Toyosi Olamakinde – Profile


Name: Toyosi Olamakinde
Country: Nigeria
Birthday: August 18
Education: BS Politics Philosophy and Economics, Masters in Business
Occupation: Self Employed

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
My vision for a world that works for everyone is a world where everyone can have access to basic social amenities effortlessly in terms of good housing, affordable food, education, health care, and a growing economy. A world that works for everyone should be a place where leaders at every level are dedicated in providing necessary means, tools and resources needed by the general population for

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The most pressing problems facing the world today are in their numbers. It ranges from poverty to political crises, racism, war, religious conflict, wage-gap issues and so on. Uneven distribution of wealth around the world has led to increasing poverty. It was discovered that more than 70 percent of the people in the world own less than roughly 3 percent of total wealth in the world.

Political conflict which has tremendously increased over the past  few years could be seen as a result of selfish political ambitions and other personal ambition which has clouded the political space. Unfit politicians want to hold political seats at all cost, even if it will cost the lives and livelihood of citizens.

Terrorism as well as the rise of religiously-motivated insurgent groups are also among the world’s most pressing issues affecting most developing countries. Terrorism has been categorized as a violent or threatened violent action, such actions are carried out for political, economic, religious, or social purposes. For example, the terrorist organization Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has clearly stated its political goal to establish itself as a caliphate.
Other problems include: Wage gap issues, income inequality and lack of education.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
These problems can be solved by creating an enabling environment for growth and development in all aspects of life; be it in the political, Legal, social, economic, technological, education, health as well as physical environment.

I believe the wide gap in wealth can be bridged by encouraging
entrepreneurs via the provision of access to capital or funding of the
businesses with relatively little or no interest rate. Also bureaucratic red tapes which make it difficult for persons or groups of people to enter into certain industries should be reduced; such difficulties come in different forms like huge business registration fees, high taxes from different government parastatals, policies that trigger inflation and so on. Governments can welcome Innovations from small and medium businesses by partnering with national and
international networks which can facilitate entrepreneurial
engagements in a global economy.

Furthermore, the Government must be encouraged to invest in education and training either formal or informal for its citizens because there is a positive correlation between education and national security. Encouraging free basic education for children at all costs will go a long way in promoting tolerance, peace, unity and order which will promote national security either now or in the nearest
future because the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow.

I am Toyosi Olamakinde a graduate of the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria; from the department of political science with a BSc in Politics, Philosophy and Economics. I am a knowledge seeker, I believe in personal growth and development, I am given to learning, I yearn to know more about things related to me, my passion, my environment and my goals in life. These have contributed to reasons of having interest in IIGL.

Growing up, I had always wanted to be an entrepreneur, self-employed and also have a medium for helping the vulnerable, especially children and women. Since “Rome was not built in a day” I chose to invest more in gaining experiences and knowledge, This I did via internships, jobs, skill acquisition such as fashion designing, digital skills, sales and marketing skills, attending seminars and even getting a higher degree in Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from National Open University of Nigeria.

My passion and love for the vulnerable in the community, especially children, made me get a teaching job for three years, these were three years of not just teaching or impacting knowledge, they were years of learning about the acts and arts of children, why they behave the way they do and how to handle them. I could understand different family’s orientations on childcare because I believe a child is a
representative of his or her family.

In my quest to gain more knowledge and experience in child’s related affairs like child protection policy, I volunteered in an International Non-governmental organization (Save the Children International, SCI) as a field assistant where I got the opportunity to interact with parents and children who have been displaced from
their homes due to one form of crisis or the other. I assisted in providing relief materials, food and non food items and providing a source of livelihood for families. These experiences have further broadened my exposure to real life situations and challenges in many of our local communities and how to solve them.

My favorite book so far is “Becoming a better you” by Joel Osteen.
My Favorite movies are: What happened to Monday. My name is Khan.

Being an enthusiast for improving family lives and community life as
a whole, I believe the wellbeing of a family will directly or Indirectly impact the lives of children either positively or negatively; because of this, I have been involved in several projects but one remarkable project I participated in was helping interested
individuals in forming a “Village Savings and Loan Association – VSLA.”
This project recorded an all-round success from the planning stage to
the final stage. Participants in every VSLA group were encouraged to
save on a weekly basis from their sources of livelihoods, and opportunities to take loans from their group savings to promote their businesses was encouraged.

I monitored their meetings on every meeting day, gave advice or useful information and also took down complaints and challenges with a view to proffering solutions to them. My leadership experience varied from formal, semi-formal and informal settings. Most of which were/are in religious circles. As a change seeker in my university days, I participated in departmental politics at the Parliamentary level of the National Association of Political Science Student NAPSS, OAU.

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Books Completed


As a Man Thinket
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude