Tendai Chakupa – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Tendai Chakupa (Zimbabwe)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book? Do not simply list the ideas, but explain or discuss why they were important to you, using personal examples.

The power of thought makes vision a reality; this is a very important point to note in my life. It is what I think that brings my vision to reality. I always hamper progress in my growth because I think I can never make it, I am not capable.

What people see outside is a result of the master weaver within which is my mind, I have a moody personality sometimes but what I have realized is that it begins with a bitter mind within. In most cases I struggle to overcome the problem by displacing any wrong thinking in my heart with the right one. It usually works. The idea is to allow the weaver to do the positive work within for good results within and outside.

Pain is sometimes associated with wrong thoughts, it is always the case that I am hurt by what I think people imply when they say something about me. Being positive and clean in mind will give no room to wrong simulations.

Right thinking requires effort and practice, I always see people with fine characters and admire them, but trying to copy them does not work. It requires a lot of effort. It is not easy to love when not loved but with lot of effort it can be possible. This is similar to the kind of effort that is put in the garden to keep weeds out. A man’s mind is likened to the garden.

Truth comes by digging deep in the soul, we often lie to self and pretend things are fine but it is with the deep parts of the heart that comes out the true self. Just like true gold and true diamond, it is obtained through deep mining and fine processing.

The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors, that which it loves, and also that which it fears Weakly and sickly thoughts hamper development, I always languish over past and over failures such that bitterness clouds me but I am discovering that this will only hinder progress in my life. Change is inevitable when there is right thinking.

For every human being there is a purpose and that purpose enabled by right thinking may help one to establish himself. A life with purpose has direction and a well directed life can be fruitful with positive strategies.

A powerful mind is the one that is purposeful and peaceful; the author uses the word calm to describe a mind that is at peace. Am always worried over too many things such that I end up not thinking, that mind is not stable hence no good fruit

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc? Please use personal examples in your explanation

Wishes and prayers are only gratified and answered when they harmonize with his thoughts and actions. I believe if one has positive thinking most of the prayers and wishes are granted. Positive thinking goes well together with faith.

Clean thoughts make clean habits. When I feel disappointed in someone, I usually react according to my hurtful thought which is not clean. It is also the case with envy and jealousy, where I am supposed to be happy I end up showing some kind of attitude because it will have come from the mind

I do believe that a human being does not necessarily choose his/her circumstances, for instance I did not choose to be an orphan but I can choose to remain an orphan in my mind, lamenting over the past that I cannot change. It is always my prayer to accept circumstances I cannot change and create a serene spirit within me. A man cannot directly choose his circumstances, but he can choose his thoughts, and so indirectly, yet surely, shape his circumstances.

Everything we achieve starts off as a dream which will then materialize over time. “The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream”. I have always dreamt of attaining a degree something which was new in my family, it came to pass. The path towards the achievement was not easy but I managed to accomplish my desire as I worked over time.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please Explain.

I have learnt that circumstances do not make a man but it only reveals one to self. A man is made up by what he thinks about his circumstances and by what he becomes as a result of his circumstances.

There is a new fact that I certainly believe has a lot of meaning in my life but I did not understand it which says, “Keep your hands firmly upon the helm of thought”. It is probably that one should put a guard on ones’ mind.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how?

Yes the book has greatly challenged and changed the way I think as well. I have discovered some of the life truths that I have to improve on and some I have to start implementing. I have explained how this has happened in my situation below.

The dishonest man may have some admirable virtues which the other does not possess; and the honest man obnoxious vices which are absent in the other. The way I was brought up is like everyone who is dishonesty cannot really help you but now I have changed my mind and I need to start looking for some admirable virtues in such people which I might as well be lacking.

I have also been challenged to make a lot of effort in checking my mind, what I put inside it and how I look after it. I always tell myself that I have one of the most corrupt mind so I have realized that as a garden needs serious weeding I should also seriously weed out all the dirty, rather I have to uproot everything and start anew.

My mind needs a radical change so that I start to realize the good or quick positive change in my life. It looks so simple but I know it is a big challenge which I need to effortlessly pursue. There is a promise to a changed mind; it brings gentleness and peace of the mind. “Let a man radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life”. I am one person who can be clouded by wrong thoughts so I guess there is need for a massive transformation for me to be realizing a rapid change in my life. It is quite a challenge.

Another challenge is that my circumstances can be a bridge towards my progress. I always complain and wish for things that I could never change but now I know my situation is just an aid to development otherwise I could not do it if I was like my sister or my husband

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

Probably I did not understand what the author meant the by the phrase “even at birth the soul comes of its own” but I believe at birth a person’s soul is solely dependent upon its maker. It is only as the child grows that he/ she start to feed the mind with either the good or the bad depending on one’s beliefs.

“The people who live in fear of disease are the people who get it”. If taken as simple as it implies there would be very few sicknesses in the world. I remember when I was growing up I did not even know about certain disease which I would get to know upon suffering from them. I believe it only becomes true if one is afraid of a recurrent disease attack and not for the first time. So many times people are shocked upon discovering that they have certain illnesses which they had never had before.

“All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.”

I do not agree with the above statement because some people have positive thinking towards their goals in life but so often some are never accomplished. I am sure if we could qualify the above statement we really need to consider some factors outside our thoughts. Achievement is not always a direct result of good thinking neither is failure always a direct result of thought. Maybe it is my own weird view but always the things that I have highly thought of exclusive of other factors have proved to turn out the negative. Whilst positive thinking is a good breeding ground of faith it needs it works best with some kind of external push. For example some people have great thoughts but they need to be motivated or supported which is not a weakness.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

Generally the book has a lot of helpful ideas and most of them have even helped me to have another view of life which is more or less in accordance with my faith.

I liked the idea of likening our minds to the garden it really calls for serious effort to keep the garden out of weeds otherwise you will only reap the weeds. I would want to take the owner of the garden as the Creator and myself as the gardener. It is up to gardener to let the weeds grow or remove them because the one who created it had created it for good reasons. There is a lot of effort needed to keep the garden free of weeds and out of intruders. So it is what you let in the garden and how you look after the garden that determines the quality and quantity of fruit that will be produced. This is quite interesting and challenging as well, it calls for serious effort in making sure that the garden is kept good for its intended purpose.

A blessed man is the one who has right thoughts. The first part which says Blessedness, not material possessions is the measure of right thought has touched me so much. Sometimes in life we direct our focus more on material possessions rather than blessedness and what we often call blessedness is material possessions and not a joyous and clean mind.

When a mind is full of blame shifting for example one can say “if it were not because so and so disturbed me I could have” ,sometimes crying over spilt milk does not help, what helps is trying to accept what any prevailing condition and look for possible ways to escape. “And he adapts his mind to that regulating factor, he ceases to accuse others as the cause of his condition, and builds himself up in strong and noble thoughts; ceases to kick against circumstances, but begins to use them as aids to his more rapid progress, and as a means of discovering the hidden powers and possibilities within himself”. This is one important weapon to attack the challenging environment and circumstances. It is always important in one’s life to realize that he needs to use every circumstance around him as a stepping stone to success or progress. There are hidden powers in every disability and unfavorable circumstance. This has inspired me to use my circumstance as an aid to my progress towards my goal; otherwise it would have never been easy for me to accomplish all I want if the circumstances were the other way round.

It always seems that we are very good and the circumstances around us are unfavorable but sometimes change has to come from within so that the outside circumstances may begin to conform. It is often true that man are really burning to change their circumstances but unwilling to improve themselves. I would want to be a great someone in life but cannot accept the challenges around me.

It is always to exercise rightful thinking in order to maintain a clean life. It is always said that practice makes everything perfect, it also applies in thought. Some proverb also says out of the abundance of heart the mouth speaks, what occupies the mind is what comes out. We are always told to exercise in order to keep our bodies fit and being able to resist any form of pressure. It has helped me to maintain a good ground for right thinking even if the circumstances seem not to allow.

What makes a human being whole is not the level success, spiritual maturity which benefits self alone, a selfish mind and dirty thoughts, it is the ability to give and share that matters. A selfless mind is the one that considers and accommodates everyone. This often lacks in most successful people. There is a proverb that says Pride comes before a fall that is very true even as we look at the above statement. Once you become arrogant and selfish nothing outside seems to matter except for yourself and this against the law of humanity.

Concentrating on seeking money without love and peace of mind is just vanity and insignificant. I love money so do my friend, father sister and brother but from what James wrote money seeking may not be of any importance if one’s life is not clean and at peace. It is better to live in peace rather than spend the entire life with an unsettled life seeking money.

I did not find anything worthy writing about which is least helpful because all I read significantly helped, most of the facts helped in one way or the other.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

The power of thought or mind regulates one’s life. One is shaped by what comes out of the mind in all areas which are, spiritually, emotionally socially, intellectually and sometimes physically. Rightful thinking is blessedness.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 09
B. How helpful were the contents? 09
C. How easy was it to understand? 07
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 09



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Tendai Chakupa (Zimbabwe)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book? Do not simply list the ideas, but explain or discuss why they were important to you, using personal examples

I discovered that there is actually no limit and there are no limitations towards one’s ambitions. When Jonathan had thought he had done great that’s when he discovered that there were some who would even take him higher. When I attained my degree in my family it was a great thing it was only when I was there that I discovered I still have a lot to acquire. And at times I feel it is so big a challenge to explore but I need to forget about all the limitations and try and discover new heights in life. Jonathan was worried about his age and in ability to go beyond his vision but after attempting he felt renewed. That is great I believe so. There is no task so big beyond the scope of my mind, considering where I come from.

By venturing into the unknown by your community or circle you will discover more and more new things and that there is always a better way of doing things and others have even brighter and great ideas the other side of life.

One can only discover that there are people who think the way you think if only you free yourself from the limitations of nature and tradition. And beyond your limitations and tradition there is someone who needs the specific ability you have for them to succeed in life. There are people out there who have the same mind and need a person like me to get motivated. When Jonathan met Su he was the only new comer but after some time of doubt he proved that he could do better than the old students. The old students were so surprised by how Jonathan succeeded; they wanted a person like him to give them motivation.

Age is not a limitation to your mental and inward growth if only you have a positive mind you will become renewed and replenished for every task ahead of you. The moment Jonathan thought he had grown older that was when he discovered his thinking was renewed.

There is power and freedom in me to become what I want only if I know what I want to be. I can do everything with the freedom that has been invested in me. However that freedom if not utilized I will remain struggling. The power and freedom is in the mind.

I am special and gifted and divine, above other beings. This is an important point in my life knowing that I am special, gifted and divine. I was despised as I was growing such that even now some people cannot accept that I am capable of being a great someone in life. I am special, gifted and divine.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc? Please use personal examples in your explanation. “

I am not comfortable with the life I am experiencing right now; I am just where I was some years back. There is a great need for me to take a positive and determined thought towards achievement. Every move can be easy when a step is initiated. For Jonathan flying could have remained a dream if he was comfortable with the life he lived, and also had he not taken an initial step above the normal life.

The seagulls thinks themselves as images of a great gull and therefore what the great gull can do, they can also do. This is more like what human beings also believe. Every human being is an image of a Great being. Personally I believe I am an image of God that is what he even says in His word so what I think myself to be is who I am. It is really true that am an image of a great being and that great being have unlimited freedom to become what He wants so do i. I am free to be what I want to be but I have to be free in mind so that I can discover that I am empowered already. The view I have of the great Being is the view I have of my nature. My nature is to be free but I lock up in myself due to lack of self actualization.

Most of us lack the vision that Jonathan had. He saw himself capable of flying at high speeds and he thought he also wanted to. It starts with a vision, one cannot just wish to do something without a clear vision of what he/she want to achieve.

There is power in thought, whatever comes to mind can be a part of you and can destroy or build you. In my family Mathematics in school was a mountain never to be climbed. During my academic years at secondary I first hated Mathematics because I thought I would never pass no matter how hard I try. However it took a positive step for me to believe I was also capable of passing Maths and proceed to University. I started practicing solving problems with a positive mind and I knew I would make it and eventually I made it.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please Explain.

I have learnt a couple of new concepts which were highlighted in this book that have never been a part of my desire to explore new grounds.

I need to keep finding self each day; this is through serious introspection of who I am and what I am able to do. As one keep thinking about it there is need to start experiencing and practicing it. Discover yourself each day. Keep finding who you are and you will look like your image. It is not easy to be someone you want to be overnight there is need for practice. Jonathan became who he wanted to be because he practiced every day amidst all discouragements and disappointments.

It is always good to be dynamic in thought and be uncomfortable with a life that is characterized by struggle and fate. His vision was triggered by the fact that he was not comfortable with the life that himself, his family lived. He wanted to find out if there life above his life was not better than what he knew.

I have realized that people are always discouraged to explore a life that is beyond their tradition and belief, it is often a taboo. It is quiet important that at one point one decide to live above the norms and tradition as long as you are focused and you really know what you want to achieve. Sometimes the norms are defined to you and sometimes it is just what you believe and not being able to define. It is important to get out of the general and be distinct.

We often think that we are limited to achieve our goals in life by lack of capacity and resources. Jonathan discovered that he did not have what it requires flying but that is when he made a plan. Once you discover that you only need what you already have to initiate a step that is when more and more ideas begin to unfold.

Beyond your vision you will always discover that there are even greater fortunes that you would have missed if you had not made the initial step. Take yourself to a level where you think is probably the best and discover it is just another step to another discovery.

Achievement is best obtained when you are there and when you start to realize that you need to share all you discovered with others no matter how badly they might have treated you through it all. It is not an easy task and mostly not practical to many of us. Once we are there we start to look down upon others and we start to think about all the negatives you have been through.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how?

It is important not to be content with the norms and the traditions of the day. When I finished university I struggled to get a job and I resorted to teaching which has never been my dream job and in Zimbabwe it is characterized by struggle and fate. I decided to quit and start a new dimension in life, I have a vision that I have to accomplish and being stuck in a rural school would mean nothing. It seemed a mistake to quit but hey I grew struggling with life so it is time I start experimenting living above the norm. It is a normal thing in my family to be a teacher, one day somebody plainly told me that ‘oh you just decided to join everyone in the teaching profession’ you know how it feels when you have other ambitions. I am positive that if I keep practicing living above the norm I will soon get there. Yes there are disappointments and bouts of failure but I am sure I only need to devise that short wing which enabled Jonathan Seagull to fly. I am sure that beyond the scope of my mind I have great things to be unleashed as soon as I devise those short wings to fly.
My life is shaped by what I believe I can do. If I believe I can fly then definitely I will fly and go beyond the sky. I am challenged to fly and go beyond the sky. The limit is in your mind because once you start to take a step there is always a way to find great things ahead. No dream seems so small and no road is easy in life but once you are there are supernatural natural powers meant to pull and push you through and once that is discovered it’s interesting. I am not on an easy road right now but am sure once I keep on track I will definitely do great.

Perfection is one challenge in life that most of us fail to attain. I have discovered that there is really no joy in accomplishing when there is no love and giving. I always think of the road I took to grow up and I am more than challenged to walk through that road again at one point life sharing all I can. No matter how rocky and rough the road was, that is the only way to perfection. Love is not given to those who deserve it, even those who do not deserve it.

I am challenged greatly to look with my understanding and not my eyes. I understand myself to be great but I look at myself as a failure. Hey I need to see by my understanding and live above superstition and fate.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

I did not discover anything that I totally disagree with.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

Most of the ideas I got were very helpful and I did not find anything worth noting that has been least helpful.

It is important to stay focused and never falter once you discover your vision, it may seem too big but there is always a way to accomplish what you want to do when you give a serious thought to it. There is always a slight move you may need to make for you to gain momentum in life. It is important to discover what you are lacking towards the accomplishment of your great desires.

There is always a point in life that you need to reach no matter how intelligent, big, great, respected that you need to reflect back where you come from and realize what you need to do to be a part of the people. Usually when we are too great we do not want to be associated with the least but hey now I know how important it is to look back and think of how to help rather than how to despise and remove any form of attachment to it.

What my eyes tell me is a blurred vision of who I am and who I can be, I have to look by my understanding rather than my eyes. Eyes have a short sight and a mind does not have any limitations. Looking with my understanding, I see myself beyond the sky.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

There is a higher purpose of meaning in life if one is free to be self, this can be unleashed by using mind to see beyond the prevailing limitations. Every person should look into him/herself and not the next person in order to achieve the best out of self.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 08
C. How easy was it to understand? 08
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 36

Comments – Generally it was easy to understand, only the technicalities of flying was difficult to picture but it only forms a very small part of the whole idea of the book. However it helped me understand how difficult the task was. I can proudly recommend this book to all who want to know who they really are. To sum it up, this is a very useful book that everyone should read.



Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude
Assessment by Tendai Chakupa (Zimbabwed)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea is basically that of a positive mental attitude fighting a negative mental attitude at all levels towards a successful life hence we can talk of a fighting positive mental attitude (PMA). The mind is the key point towards success. This is supported by a biblical point which says as a man thinketh so is he. One is a success when he sees himself as success and can be a failure if they see themselves as failure. The author does not talk of success when every condition is conducive but even when everything around is negative, a positive result can still be obtained through a positive mental attitude. Almost all examples cited by the author were surrounded by negatives but through a fighting positive mental attitude we read about their successes in life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

* Who the most important living person is? We are often told that every individual has a purpose to fulfill but it is my first time across a statement as “…the most important living person is you”, I understand the ‘you’ refers to Tendai and that’s me. Reading through this chapter was like talking to someone telling me something that I thought I would never hear in my life, my point being that it is so clear and real that I am the most important living person. I often use the expression “I am also important “implying that there are other people more important than I am. This idea is greatly significant in my life because I believe I am here to make someone realize that they are the most important living person. No one will exactly look like me in all history.

* “You were born a champion”. It is quite interesting how this is being explained by Amram Scheinfeld, an expert on genetics. I am mother and I understand what it means when he talks about the battles I won before birth. At the birth of my first baby boy I was ignorant of the last stage of labor pains but my child battled his way out and it was a success. Scheinfeld talks of tens of millions of microscopic sperms participating in a great race to meet an egg so that whoever meets the egg first begins the processing a champion and that champion at one stage was me. That’s great news because I used to believe that some people are born leaders while others are not and unfortunately I was one among the ‘others’, only to realize that I am a champion in my own capacity and that it only takes a catalyst in (PMA) to realize a champion in me.

* It is good to encounter problems. We are given an example of Charlie Ward who was born in poverty and for some time he took a wrong direction towards solving his problem, only until he changed his attitude from negative to positive he eventually became successful. It is also important to note that he was born in poverty and he ended up in jail and that while in jail he began to look into his life carefully and it changed everything even as he was locked up. I am not locked up and it only needs a PMA to change my world.

* Happiness can be attracted. Abraham Lincoln describes the little difference which makes other people happy and others unhappy as attitude, however the big difference comes on whether the attitude is positive or negative. If I choose to be negative to every situation in my life then I will definitely live in sorrow. As a wife and mother I just need to have a PMA and attract happiness in my life so that my family can be a spring of joy both within the home and outside. Attracting happiness creates love and love does not look at things with a negative eye. They say love conquers all and love is blind. I can choose to be happy and love all who come to my house and those I meet.

* Learn to see and act now. I decided to link these ideas because to me they complement each other. Once one sees something what needed next is to act now and not tomorrow. What is seen by the eye can be easily forgotten because in the process one may see so many things which may not be important but distracting. New ideas need to be acted upon in order to make the most use of time. There is an old saying goes like “procrastination is the thief of time”, I think they should have added and “money”.

* Clear the cobwebs from your thinking. Cobwebs in the mind demotivates and as the name cobwebs suggests they get u nowhere, you try to move and you find yourself in the same position. Clean thinking helps in clearing mental cobwebs.

* Awakening the sleeping giant within me. The conscious mind is illustrated as the sleeping giant which when supported with positive thinking can unleash greatness in me. It is so often that I am not conscious of great things surrounding me because the giant is asleep. In this journey of life there are so many difficult situations that may actually cause the giant to sleep through half the journey, but I am learning that to get through these rough and rocky paths conscious mind together with PMA can yield greater results.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Knowing that I am the most important living person gives me a sense of pride that has been never been there since my childhood. Most importantly it helps me add value in other people’s lives. I being important render every human being equally most important regardless of religion, race, color, physical ability, social and educational background and financial status. Everyone has the ability to prove that they are important as a result everyone should be given such an opportunity. This is especially important in the society we live in today. There are widows, orphans, disabled, poor and uneducated people among other underprivileged who are not heard.

The world is full of Champions because from birth everyone won a championship cup of life. It is entirely upon an individual to discover their area of specialty and prove that they are really champions. One does not need to be a champion in things that can be realized by the whole world, for example we all not be Bill Gates but we all can accomplish our purpose on earth and be great people. It is upon realizing that we are all champions that we can add value to each other’s life.

Problems are meant to enhance one’s capabilities. It is only when Gold is purified that people discover how they can variably use it in life. But the purification process if it were to be done on human flesh I personally would choose to stay unpurified. The author constantly reminds us on how PMA can be used as a talisman towards success. The most important thing is to have a positive mental attitude fighting the negative mental attitude even though the process may seem very difficult. Having PMA in times of trouble gives one a look beyond the problem through to success. There is poverty in my country, everything is just in disarray but this idea helps me look beyond the current situation and hope for a better self and a better world. That can be very possible when everyone employs PMA in their lives. It help reduce greediness, violence which does not only apply to my own country but in the whole world.

One can only be happy if they choose to be happy, it is the attitude that enables a child in a disease stricken home to be happy. I am a mother and a wife, so this has come really as an important point both to my family and to the whole world for it is what comes out of a home that makes a society and what comes out of a society can be termed its culture. Happy people usually have happy mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. It is really important for any family to choose to attract happiness through a positive mental attitude even if everything is negative. It is out of happy homes and or families that wars, greedy, corruption can be eliminated.

Seeing is powerful and recognizing is power, so many times we look at things with a plain eye that otherwise could bring success. I personally touched by two many cited by the author who discovered large deposits of valuable beryllium. They looked with their minds and to them it became a possible opportunity to explore further which they did. I need to have a focused look in life, wandering eyes gets nothing, the two men discussed above could have left beryllium behind if they were not focused. It is also powerful to see and recognize other people’s abilities, because any successful person in life had some kind of support from others.

Basically all the ideas that were important in this book give us an opportunity to look deeply into one’s life and decide whether to be positive or negative about life issues. It is through this talisman called PMA that people can create better selves and eventually a better world. There is no situation in life that when looked at with a positive mind end up disappointing even when one faces death, it is important to have a PMA for this life or for the life hereafter.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

A number of quotes got my attention but I am going to comment on a few that explains everything about me.

“Day by day in every way I am getting better and better”. This is a positive thinking for each new day regardless of what the day has in store for you. It is rather difficult to say such a statement especially in this world full of uncertainty. I am living in an environment that is so difficult with inflation that has hit world records in the recent past yet I am supposed to think that I am growing better each new day. It is even difficult to think of having electricity 24hours of the day and I am not even ashamed that I am using candle light to write my assessment, thank goodness I had charged my laptop. Yet I am supposed to acknowledge that day and day in every way I am getting better.

“Every adversity has the seed of any equivalent or greater benefit”. This statement is very important to me however I think I will explain what I think about it more on question 5 below. I am one person who suffered in my childhood and I am discovering that this statement has qualified in so many areas in my life. I had a very limited opportunity to get any meaningful education but I am thankful with what I have achieved right though with hope to do even greater.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

What I have gained is of greater significance to anything that I could possibly wish to point out. However I would like to add what I feel was left out on the following statement, “Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit”. I would like to add the word “potentially equivalent or greater benefit”. I am saying so because 1) there is some effort required to gain state of equivalence or greater, some people were born in poverty and they died poor because they did not put an effort to change themselves yet it was necessary.2) I believe it may not be always the case that your level of suffering determines your level of success because some people made efforts to change their situations but they simply died the same. Largely the statement is very correct but it is an overstatement in some situations, so I feel the word potential may qualify both situations I have described above. I am acknowledging that in his explanation to this statement the author highlighted what I have just pointed out and that my argument is largely and only on the statement.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes more important to me was the Success Quotient analysis and I found it helpful it was some kind of introspection and I hope to do the test again.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I did not see anything worthy commenting that was not covered in the previous questions.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The New Dynamics of Winning
Assessment by Tendai Chakupa (Zimbabwe)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author is trying to make us shift our minds from a losing to a winning mind. It is all about knowing one’s potential that can result in peak performance whether in business and in life generally. He talks of the main characteristics of a champion and what it takes to be one, the negatives and the positives along the process towards winning or peak performance. Like athletes or any Olympian we all have a starting point in life and it is the effort we put that helps us claim championship. He points out the need to train harder and with focus for one to reach his/her peak performance. The examples he gave of Olympians shows us that it is not an easy task and it can cost so much in terms of effort and money to be a winner. Most important is a lifetime winner who finds peace with himself/herself and with his surroundings after all has been accomplished.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

* Having a mindset of a champion/ Desire to be a champion

I am learning of Greg LeMond’s unshakeable determination to win the tour de France which was the world’s most famous race. He had a mindset of a champion despite the fact that he was involved in a fatal accident that would deter his focus. His mind was so focused to winning and he won the Tour De France unexpectedly. I am still to explore my own world of championship and from what I am learning from LeMond nothing really can stop me. He survived by a whisker and he won by a whisker.

* Total commitment as the main cost towards winning

With or without risk commitment is the main key towards success, one just need to give it all he has, in terms of everything, money, time, physical strength, social responsibility and the mind itself. Once every area of life is fully committed even all the setbacks that lie ahead can be overcome without fear. Working very hard needs to couple with commitment because if it’s hard working alone I know it can be very taxing and one may fall along the way. Total commitment result in total success and ultimate winning.

* Realizing the Olympian within self

For one to be a real Olympian it starts with becoming an inner winner, winning starts from within and it manifests itself to the external. All winners have internal winning attitude which they the guard jealously so that it is not corrupted by external factors.

* Having self confidence

I enjoyed the part where the author used the analogy of an archer with the bull’s eyes, the archer and or the golfer has to be confident in order to achieve peak performance. The author encourages us to eliminate any self sabotaging thoughts, feelings and habits. We are told to concentrate and employ positive mental techniques and only then can we tackle whatever challenges we face every day.

* Having a coachable mind.

I have learnt of the three important aspects of being coachable. A coachable performer respects role of authority figures, which does not mean blind submission in other words. Secondly he or she accepts guidance from others however must be innovative and should have the capacity to devise new strategies different from those held by others. The last one is high tolerance for order and organization; peak performers do not miss training schedules, practice routines and any daily requirements.

* Knowing what a leader is?

A leader is one who listens and learns, one who wants to see his or her followers respect themselves. The old fashioned leader is egocentric, and authoritarian, these try to impose their will upon people in an arrogant and aggressive manner. I am sure as we continue to learn this type of a leader should be strongly be denounced out our lives. The leader must reflect the mind of the people not his own mind to be reflected upon people. One terrible characteristic of African leadership is authoritarian and autocratic; in my country politicians of one political group have a homogeneous behavior throughout the whole country. They talk the same language because it is what they all have been taught and they depict and reflect their leaders mind.

* What makes a lifetime winner?

Peace of mind is what makes a lifetime winner. Real winners succeed in all areas of their lives including their personal lives. One problem that cut our success story short is that we chase for happiness in becoming champions yet happiness is a natural is a natural experience of winning one’s self respect and the respect of others. It is important to be a winner now and beyond the arena.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

There is always a starting point to any process towards winning, whereby a person realizes his/her area of strength and work to achieve the best. I have seen that most of my failures are as a result of a poor starting point. The starting point I’m referring to in this case is that of realizing what really I am capable of doing the best, before actually going to the fields. I have realized that winning begins with passion and or talent. The desire to win can be there but if not coupled with talent the results could be negative. I can’t be an athlete because I am not capable.

There are two aspects that need to be reconsidered in my life and these are, realizing the winner in me and paying the price. It is difficult to talk of paying especially in today’s life, no matter what form of payment be it. Effort plus Commitment are the greatest forms of payment needed in my life. Being a family woman sometimes I give excuses for not accomplishing any targeted task thereby creating a life of a loser within me yet I could be a winner despite all other sorts of commitment.

The most important fact that I have learnt of true championship which keeps inspiring me since I started this programme is the one given in the Chapter Ten of this book. Allow me to note this; I discovered that true championship is all about living in peace and at peace with everyone at the end of the day. I came across this fact in Jonathan’s life in the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull and it really inspired me, and again in this book it’s too powerful for me that I can’t pass without a special mention. I am sure if we all employ this in our life we can create a better life for ourselves and people around us. It is true life is not a treasure hunt, highlighted in John Wooden’s life a great triumphant who treasured his wife more than the national championships, and in Johnson’s life, it was all about people around him and not him at the top. This I have believed is true championship, a life full of peace and generosity at heart.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

I have found some very important statements that caught my mind from the twenty one day plan, and I think they make a very integral part towards winning. Below are some of the statements I really enjoyed and I actually made a little prayer so that I am able to live what they mean in my life?

“Winners know they don’t really compete against others. Success means doing your best according to the standards you set for yourself”. These statements have made a great impact on how I have to work towards my success, knowing that it is not the issue of competing against others but against my set standards. It therefore calls for quality standard setting knowing that winners consider effort and a perfect ending. If this fact can be noted by all it can help us live our own lives the best without interfering negatively with other people’s business. There won’t be any greedy, jealousy, and all sorts of dirty associated with competition.

The author points out a very important idea when he says “True leadership is not about power, but about empowerment, wow most leaders pursue power rather empowerment, they want to be served rather than serving others. I have learnt that in my quest to become a leader one day I have to be empowered so that I can both serve and be served. Being a leader is acknowledging the fact that some people have important qualities that you might not have.

In my own country people are running up and about trying to accumulate wealth by any possible means no matter how dirty, all they want is surround themselves in filthy riches that does not suffice. Poor people are being exploited and cheated, there is corruption in every sector of life and it has become the norm of the day. Denis Waitley in this book “The New Dynamics of Winning” points out something very interesting that can only change the society we live in if people get down to think about the truth of life that all is vanity at the end of the day. It reads “Don’t waste your time accumulating objects or attributes that will mean nothing to after a few years. Real value comes from whatever you create in beauty and goodness and truth.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I did not find anything I really could not understand or anything I do disagree with that I can mention now, however I will read this book over and over again and anything worth noting that will help my group I will definitely share on a different arena. For now what I have gained is worthy appreciating without a ‘but’ word.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

I could not help but notice the twenty-one-Day Plan, which is a powerful training tool in itself, both in my personal and professional life. I have learnt that it’s not all about completing a race but it’s all about winning. The plan helped me to make achievable goals which are time specific. What I want the most now is professional strength and from what I just learnt I am sure it will take me to greater heights.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I did not see anything that I can comment on that was not covered in the previous questions.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8



Psycho-Cybernetics 2000
Assessment by Tendai Chakupa (Zimbabwe)

Well, maybe before I get to answer all the questions below I should admit that this book has helped me a lot than I ever imagined, it’s true when they say do not judge a book by its cover. The main reason why I chose to read it last is because it just did not appeal to me as the other books did. However, I got a lot from this book. The first few chapters of this book had more of what is required in changing my own self image. I really liked this book. Thank you IIGL

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book

The main idea of this book is the issue of self image enhancement as it is the key to one’s personality and success in all areas. The self image is one that defines our level of success in all areas of life that is personally, socially and financially among others. A good self image helps us focus on challenges more objectively

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

Reprogramming the mind.

From my understanding it simply talks about how to change habits of failure into habits of success. A lot has happened in my childhood and it’s only when I read this that got to understand that some habits I have emanated from my childhood experiences and I have labeled myself a failure. The author suggests I use the CRAFT principle to re program our minds,

Reflective relearning

The author defines as the process of using your creative imagination to select images for yourself and eliminate the false destructive images your subconscious mind may be acting on as if they were true. This concept helps me identify habits that I have never thought had an impact on myself image. Identifying root cause of most of my habits may help me deal with the problem more directly. For example I always feel unfit, I have identified some of the past experiences that have led to that, it therefore becomes easier to deal with the problem.

Retooling one’s self image for career advancement.

My first job interview is one that destroyed much of my confidence in career advancement, well the performance was very bad, each time I try to imagine what I did I feel I could call upon the closest mountain to cover me, I feel very ashamed of myself. I had never been to an interview before never been able to stand before serious business people, so everything was not right including dressing. From that experience I no longer trust my self before an interview panel. On this note I still need massive reprogramming before I face another serious panel. I still believe I had to read this book before any step towards my career advancement. Each time my application is rejected I feel unworthy and that feeling is mainly a result of that experience.

Stress management

The first move is to identify the true stress factors in one’s life and learn to fight them. Usually we get stressed out on things that we can possibly not change no matter how much pressure you put up yourself in the mind. The author suggests we use the principle of sowing SEEDS, to try and define the situation, evaluate and do something to regain one’s self esteem.

Moving from goal setting to goal getting.

This involves setting goals that are realistic and time framed. Since I joined IIGL I have learnt much on goal setting but this has come with a different punch altogether, usually I would set goals and never get them. Goals must be SMART and one important factor that should
push people is that of attainability. The beginning of 2009 has come with a lot of light in my life and I have set goals that I want to get.

Avoiding failure: heeding the danger signals

It is true no one is immune to negative feelings and attitudes but the most important thing is to identify them and take positive steps to eradicate them. Of the seven warning signals highlighted in this book, frustration and aggressiveness are the red flag signals. Frustration has become part of the day for several people. And in response people tend to be excessively aggressive. The author encourages us to be assertive.

A glitch free personality

I need to understand that, there is virtually nothing I can do to past mistakes and learn to move on and heal from every emotional wound that keeps creeping my mind. The author cited five techniques that can keep us from personality glitches and I liked the one she said “be too big to feel threatened”. When one has low self esteem, they can’t take any slight joke. For the big time in my life I am like that. This is one of the biggest problems that block a mind to accept constructive criticism. Whether the

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Well, much of these ideas have already had an impact in my life, I used to blame my child hood experiences more in everything negative that’s going in my life can describe myself as full of potential but without confidence. Academically I have never been a failure because I told myself that in that regard I am not a failure, and I like great challenge. This is mainly because I grew up as one of the bright kids in the family, and I was always one of the very few bests at all
levels. Thus in my academics I achieved because I knew I was never a failure.

However there is a lot in career advancement apart from being academically capable. Imagine in a world where there are a lot of academics and being one of them, it therefore means that there is one or more extra qualities required in order to succeed and remain on top. The main problem is with self confidence which I believe results from negative self image and that I now know is a result partly of negative past experiences. I have started to employ CRAFT in all negatives thoughts from my past. I am successfully cancelling the fact that I cannot present a meaningful fact at any meeting or in class. I remember my O’ level geography teacher would say “there she is, with all the answers but too proud to raise a hand in class, well to her I was too proud but I knew I was so scared and never been confident. I had too many what ifs, like I would say what if my fellow students start bursting out in laughter at my answer.

At university one of my lectures would always say “Tendai you seem to run short of words when explaining, say out more” never was I able to do that because I would always think “who would appreciate me and my suggestion. Well I can right so much more of my personal experiences that I feel have destroyed myself image but I really have to appreciate what this book has offered and how is it going to change my life as a whole. I really need to cancel old negative data and replace it with the new positive data and most importantly affirm to myself my new image, then focus on an image of a successful self and finally train myself for lasting change that’s CRAFT and I am sure a lot is going to change about myself. I can be appreciated after all, my facts are meaningful indeed and I am valuable, good looking and powerful.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

”no real behavior changes could take place unless the self image
was changed”

Behavior is what people see on the outside of any individual and self image is more intrinsic, so the outcome of how I see myself is manifested in my behavior. A change in behavior would definitely be a result of a change in self image. I see myself as a poor, not fit and unworthy girl, then I can only behave poor,(kind of food I choose on a menu with a variety of better options, could be type of dressing etc), unworthy and not fit (some good things slips through my fingers because I feel am not worthy).

“It is yourself image that sets the limits of what your servomechanism can aim for”

Each time I would attend an interview, I would have set my own limits and through weakness would pray Dear God you know I can’t, please do it for me, however true that I needed to pray, it was mainly because I would have set my own limits before the interview starts. The author gave us the example of John who would feel rejected even before he introduces himself to the woman of his dreams.

“A negative self image can be erased, like a tape recording, and replace with a new, positive self image”

The author admits it is not easy to change an old habit but it can be simple, by taking repeated practice to destroy it. The creative mechanism can be reprogrammed as a success mechanism using CRAFT. All I need to do is to cancel the old habit and belief and tell myself I can do it. During my junior primary school years I was publicly despised when I wanted to join a netball team, since then I did not participate in any sporting activity, because it would ring over and over again that I could never do it so I can’t. To date I enjoy watching sport but I feel I can’t do any myself. I need to erase the negative self image of an unfit being to someone who can fit wherever I want to.

At one point in my secondary school, the schools’ basket ball coach thought I could join her team, (however the main reason was that she wanted good looking girls in her team), when I was approached by one of the player I quickly brushed her off citing things like I am short, never been in a basketball pitch before and all sorts of silly reasons. I refused because I thought I was not fit to join them, who knows it could have been a major breakthrough in my self image enhancement and I could have been somewhere as I speak. I grew to hate participating in crowds mainly because of that, and joking I have talked about it several times, and its only when I read this book that I got to understand that I need to quickly erase it from my mind and I start again to build a new being.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I am not sure with the comment that says positive thinking and willpower are pitfalls, well I might agree on will power but the way I have come to understand self image is such that an image is created in the mind. Therefore I would like to think that when we talk of positive thinking we are suggesting that even if everything around has created a negative mind thereby creating a poor self image then, through positive thinking a good self image can be created.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book contained a number of exercises that helped me a lot, there were simple to understand and I found them helpful. I really liked the questionnaire Exploring where your beliefs come from (page 72) and Taking stock of your set point (pages 165-168). These are some of the exercises that really helped me evaluated myself.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I did not see anything that I can comment on that was not covered in the previous questions.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Giant Steps
Assessment by Tendai Chakupa (Zimbabwe)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book

A wealth of ideas on small changes in my life that brought big differences has been identified in this book. I have learnt that it is important to spend 90% plus of my time on resourceful thoughts and only 10% or less on problematic areas as a way to find avenues for lasting solutions.

The way this book is written is such that it brings out a lot of new ideas that are small but can make a very big difference. I have read it through and realized that the pages or chapters are not as small as they seem. I would say that the main idea of this book is attaining a big and noticeable difference by simply making smaller changes, or making use of things that seems not to matter at all.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Not to use emotions as action signals

This is one of the last points in this book, but with my situation it is one very important because it has changed how I handle my emotions in a positive way. Previously in the book Psycho Cybernetics negative emotions were regarded as danger warning signs but here they are regarded as Action signals. The first truth being that I am the source of all my emotions and that negative emotions need to dealt with when one begins to feel them. Unfortunately we usually keep them until they are fully blown. At some point in my life I was filled with negative emotions on almost everything in life, and am actually healing through reading this book for example, I am just beginning to take all the negative emotions as action signals, when I am feeling depressed, frustrated or bored now I am finding better ways of getting of such traps by taking them as Action signals.

ii.Vocabulary has power to bring success

For sometime my favorite words were “it’s not easy, I am fed up, and life is unfair among other negative phrases. This is mainly because of what I went through in life in the recent past. However, saying out those phrases, I have just discovered again that it just brings about misery and more misery in my life. I am beginning to look for a new set of words that could help me transform my emotional patterns. I have discovered that it is not easy though but there is need to expand my emotional vocabulary.

iii. Beliefs have the power to create and to destroy

A belief is described as nothing more than a feeling of certainty about what something means, it comes as an idea that have enough reference experiences whether from past or present have believed that life is unfair judging from my own experiences in the past and those that are present.

iv. True fulfillment in life comes from sincere and selfless contribution

I just love to see an underprivileged soul smiling from their deepest part of their heart. It gives me hope and a reason to be alive such that all I am dreaming of is to make more and more through selfless contribution. For all the studies I have been through so far with IIGL this point is usually put at the end of each book but I guess it is one of the most powerful idea that can bring change in this crooked world. If the world selfish could be removed from our vocabulary we will be one happy world. All I am saying is that contribution at any level is indeed an ultimate gift which we should all possess.

v. How to get what one wants in life

The first action is to know what’s preventing me from taking action. I have evaluated myself and found out that in most cases what prevents me from taking action is my mind. I usually do not do things that I feel may not be successful even without giving it a try, thus according to the author trying to avoid pain. But in most cases I have seen that in trying to avoid pain I do things that’s not even pain avoiding or pleasure inducing, I resort to sleeping even if it means for the big part of my day and by the end of the day I find out that I have achieved nothing.

vi. The use of questions can be part of the solutions.

I liked the part where the author use this quote “………..Never lose a holy curiosity” by Albert Einstein. We should never stop questioning but the questions must be having answers that will get one somewhere. There are so many questions that we ask ourselves that will never yield an answer even if asked for years, for example questions like “why am I like this”. Questions that we ask ourselves helps shape our destiny, so some questions must be avoided. Facing a lot of setbacks, disappointments in life, seeing everyone as a trouble causer, I decided to work on this question “what really could be my own contribution to the problems am facing? Tremendous change came when I started honestly working on my own flaws.

vii. Mental exercise or challenge is very important

The main idea being that of consistency to any new idea that one would have implored, it is important. The author suggested a ten day mental challenge and in this consistence and doing the right thing is the key to success.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

All the ideas listed above and more that I did not even mention is helping me creating a better self by creating a new way of thinking that I have never been exposed to. For example I was to dwell on negative emotions and feelings but now I am taking them as action signals. In the recent past I had an experience that led me into serious negative mental attitude but now I am exercising all that I am learning from this book. From the first day I undertook the ten day mental challenge I discovered that I could happily live my life regardless of situations I am facing. By taking each new day as a gift and be grateful about each new day makes me feel successful already. Every new day is a platform of new hope in my life and my family’s too. I used to say “I am bored almost every day but I have successfully replaced that vocabulary to a new one. Instead I remind myself each time that any new day called today is the happiest day of my life as a result I feel my mind with good and fresh words. Thank you IIGL

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

The book is full of statements and quotes that have made a lot of impact on my mind and I am just going to pick a few that really got my attention.

“The more decisions you make the better you will become at making them.” It all starts from the decision we make and act upon that make us successful beings, decisions are important but they need to be acted upon towards fulfilling them. There more the decisions are, the better you will make great and perfect decisions

“Pain can be your friend if you use it effectively”
It is possible to change a painful situation into a pleasurable one not only for yourself but even for the people around you. I have witnessed so many people grow and learn new ideas from pain more than from pleasure. Usually that which is painful takes time to leave the mind and as one ponders pleasurable events may come up. We just not need avoid pain unnecessarily.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book was very easy to understand and clear. I didn’t identify any idea that I would disagree with.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book contained exercises that I had to complete and work on, the ten day mental challenge is one example, it was not an easy exercise but it helped me greatly not to dwell on unresourceful thoughts that has been characteristic of my mind. I have learnt that it is possible to spent 90% of my time on resourceful plans and thoughts. Another task that I am still to start working on is that of completing my own code of conduct for everyday use. It sounds interesting and calls for discipline so that it can be a success. Another inspiring exercise is found in Section 9 with the main heading “Your personal compass” which talks about values and rules. The first task was to rank the moving toward values which defines our emotional states. The second task was to rank the moving –away-from values. I have personally experienced a success story of working very hard not to feel always depressed, angry and guilt.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I have nothing to comment on that has been uncovered in the previous questions.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10