Issue #197 * May 2018

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #197 * May 2018
Asheville, NC USA

Guest Editorial
Conscious Decision Making: A Key to Success
Osayi Ujunwa Lynda

On a daily basis we are all faced with circumstances that force us to make decisions, either consciously or unconsciously. Be it “little” decisions such as what to eat and drink, what to wear, etc. to the “big” decisions such as where to live or the career to pursue. These decisions make us who we are. By directing your energy to make as many of your decisions as consciously as possible, you will maximize your ability to direct your actions for success. In our rapidly changing world filled with many forms of social media and new technologies competing for our attention every minute, you need to take a deep breath and consciously decide what really matters to you. If you think all your decisions are consciously made; think again. Most times we tend to dance to the tune of whatever life throws at us without even thinking about the circumstances that engineer our decision. For example, you are most likely to eat any food available whether healthy or not and include little or no exercise to your routine, even though you may want to live a healthy life. Unconsciously, you had decided to expose your body to diseases without even realizing it. On the other hand, if you consciously decide to live a healthy life, it will affect everything you do. You “Will” to choose healthy foods, to exercise regularly, to go for routine medical checkups; all of which will enhance your health.

In the words of Tony Robbins, “conscious decision equals our destiny.” A decision made consciously has lasting effect on our lives. It enables us to focus on the important things. As a teenager, I consciously decided that I was going to succeed as a health professional; I began to consciously decide every step that I took. For example, I decided to choose organizations such as IIGL, mentors and courses that would help me attain my goal. I made new friends, changed my reading habits and worked on my spiritual life. Today I have achieved many of my goals while still working on achieving others.

Conscious decision helps one to effectively prioritize. Every decision you make indicates your values. It makes way for new and specific opportunities and eliminates ambiguous options. So, the more conscious our decisions, the more power over our destiny.
Reflect on all the decisions you make in your career. You decide which career to pursue, the height you wish to attain in it, the impact you would like to make with it, the people you work with and how much you would like to earn. You decide how to streamline your daily activities and whether you will consciously prioritize or go through your day haphazardly. Do you simply wish to be successful or do you actively decide to be successful? Are you conscious about how you react to what happens throughout your day? Consider even the little decisions you make daily. They may have turned into habits that you don’t even recognize. For many people, habits are formed unconsciously. Sleeping late, eating junk food, not working out, or letting chats and messages determine the direction of your day are all instances of negative habits that most likely resulted from unconscious decisions.

How do you make decisions?
You can begin by examining how you make your own decisions. Are your decisions based on thoughts? Information? Facts? Emotions? Feelings? Or is there someone/something influencing your decision-making? Remember, any conscious decision at all is better than an unconscious decision. Make decisions that put you at ease. Decisions made out of anxiety/fear are usually never good. Make decisions with your heart and mind; determine what matters to you.

Know that no one is perfect. Nobody is making conscious decisions all the time. Even if you are fully conscious things may not work out the way you thought they would. Give yourself some credit. Situations may change and not all information was available at the time you thought you made the right decision. Know you did the right thing given the conditions and the information that was available to you at the moment of the decision.
We all have the ability to program our subconscious through our conscious mind, based on what we expose our subconscious mind to. If we don’t make decisions consciously, we live on autopilot and our destiny is left to chance. If, instead, we make conscious decisions, we take charge of our destiny and our success is assured. Leaders who make great impacts in the world, build the leading businesses, and enjoy deeply fulfilling and successful lives all take responsibility for achieving their dreams. They share a common understanding that the only way to control their destinies is to assume responsibility for conscious decisions. If you want to take charge of your future, then consciously decide what you want and take consciously focused decisions to achieve it!

What Others Are Saying
James Trotman (Liberia)

What have I Learned?

By the grace of God, I became a new member of the International Institute For Global Leadership in October 2016 and since then the effect, outcome and level of progress personally, intellectually, morally, academically are beyond words , dream manifesting, magic projecting and miraculously arresting. However, I will like to segment this testimony as Theory and Practical.

The Theory Aspect
Due to the corridor of distance and time, I would like to emphasize on the theoretical aspect before the practical nature. Importantly, my personal testimony since exploring the show IIGL can be window via the following points: First, an academic volcano eruption of knowledge and information at a maximum skill conferring academic influence and affluence. Second, a pivotal mental liberty from a band wagon defense of failure, justification manifestation and realization at the expense of color or continental geographical disposition: black is synonymous with lack, inferiority complex, poverty identifications and superstitious beliefs. Unfortunately, they were all allusion and delusion. The fact remain that mentality is the mother of creativity, productivity and reality. Third, the arrest and bail out of the gambling claws of chance, lucks, and charms. That success in life was a matter of fortune telling driven by decease and ancestral guidance accompanying by random indecision and escaped the outcome status quo-governed by the blame game. Next, the actualization and realization of life on the basis of laws anchor from the pages of IIGL books like The Secret to Success, Goal Setting 101, social PsychoCybernetics, Nonviolent Communication, The Seventeen Habits of Highly effective people and The Monk who Sold his Ferrari is just to name a few. In addition, a positive optimistic well balance view about life on the basis of unforeseen circumstances, unexpected occurrences, unavoidable disappointment, unwanted shock or surprises and the vicissitudes of life. Finally, I am now an accountable architect of my future, failure, success, progress and setback.

Practical Aspect
This practical aspect draws proof from the knowledge harnessed from these life transforming books from IIGL guiding my Conscience, dictating my decision, reframing my emotion, correcting my ignorance and propelling my action with precision. I am currently in a college for the first time of my life since I graduated from high school in 2002, Glory to God! I am also a current student at another institute. Instructor of two standard institutions with personal award and accreditation from the Board of Directors of these institutions with photographic impart. Thank God for the family of IIGL.

What Our Students Are Reading
Confucius: A Life from Beginning to End By: Hourly History $12.99

When Confucius spoke, people listened, and they still listen today. The wisdom of this Chinese philosopher, teacher, politician, and writer still rings as true today as it did over 2,000 years ago. Who was the legend who has become revered as a sage throughout the ages? To put it shortly, he was a simple man. Confucius was born into poverty, but at an early age he came to value education, integrity, and moral behavior. He developed the knowledge to become a teacher by his early 30’s. He also developed an ethical code that valued, above all else, personal integrity, ethical behavior, ritual propriety, and compassion. Throughout his brief political career and his long journey afterward, he sought to spread his philosophy in the hopes that it would be adopted as political policy. While his political goals were not realized in his lifetime, his philosophy would live long after he died. This book tells the story of the life of the world-renowned philosopher and scholar, and it describes the tenets of his philosophy in a succinct manner which is packed with information.
Students In Action
Networking in Nigeria!
Current IIGL Vice President and Graduate Ethelbert Umeh (Nigeria) shared that in April he met with Level One student Jane Chinenye Uzor (Nigeria), who is a young African leader and one of our students in Enugu. He said, “that she is happy IIGL through its well crafted curriculum of leadership studies and is investing so much in her professional development. Jane shared great vision for her community, Nigeria, Africa and the world.” Ethelbert also stated, “I learned a lot about her work with particular reference to teen’s mentorship, girl child education and youth development. I am happy to learn that IIGL is an answered prayer to her vision.” This was the first time they met time after he introduced her to IIGL’s studies on Facebook. They also spent time talking about Ethelbert’s organization “Blueprint Consulting.” In conclusion, they shared that “the meeting was a huge opportunity for us to connect, inspire and empower each other to keep on inspiring our communities and the world.”

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation
Waking Times

Waking Times, awakening the highest expression of the Self, is an online magazine founded by Dylan Charles and Anna Hunt. It seizes on the transformational power of information to trigger personal change and influence humanity’s evolution.
Our goal is to help you make your life better. To make that happen, we present ideas that will help you:
Understand your place in this world.
Understand the forces that are controlling your reality.
Reclaim your power over reality from outside forces.
Heal your psyche, as well as maintain a healthy body.

2018 Annual Meeting Set for May 5, 2018
IIGL will be holding its Annual Meeting on Saturday May 5, 2018 via Teleconference. Please look for a reminder from a YAHOO IIGL Message Board email for directions on how to join the meeting either via telephone or online. This reminder email will be resent by May 3 and will include the timing for the meeting. Email Deb or simply reply to this newsletter if you have questions. All financial contributors and active students are invited!

Check out
When you have a few minutes, check out our newly upgraded website,! A special thank you to Pius Reis, our IIGL webmaster for his generous contribution to implement the wonderful new look!

Meet Our New Students

We had no new students this month

To view complete profiles, Click Here

Visionary Leadership
Student Progress
We had 4 students from 2 countries complete a total of 5 books in April. These students were from Nigeria and Zimbabwe.

Japheth E. Aizebeoje (Nigeria)
* Chief Obafemi Awolowo: The Political Moses
* Confucius
Fasoranti Damilola (Nigeria)
* Real Magic
Fawolu Lilian (Nigiera)
* Success through PMA
Cheurombo Pswarayi (Zimbabwe)
* The Power of Intention

Cheurombo Pswarayi (Zimbabwe) completed Level One

New Enrollments
5 enrolled in April
13 enrolled in 2018

Book Assessments
5 in April
39 in 2018

Books Shipped
0 in April
19 in 2018

Cost of Books
$0 in April
$380.81 in 2018

You Make It Possible
We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)
Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)
John Hornecker (USA/NC)
Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)
Deb Rosen (USA/WI)
Patrice Zorn (USA/WI)

Make A Difference
Dream Team 22
Please join Dream Team 22 as our goal is to have 220 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2016.

Will you join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL? You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money. To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below. To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Deb for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to IIGL, 11537 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI 53092 USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Paypal, go to and make donation to

To Contribute By Credit Card, Click Here