Pius Oluwatosin Reis – Profile

Pius Oluwatosin Reis
Email: pius_reis@yahoo.com
Birthday:November 25th
Education: Diploma certificate in Law, Advanced Diploma Certificate in Law,Security and Conflict Management, LLB, B.L
Occupation: Social Entrepreneur, Legal Practitioner, IT Consultant

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
To my mind, a world that works for everyone is a world where people are not accepted because of who they are, but in spite of who they are. A world where everyone is his brother’s keeper, that while in the course of running our individual races, in our daily lives we are able to see the dare need of another fellow and we stop to lend a helping hand, to put a smile on a face, and help ease the pain by meeting a need. A world that works is a world that radiates a love that cuts across boarders, race, religion, and any form of personal disposition, a world where everyone is willing to give freely and totally of him-self to make the world a better place.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The most pressing issue facing the world today is insecurity occasioned by war, civil unrest, and poverty. Every day thousands of people lose their lives to wars and civil unrest, from the Middle East crises to civil unrest in some countries in African. In mans quest for his ideology to be accepted, or to show his grievances over a particular issue, man has seized to be man, allowing the barrel of the gun to speak for him which has led to the wanton destructions of lives and property, while millions of people are displaced and rendered homeless. Poverty is also another issue that has an over bearing effect on the world today. About half of the world’s populations live in poverty. Many people around the world have not felt the joy of being comfortable for an hour, talk less of a day. Every day thousands of people die of hunger and preventable diseases, the future of children especially in Africa is bleak and without hope. The basic needs of life is like a unicorn to many families, their input to work is not commensurate with their out put and reward.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
It should first be noted that solving the problems of the world is the responsibility of In solving the problem of wars and civil unrest around the world, there has to be a reorientation of our minds about the human person. We need to start building a culture that promotes the respect for, and protects the intrinsic dignity of the human person, a culture of tolerance and respect for diversity, and we can archive this by building leaders with these values. We need structures put in place in the form of organizations and institutions that will promote dialogue as an alternative instrument to dispute resolution, and promote negotiations between aggrieved parties to resolve conflict. I strongly believe in the philosophy of non violence as the most effective tool in resolving conflict, Martin Luther King Jr. demonstrated it, Mahatma Gandhi preached it all his life.

On the other hand, poverty can be reduced principally by the government of the countries where poverty is prevalent. The government has to make the economy flexible to accommodate small business entrepreneurs, and provide the basic infrastructure to alleviate the problems faced by their citizens. After all said and done, in solving the problem of the world responsibility lies on all of us, individually and collectively. We must take up the challenge to be the change we want to see in the world, for nothing is going to change if we fail to take action.

My name is Pius Oluwatosin Reis; I hail from Lagos State Nigeria. I am the first of three children and currently a final year Law student at the University of Jos, Plateau State. I have special interest in Youth development and leadership, and community development. I have worked actively with some youth organizations in my community and have served in various leadership capacities from being a President to being a volunteer in many youth organizations to bring change and demonstrate youth responsibility in my community. I am the Executive Director of Global Leadership Development Association (GLDA) a youth-focused not-for-profit organization that helps youths maximize their potentials through Leadership Development.

I am a project developer and have developed projects that have demonstrated that youths can lead change. I am the founder and state coordinator of TEAM X, a coalition of youths and youth-led organizations working to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. My hubbies include reading biographies of world leaders and world changers, making new friends, traveling, motivating people and engaging in meaningful discussions, I also enjoy playing football, bodybuilding, mountain climbing and writing poems. I love challenges and very adventurous, my personal motivation quote in life is “A mans limitation is where his imagination puts it”.

I love reading motivational books and my favorite books are Reach for the Stars (Bill Newman), Though Times Never Last, Though People Do (Robert Schuller), Think and Grow Rich with Peace of Mind (Napoleon Hill), and Developing the Leader within You (John C. Maxwell). My favorite movies are best sellers.

My dream is to work at the United Nations; I have a personal goal to read a total of one thousand books by 2020. Have a foundation that would provide financial assistance to young entrepreneurs in Africa, and to write some books. I also want to be a motivational speaker and build a career as a social entrepreneur.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
The New Dynamics Of Winning
Psycho-Cybernetics 2000
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
How To Win Friends & Influence People
Keys To Success
Real Magic
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself
Giant Steps
Goal Mapping
Goal Setting 101
The Law of Attraction
The Power of Intention
Unlimited Power
Non Violent Communication
The Law Of Attraction In Action
The 7 Habits of Highly effective people
Your Faith is Your Fortune
Failing Forward