Erasmus Rwinkesha – Profile


Name: Erasmus Rwinkesha
Country: Rwanda
Date of Birth: December 29, 1977
Education: Masters in Business Administration (Finance) and Masters in Business Administration (Project Management)
Occupation: RRwanda Reveune Autority (RRA Employee)

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
My education that I shall acquired from that Institution of leadership will be much useful not only to me, to my family but also beyond that where found necessary. The world is ours and we should therefore join efforts for its betterment starting from our families, country, continent and finally in the whole world. I shall use the knowledge acquired from that course for making very constructive and developmental decision making. The world has many problems and therefore need to participate in leading people to reach solutions.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The world of today has many problem affecting it in different aspects and among them are as follows: Climatic Crisis and Clear Energy: Climate changes affect agriculture.\r\n-Education for Development: Most of the people don’t get good education due to lack of finance and being taught by Un qualified teachers most especially in villages.\r\n-Another problem facing the world today is that of environment and corporate sustainability. The environment is affected by pollution that comes from the industries which poison the atmosphere hence leading to various diseases such as respiratory diseases.\r\n-Global Public Health: There are many types of diseases that hinder the world both chronic and acute. Some diseases such as HIV aid Covid 19 have no cure and other chronic diseases like cancer, diabetic mellitus, cardiac diseases to mention but a few. All these mentioned above kill many people hence affecting the economy and the population of countries most especially poor countries. Human Rights and access to Justice: People from different countries violate the rights of other people worldwide. This can bring loss of jobs, refuges, poverty and sometimes lead to death. Unemployment: This among major factors affecting the world not only in one continent but also in other continent like Africa and Asia. Many people also lack economic opportunities. Over two billions of people live countries experiencing high water stress while four billion people experience severe water scarcity for at least one month a year. Some get water but not clean water and this causes water born diseases. Due to the fact that many people in the world especially in Africa don’t have jobs and some are peasants practicing subsistence farming and other countries are always in wars causing people to be refuges and these entire make people become poor and homelessness. There are so many other problems such as over population, civil rights and racial discrimination, child obesity, chronic problems, infectious diseases, natural diseases and current the world is facing a very big problem of corona virus causing Covid 19.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
The world is fighting by all means to end poverty using different strategies.The world is all working tirelessly to end hunger and improve nutrition and sustainable agriculture. Promoting well being for all ages. Many countries in the world including my country Rwanda are promoting equitable and quality education. Much emphasis is being put in Gender equality which has shown a lot of changes in as far development is concerned. Ensure that water and sanitation are in place for all. Countries are working very hard to solve the problem of unemployment by promoting sustainable economic growth and productive employment. Building resilient and innovative infrastructure. Ensure access to modern energy for all. Reducing inequality among people in the countries. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Taking urgent action to combat climatic changes. Conserve and sustainably use earth’s water accordingly. Promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and forests, and halt and reserve land degradation and biodiversity development. Promote peaceful societies, provide access to justice, and build effective and accountable institutions. Implement and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

I am Erasmus Rwinkesha, a Rwandan by Nationality aged 43. Currently I work with Rwanda Revenue Authority in Customs Services Department as a Customs Officer. I worked with Rwanda Revenue Authority for a decade because I started working with it in 2011. I also worked with a company called Peason before joining Rwanda Revenue Authority. I hold a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration (Finance) and a Maters degree in Business administration (Project Management). I studied in former School of Finance of Banking (SFB) and currently a University of Rwanda(UNR).I studied Masters degree in Mount Kenya University. At the University on Bachelors Degree I was a Guild president and a member of University Senate where I participate in many aspects in making decision. I was a head of clubs and associations at the university where I started Human Rights club in all Universities that were operating in Rwanda in collaboration with UNDP (Human Right department and Human Rights Commission in Rwanda. I taught in Primary School before joining University for 3 years. Languages I speak: I speak English fluently and I can as well write it properly and not forgetting reading. I also know little French and can be able to communicate using it but not so much. I my mother tongue called Kinyarwanda and Swahili language. I was trained in computer(advanced excel) helped by Rwanda Revenue Authority in Rwanda Revenue Training Institute and offered me a certificate. Trained in customer care and got a certificate. Trained In Risk Management by COIKA: an international organization originated from Korea that help in the development of some African countries.

I’m trained in environmental protection by Rwanda Environmental Protection Authority (REMA). Also, trained as training of trainers about HIV aids. I’m trained on entrepreneurship and I received 2 days training on leadership and Management. In addition I’m trained in various customs trainings like rules of origin, tariff, customs intelligence and Customs Law; to mention but a few. I worked temporarily with Heifer International for 3 months and UNDP for one month in surveys.

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Books Completed

As a Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys to Success
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Awaken the Giant Within
Creating Your Path Through Leadership
Maximum Achievement
Goal Mapping
Nonviolent Communication
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Leadership for Dummies
Unlimited Power
Goal Setting 101
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
Good Leaders ask Great Questions
The Nature of Personal Reality
Change your thinking change your Life
Critical Thinking
How to Sell Yourself
Full Steam Ahead