Bizimana Elie – Profile


Name: Bizimana Elie
Date of Birth:
February 24, 2000
Advanced Level Secondary School in the Field of (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Entrepreneurship, Citizenship) at E.S Kanombe/E.F.O.TEC from 2018-Prsent

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
It is sometimes difficult to explain our vision due to different obstacles imagined to facing our future, but I as a future leader, I can’t be afraid due to those imaginary obstacles. My vision of the World is still faced by different known and unknown challenges. I am developing my potential to look on how the World will escape from those challenges and I am preparing my way to be involved in future World Change with the provision of enough democracy, peace, unity, good wealth and health all over the World.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

As I investigate and observe day-to-day, the most pressing problems facing the World today are the following: First, insufficient Surface Area for Cultivation or Plant Growing which May Result In Economic Crisis. Next, the World Today is faced by the Problem of the Increase of Air and Water Pollutions Due to the Humans’ Activities like Industrialization. Finally, the World Today is also faced by the problem of small size for Settlement due to Over-Population. This can lead to the lack of jobs hence causing conflicts.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

Generally, these problems to be solved will require well skilled and experienced people who are highly self-motivated and who deserve and expect to commit him/herself to provide solutions without thinking on direct returning income. The problems will require Critical Thinking and high practices by also cooperating together as a team through those ways, many solutions will be made.


I was born on February 24, 2000 by my honor parents Nsengiyumva Damascen and Nyiraminani Consolee. I am the second among five children. After leaving my Primary /elementary school, I attended in O’Level secondary school in all field of study followed by Advanced Level in Secondary School at ESKANOMBE/EFOTEC in the field of Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Citizenship and Communication skills and Entrepreneurship.
During my early days of secondary school, I always thought about the general living style of the worlds’ residents. This was the result of my mind perspective. As my thoughts brought great stimulation to my potential abilities, I was expecting to become a future Revolutionary, Democratic, Transformation, situation and Visionary person as I am now being as much as possible. Due to different living related situations and unpleasant survival of some people in the world, I have engaged into strong difficult feeling which is difficult to be ceased by any circumstances all over the world.
I am very self-empowered, although not as much as today about all life circumstances, like; poverty , individualism, ignorance, climate change and poor leadership perspective amongst some countries as well as conflict as the result of all those problems. I did not stop to deal with some possible circumstances by providing thoughts and other physical supports by perspective attitudes as the initial solution to those problems facing the world residents, and also due to those all together with my future dreams. I have been participating in many valuable activities such as those related to the leadership, social activities, educational activities and some department, security issues, public institute, taxation issues, management and organization, history events , charity organizations, poverty reduction associations and other departments.
I always wanted to provide and promoting peace and security as well as the promotion of good relationship and social cohesion as my first pillar of my special life guides.
My interests are: Leadership, health science, peace, security , human right , gender equality, social cohesion, education, taxation, justice, politics, business, economics, all development issues. I am experienced in the leadership styles. I am experienced in relationship and social cohesion , I am skilled in citizenship and communication issues , I am experienced in public relationship, I am experienced in economic and business / entrepreneurship issues, I have been certified in ESL program by World compassion fellowship as well as I have been certified in English spelling by brain treasures group; Spelling Bees. Also, I have been certified in computer operators and office operations by Sintongo High technology. My Hobbies include: Reading books and participating in healthy sports. My Qualities include: I am Revolutionary, Transformative, Situational and visionary person with Perspective and upright attitudes.

My Overall Objective is that I am a highly self motivated and best expectant. I am working with all validations and much competitive way of bringing the great significant contributions in the change of the world style based on economics, politics and education by providing well expected issues through the Emancipation facts.
My vision/mission is wealth and welfare for all!

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Books Completed

As a Man Thinketh

Jonathan Livingston Seagull
I am Malala
Keys to Success
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude