Sunday Abidemi Obarinu – Profile

Sunday Abidemi Obarinu
Birthday: May 1st, 1977
Education: Graduate (B.Sc Physiology)
Occupation: Quality control (cards personalization)

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
My vision of a world that works for everyone is a world that everyone is given the right to live decently, calmly and productively. It is a world where potentials are given enough room to grow and bloom into usefulness and fulfilled goals and positive dreams are realized. A world with all these provided will generally work for everyone

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The most pressing problems facing the world today to me are those problems of lowered value for virtues, loss of faith for positive change, uncontrolled craving for material possessions and impoverishing conditions of standard of living in most nations of the world. The world is faced with the problem of declining virtues especially in the younger generation who are brought up in broken homes, unfavorable environment and an hostile economy. The generality of people want to make the best use of other people for their personal advantage and gains, so making people lose faith in others. There is also the pursuit of material possession at the expense of building homes and families, good governance are also traded for personal profit. There is also the problem of an increasing awareness of insecurity both globally and locally.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
I feel these problems can be solved by us doing the following:
We should all realize the various problems confronting us. This should be done by us creating a forum where everyone can air their views concerning the different problems we have facing us. We should also discuss what led to or caused the different problems, so we can know the way out. We should also look into the issue of teaching and upholding virtues and building positive characters, especially through the agencies of the religious institutions. Everyone should be included in the big picture, and we should discuss the impact and the input of everyone in the big picture. World leaders should look more at global interest and not just the local interest alone in their decision. More effort should be harness towards building younger generation and inculcating core values of truthfulness, honesty and integrity in the face of creativity and technological advancement, which will definitely change the face of the world and its course.
Should you become inactive (by not completing at least one book & assessment every three months) are you willing – upon request – to forward your remaining books to another student in your country at your own expense?

I am a young man of about 30 years old. A native of Ota in Ogun State in Nigeria. I presently reside in Lagos, the commercial nerve of Nigeria. My parents are both Nigerians.

I was born into a Christian family of 7 including my parents. My Dad is a former accountant with Coca-Cola but now practices farming, my mum is a retiree of Unilever Nigeria, she also practices farming. Both parents are well advance in years.
I have always believed in God but this took another dimension when I got converted just about the time I left secondary schooling. After my conversion, I got more serious with life and I got more involve with youths. I started a teaching career with a secondary school and I made a lot of impact on many of them. I also got involve with the youth ministry of my local church.

I always believe that man should live right with his God and also with other people. I aspire for a life that is both joyous with and fun filling with my family and people around me. I desire to have enough of life goods to take care of myself, my family, and my responsibilities to the larger society and to God.

I desire a career that is both pleasant and fulfilling. A career that involves meeting other people, solving problems for them and making them happy and fulfilled and yet rewarding to me.

I want a happy family with a God fearing woman as wife and God fearing children. I want to work to impact the youth of my generation both spiritually and career wise.
I love travelling, though I have not traveled much except within my state and a bit within my country. I also enjoy listening to soccer news and related stories.

I have had my own shares of life temptations and trials. I remember when I was under serious pressure to have immoral affairs with girls which I declined. I have had to struggle on my own to fend for myself. I have had to battle with lack for sometime and with no one to help except God.

I get my aspiration from God. I believe He has the interest of all of us at heart if we only acknowledge him and obey his words. I believe in a world hereafter where lies bliss and joy unspeakable, but which can only be obtained by righteous living as God gives grace to live it.

I believe in everyone whether black or white. I believe those ones that are favorably dispose to wealth should not abuse it but use it to alleviating their needs as well as others and not that there should be public display of extravagancy and wasteful spending. I believe each of us has God giving talents that is peculiar to each person as a unique being and such talents can be discovered and developed with the assistance of others who believe in us and the God given talents and potentials.

I also desire to have investments and businesses that will be able to help me in the various projects I intend to carry out in life. I especially want to invest in shares and have a farm of my own while rearing such animals as Pigs, chicken, cattle and fish as God provides and leads.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
The New Dynamics Of Winning
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude
Psycho-Cybernetics 2000
The Winning Attitude
Developing The Leaders Around You
Becoming A Person of Influence
Real Magic
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Nonviolent Communication
The Leader Who Had No Title
Leadership for Dummies
Keys to Success
Goal Setting 101
How to Win Friends and Influence People