Ejidike Chinenye Ifeoma – Profile


Ejidike Chinenye Ifeoma
Nnewi, Nigeria
Email: chinenye.ejidike@yahoo.com
Birthday: April 2nd.
Education: Level 200 student (Sophomore)
Occupation: Student

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

I see a world devoid of diseases, poverty, and a world where people of all nations see each other as one. This means that they would be bound with unquestionable love. This kind of love will drive away malice and hatred at any level. I see a world where people will not be imposed with culture and traditions that intimidates them. A world free of hyper-tension

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

I think the most pressing problems facing the world today are poverty, diseases, war, and poor leadership.

* Disease, when it strikes with the incurable type, makes the riches of the wealthy ones miserable. Disease is the next of kin to death. Disease has made many commit suicide instead of live to suffer the symptoms. Many loved ones have passed away as a result.

* With poverty at the door, many cannot afford medication and die in their pestilence.

War has left some people homeless, displaced many families and swallowed many lives. It arises between tribes or countries. The aim of each group is to destroy the source of development of its opponent and at the end destitution is welcomed in frustration

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

Most of the work to be concerning health lies in intensive research work. When this is put to work, the diseases we see as incurable today will have lasting solutions. Physicians’ consultation fee if made low will encourage even the poor to visit the doctor when struck with certain symptoms so that the cause will be nipped at the bud. Free immunization which is already being practiced in some countries should be encouraged.

As it pertains war, more peace keeping and peace building methods should be domesticated. The causes of conflict should be addressed from the rudiments. Countries with threatening weapons in their possession should be made to adhere strictly to the rules guiding those weapons for the interest of world peace.


My name is Ejidike Chinenye Ifeoma. I am the fourth out six children in my family, a native of Umudim Nnewi of Anambra state Nigeria, a second year student of nursing sciences in the University of Nigeria Nsukka. I am 4.5ft tall. I am light skinned though cannot be described as fair. Academically I am a hard working student.

I chose to study nursing sciences because of my ardent interest in human life; how to preserve it. As a young girl I had so many questions in my head concerning human health so I decided to delve into it and I hope to of help to my nation and to the world at large by helping who need medical within my capacity. My mother is a teacher in a private school and my father is late. I love learning a lot and that is the cause of my zealous quest for education.

I have very good friends that I treasure so much though they are not many. It was one of them who introduced me to this wonderful organization.

I hope to be a minister of health so as to be able to touch lives the way I long to. Such a position will enable me interact with researchers in other parts of the world, look into hospital administrations, distribution of drugs, check disease outbreak, promote health campaigns, and affect the world at large through my own ideas and visions.

I like traveling but my travels have been within the countries so far. Reading and writing are my cherished hobby. I believe in passing out meaningful information to people through writing. One of my articles was recently published in PRIMROSE magazine. I hope to improve my writing and raise it to a standard that will be acceptable to all classes. To that effect I made CHIMAMANDA ADICHIE my role model as I admire her works so much. I read a lot of novels. I prefer thrillers that are medically inclined and those that have to do with crime investigation. My favorite authors in this aspect are ROBIN CROOK and MARY HIGGINS CLARK. I also read a lot of motivational books. Recently I have enjoyed books like AS A MAN THINKETH, RICH DAD POOR DAD, THE POWER OF FOCUS, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER, THINK AND GROW RICH etc. There are so many others. As for movies, I watch foreign movies and television programs. During the last holiday I taught some secondary school students physics. When it comes to sports I just prefer running to any other type sports activity but I am now developing interest in table tennis

Recently I have not participated in any leadership post. In my secondary days, I was a class prefect. In my third year in secondary school, I was appointed the study prefect and in my sixth year I was made the chapel prefect. I have interest in leadership and work towards equipping myself with the necessary qualities. I am now a member of Human Rights Volunteer Corps (HRVC).

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude
Keys to Success