in what could qualify as same problem for all. Some the countries we envy today are those that are built on the culture of effective leadership. This is the most vital aspect of a country’s survival. It is no news that leadership in Africa is a mockery of what the civilized part of the world enjoys. Our system of leadership is that which our leaders see themselves as opportunist and are concerned about what they can gather while in office.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

We all want a world that works for us, a world we can be ourselves and have a say in the affairs that affect us. I’m not an exception to the above and so the race is on. I dream of building my own world where it will work for me, I must learn, observe, try and maybe fail but keep trying until I get it. Maybe it is not about me trying to make everybody in the world think, move, and talk like me; it could be that all I have to do is to align myself with my environment to get the world where I want it to be.

It is true that I cannot get all I ask for but what I do with the little I have goes a long way in shaping my world. I need to be positive and stay focus on my goal(s) as this will lead to life of happiness and fullness.

There is a lot in the world that frightens me. Countries of the world spend more on defense and intelligence gathering than on education and health care. The ideas in the book remind me of the need to look at the bright side of life rather than dwelling on the things that slow the level of growth. The change I so desire has to start with myself, my outlook on the world and why I have a vital role to play regardless of how small that role is.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

There are no quotes in the book that got my attention.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I’ll like to add that the book is a tough one, to be able to read and clearly understand the lessons therein; one has to have attained a certain level of academic class. Thebookis not an everyday every person’s book. In all I enjoyed the lesson.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 7
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8