International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #121 * January 2012
Asheville, NC. USA
Guest Editorial
One Person Can Make A Difference!
Adedoyin Adedeji (Nigeria)
Mohamed Bouazizi was just another street vendor on the streets of Tunisia yet he stepped out to demand a national change. His actions left a profound legacy and sent a strong message to the Arab World that “There has to be a change”. The actions of one Tunisian street vendor led to the outburst of the Arab Revolution (or Arab Spring) which took the world by surprise and has led to major changes in 18 countries in Northern Africa and the Middle-East. All these happened simply because ONE man dared to demand a change. Mohamed Bouazizi belonged to one of the lowest spectrum of people in the Tunisian society, he never had an arsenal of political influence or advocacy groups backing him yet he stepped out to demand a change from the Government which led to a regional revolution.
Great changes can start with one person who believes in the possibility of change and is willing to take a stand for change. The story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull is another classic example. Jonathan Livingston Seagull was just like any other seagull, but the spark within him for a change in the ideology of the seagulls made him go the extra mile to prove the possibility of seagull flying. He was isolated and tagged an outcast, yet the passion within him brought the change he desired to see.
Everyone is not needed to cause a great change; all that is needed is ONE ordinary person that is willing to go the extra mile to do extra ordinary things to demand the change we deserve. Martin Luther King Jr. was just another American preacher, yet this ONE preacher demanded the change we see today. Abraham Lincoln was just another president yet this ONE president proved the possibility of ending slavery. MKO Abiola was just another business man in Nigeria, yet this ONE businessman laid the foundation of the democracy in Nigeria. Orville Wright was just another technician, yet this ONE technician when the extra mile to prove to the world that giant metals can float in the air. Mahatma Gandhi was just another activist is India, yet this ONE Indian activist changed the concept of public protest forever. Nelson Mandela was just activist but ONE who spent a life time behind bars to demand an end to apartheid in the country.
One of the women rights activist in Saudi Arabia who led the women2Drive Initiative some months back in the country was interviewed after her release from a four day Police Custody told reporters: “They have made me to sign an undertaking that I should stop this, so I have no choice now but I can assure you that the flood of change starts with a single drop”. A bucket fill of water cannot start a flood, what we need to start a mighty flood that will change everything is a heavy down pour of rain that starts with a single drop. You don’t need a war chest of political influence or contacts, what you need is that ONE heart that is committed to change.
Making the world a better place starts with making ourselves a better person, building a passion within us for change. Here are the golden words of one of the greatest Indian that ever lived Mahatma Gandhi – “You must be the change you want to see in the world”.
I Have A Dream Contest Winners
We completed the “I have A Dream” essay contest in December. We had a total of 22 entries and have awarded seven prizes as follows:
First prize ($700)
Muthoni Mucheu (Kenya)
Second Prize ($500)
Afere Lawrence (Nigeria)
Third Prize ($200 ea)
Noeline Mulongo (Uganda)
Edwin Akpan (Nigeria)
Roger Yomba (Côte d’Ivoire)
Fourth Prize ($100 ea)
Dennis Penu (Ghana)
Bikundo Onyari (Kenya)
We are grateful to the following IIGL contributors who have authored books and who volunteered to serve as judges;
Gabrielle Katzeff
Author of “A Purple Bull”
David K. Banner
Author of “Frame Shifting: A Path To Wholeness”
Rosie Deer Heart
* Awaken Your All Knowing Heart:
* Healing Grief: A Mother’s Story
* Soul Empowerment: A Guidebook For Healing Yourself and Others
* Harvesting Your Journals
And we offer our special gratitude IIGL contributor and author, Virginia Essene whose generous gift made the contest possible. You can visit her website at to see the many books she has published including “New Teachings For An Awakening Humanity.”
IIGL National News
We now have IIGL national coordinators in 12 countries: Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda & Zimbabwe.
Our national coordinators in the following countries have set up a face book page that you may find of interest: Ethiopia, Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, Nigeria, & Rwanda
What Our Students Are Saying
Afere Lawrence
I really appreciate you for this opportunity. Looking back to years before 2005 (I joined IIGL in 2005) i could not construct a sensible sentence in English. I was without dreams nor vision. Life only meant ‘struggle’ for me. IIGL came as an influential teacher that showed life to me in a meaningful and positive manner. It was an entire new experience for me. IIGL put me on a new path of excellence and success. It completely changed my orientation and perspective about life. Today, i have achieved so much success (Glory to God. I have become a source of inspiration and motivation for many young Nigerians. This is a story for another day Michael.
Students In Action
Ethiopia – Bereket Alemayehu
Ambassador of Peace Tour Art Exhibition
Bereket Alemayeh, IIGL national coordinator for Ethiopia, recently initiated an “Ambassador of Peace Art Exhibition Tour.” The first exhibition was hosted by the southern Ethiopian town of Sodo Buee on Christmas day. The exhibition, inspired by Peace Pals International, is designed to encourage youth, ages 5-16 to become peacemakers dedicated to living in the spirit of the words, May Peace Prevail on Earth. The exibition features 67 beautiful and poignant pieces art work from children ages 5-16 based on the Universal Message of Peace; “May Peace Prevail on Earth” through their love of art and peace. In addition to the exhibition our visitor team handed over several books and posters presented by GOETHE-INSTITUT of Addis Ababa & Interfaith Peace-Building initiative (IPI) to the school library. Peace Pals fosters understanding and respect for the diversity & oneness of the human family and the natural world through its various and creative activities. By nurturing inner peace and global awareness in the leaders of tomorrow, Peace Pals will help create a future in which peace and harmony become a way of life.
Nepal – Kishor Bajracharya
Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Training
IIGL graduate, Kishor Bajracharya, recently developed an entreprenuership training program for women participants in the rural artisan co-op which he co-founded in 1993. The purpose of the training was to further empower rural women with entrepreneurial skills to enhance economic independence. The four day training program involved five trainers and included 27 participants. It covered subjects such as how to obtain and properly manage a micro-loan, basic accounting, risk management, marketing & developing a business plan as a road-map for building a business.
Nigeria – Victor Ikeh
YoungStars Conference
IIGL student, Victor Ikey, recently represented IIGL at a national conference of young leaders held in Abjua, Nigeria and sponsored by the YoungStars Foundation ( Like IIGL, YoungStars is dedicated to promoting leadership among youth and supporting and connecting youth organizations dedicated to social change. The two day seminar included sessions on community development, goal setting, performance, creative problem solving and innovative thinking. The conference involved over 50 participants representing many youth organizations throughout Nigeria.
Rwanda – Charles Kabera
UNITARE-Cours3 & Forum
IIGL National director for Rwanda, Charles Kabera, has been participating in an e-learning course entitled “Negotiation of Financial Transactions” sponsored by the UN Institute For Training & Research (UNITAR). He recently initiated a lively discussion on the UNITAR forum by offering a quote from one of his IIGL Level Four books: “ The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery and Destructive Economics”, by Michael Rowbotham. The non-acamedic IIGL curriculum offers ideas that often challenge conventional thinking or, at the least, cause students to think. In this case Charles has used his IIGL studies to initiate a larger discussion of global economics.
What Our Students Are Reading
Deep Change: Discovering The Leader Within
Robert Quinn ($17.82)
Open this book at your own risk. It contains ideas that may lead to a profound self-awakening. An introspective journey for those in the trenches of today’s modern organizations, Deep Change is a survival manual for finding our own internal leadership power. By helping us learn new ways of thinking and behaving, it shows how we can transform ourselves from victims to powerful agents of change. And for anyone who yearns to be an internally driven leader, to motivate the people around them, and return to a satisfying work life, Deep Change holds the key.
Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation
Vision 2012
We can see a New Age for the earth and humanity. We can see how all people on this planet perceive themselves as equal and of the same value independent of their race, culture or religious background. We can see a New Age in which we all live together in friendship and harmony with our planet earth, our mother Gaia, who is home to us humans and all other creatures existing on the planet.
Meet Our New Students
We are please to welcome two new active students this month. They are from Malawi &
Thomas Basikolo (Malawi)
I am the third born in a Family of seven, 4 boys and 3 girls. I did my primary at Namphungo, Muonekera and Kapeni Primary schools. My secondary School was at Soche Hill Secondary School in Blantyre Malawi. I got selected to pursue Bachelor of Education Science degree at Chancellor College in Zomba Malawi. Currently, I am in my final year of studies. I like working with the fellow youths and this is why I am a member of different youths orgasation at Chancellor College. For example I am a member of Green Campus Initiative, an organisation that deals with issues about climate change. I am also a member of IMCS-Malawi and hold a position of National Publicity Secretary. I am a member of University of Malawi Catholic Students Organisation (UMCASA) and the National Vice President. I am also
a member of The Chancellor College catholic commission for justice and peace. I have attended several workshops about Climate Change adaptation, Good governance and Leadership, Gender Empowerment to mention a Few. I am an adventurous young man who likes going to places of interest, hiking, chatting with friends, watching movies and listing to music, and designing.
Bokolo, Baranaye Diana (Nigeria)
My name is Bokolo, Baranaye Diana, I hail from Nembe Local Government Area of Bayelsa State in Nigeria. I am 26 years of age, I am recently married, I am focused, target driven and goal oriented. I hold a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Sociology from the University of Port Harcourt and a Master of Science in Sociology of Development from the same institution. I have held several leadership positions from being a class prefect to being the deputy senior prefect of my secondary school and later the director of socials of my faculty (Faculty of Social Sciences) in my University, and the Executive Secretary of my Community Development Group during my National Youth Service. My hobbies are travelling, cooking, reading and swimming.
The following student(s) completed one level of study this month
Collins Odhiambo (Kenya)
Level Five
Mamer Garang Nyok (Sudan/Kenya)
Level One
Edwin Akpan Joel (Nigeria)
Level Four
Student Progress
We had 29 students from 15 countries complete a total of 47 books in December. These students were from Cameroon, Ethiopia Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leon, Sudan, Togo, Uganda, USA, Zimbabwe.
Yieh Odette Gwain (Cameroon)
The Long Walk To Freedom
Afanda Galega (Cameroon)
The New Dynamics of Winning
Solomon Teshome (Ethiopia)
The Law of Attraction
Dennis Penu (Ghana)
How To Win Friends & Influence People
Patrick Adjei Nketia (Ghana)
Psycho Cybernetics
Keys To Success
Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Collins Odhiambo (Kenya)
Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership
Encouraging The Heart
Corpirate Rise
Erick Omari (Kenya)
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King
Joyce Maina (Kenya)
Success through Positive Mental Attitude
Mamer Garang Nyok (Kenya)
The New Dynamics of Winning
Thomas Basikolo (Malawi)
As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Modibo Dembele (Malawi)
The New Dynamics of Winning
Issa Coulibaly (Mali)
Edwin Akpan (Nigeria)
Difficult Conversations
Idiots Guide to Personal Finance
Maxwell’s 3 in 1
Perfect Health
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Secrets of a Millionaire Mind
Ayoade Anthony (Nigeria)
Bokolo, Baranaye Diana (Nigeria)
As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Happiness Onwuabiauka(Nigeria)
Psycho Cybernetics
The New Dynamics of Winning
Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Ikeh Victor (Nigeria)
Psycho Cybernetics
Keys To Success
Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Joseph Okoye (Nigeria)
Psycho Cybernetics
Keys To Success
Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Longe Opeyemi (Nigeria)
Giant Steps
Munib ur Rehman (Pakistan)
The New Dynamics of Winning
Kabera Charles (Rwanda)
Great Insights on Human Creativity
Quintin Small (Sierra Leon)
The New Dynamics of Winning
Francis Okeny Silvio (Sudan)
Development As Freedom
Fafali Dogbo (Togo)
Keys to Success
Agatha Kafooko (Uganda)
Psycho Cybernetics
David Kintu (Uganda)
Keys to Success
Lindzee Lindholm (USA)
You Just Don’t Understand
Ongai Mrew (Zimbabwe)
Keys to Success
Edwin Shumba (Zimbabwe)
Real Magic
New Enrollments
6 enrolled in December
108 enrolled in 2011
Book Assessments
47 in December
391 in 2011
Books Shipped
33 in December
515 in 2011
Cost of books
$673.71 in December
$10,513.95 in 2011
You Make It Possible
We extend a special thanks to the following 19 individuals and/or organizations from five countries who contributed to IIGL during December. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.
Deb Silver (Israel)
Edmee DiPauli (UK)
Felix Iziomoh (Nigeria)
Pierre Wittman (Thailand)
Deb Rosen (USA/WI)
Margie Tice (USA/NC)
Ron Walker (USA/VA)
Janis Thayer (USA.NC)
Peggy Moore (USA/NC)
Lou Stewart (USA/NC)
David Banner (USA/WI)
Heidi Stewart (USA/NC)
Lynn Murguia (USA/AZ)
Judith Royer (USA/ND)
Corine Wilson (USA.FL)
Barbara Mader (USA/NM)
John Hornecker (USA/CA)
Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)
Janae & Barry Weinhold (USA/NC)
Make A Difference
You can make a major difference in the world with modest monthly contribution to IIGL. What kind of difference? Check it out here: You may set up an automatic monthly credit card contribution here: or send a check on a US bank payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership to PO Box 18909, Asheville, NC. 28814, USA. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.
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