Newsletter – Issue #98 * February, 2010

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #98 * February, 2010
Asheville, NC. USA


Guest Editorial

Where There Is No Vision…

By Ngeri Thaddeus (Nigeria)

In the book of Isaiah, the prophet says “Where There Is No Vision, The People Perish.” The modern world we live in today is the result of the dreams of yesterday’s visionaries. Their vision has resulted in technological and scientific advances which were once just dreams of the imagination. There can be no invention and innovation without visionaries. Visionaries are the pacesetters that engrave their creativity and artistry in the annals of history. The word would still be in darkness were it not for the visionaries in all fields of endeavor. The visionaries of every land and culture have brought light and beauty into a dark world. It is the visionaries who are turning the world’s deserts into orchards. They are the explorers, Astronauts, Philosophers, Inventors and scientist; the heros and heroins wedded to their dreams. It is vision that made James Allen accomplished his dream of motivating millions of people through his book “As a man thinketh..” It is vision that made Jonathan Livingston Seagull fly higher than any gull had ever gone. When everything else fails, vision prevails. Visionaries are the foundation upon which the present rests and the future is built. A generation without visionaries is a generation with out hope.

I see IIGL as one of the world’s pacesetters, full of visionaries; people willing and determined to see a positive transformation on the planet through motivating and changing the thoughts and attitudes of tomorrows leaders. I can say this confidently because my studies with IIGL have changed my entire life and I have joined the ranks of the young visionaries who will create tomorrow.

What Our Students Are Saying

Davui Kosi (Togo)

For me, the main goal of IIGL is to teach us to be responsible and mature. At IIGL, we learn how to be responsible for our own life, how to take control of it and shape our destiny through self awareness. At IIGL we learn to change the world by changing ourselves first. I have learned skills to live not only purposefully to succeed in my life but also to become a leader showing the way to others through teaching & counseling.

I am a man of high ambitions. I dream to make a difference in life. Untill very recently I was vague about my ambitions without knowing exactly what I want to do with my life. Little by little I came to know and understand my destiny. The focal point of this awareness is when I became an active student of IIGL. In this educational journey, I came to understand that everything is on purpose in my life. All the setbacks and hardships I am living everyday are for a purpose. It is a call to transform my life constantly striving to do my best. Through IIGL I am gaining invaluable skills in fundamental problem solving. This allows me to be well integrated in this global, fast changing and high tech world.

What Our Students Are Doing

Pius Oluwatosin Reis (Nigeria)

Web-4-All Project

I have developed a new project called “Web 4 All” The aim of the project is to provide free website design services for non-profit organizations working on behalf of humanity. My team and I particularly developed this project for youth-led and youth driven Organizations to inspire the world about what they do. The only cost is the small fee for a domain name and hosting space. We are grateful to “Black Host Africa” for offering their hosting service at half price. You can learn more about our work and mission at

Kosi Davui (Togo)

Initiative For A Positive Future – Togo

In early December, IIGL Davui Kosi, initiated a new project designed to share what he has learned with other aspiring young leaders in Togo. Togo is a French speaking country so Kosi plays a vital role of briding the language divide. Having studied the IIGL curriculum in English, he has now organized weekly classes to share these teachings at the local level in French.

Rev. Father Jean Louis Mumpono (DRC)

Sustainable Cities in Cameroon


Rev. Father Jean Louis Mumpono recently participated in the Cameroon international symposium on “Sustainable Cities in Cameroon.” The symposium aimed to adopt a comprehensive strategy in Cameroon for creating sustainable cities. Fr. Jean help remind the group about the necessity of involving all levels of society in planning and implementing sustainable city strategies.

What Our Students Are Reading

The Invisible Path To Success:

Seven Steps To Understanding & Managing The Unseen Forces Shaping Your Life (Robert Scheinfeld)

Every day things happen to you. How much is caused by you and how much by fate, destiny or the result of invisible forces you know nothing about? Finding the answers to these questions can be compared to putting together a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. This work offers pieces that have been missing from your puzzle. Once you add them to the pieces you’ve already collected, a new picture of who you are, why you’re here, what your purpose is, and how to better manage the unseen forces shaping your life will spring into view.

Meet Our New Students

We are please to welcome five new active students during January. They are from Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda & Sudan.

Kula Aatoz Zodua (Liberia)

I am female, a Liberian, an undergraduate who is majoring in Sociology and a young Activist. I am a Peace Rookie and feel passionate to advocate endlessly for world peace. I volunteer with a lot of local and international organizations. I volunteer with the Society Women for Aids in Africa and serve as one of its many peer educators. I also volunteered with the youth for Human Rights International (Liberia ’s Chapter) and did serve as its Executive Security. I engage in molding the minds of young people through programs that enables them become valuable advocate for tolerance and peace, here by developing their inner peace. I lend my time with the Network of African Youth for Development (NAYD-Liberia). NAYD engage in developmental issues and advocacy as well. I work endlessly with NAYD to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. I spend my leisure time with orphans at an orphanage in my community. I help them with their studies and do conduct lectures on human rights and the importance of meditating.

My hobbies are reading, writing, playing basketball, surfing the net and listening to music. Mostly recently, I’ve engaged in reading just any materials that carries an important message, I always feel brand new every time I go through educational material. My goals in life are so many; I hope to achieve them all by spending my time wisely. I want to see a world where every child is given an equal chance. With this, they can become better individuals. With travel, I build my experience and shape my own comprehension of the different cultures of people and why people behave so differently. I love to spend time with my family, quite recently I’ve been practicing inner peace with my family, its fun and it brings us together. Being the fourth child in my family and the last girl child, I feel bless. My older ones are always there for me, even though, I can now move on all by myself, they always show vast interest towards my well being , actually, they made me.

Dennis Ijeh (Nigeria)

I am Dennis Ijeh, from Nigeria precisely Benue state in Nigeria, I was born into a polygamous family. My father had three wives but two of his wives are now late and one of the late wives happens to be my mother. My father himself is late now. Since I was five years, I have been living with my big brother who happens to work for Chevron Company here in Nigeria. My brother Mr. Peter Ijeh is now married with two girls and we reside in lagos. I completed my secondary education in the year 2008 from a school called Saint Michael Secondary, here in Lagos and I am awaiting admission into the university and precisely the university of Jos Nigeria. Presently, I work in a cyber café very close to my house after my big brother’s cyber café was closed because we decided to change the line of into a guest house. Well, I spent my early years at Ibadan Nigeria where I attended Rufadun international school and moved down to Lagos in 2001 to start my secondary school.

Charles Kabera (Rwanda)

My name is Kabera Charles. I completed my Bachelor of Law Degree Program this year at Kigali Independent University (Rwanda). The topic of my Bachelor’s degree Dissertation is “A critical Analysis of Effectiveness of Tax Offences Control Mechanisms under Rwandan Law”.

My future plans are to become a good leadeer and formulate good policies that will lead to betterment of my community. Fortunately I have ten (10) years of experience working in different fields such as Auditing, Customs, Taxation and I think I may employ that experience as an insight of what is happening outside Academia which I believe will facilitate me to cope up with your training. I have chosen to pursue this Leadership course because it has such a demand for new ideas.

I have a Diploma in Business Studies and a Bachelor’s Degree in Law. I have also taken many courses and obtained certificates in:

• International Players in public Finance and Debt Management;

• Risk Management;

• Auditing;

• Public Finance;

• Elements of Banking;

• Data processing;

• Taxation

I also have a Diploma in French Language as a third language after my native language and English. All this probably makes me a good Operations Policy Leader and Manager, but my objective is to become a better one.

Currently, I am employed as Head of Customs Operations Policy by Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA). My duties and responsibilities are to research operational best practices and procedures, set operational policy standards, issue operational instructions and evaluate outcomes and monitor results. I devise Policy Programs to assist Departments in RRA to perform better. I also review and harmonizes Procedure Manuals, Decisions and Instructions on regular basis and create the new ones whenever need arises. This is not an easy task and needs a lot of Leadership skills and I find your course particularly the most attractive and suitable for me to perform better.

Mamer Garang Nyok (Sudan/Kenya)

I was born on first April 1982 in Kolnyang payam , Bor South county, Jonglei state, Southern Sudan, being born during the war era, there was no choice of either going to school or not because by then we were in rebel controlled areas were education was nightmare. Thus I use to spend my earlier time helping my parent attend castles and helping them in the field during the plantings seasons, life was not good either as I saw and heard most of the peoples in the villages succumb to diseases, war injuries, hunger and thirst.

It was then that I learn about the much suffering caused by the civil war, through my observation of the few people who are working for international organizations offering relief basic services to the war affected people that I learn the different between the educated and illiterate, the educated were smart, health and were revered as they stay around the village, that gave me a desire to be educated, but to no success until 1996 when ACROSS (association of Christian Resources Organization Serving Sudan) a local NGO airlift stationeries’ from Lokichogio at Sudan – Kenya border to our village and open under trees classes.

I continue until class three but my needs were not satisfy due to unfavorable conditions in the area and from there I left for Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya were I continue learning until I finished high school in 2006 and left for Sudan In Sudan I was trained and recruits to work for southern Sudan Wildlife Services as sign list in charge of Warrap State, and due to in satisfy needs for learning I was released on January 2009 to come for studies in Kenya. My vision is to be thoroughly educated to go and teaches my brothers and sisters who had not had a privilege to come to school, of cause we intellectual in Sudan needs to educates our peoples in order to realizes, peace, prosperity and rapid development of cause Sudan had fought It self all this years because of poor leadership, which incite un educated masses to kill themselves because they are manipulated or brain washed with personal and wrong ideology I believe we can manage the conflicts and war being fought in our soils if we unites against and work as team, because of our sought, cultures and religious that is why mankind is the most destructive and violent being in the world, the way we have constructs this bad I ideologies is the same way we can demolishes them and I want you and me to be the part of demolition team to create better world

Abukoo Alier Aguto (Sudan/Kenya)

My name is Abukoo Alier. I am a Sudanese living in Kenya. I was born in Bor, Southern Sudan in 1986. I am married with one child, a bouncing baby boy! I love him so much. He is the center of my life. My husband is still a student at the University and so I am the one taking care of the family and the baby now. I like making friends mostly but do travel sometimes. I like reading children stories. I am preparing myself to be reading them to my child. However, I have other bigger goal in life. For instance, I am hoping to go back to school and study social work or community development because I am very passionate about helping my community back home in the war torn Sudan. I am not a big fan of movies although I enjoy watching Nigerian Movies, mostly on weekends. In my high school, I was a head-girl in my Senior year. In addition, I was the leader of the girl Youth group in my community. My parents and most of my relatives are in the Sudan. I have not been to Sudan for a long time. I wish to go back and help sometimes in the near future when I have acquired relevant skills and knowledge that can make a difference on the ground.


We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL during January. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Edmee DiPauli (UK)

Lale Eterm (Turkey)

Elisabeth Tepper (Venezuela)

Lily Ann (USA/NC)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)

Ron Walker (USA/VA)

Margie Tice (USA/NC)

David Banner (USA/NC)

Marsha Clark (USA/CA)

Dina Kushnir (USA/NY)

Corine Wilson (USA.FL)

Heidi Stewart (USA.NC)

Julie Loosbrock (USA/WI)

Gregory Burazer (USA/NC)

John Hornecker (USA/CA)

Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)

Jesse Syverson (USA/WA)

Unity of Huntsville (USA/AL)

Rommy Banaszczyk (USA/AZ)

Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)

Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)

Janae & Barry Weinhold (USA/NC)

Student Progress

We had 17 students from 8 countries complete a total of 31 books in January. These students were from Bulgaria, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leon, South Africa, Sudan.

Emil Anotov (Bulgaria)

· Goal Mapping

Collins Odhiambo (Kenya)

· PsychoCybernetics

· Keys To Success

Erick Omari (Kenya)

· Leadership For Dummies

Kuls Zodua (Liberia)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

Paul Adedayo (Nigeria)

· Goal Mapping

· NonViolent Communication

Akpan (Nigeria)

· PsychoCybernetics

· Success Through Positive Mental Attitude

Okaformbah (Nigeria)

· Keys To Success

Olgbenga (Nigeria)

· PsychoCybernetics

· Keys To Success

· Success Through Positive Mental Attitude

Oluwaseyifunmi (Nigeria)

· Keys To Success

· Success Through Positive Mental Attitude

P{ius Reis (Nigeria)

· Goal Mapping

· Goal Setting 101

· Law of Attraction

Dennis Ijeh (Nigeria)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

Charles Kabera (Rwanda)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

Mustaph Klah (Sierra Leon)

· Keys To Success

Olita Nyathi (South Africa)

· Inner Peace For Busy Women

Abukoo Alier Aguto (Sudan/Kenya)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

Mamer Garang Nyok (Sudan/Kenya)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

Makwei Mabioor Deng (Sudan/USA)

· PsychoCybernetics

· Success Through Positive Mental Attitude


The following student(s) complete one level of study last month:

Paul Adedayo (Nigeria)

Level Two


New Enrollments

10 enrolled in January

107 enrolled in 2010

Book Assessments

31 in January

31 in 2010

Books Shipped

32 in January

32 in 2010

Cost of books

$521.30 in January

$521.30 in 2010

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