International Institute For Global Leadershi
Issue #76 * April 2008
Asheville, NC. USA
Guest Editorial
Creating Abundance Consciousness
By Rev. Wanda Gail Campbell, PhD
One of the books I currently use as a daily devotional is called The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo. What I appreciate most about these morning moments is the opportunity to adjust my thinking in order to thoroughly enjoy each day. Nepo usually writes from a space of gratefulness. He begins with a quote that, over time, reflects a wide variety of spiritual cultures. His descriptions of spiritual experiences through his own personal lens of proactive responses delight me. His best authoritative credential to me is that he ultimately overcame a potentially fatal cancerous condition. His very human musings often tweak the deepest parts of me. They stimulate my own contemplation of challenges I have overcome, those I have yet to face, and the amazing impact of gratitude on every instant of our human experiences.
To begin yesterday’s reading, he quoted Lao-Tzu, “How can you follow the course of your life if you do not let it flow?” That powerful quote opened my heart and mind to pay attention to my now instant. Nepo concludes each writing with one or more exercises through which to practice the daily inspiration. The first exercise for yesterday was all I could fathom as he suggested to begin the day with a deep breath and the question, “What is it about being human that am I most grateful for?” Wow, what a wake up call!
As I began to integrate the question I was reminded of the power of gratitude as an aspect of my own experience. In the early stages of my conscious spiritual awakening I was attempting to run my own consulting business. Things were in a deep slump and the worse things got, the less I felt the power to respond proactively. Even though being proactive from Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People was part of the vision for my business, I had to recognize that practicing it was much more difficult than telling others how to do it. I was on the verge of homelessness, unable to pay my rent or make car payments. I felt desperation, futility and helplessness. As I focused within and asked what I would tell a client with the same circumstances, a practical exercise emerged. I admit that didn’t seem like it would be doing very much, but, I desperate and willing to try anything.
From the meditative state I heard the following words: “Thank you God, I have everything I need and MORE!” For the next three weeks each time defeating thoughts threatened to overcome me, I repeated that phrase-hundreds of time a day, if necessary. I also included a nightly ritual of using a gratitude journal to document at least 3 new things for which I could be grateful. As I began to shift my thoughts, circumstances started to change. First, I was asked by a friend to house sit for 6-12 months while she accepted an assignment 3,000 miles from home. Secondly, as I prepared to uproot my life, calls requesting my help with healthcare crises started coming in. Finally, within 5 months, my life had completely shifted. I was out of debt with enough extra money to accept an invitation to realize a long term travel dream. It felt surreal as I accepted an invitation to travel around Peru with a spiritually focused group. I discovered that it is important to pay attention to and accept what flows toward me. It is also vitally important to remember to express gratitude. These seem to be essential for overcoming poverty consciousness. After all, isn’t it true that prosperity teachings confirm that where we put our attention, gets results? If I focus on lack, I get more lack. If I focus on abundance, I am prosperous beyond what I could previously have imagined. Certainly experience confirms it for me.
Through it all I learned that we live in an abundant universe. In spite of our perceptions of external circumstance, there is always enough of everything and more for everyone. The Universe always says “YES!” to whatever we think is true. My job is to get as clear and conscious as possible so I can sustain the abundance that allows me to be an instrument of peaceful service on the planet. Being an instrument of loving peaceful service is what I’m most grateful for about being a human being. How about you?
You can contact Wanda Gail at
Meet Our New Students
We are very pleased to welcome one new student during the month of March. He is César Salvater, Júnior from Brazil
César Salvater Júnior (Brazil)
My name is César Salvater Júnior. I live in Goiânia, Brazil. I am 35 years old. I am married, the name of my wife is Valéria. I have two daughters: Lara e Anaclara. I am Financial Manager working to the government of my State. I love my job where I work with development of projects. It is the kind of work I have always dreamed.
My personal interests are games, cinema and books. I have a playstation 2 that is an important tool to forget the stress. I am a lucky man that don’t bring work to home. When I am in my house, I just think in my loved family.
I love a good movie. My favourites are “The Lord of the Rings” and “Pursuit of Happiness”. My favourite books are all the books written by Agatha Christie.
I love travels but unfortunately I haven´t had many opportunities. My favourite sports are soccer, don’t forget I am Brazilian, and ice hockey. I know that is strange to someone living in a tropical country. But since 2000 I have been following the sport. I like see the skills of the players. Some people think that ice hockey is a violent sport, but in fact that is a characteristic of the sport like velocity and hability with the skates.
I think that persistence is my main virtue. I am optimist, and when I have a purpose in my life I never give up. I have always good thoughts about all the things in my life, and I always achieve my aims. The most wonderful thing is the feeling of realize a dream. It is indescribable the sensation that we have the power of make the life we want.
Now I am learning English to my new purpose: in 2010 I will move to Canada with my family. Last year my wife give me the idea, and I started to read about the process of immigration to Canada. So I read that I have all the conditions to immigrate to Canada. I started to improve my English, that was regular, and now is much better. I am saving money to the expenses and with the help of God everything is going right.
My family is amazing, my wife is the best woman that I could choose to be my companion for the rest of my life. She is affectionate with me and with our daughters. My daughters are the greatest present that God could give to me, even when they make your pranks.
Sometimes I think that they are more anxious to go to Canada than I and my wife. I think good, because they are my motivation.
When I watched the movie “The Secret” I learned that I can realize the dream of live there. Maybe the person that have most liked our idea is my sister-in-law. She lives in Canada with your husband and two children. I am always talking with her on MSN and she is a wonderful person and her help has been important to us. That is me, an optimist person with dreams and certain to realize them.
What Our Students Are Saying
Omeruo Ndukaku Kenneth (Nigeria)
In my online business, before I read this book the first time, I have been looking for someone or organizationto partner with me to drive my business ideas. After several efforts none was coming, I was worried. Then I started reading this book and my attitude changed, I defined my purpose of getting into the business and what I wanted within a month period, employed the success principles with PMA, amazingly things changed dramatically for me, I began to see opportunities in everything I embarked on and just within that same period I got someone I never knew before, who lives in another state to partner with me. She read my article online and decided to join my business; to me it was a surprise. This has proved to me that every situation can be turned to the best situation with a positive mental attitude.
Web Resources
Karma Tube
You’ve heard of YouTube. Well now there’s KarmaTube. KT is a collection of short, “do something” videos coupled with simple actions that every viewer can take to make our world better. KT channels include ‘Everyday Heroes.’ “Making A Difference,” “Global Oneness,” “Spiritual,” “Social Entreprenuer,” “Music Videos,” “Children,” and others. One of my favorites and one I would strongly suggest you see is the two minute video called “Be The Change.” It was produced in celebration of India’s 60th year of independence and launched as an initiative to inspire the search for hidden talents in everyday people.
What Our Students Are Reading
True Prosperity
Everyone wants to be financially successful, but great financial success often brings negative side effects in other areas. In this new paperback edition of his popular book, Yehuda Berg shows why the true purpose of our lives is complete happiness and total fulfillment. Drawing on the lessons of years of study and teaching, True Prosperity shows how the teachings of Kabbalah, the world’s oldest body of spiritual wisdom, can be used every day and every moment — not only to achieve success in one aspect of life, but to avoid the setbacks in other areas that can render any accomplishment empty and meaningless. Readers will gain powerful, practical tools for achieving unlimited abundance in money and finance, health and fitness, family and relationships, and lifelong spiritual growth. “Success without side effects” is the ultimate destination of every human being, and True Prosperity is the roadmap for getting there.
(This is one of more than 400 books our students have to choose from in their studies for Level Four Through Six).
What Our Donors Are Saying
Judith Royer (USA/SD)
I choose to support IIGL, first of all, because I believe in the organization’s philosophy and goals. Changing the world does indeed originate from our individual ideas and actions. By providing books that help the students develop a positive expansive outlook, IIGL provides a useful framework for them to use in their individual lives in whatever way they choose. I also choose to support IIGL because it allows me to be personally involved as a mentor to a student. I know that my involvement makes a difference, not just from my donations but from my energy and personal support as well.
Judith Royer
We extend a special thanks to the following 19 individuals and/or organizations which contributed to IIGL during March. Their ongoing support makes this work possible.
NathalieBastien (Canada)
Deb Silver (Israel)
Lale Eterm (Turkey)
Julian Murphy (UK)
Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)
Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)
Rommy Banaszczyk (USA/AZ)
Corine Wilson (USA/FL)
Anneliese Weiss (USA/FL)
Corine Wilson (USA/FL)
Hope Gorman (USA/MN)
Margie Tice (USA/NC)
Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)
Janis Thayer (USA/NC)
Lily Ann (USA/NC)
Janae & Barry Weinhold (USA/NC)
Judith Royer (USA/SD)
Julie Loosbrock (USA/WI)
Deb Rosen (USA/WI)
Make A Difference In The World!
You can make a lasting difference now by investing in the future of young heart-centered leaders throughout the world who will soon be making critical decisions that will determine the future of humanity and the planet. How? By becoming an active partner in this work with your financial contribution. We are supported by people like you; people who believe that it’s more important to light a candle, however small, than to curse the darkness. We welcome contributions in any amount, however small, because this isn’t just about money. It’s also about energy and connection.
Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to PO Box 18909, Asheville, NC. 28814. Contributions may also be made by credit card. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501(c)3 tax codes of the United States Internal Revenue Service.
Our Mission
The International Institute For Global Leadership is a tuition-free, internet-based education program which provides a curriculum in consciousness designed to prepare students to become personally empowered, consciously aware, high-integrity and heart-centered leaders in their communities and the world. The study program is open to participants of any age and from anywhere in the world.
Student Progress
We had 24 students from 13 countries complete a total of 38 books in March. These students were from Belgium, Burkino Faso, Brazil, Cote d’ Ivore, Cameroon, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Togo, Rwanda, United Arab Emirates, USA & Venezuela.
English Division
César Salvater Júnior (Brazil)
* As A Man Thinketh
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Bikundo Onyari (Kenya)
* The Essential Gandhi
* Educating For Human Greatness
Joseph Philip Abue (Nigeria)
* The Power Of Intention
Paul Adedayo (Nigeria)
* What To Say When You Talk To Yourself
* The Law of Attraction
* Goal Setting 101
Iziomoh Bidemi Felix (Nigeria)
* The 21 Indispensable Qualities
* Ask & It Is Given
* The Secret, What great leaders know
Komolafe, Isaac Olaleye (Nigeria)
* PsychoCybernetics 2000
Longe Opeyemi Dotun (Nigeria)
* PsychoCybernetics
Solomon O’chucks Nwokoro (Nigeria)
* Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Obinna Ezeji (Nigeria)
* PsychoCybernetics 2000
Samuel S. Oyetunde (Nigieria)
* PsychoCybernetics
* Dynamics of Winning
* Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Ndukaku kenneth Omeruo (Nigeira)
* Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Aloys Hakizimana (Rawanda)
* Real Magic
* Psycho Cybernetics
* What To Say When You Talk To Yourself
* Giant Steps
Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)
* Change The World
Kehinde KI. Agunloye (UAE)
* Leadership For Dummies
French Division
Leonard Kabeya M. (Belgium)
* Relations humaines groupes et influence…
* Mondialisation et initiatives locales…
Ali Kagone (Burkina Faso)
* Abracadabra Comment se transformer
Anselme J. Kabore (Burkina Faso)
* Comment developer son leadership…
Gwladya Moro (Cote d’Ivoire)
* Attitude d’un gagnant
* Relations efficaces pour un leadership
Gloria Musambi Y. (Cote d’Ivoire)
* Les Présents de Eykis
* Orthographe progressive du français…
François Nanou (Cote d’Ivoire)
* Attitude 101 Principes de base
Guy M. Yamdjeu N. (Cameroon)
* Atteignez Vos objectifs…
Spanish Division
Carlos Allen (Mexico)
* 10 Steps To Success & Happiness
Andriana Zazgarini (Venezuela)
* Your Magic Zones
Christian Villon (Peru)
* Unlimited Power
We are pleased to congratulate the following students who have completed one level of study during the past month.
Aloys Hakizimana (Rwanda) Level One
Paul Adedayo (Nigeria) Level One
Statistical Report
New Enrollments
6 enrolled in March
22 enrolled in 2008
Book Assessments
39 in March
106 in 2008
Books Shipped
62 in March
211 in 2008
Cost of books
$1.283.57 in March
$3,402.64 in 2008
To Contribute By Credit Card, Click Here
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