Ejidike Chinenye Ifeoma – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh

Assessment By Ejidike Chinenye (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea of the book is buttressed on the power of thought. It has to do with how one’s thought can change one’s whole being. We are shaped by our own thoughts. This fact widely affect s every aspect of human life. One’s character, opinions, attitude to life, habits, behavior achievement, level of freedom, etc are shaped by one’s thought. I have come to understand is a non physical force what can bring about a whole world of change. the book gives me the idea that my thoughts can determine the words ii speak and how relevant they are to me; that through my thoughts I can conceive and achieve whatever without limitations and that it is only my own thoughts that can limit me, not my physical strength. One is made or marred by what one thinks.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

My thought can change my circumstance positively:

Before I got admission into higher institution, ther was no obvious sustenable source of fund to support my academics but I have already decided in my thoughts that I must go further in education and without knowing it, this thought prompted me into taking some positive steps that were quite helpful.

At any point in time of my life, there is something to learn. Once one stops learning one stops growing. I should subject myself to continous and never ending improvement. In any situation I should look out for what that situation has to offer and grab it.

Strength of character and purity of thought

This is achieved if one has and discipline self control. One’s ability to control self is very important as it does not only help one to shun certain ephemeral fancies, longings and imaginings but affects one’s health status. It means that even the type and quantity of what I eat is well considered. faith is the acceleration of human conceptions for every good thought should be backed up with the belief that its realization is possible. It is this faith that will propel me to look for ways to get to my dreamland. For instance, the ideas I conceived but do not know how to about achieving them can be realized by the time ask the right people questions, think more logically about the situation, search in my pool of ideas for solution instead of leaving situations in the hands of fate.

As I alter my thoughts towards things and other people, things and other people will alter towards me. It works! I could remember when I dislike some people in my class and as a result my behavior towards them reflects disdain and dislike and that was what I got in return from those ones. But by the time I told myself that they do not deserve such treatment from me and changed my attitude towards them I got a positive result. As I was busy pointing out another’s fault a handful of people were pointing at me at the same time. When I asked myself if anything has actually changed about these people I had disliked all these while, I discovered that nothing has changed about them but my own thoughts about them have changed. Also a time came when I needed to meet the chairman of my community to get consent from him for something; so many thoughts came to my mind to instill fear in me. I told myself that he would not like to see my face and that he will look down on me, etc but I later told myself that non of those things I fear will happen and I went to him. The result was positive

Cease to complain a lot and blaming others but build yourself on noble thoughts. Projection and rationalisation will never help one attain perfection rather one tries to find reason to excuse oneself from mistake made. It is good to own up to one’s faults an in that way one will take correction and not repeat the same mistake so many times. Blaming others makes nothing better. Be the solution of the problem around you. Do not burden the people around you with your worries because they also have their individual concerns and may begin to see as a nuisance

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

Practically, they will help me to live an organized life because everything should not go for me as a leader. Purity of thought- Every thought has to be filtered before I act on them so that evil thoughts are not acted upon. Self control will enable me to stand and ward off things that do not add value to my personality. it can make me not to be controlled by greed, fall a prey to corruption, and make me maintain a good health status by being mindful of the things I eat. It will keep my temper under control so that I will not resort to violence. When I live a life devoid of corruption because my thoughts are pure, match my words with action, I can be trusted and then can influence the world around me. when people see my faith working out for me, they can be better convinced. Learning new things , eg, new technology, getting updated information to boost my knowledge. Learning should be at all times so that I will be better informed to inform others.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“as a being of power, intelligence, and love, and the lord of his own thoughts, a man holds the key to every situation and contains within himself that transforming and regenerating agency by which he may make himself what he wills.” It means to me that if I do not limit myself then I am not limited.

“not he wishes or prays for does a man get but what he justly earns. His wishes and prayers are only gratified and answered when he harmonises with his thought and actions.” It means that one’s thought become productive when they are put into actions. Mere wishes will take me nowhere if I do not act or practice to make them into realities. The bible says that faith without work is vain. So one should work towards what one believes.

“a man can only rise, conquer and achieve by lifting his thoughts. He can remain weak, abject, and miserable by refusing to lift up his thoughts”. It is about believing in oneself and aiming high without fear that physical strength is limited. Do not underestimate yourself in your thoughts. A times I find myself saying that after all that all fingers are not equal and so that I am not up to those I am looking up to. But this book has thought me that any standard I set for myself is what I will work with. If think bigger, I act bigger and grow bigger.

“he who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty idea in his heart will one day realize it. My dreams are not in vain because I one day get there, see my visions come through. They are not fantasies and I should not treat them as one.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

“the soul attract that which it harboured, that which it lves and also that which it fears”. My disagreement rests on “….also that which it fears”. I don’t believe I will attract what I fear. For instance, I fear contracting venerable diseases and so I observe the lifestyle that will keep them out of my way. How then will I still attract them to myself?

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, I completed the whole exercise and they were quite helpful to me. The book is an eye opener and a great guide for me. It impacted a lot in my life and I try to extend it to others.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I do not really have anything to comment on as the book is somehow all encompassing. It is a wonderful experience reading it.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Jonathan Livingstone Seagull

Assessment By: Ejidike Chinenye Ifeoma (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea of the book is that one can dare to aim high, pursue one’s passion, be free from one’s own thought restrictions and set oneself apart. I learnt that I do not need to follow the crowd for fear of being unpopular. when I fail I should make a move and not remain where I have fallen. In this case Jonathan Seagull’s opinion about flight is quite unpopular among the flock but he did not mind being alone in the journey to achieve his purpose. The book is also about setting legacy. Jonathan was forever remembered for the record he set for the seagull on speed of flight.S

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

Develop your passion even if it is unpopular

One is more productive when one’s energy is channeled towards doing the things that interest one. In this story Jonathan has always loved flying even though he did not know how to fly. That made him put all his strength into learning to fly. It is good to discover one’s passion because with it you have a sense of direction. Your passion is what brings out your uniqueness. Explore your drives, try them out. It is not enough to think them. Be willing also to offer explanation when it is needed for your course of action.

Set yourself apart

There are things one can never achieve being in the crowd. In the crowd, there is no definition of purpose, discouragement is always available, a lot of time- wasting activities go on and people compete for common thing. Jonathan knew that his type of vision is not common among the flock and not only that; he knew that the flock will be a constant source of discouragement and distraction so he had to leave them for his practices.

It is not all roses at the beginning but do not quit

When Jonathan started working towards achieving his goal, he had moments of discouragement from the parents and his wings. When he thought that he was almost ther, he encountered an accident that nearly made him give up his dream. The good news is that he did not give. It happens in our daily lives when a times we think things are not working the way we planned them or they are not moving fast in commensuration to the effort put in them. I have learnt that times like that will surely come so if it does I should not give up. I should not allow despair to overwhelm me in times like that so that I can think of the way forward.

Do not be too comfortable with your level of achievement when there is still a lot to achieve

Jonathan discovered that there is more to flying than flying hundreds of kilometers. He had to consider the speed and the consumed during each flight and then he had to reach a higher altitude. Step by step I should be growing always in endeavor.

The most thing in living is to reach out and touch perfection in that which one most love to do

This is about constant learning, learning from mistakes, finding out why I failed a particular so that it would not repeat itself. Put extra energy in your passion so that it will not be ordinary; put a touch of uniqueness and ingenuity to your work. Get the best out of what you are doing. This you will achieve also through working closely with people that see the way you see things, people with similar passion or those that are more experienced in that aspect than you are. Because from them you will learn and do better.

Be willing to teach others and help them achieve what you have enjoyed

Jonathan was willing to give up his comfort zone in order to help others learn like he has done. If I discover what is good, it is my duty to impart that knowledge in others so that it won’t die with me. Even if the people that I am supposed to teach do not reason with me initially, it is my duty to make them understand and that I should do with passion and encouragement. The strength of a leader is his or her ability to influence others positively and carrying them along.

At a certain height you would not have to struggle hard to get help

When is able is able to break the resistances surrounding one accomplishes something people would willingly want to identify with one. When Jonathan has left the flock he met new set of friends from whom he even learnt more.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

I have learnt not to give up on my goals no matter what I might be facing as challenges. The beginning might not be smooth but with continuous improvement, one will excel. There is no graduation in learning because the more I learn the more I move towards perfection. With the thought that I want to learn something from what another person is saying will make me a better listener and leader.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“I just want to know what I can do in the air and what I can’t, that’s all. I just want to know”. That was Jonathan’s reply after one of the mother’s ‘admonitions’. It is just good to explore one’s potentials. There is no harm in trying. The other seagulls in the flock have already made up their mind that they cannot fly but none of them apart from Jonathan has for once tried it out.

“he learned more each day”. The author advocates for constant learning. I have learn not to quit learning at any point in my life because when I do I will stop growing. It makes life more interesting.

“we are free to go where we wish and to be what we are” the greatest resistance is the one offered by oneself to oneself. I termed it greatest because it is the most destructive. Jonathan according to the writer said that the hardest thing to do is to convince a bird that it can fly. That is just to buttress my point about resistance offered by self. If we set our thoughts free, then we are free. Once this inner resistance is overcome the road is easier because I have to agree with myself first before a head way is made.

‘…..the only difference, the every only one is that they have begun to understand what they really are and have begun to practice it”. It is about self discovery. The first step to success is self discovery. When that is done, then thoughts are accompanied with purpose. Self discovery gives one a sense of direction.

“forgive them and help them to understand” this statement made by Jonathan is a typical expression of passion to let others learn. As a leader I must be willing to show others the right path. It is also saying that keeping grudges for those who despised you at the beginning is wrong. They behaved the way they did simply because they do not understand.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I understood all that I read. I do not disagree with any of the author’s opinion. The author did a thorough job here.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book contains some exercises and I completed all of them. They were quite helpful. I think it is more real because of the practical nature of the book. It described a real life situation.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I did not discover any.


A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

I must recommend the author of this book and International Institute for Global Leadership for making the book available for me to read. I am forever grateful to them and to God. Also the person that will take out time to read my assessment just to ensure that I also grow ah grows, my thanks to you.



Assessment by Ejidike Chinenye (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book portrays the fact that one has a creative mechanism working within which can be controlled and directed through rational thoughts, deliberate use of imagination, and repetition of learned behavior. This mechanism works at its best when one has a clear goal in mind and believes that the goal can be accomplished.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

a. Self image is (an affirmation of confidence, initiative and power) self determined and can affect one’s actions. One will manifest what one believes oneself to be.

One’s self image might be that of inferior, superior, or whatever but whichever it is at any point in time is knowingly or unknowingly one’s own choice. What you believe yourself to be is what you will get as a result. For instance, if one perceives oneself as a failure and is striving for success, it might turn out to be a futile attempt because one has not released that which will make one succeed. The good news is that you can change yourself image from bad to good simply by making a decision to do so and believing it. Creating a good self image releases one’s abilities, talents and powers.

b. Purposeful or creative imagination awakens the success mechanism within us. It also helps in building true self image and confidence.

Imagination makes one’s goal clearer and makes one to see the road to reach that goal and it brings about change. As you imagine yourself taking up a new role and doing things you have not allowed yourself to do before, the mechanism at work in you prompts you to perform. And if in your imagination, you were able to do something so well, you replicate into reality by replaying (acting out).

c. One is limited only by one’s own beliefs/ thoughts, for within one is the power and the ability to do whatever one need to do to be happy and successful.

One needs to first of all believe and have some confidence in oneself. Many at times people make the mistake of putting all their confidence in other people leaving no portion of confidence for themselves thereby limiting their power and making themselves dependent wrecks; allowing others to dictate whether they will be happy or successful. I understand that something can come out of me because I was made in the image of God Himself. And that I cannot be as skillful in some things as some people are does not mean I am no good or inferior to them. My objective should be to develop my own unique personality and accomplishments

d. Relaxation brings about spontaneity of action and better performance. Being too careful creates unnecessary fear in one allow that intellectual and practical machine to run free and it will do a nice job.

The recipe for good performance is to keep the mind alert and relaxed. One does not have to force answers out because the servo-mechanism is liberated as an automatic success mechanism when forcing an answer out through conscious thought is turned off. When relaxed, one can generate ideas from little things around. Aggressiveness should be geared to the problem and not at people

e. Be yourself and stop giving so much attention to what others think because when you give such attention, the creative self is inhibited, and signs of inhibition like shyness, fear, timidity, hostility, result.

The application of psycho cybernetics rejuvenates one. I have come to understand that there is one life, one ultimate source but there are many channels of expression. The channels can be religion, science, psychology, or people. We should not limit the channels through which life comes to us by rejecting them. Many a times we reject them because of what people might think of us.

f. You can condition yourself for equanimity; you choose what to respond to when and how to respond to them.

With this one can control fears, quick temper and emotional carryovers like rudeness, and insomnia. One is responsible for one’s emotional needs: Happiness makes one to be more productive be happy and do not feel guilty about it. You choose to be happy. Just make up your mind and practice being and then you will experience it. Happiness can be learned to become a habit. This can be achieved through delaying response. Delaying response gives one the time to take deliberate decision on how to act, and what to say. It can also be handled through riding oneself of previous problems before embarking on a new one.

g. Continuous practice leads to double fold success. Keep trying even when you do not get it at first.

Practicing brings about perfection. Each time you practice and fail, there is something to learn and the mistake will be repeated when discovered.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

This has helped me develop a good mental image of myself as someone that can be nice to people, somebody people will like to associate with. I now tell myself that I am wonderfully made in the in the image of God, equipped with ability to succeed and so are others. As I have learnt not to take things personally as a way to build a better immunity and self image, my relationship with other people will be more interesting as I give every word and action as good interpretation as possible and do not see it as deliberate attempt to hurt me.

Creative imagination will help one develop a mental picture of my in goals vivid enough and detailed enough with the desired end result. It makes one see possibilities. When successfully applied, we receive answers to difficult problems as inspirations, and performances can be improved. Imagination should be backed up with continuous practice. For instance if I want to improve my communication skills, I should be able to imagine how I want to speak and then read books and practice continually in order to attain what I have in my imagination. When thoughts are clean and positive, I will be able to think in terms of possibility and not failure. I should see possibility in anything I set my heart to do, and confess it. There is no need to waste my energy on thoughts of failure.

When I am able to express myself. It is said that when I am relaxed and alert, my automatic creative mechanism operates at its best. Practically, one should not worry oneself unnecessarily. Worry at the decision stage so as to make the best of decision and not after you can do nothing. Doing one thing at a time to enable you concentrate and think at your best and avoid confusion, feelings of hurry and anxiety. Do not let the things around you snatch away your happiness. This will make one not to be aggressive to people and be able to pick up ideas when they come.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Acknowledge your mistakes, learn from them but do not get mired in them.”

If I allow my past mistakes to taunt me, it will make not to try again. Treating everyone with respect is charity as it is not always instantly, individually reciprocated. People are important. Show respect and appreciate others more. Show respect for every human simply because he’s a child of God and a thing of value. This important to me because when I respect others I see respect being accorded to me. We must recognize our mistakes and shortcomings before we can correct them – If I don’t acknowledge my mistakes I won’t see the need to correct them. It is good to agree to the fact that we make mistakes when we do. It has helped to control unnecessary arguments from time to time and to become a better listener.

“Be the bigger person by calling or going to see anyone who may deserve your, apology, gratitude, or your congratulations.”

Since I learned it is no longer hard for me to pay compliments, say sorry and I am just more likeable now.

“Don’t underestimate yourself and overestimate nature.” It is not rational to conclude in advance that you cannot do something- until you try it you won’t know how easy it is.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I do not disagree with any ideas here.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

I completed the exercises and they were helpful. Yes, the exercises were quite helpful. The exercise for happiness is wonderful. The imagination practice really helped me in a debate I was involved some time ago. I pictured the event in my imagination and worked hard to meet up with the picture in my imagination. On that day, as I came out to moderate, I felt so relaxed and thrilled like I was not doing it the first time.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is the good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude
Assessment by Ejikike Chinenye (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea of the book is that there is a right attitude for achieving success and when it is applied, success comes and follows one. When one has developed the right mental attitude which is the positive one, the road to success is clear before one.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The highest ideal of man is the will of God.

A. Success is achieved by those who try and keep on trying with positive mental attitude.

This is the way to also maintain success. Do not give up rather ask yourself: what is that more that I need to add to get what I need? Search for something more, something with better quality than the former.

B. Definitiveness of purpose is the starting point of all achievements.

Effort and work can become fun when you establish specific, desirable goals. When one knows what one wants, one can find a way to get it. By setting a goal, you have conceived an idea and if you believe you can achieve because whatever a man can conceive and believe he can achieve. I was made to understand that when one has a definite purpose, that there is an automatic mechanism at work that helps one to overcome obstacles that may stand on one’s way of achieving that purpose. The answers to the problem can come as flashes of inspiration which are ignited when one asks question. The answers can come as an inspiration and when these inspirations come, they should be written down and used.

C. If a man is right, then the world is right.

There is no need to blame the world. If I should develop the right mental attitude and influence the person next to me to also develop the right mental attitude, it continues to spread and the world is made right. When things are not the way I want them to be, I should act to change it if I can or accept it if I cannot and blame no one.

D. One should at all times be alert to opportunities.

Learn to see, pay attention and listen and keep your eyes open to opportunities. It is not enough to just look but to recognize opportunities because as the author rightly said, there might be acres of diamond in your back yard. One can also get answers to problems from conversation with others. That is why it is pertinent to listen to people because the people around you might actually be that backyard with the diamond deposit.

E. Generosity should be part of me.

The more one shares, the more one will have. When you share, share what is good and desirable. I have no reason not be generous with what I have. I believe in the saying: the more you give the more you receive.

F. It is important to rid our minds of cob webs- that is when one can explore the powers of the mind. Feel the mind with good, positive and cheerful thoughts

G. Getting along with others is a very important aspect as no man is an island. A pleasant attitude is important as part of daily living. The pleasantness should manifest in my speeches, reactions, facial expression, etc. Using what makes one happy to make others happy, trying to understand others and not judge them, respecting all men are and doing unto others what one would expect from others some of the tools

H. Savings is very important no matter how little- savings will help one to invest and attain financial independence. Saving is not meant for people earning huge amount alone. Anyone can save though amount saved can vary. Savings should not be without goals; one should know why one is saving so that the temptation of using that savings for ephemeral things will be surmounted.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I once had the kind of experience Ben Cooper had in his days though it was not a physical fight. I was being tormented mentally by someone and it lasted for sometime because I was afraid. But one day I picked up courage, looked that bully in the eyes and challenged her and that was the end of her bullying me.

Trying to understand the other party has helped me not to over react to people’s statements or actions. A times one might be angry with a person for having said something hurting meanwhile the offender simply did not make use of the right words and communicated something else different from what she/he intended. To get along with others I have also learned to remove the log in my own eyes rather than looking for a speck in someone else’s. This understanding will continue to help me relate better with people.

It is my responsibility to share what I have with others. The understanding that I should not stop giving until the master stops giving will make me to become more serious with sharing my materials, knowledge with, time, etc with others as the need may arise. There is reward in giving

I have learned not to give up but each time I fail I should look for areas where I have not got it right, that ‘more’ that is missing and make amendments. It is about continuous and never ending improvement.

The prospect of DO IT NOW! Will continue to help me overcome procrastination, eliminate fear, achieve things faster and not miss opportunities.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“If you know what you want you can find a way to get it.”

It is important that I know what I want in life so as to better channel my energy towards achieving it.

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”

This statement and truth reminds of the fact that I can only be limited by my own thoughts. Nothing can stop me unless I stop myself.

“Try adding something more.”

This thought me that there is something special I need to add something to the way I do things in order to come out successful, improve, and stand out among rivals.

“Learn to see.”

You may find acres of diamond in your backyard- this statement taught me that there is need to keep the mind alert. It is not enough to just look, there is need to see something. Again, this tells me that opportunities can come from the ‘little things’ around me but if I cannot identify them, they will be of no use. Hence the need to pay attention.

“Where there is nothing to lose by trying and everything to gain if successful, by all means try. DO IT NOW.”

This statement is particularly important to me because- this tells me that there is no harm in trying.

“Anything in life worth having is worth working for- it is good for one to put in one’s best in everything.”

“ Just keep giving till the master stops giving you.”

This statement is so important to me because giving makes me happy.
“God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

“The highest ideal of man is the will of God.”

When a man discovers the will of God for his life, and lives to fulfill that purpose, he is on the right track.

“Thinking good thoughts, positive and cheerful thoughts, will improve the way you feel.”

What affects your mind also affects your body. When the mind is filled with the right thing, one acts right but when the mind is filled with fear, jealousy, hatred, etc, one exhibits a repulsive attitude.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I am not clear about the author’s view of sex. At different points where it was mentioned, I tried to capture what the author was trying to portray but

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

I am still working with the exercises. They are wonderful and quite helpful. The test for success quotient is quite revealing and tells me that there are still areas of my personal development I need to work on.

The exercise on how to gradually incorporate the thirteen virtues mentioned in the book or any other virtue is quite helpful. I am still working on that.

Carrying a notebook for jotting down inspirations when they flash

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The book is quite encompassing and I have nothing to complain about.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Keys to Success
Assessment by Ejidike Chinenye (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the book portrays is the role of clarity of purpose and self development in the achievement of success in life.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List the seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.

A. One’s progress towards success starts from a fundamental question: where are you going?

This is a vital question every living human that wants to live a meaningful life ask him or herself. I understand that the clear answer to this question is one’s definite purpose. The journey is more difficult when one does not know where one is heading to. The factors that contribute to this difficulty are:
(a) One does not have a clear direction of his or her destination
(b) The journey becomes more time -consuming
(c) The fruitfulness of the journey is uncertain or is not guaranteed
(d) No one can answer this important question for another
When one has been able to answer this question, getting help becomes easier because one would be able ask relevant questions that will contribute to the achievement of purpose. Remember that one might know what to ask for if this question is not answered. With a major purpose in mind one can channel or devote his energy to achieving it. Having a definite purpose enables one to plan actions and not wait for an outside force to trigger one’s reactions

B. Having a definite purpose can attract some advantages to one’s life: it encourages one to specialize and leads to perfection.

It makes one seek for that specialized knowledge necessary for success. Secondly, it helps one to better budget time and money and this involves giving more time to those endeavors that will lead to attainment of one’s purpose as well as use of money to its best advantage. Thirdly, it makes one aware of the opportunities related to one’s major purpose. It also boosts one’s decision-making capability and by this I mean making decisions that will contribute to one’s achievement of purpose, making them in good time and having the courage to stick to them

C. One cannot tread the path of definiteness of purpose alone; I need others: the question of where to get the resources to implement my plans.

This brings us to the issue of having a mastermind alliance. I understand Mastermind alliance as a group made of up few persons with like minds who can join forces together to achieve their goals. Each of the members has something unique to contribute to the success of the group. The people involved will need to work in the spirit of harmony and to maintain this, confidence, understanding, fairness and justice, and courage are attribute that must be inculcated in every member.
D. Flexibility, that is the ability to adapt to change circumstances quickly without loss of temper or panic is a significant skill needed in order to achieve success.

This skill allows one to see the flaws that have contributed to a failure that come one’s way and the puts the desire to make amendments and move forward instead of dwelling on the misfortune. It does not mean shedding one’s principles or altering one’s goals. It also involves welcoming criticism instead of reacting to them negatively. I have learnt that I should not be rigid in my opinion; there is need to also listen to others attentively and understand their point.

E. Good communication skill is important for someone heading for success: it is important that I choose my words carefully to express the very thought I wish to express and to do that without blunders.

The book recommended that appropriate use of words can be improved using the dictionary and I have discovered before now that it works. Thoughts not clearly expressed can cause confusion and misunderstanding. In addition, I should ensure that I do not litter my speeches with obscene words or curses or lies. One should be mindful of what one says. Good communication skill contributes to maintenance of good relationship.

F. The mind attracts anything it dwells upon: if this is true, then there is no need thinking about things that I do not want or fears rather I should think about the things I want.

All the fears should be replaced with hope. Thoughts of hope will help me to be more productive by influencing my actions towards achieving my hopes. The author also pointed out that imagination is responsible for all creative effort and I strongly agree with that because I have learnt to apply and see it work out. Simply feel the mind with the picture of that which is wanted instead of that which is not wanted. Also when praying, it is better to pray in thanksgiving and appreciation that our prayers are answered.

G. Going the extra mile makes all the difference and sets one above the rest of rivals.

This involves doing one’s work and doing it well as well as doing more than one is immediately paid for in a cheerful manner. It is not enough to just do what others are doing; there is something to adding a touch of ‘extra’ that keeps people yearning for more of your service or products because of its uniqueness. It will be seen as unique because it is not often that people give ‘extra’. It places one in a position where he or she becomes indispensible and gives confidence because of the simple thought that you are doing what is right.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

They will help me to set clear and realistic goals and make planning easier. These ideas will help me to remain focused, and avoid distractions because I know where I am heading to. They will also be useful to me in my day to day interaction with others as I will express myself.

The application of these ideas will take me higher to a position where I become indispensable to the consumers of my services. It is already helping me to render selfless and comprehensive services in my career as a health worker. In my role I always endeavor to go some extra mile, going beyond the ‘usual’ expectation and it gives me inner satisfaction that I am touching many lives through that.

4. Are there statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so please quote them and comment so as to why they were important to you.

“If you make your prayers an expression of gratitude and thanksgiving for the blessings you already have, instead of requests for things you do not have, you will obtain results much faster.”

By this I understand that we should believe that we have received what we ask for and not waste my time in ill thoughts.

“Your best recommendation is the one you give yourself by rendering superior service in the right mental attitude.”

The idea is going the extra mile in one’s endeavors.

“Anything worth having is worth working for.”

It is important to work hard.

“Live a life that suits your physical and spiritual requirement and do not waste time keeping up with the Joneses.”

This boils down to knowing what is good for me and going for them instead of allowing every Tom, Dick and Harry to influence me. Knowing what I want will also help me decide for myself and not let others decide for me.

“Procrastination is the archenemy of initiative an if you let it become a habit this early in the game, it will plague your every move. Do it now!”

This is the slogan to adopt when it comes to doing things when they should be done.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so why?

The author wrote: forget the old saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” I do not totally disagree with him because it is possible I did not understand this statement so well in the light of his explanation; I just think that it is necessary for one to diversify even as one is paying controlled attention to something else.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercises and did you found them helpful?

The book contained some exercises which were quite helpful when I applied them.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment that was not covered in the previous questions? If so please comment.

There is nothing I wish to comment on as regards this. The book is wonderful.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9