International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #93 * September 2009
Asheville, NC. USA
The Power Of Entreprenueral Thinking
By Afere Lawrence (Nigeria)
Truly, if there is anyone that greatly desires to bring his dreams to reality, then let him start thinking like an entrepreneur now. I began to have dreams when I started IIGL studies. My mind was awakened, challenged and renewed by its curriculum. Consequently, I began to see life in a new perspective – the purpose for my life and how to attain fulfillment got clearer to me. Also, this culminated into having noble dreams.
Back in school as an undergraduate, I had a magnificent dream to engage some of the idle economically disadvantaged young people in my community in meaningful and responsible work. Today, it is amazing how this dream is becoming a reality. How? I started to think and act like an entrepreneur!
Currently in Level Four of my IIGL studies. In this level I read a book titled “Entrepreneurship, The Art of Succeeding in Business. From this book I learnt how to think and act like an entrepreneur in order to turn my dreams into reality. The lessons I have received from this book have been profound.
One positive side effect of the current global economic crisis has been a stimulation of the creative entrepreneurial spirit. I don’t know if you got the gist! The downturn that began some months ago has opened up opportunities to those who think and act like an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs see opportunities in problems and courageously convert them to success. Entrepreneurs come in all varieties. They are young and old, women and men, all races, well-educated and high-school dropouts, rich and poor, single and married, experienced and inexperienced. What makes them who they are – i.e. entrepreneurs – is basically how they think and act in all situations.
For those of us who are ready to maximize the opportunities presented in these moments, now is the time to think and act entrepreneurial when it comes to our career. It is important for us to remember that entrepreneurship is not a job … it is a way of thinking and an approach to work and opportunities. A good way to start the entrepreneurial journey is to begin some freelance work while we still have our full-time job. Think, watch and observe your environment for what people truly need and you can provide part time. Some freelance work might include: teaching, speaking, writing or consulting. It all depends on how you think and act!
Amazingly, thinking and acting like an entrepreneur has instigated me to start The Youth Farm, an avenue to engage young people in my community in meaningful and sustainable farm work. Pooling resources to start the farm also required thinking and acting like an entrepreneur. Creating The Youth farm has also been fun and it hasn’t prevented me from doing employed work.
It is really incredible how entrepreneurship helps one to see life from a different perspective and also gets one into the art of turning one’s dreams into reality. Whether you are working for someone else or not, start thinking and acting like an entrepreneur. With entrepreneurship possibilities abound and dreams can come true!
In The News
IIGL Holds Annual Meeting
IIGL held it’s annual membership meeting on August 10th at Mountain Light Sanctuary, near Asheville, NC. followed by a meeting of the newly elected international board of directors. The new board consists of 11 voting members from seven countries and 28 non-voting members from 12 countries. The new officers of the board are Colins Imoh (Nigeria), Wanda Gail Campbell (USA), Corine Wilson (USA) & Lisa Lisa Kiebzak (USA). The photos and profiles of the new board members will be posted on our website within the next few weeks and a link provided in the next newsletter.
New Staff Member Joins IIGL Team
We are pleased to announce the appointment of a new staff member to our leadership team. Deb Rosen, former president of the board has resigned to serve in a consultant role with IIGL in resource development. Her duties will include working to expand our financial support, involving more volunteer participants in the IIGL program and expanding our mentorship program.
What Our Students Are Saying
Lisa Kiebzak (USA)
When I came across IIGL, it was the reading lists that appealed to me. I did not set out to accomplish anything specific with IIGL. I simply knew by the required readings that something amazing would come out of the proces. I chose to commit to the program, do the work daily, and remain open to anything that might come from it. Levels One and Two have solidified my daily routine of learning and applying what I learn to my life.
My daily routine for Levels One and Two was to wake up around 5:00 a.m. every morning and read and take notes for one to two hours. Talk about a jolt of positive and inspiring energy with which to begin your day! I loved the feeling and the resulting productivity in my day so much that it is a routine that I have made a permanent part of every morning.
I found that through doing the reading and doing the work, and really committing to it, my creativity has blossomed. I began to dream lofty dreams, as James Allen suggested in As A Man Thinketh. I find that I am now becoming those dreams. Jonathan Livingston Seagull reminded me that practice makes perfect. As I work with new mediums of expression, and even with old, I know that every attempt will not be a masterpiece. But rather, the masterpiece that I am creating is my life. Every day I simply commit to the practice of creating a masterpiece.
Students In Action
Kenneth Omeruo (Nigeria)
Kenneth, who is a Level One student with IIGL, is an internet marketing consultant and founder and editor of Tech Trends Nigeria ( and which feature Leading edge articles about Africa’s transformation through technology. He teaches seminars and provides training and does consulting with organizations, individuals and businesses helping thm to maximize the internet for business purposes. He is a syndicated columnist with several newspapers including the Nigerian Daily Independent, Financial Standard, Punch, Business Daily. He is also the author of a new book entitled“How to Create Unlimited Internet Wealth.” You can contact Kenneth at or check out his profile on face book and twitter at
Erick Omari (Kenya)
Erick, who is a second level student with IIGL and also a voting member of the board of directors, is the founder of the ALFA Network (A Better Life For All), a community based organization based in Kibera slum located in Nairobi, Kenya. With a population of over a million Kibera is the second largest slum in Africa. Most of its residents are single parents living in extreme poverty with the majority of households having inadequate access to basic amenities like shelter, health facilities, education, water, sanitation, security and food.
ALFA Network was started in 2003 by a group of youths from Kibera who were concerned about conditions there and especially about the lack of opportunity for youth. Part of there goal was to break the cycle of poverty in Kibera by helping youth find empowering alternatives to petty crime and other situations so common to life in the slum.
Among other things, the ALFA network provides services in remedial education, self-esteem development, and support for vunerable children, youth and widows – and especially HIV/AIDS orphans.
If you would like to learn more about the ALFA Network check out their website at or contact Erick directly at to find out how you can support this work.
Edwin Akpan (Nigeria)
What Our Students Are Reading
The Leader In You
By Dale Carnegie
For nearly a century, the words and works of Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., have translated into proven success — a claim verified by millions of satisfied graduates; a perpetual 3,000-plus enrollment roster per week; and book sales, including the mega-bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People, totaling over thirty million copies. With insights from leading figures in the corporate, entertainment, sports, academic, and political arenas — and encompassing interviews and advice from such eminent authorities as Lee Iacocca and Margaret Thatcher — this comprehensive, step-by-step guide includes strategies to help you:
* Identify your leadership strengths
* Achieve your goals and increase your self-confidence
* Eliminate an “us vs. them” mentality
* Become a team player and strengthen cooperation among associates
* Balance work and leisure
* Control your worries and energize your life
The most important investment you will ever make is in yourself — once you discover the key that unlocks The Leader In You.
Meet Our New Students
Harley Prosper Ajalaye (Nigeria)
I am a BSc. (Hon) holder, biased in accounting but with special interest in management consulting. Presently I am writing my professional exams (ACCA) with the hope of getting chattered in the near future. I have taken some management courses and hope take more. I have a dream of a world whereby information is used to balance instabilities experienced in organizations. This information include the provision of consulting services for small and medium enterprises and in the long run, stand as a voice of change to my nation. Some of my favorite books include Stephen Covey’s ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ & ‘The 8th Habit.’ Anthony Robins ‘Awaken The Giant Within’ most of John C. Maxwell’s books on leadership. I have participated in several organizational projects that relate to management consulting. One learning experience as a leader with my project team is knowing that,each team member has something to contribute to the success of a project and they should be given the freedom for them to express the opinions.
Babirye Mercy (Uganda)
My nane is Mrecy Babirye. I was born in Uganda on 11th November,1986 and Iam 22 years old right now.I have two sisters, Sarah and Grace who is also my twin and a brother called Solomon who is the first born in the family. Grace and I live with our mother Berther Kasule who is currently retired. I am from the Bantu tribe and a Moganda. In 2006, I enrolled in Makerere University Business School (MUBS) to do a Bachelors in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. At the University I have been an active member of Makerere University Entrepreneurship Students Association. My hobbies are composing music, writing short stories and novels, creating new ideas in relation to movie scenes, adverts, creative business products and services among others.
I have many dreans,and one of them is to become one of the greatest entrepreneurs in Africa and the world. However, this is not just for the sake of it, but because I want to be an inspiration to the young people, especially in Africa, and also to participate in the emancipation of women who for long have been marginalised and looked at as intellectually inferior to men. I also hold dearly in my heart the hope of being a good mother to many and a great wife ,a good citizen and a good friend. One of my personal goals is to develop strong leadership, communication and people skills which I feel are importtant for the successful growth of my businesses and for the fulfillment of my dreams. I hope that in 3 years’ time I will have at the very least 2 businesses and steadily growing investments..
Turyashemererwa Eva (Uganda)
I am 22 years old. I was born in family of eight and I am the fifth & the youngest girl. I have been home most of my life and something of a mum’s gal and not used to making decisions but now am in control of my life want to learn much and develop myself. My parents retired from the troubles of the world in 2003 which was a great turning point in our lives. I grew up the south western region of Uganda in a small town called Kabale. it is the cold and hilly but lovely, did all my schooling there so I have a deep connection with everything there from the butterfly to the birds and hills.
Ishmael Makota (Zimbabwe)
I am 41 years old and an Auditor by profession. I have over 16 years experience in both accounting and auditing and have worked in the mining, local authority and banking industries to date. I hold a bachelor of accountancy honors degree, a master’s degree in business administration and I am a member of the institute of internal auditors. I like researching in all areas of study but more so in economics and accounting. I also have a zeal to read motivational material & leadership skills book I like traveling, playing rugby, golf and chess. I like to spend time in the library, but mores o with my family and kids. I go to church on Sundays if I am not
Currently I am heading the Internal Audit section of one big Merchant bank in Zimbabwe and in the process I am studying for my Phd in Financial Services with a local University. I love team work and I listen to detail. I follow the trends on the Stock Exchange and also the changes in International accounting standards.
I have a dream that one day I will be able to lead a big bank into success never recorded before; to become another Abraham Lincoln, a great leader, inspirer, mentor and father. I have a dream that through hard work and research, wide reading and consultation, I shall develop great leadership qualities both at home and in the industry. With this dream I hope to turn this world into a more conducive business environment where I will be able to teach young leaders, mentor them into what it means to be an influential leader, knowing well that human beings are creatures of emotions not logic.
I also dream that one day I will be able to meet successful business people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and others, and I will be able to tap into their success stories and experiences.
I have participated in major projects in all the firms I worked for. At one mining firm I was instrumental in the designing of the computerization of the stores system. In the other firm, I headed the setting up of the costing system and process flows therein. In one bank, I set up the audit section, in the other, I set up the risk unit and also the security manuals and designs. In the current bank, I set up the continuous audit section and successfully changed the audit punch therein. I have had a history of risking new efforts and getting desired results.
My interests range from fiction movies, to cartoons. I love watching wrestling with my family and looking after pets. I love dogs. I spend part of my free time in the gym, jogging or going swimming. I believe in my family and I trust my instincts. It is my cherished belief that everyman has his own destiny; the only imperative is to accept it, follow it no matter where it takes him to. I am a go getter and I believe that, what I want I get, it’s not arrogance its about destiny.
We extend a special thanks to the following 31 individuals and/or organizations from seven countries who contributed to IIGL during August. Their ongoing support makes this work possible.
Deb Silver (Israel)
Gillian Kean (UK)
Edmee DiPauli (UK)
Lale Eterm (Turkey)
Colins Imoh (Nigeria)
Roger Yomba (Cote d’Ivorie)
Elisabeth Tepper (Venezuela)
Lily Ann (USA/NC)
Deb Rosen (USA/WI)
Margie Tice (USA/NC)
Ron Walker (USA/VA)
Lisa Kiebzak (USA/NC)
Gloria Parker (USA/GA)
Judith Royer (USA/ND)
Janis Thayer (USA/NC)
David Banner (USA/NC)
Marsha Clark (USA/CA)
Dina Kushnir (USA/NY)
Heidi Stewart (USA/NC)
Corine Wilson (USA.FL)
John Hornecker (USA/CA)
Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)
Jesse Syverson (USA/WA)
Marsha Shearer (USA/FL)
Randa El Sharif (USA/WI)
Anneliese Weiss (USA/FL)
Kathleen Oweegon (USA/NM)
Rommy Banaszczyk (USA/AZ)
Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)
Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)
Janae & Barry Weinhold (USA/NC)
Make A Difference In The World!
You can make a lasting difference now by investing in the future of young heart-centered leaders throughout the world who will soon be making critical decisions that will determine the future of humanity and the planet. How? By becoming an active partner in this work with your financial contribution. We are supported by people like you; people who believe that it’s more important to light a candle, however small, than to curse the darkness. We welcome contributions in any amount, however small, because this isn’t just about money. It’s also about energy and connection.
Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to PO Box 18909, Asheville, NC. 28814. Contributions may also be made by credit card. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501(c)3 tax codes of the United States Internal Revenue Service.
Student Progress
We had 27 students from 13 countries complete a total of 33 books in August. These students were from Cameroon, Chile, Cote d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Kenya, Nigeria, Peru, South Africa, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, Venezuela & Zimbabwe.
English Program
Valentine Ekombo Ntobo (Cameroon)
* Keys to Success
Egide Rwamatwara (Congo)
* Power of Intention
Erick Omari (Kenya)
* The Winning Attitude
Adetula Muyiwa Olaolu (Nigeria)
* Keys to Success
Harley Prosper Ajalaye (Nigeria)
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
* As A Man Thinketh
Sunday Elebiju Tope (Nigeria)
* Psycho Cybernetics
* Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
* Keys To Success
Igbinovia Peter Efe (Nigeria)
* The New Dynamics of Winning
Jeremiah Jibro (Nigeria)
* Unlimited Power
Dozie Allen Nwankodu (Nigeria)
* Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Francisco Okaformbah (Nigeria)
* Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Pius Reis (Nigeria)
* Giant Steps
Aloys Hakizimana (Rwanda)
* Goal Setting 101
Olita Nyathi (South Africa)
* Complete Idiot’s Guide To Women’s History
Davui Kosi (Togo)
* The Mediators Handbock
* The Compassionate Classroom
Babirye Mercy (Uganda)
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
* As A Man Thinketh
Noeline Kirabo Mulongo (Uganda)
* Real Magic
Immaculate Vivien Bisanda (Uganda)
* Keys To Success
Eva Turyashemererwa (Uganda)
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
* As A Man Thinketh
Simbarashe Mudhokwani (Zimbabwe)
* Developing The Leaders Around You
Ishmael Makota (Zimbabwe)
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
* As A Man Thinketh
French Program
Gbadji Koffi-Atsui (Togo)
* Attitude d’un Gagnant
Mudila Mbing (DR Congo)
* Leadership 101
Koffi Patricia (Cote d’Ivoire)
* Plus de charisme dans votre vie
Spanish Program
Ysabel Saa (Chile)
* Creative Visualization
Christian Villon (Peru)
* The Secret
Analym Uzcategui (Venezuela)
* Jonatha Livingston Seagull
Carolina Guillen (Peru)
* Practical guide to Creative Visualization
The following student(s) complete one level of study last month:
Erick Omari (Kenya)
Level One
New Enrollments
12 enrolled in August
73 enrolled in 2009
Book Assessments
33 in August
234 in 2009
Books Shipped
18 in August
226 in 2009
Cost of books
$327.61 in August
$4,087.61 in 2009
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