Name: Peter Moranga
Country: Kenya
Birthday: March 15, 1986
Education: College
Occupation: Businessman
Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
A world that works for everybody is a world full of opportunities to everyone and with top most respect to humanity, it is a world where, you are given avenue to express your potential irrespective of your color, gender or race.
What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
In every nation be it developed or undeveloped, crime is all over there world, killings, smuggling, drug peddlers and many more which leads to insecurity, it is few places or towns that are safe, so anything that threatens human life is a pressing problem, poverty can be eradicated through hard work and creating jobs, people work so hard but at the end they are robbed their valuables and even others killed in the process, so security is very important, in any given society, we should be alert and work for a better world without crimes.
How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
These problems could be solved by enlightening our young generation from on start that crime doesn’t pay, and punishable, also some crimes are cause due to idleness so young people should be given a chance to be active in developing the nation, through that we will have a safe nation that we will be proud of, and we will work together for a better world, because it will be like a culture to respect life.
My name is Peter Moranga, a Kenya citizen, a father and a husband of one wife of female gender, with three children, one boy and two girls who are tanagers. I am a diploma holder in electrical engineering and at the moment I am self employed and own a wielding firm whereby we supply, metallic doors that we make, windows and many more. I have managed to employ 6 young men and I also offer some basic tips for electrical safety to my community. I could like to participate in this program for self growth and acquire new skills that will help me in my daily life and help other people in my community
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As a Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull