Newsletter – Issue #77 * May 2008

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #77 * May 2008



Guest Editorial

In Every Seeming Adversity

One of the first things that I learned in Level One studies with IIGL was that “In Every Seeming Adversity Is The Seed Of An Equal Or Greater Benefit.” I have recently proven this to be true. As you know, our country was recently wracked with great civil strife that brought many deaths and totally disrupted our economy. We are largely dependent on eco-tourism, which was also the sector that I was working in. As the result of the civil strife I lost my job & income. With two little girls to support I wasn’t sure what I would do.

I will admit, It has not been a smooth running since I lost my job but I tried to courageously move on. I was on an emotional roller coaster. However, one day I woke up feeling good and decided to try some knitting. I had some wool in the house so I tried crocheting a sweater, but it didn’t come out well I undid it. Then I tried a poncho and it was ok. I made one for my little girl then for my oldest daughter. This took some days. One day a lady friend invited me for a presentation on money matters for “forever living products” even though I did not join it was a wake-up call for me. Some of the things that I had learnt about money from IIGL were

– A bank is not where money is.

– Money will not come to a person who has a poor conscious.

– Being broke is a temporary situation but being poor is a mental condition.

As I was going back home, full of energy and feeling high, what came into my mind was one of the IIGL books “Giant steps, and one of things I remember vividly was that success and failure are not results of single events. Real failure is not going the extra mile, while real success is about taking initiative.

I went to my house and took one of the small ponchos and went to children shops in town and out of the about seven shops that I managed to approach two shops gave me orders to make a six poncho each. In the same evening I had a women’s meeting at my home and I showed them what I was doing and got 12 more orders!. That was my best evening ever that I can remember and I realized that sometimes we just need a tap on the back to wake us up. Losing my job was my wake-up call.

I did the first six in 5 days and it was tiring. My neck, sight and right hand was almost going numb. A neighbor friend of mine came visiting and found me doing the poncho. I told her about my situation. She had also lost her job so we talk and she came back over and after a few lessons she was on board, doing ponchos part time. I asked her if she knew someone else who could do the same and to cut the long story short, I now have a team of six ladies – some married with children – who are managing to do two ponchos in a day and earning about kshs.100 ($1.65) for each poncho. My house has turned into a small shop, as we exchange ponchos with more wool. I have now involved my house-help too as I have to get more orders and buy more wool. The orders we are getting are just OVERWHELMING.

Many of the ladies are now making them from home while taking care of their families, and I am visiting them while they work at home. I thank God that even though I am not earning as much myself now, I have taught six women how to earn a living.

I fully agree that a real hero is a person who courageously contributes under even the most trying circumstance and lives with an attitude of positive expectancy knowing that everything that happens in life benefits one in some way. I know now that I should not look for heroes but be one.

With IIGL studies I am not the same person I was last year, last month, last week and not even yesterday, it has helped me change my attitudes towards life, have confidence, assume responsibility and take things positively. LONG LIVE IIGL, without you I could not be whom I am today!!!

Meet Our New Students

We are very pleased to welcome one new students during the month of April. He is Tendai Innocent Danha from Zimbabwe.

Tendayi Innocent Danha (Zimbabwe)

My vision is to see a world in which there is generous and continuous sharing of heart and resources. . .a world in which forgiveness, whether for errors, injustices, or debts, is the norm. . .a world in which borders are irrelevant. . .a world which has renewed its emphasis on beauty, nature and love through a resurgence of creativity, art, and aesthetics. . .a world in which fellowship prospers and connects through the guidance of spiritual wisdom and experience. . .a world in which we live and grow as One Human Family.

I have an inquiring, analytical mind and I am able to work logically, consistently and accurately, even when under pressure. I am a self motivated individual with the ability to manage my time efficiently. I have management skills as well as knowledge of the general economic environment in which I operate I am currently employed as a financial director and I am a fully fledged bookkeeper, accountant, finance and administration manager with skills in team building.

What Our Students Are Saying

Samuel Oyetunde (Nigeria)

It was a common thing in my life to imagine failure before I even embark on any thing. But that has change, especially since reading the book PsychoCybernetics 2000. There were times I worry about possible unfavourable results, accompanied by feelings of anxiety, inadequacy, or perhaps humiliation. In my daily life, whenever I begin to imagine failure, I remind myself that the subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between a real experience and one that is vividly imagined. Then I ask my self some questions such as; am I playing the “what if?” game? If so, “so, what if” or am I concerned with the here and now or with the future fears and conflicts? If it’s something that might happen down the road, I’ll face up to it when the time comes. There’s no point in worrying about it now. And this has helped a lot, and I will continue to apply it in my daily relationships and activities in life.

Arturo Aigaje (Ecuador)

The clear and simple relfection printed in this book, Ten Steps to Success and Happiness, have allowed me to have a more clear idea of the miracle God has worked in me. The affirmation “each thought you have must be analyzed in terms of knowing if it weakens of strengthens you”, constitutes a huge challenge for me. That’s why I am putting together a support paper, with many of the truths in this book that I will share in the training I give in Imababura, starting the 3rd week of April. The purpose of this trainig is to enhance the movement life quality regarding food, sharing the wealth of local foods, in each of the communities included in the training program. We work with the mothers in each sector, considering they are the major feeder of the family, therefore they have the Power to change, not only regarding what they eat, but also the whole life system…

What Our Students Are Reading

The Eight Essential Steps To Conflict Resolution

By Dudley Weeks

This book should be on everyone’s personal reference shelf. I read it several years ago, and have incorporated the steps into my daily interactions with others. I go back to the book when I find myself in a difficult situation and need a framework to think through how to deal with it. Many conflict resolution approaches perpetuate our misconception that conflict is an event. The Eight Essential Steps focus on conflict as a state in a relationship. The prescriptions it contains are extraordinarily useful for building productive and healthy relationships. – A readers review

(This is one of more than 400 books our students have to choose from in their studies for Level Four Through Six).

Featured Resource

Idealist.Org (Action Without Borders)

Idealist is a project of Action Without Borders, a nonprofit organization founded in 1995 with offices in the United States and Argentina. Idealist is an interactive site where people and organizations can exchange resources and ideas, locate opportunities and supporters, and take steps toward building a world where all people can lead free and dignified lives. In includes the following listings:

* Nonprofit Jobs (8,362)

* Volunteer opportunities (12,591)

* Organizations (74,558)

* Idealist Groups (675)

* Consultants (1,026)

* Internships (1,759)

* Programs (1,729)

* People (141,103)

* Volunteers (75,703)

* Materials (7,242)

* Speakers (3,656)

* Events (675)

* Campaigns (602)

What Our Donors Are Saying

Judith Royer (USA/SD)

I choose to support IIGL, first of all, because I believe in the organization’s philosophy and goals. Changing the world does indeed originate from our individual ideas and actions. By providing books that help the students develop a positive expansive outlook, IIGL provides a useful framework for them to use in their individual lives in whatever way they choose. I also choose to support IIGL because it allows me to be personally involved as a mentor to a student. I know that my involvement makes a difference, not just from my donations but from my energy and personal support as well.


We extend a special thanks to the following 23 individuals and/or organizations which contributed to IIGL during April. Their ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Lale Eterm (Turkey)

Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)

Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)

Rommy Banaszczyk (USA/AZ)

Naomi Stauber (USA/CA)

Corine Wilson (USA/FL)

Anneliese Weiss (USA/FL)

Hope Gorman (USA/MN)

Margie Tice (USA/NC)

Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)

Janis Thayer (USA/NC)

Lily Ann (USA/NC)

Janae & Barry Weinhold (USA/NC)

Judith Royer (USA/SD)

Julie Loosbrock (USA/WI)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)

Kate Merrick (USA/FL)

Kelly Terracciano (USA/CA)

Kehinde Omotayo (NIGERIA/UK)

Julian Murphy (UK)

Lou Stewart (USA/NC)

Dave Arnold (USA/FL)

Make A Difference In The World!

You can make a lasting difference now by investing in the future of young heart-centered leaders throughout the world who will soon be making critical decisions that will determine the future of humanity and the planet. How? By becoming an active partner in this work with your financial contribution. We are supported by people like you; people who believe that it’s more important to light a candle, however small, than to curse the darkness. We welcome contributions in any amount, however small, because this isn’t just about money. It’s also about energy and connection.

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to PO Box 18909, Asheville, NC. 28814. Contributions may also be made by credit card. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501(c)3 tax codes of the United States Internal Revenue Service.


Student Progress

We had 20 students from 12 countries complete a total of 32 books in April. These students were from Bulgaria, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d’ Ivore, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe

English Division

Emil Antonov (Bulgaria)

· Power of Intention

Rwamatwara Egide (Congo)

· Real Magic

Paa Kwesi Inkumsah (Ghana)

· Principled Profit

· The Leadership Pill

* The Great Game Of Business

Bikundo Onyari (Kenya)

· Non-Violent Communication

Rose Mbuga (Kenya)

· Goal Mapping

Daniel Saah (Mali)

· As A Man Thinketh

Paul Adedayo (Nigeria)

· What to Say When You Talk To Yourself

· The Law Of Attraction

· Goal Setting 101

Iziomoh Felix (Nigeria)

· Thinking For A Change

Longe Opeyemi Dotun (Nigeria)

· The New Dynamics Of Winning

Solomon O’chucks Nwokoro (Nigeria)

· What to Say When You Talk To Yourself

· Real Magic

· Keys To Success

· Giant Steps

Sunday Abidemi Obarinu (Nigeria)

· The New Dynamics Of Winning

Oketunji Oyewale Rotimi (Nigeria)

* What To Say When You Talk To Yourself

Olita Talent Nyathi (South Africa)

· Goal Magic

Tendai Chakupa (Zimbabwe)

· Jonathan Livingston Seagull

· As A Man Thinketh

French Division

Pascal Nepa (Burundi)

· Atteignez Vos Objectifs

Guy M. Yamdjeu N. (Cameroon)

· Orthographe progressi

Jean Louis Mumpono (DR Congo)

* Ve du français.. Atteignez Vos Objectifs

* Les Présents de Eykis

* Les 10 Secrets du Succès et de la paix

* Ma petite philosophie ne connaît pas de crise

Hassane H. Namary (Niger)

· Manuel de la CNV : Exercices pratiques

Gloria Musambi Y. (Cote d’Ivoire)

· Les Mots sont les fenêtres

Moussa Mounkeila (Niger)

· Comment utiliser le pouvoir de votre subconscient

· Les Présents de Eykis


We are pleased to congratulate the following students who have completed one level of study during the past month.

Rwamatwara Egide (Congo)

Completed Level One

Solomon O’chucks Nwokoro (Nigeria)

Completed Level One

Statistical Report

New Enrollments

5 enrolled in April

27 enrolled in 2008

Book Assessments

34 in April

140 in 2008

Books Shipped

56 in April

267 in 2008

Cost of books

$1,206.90 in April

$4,609.54 in 2008

To Contribute By Credit Card, Click Here

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