Newsletter – Issue #116 * August, 2011

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #116 * August, 2011
Asheville, NC. USA


Guest Editorial

Turning Dreams Into Reality

By Iziomoh Felix (Nigeria)

In life, we compete continuously and from a viewpoint there are winners and there are losers. In school, we compete on who get the best results or grades, we also compete on who wins a scholarship, we compete for who will be whose friend, who dates their dream girl or boy and we compete on who gets that dream job. When things seem discouraging in life, people ask themselves, what did they do wrong? Or why did this happen to them?

It is very important for us to understand that in due course there are only winners, and this article emphasize on how you can begin to see yourself as a winner. How would you feel if you could have complete control of your life and living your dreams? I have asked myself, what makes a winner and how can I live the life of my dreams? The simple answer is ‘winners don’t quit’ and as a winner we strive for what we dream of and putting them into reality. Competition is an illusion. When we compete, we are telling ourselves that we may not have full power over the situation we are facing. There are hidden laws of the universe and once we learn an apply these laws, we become masters rather than victims of the circumstances of life.

How does this happen? These laws or principles work through the power of your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind works according to the requests you give – consciously or unconsciously. How often have you said “I’m sick and tired…..” of something? And then you wonder why you ARE often sick and tired

One of this secret tools in helping to turn your dreams into reality is meditation. While prayer might be described as ‘talking to God” while meditation has been described by some as “listening to God.” Certainly it is a way to quiet your conscious mind and listen to the inner world of Spirit. It is also a way to visualize exactly what you want in life whether of a material nature or the desired outcome of an experience.

Some things take a time to be brought into manifestation while other things happen quickly. I often see people begin to change their situation, but when these changes start to appear, they quickly stop because they simply cannot believe it is possible. This process takes time, especially when you are first learning to trust the process, but be patient for it will come. Never give up! Have faith in yourself and use the Positive Mental Attitude and do not undermine yourself with doubts or negative self-talk.

The basic reasons why many of us do not reach our goals is that we have the tendency to be envious of others. Maybe your friend has moved some steps ahead of you or have what you desire to have but because he or she is not in a position you are, you may envy him and assume his progress is due to some unethical or illegal activity.

What we fail to realize is that what we think about others is often a reflection of our deepest fears about ourselves. To think positively about everyone and wish everyone the very best of luck is one of the best contributions we can make to our own success. actually an exceptional thought in our own future. We can turn our dreams into reality and those of us who are IIGL students, we are learning the laws and gaining the tools to become real winners.


IIGL Appoints New Dean Of Students

On July 1st, IIGL welcomed Deborah Rosen as our new dean of students. IIGL has steadily grown over the past few years. With more than 140 active students, the work could no longer be handled by one staff person. As a former board chairperson with a great deal of experience in all aspects of the IIGL operation, Deb was the most qualified person to step into this role at this time. Initially she has been assuming responsibility for all of the new student enrollees as of July 1st and possibly assuming additional student responsibility as time goes on. Our intent is for her to gradually phase with full responsibility for student affairs.

Board of Directors News

The new board of directors, which was elected at the annual meeting on June 13th, has hit the road running. They have already completed a comprehensive stake holders survey of ideas and options related to our website in anticipation of a major overhaul and updating. In addition to this, a number of new committees are in the process of formation the intent of assuming more responsibility for IIGL and its future.

What Our Students Are Saying

Erick Omari (Kenya)
Here in Kenya – as in many parts of Africa – people tend to believe that to be successful you have to inherit the wealth from your family. They haven’t learned what we have learned via IIGL: that working harder and smarter is the real. Too often others assume that your success – if not inherited – is only the result of illegal or unethical practices. Through my reading of the IIGL books and biographies of prominent people I have learned that success can be created by anyone, anywhere, anytime and at any place. I have also learned that success has different meanings to different people. For some it is having lots of money; for others it is having stable family or having power. in our African tradition success meant having more wives and animals, and also having numerous children in the village. But real success is that sense of fulfillment of reaching ones goals – whatever they are.

PHOTO 004 – Book Cover

What Our Students Are Reading

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

by Daniel H. Pink ($16.04)

According to Pink everything we think we know about what motivates us is wrong. He pits the latest scientific discoveries about the mind against the outmoded wisdom that claims people can only be motivated by the hope of gain and the fear of loss. Pink cites a dizzying number of studies revealing that carrot and stick can actually significantly reduce the ability of workers to produce creative solutions to problems. What motivates us once our basic survival needs are met is the ability to grow and develop, to realize our fullest potential. Case studies of Google’s 20 percent time (in which employees work on projects of their choosing one full day each week) and Best Buy’s Results Only Work Environment (in which employees can work whenever and however they choose—as long as they meet specific goals) demonstrate growing endorsement for this approach. A series of appendixes include further reading and tips on applying this method to businesses, fitness and child-rearing. Drawing on research in psychology, economics and sociology, Pink’s analysis—and new model—of motivation offers tremendous insight into our deepest nature. (Jan.)

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation

School For Champions

This is where you can learn to be a champion in your studies, business and personal life. the School for Champions™ will help you achieve your dreams by:

* Assisting you with basic education and strategies for success,

• Providing you with principles to help you become a champion in whatever you do, and

• Encouraging you to champion worthy causes by helping others.

Meet Our New Students

We are please to welcome five new active students this during July. They are from Botswana,

Kenya, Nigeria & Pakistan.

Minny Nkwe (Botswana)

I am a great networker, I mix exceedingly well with people, Good communication and interpersonal skills – I am an Toastmaster, I am passionate about personal leadership development – I am an active JCI member; I am computer competent and conversant with Microsoft office application and quick learner, hard worker, good interpersonal skills and works well in a team and individually, I believe that nothing is impossible so i accept every challange without considering how much work it will be. I believe that by asserting myself in the small situations I will create a stronger sense of self-worth and it will also increase my ability to be assertive in other, more important situations and also setting boundaries is not just an effective time management tool; it is an act of self-respect and self-love. My greatest weakness is that I don’t like to be idle. I read a lot of personal development and motivational books, I as I believe that if you want to be in that top 20%, you need to be investing 10% of your income on your personal growth (training, books, CD’s, workshops).I have read so many books so far but will just list a few like: Think and Grow rich by Napoleon Hill, Three Signs of a Miserable Job by Patrick Lencioni, Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins, Who moved my Cheese by Spencer Johnson, The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz, etc, this is few of motivational speaker I listened to like Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, etc.

Joyce Maina (Kenya)

My names are Joyce Maina, I was born in 17th June 1988 in Rift Valley province, My ethnicity is Kikuyu from Central Kenya. We are two in our family and I am the youngest.My father is a farmhand and he receives very little money as his salary. My mother does small business which is very small to sustain our family. Being that I am from a poor family background, my parents tried all the best to get some money from all sources, including well wishers, but all in vain, My parents promised to contribute the little they could so that I may also participate in the little education that they could afford to give. Before I cleared my high school I become a victim of intended rape which made me stay in a trauma. It was after two years that I developed the spirit to believe and appreciate myself regardless of what had happened to me. I later joined college where I did accounts and computer courses but didn’t complete my accounts course due to lack of funds to support my education. It was during this time that I came across a book by Myles Munroe “In Pursuit of Purpose” that made me view life in a different perspective. I realised that life is worth living to the fullest and the best regardless of what happened and that there is always a better day after sorrow. My goals in life is to become a reliable citizen in my country and world at large by working to the best of my ability to improve my living standard and being able to touch someone else life directly or indirectly. My dreams is to run a successful business that will offer employment to the people who are jobless/less fortunate in life, being able to work with an existing organisation or create my own organisation so that I maybe able to touch the millions who are suffering by giving them hope of a bright future and giving them hope for a better tomorrow. My personal interest is not to be rich and famous but to have a comfortable life where I can always have enough to give back to the society. I love travelling, this passion has taken me to various towns and locations within my country and I have learned to appreciate the scenery and varying landscape within such regions. Am looking forward to travel extensively to different regions within the globe in years to come, so as to learn and behold the diversity and beauty of nature and to familiarize myself with other people’s culture.

Peter Ndrake Udoh (Nigeria)

My name is Peter Ndarake Udoh as earlier stated. I am 32 years old, about 5ft5″ tall, I have chocolate complexion. I am currently weighing 62kg. I am the first of six children born by a very humble poor mother whose maiden name was Mrs Akon-anwan Asuquo to a building contractor. My dad was very frequent in the church until he bought a black and white television, I guess during the 1985 nations cup, before he began to backslide as a result of the nations cup tournament. He was a very humorous person. My mom, first among three, no education but very interested in the education of her kids. I grew up to understand that i was the most loved, even with the fact that I happen to be the eldest son. I attended Charles’ Walker Nursery school before I was transferred to Bishop King Memorial Primary School, number 9 Inyang street Calabar, before we got a new accommodation and I was again transferred to another school,. this time, St. Mary Primary School, number 6, st. Mary street Calabar. In September 1991, i was transferred to my village school in my State- Akwa Ibom state to school as a result scarcity of schools then in Calabar. I started my secondary school in 1991, and graduated in 1997. I left the village for Calabar again to where I started a new life as a young applicant going round the town looking for what to do. I got a place where I worked till i moved to my current location- the federal capital, Abuja. Few months latter, I was employed by the University of Abuja where i serve under the Intelligence section of the security department. I have been appointed as supervisor on several occasions and assistance supervisor also several times and they say its because they believe that i have the capacity to manage people, especially at my own little level.

I happen to be interested in politics just because I believe that the way things are done here is not that we can not do it well, but its just that the right people are not there with the determination to serve but always wanted to be served by the same people that voted them into the positions for service. This is the only way to be able to have the resources that I will use to better the lots of the needy especially in my country Nigeria, now that I have an understanding that I’m here for a purpose. The situation is so bad here that even the bad pictures that the world is made to see is still a far cry from the real situation of things here. According to word of Marriah Edelman, doing good is the rent we pay for living on this planet; King Solomon in the bible also tells us that he who helps the needy is saving for bad times, that God will never forget such people. If I close my eyes and watch as the injustice is going on, then it would be better for me to be born somewhere else where things are done properly. Afterall Martin Luther King jnr. was a man like myself, je dedicated his life to the service of his people in America and died for the cause he loved most. Today, if one is talking about American and its last presidential election without mentioning Martin Luther, then the discussion is not complete.

Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

I am Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel. I am well known as Olaolu Oye in my community, on my facebook, by my friends and loved ones. I was born on October 21st 1982, at ST MARY’S HOSPITAL Eleta in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. I am a male, and I speak Yoruba language and English language fluently. I am born into a Christian family by Mr. Lawrence Oyewumi, and Mrs. Alice Olufemi Oyewumi.

I attended Public Day Primary School in 1990 to 1995, and I had very good remarks on the works of the pupils in the school subjects. I attended Urban Day Grammar School in the year 1996 to 2002, and I passed out very well in my senior school examination with five (5) A level credits, and one (1) distinction in Literature in English. In between the year 2002 to 2005, I was able to acquire knowledge in Industrial and Commercial Photograph. With certificate presented by Dr Omojola, on 23rd October 2005. I had my National Diploma in Mass Communication, in the year 2006 to 2008 at Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua.

I am presently single, and self-employed in the Art of Photography. I am also actively partnering with a group of people known as HOT EYE INITIATIVE GROUP OF PEOPLE; who are fully involved in Leadership Development Study Programme.

It is of my plan to press further in my education. As regard, International Institute for Global Leadership (IIGL), and also to hold degree in BSC certificate.

During and after my days in the institution, I was actively involved with a youth empowerment group known as; Victorious Evangelical Ministry, up-to the year 2009. This group was targeted at updating the involved youth on different workshops. And I was able to gain knowledge on GSM engineering (repair), which I practiced for some period of years.

My activities are; reading, computer operation, table tennis, Bible study, singing and communicating, and many more. I like the following musician and their music; Joe praise, Ron Kenoly, Don Moen, Sinach, Kirk Franklin, and Pastor Chris (moment of worship). I am interested in the following; seminars, healing ministrations, sharing revelation, giving, speaking in tongues, and gospel with power. My favorite television shows are; who wants to be a millionaire by Mr. Frank, and breaking news. My favorite meals are; beans, wheat, vegetables and fruit. My best movies are; 24hrs by Jack Bauer, Matrix, and Fighting temptation.

I have attended series of seminars. One of many that I attended is PROJECT GET RICH SEMINAR, in which we had speakers that have experienced international relation. I have leadership experience as the head and coordinator of evangelical group in my secondary school fellowship. I was nominated and functioned as the executive leader of Victorious Evangelical Ministry. I have been a group leader for years in my church, and actively functioned as an outreach fellowship coordinator for under the period of one year. I have also trained four apprentices successfully in my career workshop. While I have two of my apprentices operating their own business, and having their own workshops. I am presently a leader, and the executive partner for budget and payment of HOT EYE INITIATIVE GROUP OF PEOPLE.

Among series of books that I have read are: Towards Mental Exploit by David O. Oyedepo, The Pursuit of Purpose by A.W. Tozer, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki, with Sharon Letcher, Be a People Person by John C. Maxwell, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, The Seven Spirit of God by Chris Oyakhilome, and many more.

Zafar Iqbal (Pakistan)

I am a teacher and I want to empower the people through education. There is no more useful tool to change the world than education. I want to find the problems faced by the backward nations and I want to high light them for the solution. I am doing M.Phil in Education for the same purpose. I want to do Research in Multi-intelligence or Bilingualism in Education for Doctoral program.

I have written more than 50 articles in the newspapers of my own community. I have written two books also. I am a fond of reading new dissertations and doing research on the educational issues faced by the educational stakeholders. After all this, I want to rehabilitate the Dynamic education system in my own country. I want to be a philanthropist. I believe in this proverb: Love for all hated for none. I know I have a very soft and sensitive heart, full with love for all. I like flowers, butterflies, meadows, squirrels and chirping birds. I always like sharing experience and knowledge. I like Global friendship and E. Teaching.

Adonou Adjoa Brigitte (Togo)

My name is ADONOU Adjoa Brigitte. I am Togolese from Kévé, in the south west region of Togo. I live in Lomé, capital city of Togo. I work for Ministry of Social Action and National Solidarity (Ministère de l’Action Sociale et de la Solidarité Nationale) as administrative secretary. I am in the human resources department. My birthday is 23 July 1979. I born in Ivory Coast (precisely at Bocanda) and I lived in that country with my parents until I had 9 years old. I have four sisters and one brother.I am tall and slim.

After Higher school diploma – Baccalauréat (Philosophy and Art), I attended training courses in the domain of administration.

I am currently a member of Initiative for a Positive Future Togo (IPF-Togo), NGO created in 2009 by Mr. DAVUI Kosi Sepénou, the one who talked me about this study program. IPF-Togo is an NGO similar to IIGL. I like humoristic and self-improvement books. I am also interested in humoristic movies.

About everyday life, I opt for married life and children. I am Christian and I like freedom of religion. Talking about studies, my goals are:

* Learn social science, with the purpose to become social worker;

* Improve my English, in order to be able to work in the international affairs (fields).

One of my dreams is to create a foundation which will take charge of poor/abandoned children’s and young women.


The following student(s) complete one level of study last month:


Owino Ogwal Phillip

Level One


Joseph Ngonidzashe ZvoushomaLevel Two

Student Progress

We had 20 students from 13 countries complete a total of 34 books in July. These students were from Botswana, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Togo, Uganda, the USA & Zimbabwe.

Minny Nkwe (Botswana)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

Afanda Galega (Cameroon)

· PsychoCybernetics

· Success Through Positve Mental Attitude

Bereket Alemayehu (Ethiopia)

· The Power of Intention

Sr. Mary Concepta Mensah (Ghana)

· Giant Steps

· The New Dynamics of Winning

· Real Magic

Joyce Maina (Kenya)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

Modibo Dembele (Mali)

· Giant Steps

Ahua Bem Gura (Nigeria)

· PsychoCybernetics

· Success Through Positve Mental Attitude

· Keys To Success

Joseph Abue (Nigeria)

· Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Mutiu Damilola Samuel (Nigeria)

· Success Through Positive Mental Attitude

Olufisola Oladipo (Nigeria)

· PsychoCybernetics

Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

Afere Lawrence (Nigeria)

· Banker To The Poor

Peter Ndarake Udo (Nigeria)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

Zafar Iqbal (Pakistan)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

Olita Nyathi (South Africa)

· The Secret

Adonou Adjoa Brigitte (Togo)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

Dogbo, Kofi Fafali (Togo)

· PsychoCybernetics

Phillip Owino Ogwal (Uganda)

· Real Magic

· Giant Steps

· The New Dynamics of Winning

· How to Win Friends and Influence People

Lindzee Lindholm (USA)

· Mediation & Facilitation Training Manual

Joseph Zvoushoma (Zimbabwe)

· Goal Setting 101


New Enrollments

9 enrolled in July

60 enrolled in 2011

Book Assessments

34 in July

228 in 2011

Books Shipped

36 in July

349 in 2011

Cost of books

$777.42 in July

$6,917.83 in 2011

You Make It Possible

We extend a special thanks to the following 20 individuals and/or organizations from four countries who contributed to IIGL during July. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Edmee DiPauli (UK)

Mark Mazadu (Nigeria)

Felix Iziomoh (Nigeria)

Afere Lawrence (Nigeria)

Lily Ann (USA/NC)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)

Margie Tice (USA/NC)

Ron Walker (USA/VA)

Peggy Moore (USA/NC)

Lou Stewart (USA/NC)

Heidi Stewart (USA/NC)

Judith Royer (USA/ND)

Corine Wilson (USA.FL)

Julie Loosbrock (USA/WI)

Evelyn Garfinkle (USA/WI)

John Hornecker (USA/CA)

Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)

Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)

Janae & Barry Weinhold (USA/NC)

Make A Difference

Dream Team 22

In January 2009 we launched a new idea which blends two previous endeavors: The Master Mind Group and the 22 Experiment. We are calling this Dream Team 22 and our goal is to have 220 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2009.


Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to PO Box 18909, Asheville, NC. 28814, USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Credit Card, Click Here


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