Rose Bochere – Profile


Name: Rose Bochere
Country: Kenya
Birthday: January 15, 1995
Education: College
Occupation: Business Owner

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
The world that works with everyone it is a world that human dignity is being respected by everyone no matter your race color or originality, a world whereby equal opportunity are given to everyone on merit not on who do you know or how fat your pocket is to get services.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
Corruption and illegal business, our youths and young people have been wasted due to use of drugs which people make money without fearing the effect of young people or future generation, people have lost hope due to corruption projects have stalled and some completely not finished because the money meant for the development as been embezzled with few individuals

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
This problem can be solved by having serious people who care for humanity and ready to work without being corrupt also the nation or the world should set a high penalty for those drug traffickers and corrupt people in order to bring sanity to the world, strict measures should be carried out, and introduction of a system in schools such information will be passed by educating the young students as earlier
as possible

My name is Rose Bochere from Kisii we are two ladies in our family
being that am the elder one. I have gown through our Kenyan
education system right from nursery school to college. I have a diploma in hotel management and I opted to start my own business in the food industry. I am a hard working lady, self-oriented and determined. I like learning new experiences on a daily basis. I love travelling and listening to music. I am a social person. I am an extrovert and very friendly. This helps a lot since I am in hotel business and hospitality. I do manage my temper and I am one of the people you could love to work with. I would like to participate on this program to enlighten myself and broaden my thinking. Also to network and interact with different people in the world sharing experience with one another.

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Books Completed

As a Man thinket
Jonathan Livingston Seagull