Patrick Adjei Nketia – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Patrick Adjei Nketia (Ghana)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Allen James, the author of this book is advocating that readers should be in sole control of his thoughts. The writer is communicating the idea that man or an individual has emerged to his present state as a result of his thoughts that he holds, has held in the previous times. He is also of the view that, man can check his thoughts, which will create his character and in effect manifest in his circumstances and his environment and later can become the ruler of his destiny. We can witness this in this paragraph” man is the master of thought, the molder of character, and the maker and sharper of condition, environment and destiny”.

He also goes further to use illustrations by creating a picture or signal of what he is taking about for his reader to have a vivid and intuitive understanding of the idea he is communicating. That is one aspect of this book that has fascinated and also improved on my understanding of this book.

The writer also conveys that, man ascends to greater heights by themselves and men become weak and desolate by themselves, which re all through the thoughts of the man. This is how he puts it, “Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armory of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace.

Allen also passes out how man can make the application of thought rise him to the top, thus, becoming a fulfilled one and also becoming inhumane all as a result of the application of his thoughts.

He writes,” by the right choice and true application of the thought, man ascends to the divine perfection by the abuse and wrong application, he descends below the level of the beast”. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character and man are their maker and master.

He clarifies by making known that the character which is formed at the result of man’s continues choice and application of the thought which, he is in sole control catapults man to either the grace or grass.

Allen, further puts across the fact that upon all the true statements gracefully concerning with the soul, it is more joyful to note that there is none crucial than this. He then states it in this paragraph which I believe connotes the key message of this book,

“As a being of power, intelligence and love and lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he may make himself what he wills”.

The writer has done a marvelous work during his time and which has transcended unto posterity.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would achieve much must sacrifice much; he would attain highly must sacrifice greatly.

I will side with Allen James on this idea, I really experienced it during my coordination and implementation of my project “ JCI UCC FIGHTS AGAINST MALARIA”, I was the orchestrator in this project, making sure that all information was sent out to the stakeholders and the media. Sacrificing my lectures, efforts and time when members were on their usual daily activities. I moved to find sponsors and others to see if they could help me to make my project a success, others did not work out however we made a headway when the country’s malaria’s control unit prompted me that that they will sponsor. I traveled at the expense of my lectures to the capital of my country (Accra) and with the help of other JCI members there, successfully I was able to secure the money and transfer it into our account. It then left with the purchase of the nets, I moved to and fro from one hospital to the other since there was shortage of nets in the metropolis. I sacrificed all these things to make the malaria project a success.

It is really true that in whatever endeavor or activity you are undergoing, put it at the back of your mind that the more you sacrifice, the higher the attainment.

Let’s take another example, there was a man who came to this earth and sacrificed his whole life for mankind in other for men to gain salvation. So in this life, a leader or any man ought to sacrifice in order to achieve some laurels or rewards of such sort in this world. I like this quote which I think is related to Allens’. “The greater the task, the more the glory in surmounting it.” – Epicurus

ii. Only himself manacles man, thoughts and actions are the gaolers of fate- they imprison us, they are also the angles of freedom they liberate being noble.

There is no limit to what men can do or create for themselves. Whatever it may be, if we focus our thoughts on it and utter our actions towards it we can achieve it. However, we are also limited by the thoughts we place in our mind and as a result, we are restricted by the implanted thoughts which does not make us move on in life. Our imagination and visualization are limitless which makes us powerful beyond measure.

There was a time, where we had an opportunity to participate in a tertiary model United Nations conference. Before we went for the programme, we had a training prior to the conference in order for us to be acquainted with what will happen on the conference day. I really had a positive mental attitude during the training session in our school and that made me stand out. Before we went, I even went further and told one of my colleagues that “I will go and come back with an award”.

With this mindset and my actions geared towards it, after the conference I was the only delegate from my school who emerged with an award. As I stood in front of the crowd when my name was mentioned, I said to myself” there is nothing we cannot achieve if we put our thoughts and actions towards it”.

iii. When a man realizes that he is a creative power, then he becomes the rightful master of himself.

A man is the creator of his character, opportunities, circumstances, challenges, misery, penury, affluence and destiny. As Days pass by, man is the soul creator of whatever that happens in his everyday life, a man can make things happen through his creative powers. Everything happens as a result holding that thought in your mind. This law works for us all, either you know it or if you are ignorant about it.

This is how Allen puts it in this paragraph. Man is growth by law and not creation by artifice and cause an effect is as absolute an undeviating in the hidden realm of thoughts as in the visible and material things. A noble and Godlike character is not a thing of favor and chance, but is the natural result of continuous effort of right thinking, the effect of long- cherished association with Godlike thoughts. An ignoble and bestial character by the same process is the result of continued harboring of groveling thoughts.

This paragraph lays more emphasis by saying a noble and Godlike character is not a thing if favor or chance thus for a man to become eminent or powerful is not by favor or chance upon his life. To me is very true and I believe that in this life there is nothing like chance or luck however these things can have their way when you encode them into your mind and hold them part of your belief system. The author also stated in the paragraph which goes “man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creator of his outside conditions but when he realizes that he is a creature of power, and that he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow he then becomes the rightful master of himself.

iv. Men are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.

This idea is also substantial and speaks a lot to the reader. Men are sometimes worried about their situations and environment, life but are unwilling or refusing to improve themselves then they remain stuck. As men aspire to attain greater heights in life, they need to strive, struggle and persist to make headway. There was a time when I needed a laptop of my own to take care of some business ideas and other important materials like this. As a student I did not have enough money to get the item. I had thought of it for such a long time but hadn’t surfaced. I remembered that, I had an investment account which I had earmarked to start a business of my own. I gave a second look at the situation and said if I don’t make efforts for my relatives to know how serious I was about this issue I would make no progress. I took the initiative and withdrew all the money, before that I had informed two of my relatives about what I wanted from them and how much I had accrued. They saw that I had made an effort and needed assistance to acquire the machine. I finally got one for myself through the sacrifice and efforts I made which has really paid off and I have really learnt a lot from it. I would add one example from the author, “here is a rich man who is a victim of a painful and persistent disease as a result of gluttony. He is willing to give large sums of money to get rid of it, but he would not sacrifice his gluttonous desires.

Also I have a friend who is suffering from whooping cough and is trying to cure himself with medication. However, this friend sleeps under a fan which is positioned right on top of him all night long. He also enjoys drinking very chilled water which he says he cannot do away with; he really coughs and finds it difficult to enjoy his sleep.

v. He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it.

This idea speaks a lot that a man who cherishes, which means be fond of; be attracted to a better-looking, attractive vivid mental image in his heart, will one day cognizant of it. He the author did not just say a man who have a vision but rather who cherishes, right? Cherish here is a verb which means to care of, holds clear, so if a man is having a mental image and does not work assiduously towards it, can never actualize such vision. Isn’t it? Many people came to this world, who had visions but never worked towards them and so they died with them. The idea continues with, a lofty ideal in his heart, which means an eminent, idealistic, gallant or high-minded idea of something that is perfect or something that one hopes to attain, which is kept in a bosom or center of the human soul will one day; here the one day is signifying a future date, it speaks of the later, will actualize it.

Therefore, this idea is making known to us that when an individual holds, cares for a beauteous mental picture or image, a high moral and intellectual idea with affection then surely he shall definitely bring into bear or see it happening. The author went on to mention some examples like Columbus the sailor, Buddha and Copernicus.

vi. To desire is to obtain, to aspire is to achieve.

This quote by Allen also interests me a lot, to desire which is a verb meaning to expect or express the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state will come into possession or will come into hold by desirer. I particularly believe that this is very true, whatsoever a man seeketh or search he shall find. He goes to say to aspire which means to have an ambitious plan or a high moral idea which an individual aims or shoots for; is to achieve. To achieve means is to gain something with effort, to reach a point in time. Thence, we are to know that whenever man express a feeling of an unsatisfied state, it will be realized when man works or puts in efforts to reach that point in time.

vii. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.

This quote is also of much importance to the reader, this means in order for a man to bring anything into existence, there will be series of emotions and imaginative thoughts of the particular event, product or service occurring to the man. And so, this encourages the man to bring these ideas and images into being or realities through series of efforts and persistence. Therefore the images are the conception and the delivery is the reality.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and lessons from this book will help me to see myself as a divine creature who gets whatever he desires, when he applies actions, efforts to such aspirations. Thus, my desirable attitude which is directed to see positive change in my community can be reached when I lay down strategies to follow, the community will see the positive change.

Also, the ideas had made known to me that, am the master of my thoughts, these that I hold in my mind in effect creates the circumstances I experience, therefore in order to have awesome circumstances, man ought to have awesome and good thoughts in effect awesome experiences he endures. My environment will change if my thoughts are geared toward change, my community will experience the change I wish to see. As I communicate these ideas to the youth I come into contact, they will also develop this ideology and preach as well as practice it in their communities.

Moreover, I know that the dream, vision that I envisage will be attained when day after day I take steps towards that direction, one day surely I will achieve it and make the world a better place to be.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

i. Whatever your present environment may be, you will fall, remain, or rise with your thoughts, your Vision, your Ideal.

This quote is important because, it says no matter where you are now; being it in the slums, the wonderful mansions, urban city, a deprived town you can soar to achieve greater heights or remain and suffer there all by your thoughts and bigger picture you foresee.

ii. The Vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart-this you will build your life by, this you will become

This quote is also of significant value because it tells the reader that the bigger picture of his future that he honors or praises in his mind, or the something that he invests in his heart. He will defiantly and surely become.

iii. Calmness of the mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.

This quote caught my attention because; I must generate calmness for my mind in order to attain wisdom by patience and self control.

iv. The strong, calm man is always loved and revered.

Then since I want to be revered and loved, I must be a calm and strong man.

v. Self-control is strength; Right Thought is mastery; Calmness is power.

After I finished this groundbreaking book, this quote is helping me to steer my life into a balance because I want to attain strength through self-control, mastery of myself through right thoughts and power through my calmness.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and , if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? Answer: 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Patrick Adjei Nketia (Ghana)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The Author Richard Bach has done a tremendous job in putting together this fiction, this has been one of the numerous books that I fond very interesting reading. It has been a wonderful time with this book, at times when I read and finds myself in a state of happiness acquiring such knowledge.

The Author “Richard Bach” is urging his reader to eschew ignorance and accept the habit of learning and practicing in order to unearth the skills and talents that are hidden inside. In the process of doing this some of your family members and friends may expel you, others may tend to criticize and stigmatize you in whichever way they can because you are not following norm. There are times in this world when you do not have to follow the norm or status quo, we are in the 21st century, we need youth who are ready to challenge themselves and go the extra mile to achieve the impossible and make the most difficult challenges seem accomplishable. You might have a lofty vision which if you do not see yourself as a creature of excellence, intelligence and skill you might be swayed away by the dream killers and vision blockers who do not want to see positive change.

This book also speaks of having a teachable attitude, which has to do with having a humble heart to learn all that you can in this world. I personally side with the ideology of being a lifelong-learner, mentoring and being mentored, it really brings a lot of benefits to the student who studies the challenges, difficulties that one had being able to surmount, and also the student gets to learn the secrets, key principles, good habits that helps a budding seed to grow and become a giant tree whose branches will help other creeping plants to get to the top.

He also preaches to the reader to do what they love doing most which will bring them true happiness and make life very enjoyable and worth living. I have observed that, in my part of the world, most of the youth after school find themselves in jobs that they do not find interesting, they accept it all because they think that’s how it should be done. However, if they are to look deep into themselves and realize the talents that can make them eminent. In this way, they can also groom the young ones who are growing up to explore their inner most skills and talents which will bring about developments, enlightenment and positive change in our environment and to the world at large.

I have a quote which is in line and would like to share,” Move from your comfort zone to make strides, stay to regret in the near future. – Patrick Adjei Nketia

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill.

This idea is of the view that, man can emanate himself from the shackles of ignorance which then will catapult man into the state of excellence, intelligence and skill. Ignorance is one of man’s greatest disadvantages which do not make man function in his full potential. There is an aphorism that” for lack of knowledge makes my people perish”. This elaborates on that fact that if you do not have adequate knowledge about a position, field of study, services and products then you cannot operate at your full capacity or to make a quick sale for your products or services. Then the question is, can man eschew ignorance?

To step into the state of excellence, then man ought to be a lifelong learner and continuously practice in his field of endeavor in order for him to be in sole control of his activities. Practice makes man perfect is another aphorism which speaks that continues practice of whichever activity will bring completeness to whatever man is undertaking. After I graduated from the trainers’ class and started training, I have observed that after any training I organize, I could see that I have improved upon on my audibility and my style of delivering the training. We also observed it in this book that, Jonathan developed himself very well through constant practice. This made him increase in his circle of influence and also had the opportunity to understudy the leader of the flock due to his teachable attitude (always willing to learn). Therefore, with constant practice and a teachable attitude man can experience a state of completeness and fulfillment.

ii. Break the chains of your thought and you break the chains of your body too.

This particular statement goes a long way to inform the reader of this groundbreaking book that, when man is placed in chains or metal shackles, it then restricts his movement and keeps him confined at one place. Our thoughts which make us unlimited in power can also limit us in the same way; all will depend on the man’s state of consciousness and his beliefs system which he builds his life around. Since the body is a servant to the mind, then invariably if one limits himself in his mind then he also limits himself physically. Therefore bounds man in reaching the higher heights of his destiny.

iii. We should challenge the status quo and not always to follow the norm.

This idea is also communicated by this book, which sometimes some of us who challenge the status quo find ourselves ridiculed by the people around us. This was the same thing which happened to Jonathan when he dedicated his daily activities to practicing and learning how to fly, which the flock frowned upon and disgraced him. At times when we want to enhance our talents, bring new developments, create positive change our parents and other people around us tend to pull down because they are ignorant about what man do and accomplish. There was a time when I identified a business venture I wanted to operate in my vicinity. There was a vantage point where I imagined being the perfect spot to establish the business. So I gathered all resources needed to start this venture and zoomed into action. For some time, some of my colleagues and relatives were saying “why is it that a university student is operating this kind of business”. I paid deaf ears to what they were saying due the inner most satisfaction, where I was going and the experience I was acquiring was what kept me going.

iv. Practicing and persistence to be perfect.

This aspect is also pertinent for the reader, for in this world and by my experience in this short time. Practicing is a critical tool or skill for every individual willing to soar higher and create strides, for whatever you are doing in order to be perfect one ought to spend quality time practicing to make the best out everything he or she does. Persistence is another crucial skill one must acquire in this world of difficulties and challenges, we should hold on to that idea, dream and vision. There will be times when you may encounter some disappointments and failures but you should not throw in the towel but endure, persevere and hang on because there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

v. Learning is a key.

We must endeavor to learn as much as we can and develop it into a habit which can develop into a character and will be amazed by the results one will reap. Learning and taking the pain to study improves ones personality, expand his horizon and also come across various mistakes that early men have made and you will not repeat them but rather learn from them and also make encourage others to learn and develop themselves. This was what Jonathan exhibited in this book, the learning attitude which made him become one-in-a-million bird. So if you want to become one-in-a-million human then you have to cultivate the habit of learning from every situation, circumstance, experience and other spheres of life.

vii. The most important thing in living was to reach out and touch perfection.

This state of perfection does not come on a silver platter, it takes the courageous not the faint-hearted, the bold not the timid, the strong and not the weak. We can see that Jonathan took a bold step to talk to the elder gull, who had admired him for not following the crowd but being a pathfinder and trailblazer.

vii. Try working on love.

If we are to work with love in our hearts then wherever we may find ourselves, we will create a positive change and leave a great impact. With love in our head of states hearts they will not take decisions that will not be in favor of their interests but rather think about posterity and the betterment of their citizens. Citizens of this world will not look down on their fellow brothers by the colour of their skin but see them as one creature because we all were created in the image of the almighty God but not black or white. We should do unto others what you want others to do unto us.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Firstly, these lessons and ideas I have learnt from this book has shown me to be a lifelong learner, to study all that I can from the good books, great people I meet, mistakes of myself and others to help me attain intellectual enlightenment, excellence and perfection.

Secondly, to offer a helping hand to others who will need my help. Also groom others that I come into contact and usher them to see themselves as unlimited beings that can achieve the impossible and do the undoable.

Thirdly, I will be practicing all the time to improve my skills and competencies in order to portray professionalism and be adept in whatever I will be doing and encourage others to follow suit.

Finally, I will be preaching the idea that the youth should take up the responsibilities in their countries and find substantial solutions to the problems in their communities. And also they will have to inform their counter parts about this ideology. By so doing I believe every youth will brighten the corner which they are and will not despise their small contributions they can make to help the world become a better place because, little drops of water makes a mighty ocean.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

i. Break the chains of your thought and you break the chains of your body too.

This quote is of value because I think in order to achieve freedom we must liberate our thoughts from limiting beliefs to make our body also free.

ii. We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill.

With our quest to attain excellence, intelligence and skill we should learn, study, practice and develop ourselves for the task.

iii. Jonathan took all his courage in hand and walked to the Elder Gull.

It will take the courageous to make it far in life not the faint hearted.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? Answer: 10
B. How helpful were the contents? Answer: 10
C. How easy was it to understand? Answer: 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? Answer: 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Assessment by Patrick Adjei Nketia (Ghana)


1.  What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

In this well-made and classic book the authors Napoleon Hill and W.C Stone made known to their readers that, in this world, everyone has the edge to achieve success of any kind if only he/she will steer or forge into action with a positive mental attitude (PMA). However, it is also our choice to stay in misery, if only we attend to the opportunities that come our way with a negative mental attitude (NMA).

This ground- breaking book’s main purpose is to show its reader the ways and means of applying this great medicine (PMA) in a daily, business and other activities. As they wished and succeeded in all their endeavors, this book provides those techniques for the reader to apply the PMA to its fullest potential.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?  List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.  Use personal examples from your own life.

A. See something positive with every negative situation.

This is actually a sentence in my personal creed I have carved to live my life by. Whatever the case may be, in this world we are living, it will be illogical for one to think that, he will get whatever he wants. There will be a situation where you might fall short in a situation and it might lead to failure.

How then will you see this is failure? It will be pleasantly appropriate, when you sit down and think it through to see where and how come those results emanated.

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to attend a youth conference in Incheon, South Korea. This conference was organized by the United Nations to bring together University Students to stimulate the UN setting and behave like ambassadors.

I was not able to attend this grand event because aside my positive mental attitude, I had turned a blind eye to some of the other principles of success.  Not being able to attend this Conference, really and indeed anguished my mind and spirit, however, whenever I reminisce on this flown opportunity. I blame myself greatly and try to find the lope holes I was not able to cover and try to fill them in my mind.

B. Work with the talents fond in you.

I have read that when one operates with or develops the talents fond in them, they then operate at the level of peak performance.

Peak performance is when one functions with passion, creativity and purpose. I believe everyone will like to function at their peak performances. Then talents will play a critical role when you crave to maneuver in your peak performance.

I say unequivocally that, when you are doing something now that you do not find it interesting or you will not dedicate your time if you are not being compensated, then you lost the first test of achieving the peak performance level.

Some years back, I did not know I could write so well. Recently, as I participated in IIGL program and the writing of some articles, it has really help and improved my learning, speaking and writing skills. All these are skills am indeed genuinely passionate about and I have come to realize that these are among the talents the most High embedded in me to impact the world with.

C. Our attitudes shape our future.

There is this quote which is mainly told to young ladies and I will like to share with you, “your beauty will send into marriage but your attitude/character will keep you there”. – Anonymous. This clearly shows us that, we should take maximum time to develop a

successful attitude which will be able to uphold us to the highest esteem everywhere we go.

First I believe it must start with your thoughts, words, and then your actions which virtually emanates from the latter and geminates into your attitude.

Your values and beliefs are also inclusive, because these will elicit the words and actions which are going to channel the path of your attitude. Example; as I cherish to transact businesses or to become a great entrepreneur, there be the need for me to develop timely values that are in line with my beliefs, which will aid the thoughts I think and the words I utter, leading to the actions I will take and the attitude I will bear on.  After, this attitude will be with me in all the business transactions and businesses I establish. This attitude will dictate if am building a better than good future or otherwise.

D. Service to humanity is the best work of life.

This is the last sentence of the creed of Junior Chamber International, a worldwide organization of young bold leaders and entrepreneurs who share the belief that in order to make this world a better place, young people (we) have to undertake substantive solutions to the bugging problems in our communities through organizing international and local projects and programs.

This has given me the mindset that I will always have to help my fellow man in whichever way I can.

In light of this, I have been organizing capacity building programs, community based projects and other volunteering services which are really creating and touching the lives of people.

E. The will to work.

A man who is willing and charged to make a great impact in this world must be ever ready to work assiduously to bring all his ideas and visions into reality. Man will then be in a stagnant situation, if he does not work his way to prominence or of whatever stage or per degree he wishes to attain.

If you are willing to work, you are willing to succeed. You have to get up and do something for yourself as one of Joseph Hill’s songs says. When I get an idea and decide to make it happen, it deserves much energy, time and enough efforts to bring it into being. Be it a project or a program and I believe it really worth doing it. I will do all that I can and after the work, I know I have developed myself, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

F. The power of reading.

To me reading has served to be my utmost medium of reaching and satisfying my wet appetite for learning and knowing the unknown. As I started reading IIGL program books, It have deepen the drive and has made me know that when one read good books, he begin to live in a different world of possibilities and begin to appreciate the learnt knowledge and experiences of the people who had existed before his very creation.

It also provides precious time to learn from the knowledge great people derived from the mistakes they made in life and as they caution the reader not to follow suit but to channel a path that will up lift and bring the reader to a prominent and expected end.

G. Have a definiteness of purpose.

To have a definiteness of purpose is to operate at your extreme potentiality. When one have a definite purpose he or she does not live by beating around the bush but instead, hits the nail right on the head thus, knowing where he is heading to and won’t  be fond of playing or hanging around with people who are not steering to his direction.

There is an adage that reads, “If you are born to kill an elephant, you will not hesitate to be killing ants”.

I believe everything in this world is made for a particular purpose and every item or object made by man is made to satisfy a need and it won’t be like an eagle scratching the ground with chickens, it is meant to be in the sky.

You will bear with me that’s why it’s very sad and pathetic for a person who does not know his purpose in this life to live. You can know how unfortunate it will be to put a square peg in a round hole and vice versa, it was not made for it so it cannot function as it’s expected to do and the result will not be fruitful.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and lessons shall help me greatly in my quest to leave an indelible mark in the sands of time. I believe that as the great people of this world who preferred to live by these ideas embedded in this book made it so will I not be a failure if I follow in that direction. If I continue reading a couple pages of a book every day, work very hard to achieve my goals, do unto others as I want others to do unto me and offer a helping hand to the people in need.

I would like to share one my visions with you, I would like build community libraries in every deprived community in most countries in the world. I believe as I embark on this vision and bring it into reality, people are going to learn and have a change of mind towards their community, will try to make the best of their lives and one person at a time, communities will change, regions will change, countries will change, continents will change and the world will change for the better with my small contribution.

4. Quotes:  Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention?  If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

a.  You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying.

It has fascinated me when ever am watching an animated movie and the hero will sometimes find himself in a tight situation which he might feel its impossible but as soon as he tells himself to give it a try and follow up with an action the story changes.

I have taken that notion upon myself and have developed the mindset that in every situation I will give it a try because I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You might have heard of this axiom “they is no harm in trying”, most of us know about this but at times we do not exercise it to release its benefits.

b.   If life hands us a problem, it hands also to us the abilities to meet the problem

It is very true when we encounter a problem or a challenge. We tend to focus our minds solely on the problem and at times begin to whine whilst we could have opened our minds and be creative to appreciate the abilities and powers at our disposal which can help us to solve that problem.

c.   Hope is the magic ingredient in motivating yourself and others.

I have a mentor named Paa Kwesi Inkumsah, for the first time I meet him when I was first elected as the Local President of Junior Chamber International –University of Cape Coast. He was then the National President. Since that time till now in all my endeavors, He has

inspired me to see hope and believe that whatever I believe, I can achieve! Is through him I got know about IIGL and am also inspiring my members and edging them to get on the IIGL program. Indeed, the world would have being very bad without the word HOPE.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?  If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Very helpful this book has served. There is a personal analysis quotient which has really helped me to know my short falls and am working to improve upon it. I will be reviewing myself intermittently.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?  If so, please comment.

The suggestions of other self help books and research on the stories which gave a more understanding to the reader is very pertinent and I acknowledge IIGL in adding this book to its curriculum.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10.  Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read?                           10

B. How helpful were the contents?                           10

C. How easy was it to understand?                            10

D. Would you recommend it to others?                    10

E. What is the overall rating you would give it?      10

Keys To Success.

Assessment by Patrick AdjeiNketia


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

In this magnificent book, the author is apprising the reader to uphold his well researched 17 timeless principles and it will definitely catapult him to accomplish any desire he dreams of achieving. It started with every individual getting a definite purpose of which he would like to realize in his life. I side with him perfectly because to the best of my knowledge, everything in this world had been made to satisfy a particular need or solve a specific problem. So an individual should have a major specific goal that he seeks to steer his ship of life in reaching that goal.

He brings to play other keys or principles that will support the individual in his quest to achieving his definite purpose, of which I believe these keys or principles plays a vital part to the individual as to how he could develop his plan, work with his mind, get along with people and develop a pleasing personality which can work marvelous for him whenever he comes into contact other with people.

This book is also instilling into the mind of its reader that, whatever he sets his mind on and believes he can, will definitely be realized. It goes further to expound the powers of the mind and how to put it into use for it to actualize the objective on the mind.

He goes on to inform the reader to use his creative ability, personal initiative, will power and how he can apportion his time and money, which will then counteract with some of his greatest setbacks and surmount them. Not forgetting the need to maintain sound health and to wear the cap of accurate thinking and not to be a victim of fallacies and believe any perceptions from other people. After then it places him on a smooth sail to the dock of his major goal.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?  List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.  Use personal examples from your own life.

A. Efforts merit remuneration.

This goes a long way to remind us of the adage, “what you sow is what reap”. In everything you do in this life, your commitment level and the efforts you put to achieve the targeted goal will be equivalent to the benefits you will receive.

In a non-profit organization I found myself, as a voluntary group we undertake projects and programs. It requires much effort in implementing a project and see to its success. From the onset to the final stage of the project, you will see those who will be working haphazardly and the ones who will be putting in all their efforts in other to learn, develop themselves and to see the vision of the organization been realized.

After the project has been executed and the organizers are been appreciated and offered some prices. That’s where it separates the people who contributed whole heartedly from the ones who were haphazardly involved. You wouldn’t plant beans and expect to reap potatoes.

In everything you are doing, you give your all and receive it all.

B. Make it a habit of expressing gratitude and giving thanks for your blessings.

Give thanks in all things as some part of the holy book says. I have created an affirmation that, everything works together for my good no matter the situation. So I then see something positive in every negative situation that comes my way and so I tend to appreciate the Supreme Being for how far he has brought me and the experiences I am going through.

I normally say in my mind, “thank you my God” and I have observed whenever I say that, whatever mode I find myself, my face begin to beam with a cheerful expression and I love it so much.

C. The mind attracts anything it dwells upon.

Your mind is like a magnet which attracts any metallic substance within it range. The mind also attracts whatever it focuses on either good or bad and as time goes on it manifests it in the life of the beholder.

I have about in two years now practiced something I read in a book and I can see it manifesting in my life. In the book there was a statement like “what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)” and the author suggested his reader writes what he wanted to become on a piece of paper and paste it at a place he could see often.

I practised as I read. Since that time I wrote all I wanted to become and what I wanted to do with my life on that piece of paper and have been watching it, I could see that my mind had absorbed it and the things I wrote on it are manifesting gradually in my life.

Recently, on the paper I have written to become a poet laureate, so since that time, I have been gathering poems from great poets, associating with other poets and learning more about how to write a good poetry.

On the 22nd October,2011 I had a wonderful opportunity to recite one of my poems in a huge gathering. I saw it as my mind attracted it to me and it is so because, the way and manner this august opportunity felled on me. I will say, ‘it’s marvelous’. I did justice to the opportunity and even got paid for doing something I loved to do. I believe other opportunities are on the way coming.

D. Put yourself in a more positive frame of mind.

You will have to tune yourself to be in line with the positivity of this world. It’s a choice, either positive or negative and it will be at your own peril. To put yourself in a more positive frame of mind will harness your potentials and make you the best in all that you do.

After my university education, every graduate from the university is required to undertake a year responsibility to serve his nation. Here many graduates whine about the challenge of maybe been posted to a rural area to help that community.

Before I saw my posting I told myself that, ‘no matter the situation I might find myself, I will go and make an impact in that area’. With this frame of mind I could see all things falling in place and everything working together for my good while others are even crying about theirs. I am trying to come out with a book as to what I am witnessing there. It has given me a changed mind and improved on my attitude of gratitude. For I have now seen how others are living outside my zone and the challenges some people in the country are facing and I am now thinking how I can be a solution to some of these challenges.

E. Make your own decisions and become self-determining.

There are times when we need to think through some issues and take decisions for the greater good of the mass. That might be the time when we do peer reasoning and make decisions to that effect.

At some point in your lives, you should not make room for your friends, parents or guardians to decide for your future because you are the sole person who will be bearing the repercussions and you ought to take note of that.

You will have to sit down and weigh the benefits and disadvantages and consider which way to go. You make the decisions, you become sole responsible for the life you are leading and you will be cautious about every step you take and the moves you make.

When I was posted to a faraway place to contribute my quota many were the words of people saying Patrick, you have the contacts and why don’t you seek to be reposted to a better place. I told them I will love to change my environment and see how others too are living in the other side of the country.

I can boldly say, this decision has really paid off and am learning a lot from my new surroundings.

I lived with my grandparents while my mum was outside the country in search of greener pastures. After completing my Second circle institution and was about to enter the university, my grandfather made the suggestion that I should stop the education and go and learn draughtsmanship because my mother would be spending huge sums on me for nothing because of some vices I was involved in. I stood on my grounds that no matter what I go to the university and it was honored.

After my university education, things have really changed tremendously in my life and I know God knows the reason he sent me to the university. Am grateful for the better man I’ve become.

Stand on your feet and don’t let anyone talk you down!

F. Challenge your mind and dare yourself in this life.

It was time for our graduation and over the years, I have witnessed that all male graduates wore suits to this grand occasion. I challenged my mind that as for me I will represent in an African print.

At first when I preconceived this idea, my mind was telling me that I was going to feel inferior in the mist of my colleagues but I dared myself to stand out on that grand occasion and portray a different image for myself.

I had a wonderful African print gift from my mother after my final exams so I decided to wear it to the occasion.

My friends started inquiring if I was coming and I confirmed that they should expect me in different apparel, and because of my popularity in the school, my friends were waiting anxiously to see me on that day.

It was marvelous and outstanding when I entered the hall in my distinguished choice of apparel. My mates and friends all turned to take a glimpse of me as strutted to take my seat in the filled to capacity auditorium.

I could hear they wear admiring the apparel and I felt very proud for sticking to that choice.

G. One good deed a day will keep old man gloom away.

During your youth, if you would be more involved in giving yourself to serving, creating and touching other people’s lives, you will never happen to be miserable in your early days for what goes around comes around. I believe as am teaching and helping others, my old age will be in the state of fulfillment.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

In my quest to ‘contribute to the society through my services and contributions’ as one statement of my personal creed reads, as I practice these timeless principles even though I am on course with some of them. I will still make efforts to improve upon some of them and I believe, as my mind is in tune with this direction. I will make efforts to gather like-minded think tanks for my group or mastermind alliance, get into partnership with the right associates and stay healthy. As I chart this course, am on the way to self fulfillment and creating positive change for a better world.

4. Quotes:  Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention?  If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

A. “Where faith is the guide, the individual cannot lose his way”.

Wherever one holds on to his faith, the momentum gets him going and surely he will make a head way which allows him to realize his objective.

B. Listening well is even a greater compliment than speaking well.

Listening, I call it a skill. One needs to acquire it at all cost and without it is like a ship without a rubber. Listening plays a very vital role in our everyday interactions. It pays for one to be an active listener and he will be welcomed and appreciated everywhere he will go.

C. “If you would plant for days, plant flowers, If you would plant for years, plant trees, if you would plant for eternity, plant ideas.”

This draws my attention to the ideas some people had discarded over the years and if they had taken time to think about it for a while and acted upon it, they would had been the world billionaires by now. Those who backed their ideas with actions are now making the best out of life and enjoying the gains of their ideas generation after generation.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?  If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yeah I completed them and they were helpful..

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?  If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10.  Ten is good and one is poor.

A.   How interesting was it to read?                           10

B.   How helpful were the contents?                          10

C.   How easy was it to understand?                          10

D.  Would you recommend it to others?                    10

E.   What is the overall rating you would give it?    10


Assessment by Patrick Adjei Nketia (Ghana)


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea Bobbe Sommer is conveying in this wonderful book is how every individual can achieve success and happiness through the developing of his/her self image and self-esteem.

She drives it from the use of Dr. Maltz’s psychologically tested formulas that helps one to retain his sound harmonious state of mind and the use of his/her creative powers and belief systems to increase the tendency of reaching his heartfelt desires and reaching his highest end.

She also goes on to maintain the programming of the mind as man’s greatest tool to improve upon his self image through the use of affirmations, retrieving and pondering on past successes to augment one’s belief or faith in any endeavor he/she is undertaking. The intense of your faith or your belief system shall speed up the realization of your hidden pursuit.

Bobbe emphasized on the use of relaxation methods to move from the state of frustration and stress to the success angle. Also to recognize frustration, stress and other negative signals as indications that one is not on the right track of achieving happiness or success in his/her life so they could make amends.

One major thing I found phenomenal was the setting of time bound goals and writing of positive thoughts or affirmations on pieces of notes and placing them at vantage points in our offices, homes and any place to remind our horse (our subconscious minds) that we are its rider and this is the route we will like it to chat and not to derail unto it’s false old ways.

She continued that humans are goal striving mechanisms and that everyone tries to achieve one thing or the other everyday and this makes the man feel worthy for being able to reach a set destination or end that he/she aspired to be. Also Bobbe admonished his reader to make use of his/her mind powers (visualization, imagination, intuition etc.) to help him/her hold on to any goal and work towards to bring it to fruition.

She finally maintained that a healthy self-image or esteem improves longevity. Also the given of oneself to charity and the serving of its community in various ways brings fulfillment to the image of the individual.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?  List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.  Use personal examples from your own life.

a. The mind can heal our sickness and diseases.

The body itself was created to be able to heal itself without any medication. The mind plays a critical role in this tissue reformation. As one believes and expresses gratitude that a disease or sickness in his/her body is healed and tend to focus his mind on it. The mind helps in revitalizing the area of the infirmity by reformation of fresh tissues to replace the old ill tissues.

Couple of months ago, I was experiencing some choky painful behavior in my trachea. It comes at times in the mornings and the nights when I try to swallow saliva, it chokes me hard that it feel unbearable and it will make you cough. I visited the hospital, explained it to the doctor but she said, “She didn’t know anything about what I was describing so she would not be able to prescribe any medicine for me. I also tried some herbs and I was told it was as a result of too much phylems in me.

As I read a part of this book it confirmed that the mind was able to heal. I tried gradually expressing gratitude that this thing had vanished and I was feeling healthy. I can gracefully say as I write this assessment, it had healed and I feel great about.

It has even improved upon my believing about the expressing of gratitude in all my endeavors and undertakings. It really works,

whatever that you are facing, say it often with unweaving faith that, “I am grateful that I am healed or am grateful that…………………………….. And imagine the disease being eliminated or erased from your body into the outside of the earth.

b. A persons positive self-image arguments the level of his achievements.

When you have a high self image, you believe everything work together for your good and you can make everything happen.

Recently, I contested for the Presidency of an association which comprised of graduates from all tertiary institutions in the nation and it was known as National Service Personnel Association (NSPA) in the district I found myself.

On the day of the elections, with a high positive image, I dressed exquisitely in my tuxedo and got to the venue. My contenders saw me in a different way because of the aura I was radiating, with the way I talked and the gestures I exhibited.

After the elections lo and behold, with the grace of God I won gracefully and also went on to shake hands with them. Now some are still on my executives board and I could see they really appreciate my self esteem and self image. All the credits go to IIGL for the ground-breaking books they offer for its members to improve upon their lives and their environs.

c. You have the power to create change.

We are ambassadors of change everywhere we find ourselves, if only we can believe and recognize that we have the capacity to create the change we wish to see in this world as Mahatma Gandhi said.

Wherever I found myself, I see myself as a solution to my generation so I then indentify a problem and try as much as possible to find a solution to it.

When I was about to finish my tertiary education, it was announcedthrough the university radio station that the university hospital’s blood bank was empty. Upon hearing this I initiated a project to collect units of blood from the students.

We zoomed into action, wrote proposals to some organizations, partnered the university hospital who provided the health personnels who did the collection and our part was to do intense publicity, organize the students and provide some refreshments. It was a four day project and at the end of the last day, we recorded over one hundred and fifty units of blood to save lives.

d. Garbage in, garbage out

This is a common axiom in computer literacy. The mind is also a higher form of computer, so there is the tendency that it replicates whatever you feed it with. It may be either positive or negative.

Over about two years now I have been writing on a sheet of paper “who I be” and paste at everywhere I found myself. I have on this paper I see myself in the next years of my life, what I will represent and as time passes by. I have seen this information on the paper gotten into my subconscious mind and manifesting.

I have on the sheet among others, “I am becoming a poet laureate”. So I have been studying poems of great poets and writing some myself and I have been posting this in my notes in “facebook” and on my blog. Not knowing people have been monitoring and an opportunity came for someone to recite poetry at the National Convention of the organization of which I am a member known as Junior Chamber International (JCI).

The opportunity felled on my laps as the poet who was to recite the poem told them he was busy and couldn’t make it. As I was nominated, the committee organizing the conference unanimously agreed to my

nomination and I did splendid with the preparation and the delivering

on the 22nd October, 2011 at Kama conference center in Accra, Ghana.

I have observed that what you give your mind it will be given back to you in reality.

Here is the poem,


Our world is sick and in messiness

Our world is tattered and ragged

Our world is bedeviled by our actions

Actions that have augmented the myriad of problems

You are the world,

We live in it, we are the hope, we hold the future

We are the titans of solutions, we are of a purpose

You are to serve that purpose

You are to wear the cap of action

You are to claim the call of change

The call from JCI

You are the world,

You are the tread in the fabric of life

You are the beautifying green in the world

You are the fresh perfume scent in the wind

Your actions awake a dying soul and put a heartwarming smile on the face

You are the world,

Let’s defend humanity with our service

Lets become the bridge to a better world

The jewel of peace, the voice of change and the brotherhood of man

You are the life, the spirit and the icon of change in your community

The world, awaits on your smallest action for a greater impact.

Thank you!

e. Imagination the preview of life’s circumstances.

I have seen the truism in the axiom. I express my imagination to every circumstance I will like to experience.

I will spend some minutes with my eyes closed or get to the venue of an event and picture as to how I want it to happen in the room and it comes into reality.

Back in the university I will love to sit a particular spot in the lecture hall, before I will be going, as I take my bath, I will picture myself in the seat with the attire I am going wear and the way I will sit to observe the lecturer as he lectures and surely I will go and no one had occupied that seat.

f. Relaxation breeds ideas.

There was a moment I was with a friend called Augustine and there was lights out in the community where we were having our national service (A mandatory service by every graduate in the country and after will merit him or her for employment). One afternoon after eating, we went into the room to take a nap. I took this book to read so I could whale away time until I fell asleep.

My friend’s phone was off so he needed the light to come so that he could charge his phone. As he relaxed with his eyes closed for some few minutes, he bumped up all of a sudden and exclaimed that, there

was a solar charger which was brought to the headmaster and the teachers by some NGO’s to charge their phones via solar. He said, “I can use the solar charger to charge my phone if it had certain cords and pins.

I was fascinated by his sudden imagination after the relaxation while this book which speaks about that was in my hand.

I encouraged him that, “why not, we should try”! So we went to the headmaster for the charger but unfortunately there were other things which were needed to make it complete.

I have come to realize that, relaxation can bring ideas and auger well with our intuition and how we can find substantial solutions to the problems we are facing in our communities.

g. The intense of your believe manifests your desire.

Whatever one is doing, if he believes and takes action towards its plan feeling enthusiastic and grateful that what he is undertaking is already fruitful.

Someday ago, as I was reading this book in the bus on my way home, It came to me as I read the part of this book on stress. So immediately it triggered me to recommend this book to my mum and make sure she

reads it though she is not into reading such books. I wrote this down so I don’t forget. I believed my mother was going to accept my proposal and as she reads, the change I would like to see in her shall be manifested.

I requested this book to my mother and she made a point to read it. One time she came to my room feeling enthusiastic and making assessments of the book and telling me the book is very good and I should continue reading and should make sure to practice therein. I could see she had appreciated it and the change its taking place. All these change of mindset and development wouldn’t have been possible if I had not join IIGL.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas will profoundly help me every day as I relax and picture the way I want my daily activities to go as I have planned them accordingly. I will make time to express gratitude and believe every step I take towards my dreams and goals will prove worthy.  I will also make time to put my creative imagination to work in all my

events geared towards creating a positive change in my community and will not leave out feeding my mind with positive affirmations thatwill improve upon my self- image and self esteem.

4. Quotes:  Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention?  If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

a. “When you’re not goal striving, not looking forward, you’re not really living”. By Dr. Maltz

This quote makes me understand that it pays for every human not just to exist but to live by creating goals and working towards accomplishing them assiduously. For a man cannot walk away from his own story. It’s all about deeds, the deeds maketh the man.  You can’t sit idle without accomplishing or achieving any worthwhile dream in your life. Then I side with him you’re not living.

b. “Be willing to make a few mistakes, to suffer a little pain to get what you want,” Dr. Maltz

When a baby starts to craw and begins to stand and tries to walk, if you have observed. As he tries to stand at times he will fall back to his buttocks and when he tries to walk, he might fall several times but still tries and at last he is good to run. From our mistakes we learn a lot and make amends that will help us live a fulfilled life.

Nothing worth having comes on a silver platter. You have to work your way through by learning from the mistakes you make and the adversity you face, which will mould and refine you into a worthy person.

c. “Self-confidence comes out of a balance for striving for new achievements with ongoing recognition of your existing strengths”- Terry Paulson.

As you acknowledge your existing strengths that helped you to achieve your past successes, it balances and boosts your self-confidence when striving for new achievements.

d. “We do not discover our worth by comparing ourselves to other people………….All of us have equal values as human beings.

I was with my grandparents more often when I was young. I could remember, most at times when they were reprimanding us, they will compare you to another individual in the neighbourhood who in their eyes thinks he/ she had achieved or made some strides. I didn’t like that at all because everyone has got his/her own destiny. We have equal values and we should tend to value ourselves in our own unique way as humans.

e. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference”. – Reinhold Niebuhr.

As I am a budding leader and am willing to create positive change in my communities, there might be some of the things I cannot change. As I strive harder with a positive mindset I will succeed and as the quote says, God should grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change and let me gain the wisdom in the difference.

f. “It doesn’t matter who is right but what’s right”. We shouldn’t look up to someone to know what is right but our conscience will edge us to recognize what is always morally right.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

a.   I don’t agree with Dr. Maltz maintaining that “positive thinking” is foolish and have no effects.

It baffles me as the most content of this book relate somehow to Napoleon’s “Success through a positive mental attitude” which has also proven utile and had change a lot of lives.

Does this book also fall in the context of “positive thinking”? This should be a question we need to ask ourselves so that we could draw the line between these two remarkable authors.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?  If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Sure I completed them and they were really helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?  If so, please comment.

So on this note I would like to suggest this book to patientssuffering from stress all over the world and I believe as my mother saw the good inherent in it so they will also find it interesting and educating for it to make a difference in their in their lives.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10.  Ten is good and one is poor.

A.  How interesting was it to read?                            10

B.  How helpful were the contents?                           10

C.  How easy was it to understand?                           10

D.  Would you recommend it to others?                    10

E.  What is the overall rating you would give it?       10

Real Magic

Assessment by Patrick Adjei Nketia (Ghana)


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The Principal idea the author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer is trying to convey to its reader is first that, Firstly, we should have the consciousnessthat we are whatever we hold on in our minds or the thoughts we predominantly think about. These thoughts then manifest in our character as a personality and our physical world as experiences. He emphasizes that the mind is our greatest tool that can transform our lives tremendously and our surroundings or the world at large.

Secondly, he speaks of the human being as a spiritual being undergoing a physical experience and that there is something higher or more greater power above us which runs through all living beings in the world. Dr. Dyer speaks to his reader as a spiritual being to connect with his/her higher self and to recognize that he will realize his/her true purpose which is to love, give and serve humanity.

He laid much emphasis on meditation or prayer as the medium through which spiritual beings can connect with their higher self, which will keep them in tune with the divine power that occupies the universe.

Thirdly, as creators of miracles we need to recognize the fact that, the spirit that controlled all the greatest spiritual leaders who created miracles and exemplary lives whilst living on the phase of this earth have not quenched or repelled but it’s still alive and ablaze in all human beings. All we need to do is to connect with its source through meditation or prayers and acknowledge that we are on this land for a divine agenda or purpose of which we will have to serve, love and give our all to our fellow human beings in various ways to create a better world as we came to meet it.

Finally, in order for spiritual beings to manifest miracles in their daily lives, they must ‘know’ deep down in their inside that, they are boundless, limitless and that, they are powerful beyond imagine because of the invisible power that sit in the center of their body and knows.

Dr. Dyer asserted that spiritual beings are capable of manifesting whatever they set their minds to accomplish in each day of their lives as they think about it and the universe will help manifest it.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?  List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.  Use personal examples from your own life.

a. We are not alone, we are guided.

There was a time in my life when I was an addict. Sometime, a friend and I were going to get high. We settled at a place which was quite open. As we were destroying our lives, I heard a voice that, “we should move from there.” I heard it loud and clear. This voice or something telling my mind was intense and repeated about four times. I told my friend several times that, “we should move from here” but he wouldn’t listen. In some minutes after I uttered the last caution, a man entered the tent and inquired harshly what we were doing there and started searching us and looking on the ground to find any exhibit.

They took us away in humiliation and after everything were settled. Some days later, my friend and I met. I remembered him about my caution but he didn’t heed to it. He attested and said, “he was going to listen to what I say everywhere we go from that time on. I have asked myself several times what would have been that voice or whatever? It was real, I was thrilled and it still happens. What I know is that, there is something always with us and tells us what is appropriate and just for us, what we only have to do is to heed to it and act on its recommendations.

b. Pay attention and respond to your intuition.

I have observed this thing about me, whenever I am leaving the house or going somewhere and am few meters away and I feel a nudge that I should go for something I have left back in the house. If I don’t respond to this intuition, I will get to my destination and will realize that, that particular thing I left is needed right at some moment. So I have learnt to always respond and act on that instinct voice and when it pays off, I tell myself,  “if I shouldn’t have listened to that or gone for that?”

c. Know that you do not have to understand.

I have come to realize that in a relationship, the other partner is off a different background and interests so we will have accept him/her the way. I have been of the view to get a partner who will like exhibit some of my interests, however, I’ve come into contact with close friends and had observed that it’s very difficult to make a partner or a friend to chat the course that interests you but they do the things that they love doing and they think they are on purpose.

Some weeks ago, I came into close contact with a friend and I observed that, she acquire books but do not make time to read them rather takes delight in watching television. I was fascinated, so I decided to let her know about the relevance of reading and how it had really improved my life. I could see it dawned on her and at times she could pick my book to read and in some few minutes return to its usual state. I tried to convince her and to understand the situation but I have realized to leave it the way it is. I need not to understand.

d. We are spiritual beings undergoing a physical experience.

As the Good Book says, “the body profits nothing.” There is something(our soul) in all of us which makes us intone with the flow of this universe and I have come to observe that, I feel guilty always when I don’t follow what the ‘still small voice’ in me says. There is something more phenomenal than this worldly life we experiencing, for a while if we could see ourselves as spiritual beings and connect with the flow in the universe which makes us limitless, then we are going to witness tremendous miracles in this physical that we see.

e. Circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him.

Indeed circumstances reveal the man, it takes only the ignorant who allows himself to be pushed down or destroyed by the circumstances he faces. However, if you are going to see yourself beyond the circumstances that you encounter, then you are going to be unveiled into another level by the circumstances that might bedevil you.

There was a time I was experiencing some serious tribulations which made the whole community label me as a black sheep and that nothing good was going to come out of me. But each time something happened and I was humiliated, I will feel a light of hope in my soul.

There was a time after an incident, I opened the Bible and this message which had always inspired me caught my attention, “Uphold me according to Your word, that I may live; and do not let me be ashamed of my hope”- Psalm 119:116.

As I can reminisce, all what happened where making way for me into a new light. This has left the people who witnessed me in time of trails ‘awe inspired’ by how now I have been revealed by the circumstances that came my way. I look back and say, “all were working together for my good!”

f. Be life-long learner.

Every day is a learning day. If only we are going to be willing and ready, for everything happening around us goes a long way to teach us or provide a deeper understanding to a notion which we might not understand as at the time it occurred.

I have embedded this idea in my mind that, I will see something positive in every situation that I find myself. There was a time when I was called on phone early in the morning by a revered person to help his relative, who had found herself in an uncompromising situation that he will need me to bale her out. It was a financial situation and as at that time I was also in a fix situation but I made some stringent efforts from odd places which I didn’t thought of even approaching in terms of financial assistance.

Lo and behold, I was able to make it up to my person’s friend who was deeply satisfied and felt a new light of hope to continue her journey back home. I could see that moment as a miracle happening for making something out of nothing.

g. A competitive culture endures by tearing others down.

I side with the author on this idea because our educational curriculum had been designed to connote the idea that we are in a race and that you have to do everything to out-weigh your opponent. In my extended family, I have observed that, my mother’s sisters have created a competitive atmosphere among themselves and that one would like to prosper or be ahead of the other and this have made room for them to at times back bite, tarnish others and find ways to stable others whilst they make a head way.

Some few weeks ago, I came home from the village where I was doing my national service and was to return the next morning. So I woke up early in morning in order to catch the first bus. It was seconded by my mother to go and bid my grandparents farewell before I went, so I heeded to it and went to see them.

As I meet my grandfather, he started gabbling, making claims and warning me about the life I was leading and that a certain friend of mine had come to the store one of my aunties is operating and said that, “I was oweing him and that I told him that I will sell the store in return to pay him” and a whole lot of other untrue statements. I stood there dazzled by all those niggling false issues, I was disturbed but I contained myself and as I sat in the bus back to village, I pondered about the way and manner he was uttering the statements, I realized he was been feed by my auntie who is now occupying the store.

I first spoke to the friend my grandfather was referring to but he was totally surprised and told me there was nothing of that sort. I spoke with my mum in the evening and also she told me that she went into the matter to make inquires and that my auntie was trying to push something down my throat. However, I will not doubt the integrity and wisdom of my grandfather, for that was how a concerned grandparent should behave at the hearing of such issues.

According to my mum, she said, “my auntie told her that, she heard it when my friend who was making such statements in front of the store.” My mum continued that, she told my auntie that, “if it were to be her, who might have heard someone saying something false about her (my auntie’s) children, wouldn’t she have approached that person at the scene to seek the truth of the matter before coming home to make it known to my grandparents?

To my best of knowledge, the question makes room for you to think of this whole issue through and judge for yourself. This shouldn’t be like that but to create a peaceful and loving atmosphere for each other to harness.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Firstly, As I recognize the fact that, I am a spiritual being and that I am on this earth for a divine purpose and that as I connect to my higher self and flow with nature by loving my fellow spiritual beings and doing unto others as I want them to do unto me, I will be of a grand significance as I create miracles in my daily life and the world at large.

Secondly, as I hold onto thoughts of peace, love and harmony in my everyday life, it will surely replicate in my actions towards my fellow men and grow into a character which will help me to see the world in a different light as I focus on the positive things in this world and help manifest a positive change in my own small way to the better world for all.

Lastly, as a spiritual being, I am guided by my higher self and that in order not for me to live a life full of regrets I will have to follow the channel my higher self drives me to. Also I will have to note that, as a spiritual being creating miracles, I need not to doubt my capabilities, rather, to know I am limitless, boundless and unequivocally powerful manifest the miracles I need to see in my life and the world as a whole.

4. Quotes:  Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention?  If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

a. “The great and glorious masterpiece of man is how to live with purpose.”~ Michel de Montaigne

When a man is on purpose everything around him works in his favor. This makes him not to struggle for or with anything but flows and enjoys the journey of his life. This makes it important for every individual to know in his divine purpose on this earth.

b.    “Man’s many desires are like the small metal coins he carries about in his pocket. The more he has, the more they weigh him down.”~ Satya Sai Baba

This quote speaks a lot for man’s desires are many and if he doesn’t take care to budget his expenditure but goes around and gratify all his desires, he will definitely end up in a miserable state.

c.   “When the student is ready the teacher will appear”~ An Ancient Zen proverb

When you have a teachable attitude, you tend to learn from everything that comes your way and it makes life worth living for everyday makes way to learn something new which improves upon your knowledge base. You will just have to be willing and ready to listen or observe for your teacher is right in your face.

d.  “We are born into the world of nature; our second birth is into the

world of spirit.” ~BHAGAVAD GITA

We are in the physical world but we are spiritual beings.

e.  There’s only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that’s your own self. – Aldous Huxley

Yourself is the greatest place to always seek to improve upon, for man is to live and learn.

f.   “If you want to know what your thoughts were like yesterday, look at your body today. If you want to know what your body will be like tomorrow, look at your thoughts today.”~Indian saying.

This quote is really phenomenal, for our thoughts makes up the character of our personality which in turn take us to higher places if they are positive and will diminish us if they are negative.

g.  “Our bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are gardeners.”-William Shakespeare

Our wills that means our choices or decisions are the gardeners. Are the gardeners of your garden ready to plant wonderful flowers to beautiful the garden or are they going to leave it bare for weeds to destroy the garden? It a decision we will have a make and even not making a decision itself is a decision.

h.  “Not only do you become what you think about, but the world also becomes what you think about.”- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.

How do you want the world to be like as you create your own personality in it? All legendary accomplishments that have transformed this world started with a thought, we are creators of this world and ourselves with what we think about. So let’s keep to positive thoughts and surely positive changes shall manifest in our lives and the world we live in.

i.   “A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until it becomes what everybody knows”. – William James

Definitely some ideas might sound crazy and ridiculous for the first time but it will it take your tenacity to hold on to it and bring it into fruition.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?  If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?  If so, please comment.

The reference to other books, acknowledging that there are other good books on this subject matter and the excerpts of other materials that he included in this book have improved upon my understanding and made me to also research into the fields of the recommendations made.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10.  Ten is good and one is poor.

A.     How interesting was it to read?                          8

B.     How helpful were the contents?                         9

C.     How easy was it to understand?                         10

D.     Would you recommend it to others?                 8

E.     What is the overall rating you would give it?    8

Giant Steps
Assessment By Patrick Adjei Nketia (Ghana)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author (Anthony Robbins) is trying to remind its reader about his innate power through a series of thought-provoking chapters that provides techniques, tips and exercises that requires actions. This is to help his reader intone himself into a clearer and brighter roadmap to perform at his utmost ability and achieve desired goals in his life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?  List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.  Use personal examples from your own life.

I would like to begin this question with a personal creed I’ve created and incorporating into my life. This was designed as I began my new-life-journey with IIGL.

Personal Creed
I will believe in GOD through CHRIST Jesus;
For everything works together for my good,
I will always have a positive mental attitude,
I will smile and laugh always to every living creature I meet,
I will always see something positive in every situation,
I will learn from mine and others mistakes,
I will be generous in my capacity to anyone who needs my help,
Be a lifelong learner,
Will inspire others to create positive change in their communities,
Be an active world citizen,
Give all back to my community through my service and contributions,
Always acknowledge GOD and everyone who contributes positively to my life.

A. The use of the problem-solving questions.
If one encounter a challenge, an adversity or a failure. It will depend on how that individual will think(question him/herself) to produce that right solutions that will gear him to see the positive side of the situation and realize it was for a particular purpose that challenge, adversity or failure came to serve.

I faced a challenge with my recent executives in the district I am doing my National service. We were five executives and three among us were from the district in which we were serving.
There was a time I (President) enquired an amount(10gh cedis = 8$) of money from the coordinator(A person appointed by government to see to the posting and welfare of personnel permanently) of our district. This money was intended to be used for buying a pack of envelopes and do some printing on them so that we could use them to solicit for funds. This was to help us pool some amount of money and use it to clear a land acquired in order for us to start building a transit point. This was to solve the major problem National Service personnel posted to that district face.

As I entered the coordinator’s office, the organizer of our association was with him. I never mind, because I had no hidden intent to collect the money. So I went on with the request and the coordinator pointed out that, I (President) should not be mingling in financial matters but to address things to the financial secretary to handle issues of such matter.
I realized that should have been the right thing to do. Later, during another meeting, our Vice President (whom I was much acquainted to, doing most of the donkeywork with and was from the district with the financial secretary and the organizer) came out in the mist of meeting to declare that, “I have went passed them to the coordinator to collect 100gh cedis (80$) for the printing of envelopes instead of my request which was 10gh cedi (8$). This was a big blow to me when I heard that however, I cleared the air all right about the situation.
As I sat after the meeting in a pondering mood (thinking) I asked myself some positive questions and I got some positive answers. These really help me to see the positive side of the whole situation.
Some of the positive questions were;

What positive thing can you learn from this situation?
I learnt (my weakness) taking up a task which was not in my jurisdiction. So I should work on that in the subsequent years to not take up a task of another executive without maybe prior informing him/her.

How can I learn to create a harmonious atmosphere among the executives after this? Because, some will feel victimized and guilty for the way things had gone and the way forward to achieve as a team what we want in our term of office.

B. Use positive intensified words
As I got to know the power of words and I decided to replicate it in my speech. I decided to reply with more positive intensified words when someone asked me, “how I was doing?” and in a situation when am feeling elated. So more often, I reply with enthusiasm, “am terrific” when asked, “How I was doing?”

As I started my National Service some months ago as a teacher in a rural school, whenever I got to the classroom, after greeting the students and they asked me how I was doing? I would reply with a smiling vim, “am terrific!” These students observed that I have been using it for some time.

One day, after I said it, one of the students inquired, what was the meaning of ‘terrific’? So I told him to research from the dictionary.

The next day in class, as I was greeted and I responded as usual, I also asked them how they were doing? The boy who inquired and other students responded loudly, “we are terrific.” I was marveled but I could see they have observed the intensity and positivity I radiate when I say that word so they also wanted to do same. It was a wonderful experience for me.

C. Leaders are readers.
It was a warm afternoon after a program organized by the district assembly where I am serving; this program was to congratulate beneficiaries of an initiative from the government for completing a training session organized for them.

As this ceremony, I met a suave and affable man, who was attracted to me by this book (Giant Steps) which I was reading. I have acquainted myself to him and in one of his statements he said, “I read copiously and I have not found myself wanting in any way when called upon to deliver. Readers are leaders”.

This really reflected when he was invited to chair in a seminar organized by (National Service Personnel Assoc.-NASPA-) dubbed “NASPA Career Guidance Seminar” which took place on the 28th February, 2012.

This event brought together over 500 students from selected Senior High Schools in the district, to ignite the zeal of choosing a passion as a profession for a career.

D. You don’t get upset with a person but you react to your rules for that situation.
There was situation in which I found myself after we had finished with our recent program dubbed “NASPA Career Guidance Seminar”.

Two of my executives were in charge of a hired public address system, so they were to make sure it was sent back to where it was hired. I told them I was to attend to other matters so they should take care of that.

However, one of them didn’t understand me because they were doing ( to carry the speakers) it I will have take part.

I have a rule that, if you are in a team and you are doing something don’t say that, “and I am doing this and this person is not doing some”.  My point was that, we(team) will not always be moving together in all the runs for the program or be doing everything all the time, so since you are a leader, at times you need to take up tasks yourself and execute them to add up to the team efforts. I now understand I was reacting to this rule at the said situation and not to my executives.

E. Stick to a well-thought Decision
One cold evening after we had utilized an opportunity to be on a radio to talk about the seminar we organized. We (I was with two of my executives) were on our way to our various destinations but the organizer insisted I had a drink with him of which I was not interested.
As we were going down the road, he insisted and we entered a local drinking bar. He started to lure me to take in alcoholic drink but I held on tight and took a soft drink instead.
I didn’t have any idea why he was pushing for me to take that alcoholic drink but I stack to the decision I taught was prudent for me.

F. Felt I contributed.
There was one early cold morning and as part of our preparation towards our Career Guidance Seminar. I was to be in a worship session of one of the participating schools to advertise the program to them. I dressed good and was feeling good in my well ironed shirt and tie. When I got to the taxi rank, I was directed to the ready car. As I got near the taxi, there was an old lady beside the gate and they were no one in the front seat, so with the back seat except her only. When I opened the front door, something flashed into my mind to offer the front seat to the old woman. I then told her to sit in the front seat however, she insisted to sit at the back. I sat in the front seat and she sat right behind my seat. She broke the short silence and said, “In this town, the young don’t respect the elderly”. This made way for a lengthy talk before the taxi full up before the car drove off.  She even went ahead to say, someday she was walking in the town and all of a sudden a young man called upon her and gave her an amount of which I could sense she was well pleased. Though I couldn’t pay her fare or give money, I believe having that discussion with her was really worth it.

G. All experiences are meaningful.
In my life, I have experienced some events of which I am now pleased and grateful for each of them. As I reminisce, I give thanks for all the hasty, ill-rational and prudent decisions that augured me to experience those circumstances.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas will have a critical role to play in my daily life, as I make profound use of it to debunk some of my beliefs and instate new ones, declare intensified vocabulary every day to heighten my emotions, make well-thought decisions in my quest to have a better life and contribute to humanity through my smallest efforts which will go a long way to create a better world.

4. Quotes:  Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention?  If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

a. Yet what really shapes our lives is the meaning we attach to events.-Anthony Robbins
Definitely, you make meaning from the events you experience in your life. Are you attaching positivity or negativity?

b. If you resist your fear, have faith, and discipline your focus, your actions will naturally take you in the direction you want.-Anthony Robbins
There is something positive about this quote.

c. Beliefs separate a Mozart from a Manson, causing some individuals to become heroes while others resign themselves to wondering what could have been. -Anthony Robbins.
Beliefs play an integral part of our lives and the future we forsee.

d. “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge”. – Albert Einstein
I met this quote first in “Real Magic” but didn’t comment because I was reasoning about it but I think it’s somehow true. I think God has done a marvelous work by imbedding in humans the power of imagination.

e. “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.”- Albert Einstein
This quote is so profound that, I used it in the introduction of one my articles and had made me research more into curiosity and questioning.

f. Thinking is nothing but the process of asking answering questions.- Anthony Robbins
I taught about this statement and realized its truism. I even included it in an article I wrote “Why Children ask questions? You need to know”. You can read this and more of my articles at (search; Patrick Adjei Nketia) and my blog (www.blogspot/

g. Everything happens in life for a reason and a purpose, and it will serve you.
This statement is virtually true, for every moment in our lives is marked for a purpose and it’s happening for a reason. If you are patiently going to ponder over a situation and ask the right questions about it, I believe, it will serve you with the right purposeful answer why it happened.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?  If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Sure! There were interesting exercises that I found insightful and enlightening to answer. They were absolutely

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?  If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10.  Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read?                9
B. How helpful were the contents?                9
C. How easy was it to understand?                9
D. Would you recommend it to others?           10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it?      9 

How To Win Friends And Influence People

Assessment by Patrick Adjei Nketia (Ghana)


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Dale Carnegie in this all important, intelligent and historic book informs his reader about some manners which when practiced will augment his/her reader level of relation with other humans.

The author emphasized on some gestures that we normally overlook and forget to exhit in our relations with our fellow humans however, if we are to take note of these worthy information. We will be held high esteem in every place we find ourselves creating a harmonious atmosphere for us and the people around us.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?  List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.  Use personal examples from your own life.

I will like to state that, this my second time of reading this outstanding book on human relations. After reading it for the first time, I practiced to witness the truism in the chapters of this ground-breaking book and these two articles were what I wrote in about a year ago. I think it might worth sharing.

Power of Appreciation

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~ John F. Kennedy

Some months ago as I could remember, we went for model UN conference in the capital of Ghana, Accra. I was then a delegate and it was such a wonderful event. There was a hindsight which was really fascinating to me. There was a key note speaker for the conference during our training session prior to the main setting.

He was in an African print, wearing a plain glass and with a pot belly. He was of a high rank in an organization. It was all quite when he took the stage and first greeted in three different languages. The atmosphere was warm because some of the fans in the room was not working.

He really gave us a detailed information about the UN and his office, what the youth can do to create positive change and be an active citizen.

I was indeed elated after his speech and something told me to speak to the man. I delayed a bit and suddenly I heard he was to leave after the question and answer time due to his busy schedules.

After about three delegates had poked questions and he had done his best answering, I stood up gently and got the microphone. Before I spoke, I thought to myself How would I have felt after this speech?

I then first mentioned my name and acknowledged him for his presence at the event was very laudable and also commended him on his thought-provoking speech.

Before I asked my question, I could see how his face beamed with a heartwarming smile and I could see his eyes brightened through his plain glasses. It was contagious; I also found myself smiling and asked my question. Before he answered he said “thank you Patrick”!

How does it feel if you post something and nobody comments even though he is not obliged to do so! It can be really painful and you might ask yourself why?

I have come to learn that, as humans as we are, each and everyone will one way or other need to be appreciated to make him delighted.

Appreciation brings motivation and encouragement. Send the chef a message that his food was superb, if it really is! Send that message to the friend, who extended a helping hand, say thank you first thing when you woke up, give that pat at the child’s shoulder, say thank you if he opens the door for you, acknowledge that host for his reception, kiss and hug after she had finished with the chores.

We can never do without appreciation if we really want to see the happier side of life. Have the attitude of gratitude and you will experience bliss everywhere you go.

Please, always give genuine appreciation so that the person does not feel you are flattering him or her. Flattering is praising someone dishonestly, telling someone something he already knows. Give sincere, genuine and honest appreciation and you will attract greatness to you.

Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I may not forget you.- William Arthur

I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among men the greatest asset I possess. The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement. ~ Charles Schwab

The Power of Names

Authors want their names down in history; I want to keep the smoke coming out of the chimney.

~ Micheal Spillane.

Have you thought of why business personnel’s have always their name tags on? Why it is always a name board on some customer service desks of some business representing the personnel’s behind the desks? Why do we honor great people and business names who contribute huge sums into projects by engraving their names on these projects (buildings) to acknowledge them? Why do we name people after monuments because of their tremendous efforts in that helm? Why do people build their businesses with their names on them?

I was once in a Toyota Urvan, which is known in the local dialect as “trotro” with my elder sister Sharon. After the car drove off for about twenty meters, we came to follow a Metro Mass transit bus (MMT) which was introduced by the Ex-President John Agyekum Kuffour’s, so the bus has being well known in all over the country as “Kuffour bus”, which am also a victim. This issue was broached by the mate (the person who collects the monies in the bus) and some passengers supported, why is the bus still called “Kuffour bus” even after he has left office, one passenger who was fair in complexion and was sitting right behind me said,” and even, the 1 Ghana cedi currency after the redenomination exercise was known by some citizens as “kuffour dollar”. Also, there is a yellow gallon used to fetch water also known as ”kuffour gallon” due to the scarcity of water during his term of office in some regions of the country. I was really fascinated and smiling, as I pondered over it and sat quietly in the bus.

There was a time, my business team and I went to a hotel to seek for sponsorship on an event we intended to organize at the hotels’ premises. We were well dressed in our suits as we entered the hotel and were heading to the reception. As we got closer, I noticed the name tag on the receptionist’s uniform; I smiled and enthusiastically mentioned it and asked how she was fairing. She looked amazed and replied with courtesy. After, we enquired if the manager was around and she directed us to his office. One of my team mates asked me, where I knew her? I smiled again at him and told him, I spied the name tag on her uniform. I can see my mate was euphoric about the gesture, my reader you can try this and you will be amazed at how the person will behave towards you!

This was another incident that happened at a workplace I was volunteering. On the first day, I was introduced to the personnel’s and the departments in the organization. It was really exciting as I tried to remember their names. It was not easy to recall everyone’s name, but I tried to remember as many as I could. There was this guy in a blue and white striped shirt, a baggy jean and a well shaved hair. He was at the marketing department, whom I first met at the counter before the introductions. At a point in time, he told me to do something for him and I needed some clarifications. So spotted him passing and I called him by his name, “Richie”. He responded and came around and he said “wow”! You know my name and I said “yes”. I was not stunned by his reply but I could see he was elated. I knew he might not have taken note of my name or didn’t know the power of names. Immediately, He asked my name again, my mobile number and started telling me a whole lot about his work and what he was expecting from me.

One thing I have known is that, every person’s name is the sweetest word in any language. So wherever I go and whomever I meet, I try as much as possible to ask the person’s name and try to repeat it in order to remember the name. At times, I would ask the meaning of the name especially, with the ladies. In order to know the significance and also to take some time to associate the name to the person so I can recall it whenever I meet that person again.

How do you feel when a mail is written and the salutation is bearing your name like “dear Patrick or Hello Patrick” than dear Sir? When I see it, it puts me in a positive mood to read and reply what the sender needs from me. What might be going on in your mind is that, so if it is not written that way won’t you reply? I will reply alright but writing it with my name makes me feel important and believe me, you will also feel the same.

You might find yourself in a cacophonous area; however, you can imagine the situation if someone mentions your name. You will see how swiftly you be turning your head, albeit it might not be you in particular the person was referring to.

Finally, let’s all have this in mind that, names are very important and that we shouldn’t forget names just like that. Let’s take the pain to remember the names of people we meet, day in and day out. Whenever we didn’t hear the name right, we ask for person to repeat it and also try to associate the name with something around the person.

Please, try to practice what am advocating and it will definitely pay off big time some time and someday. If you really want know what remembering names can do, I will edge you to read “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie. My reader I bet you it contains some classic research on the use of names and it will be of much help to you.

Many thanks for spending your precious time with me and I believe it really worth it. I appreciate it so much and let’s keep on with the positive mental attitude as we ponder over the quotes blow.

Each generation wants new symbols, new people, and new names. They want to divorce themselves from their predecessors.

~ Jim Morrision

I always have trouble remembering three things: faces, names, and – I can’t remember what the third thing is.

~ Fred Allen.

A name pronounced is the recognition of the individual to whom it belongs. He who can pronounce my name alright, he can call me, and is entitled to my love and service.

Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) American naturalist, poet and philosopher

Begin with a praise and appreciation.

Recently, we had been selected by the electoral commission of Ghana to help with the first-ever biometric registration in Ghana. We were to attend training on how to familiarize ourselves with the kit and how we could use it to register other citizens.

We were to have breaks at certain periods, one the second day of the training, during the first break. I went to find a snack from a nearby grocery shop. As I was enjoying my snack, I saw a woman who was sieving some rice to get the best of its grains.

I observed she was a seller of rice just behind me. I was curious to know if the rice was a (made in Ghana) homemade-produce or what. However, my mind cautioned me about an unfortunate move I made, when got infront of the shop, I didn’t greet her but greeted the other shop keeper. Hence, I asked myself how I could still feed my curiosity.

As I was enjoying the snack, the sweet aroma from the cooked rice behind me caught my attention. So I honestly told her how the aroma from the cooked rice was so pleasant.

She smiled happily and begun with a wonderful tone to answer the question in my mind. “This is from Ghana, our homeland”, she said. I said, “hmmmm!” and she continued to tell me more about it. I told her, “I would come back and try the food the next day and left to continue the training with my colleagues.”

Continue to smile.

As I continue to do my National assignment after my university education, every time I enter the classroom, I try as much as possible to create a friendly atmosphere to let the pupils do away with fear and I believe this will enhance the learning process in the classroom.

To realize this, I don’t do away with my smile whenever I enter the classroom. There is this girl called Sandra, who will be about 2.5 feet tall, red lips and also with a beautiful face because of always her cheerfulness. Sandra always gives me a heartwarming smile whenever she meets and interacts with me. I also reciprocate and I believe she feels the warmth I feel when I smile.

One time, in the classroom after a wonderful teaching session but my period was not over yet, so I decided to let each pupil tell me what they like about me.

They said a lot but I will choose Sandra’s comment to be profound and exact as I was expecting and in relation to this context. She said, “I like the way you smile to us and always keep a cheerful face”. I felt an inner joy after her comment and told myself that was honest and sincere. She stills smiles at me, even yesterday and today.

Talk about your own mistakes first.

There were instances where I might have faulted my mum in a way. I observed that, whenever I start to voice what I did wrong/ faults or what I should have done and what was expected me, she tends to cool down.

However, if I don’t do that, she will talk about what went wrong for a long time and might even make you feel bad!

Talking about my mistakes makes me feel stupid by own words of mouth and feels not to continue in that stead again.

I have been using this technique every now and then in my leadership career.

“Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices”- Emerson

I experienced this sometime ago.  I was going to board a taxi to lectures in my final days in the university and as I approached the vehicle, a lady was also heading that same direction. It signaled me that she was also going the same direction as she confirmed it when by answering when the driver inquired where she was going.

I got near the gate of the vehicle first so as she got near, I opened the door for her to majestically get into the car. She was a bit grown from her facial look. What happened next was for her to insist on paying the fare and appreciating me for that gesture. She felt important and highly elevated by the gesture.

The use of names

Some few months ago, I was to travel so I went to board a bus. At the station, the bus conductors sold tickets and collected money for the carriages.

I had a hilarious chat with one of them who had her name tag on. I took note of the name and the next time I went to the station even though other passengers were on her for their tickets. As I mentioned her name ‘Aboakyewaa’, she couldn’t make me out but felt a sense of belonging.

She inquired about where I knew her so I gave her the scenario about my first encounter and she started to laugh to what was discussed at the later date. She offered me a ticket without hesitation and I was able to get on to my destination on time. The power of not forgetting names.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

This insightful book has indeed played an integral role/part in my leadership style through the way and manner I communicate with my followers. I must say, “It has really helped improve my interpersonal relations and my communication skill”.

I try everyday to make sure that every statement I make daily brings life to the hearer. So I try to find a better way (thinking of good ways from this book) to communicate to my friends. I feel victimized if I utter words (text message) that if I re-read will make the receiver feel bad. I believe these ideals from this book will send me very far (making this world a better place to be) if I continue to practice what is herein.

4. Quotes:  Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention?  If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Abilities wither under criticism and then blossom under encouragement”.  ~ Dale Carnegie

The quote speaks of nothing but the truth, I happen to be in the classroom and I have experienced it with doubt.

“I have no right to say or do anything that diminishes a man in his own eyes. What matters is not what I think of him, but what he thinks of himself. Hurting a man in his dignity is a crime”.~ Antoine de saint.

Research has made it known that, adults are naturally conservative and cautious, and hence that makes adopting to change a big challenge. If one does not take care when imparting knowledge, might say a hurting word and exhibit a gesture that might undermine a follows or colleagues dignity in the quest of aiding in self improvement.

“There is nothing good or bad, thinking makes it so”. – Shakespeare

Shakespeare has said it right; our thinking plays a paramount and phenomenal role in living this life. How you question your mind for the answers about situations will make it good or bad.

“A man without a smiling face must not open a shop”. – Chinese Proverb

However in Ghana, it’s mostly different with the shopkeepers and the sellers. They will frown for you to see that they are serious about their business but that shouldn’t be so.

“All men have fears, but the brave put down their fears and go forward, sometimes to death, but always to victory”.- King’s guard in Ancient Greece.

The bigger the risk/task, the bigger the reward and everyone admires the bold!

“Beginning with praise is like a dentist who begins his work with a Novocain. The patient still gets the drilling, but the Novocain is pain-killing.”

We will have to begin with praise and we should make this part of our lives.

“if you argue and rankle and contradict, you may achieve a victory sometimes; but it will be an empty victory because you will never get your opponent’s good will”. – Ben Franklin

Let’s forget about arguing and focus on carving a good and getting goodwill from others.

“Praise is like sunlight to the warm human spirit; we cannot flower of grow without it. And yet while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellow the warm sunshine of praise”. ~ Jess lair.

Let’s embrace to give others the sunlight of praise than letting others feel the cold wind of criticism.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?  If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?  If so, please comment.


A. How interesting was it to read?                             9

B. How helpful were the contents?                            10

C. How easy was it to understand?                            9

D. Would you recommend it to others?                     10

E. What is the overall rating you would give it?        10

The New Dynamics of Winning

Assessment by Patrick Adjei Nketia (Ghana)


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

This good book made its reader to understand and learn about some perpetual principles that had helped people in sports to win medals, businessmen amass wealth and families to have and steer a more fulfilling lifestyle.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?  List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.  Use personal examples from your own life.

A.Life is a continuous learning journey and everyday is classroom to be taught.

Some few months ago, I was heading to the bank to do some transactions. I found myself in a lawyer’s office, where we were happily sharing ideas on the development of the nation, which he suggested it should be from down to top (Rural areas into the urban areas) instead of the currently top to down (Urban area into the rural areas) method been practiced by the government.  This was in light of how the socio-economic development agenda is been implemented, this lawyer who contributed a sum to the success of our career guidance program had not been acknowledged for such gesture.

So as I was passing in front of his office, I felt a sense of guilt for not been able to accomplish that act which was among my personal creed, I have tailored to live my life by, this says, “Always acknowledge God and anybody who contributes positively to my life”.  I knocked and entered the office, the secretary inquired from which institution I was coming from? I made it known to her and she responded I should wait for a minute; she returned and told me the lawyer was ready to receive me.  I entered the lawyer’s chamber with a cheerful face not forgetting to wear my heartwarming smile. He welcomed me civilly and asked for my mission.  I told him for what he had done towards the success of the program and I was there to appreciate him for that, even though it was a bit late.  He appreciated the initiative and spoke warmly at length with me, shared a lot and it was an interesting learning experience.  I left his office in high spirits and felt pleased and worthwhile.

From the bank, I decided to check on a letter we have sent to the district assembly in the capacity of the President of the National service personnel association in that district.  The letter was to solicit for items in order for us to build a transit quarters which was to mitigate our major challenge of accommodation.  So I was checking on the letter to know the feedback the assembly had responded to the letter and to know the next step of action to take.  I climbed up the stairs and knocked on the Cordinating Director’s door. I entered and there were some men seated with him, I greeted and was asked of what purpose I had come. I replied, I was to see him and he also replied, can’t I see he was having a meeting with a high powered delegation? He continued, what was the issue? I replied if it could be possible to have a two way talk with him specifically.  So he followed that, if I was not in a hurry, I could wait and after the meeting, I could see him in that respect.

I was not able to wait but came the next day on the same agenda. When I knocked and entered the same office, it was the coordinating director alone. He criticized the way and manner I approached them the day before and continued that, he was very displeased with the way and manner I conducted myself the day before. I was totally surprised and disheartened!  He continued to criticize me and I felt really bad. He told me as I entered and saw the men I should have retreated.  He spoke a lot but as I left his office, I pondered about the situation and evaluated that my conscience was that, as I entered his office, my mind told me to exhibit confidence so that was why I stood on my grounds and made my view known when I entered the office and saw them. However, All the same, what he was saying might be true, so I saw the positive side of the issue and learnt from it.  The crux of that day was that, the lawyer appreciated me immensely but the Cordinator strongly criticized me. We keep learning and we should always keep an open mind and appreciate to learn from every situation that comes our way.

B. Maintaining your health

Health is a very critical issue in human life and we (humans) are to take time to maintain our health with all the attention it needs.  My grandfather is a man in his eighties with some few years to hit his nineties and I have stayed with him for many years of my life. I have observed some actions this unlearned man but a wise one in my family.  One significant thing is his love for gardening and of which he has dedicated and spent most of his time with his flowers. As he work tilting the soil for the flowers to grow and beautify his house, it contributes greatly to his longevity as he perspires when working and I believe when he stays in that environment, it makes him feel good and it enhances his growth.

C. What is inward reflects on the outside (prosper’s comments biometric)

I had the opportunity to participate in the first-ever biometric registration in my country and I happen to be in a team of six.  Since the time we started I been like a pillar and of which I am a great influence. I have learnt a lot working in this group as to relating with my fellow team mates. One of my teammates made a comment that, “is like Patrick has some inner joy”. What will make my teammate called Prosper say this? What has he witnessed?  The atmosphere I create and the euphoria I emit is as a result of my positive vibration and mindedness. Let’s keep been on the positive and hold on to it.

D. Have a coachable attitude

I have always love to learn from people I found interest in, I do whatever it takes to know more about such person and find ways both of us can impact each other positively.  How can you be coached? It calls for humility, respect and responding with actions to the suggestions from your coaches in other for them to know that you really value and appreciate their knowledge. I have and am still learning from some youth leaders who are really helping to create a positive impact among the youth of today.

E. Sow your seeds

By God’s grace and in implementing the ideas I read from IIGL books, it has open a wonderful door for me to participate in the 14th JCI Leadership Academy and  JCI Africa and Middle East conference, where I will be representing JCI Ghana in a public speaking championship.  I am of a keen interest and passion to make JCI Ghana proud, I wrote down plans as to how I can prepare sedulously in that respect. In that light, I sow my seeds coupled with imagination and my visualization process. These I believe and with enough practice, I will bring the award to Ghana in Jesus name!

F. A leader

During the duration when I was engaged in the biometric registration process, we were six people, five males and one female who were to defy all odds and got together as a team for 40 days. An issue concerning a misunderstanding between two males emanated and it resulted to create factions in the team. This was not auguring well for the enhancement and progressive development of the process.

Since I played a neutral role, both factions resulted to me for discussions as to a remedy for the canker. One faction contacted me that, he wanted to contact an office above us but I told him to exercise patient but this guy went ahead without heading to my advice. I took the initiative to arrange for a meeting where both factions could iron out their grievances and peace may prevail.

The first meeting was organized, one faction boycotted it but I didn’t relent. The issue was still intense and I taught to myself that, good people are not to sit down for things to go wayward.

I arranged another meeting and this time pleaded with the other faction to be present, lo and behold they represented and there was a heated discussion, however, at the end, both factions were at ease and peace prevailed. This helped us to work happily in a team for the many days left for the process. Later, the above office which was informed came to our post and inquired about the issue but by God’s grace everything was in the proper order and I felt an inner joy for that accomplishment.

G. High expectations are the key (Public speaking and wysiwyg)

After a forum in Benin, it was discussed with a close friend after an advertisement was made about an upcoming JCI Africa and Middle East conference. I took the stance to represent my country in a program (public speaking championship) which was also to be part of the conference. I remembered about the use of other people’s money in the “Success through a positive Mental attitude” book and how to speak to other people’s interests from “How To Win Friends And Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. These gave me insights to plan thoroughly as to the people I will be engaging to help me towards this quest.

I have made this possible and am looking forward to win the championship to make my country, those who supported me and to IIGL for imbibing in me this mindset.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and lessons are tremendously going increase my faith and as I reflect on these in the face of any challenge, I will have ultimate zeal and convection to make things possible daily and as I foster to execute community projects, these will help make the world a better place to be.

4. Quotes:  Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention?  If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

A. “There are no mistakes or failures, only lessons”-Dennis Waitley

Mistakes and failures are learning opportunities.

B. “Two percent inspiration ninety percent eight percent preparation” ~ Thomas Edison

Proper preparation prevents poor performance.

C. “Winning is taking the talent and potential you are born with, developing it and using it fully toward a purpose that makes you worthwhile.”

To develop your talent, you are definitely going to be a champion.

D. You need to feel love inside yourself before you can offer it to anyone else.

All the virtues are from the inside out, when you inner is spoilt so will your outer be.

E. Your own sense of value determines the quality of your performance. Performance is only a reflection of internal worth, not the measure of it.

If one is worth of confidence, defiantly it replicates in his performance.

F. What you show to the world on the outside is a reflection of how you feel on the inside.

Garbage in Garbage out.

G. Leadership depends on your ability to subordinate your own ego.

Coming down to the level of your followers to make things happen

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?  If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?  If so, please comment.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10.  Ten is good and one is poor.

A.     How interesting was it to read?                                  7

B.      How helpful were the contents?                                 8

C.      How easy was it to understand?                                  9

D.  Would you recommend it to others?                                8

E.      What is the overall rating you would give it?               7

Assessment by Patrick Adjei Nkeitia (Ghana)


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author here is trying to convey to its reader to understand that, there are some specific skills that have brought the great people we see on top, these skills or habits he says are learnable and so with discipline and persistence one can learn them and also be ahead of his peers and his game.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?  List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.  Use personal examples from your own life.

a. Do good to others.
This is one thing am observing these days of my life as I have come into contact with a wonderful woman that am working with. This woman gives so much that, I cannot even understand her. So this has registered on my mind and as Brain stamped on it as I was reading the book, I understood more and gave me insights.
I am now in a new environment, I mean surrounding and I knew nobody not.  I was finding ways to connect with my neighbors. So one evening when I was reading the book, the idea came to mind to buy them something as a present for the New Year and as to wish them success in their upcoming examinations.
I bought the drink and presented it to them. They were happy receiving that.  Some few days later, I found myself in an uncertain situation where I had lock myself outside with my key inside but one of the neighbors I presented the drink to wholeheartedly went her way out to help me solve the problem.
So I reminisced on the words of Brain and said to myself, “if you do good, you do for yourself”.

b. Persistence
In May last year, I had the opportunity to travel to Casablanca, Morocco for a conference and during the conference, I attended a Leadership Academy where I challenged myself to come back to my country and solve grueling sanitation problem. I made a conviction and my mind had stacked to it for me to pursue it.
I came back from the trip in high spirits, so I was on a bus when my mind triggered that, I had said something and here was a wonderful opportunity to start. I battled a bit with the negative thoughts of my mind but I conquered it by action, I stood up and moved infront of the bus and spoke to the passengers on the bus to eschew the bad habit of indiscriminately throwing plastics and other waste from the bus on the ground, because they have adverse effects on the environment.
Since then, I started speaking in buses educating people about the menace of plastic waste and the solution we can help solve it as a people. I have been pushing this agenda and now I am forming an NGO which is going to focus its efforts on trainings, campaigns, movements, cleanups and help bring about positive change into the country. I therefore, appreciate the persistence and I will still put in strength and focus on the goal of making the whole country clean possible.

c. Synchronicity
As I designed my goals and was visualizing whilst I continue to read the book, one of my goals which is to emcee programs and events in a professional and diplomatic manner from 1st January, 2013.
In a couple of days as I finished writing these goals and posted them on a wall so that I could see them more often, I went for a program and while we were about to began the program the organizer came directly to me saying “Patrick, could kindly emcee this program for me”. On no second thought, I agreed and after the program people were commending me for a wonderful and professional job done. I was very happy within me for things were working together for my good.

d. The people you associate with.
I have had the opportunity recently to work with a woman who is a life-long “giver” and also a business woman. I must say, it’s a wonderful opportunity for me and am learning a lot from this woman. I must say, this woman is also of a high class and I am most grateful and humbled to always come closer to her.  I hope to learn a lot from her and become somebody of that class.

e. Social Capital
In this twenty first century, it’s about whom you know. So it very important one builds a network of vibrant and influential people around him/her.
On “Facebook”, I started connecting strategically with some key people and connected with them well. Some of these people are also in other fields that I needed to also explore or one way or the other needed them to help me.
Recently, one of them a radio presenters appreciated the movement on sanitation am pursuing with my organization and offered me an opportunity to come on his show and talk about it. This also marveled me as I had written a goal in that direction and it manifested.

f. Visualize
Brain also spoke about visualization, I have used it for most of the time but recently, I was invited with a friend to a radio program. The day before this program as I was researching and thinking, I saw in my minds eyes how the studio is, where I was seated and the way I was going to speak.
Wonderfully and perfectly as I perceived, it was clearly so and I could remember I said vividly what I envisioned.

g. Building relationships
It’s of paramount importance to build and hold on to the relationships you create. I have deemed it important so whenever I engage with you, I take deep concern to let you know how appreciative I am. I do this also on the social media and I don’t relent to say am sorry whenever I offend a friend or a partner.

h. Personal Development
I have always taken the pain to develop myself in whichever way I can. The Bible says lack of knowledge makes my people perish. With I IIGL which is playing a very significant role in my life, I see myself not to be left behind but ahead of the pack.
I am also looking to other areas to improve and broaden my horizon and be the better man I want to be.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and lessons have given me an open mind and the will to cultivate good habits which will help me in my daily life. These ideas are distinct and everyone who knows and applies them will be distinct.
I have my goals towards my non-governmental organization, my volunteering organization and my personal life which are geared towards solving problems in our communities, taking local actions with global effect. We see the bigger of making the world a better place but it must be started from a point in order for us to effect a positive change in the world as a the bigger picture.

4. Quotes:  Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention?  If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“The more people you know, and who knows you in a positive way, the more successful you will be at anything you attempt.”
“God don’t make no junk.”
“Fake it until you make it.”
“Well began is half done”
These quotes have given me an open mind and the will to cultivate good habits which will help me in my daily life. These ideas are distinct and everyone who knows and applies them will be distinct.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?  If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
Yes. I found them helpful and am applying them to my life when I can.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?  If so, please comment.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10.  Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read?                          6
B. How helpful were the contents?                           9
C. How easy was it to understand?                           8
D. Would you recommend it to others?                        9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it?            8

Nonviolent Communication
Assessment by Patrick Nketiah (Ghana/UK)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author Marshall Rosenberg in this book is trying to make the reader understand that they should be able to listen to people needs and requests without blaming or replying with wolf language which is full of criticisms, blame, and tactics of coercion, punishment and rewards among others. The right way is when nonviolent communication speaks, it’s from the heart, very honest but honest without blame and without demands. We make clear requests and not demands.

Also he wants the reader to understand to try sincerely to connect what one is feeling and needy. He went further to say that it shows that one cares and that makes people to trust and he goes on to say that, that’s the objective, to connect at that level; not to win and not to punish. He inspires the reader that we have the power to enrich people’s lives and humans desire this most than any other thing.

He went on to say that praise and complements are not good and they are a way of contributing to community violence. People use praise and compliments but mostly people see the manipulation in a short possible time.
He continued that, this is because it’s better to celebrate life by expressing sincere gratitude by expressing exactly what the person did and how it has helped you and the impact it had in your life.

Also it teaches how to receive gratitude; first you see what is in your heart to express, then after you see what was done, how they feel and what of their needs were met? We put all these together and its non-violent communication. It’s a language of life; it helps one stay connected with life moment by moment.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG).

I first heard this phrase from a known motivational speaker named Mr. Patrick Oti. It was back then when I was in the university and he explained it to be what you imagine is what manifests and truly since that time it has kept with me and I have used it even used it as an expression to when mentoring or coaching other people.

ii. We never assume that message sent is message received because when people are blaming and criticizing each other no truth is realized.

I once read or head somewhere that when two people argue it’s those listening or those around that suffer. I see it when intense or it can also happen on a normal level and especially in this time of mobile technology when apps incorporated chats for their consumers to send personal data to each other. I have a friend that we are getting to understand and know each other so there are times we messages sent to each other are misinterpreted. All because sometimes no one wants to play the victim and it maybe that we not paying attention to each other’s needs and wants.
This book comes at a point to enhance my knowledge on how to listen to her needs and make a connection that will get both our needs been met.
In schools, the primary objective of the teacher is to be able to control or manage his class well. That is how students are controlled in the classroom.
I could remember during my teacher training days, supervisor’s made us the teachers aware that our major role and something we should pay attention to is how we control the class. With this in mind, teachers employed many other tactics to make sure the class is controlled and ell managed which indirectly affects the students by been dominated by authority.

ii. Tell people what to do instead not what they don’t want them to do

This wants you to focus on telling people what you expect or you would like them to do for both. For example is telling to remember to subscribe and not that they shouldn’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Also in these times in our relationships with our love ones and when maybe they wrong us we don’t drum into their minds what we don’t want them to do but rather repetitive it to them what we want them to do so that they register that on their minds.

iii. Be concerned about people needs and be vocal about it.

With this, I heard this guy run a project of facing rejection from 100 people and the reactions from people and how he learn from them and how it impacted his life.
He pointed out that, there was some session when you go into someone’s zone and request something unusual from them; it will obviously be weird so you mention to the person; it weird me asking you this, right?

iv. I think it’s about letting your empathic nature rule whenever interacting with people; been conscious of the fact that you put on the giraffe ear and try to sense their need in their hearts. When concerned, you both win.

Recently, a friend who said she was angry with me and not going to mind me again ended up having an awesome chat I think have unveiled that mentality and looking forward to see her. People want to be listened to at heart; they will also feel to share more about their concerns and their pains.

v. It’s our light not our darkness that scars us the most

It’s our strength and willpower to do the impossible that frightens us – we don’t sometimes believe in ourselves, our capabilities and we are frightened to exercise our faith to achieve what we desire; to be able to bring about great positive change or impact that will transform the world into a better place

vi. Hear what’s alive in people and what will make life wonderful for them.

It shouldn’t be about you, make sure to put on your giraffe ears always when at work, at home with the family and when with friends having a good time. All these times listen to what’s alive within anyone who interacts with you.
vii. It makes people even see you in different light appreciating your empathic nature.

For a while I have noticed my friend notice the different way of me interacting with her and she is appreciated it. I even went ahead to recommend the book to her and asked her to make sure to read.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Firstly, these ideas and lessons are going to help in meeting with business partners associates and friends, as we engage in meetings and dialogs I will be looking out to listening to their needs from their hearts as the communicate and will make the connection that will get everyone needs met.

We organize online meetings every Sunday in two weeks and we meet in person once a month to discuss issues, go new places, have fun, bond, make decisions towards the future of our group.

Secondly when interacting with mom, other relatives and love ones. Mom mainly likes to talk too much about many issues and sometimes you might pay attention to things that brings pains to her heart.

She told me that she couldn’t eat these days when she went to work because where she normally warms her food and eats, the woman has been transferred to another place. Lately, she have been coming home during her break time to eat something from home so I tod her it was a better move because it helps her to eat well and get energy so she doesn’t stress out. She is aging and I need to pay much attention to her while she is alive.

Thirdly interacting online, online chats are definitely different from chatting in person. So employing these ideas will go a long way to help me meet the needs of people and enrich their lives.

Lastly is at the work place, since I changed location to UK, I am experience because in Ghana I was operating my own business and now I am working for an organization with other colleagues. So definitely there will be some integration and you will have to listen carefully to their grievances and how I can connect with and make them feel live and enriched.

4. Quotes: are there any statements, which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you

“The highest form of human intelligence is the ability to observe without evaluating.”

This profound and whoever is to be able to observe without evaluating is a genius.

“Don’t be humble, you not that great”

Can’t say much about it but it interests me.

5. Is there anything in the book that you don’t understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The use of compliment and praise argued it’s not good and if used for a time, people can see the manipulation through it and also said it was part of causing violence in the community.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is your overall rating you would give it? 10