Issue #248 *August 2022

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #248 *August 2022
Asheville, NC USA




The Monk who Sold his Ferrari
Michael Kelechi (Nigeria)



Guest Editorial


The main idea that the writer is trying to convey in the book entitled “The Monk who Sold His Ferrari,” is that man has the power to decide the type or nature of life that he wants to live. Below are some highlights from the book:

Every event has a purpose and every setback its lesson. I have realized that failure, whether of the personal, professional, or even spiritual kind, is essential to personal expansion. It brings inner growth and a whole host of psychic rewards. Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher that it is: Truthfully speaking, I have encountered several series of failures, setbacks, and disappointments and they taught me quite some lessons.

It used to be quite painful and bitter, until I began to understand that, everything I will encounter or have encountered has a lesson to teach me. I embraced the situations, learned the lessons therein, and became for much more enlightened and better individual. It got to the stage where I began serving as a means of encouragement and support to others in such situations. I have this friend, 2 friends actually, sisters that are twins. I got wind of words that their mother who I also consider a very close friend too had a ghastly accident and after some days, unfortunately, passed away. It was heart-rending because I had even promised my friend I would come over to the house to see her mum. The day I went there, a day after her mother’s death, both of them, herself and her sister, were disheveled/ disarray. Words couldn’t really do much then, because they had to grieve. I stayed with them for a while, offering some words of consolation. It was when I notified her that I was leaving that she realized I was even there. I kept in touch with them and encouraged them until from my judgment, they were able to resume their normal lives.

The moment you concentrate the focus of your mind on a singular purpose, extraordinary gifts will appear within your life: About a week exactly from today, I went out for a mission outreach alongside some of my church members in a different town from where we are resident.

Be patient and live with the knowledge that all you are searching for is certain to come if you prepare for it and expect it: Patience has never really been one of my best virtues, because most times, I believe once all research has been made and your mind is set on the line of action to take, you should get almost instant results after execution.

Sadly, I have come to discover that life doesn’t really work that way most of the time. That patience must be cultivated by me, I must allow the work of patience to be done in my life. And that singular knowledge has lifted a huge burden from my shoulder. The quest for seeing life as a race has ended. I have come to understand that I have my part to play and I am not in any competition with anyone. I am uniquely me and gifted with unique and varied talents from anyone else. If I have done my part, I need to apply patience and believe that it will come into manifestation. Currently, there are a lot of things that I am patiently, yes patiently waiting for to come to fulfillment in my life. In spite of the delays, I believe that at the right time, I will get them.

He who serves the most, reaps the most, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. This is the way to inner peace and outer fulfillment: The greatest people on earth or that ever lived, had been those that gave their all for mankind, that served humanity with their best, talents, times, money, strength, intellect, and passion, the list is almost endless.

The more one gives in service to others, the more satisfaction and fulfillment one gets. I have experienced a great amount of joy and fulfillment after ministering to people, though I might have been exhausted after the whole process, knowing that I am offering services and imparting meaning to the lives of people is enough reward. Also, the testimonies afterward are encouraging. There is this joyful feeling I derive after offering help to others, whether it be monetary wise, wisdom wise, services, there is peace and fulfillment that resonates within me.

What Others Are Saying
Prayer for Peace
Rabbi Nachman

May it be your will, that you erase war and bloodshed from the world
and in its place draw down a great and glorious peace so that nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war any more.

Rather, may all the inhabitants of the earth recognize and deeply know this great truth: that we have not come into this world for strife and division nor for hatred and rage, nor provocation and bloodshed.

And so, we ask your compassion upon us; raise up, by us, what is written: I shall place peace upon the earth and you shall lie down safe and undisturbed and I shall banish evil beasts from the earth and the sword shall not pass through your land; but let justice come in waves like water and righteousness flow like a river, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Holy One as the waters cover the sea.
So may it be. And we say: Amen.

What are Students are Reading

Mind into Matter ($6.99)

Alchemists of the old attempted to make sense of the universe to discover the connection between mind and matter. Some of today’s scientists, in particular quantum physicists, are doing the same. In his latest contribution to the study of consciousness, physicist Fred Alan Wolf reveals what he calls the new alchemy a melding of the ideas of the old alchemists and the new scientists to reach a fuller understanding of the mind and matter.

Students/Graduates In Action

Congratulations to IIGL Level Three Student!

Well done to Level Three IIGL Student Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho); who is a social activist who’ll be part of Chevening Cohort of 2022/2023! Mantsebeng has a fully funded scholarship to pursue an MSc in International Development, Social Justice & Sustainability at the University of Bath in England! Congratulations!

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation

The University for Peace (UPEACE)
Created by UN General Assembly Resolution 35/55, the University for Peace has been training leaders for peace for the past four decades. It is a unique global academic institution with over 2,000 Alumni hailing from more than 120 nations. Through its Master’s and Doctoral degree programs, UPEACE trains future leaders to explore and formulate strategies and practices in various contexts to address the causes of multiple problems affecting human and global wellbeing, and thus contribute to the processes of peacekeeping and peace building. The UPEACE Experience is experiential and unique, empowering, transformative and cultivates critical thinking in its students.

Save the Date: Let’s Celebrate Lynne Murguia
Please join us on Saturday, August 6. at 4p.m. Lagos time/11:00 a.m. US ET, as we remember and celebrate our dear friend Lynne Murguia, a strong supporter and long-time champion of IIGL. Michael Lightweaver will open the ceremony, and everyone who wishes to do so is invited to share their remembrances of Lynne.
We hope you will join us! Log-in information and the time in various time zones is below.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 2130 0365
Passcode: 723762

Wanted: New IIGL Student Enrollments!
Help us recruit new IIGL students by referring them to apply on the IIGL website or email Deb Rosen at! If you would like a copy of this poster; email Deb as well!

Select The International Institute For Global Leadership on!
Just a reminder that each time you shop, at no cost to you on, a portion of your purchase can be donated to IIGL. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to IIGL! Share this link: and ask your family, employees, and friends to bookmark this link so all their eligible shopping will benefit the International Institute For Global Leadership Inc. Disbursements are made to IIGL on a quarterly basis from Amazon.

IIGL Book Sales Continue…
The IIGL Board of Directors shared that the IIGL book, “Creating Your Path Through Leadership” book sales continue to provide a Royalty payment to IIGL each month. It has also helped new potential donors understand more about IIGL! The book is available both on Kindle and in Paperback on! Check it out! Here’s the link:…

Meet Our New Students
There were no new students this month

Student Progress
We had 3 students from 2 countries complete a total of 4 books in July. These students were from Nigeria and Rwanda

Chinonso Ericson (Nigeria)
* Goal Mapping
* Nonviolent Communication
Amadin Omoruyi (Nigeria)
* PsychoCybernetics
Erasmus Rwinkesha (Rwanda)
* Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

New Enrollments
2 enrolled in July
7 enrolled in 2022

Book Assessments
4 in July
64 in 2022

Books Shipped
0 in July
6 in 2022

Cost of Books
$0 in July
$127.56 in 2022

You Make It Possible
We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)
Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ) In Blessed Memory
John Hornecker (USA/NC)
Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)
Kathleen Oweegon (USA/OR)
Deb Rosen (USA/WI)
Patrice Zorn (USA/WI)

Make A Difference
Dream Team 22
Please join Dream Team 22 as our goal is to have 22 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2021!

Please join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL! You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money. To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below. To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Deb for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to IIGL, 11537 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI 53092 USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Paypal, go to and make donation to

To Contribute By Credit Card, go to

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