Gebreegziabher Fana Kinfe – Profile


Full Names: Gebreegziabher Fana Kinfe (Ethiopia)
Country: Ethiopia
Date of Birth: January 17, 1987
Education: Masters of Arts, Leadership and Good Governance
Occupation: Consultant, Experiential Learning Coordinator

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
My vision is to see a world in which every person lives in alignment with his/her opinion emphasizing unity and connection with each other; giving a person or group of people power and control, especially over one\’s own life and over their rights. Through this process, individuals or a group of people become stronger and more confident, especially with respect to making their own decisions; make a world for everyone in gaining the ability to generate choices and exercise bargaining power. My vision is to discover the creative power of thought; a world where every person discovers his/her own personal power and ability to create an individual life that works within a world that works for everyone. The big picture for me is a world where personal responsibility joins with social ethics in every area of political, economic and social sectors, providing sustainable structures to further the emerging global consciousness. My vision in leadership is to create a world where there is equality, equity and democracy; a world of peace, harmony, equality and justice. My vision is to have the ability to organize and influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally that works for everyone.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The most pressing problem facing the world today is food security which is the biggest threat to the overall health of the human population communicable diseases like hepatitis, cholera, malaria, tuberculosis and HIV. And I saw the other most urgent and overwhelming problem facing the world today is COVID-19 pandemic. I see gender inequality is also the most pressing problem facing the world. Although women make up approximately half of the population, there have historically been social barriers to economic and personal freedom for women, especially in low and middle-income settings. And rates of violence against women; this places women at greater risk of mental health issues caused by trauma as well as sexually transmitted infections. Environmental issues are also the most critical problems facing the world today which also leads to conflict and instability between countries and within the country.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
I feel these problems could best be solved by advanced political leadership immediately to promote urgent and coordinated global action. The world needs an urgent need for leaders to understand these most pressing problems that we are facing today. Currently it is exactly the time that people look to leaders to provide stability, security, equality and a better future, confidence to project a clear strategy and the humility to correct course and recognize the need for change. Leaders who have to think globally while acting locally needed. The ability to negotiate towards a consensus while maintaining integrity is crucial in order to thrive in a rapidly changing world and in bringing solutions for these problems. No longer is a leader simply a person who can make inspiring and good speech. Convincing people to make positive changes such as changing our habits to better sustain the earth on which we live is the job of the true leader. Walk the talk is needed. Developing an effective and coherent global policies and regulations and ensuring the provision of coordinated policy, technical and financial assistance are also best ways I feel could be best solutions to solve these urgent problems our world is facing.

Open minded and positive thinker consultant and trainer with more than 8 years of successful experience in training, research and consultancy. Graduate in Economics from a recognized University, specialized in Leadership and Good Governance. Enthusiastic, Skilled in oral and written communication, as well as negotiation techniques. Experienced in delivering different trainings for Government organizations and Non-Government organizations (NGO’s) for Top, Middle and Lower level leaders such as: Transformative Leadership; Gender and Leadership; Change Management; Women Political Leadership and Candidates training; Leadership; Team Building; Coaching; Conflict Management; Team Building; Execution Skill; Decision Making; Emotional Intelligence; Training of Trainers; Monitoring and Evaluation Customer Service and Conflict Management. Skilled in development and Validation of Training Materials such as: Transformational Leadership; Good Governance Community Development Skills. Introduction to Disability, Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and Inclusive Development; Community Based Rehabilitation Components; Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Project Cycle Management; International and National Legal Frameworks of Disability; Field attachment Guidelines; Experienced in consulting organizations in different curriculum and training module developments. Conducting two researches under the title “Ascertaining Public Service Management Competency Domains from the Notions of Developmental State: In Selected Federal Civil Service Organizations and “The Obstructing Consequences of Rent Seeking Behavior in Handling Public Service Compliant.” Consult Ethiopian Postal Service Training Center: Organizational Structure and Human Resource Plan\r\n• Consult Ethiopian Health Insurance Agency Organizational Structure and Staffing Plan. Regularly develops capacity development programs to empower employees specially women and girls. Previously working as a journalist in a local media skillful in: Writing, producing and hosting developmental, high quality and community based programs, articles and news, producing report, “a voice for the voice less.” Leading morning and evening news Preparing Gender based programs which create awareness. Updating job knowledge by participating in different opportunities and reading publications. Experience in the development of Promotion Materials in: Developed the Ethiopian Management Institute’s Annual Calendar and Catalog. Developed the Ethiopian Management Institute’s Interface Material which shows internal Customers standards working as an Experiential Learning Coordinator; experienced in providing coordination and management of the Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) experiential learning for undergraduate scholarship program. Managing the CBR experiential learning and collaborating and communicating with appropriate bodies. Building the capacity of disabled students and coordinating trainings other than their normal classes. Certified with trainings:\r\n• Gender Equality and Elections\r\n• The role of Journalists and Media Practitioners to Address Violence against Women\r\n• Roads to Inclusion. Transformational Leadership. Consultancy skills\r\n• Political Leadership and Campaign Training of Trainers. Training of Trainers. I seeks to join International Institute for Global Leadership (IIGL) to learn experiences about leadership techniques in a wider and global perspective to excel training skill and to be personally developed and empowered. Eager to join International Institute for Global Leadership to find out my life purpose and to become reliable leader in bringing positive change for the community, country and the world.

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Books Completed

As a Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys to Success
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Creating your Path through Leadership
Awaken the Giant Within
Maximum Achievement
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People