Ratherford Mwaruta – Profile

Ratherford Mwaruta
Nhedziwa, Zimbabwe
Email: mwarutabather@yahoo.com
Birthday: 08 January 1973
Education: MSc Degree: Tourism & Environment, Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies
Occupation: Consultancy: Development and Tourism Field
Gender: Male
First language: Shona
Other languages spoken: English, Venda, Tshangani and Kiswahili

Describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
Just society, global peace, racial harmony as well as the world without poverty

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
North -South divide, Hiv/Aids, third world debt, corruption, climate change/global warming

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
Poverty was social constructed through commercialization of natural resource; it is up to the man kind to deconstruct some of the things which have become the truth. Complimenting each other’s effort as well as pulling resources together. Most of the problems can be turned in to opportunities, only if there is political, social and economic will from the so called global leaders.

How has your life changed as a result of your IIGL studies?
This programme has challenges my life in different ways. When I joined I was not critical, but now I am very critical and I do not take anything at face value anymore like in the past, because this programme has taught me to always ask the question whose truth? On top of this programme taught me about goal creation and the importance of setting goals. It is through the goals I set a couple of years ago through this programme, that I have come to this academic point. In short the programme changed me completely in a very positive way.

Personal Mission Statement
Be of service to the others and the community at large.

I have a passion for community development work ever since my childhood. I have grown to love community development work, it is from those humble beginning that after high school I joined Zimbabwe Workcamps Association (ZWA) as Volunteers and I rose within the ranks to become national projects officer for the organisation. . Working with ZWA as a Project Officer groomed me to be an effective project implementer. I resigned from ZWA in August 2006 in order to pursue my MSc Degree in Leisure, Tourism and Environment at Wageningen University in The Netherlands, i graduated in August 2008.

I am a competent, confident and dynamic person with more than ten years experience working at grassroots level with community based organisation and international nongovernmental organisations. I have participated in designing and implementing intervention programmes for community projects. I can generate and formulate innovations to deal with work challenges, opportunities and initiate change to consolidate the organisation position and a major contributor to the humanitarian situation. I am very creative and take risks in programmatic approaches as well as management process that support a course of action to achieve the organisation goals and vision at all cost. I have well-developed interpersonal and group dynamism skills and can make an excellent team member. My motivation to work has always been in the tasks accomplished and results achieved. I have wide experience in team building, project management, and implementation. My work experience plus my studies both at home and abroad offered me opportunities to grow improve and become a better professional. I have acquired strong analytical skills, reliable, transparent, trustworthy, and accountable at all time.

I have leaded a number of international projects in different parts of the world namely: Kenya, Zambia, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and The Netherlands. All the projects were organised by the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary services. Through these projects I developed very keen research interests in the concept of using international voluntary services as a twin tool or vehicle for community development. I have also some research interests in social development. I cherished in the concept of lifelong learning and I would like to continue pursuing education until the highest level possible. I believe that international voluntary services as a double edged sword, so I will would like to contribute in the knowledge production in this field especially that the field is dominated by researchers from the North. I would like to add the voice from the South. A lot of things have been taken for granted so it is high time the present status quo should be challenged, hence producing new knowledge in the international voluntary praxis.

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Books Completed:

* As A Man Thinketh
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
* Pulling Your Own Strings by Wayne Dyer
* Awaken the Giant Within
* Changing Your Mind-Changing Your Life
* The Magic Of Thinking Big
* Success through A Positive Mental Attitude
* Real Magic: Creating Miracles in everyday life
* Love is Letting Go of Fear
* Unlimited Power
* There Is A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem
* Think & Grow Rich
* Dare To Be Yourself
* Ageless Body Timeless Mind
* You’ll See It When You Believe It
* 12 Hours To Great Marriage
* Credibility – How Leaders Gain And Lose It, Why People Demand It
* The Eight Essential Steps To Conflict Resolution
* Getting To Resolution – Turning Conflict Into Collaboration
* The Leadership Pill
* Long Walk To Freedom- The Autobiography Of Nelson Mandela
* Money Is Love – Reconnecting To The Sacred Origins Of Money
* Development As Freedom: Amartya Sen.
* Beyond Globalization Shaping Sustainable Global Economy
* Globalization and Its Discontent – Joseph Stiglitz
* The Power of Servant Leadership
* The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader
* Gandhi an Autobiography – The Story of My Experiments with the Truth
* The Autobiography of Martin Luther King
* Change The World
* Eyes of the Heart- Seeking a Path for the Poor in the Age of Globalization
* The Power of Failure, 27 Ways to Turn Life’s Life Setbacks into Success
* Law of Attraction
* The No Nonsense Guide to Globalisation
* 21st Century Leadership-Dialogue with 100 Top Leaders
* Love without Conditions