Newsletter – Issue #167* November 2015

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #167* November 2015
Asheville, NC. USA



Guest Editorial

Building My Enterprise through Effective Leadership: Reflections on the 2015 Annual Conference of ICLD in Lagos, Nigeria By Ethelbert Umeh (Nigeria)

Level Five IIGL Student Ethelbert Umeh (Nigeria) shares his reflections. “Leaders are born, leaders are also made. ICLD is a step in the right direction. The just concluded conference on October 3, 2015 was an experience that participants will never forget in a hurry. The event took place at Hotel Ibis Royale by Ajao Estate Lagos. The theme of the conference was “Building My Enterprise through Effective Leadership.” Ideas, they say rules the world. It was a celebration of ideas and entrepreneurial excellence as youths and aspiring entrepreneurs, Business executives, civic leaders, top government functionaries, security personnel gathered at the 2015 International Centre for leadership development annual conference held in Lagos over the weekend.

Umeh said, “I have attended so many conferences in my life, but this conference was particularly unique; it was unique because of the quality of ideas discussed, it was unique because of the type of personality and team that are spearheading ICLD. I am so proud of her executive Director / Founder; Felix Iziomoh, an author of two great books, a revolutionary thinker, social entrepreneur/ solution economist, public speaker, and leadership consultant.”

His leadership skills were honed at International Institute For Global Leadership, USA. He is the first graduate of the institution, and of course the current President. International Centre for leadership development Nigeria is a Non-Governmental organization aimed at equipping and grooming young individuals towards the pathway of maximizing or better still unlocking their potentials. Its mission is to provide them with leadership training, entrepreneurial skills, new media technology, allowing them to realize their full potential and become effective citizens in their communities.

The event kicked off by 10:15am with a welcome speech by its director; Felix Iziomoh, followed by a keynote speech / opening Remarks delivered by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Youth and Social Development, Mr Hakeem Muri-Okunola, ably represented by Mr. Saka from the same ministry.

The first session was a power-packed lecture delivered by Dr. Mfon Archibong. Dr Mfon is the President / CEO of Grace Restoration International (GRI). A global human development organization. He is the Head of Africa, world Leadership Day (WLD), working to strengthen youth leadership around the globe. It was a pleasure listening to his pragmatic ideas, and philosophically-seductive entrepreneurial ideas.

He kicked it off with the first lecture on Leadership & Innovation.” He started by quoting Albert Einstein “we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” There were four other sessions during the day.

Finally, the fifth lecture entitled “The Laws of Leadership & Accountability.” In his view, he maintained that accountable people creates, seek and receives feedbacks.

If you are part of the solution, you are part of the problem, if you are not part of the problem; you are not part of the solution. Great leaders are men of vision and mission. He challenged every participant to be people who make things happen. At the end of the lecture, I felt reinvigorated, relived, and inspired. It was really a great day. I will also not forget another interesting part. Immediately he ended his last lecture, he started to ask questions about the issues he discussed. To my greatest amazement, I attempted all his questions, and he rewarded me with an exciting book “Strengths Finder” by Tom Rath, New York Times Bestselling author of “Wellbeing.” Another participant also made great attempts at his questions, and was rewarded with one of his classical works.

This conference was worth more than a $10,000,000 gift to me; my effort here is just to share few things I learnt from the conference with my amazing readers.Other highlights of the events featured award presentations to the two speakers; Dr Mfon and Dr Ivorgba, plus other award presentations to IIGL Graduate and Vice President Afere Lawrence of the Springboard farms, Akure, Chris Ibe and a host of others.

What Our Students Are Saying

Dakou Kofi Agbesi (Togo)

How Have You Changed?

This is the time for me to express my special thanks to the founder Michael Lightweaver for having the great idea to set up the prestigious International Institute for Global Leadership (IIGL). I do not forget all the contributors for their support in making this program a success. Without you all there will be no IIGL. I owe you all a great big all-encompassing thank for all that I have been able to become after completing the level one and two. It was a good adventure that I began with IIGL in 2011. I remember, I was telling my former classmate Kossi S. DAVUI (National Coordinator-Togo) that I was seeking something new to learn and he let me discover IIGL. At the beginning I was hesitating. But today I regret a little bit for not having discovered IIGL much earlier. IIGL transformed my mindset about what life and living is all about. IIGL made me become a positive person, even in the face of difficult times and helped me to look at the positive side. This began with the first two introductory books I read. Jonathan Livingston and As a Man Thinketh really opened my eyes to new ideas. “As A Man Thinketh” brought out the positive person in me and made me understand I was my own limitation. In the book “Jonathan Livingston,” most of the gulls believed that the purpose for flying is to put food in their stomach. Before taking my studies with IIGL, I used to think this way, too! I used to have the mentality that the purpose of life was to acquire formal education, get a job, make money, marry, make babies, live a life of acquiring and die some day! But at the time a Seagull has just broke his fear to fly higher and lived a meaningful life, IIGL taught me how to break my fear too. I am happy I now live a purpose-driven life and do not hesitate to teach my younger brothers and other youths to live with a purpose in life. The 14 books of Levels One and Two studies really empowered me. They provided me with ideas, tools and techniques for personal and professional success. I became a transformed person: before talking the IIGL course, I usually find it difficult to get along with people because I used to be a temperamental person. It was when I started reading books like: “The Law of Attraction”, “Nonviolent Communication,” “How to Win Friends and Influence People” that my life took a drastic turn. These concepts are powerful, useful and certainly fruitful…That is why I believe that IIGL is certainly one of the best things that has happened to me. I’m going through transformation and serving my community. IIGL is an opportunity to practice and improve English language. In any case, I’m really proud of my English level today. Also IIGL made me keep in touch with a big and great circle of leaders worldwide with who I discuss. I exchanged some times ago with Felix Iziomoh, IIGL President and the Director of International Centre for Leadership Development (ICLD), Nigeria. His young brother, Emmanuel Iziomoh (Board member of IIGL) visited me in Lome (Togo).

What Our Students Are Reading
God at the Speed of Light: the Melding of Science and Spirituality byT. Lee Baumann $11.96

Respected television producer Barbara Hall cited God at the Speed of Light as one of the inspirations for her creation of the CBS TV series “Joan of Arcadia” (2003-05). The unique and supernatural characteristics of light that influenced Hall have equally served to inspire the likes of Copernicus, Ole Romer, Michelson/Morley, Sir Edwin Hubble, and Albert Einstein. Einstein, for instance, frequently envisioned what it would be like to ride on the back of a photon as it sped across the Universe at the speed of light–a speed at which Einstein calculated that time ceased to exist. Since Einstein first entertained his special theory, science has repeatedly verified the cessation of time at this singular velocity. The term “light speed” has paradoxically become the ultimate oxymoron: a velocity of 186,000 miles per second in a setting where time doesn’t exist. The ramifications are profound and are the topic of this book–ramifications so profound, in fact, to convince this author, your ultimate skeptic, that an Eternal, Intelligent Power must exist. Once Lee Baumann came to fully accept these scientifically-proven, yet supernatural qualities of light, his further research only solidified the truly metaphysical nature of this ubiquitous form of universal energy. Suddenly, descriptions of “the light” in the near-death experience and the Earth’s sacred texts (e.g., “I am the light of the world”) required no further explanation. God shares an intimate relationship with light. Baumann’s God at the Speed of Light will complement and strengthen the spiritual foundation of any religious view.

Students In Action

Level Five Student Credits IIGL Book that Helped Win Election!

Level Five Student and IIGL Board Member Dennis Penu (Ghana), started his Master’s Degree this summer at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. Recently, he read and assessed the book; “Strengths Based Leadership” and shared: “I was running for an election during the same time I was reading this book. Fortunately I was elected as Chairperson of the Student Committee of the Institute of Development Policy and Management of the University of Antwerp; involving students from different backgrounds with different aspirations. I intend to start applying the lessons learned in this book to this new role and see how best to make its recommendations practical. I also took the strength finder test and realised that my key strength was as an “Arranger.” I intend to find out what it really means to be an arranger and how much I can achieve with that.” Congratulations Dennis!

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation
Better World Books

This would be no ordinary business. The founders examined all the standard business practices anew, and they considered the impact of their business on everyone involved. Not only would they harness the power of commerce in a socially and environmentally beneficial way, but they would also create an organization with a conscientious, forward thinking culture where innovation, creativity and humanitarianism would thrive.

They imagined sharing equity among employees, offering good perks and benefits. They envisioned an open, fearless and fair place to work, where the culture was marked by diversity, equal opportunities, and a shared love of books—a place where employees and customers alike would be part of a groundbreaking community changing the world, book by book. Xavier, Jeff and Kreece knew that if they could create this place where everyone strived to be true to the three stakeholders of planet, people and profit that they would really be onto something special. Well, they did. And they called it Better World Books. To date, they have raised millions of dollars for literacy, saved millions of books from landfills, created jobs for hundreds of people, and provided wonderful books to millions of readers worldwide.


IIGL Named to the 2015 List of Great NonProfits!

IIGL recently received notice that we have been approved on the Great NonProfit list again in 2015 thanks to student and contributor testimonials! Thank you for your help! Here’s the message from them:

“Congratulations! INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR GLOBAL LEADERSHIP INC has earned a spot on the 2015 Top Rated List! Your community has shared their inspiring stories about your work. We congratulate you on all of your accomplishments. You’ll be featured on our site, our 2015 Top-Rated List, and distributed to media and corporate foundations. The official 2015 Top-Rated List will be announced after October 31.”

To review what has been written or add a testimonial, visit here:”>

IIGL Welcomes Intern

IIGL is happy to announce that Level Six student and Board Member Ziyad Rube Abdule (Ethiopia), has volunteered to intern. Ziyad is working on his PhD in Turkey, but is currently on a sabbatical in the USA. His goal is to increase IIGL’s exposure on Facebook and Twitter by the end of the year. He will also be working on some fundraising drives featured on Social Media in the near future.

Meet Our New Students

We are happy to welcome 2 new students this month from Kenya and Nigeria

Adedoyin Somorin (Kenya)

I am an individual that is very effective and disciplined in what I do. I have over the years become a more passionate and an enthusiastic young woman. I have multiple years of experience in business development, I have cognate experience in the use of technological tools and products to solve real-life organizational and management issues. Strong capacity in database management and its application to complex economic and management problems. Over the years, I have become passionate for international development with growing interests in management studies and economies of developing nations.

On my educational training, I have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Master Degree in International Management. The courses I did during this program have equipped me with the right mix of techniques and knowledge required to bridge the gap between management and technology. I also believe that the training, skills and emphasis acquired in my previous and current job responsibilities would be relevant for me in this leadership program me.

I am able to easily adapt in any form of environment as well as in a multicultural environment. I have a clear and logical mind with a practical approach to solving problem and the zeal to see things to completion. I give attention to details and love to overcome challenges. I do have great interest in Global Leadership, as businesses, people and the world at large is becoming global and in order to excel in the world of today, one cannot afford to remain local and need for personal development is greatly increasing so as to fit into the changing world.

I am competent in using MS Windows (Word, Excel, Power-point, and Outlook) and many statistical tools. Native fluency in English; Basic knowledge and growing interest in French. I have a great Internet skills and literature research ability with excellent report writing skills. I have an excellent interpersonal, organizational and communication skills. I am an effective team player with capacity to manage heavy workflow and maintain quality under pressure. I have a deep appreciation of cultural diversity and sensitivity to multi-racial diversity. I am Original in generating ideas with strong problem-solving and analytical skills. Finally, My Hobbies include: reading, meeting people and enjoying outdoor life.

Rasak Adekoya (Nigeria)

I am a young progressive Nigerian but physically blind (visually impaired). I am a Public Speaker, Brand Strategist, Assistive Technology Expert and an Inclusive Leadership Coach. I am driven by the desire to help young people find their purpose, raise thoughtful leaders and help to build a strong brand for individuals, corporations and organizations. I am passionate to seeing individuals rise above the doldrums of poverty to peaks of personal development and by extension to other facets of their lives. I am a Strategic Thinker who has spent his time on providing dynamic solutions to new and emerging markets for entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, my participation in policy formulation has earned me opportunity to get involved in several nations building project.

Professionally, I am a skilled communicator as a broadcaster and a shrewd business strategist with vast experience in Business Development and Human Resource. Besides this, my academic pursuit is endless. Till now, I am currently undergoing training with three different reputable professional institutions. Presently, I sit on the leadership board and serves as consultant to few organization. Deeply committed to the enlistment and transformation of people, volunteer for both local & international non-profit organizations included but not limited to Nigeria Society for the Blind, Nigeria Farmcraft School for the blind, Initiative for Disability Empowerment and Support (I.D.E.A.S.), Al Mubaraq Foundation International, manifest Dream Project just to mention few.

Popularly called Asiwaju, a paradoxical title compared to my young age, Rasak’s aspiration for significance has led him to champion several young minds and adults to be productive and effective in their activities. widely read and author of over fifteen e-books, I recently released my first publish book (Paperback) title, brand your blindness with over five thousand copies sold between the first one month of publication.

Within the past three years that I lose my sight, I have been able to change perception about the blind to the public. I am not only an advocate for disability issues; rather, I have reasonably convinced many through my proven ability and the result I got from them. Blindness has never stopped me from solving problems and inhibiting challenges that will stand as obstacle for people in the future. I have only channel my energy in alignment to what I am capable of doing that will spot me among the exceptionalities. I know success has a voice. And I speak the voice; add value and value will be added back to you. Solve others problem and your problem will be solved.

To view their complete profiles,Click Here.

Visionary Leadership

We had 16 students from 10 countries complete a total of 23 books in October. These students were from Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Student Progress

Yieh Odette Gwain (Cameroon)

* Reviving Ophelia

Ziyad Rube Abdule (Ethiopia)

* A History of Modern Ethiopia

* My Life, My Vision for the Oromo and the People of Ethiopia

Moses Baffour Awuah (Ghana)

* The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Dennis Korbla Amego Penu (Ghana)

* Strengths Based Leadership

Vivian Muciri (Kenya)

* Demystifying Grant Seeking

Adedoyin Somorin (Kenya)

* As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)

* Success through a Positive Mental Attitude

Rasak Adekoya (Nigeria)

* As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Anene Chikwado (Nigeria)

* Unlimited Power

Ogbaka Iji Friday (Nigeria)

* Giant Steps

Paul Young Nwakuma (Nigeria)

* The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr.

Ethelbert Umeh (Nigeria)

* Built to Last

* The Leadership Pill

* The Starfish and the Spider

Hakizimana Tuyishime Roger (Rwanda)

* The New Dynamics of Winning

Jean Jacques Etouke Mbebi (South Africa)

* Keys to Success

Juliette Engole (Uganda)

* Giant Steps

* Real Magic

Thomas Shereni (Zimbabwe)

* How to Win Friends

* Real Magic


Vivian Muciri (Kenya) completed Level Four

Ogbaka Iji Friday (Nigeria) completed Level One

Juliette Engole (Uganda) completed Level One


New Enrollments
5 enrolled in October
52 enrolled in 2015

Book Assessments
23 in October
207 in 2015

Books Shipped
18 in October

133 in 2015

Cost of Books
$398.33 in October
$2,810.25 in 2015

You Make It Possible

We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)

Lily Ann (USA/GA)

John Hornecker (USA/NC)

Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)

Janis Thayer (USA/NC)

David Banner (USA/WI)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)

Make A Difference

Dream Team 22

Please join Dream Team 22 as our goal is to have 220 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2015.

Will you join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL? You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money. To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below. To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Deb for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to IIGL, 11537 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI 53092 USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Credit Card, Click Here

Newsletter Archive: Click Here to view archived issues of the Global Leadership News