Pacificah Moraa – Profile


Name: Pacificah Moraa
Country: Kenya
Date of Birth: August 15, 1990
Occupation: Waiter

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
In the current world we are living we have poor or lack of proper
leadership, my vision is to see a good world that is well governed,
with zero corruption, well equipped medical hospitals, equality and
justice served for all humanity without discriminations, every person
be valued regardless of class, color, status quo but be served equally.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
Unemployment to the society, most of the youths have been unemployed
due to poor training skills, we are trained to be employed not to
create employment, this is evident when you go to different embassies
people moving from various countries and going to various areas to
look for jobs, employment or call it green pasture, this shows that
there is a mess in our education system globally, the moment we will
train our children as earlier as possible to understand that education
is not about getting employed but empowering you to create employment
if there is none in the society, this will close the gap of

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
This problem could be solved by creating a good atmosphere of creating
employments for our youths, empowering them with technical skills and
appreciating every job no job is superior than the other one, even
farming its a good career and productive when we give out proper
structures and set all that is needed, our youths will be more
empowered, every institution to be well equipped and all amenities
available to make the youths be more vibrant in whatever they do.

My name is Pacificah Moraa, I am the third born in a family of four,
my homeland is Kisii but I do stay at Nairobi capital city of Kenya. I
do work in an hotel where by I give service to the people as a
waitress, I love my job because I do meet people from various walks of
life, before joining hotel industries. I used to be a supplier of
foodstuffs to different retail shop for a price, this exposed me to
various challenges and it made me be a strong girl, I have faced so
many challenges boldly in future I could like to own hotel empire that
is my lifetime dream.

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As a Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull