Nkaka Victor – Profile


Name: Nkaka Victor
Country: Rwanda
Email: nkakavictor@gmail.com
Date of Birth: July 27, 1985
Education: Bachelor degree in Chemistry with Education
Occupation: Educator

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
My vision to the world for my every day achievement is to change the world the better place than it was yesterday. I am sure with commitment and hardworking my dreams will become true.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
This world is facing multiple problems which can not be solved alone but together we can. for me what is most interesting is to fight against gender-based violence issues.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
These problems could be solved by putting together our efforts, having the same direction and goals with determination as well.

My name is Victor Nkaka, Rwandan by nationality. I am single and I live in Kigali. I am an educator and I am excellent in teaching, training, negotiation and conflict resolution. I am loyal, authentic, trustworthy and honest. I am able to work in a team and am able to deal with confidentiality. I have good communication skills, building ideas, task orientation ability and networking skills. I have rigor, I am humble and open minded. I am a good listener, diplomatic as well as master planner.

I have formulated strategies and concepts, planning and delivering skills. I can apply technical expertise and I am skilled at team management and leadership skills.
I have the ability to manipulate computer office packages. I am a good negotiator in working with local partners and local authorities with strong knowledge in gender equality and family promotion.

From 2006-2010 I pursued a bachelor degree in science with education (Chemistry with education) from University of Rwanda-College of Education (UR-CE).

My working experience includes from January 2011 up to now;
from 2011-2013; Organization: ministry of education (MINEDUC); position: teacher of science; duties and responsibilities: teaching chemistry and physics, facilitating students doing the works in team related to the course and give them feedback, prepare assignments and avail their respective marks, attend the meeting and trainings related and do other tasks assigned by my supervisor and give weekly and monthly report.
From 2014-2017; Organization: Rwanda Mines Board; position: mineral certification officer; duties and responsibilities: inspection and monitoring of mine sites, receiving and examine log book mine shits from different computers operate on Rwanda areas, assess and analyze the quantity of minerals produced by each mine site and relate them to the information in database, prepare and issuing mineral certificate to the mineral export, participate in workshop training related to the mining sector, work with partners in related field. Do any other tasks given by my supervisor and give weekly and monthly reports to the team.

From 2018 up now; Organization: Rwanda Education Board; position: teacher training officer; duties and responsibility: prepare and deliver trainings to the teachers both in primary and secondary school in Rwanda, inspection on school teaching and learning process, work closely with partners in education sector, attend and participate in both nation and international workshop trainings in education and other related field, prepare weekly and monthly report to my supervisor and team, do any other assigned tasks by supervisor.

A part from my academic qualifications, I have gone for different certified courses in:
Gender, Planning and development; Professional Development for Teachers
Global School Partnership; Building an effective partnership;
Higher Education Teaching Child Social and Financial Education” Trainer of Trainers
Personal Effectiveness at Work; Trainer of Trainers; Managing the Training and Development Function. Knowledge and skills from the above courses helped me to grow big in thinking and planning positively, living with objective, presenting effectively constructing ideas, which I think could be part of effective leader’s qualities.
I have participated in numerous workshops and training both in the education sector, mining sector as well as in social health and community well being. I am fluent in Kinyarwanda, English, French, and Kiswahili.

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Books Completed

As a Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys to Success
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Awaken the Giant Within
Creating your Path through Leadership
Maximum Achievement
Nonviolent Communication
Goal Mapping
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
The Power of Intention
Leadership for Dummies
The Law of Attraction
Failing Forward
The Nature of Personal Reality
The 5 Second Rule
How Successful People Think
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
The 3600 Leader
The Power of Self-Confidence
Full Steam Ahead