Sadiq Rita Salamat – Profile


Name: Sadiq Rita Salamat
Country: Nigeria
Birthday: November 23, 1974
Education: Education
Occupation: Youth Education and Event Planning

Please describe your vision of the world that works for everyone.
My vision for a world that works for everyone is the kind where people are hungry free, have a home to call their own (shelter), be given opportunity to improve their lives where they are willing to and where safety is guarantee from war, terrorism and general social inequality will be a thing of the past.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The most pressing problem facing the world today are, War, Terrorism/Banditry, Hunger, Climate Change and inadequate food for an average being.

How do you feel these problems could be solved?
On war, I feel the world leaders can do more to protect lives more than they are currently doing by formulating laws that will forbid nations just taking weapons to go and war against another nation.
Terrorism and Banditry, Each State can actually take responsibility to tackle this by ensuring borders, forests are well secured and barred from hoodlums’ accessibility. Agricultural production should be promoted through subsidy farming tools and equipment to farmers and food subsided for the masses. All hands be on deck to combat climate challenges.

I have worked in organizations where my duties include organizing the schedule of the day to day activities of office administration. I am responsible for sending out a circular for meetings, coordinating, taking minutes for documentation and follow up on action points. Plan traveling schedules for top executives and expatriate and handle their travelling expenses which I retire to the accounts department on return.

I founded and coordinate a club for young people as an avenue to engage them on extracurricular activities and practical hands-on in learning. We engage these children in debate, spelling competition, organize skill acquisition programs and excursions to places of interest for educational purposes. We are looking at a bigger picture to expand the club’s vision.

I wish to participate in this program because I want to improve my leadership skills and personal development. I am someone that is willing to learn and make changes for a better version of me where necessary.


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Books Completed

As a Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude