Full Name: Stella-Filda Nyamande
Email: stellafildan@gmail.com
Country: Zimbabwe
Birthday: November 8, 1992
Education: Psychology Graduate
Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
My vision of a world that works for everyone is a world where we learn from each other, no competition, no war. Where human capital is more valuable than possessions, where our environment is more important, respected and taken care of. A world of peace; one people without boundaries.
What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The most pressing problems the world is facing today, includes:
War; Hunger, Climate change, the floods, hurricanes, heat waves,
Exposure to too much internet which has almost turned all interaction
to online services
How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
By coming together and collaborating, as to how to best approach the
problems, being active participants in the development of a better
future and advocating for the things we deem important
I am a highly driven female who studied psychology, my goal is to
become the best version of myself. I believe in continual learning and
sharing of knowledge. During the course of my life I have made it a
goal to learn from others and also pass on what I know. I have been
able to lead a few work camps as a coordinator/ facilitator. Voluntary
work is at the core of my beliefs.
I want to become a better leader and hence the need to gain the
relevant skills to aid the process. I believe in continual learning
this willing to do the necessary work to achieve my goals. The program
in question offers an opportunity for me to learn and grow to become
what I envision for myself.
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Books Completed
As a Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull