Newsletter – Issue #186* June 2017

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #186* June 2017
Asheville, NC. USA



Guest Editorial

2017-2018 Board Members Share Goals and Visions

During the recent 2017 Annual Meeting in Lagos President Felix Iziomoh and Vice President Ethelbert Umeh (Nigeria) stated: “Our intention is to keep on cherishing the ideals of IIGL, as a credible institution for training of leaders in the world. Within the next one year, we would like to strategize on how to attract more donors, retain the current donors, figure out on the best way to get inactive students back on track, and connect with more students through awareness creation especially on various social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.”

Newly Elected Board Member Vivian Muciri (Kenya) shared: “My biggest struggle before joining IIGL was to merge my internal self with external persona. I felt trap in my circumstances and my life story will never change for who I really am or thought I was will never manifest. Through my IIGL course one thing that I have learnt is that God designed us and had a purpose for us. This is what fuels our inner desires and orient us the way we are. I learnt that circumstance both negative and positive prepares us to fulfill this desires. They equip us with skills, lesson, experiences and tools that usher us to who we were meant to be; but it involves us changing our perspective and perception towards life. It also requires effort for us to be able to achieve this. My life statement is: I exist to inspire people to be the best they can be, equip them to be the best they can be and live my exemplary so that they can always be inspired to nature there purpose in order live a life that is fulfilling.”

New Board Member Aishatu Ibrahim (Nigeria) also shared: “IIGL has been extremely supportive to me through some difficult times in my life. IIGL support has made me a stronger and better person and I will forever be grateful. As a Level Four IIGL Student, my mindset has been shifted from consumption to contribution. I want to express gratitude to IIGL and also to discover abundance in the radical shift from “me” to we. I look forward to seeing what comes in the future and hope I’m around in this life long enough to connect with even a small portion of what’s already on offer.”

Another new board member Juliette Engole (Uganda) added: “My vision statement is tied in with my life purpose which is ‘to transform lives and communities through knowledge and skills. I am very passionate about knowledge and it grieves me to see people in my country especially in the northern region where I come from ignorant.

These are young energetic, talented and bright people who because of war and instability are lugging behind in education, knowledge and skills.”

What Others Are Saying

Aremu Oluwaseun Nariwoh (Nigeria)

How I’ve Changed and What I’ve Learned because of IIGL…

Over the years I have learned that in every man, there is slumbering powers that dwells within and if properly activated; it will help galvanized and revolutionize his or her dreams in life. I could remember vividly when I was growing up precisely twelve years old and actively involved in table tennis. I tried to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across my mind from within in becoming an outstanding personality and a force to reckon within the field of Sports Administration and Management in Nigeria merely observing secretaries of Sports Associations delivering their schedule of duties.

In retrospect, I had that dream but it never really occurred to me that I will have to study Human Kinetics and Health Education to actually build a career along that line. All these were more than the luster of the firmaments of bards and sages but they were not really clear for me to pursue rigorously until I came across IIGL and begin to harness my potentials haven realized my dreams. I began to outline my goals and ensured that focus was on them without giving room to any form of interruption in order to have an excellent and a fulfilled life because possession of more knowledge will help me impact in the upcoming ones positively.

In Level One and Level Two books, I became educated to Awaken the Giant in Me because As a Man Thinketh so is he. As I said earlier that it never occurred to me how I will realize my dream, because all along I was bent on studying Law and not Human Kinetics but I wanted to be a seasoned Sports Administrator. Please how can that be possible? Do they correlate? Of course there was a disconnect and the answer obviously is No. I was able to really discover and pursue my dream when I joined International Institute for Global Leadership (IIGL). It became clearer to me that I cannot study Law and want to be a Sports Administrator and a Manager even when I was given admission to study Human Kinetics and Health Education, I became very disgruntled but as faith may have it I came across Felix Iziomoh that introduced me to the program, IIGL which changed my life for good.

Level One and Level Two studies has helped me a great deal in reshaping my life in order of preference and I am very glad I subjected myself to learning. However, during my stay in the Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education in University of Lagos and my admission into IIGL, I became very tough minded in achieving my dreams in Life. At a point, I was faced with challenges that ordinarily would have warranted my dropping out of the degree programmed but I thank God I was able to overcome the storm, thanks to Level One and Two studies.

What Our Students Are Reading

The Art of Being Unreasonable By: Eli Broad $15.77

“The Art of Being Unreasonable” has helped the author build two Fortune 500 companies, amass personal billions, and use his wealth to create a new approach to philanthropy. He has helped to fund scientific research institutes, K-12 education reform, and some of the world’s greatest contemporary art museums. By contrast, “reasonable” people come up with all the reasons something new and different can’t be done, because, after all, no one else has done it that way. This book shares the “unreasonable” principles from negotiating to risk-taking, from investing to hiring that have made Eli Broad such a success.

Broad helped to create the Frank Gehry designed the Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Broad Contemporary Art Museum at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and The Broad, a new museum being built in downtown Los Angeles. His investing approach to philanthropy has led to the creation of scientific and medical research centers in the fields of genomic medicine and stem cell research. At his alma mater, Michigan State University, he endowed a full-time M.B.A. program, and he and his wife have funded a new contemporary art museum on campus to serve the broader region Eli Broad is the founder of two Fortune 500 companies: KB Home and Sun America.

Students In Action

Level One Student Leads Effort in Nigeria

Level One Student Daniel Ifegwu Iroegbu, from Nigeria is putting the well-being of women first: working to end the stigma surrounding menstruation in Nigeria. He stated, “I am a passionate advocate, engaging in the transfer of knowledge, creating partnerships, and raising awareness amongst key stakeholder groups often under challenging circumstances as part of my mission to improve the lives of women and girls in the most hard-to-reach places of rural Nigeria. I do this through the organizations Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Sanitation and Water for All and Community Let Total Sanitation (CLTS). Together with my organization, the Daniel Iroegbu Global Health Foundation, l actively promote hand-washing in schools, and conduct menstrual hygiene management (MHM) training. My passion grew after visiting a rural community as a child, witnessing first-hand the vulnerability of women and children due to poor sanitation, inadequate access to water and health facilities, and open defecation. I work tirelessly with schools, government, civil society, the private sector and local community leaders, including religious authorities, to provide much-needed menstrual hygiene management (MHM) education. By bringing together the right people, facilitating open discussions and increasing understanding of MHM amongst women and men of all age groups. I am shattering taboos about menstruation and breaking the silence. It’s not just about providing sanitary napkins, it’s also about the perceptions and attitudes of the kids in class and the men in the village that affects girls’ behavior and even interferes with their learning.”

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation

WE Organization

WE Charity carries the power of WE globally, empowering communities to lift themselves out of poverty through our holistic, sustainable international development model, Free The Children’s WE Villages. WE Charity is an international charity and educational partner. The organization is unique among Canadian charities in that it operates collaborative programs both domestically and internationally.

In Canada, the US, and the UK, WE Day and WE Schools are initiatives of WE Charity that educate and empower young people. WE Schools is a yearlong educational program that nurtures compassion in students and gives them the tools to create transformative social change. And WE Day is a series of stadium-sized events that celebrate youth making a difference in their local and global communities. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, they partner with communities to implement WE Villages, a holistic, five-pillar international development model designed to achieve sustainable change. Together with local leaders and families, they transform lives with solutions that are adaptive, effective and sustained long term by the community itself.


Announcing the 2017-2018 Officers and Board Members

Thank you to those Officers and Board Members that have completed their leadership positions for 2016-2017. It was another successful year in building a strong team of more student/graduate leadership. A special thank you to Harriet Opondo (Uganda) for completing her third and final term as a Board Member. Also, gratitude to Judith Royer (USA/SC) and Busani Sibindi (Zimbabwe) as outgoing board members. Here are the 2017-2018 Board of Directors:


Felix Iziomoh (Nigeria) President

Ethelbert Umeh (Nigeria) Vice President

Ziyad Abdule (Ethiopia) Corresponding Secretary

Ujunwa Osayi Lynda (Nigeria) Recording Secretary

Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ) Treasurer

Board Members
Vivian Muciri (Kenya)
Ayoade Anthony (Nigeria)
Aishatu Ibrahim (Nigeria)
Emmanuel Iziomoh (Nigeria)
Afere Lawrence (Nigeria)
Aloys Hakizimana (Rwanda)

Charles Kabera (Rwanda)

Juliette A. Engole (Uganda)

Kathleen Oweegon (USA)


Congratulations Michael!
At the recent International Institute for Global Leadership conference held in Lagos, Nigeria on May 12th and 13th, 2017 organized by The International Centre for Leadership Development Nigeria in collaboration with International Institute for Global Leadership, IIGL (U.S.A), presented an award to the Founder of the prestigious Institute that has produced global renaissance leaders in the person of Michael Lightweaver who was recognized for his immense contribution, mentorship and encouragement to youth globally.

Meet Our New Students

We had 2 new students this month.

Okoye Chinedu Callistus (Nigeria)

I am from Anambra State, in the south-east part of Nigeria, known as the business region, I was born on the 14th August to Mr. and (Mrs.) Okoye Anadumaka Godfrey, graduate of Computer Science, of the Federal University Of Technology Owerri in Imo state. I aspire to be a great Leader in the nearest future, an opportunity I will take to touch lives in a wide Society, I love traveling a lot, having visited almost 8 states of the 36 states in Nigeria, like Benue, FCT, Enugu, Lagos, Imo,Rivers, Abia and Anambra state. Benue have a very remarkable impact on me because it was where I spent virtually my youthful age (i.e my primary and secondary school life) before I left Benue state in Imo state in 2010 for my higher education. I love leadership programs but I have not held any position in various student bodies while in school, I was fully engaged in sporting actives during my schooling days, and was among the team selected to represent my department (Computer Science) in which we came third position in the competition and I was the captain during this competition. I love GOD and try to be simple and honest in all I do. I welcome any opportunity to serve my fellow man which has endeared me to my friends, I love soccer, athletics, volley ball, swimming etc. when am not doing any of the said hobbies, I am either reading a novel (Fictions, Adventures) or watching movies, any movie or novel that builds my creative imagination gets my nod.

I have five (5) outlined reasons why I want to participate in this study program;1) Location: If you are already working, or there are other reasons why you might not be able to be present on campus to obtain a degree from a traditional university, then online education provides you with the possibility to follow courses from the comfort of your home.\r\n\r\n2) Flexibility: Online degree programs give you the possibility to combine independent learning with your work or family. The online courses are specially designed for self-study and are often personalized to fit the needs of individual students.3) Variety: With the growing need for online education, there has been an increase in available online and distance study programs, giving you a great choice of different programs to choose from.4) Easy access: Online universities sometimes have less or even no formal requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to access courses.5) Support: Studying online does not mean you are left alone in your self-study environment. Most online programs are designed in such a way that you receive great support from university tutors and individual feedback to keep you focused on your studies.

Anita Kiddu Muhanguzi (Uganda).

I have been involved in development work for the last seven years and have had firsthand experience in training and raising awareness to both youth and adults in the area of human rights. I have been more involved in proving legal aid to vulnerable and marginalized people and ensuring that they are re presented in the courts of law and ensuring that their cases are concluded. Many of the people that I have provided legal assistance have been workers from the informal sector like teachers, domestic workers, farmers, members of the different trade unions, security guards, as well as retired district officials claiming their pensions from government. I am currently working with a local ngo that is promoting and protecting the rights of the Batwa community in south western Uganda. This is an ethnic minority group that was relocated by Government from the Bwindi impenetrable forest into the nearby community. They have not been fully integrated into the community and such face various forms of discrimination. I love working with disadvantaged communities because i learn so much from them and get a sense of satisfaction knowing that I was able to contribute to the change in their lives or provide a solution to the problem that they are facing.

As the head of the Legal team in my former employment I was in charge of running the legal aid project that ensured that the informal sector workers were represented in the courts of law. I was also in charge of a project on civil and political participation where we were educating people in the different localities about their civil and political rights and how they can participate in the political positions in their areas. I was also in charge of a project on sexual violence where we educated members of the community on the laws on sexual violence and when ad how to ensure that case is reported to the rightful authorities.

My goal in life is to sit on one of the United Nations committees that protect the rights of women and children so that I am able to give voice to the helpless women and children in this world whose voice is not heard. I love reading books when I get the chance to. So far I have read Zobra the Greek this was a literature book that I studied in my A- level and it was really captivating. I have also read Belle mafia as well the Davinci Code, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. I love travelling and somehow I have been blessed to travel to Geneva where I attended the 3rd UN Forum on Minority rights. I have traveled to Mombasa, Daresalam, Zambia and Johannesburg where i attended workshops but also took time to see these places.

To view complete profiles, Click Here

Visionary Leadership

Student Progress

We had 13 students from 5 countries complete a total of 21 books in May. These students were from Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Uganda.

Yieh Odette Gwain (Cameroon)

* How to Make Collaboration Work

Moses Baffour Awuah (Ghana)

* The Law of Attraction

James Trotman (Liberia)

* Empires of the Mind

Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

* Unlimited Power

Okoye Chinedu Callistus (Nigeria)

* As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Fasoranti Damilola (Nigeria)

* How to Win Friends and Influence People

Aishatu Ibrahim (Nigeria)

* Business Ventures

* Mindset

* Steve Jobs

* The Art of Being Unreasonable

* The Black Swan

* Where Ideas Come From

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha (Nigeria)

* Keys to Success

Ola Makinde (Nigeria)

* Hirohito amd the Making of Modern Japan

Ndefe Chikanso Patricia (Nigeria)

* PsychoCybernetics

Adesola Yaqub (Nigeria)

* PsychoCybernetics

Juliette A. Engole (Uganda)

* Deep Change

* The Power of Awareness

Anita Kiddu Muhanguzi (Uganda)

* As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull


Aishatu Ibrahim (Nigeria) completed Level Four


New Enrollments
10 enrolled in May
21 enrolled in 2017

Book Assessments
21 in May
63 in 2017

Books Shipped
7 in May
55 in 2017

Cost of Books
$172.85 in April
$1,040.67 in 2017

You Make It Possible

We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)

Naomi Stauber (USA/AZ)

Corine Wilson (USA/FL)

John Hornecker (USA/NC)

Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)

Janis Thayer (USA/NC)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)

Patrice Zorn (USA/WI)

Make A Difference

Dream Team 22

Please join Dream Team 22 as our goal is to have 220 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2016.

Will you join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL? You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money. To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below. To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Deb for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to IIGL, 11537 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI 53092 USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Paypal, go to and make donation to

To Contribute By Credit Card, Click Here


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