Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is that, every man is a product is thought. Human are designed by the thought he harbors in his heart, because his or her faculty has higher tendency to get inclined towards the direction of his thought. Thereafter, the action and disposition towards the external life are therefore subject to his faculty. And this happens as a result of thought allowed to govern the mind. No man can live better than his thought; just as the author have rightly said, “As he thinks, so is he; as he continues to think, so he remains”.

2. What were the seven ideas which were most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as why it was important. Use personal examples from your own life.

The ideas that are personally most important to me et’al are:

(i) Circumstance does not change a man: it reveals his real identify: I got this idea from the statement the author made that, “circumstance does not make the man’s it reveal him to himself. I have come to realize that pressure does not change the content of an object, but it will only reveal what the object has inside it. For instance, an orange fruits that I hard-pressed few days ago simply brought out the real orange inside it. So, when human act or respond under pressure, the pressure is not what they contain, but that act of good or bad that is simply revealed. Though circumstance can change a man from who he used to be, to who he aught to be. Just as the orange peel is not meant for eating, but the content inside it is the useful fruit for the human body.

(ii) Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves, they therefore remain bound: There is a saying that says, “Change a man from the outside, and he remains the same. Then change the same man from the inside, then you have successfully change the man” My Influence and income was a great issue of disturbance to me long ago. But God helped me to improve my thinking. That, if I needed my influence and income to improve must become more in order to have more, but I really needed to know more to become more. This simply rule in application to my life brought a real change to my influence and income. This is simply the result of improving on myself first, by learning more skills and becoming more studious in order to increase the scope of my influence; which automatically improved my Circumstance.

(iii) Man is made or unmade by himself: My life is a poof of this idea secured through reading book “As a man thinketh,” I made up my mind to achieve what my elder brother and sister didn’t achieve, and I was able to achieve them. Then I realized how much I can make myself whatever I desire, only by altering my though and tracing its effect upon my life, and by paying the price and do the things I needed to do, in order to accomplish my aim and vision.

(iv) Anyone that conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure: Long time ago, I used to doubt if people would cherish my speech. But when I overcome that doubt, I realized that what doubted really became what people cherishes and applauds. So many things we doubt about ourselves as a result of wrong thinking are because we compare and always contrast ourself with others. But I have come to realize that each and every person has in himself a unique treasure; which has to be nurtured to grow and shine by thoughts, and so indirectly shape our circumstance.

(v) A strong man cannot help a weaker unless that weaker is willing to be helped: A man can rise and achieve in life by lifting his thoughts, and he can remain miserable by refusing to lift his thought. This is a truth that has familiarity with my tribal adage that says, “A horse can be forced to the pool, but can not be forced to drink water from the pool.” I have tried to help many people grow and change. But I’ve realized that no man can change another person, unless the person chooses within him or herself to be changed.

(vi) Less error is made when one is calm: Being able to calm oneself means, being able to exercise self control. Because, a calm man who have learned to govern himself will definitely know how to adapt himself to others. Being calm will help in determining the appropriate measure of response required, when it comes to dealing with people, I am presently improving my nature on this, because calming oneself is not an easy task. Which I believe is attainable by exercising my thought in patient and right thinking that will form character of calmness in me.

(vii) Until thought is limited with purpose, there is no intelligence accomplished: I believe purpose is what gives value to thoughts. The worth of human thoughts can be determined by the purpose attached to it. I have learnt never to pick and stay long enough on a thought that has no significant purpose.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas will help me in a practical way, by truly adopting the lessons in the book. This will enable me to lift unnecessary weight off my soul. And especially, I can practically use the system profound good thought to upgrade my life.

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important you.

(i) “Men will continue to have impure and poisoned blood, so long as they propagate unclean thoughts.” The human thought goes a long way in affecting the human soul. Just like depression starts from the level of thought, and it does reflect on the whole of human disposition. To the point that people will easily notice something is wrong with the fellow. Simply put, clean thought affect the soul to produce clean habit, and if unclean, produces dirty and irritating habit.

(ii) “At the age of 38 he “retired” to writing and move with his wife to a small cottage at Ilfracombe, England. He penned more than 20 works before suddenly passing away at the age of 48.” This remarkable statement was made about James Allen, the writer of the book. And the statements highly got my attention to his life of purpose between the age 38 to 48. Ten years of his life, purposefully lived is still beneficial to the upcoming generation. The statement also tells me that James Allen had put to work, what he thought and wrote in the book; ‘As a man Thinketh.’ That is, for him to penned down twenty works of writing within ten years; he could as well publish two books in a year, and twenty books in ten years. This man has really put his thinking to work and as a result, got the most out of his mind to write two books in a year.

(iii) “Men imagine that thought can be secret, but it cannot. It rapidly crystallizes into habit, and habit solidifies into circumstance.” No matter how much a man tries to hide his thought, in the process of time his habit surely reveals it; whether consciously or unconsciously. If one is sensitive, matured and intelligent enough, he will be able discern thought that materialized into habit. There is high correlation between ones thought-pattern, and his accustomed way of response and reactions towards issue.

(iv) “The body is a delicate and plastic instrument, which responds readily to the thoughts by which it is impressed, and habit of thought will produce their own effect, good or bad upon it.” The above statement holds a higher measure of truth. The human body does definitely respond to the inner disposition of thought reaction. When a man feels sad in his heart, the reflection of his sadness shows on his disposition of frown, and of ugly look. While in continuity of sad disposition, the human body grows lean and anxiety sets in, in which hypertension can be secured. The same way will a cheerful thought provoke good and charming look on its possessor.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Yes! There are two statements in the book which I disagree with. Which

(i) “A man may be cursed and rich; he may be blessed and poor.” By the virtue of my growth, both physical and spiritual, I have been able to differentiate between my left and my right hand. My point is, A CURSED MAN IS A POOR MAN, AND A BLESSED MAN IS A RICH MAN. I have come to realize that wealth or being rich is beyond acquisition of material things. But a pure and right mental disposition towards life, which gives sense of contentment in all endeavor. To say someone is CURSED! It means that person acquired the curse, maybe by virtue of his bad deeds. And to say someone is BLESSED is acquired by virtue of good deed in one way or the other. As far as I am concerned, a cursed man is a poor man, and it doesn’t matter how much material acquisition he’s got through dubious means. In the process of time, his riches will turn to a curse. Because the law of nature says, “Who we are is what we attract.” But a BLESSED man is emphatically a rich man. No matter his or her state of being.

(ii) “All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.” This statement made it sound like good thoughts is the only factor to a successful life. Meanwhile, other things should be in place too. While good thought really needs: determination, self -control, hard-working and many more. In order to bring good result.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Well, no exercise was stated in the book, except if one wants to work-out something. Just like the question that was posted.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

Yes, there is. The book only discusses effects, values and importance of good thinking. It also reveals a little how thought affect the human lives and circumstances. But the book did not state in a clear, an attainable ways on how one can upgrade and improve his thought.

Please rate the following question on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 7
B. How helpful were the content? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 6
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to covey in the book?

The author conveys the idea of living beyond one’s limit and the limit set for the human race. Though the lesson is figurative, but it is real. It teaches a lesson of stretching beyond one’s limit and comfort zone, thus finding a new level of performance and excellence which no one has ever thought possible. The greatest lesson of all I learnt is that perfection is possible, if the same spirit is accorded to virtually any and every area of human life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you, and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which are personally most important to me et al are:

(i) Getting one’s fear under control: Fears are like a mirage, they are not real but they seem to be very real if believed without doubt. I love the idea of confronting my own fear and living beyond them. For instance, long time ago I found it very difficult to walk alone in the dark. But I decided to break that fear by going out at night to take a stroll alone, even when most people are no longer walking. Today, I can walk all-alone at any hour in the night and in the dark.

(ii) Many people believed when they can’t achieve something after several attempt, that no one else could and no one else should achieve it: I hate for people to set there limitation as a limitation for other people also. When someone can not do something, it is wrong to think no one else can, and embark on discouraging everyone who attempt to. What limits someone may not limit others, someone may be able to give it all it takes to achieve what another could not achieve; become what others could not become, and so on. Every form of limitation that exists only exists in the mind. Once we can overcome the limitation in our mind, which means we can overcome it in the reality also. For instance, my eldest sister once said, “Because she didn’t pass all her higher school subject in one sitting, I can’t pass mine too.” But I told her, for the fact that the exam is tough; I can make it, and I did.

(iii) Designing a new path of life for generation behind to follow: for the past hundreds of years of my family existence, no one has ever published a book. But I have made up my mind to break the limit by writing and publishing books of high value and information, in which I am already working on my first book now. I believe achieving this will make it easy for me to coach my children through. Seeing this achievement, my offspring can step into the footprint laid down for them by me and even do more. Then my family name becomes enlisted among the most influential and great authors in history.

(iv) Numbers are limitation: I love the idea! It frees the mind. It makes the impossible sound very possible. Setting a certain number in terms of books I want to publish never brings freedom. This idea really frees me from casting a particular number of books I want to publish, thinking if I can have five books published, I’m o.k. But that is a limitation! I have started thinking of writing as many books as I want to write with my crew, in order to reach all soul on this planet with the message of vitality and truth that I carry. If Robert Woodruff (1923-1965) manager of coca-cola could make up his mind to have made everybody that was in the world taste coke before his death; which he did according to history, then the world should be ready for my gospel of Christ.

(v) Showing others the way and making them to believe in what they choose be, is worth living for: Jon Seagull displayed this trait, which I see as a mark of a true leader and a total free person. Who is not limit by pride, competition attitude, or insecurity of his authority. What others become through him does not make him less of who he had become. In fact, that should be his joy to have influenced lives. Honesty, my quest is to make everyone I train into a leader becomes ten times better than me. Though, it bitters my heart when they live-short of my expectations and the task ahead of them. I also got to know this the same bitterness is a limitation; that if I was indeed free, I wouldn’t be bitter.

(vi) Loving others is the best way to get freedom: Not holding what people did wrong, but looking at them from the perspectives of what they are capable of becoming that they are yet to become. If we relate to people not as they are, but as they should be, we will influence them greatly and that would also influence us greatly.

(vii) Perfection is possible. I can define perfection as the ability to minimizing mistakes and perfecting one’s skills to be able to perform better than previously performed. If one can continue all through life in this way, it will be easier to realize the desired perfection. Just as I kept on upgrading myself as a Resource Personnel, and I’m really getting better for it

3). How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The whole help these ideas have given me is that: IT HELPS TO ATTAIN PERFECTION AND FREEDOM. When one can believe with strong conviction that he can become or achieve something, the door to that experience opens automatically. This experience will reveal one’s real-self to him. Thus enabling self reflection of weakness or strength, and it helps to understand all issues of life and how to master the application of these principles.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you. The statement which the author made that particularly got my attention are:

(i) “His thought was triumph.” Most of life battles are battles of the mind. Many people are being pushed about by their thought, very few people are really in control of their thought. Whatever battle we overcome in our thought realm, will have no hold over our lives anymore.

(ii) “…proud that his fear was under control.” I do not like to be control by fear of any kind. And when I see people who allow fear to dominate and control them, I become uncomfortable with their weakness. Being able to confront one’s fear uplift the human mind to live in another world; which I believe is a level of freedom.

(iii) “We can list ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creature of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to fly!” Ignorance is the greatest beast that paralyses the human mind. It must be conquered on a daily basis until perfect victory is attained. With each victory over ignorance on daily basis, we will see ourselves more as creature of excellence and intelligence without limit.

(iv) “Jonathan Seagull discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reason that a gull’s life is so short, and with these gone from his thought, he lived a long and fine life indeed.” Boredom means, not been passionate and lively about life and its panoramic experiences. Fear means, getting oneself under the control of things that one does not have the enough courage to confront. And Anger can be defined as not being happy that certain issues, people and events of life is beyond control and it is found to be difficult to minimize its effect on the human soul. All these three; Boredom, Fear, and Anger are the strong weakness point of men who admit them. Therefore, one must not allow him or herself to be controlled or ruled by them, but fight for freedom until freedom is attained and obtained.

(v) “You will begin to touch heaven, Jonathan, in the moment that you touch perfect speed. And that isn’t flying at speed of light. Because any number is a limit, and perfection doesn’t have limits.” This statement is simply important to me because it brought libration to my mind, that my success in life should be uncountable, and not to settle down on countable success.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Capital NO! Not even a word, because I patiently read the book twice, and with my big dictionary and jotter by my side.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No evaluation scheme was stated or laid-out in the book. Except if one develops it out of curiosity, or draft-out one by himself from the lesson that it contains.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes, there is what I would like to comment on. The choice and usage of words and phrase were not well simplified, for an average person with no too vast understanding to comprehend easily.

Please rate the following question on the scale of 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

1. How interesting was it to read? 10
2. How helpful were the contents? 10
3. How easy was it to understand? 6
4. Would you recommend it to others? 10
5. What is the overall rating you would give it? 7




Assessment By: Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author’s main idea is based on Positive Mental Attitude [PMA], which is needed for incorporation into ones personality and quality of life. And in order to be influenced by it, and thus think it; until it becomes real in ones life. Thereby, one will have the thoughts allowed on the mind, either positive or negative – metamorphosed into a rich state of mind. Which will automatically influence ones life?

2. What is the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which are personally most important to me are:

A. Sense of purpose: Purpose is what gives a worthy course to ones achievements’ desire. While, “….its lack is the stumbling block for ninety-eight out of every hundred people, simply because they never really define their goals and start towards them” says page 1 of the book. I once had inferiority complex which made me not to define myself right. But the moment I discovered my specific purpose, and I know how to go about it; a kind of joy wells up in me to confidently approach situations and meet my target with purpose.

B. Power of formation with the human mind: Human becomes what is in their subconscious mind, as a result of the thought allowed on the conscious mind. “….idea, plan, or purpose held in your conscious mind through repeated effort and emotionalized by a burning desire for its realization is taken over by the subconscious and acted upon through whatever natural and logical means may be available.” Page 6. I have realized that my mind is the formation centre for the kind of life I desired to live. And to be what I want to be, as a result of my thought pattern. For as a man thinketh, so is he.

C. Influence of PMA on human personality: Positive thinking affect ones personality and disposition in a special way. A wounded man will not certainly be at peace with the people around him – And that’s NMA at work. While a man with PMA has higher tendencies of having a good disposition of personality. Page 26 say, “PMA influences your tone of voice, your posture, your facial expressions. It modifies every word you say and determines the nature or the emotions you feel.” I have often found my state of mind, affect every thought I hold on my mind, and my personality as well – That’s why I consciously stay my thoughts on PMA.

D. Flexibility skills: I do not compromise in every changing situation I found myself. Being flexible is to be able to adopt oneself to changing circumstances and emergencies without panic or loss of temper. As long as human acts, and he or she is acted upon; there will be no permanent state of rest for the ‘body’. Thereby, flexibility automatically comes in. As a matter of fact, I’ve had opportunities to recognize my flaws, to improve on my character and habit. All these are what I see as flexibility skills.

E. An habit of smiling: The importance of frequent and sincere smile in making personalities appealing to others cannot be underestimated. A frown face tightens the face’s muscle, and thereby making the bearer ugly. But smiles, thus relief the muscles on the human face. And such a facial look becomes appealing and attractive. A portion of page 32 records that, “A smiling face defeats the cruelest of antagonist, for it is difficult to argue with someone who smiles while speaking” knowing the importance of smiling, I am now in possession of it; with the purpose of being appealing and attractive attached.

F. Strengthening of ability by self – improvement: Going the extra mile means that one strengthens his or her ability. And also carrying out ones task in a state of mind focused on providing the best service is the best attitude that reinforces more skills. I have noted that usage of a product proves its quality, and the need that may call for improvement, which will strengthen the product. This idea is what I relate to my business life, and my service to customers, which I realize will improve my skills.

G. Will, the greatest manifestation of self-discipline: The strength to control ones will is known as the greatest expression of self-discipline. The human will is the supreme court of his mind, which helps in ordering the authority of all his mental processes. The power of will is an irresistible force on self-discipline. My will, is what I now see as determination to my character formation, which I had high challenges with initially. For where there is a will, there is likely to be a way.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and lessons are already helping me in a practical way, both in my daily personal life and to create a better world. The ideas help me to create a rich state of mind, which gradually translate to a very rich and versatile state of life. I have highly observed that the book, keys to success; sees a need to first be rich in ones mental prowess by having positive mental attitude towards oneself. Having money is far different from riches. Because there are many people with money and good houses, who still regards themselves as being poor. But the ideas and lessons in the book, helps me to realize that with PMA I can attain a rich state of life, through a rich state of mind.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

The statements which the author made which particularly got my attention are:

“If you would plant for days, plant flowers. If you would plant for years, plant trees. If you would plant for eternity, plant ideas!” This quote is important to me because it gives me sense of investing my time and resources on things that have a lasting value, that the generation yet unborn will benefit from. Rather than been materialistic in nature and giving too much time for fun and holiday.

“Show an alert interest, tolerance, and respect for others, and they will instinctively do the same for you.” What goes around definitely comes around. A measure of regard that I would like to have, is what I should be prepared to give others, is what got this quote to be of importance to me. I know a lot of people desire respect from others, while they are never ready to respect other people too.

“….it is a state of mind that you must develop, so that it is part of everything you do. There is a subtle, but powerful, mental attitude connected with it.”

This quote emphatically states how the minds’ condition affects the state of ones life, either positively or negatively. Just as a rich state of mind, calls for a rich state of life. And a poor state or mind, initiate a poor state of life.

“Most people act first and think about the consequences later. Self-discipline will reverse that process. You will learn to think before you act.” There is higher tendencies of being emotional under pressure, but it takes self-discipline to control one’s emotional feeling. And thereby be-in-charge of ones action, in order not to regret later. I used to be emotional, but learning to think before action is reversing the case.

“Your conscience keeps an eye on the moral justice of all your thoughts and deeds.” Every human consist of spirit, soul and body. The spirit is the most important part of his being, which control others. The spirit also consist of, conscience, will and emotion. While the conscience is the most important part of the spirit also. The human conscience is always right, and it continuously suggest the right and good things that is needed to be done, to the other part of the human body. The conscience is meant to be considered at any given time, and not ignored. Because, it is an agent that keeps an eye on the moral justice of all human thoughts and deeds of the five senses.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, it so, why?

Not really, but I only found out that the book is interwoven with another book known as; Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude. Also, I would like to say, Napoleon Hill’s Key To Success book is a very good work of writing; which has higher tendencies to impact lives from different angles.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes! The book contained exercises for the readers to complete, and I completed them, and I also found them helpful in every areas of my life.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

No! There is none. Because the largest percentage of what the book is all about was covered in the previous question.

Please rate the following question on a scale of 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Assessment By: Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is that success or failure is a choice that is consciously and unconsciously adhered to, if a definite desire is not conceived. The author also makes clear that fate is determined by individuality; either good or bad fate, is as a result of ones responsibility. This statement holds the truth by the poetic line of Henley, who says, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” It was stated further in page eight of the book that, “…This is a universal law. The poet could have told us with great emphasis that this law works whether the attitudes are destructive or constructive.”

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which were personally most important to me et’al are:

A. The use of mind in a positive manner. The human mind is known to be the major factor that controls his entire life, while his life moves in the direct proportion of the thought he arbores in his or her mind. For instance, if thought of defeat is welcomed in the human mind, such thought automatically draws that person’s life down the drain. This idea have helped me not to see myself as a failure, even when I miss it. But to have the thought on how I can get better by learning to do things the right way. So, I see my mind as the tool needed to attempt victory, and if care is not taken, I could accept defeat from my mind level.

B. Having a specific desire. Human desire drives him to do the things he does, think the way he thinks, and speak in the manner he speaks. The mother of S.B. said, “We shouldn’t be poor, S.B. And don’t ever let me hear you say that it is God’s will that we are poor. We are poor – not because of God. We are poor because father has never developed a desire to become rich.” These statement have caused me not to think of ‘an average life’ anymore, but it caused me to develop a burning desire to become rich.

C. The power of confession. Confession are words we alter about ourself, which could be positive or negative. This confession comes as a result of the thoughts we allowed in our mind, which we latter speak-out, whether consciously or unconsciously. Confession has a very strong hold on its object, because the power of life and death lies in what we say with our mouth. The book talked of, “Every day in every way, through the grace of God, I am getting better and better, is no pie – in – the – sky Jargon for the man who recites the sentence several times each day upon awakening and again before going to bed.” And also talked of a salesman who would always say, “I feel healthy! I feel happy! I feel terrific.” This statement was said to prompt him to have outstanding sales record. I have now exhibited an habit of confessing a good and prosperous future, that I am looking forward to see in my own life. Of which, its result is already obvious.

D. A way of getting things done is to avoid procrastination, and DO IT NOW. This idea is very important to me because it helps me to get rid of an habit of procrastination. I have always wonder why things are delayed and why I have many unfinished task. But I realized I have a mentality of, I will do it later. If I have a mail to send or something to do I would always like to do it later. This mentality is now gone, because I am now working & walking with the secret of getting things done, which is DO IT NOW.

E. The idea of attaining creativity. Creativity is known as a way of bringing into being what has never been, which is systematically achieved with deep thought. The book’s author encourages that the PMA side of human talisman should frequently be in use. Meanwhile, positive thinking will eventually leads to an end, which without taking time to think would not be an end. In the book, this few letter of words got my attention; “learn creative thinking…” And as a result of this inspirational statement, I have launched out to be a rigorous creative thinker, who can find solution to any given problem.

F. Being optimistic, and thus seeing opportunity. People who are optimistic are known to have achieved greater success with PMA, and their optimistic attitude causes them to see opportunity. In accordance to page 114, “What we see, George points out, is always an interpretation of the mind. We have to train the mind to interpret what we see.” This points out that people who are not optimistic are short-sited and are thereby deprived of opportunity. This idea have caused me to be more careful in my mental process of seeing and not just looking. Because looking at the direction of an object is not the same as seeing the object.

G. An habit of rest is a goldmine. An adage says, “All work without rest, makes Jack a dull boy.” People who have misused and overworked their body system are usually dead in vitality or too weak before the realization of their dream. In page 254, it stated that; “….emphasizes that rest is as important as exercise and activity. The body needs to rebuild in even larger quantities what has been torn down in exercise. That’s how strength, vitality, energy are developed.” As a result of the above statement, I have made an habit of rest to be my idea, and a goldmine.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and lessons will help me in a practical way, both in my daily personal life and in help me to create a better world by following hard after the principles outlined in the book; Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude. Also by continuously fueling myself with inspirational and motivational books. As stated in page 266 of the book that, “…inspirational books are tremendously instrumental in changing lives. And there is no book with more inspiration and motivation than the Bible.”

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

The statement which the author made that particularly got my attention and why they are important to me are:

“You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying. Success is achieved and maintained by those who keep trying with PMA.” The above quote is highly important to me, because it gives me mentality of a champion. A champion doesn’t give up on things, until victory is achieved and attained. And most importantly, when a champion backs-up his or her motive with PMA.

“The day you recognize PMA for yourself is the day that you will meet the most important living person!” Positive mental attitude disposition should be possessed by individual who wants to lead a purposeful life. It is known that the quality of a product is in its content. The same way with each person, if with NMA has bad content, and if with PMA has good content. Therefore to know who the most important living person is, PMA must be recognize as his or her way of life.

“Stop and think about yourself, says Amram Scheinfeld, an expert on genetics. In all the history of the world there was never anyone else exactly like you, and in all the infinity of time to come, there will never be another.” This remarkable statement is really true, as studies have proved it. For instance, there is no single fingerprint alike. Wonderful! This quote is highly fascinating to me, because it proves to me that I have a unique personality, and that my identity is a special one.

“Remember – your world will change whether or not you choose to change it. But you have the power to choose its direction.”

This quote calls my attention vividly to a life of purpose. And that if I do not consciously live with purpose, I might end up any-how? Just like a farmer who till a very large ground, he has to plant something of his desire. But if he refuses to plant, the ground will bring something by itself – weed of course!

“Anything in life worth having is worth working for.”

This statement is what I called an act of responsibility. Anyone who have a desired end will definitely know, there is need to work in order to realize his or her aim. I have come to understand that folding of hands in expectation of a magic, will not be helpful to someone who desires a promising and prosperous future. Even, the holy book; Bible, states that, “faith without work is dead.” So, working is an habit that is worthy of inculcation.

“That which you share with others will multiply and that which you withhold will diminish!”

\This is a statement of fact that has its correlation with nature. For instance, if a man keeps ‘love’ to himself and refuse to share it. He has deprived himself of reproduction and then end up as a suffering gay. The same thing applies to all areas of life. There is love and increment in shearing.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I will like disagree with a theory which was derived from the story of an eighteen-year old college student, which says, “The habit that a salesman develops within the first two weeks after leaving the sales school will follow him throughout his career.” Page 217. Every human can be subject to change, if he wants to. So, the theory that a salesman develops within the first two weeks after leaving the sales school an habit, which will follow him throughout is career is NOT TRUE. And it has not been proven right in any given study.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful

Yes of-course, the book contained exercises for the readers to complete, and I completed all of the exercises. In fact, my assessments is delayed a bit, not because I didn’t read or write on time but because I had to be truthful to myself and completed all the exercises for weeks.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Not really, but if I am permitted, I would say the book; Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude is a perfect work of writing. And I would like to give it 99% score for its practicable principles. The remaining 1% is what I keep as a result of the imperfect theory number one in page 217. Which was derived from the story of an eighteen year old college student.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10




Psycho Cybernetics 2000

Assessment By: Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book; Psycho – Cybernetics 2000 is the functioning of the human mind and its automatic guidance system. The mind is the gift of nature to every human being, and it consist of dual, invisible gigantic powers. Which are the conscious mind and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is a giant, which when asleep is powerless. But when awakened, its potential power is unlimited. The subconscious mind is a giant also, which never goes asleep for any moment. And it is always at work, whether we are conscious of it or not. When the two works in harmony, they can affect, use, control, or harmonize with all known and unknown powers. The book’s idea brought to the limelight, an understanding that human automatic mechanism moves them towards the things they often think about. Page 206, supports this.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

The seven ideas that are most important to me are:

A. Sense of self-worth: This is simply a system of confidently appreciating one’s identity. Self-worth is the same as self-esteem, which is the likeliest candidate for a social vaccine. I usually feel less than good and worthless, in particular when I make mistake or speak wrong words to people, and this made me to have social illness. And also to think that my kind of person doesn’t worth having a girlfriend. This thought manner and many more was traced down to lack of self-esteem. But having imbibed the visualization, relaxation & stress management principle outlined in the book. I’ve found my self-worth boosted so high within the last two month. Now, I have more than a girlfriend but a future partner.

B. The use of human mind to acquire success: It is discovered that the built in guidance system moves people towards the things they think about to Chanel their course for living. Meanwhile, this automatic guidance system can be sued as success mechanism rather than as a failure mechanism. This idea has really helped me to focus more on the good side of me, and to develop my thought – pattern in the direction of success I would like to attain.

C. The idea of talents discovery: It is known that a lot of people have some special abilities which they never knew they had. And as a result of ignorance of the qualities they possess, they lived a poor life of financial status. This very state have been my experience at one time or the other. But I now realize it’s simply a matter of changing mind-programming. Page 36 say, “you’ll unlock abilities and talents you didn’t know you had. It’s simply a matter of changing your programming.”

D. Power of Imagination: Imagination is a material that sets the goal picture which our automatic mechanism works on, and then translate it to real-life. I have always wonder why certain thought I held strongly on my mind, found their way to become reality. Now I have realized that imagination has its own power given by nature, to make things true. “……your perception of what is real is entirely a function of what you imagine to be real.” Page 46 of the book. Also, page 65 your present self-image is based not on “reality” but on what you imagine to be reality.”

E. The use of physical relaxation to acquire desired success: It has been noted in various study(ies) that learning to relax is a key step in becoming the person you want to be. I have come to understand that my inability to relax has been the only thing that stood between me and my success. ‘Overworking’ of myself have caused me illness, which deferred achievement of my set-goal in 21st October 2010. Relaxation is known to influence health. And as said by an African adage, “health is wealth”. Page 97 gave points on relaxation. One among many is, “…..relaxation influences health, learning ability, creativity, performance and self-esteem”.

F. The idea of diligence: This is known as a way of paying attention to details, and dong one particular thing at a time. I have severally found myself attempting many thing at a time, and couldn’t get a single one well done. It is striking to know that diligence is required in this regard. Page 114 stated that, “In our busy world there often seem to be a dozen or more projects demanding our attention at once. We let ourselves become so anxious over the overwhelming prospect of having or wanting all of them that we end up not doing any of them.”

G. Power of words: Words is known as the major means of expression. And it can only be for use in two ways: It can be use to get life, and also to get death. As a matter of fact, the words that comes out of the human mouth do direct his or her path; either positively or negatively. I have used the power or words to create the kind of good life I’m leaving now, and that I will yet live. Page 137 confirms the use of power of words by some people in centuries ago, “A hundred years ago every American School Child learned the saying, ‘A healthy mind in a healthy body’ right along with my country Tis of Thee….”

3. How will these ideas or lesson help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and lesson has already helped me in a practical way over my finances and my marital life, with the use of my conscious and sub-conscious mind in a more positive and successful way. And besides, with the principles I have adopted in the book which are already in use, I can create a better world and promising future of influencing others.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

The statements which the author made that particularly got my attention are:

“Anything that has been learned can be reevaluated and challenged. Anything that has been challenged can be relearned with new data to replace the old.” This statements signifies that learning is a continuous process, and not just a one time experience. And there will always be need to update oneself when it comes to learning or seeking knowledge. Someone rightly said, “whomever stop learning, start dying” learning cannot be excepted from life, for there will always be need to know more about something.

“Any path to success is defined by mistakes and corrections. Don’t dwell on your mistakes – but don’t be afraid of them either. Trust your own servomechanism to do its job. After a time, your subconscious mind will forget the errors of the past and learn to follow the new path you have created for it.” This is my best quote gotten in the book, because it holds a higher measure of truth. Whether minor or major, human will make mistake. Because there will always be need to correct and be corrected, to lead and to be led, to have a business that will thrive and then have challenges on it.

“You act and feel, Maltz wrote, not according to what things are really like but according to the image your mind holds of what they are like.” The mind is what translate whatever the eye sees or the ears heard into a meaningful deliberation. A word that someone regard as insult, is not the same to another, because our mind operates differently. I once asked a question that, is a particular payment official? And the bearer saw it as liabel and untrust. Which I never saw it that way.

“For imagination sets the goal picture which our automatic mechanism works on. We act, or fail to act, not because of will as is so commonly believed, but because of imagination.” Imagination is the picture of things or matters we hold on, in our mind which can be a doorway to achieving our goal, with the use of conscious and subconscious mind.

“Then there are times you do make mistakes – and make no mistake about it, you will. The important thing is to regard your mistakes not as indication to failure but as steps on the road to success.” A lot of time when I found myself make one mistake or the other, I used to think; I’m less than human being. But until I found out that nature designed it that way, I was not ‘feeling free’. As long as there is a need to attain perfection, there will definitely be room for correction on mistakes.

“Lozanov observed that a specific kind of music with a specific kind of rhythm helps induce a state of relaxed concentration by synchronizing process of the body with music.” Music is very vital in attaining a relaxed state of body and soul. Just as food is good to the body system, so is music.

“Don’t medicate, meditate! I tell people attending my seminars. Instead of taking a pill, de-condition yourself from stress by taking advantage of altered state of consciousness.” This is true!!! As it is always good to stay naturally healthy, without having need to live on drugs. As said by the Medical Association of Nigeria, “It not good to always leave on drug….”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No! Not even a statement because the book is detailed enough to bring an average reader to comprehension. And with the use of dictionary, every word is well understood.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes ! The book contained exercises for the readers to complete, and I did complete them and found them helpful. In fact, there was a particular exercise which took me a whole 3 weeks to complete. Because it applied more to my life, and I had to be truthful to myself.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

No, there is none.

Please rate the following question on a scale from 1 to 10, Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to read? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Giant Steps
Assessment by Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea of the author in the book (Giant step),is to inspire and energise the reader to act on his/her set goal, aims or objectives consistently in order to get the expecting result. Empowering the reader with daily and momentary inspiration and energy to take little-little steps or small actions towards the actualisation or realisation of the intended result is the paramount focus of the author.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Decision: Decision is an idea that is very important to me because of the way it was presented by the author. It transformed my life when I was at high-school. Since, decision is determinant of both destination and destiny. At high-school, I found myself at position number 36 out of 98 students in my class i.e. at my level in school; after the semester examination. The result really discouraged me for weeks until I took a step to ask the first 3 leading students the secret of their success. They told me how meticulously reading is to them and encouraged me to do so. Then, I decided within myself that I’m going to give whatever it may takes to be among the first 10 students at the end of my course of study. This determination empowered me to be committed beyond my limitation and pushed me to be at position number six at the end of my course of study. Because of this experience of mine, I believes that what ultimately determines who we become in life is our decision. Decision determines both destination and destiny. The author did a good job. Decision shapes destiny indeed.

ii. Belief: Belief is a force that creates a thought, a thought creates decision and a decision shapes destiny. Belief is important because it creates whatever it focuses on. Belief is a force that creates it, it’s tenaciously held on to. I experienced this when I was learning to be an addict reader of impacting books. I used to read for 30 minutes to 1 hour and easily get tired. But, regardless of all this tiredness, I still believe that one day; I will be reading for 5 hours at a goal without being tired or bored. Today, my belief has created the experience of reading for 5 hours at a goal without being bored. Yet, I believe that I can still read for 10 hours without loosing momentum of my lesson. If I continue to believe the possibility of this thought, it will create decision for it and decision will shape my character and habit to achieve the goal of reading for 10 hours. Indeed, belief is a force of creation.

iii. Questions are the answers. The quality of question is really the quality of the answer. I experienced this when I was sitting alone in the class and I asked myself that, can I find blue colour here. When I looked around, I found colour blue. Again, I asked myself that can I still find colour pink, I also found colour pink. I tried different types of questions and I discovered answers for all of them. Question is important to me because it determines the answer that one will get in life. If a man asks a wrong question, he will get a wrong answer and if a man asks a right question, he will get the right answer. Indeed, question is a force that shapes destiny through the answer.

iv. The Science of Success: The science of success is a new idea to me. It surprised me to discover it through the author that success has a science that sustained it. The science of success is a habit exclaimed by the author. This science of success is important to me because without it, success cannot be experienced. Just as experiments substantiate the dynamics and efficacy of laws at scientific laboratory, so habit substantiate the experiment of success in the real world. For example, my habit of reading had gotten me to read “Giant Step” and answer the questions that followed it respectively.

v. Emotion: This idea of emotion is important to me because I am an emotional creature. I hold this idea a higher esteem due to the insight I have into its source, that, it originates from me at any point in time. It can also be controlled by me. I experienced this by evaluating the causes of my frustration; when i sat down for reflection on the causes of my frustration, I discovered that one of my principles of operation has been negated by something and consequently discovered that my present approach (method) of operation is absolute and it’s needed to be changed. The indicator for a change of approach, is the frustrated emotion that I experienced in my attempt to achieve a better result. This idea of emotion reaction is very important to me because it is an indicator of mind status and vulnerability.

vi. Values and Rules: Values determine the flow of virtues. If you love, the emotion of love will rule your mutual relations because a value is an emotional state. Values and rules go hand in hand. Wherever one is found, the other is there. All decision making is driven by values (beliefs). For example, I do go to church to hear the words of God because I believe that God uphold all things by the word of His power. Values influence decision and decision determines ruler ship of emotion and action in a man’s life.

vii. Identity and References: What you know yourself to be in thought determines who you belief in character and action. Identity is a discovery of self which is a result of accumulation of references (experience from life). This idea of identity and experience is important to me because whatever experience a man have must be powerfully shape his life.
Identity is a product of references indeed, due to the experience I had in life, my understanding of who I am today and what I desire to be in future had been born-out of my experienced in life.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

I believe that these ideas will help me by making use of them on a daily basis. I need to believe first before I become. When I believe in myself and things I want to do, I will accomplish success, and then it means that I need to decide to do it. When I make a trial and things seems not to work out, I will raise a question to determine why things does not work out the way planned. That means, I will have to throw a dice of right question to find the right answer for success. Once this stage is settled, I will engage my emotion, values, rules and experience to pursue the practicality and for the reality of the ideas hence, substantiated my goal by achievement.

4. Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

i. “It’s not what we do once in a while that counts but our consistent action” . This statement is important to me because once in a while, decision (or input) is too weak to achieve a result of success especially in the presence of opposition. Once a decision is consistently pursued, the destiny will be shaped. A rolling stone gather no moss.

ii. “The secret of unleashing your true power is setting goals that are exciting enough that they truly inspire your creativity and ignite your passion”. This statement is true because if a goal is not inspiring and exciting, the ability to unleash the mental and emotional ability to pursue it will still be caged regardless of external mutilation. Goals have to be exciting to be exerting.

iii. “Having a powerful enough why, will provide you with the necessary how”. This statement is important to me because it is true. I could remember when I was young, something happened, we (siblings) were given some house chores by daddy with a promise that whosoever finish first will get a bottle of juice. Once we heard this statement, the way of finishing first was discovered and everybody was curiously asking for how to do the exercise because of the promise attached. We would have been negligent or dormant if the promise was not attached to it. If ‘why’ (benefits and advantages) of a thing can first be discovered, how (method) of going about the thing will be diligently sought for. Yes, a strong why can birth a powerful how (solution).

iv. “Belief drives behaviour”. This statement is important to me because it reveals the source of every behaviour. No behaviour is independent of belief, indeed, belief drives behaviour.

v. “A limited experience creates a limited life”. Yes, this is true. Why? Because exposure expands and enlarges ability to achieve more than one can ever imagine.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes. I completed some of them. I found them very helpful for me. For example, under the section 4 which is Questions and Answers, I found some of the exercises very helpful when I made use of them.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, comment.


Please, rate the following questions on a scale from 1 – 10, ten is good and one is poor.

a. How interesting was it to read? 8
b. How helpful were the contents? 10
c. How easy was it to read? 8
d. Would you recommend it to others? 10
e. What is the overall rating you give it? 10



How To Win Friends
Assessment by Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is to help develop a good human relationship skills in its reader, and that each and everyone should have a strong positive influence on other people. The book (How to win friends and influence people), emphasises on the need to be genuinely interested in other people in order to influence them positively. And correspondent principles on effective human relationship were well analysed in a practical way.
Obviously, the great challenge of all human existence is the ability to deal with each other in a positive and influential way. One of the highest paid in American business is Charles Schwab, he said; “he was paid this salary largely because of his ability to deal with people”. Human beings are dynamic in nature, and it will also take a dynamic person to deal with his or her fellow in a way that will bring about a positive impression.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you, and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Honesty in appraisal: This simply means that deceit is out of place in showing appreciation to people’ personality or ability. Naturally, people would do better work and put forth greater efforts under a spirit of appraisal than they would ever do under a spirit of criticism. William James once said ‘the deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated’. I was able to learn the art of photography faster because of the encouraging statements made by my trainer often time. He would always say words like, “you really have some good stuff and funny enough, there’s no big deal in this job. In fact, you can know it better than me if you put your mind to it”. These encouraging statements really helped me to become a professional in the field within a very short period of time.

ii. Being genuinely interested in people: This is an important means of winning people and it is also a pathway to have positive influence on them as well. To be genuinely interested in people will make it easy to influence them. Influence in terms of characters, success, good way of life and many more are the cravings of every human at one time or the other. And in order to mount this influence on people, there’ll be need to be interested in their interest; concern with their well being and to show care to their affairs. I needed to be interested genuinely in the lady I want to share my life with before she actually released her attention to grant my proposal. The first statement in page 31 says, “so the only way on earth to influence other people is to talk about what they want and show them how to get it”

iii. Good mental attitude: This depends on allowing our inner condition to always move towards the positive direction. It was said in page 67 that, “Everybody in the world is seeking happiness-and there is one sure way to find it. That is by controlling your thoughts”. In order to have a strong positive influence on others, there’s a need to process a good mental attitude for oneself. My good thinking pattern has really helped me in becoming what I want to become in process, despite the fact that my family Background was highly challenging .Shakespeare said, “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” That confirms the fact that good mental attitude is important in being influential.

iv. Smile, the nature’s drug: I would like to regards SMILE as natures drug. Because it brings healing to the human body, naturally.A frown face tightens up the face muscles, and it makes the bearer look ugly. While a smiling face makes a beautiful look possible. A study reveals that, “It takes 14 muscles to smile, and 47 muscles to frown face.” Frowning makes the body ill over a period of time, because it takes more energy from the body. A portion of page 69 says. “Your smile is a messenger of your good will. Your smile brightens the lives of all who see it”. Also, in order to be an influential person, a smiling face will always have its own advantages. An ancient Chinese proverb says, “A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.” Within two weeks of dwelling on this lesson and exercising the power of smile, I really look younger than I was. The people around me confirmed it. In a nutshell, the nature ’s best antidote for life is smile {cheerful attitudes}

v. Idea of courtesy: At any time there’s a gesture, courtesy is always the best way of actions. Page 97 clarifies the idea that, “Little phrases such as, Am sorry to trouble you, would you be kind as to——-?, wont you please?, would you mind, Thank you——–little courtesies like these oil the cogs of monotonous grind of everyday life——–and, incidentally, they are the hallmark of good breeding.” This idea is important to me because it has really helped me in relating with people without hurting their opinion. It has also helped me in getting people to do things for me with the cooperation of their consent.

vi. Use of diplomacy: Diplomacy is simply the skills and tactics needed in dealing and managing people. This is one important attribute of a leader, in which he deals with people wisely, without hurting their feelings or opinion. For instant, as a leader, I don’t argue with people. Even though I quite do not agree with their point of view. That is simply being diplomatic. A full sentence in page 126 points out that, “In other words, don’t argue with your customer or spouse or your adversary. Don’t tell them they are wrong, don’t get stirred up. Use a little diplomacy.

vii. Habit of listening: Listening is an act that enables somebody to pay attention to what other people or person has to say. This is a habit that actually makes a great leader, and it is that which helps in influencing people. I once found myself listening to my friend’s financial problem, when he decides to share his pain with me. After he was done with his talking, I didn’t really give any special advice. I eventually said “such is life; you just have to keep trying until everything be alright”. But I was highly amazed to later hear his comment on my advice, which goes like this “you are really a wonderful person, and I am so grateful to God to have known someone like you in my present situation , what you discussed with me last week really helped me get better now”. But in the actual sense, I didn’t give advice, I just listened.
In page 86, “Isaac F. Marcosson, a journalist who interviewed hundreds of celebrities, declared that many people fail to make a favourable impression because they don’t listen attentively”.

3. How will these ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas are already helping me in my business, marital life and social life. I found it easy to relate with people than I used to. My customers are freer with me in relation, even to the point of discussing their personal problems with me. These ideas will also help me to create a better world by influencing people positively as I climb the ladder of leadership in my political ambition, and also as a group leader in my church.

4. Are there any statements the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

The statements which particularly got my attention were;

a. “There is no mystery about successful business intercourse ….Exclusive attention to the person who is speaking to you is very important. Nothing else is as flattering as that”. This statement highly got my attention because it portrays an act of a leader, which is a habit of listening. Listening habit does not mean mere silence, but it is an activity of a true leader in order to get solution to his or her given followers’ challenges.

b. “He who treads softly goes far”. The Chinese spent five thousand years studying human nature, and they concluded at a point that, “He who treads softly goes far”. In other words, a friendliness and gentleness approach towards life will definitely make someone achieve better. And to also become influential. The above quote highly got my attention because it shows that life should be lived with balanced understanding in order to have victory for living – life and not just existence in life.

c. “Hurting a man in his dignity is a crime”. In order to have effective dealings with people, one should not say or do anything that diminishes another man in his or her own eyes. Every human doesn’t want their self esteem tampered with, and in relating well with people; there is a need to let another person save their faces when we are in position to control the situation. This act really makes a great leader. In page 13, Carlyle said, “A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men”.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so, why?

Answer: No!

6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, the book contained exercises for the readers to complete. But I would be sincere by saying, the exercises in the book are life – time exercises which cannot be completed as long as human lives. The exercises in the book are the same as lessons in it, which really need a continuous assessment for life time; in order to have an effective human relation.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Answer: No!

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10, ten is good and one is poor.

a. How interesting was it to read? 10
b. How helpful were the contents? 10
c. How easy was it to read? 9
d. Would you recommend it to others? 10
e. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

The New Dynamics of Winning
Assessment by Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book (the new dynamics of winning). Is that, it takes the mind-set of a champion to really being a champion in the real state of life. Simply put, being a champion means thinking like a champion.

The book shows that, whoever would like to be successful in business and life, will need to start the process from the mind-level before it can automatically transform into tangible accomplishment.

I would like to quote from page 20 and 21 of the book, which says, “what the secret? It’s been able to put yourself into the state of mind that Greg achieved during the last leg of the Tour de France. I call it the zone. It’s that special place that only winners inhabit where there is no part and no future, only the exhilaration of the moment, of going all out” The book is highly familiarized to an athletic events, because success depend on human ability to combine physical and technical skill with mental process in order to bring out the desired result.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

i) Thought –focus on the desired result: The human mind is the most important part of her being. For the way a man thinks, so is he. A very high proportion of energy is directed towards the thought-pattern of every human, this energy form a mind-set that dominate and direct his or her life either toward the negative or positive side of life. There is 90 percent tendency that a business man who allows thought of failure for a long period of time will experience loss in his job contracts.

Several years ago, I used to long for privacy, even when I was not fully grown for it. An apartment of my own away from my father’s house was all I longed for. This thought-pattern dominated my mind to the point that, when I made my first cash in transaction, I rented a room apartment and I moved my little properties in there. I could not feed myself well in my apartment, and I still needed to depend on my parent atimes, for period of time. But the most important thing is, I got my privacy as a result of my thought that transformed to wish which had gain mystery over my action

ii) Mistakes could be viewed as feedback to get human back on track: At one time or the other, as human, we make mistakes whether we like it or not. Growth in any field of life is a process of gaining knowledge, of trail and error, and of courageous experimentation. The human failed attempt in business or career can be as much a part of the success process that will finally leads to success. A student who failed in an examination has automatically made the mistake of not doing things correctly. And another attempt made him realise his mistakes, and success was achieved in the same examination at his second attempt. That was exactly my experience in the first class of my senior secondary school.

iii) The secret of success is never giving-up: The heroes and heroines of the past, who have made great success out of life in their given career, did so, by trying over and over again. I needed to make several attempt in getting my life partner. She shun me off for a while, but I knew she’s the woman of God’s purpose for my life, and I’m the man of God’s purpose for her life I kept letting her know how much I love her, and the plan of God for our life, until one day when she saw what I saw. And we have ever since been in a Godly and enjoying relationship that will lead to marriage.

I would like to quote relative sentences from page 36 of the book, which says, “You can coast for a while, but you won’t get far if you don’t keep pedaling” also, “you’ve got to get up and try again after you’ve fallen off the bicycle. Kids will fall any number of times, But they’ will almost never say, I quit.”

iv) To a champion, success is a lifestyle not a onetime experience: This idea is most important to me, because it is real to my life experience. Every human are enrolled in a full-time informal school called life. Each day in this school there’s an opportunity to learn new lesson, some of which can be enjoyed, and some cannot be enjoyed at all. But, I see to it that these learning experiences never end. Just as I needed to succeed in each examination during my primary and secondary school, in order to qualify for the next higher class. The same was my experience in higher institution, and even in my IIGL course, if I don’t succeed in level one, there will be no level two. If I don’t succeed in level two there will be no level three, and so on like that, even in every field of life, and in all of human endeavour. A portion of page 43 says, “Think of success as a process that you want to continue, not a status that you reach once and for all.”

v) Setting ones internal standards for success: true success should be from doing our best, based on unique skills and goals. But a lot of people are in state of dilemma, not because they have achieved well in life, but because they compare and attached their own success to another man’s success.

Obviously, competition is good! But competition should be viewed as a way to maintain excellence, to keep yourself performing up to your own potential. Not to another man’s potential. I used to feel less anytime I see or thought of my intimate friend who already had houses and cars of his own. While I didn’t have one yet, but rented. But I’m just getting to know through this portion of the book, that my friend’s success is not my success. And I also know that, the fact we’re friend doesn’t mean we will move at the same pace in life. He’s achieving his success in his time, and I will also achieve mine in my time because I will not relent in my effort to make progress.

vi) Improvement is highly needed in every stage of life: “Motorola’s quest for award began in 1981, with scout team being dispatched to outstanding manufacturing organizations around the world. The goal was not only to see how they did it, but to see how it could be done better.” Page 123. Human failure to improve themselves in any given field or career, brings about collapses and irrelevancy. Precisely five years ago, I was a successful engineer in G.S.M repair, manually. I had boys working with me and for me. Thing became computerized, and I didn’t improve myself on computer. My sales dropped, my boys left after some time, then the business collapsed. I started another business of photography, and I later realized why my first business collapsed was because I was not improving myself in the field. So, I quickly got trained and I got myself desktop and laptop computer, and I’m gradually making progress in my new business.

vii) Human believes affect what he become either for good or bad:- Orel Hershiser started winning because he became a believer that he can win. He also believes that he’s not less than people who have won and become champion as a rookie pitcher with Los Angeles Dodgers. In page 144 and 142.

Human believing system has a way of dominating their life. If one sees himself as a failure, he may not have a single record of outstanding success. What we reveal on the outside as human is what we feel on the inside. That is the “inner gold medal” of self-esteem determines the quality of our performance. I believed to be successful person, and I’ve automatically been recording success all along. Although, it’s on a gradual process. A statement in page 166 said, and I quote, “Before anything else happens, you must believe you are an Olympian within.”

3. How will these ideas or lesson help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and lesson will help me in a practical way to nourish and develop the more, the mindset of a champion which I already possessed as a result of the knowledge gained from this material. These ideas and lesson are what I see as a factor that will have a great positive influence on my financial life, Business life, marital life and my Social life as well.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
The statement that the author made, which particularly got my attention are:

(i) “In short, once you have broken your major goals into ninety-day projects, you can tame them-and claim them!” A goal can be regarded as an aim or desired result within a specific period of time. The above quote in page 31 of the book passes across a massage that’s highly interesting on goal. Meaning that, the simplicity of every goal makes it easily achievable and not cumbersome for the bearer.

(ii) “A grind? To be sure. Fun? Not much. Then why? Because winners work at doing things the rest of the population won’t even consider trying.” I have always wondered why there are successful people and unsuccessful ones. Why some people remained beggar and some are ever-giving. Some people are successful business men while we have lots of failed businesses. The secret of success is what I have learned carefully from the above quote. As successful people will not give up at trying until they achieve success, unsuccessful quit at a single or two times trial. The people who distinguish themselves in all spheres of life are well described as: A grind? (Effort – putting and hard work) to be sure. Fun? (much play on consistent holiday) Not much. Yet, these successful people risk things, save money, invest resources, spend less on liability and so on. Winners are simply known as those that work at doing things which the losers didn’t even try to do.

(iii) “Ray Kroc used to say, mistakes are painful when they happen— but a collection of mistakes is called experience.” making mistake(s) is never a pleasant experience to people, but it cannot but happen. Because we as human are working towards perfection. And in the course of attaining perfection, there will be imperfection along the way which is known as’ Mistakes’. So, a collection of mistakes is called experience, which can be used to safeguard the upcoming generation, or another set of people in a particular field. Now, when I make mistake, which I rarely do. I see it as an avenue to use my experience in helping my younger colleagues and fellow brothers, so they won’t need to pass through such tough experience.

5. Is there anything in book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

Yes, there is a point which I do not quite agree with in page 75. This is among the seven analyzed traits of a genuine leader. It says, “It show, not tell.” I would like to rephrase it into, it’s tell and show. The point emphasized on showing people how to do things and not telling them. Obviously it’s good showing people or children how things could be done, but without telling them with the right use of words, abuse will be inevitable. Words travel far and it can be remembered anytime the human memory is launched in that direction of interest or related matter. Word is also the best form of communication after which action (show) follows. A show (action) without communication first, may look funny or magical to an average senses. While telling (words), clarifies thoughts and give direction to show (action).

6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes! The book contained exercises for the readers to complete and I completed it. But the exercises contained in the book may not be obvious to an average reader. For instance, there’s exercise in page 159, which is about the five most important words a leader can speak:
“I am proud of you.”
“What is your opinion?”
“If you please
“Thank you”
This is a great exercise for someone who wants to be a good leader to his or her given follower. It is also a good exercise for the followers as well, all because of the result that follows such an exercise.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

No, I did not notice anything that was not covered in the previous question.

Please rate the following question on a scale from 1 to 10, ten is a good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How early was it to read? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Real Magic
Assessment by Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea in the book (Real Magic), which the author is trying to convey to the reader, is the importance of the human mind and how powerful its usefulness can be if well utilized. The book reveals that there is a realm of human existence that goes beyond what can be view as normal or logical. This realm or part of human being is invisible in nature, but it does control the visible part of human, either the bearer is conscious of it or not! It is obviously known as the human mind, while other people refer to it as; Thoughts, Consciousness, Soul, Will, even Louise. The later part of page 9 says, “How you spell it doesn’t matter.” But what matter is that, the human mind is the invisible self; the part of human being which is not human sensory self and it’s the part that can also contemplate eternity (divine, invisible presence). A portion in page 22 says, “In your soul, your sprit or higher self, your mind or thoughts or whatever you choose to call it, lies that entry way to the world of real magic”.

At this state of being, real magic is said to be possible for the person who knows his or her mind’s possessive power. That is, to use the mind to meditate and get guidance from the inward being to life seeming problem. Also, to use the mind to imagine one is living the life he wants to live. Every human is said to live the life they imagined yesterday in their today and will also live the life imagined today in their tomorrow. A part of page 25 says, “When you stop imagining or imaging or thinking, you cease actively participating in your physical world.” Ralph Waldo Emerson also said, “The ancestor to every action is a thought.”

In my own carefully chosen words, I would like to say; the human mind is an unseen organ of inclination and affection which controls the human life, whether consciously or unconsciously.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you? Use personal example from your own life.

(i) Acceptability: This is a way of responding positively to the order of things just the way it is. In order to experience Real Magic, there is a strong need for acceptability of its working. And within this acceptance, miracle or real magic experience will be possible. I quote from page 1 which says, “Magic is achieved through illusion.” Another one also says, “The illusion is called magic simply because it appears to be unexplainable.” Several years ago, I never ate grape orange until I was 18 years old. My father described to me how it tasted like bitter orange and sweet orange at the same time. But having heard the word bitter I didn’t like to even taste it. But I thought I knew exactly how it tasted until I accepted to peel one, cut it and eat it that is when I could really said I knew how it tasted. So it is with real magic acceptance to its working will pave way to its experience and the result that follows.

(ii) Sprituality: This ideas show that there is an invisible part in every human, known as the ‘Spirit’. Human is made up of Spirit, Soul and Body. The spirit and soul are in mutual agreement of connectivity which are unseen, while the body can be seen with its sensory parts. Meanwhile, the visible part controls the physical part of every human being. For instance, to put on a sad- look, one must have welcomed unhappiness first in his or her mind. So it is with defeat, failure, victory and success. Because the soul part of human cannot be seen with an optical eyes and cannot be touched, that is why its been regarded as spirit. I believed I’m a spirit- being, with every now and then of my night dreams. While lying asleep on bed, I would still see myself driving to meet an important appointment or been engaged in crucial assignments. After a while, I could still come back to consciousness and found myself lying asleep. Atimes, such experiences correspond with my real life, and several times gave solution or answer to my challenges as at that period. This quote by Bhagavad Gita explains it better by saying, “We are born into the world of nature our second birth is into the world of spirit”

(iii) Creating Miracles Originate Through The Power of Human Mind: The human mind is known to function effectively with beliefs and thoughts that the mind holds. And the thoughts and beliefs the mind holds, the mind will imagine, and whatever the mind imagine, the human life will live. I do hold a strong belief and thoughts of a successful me, in my finances and marital life, and success has been my physical experience all long. I would like to quote two sentences from page 80 which says, “Real magic is available only to those who can imagine any and all possibilities, while letting the how-it-will- happen take care of itself”. Also, “Nothing more, just open your mind and suspend your disbelief. This is the beginning of miracle making”.

(iv) Procession/Confession: This is a way of affirming loudly the things that one would like to see in his or her life. By doing so, forces are released into the air which will attract the right materials that are consistent with ones expectations. Many years ago, I needed a small generator in substitution to power – on light. I saw a good generator worth of N 18,000, but I had less than N1,000 on me. I laid my hand on the generator after negotiation on the price and I said, “I have it in Jesus’ name”. When I got home, and for like four days, I kept on affirming aloud to myself that the generator is mine, and the money I need to use in buying it cometh to me. On the 5th day, someone said I should help him to keep a sum of N 5,000, on the 6th day, I got a job and money for the job was paid instantly. On the 7th day, I was able to purchase the generator and took it home. But to my surprise,, and according to the dealer, “nobody came for this same generator since you left”. That’s the power of confession! In page 82, the book’s author said, “This affirmation will help you open yourself up to tapping into the universal forces, rather than continue being a skeptic and never allowing them to work in your life. Affirm it first, and then begin to act on that affirmation.”

(v) Act of Faith: Dallas morning news already said, “all the ingredients of a perfect life are here; just add Faith”. This is simply a way of taking steps and believing in order of expected result. I acted on Faith many years ago when I needed a generator, even though I didn’t have enough money for it, I acted on my Faith to price it first and few days after I was able to purchase it. In page 100, is a relative point which says, “You treat them as capable. The person who is sick is treated by you with action of wellness.” That is an act of Faith.

(vi) An Attitude of Giving: The book highly emphasized on the word giving and how purposeful such an act is regarded. A universal law says, “Givers never lack.” As I demanded less from others, the more I found out that they serve me and the more comes my way to give of my services, time, money and resources. I have now found it very interesting and life impacting to give. In page 115, is a short but powerful statement which says, “Rather than asking something of others, try giving instead.”

(vii) Money is Defence: Money can be regarded as a tool or energy to make one stay on purpose. To some extent, money can answer many questions of life. The Holy Bible says, “Money answereth all things”.

I have also been able to realise that a good life can only be achieved with the presence of money, while being poor can also make one fall short of his or her purpose for living. Page 212, says, “Thus, the denouncing of money is a trap. Instead see it as that which is manifesting in your life to assist you with your purpose.”

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas are already helping me in a practical way, and that is why I have personal experiences to share after each and every given ideas. Furthermore, the ideas I’ve gotten in the book will highly be of great advantage for me and others as long as life continues.

I can use the ideas and lessons in this book to create a better world of influence on the people around my sphere of contact, by being a living proof that miracles and real magic is highly possible in every days of life.

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so please quotes then and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Keeping in mind that what you think about expands, try visualizing all of your significant relationships as already existing the way you want them to be in your life”.

The visualization process is a way of imagining things with the use of mind, in order to achieve the desired result in the physical world, imaging and imagining that one have a peaceful and thriving relationship with others, will make its experience realistic in the physical world.

“What goes around truly does come around.” The more you give away and do everything that you do in the services of others, the more that seems to come back to you.”

The above quote makes me understand why the universal law of giving is true. The law say, “Givers never lack.” I have always wondered how true it is to give-out, and not to lack. But the quote above shows to me that whatever goes around comes. Meaning that a giver will always have someone that will be of help to him when need arises.

“Intelligence is mind… its scope embraced the cosmos. We could be rash to suppose that it operates from the confines of the brain alone”.

In that sense, all disease processes originates on this vaster stage of the mind. So also does heath. This is true, because whatever the mind believes to be true, the human life will automatically respond towards that direction. If the thought of ill – health is held on to by the mind, the body will experience ill – health after some period of time. So also does health.

“You have loving relationship with others because you bring love rather than hatred because you seek it from others”.

This quote simply reveals how I grew my own thriving relationship with my partner. And that is why I can experience a blissful relationship all along. W. Dyer also said in Page 141 that, “To love is to have that extra ordinary feeling of affection without asking anything in return”

“Keep a corner of your mind focused exclusively on your images of prosperity”.

This statement is attractive to me, because it points toward the direction of my purpose for being on earth. A further encouraging statement in Page 204 says “Go there often and use the power of your mind to sharpen your images of prosperity”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are there ideas you disagree with and if so, why?

No! But I will rather .look forward to seeing and reading more of such books as ‘real magic’.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so did you complete all the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, I completed the exercises and I found them very helpful

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

No! Not at all

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 – 10, ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to read? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Goal Setting 101
Assessment by Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that is been conveyed by the author in the book, Goal Setting 101, is the step by step fundamental principles of setting and achieving a goal, or ones targeted desired result. Of which, ones primary interest of establishing a goal is to move oneself from one level to another, in order to accomplish more than what would be thought possible.

The author also offers goal setting methods, insights and suggestions to those seeking their signature path to success. While the fundamental lesson in the book were well simplified for an average or show learner to easily comprehend.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which are personally most important to me are:
i. Idea of Vision
ii. Idea of Mission Statement
iii. Planning, a road map to Success
iv. The right use of words.
v. Act of Positive Attitude
vi. Act of Leadership
vii. Power of Choice.

i. Idea of Vision

A vision is regarded as a way of seeing or conceiving what one wants to create or achieve. The reason why Vision is the first and highly interesting idea to me is that, it goes along with Goal Setting. A statement from page 8 is in agreement with my view, “The single most important thing to have before you do any planning is a vision.” The point is, there is a need for a vision before goal setting comes to place. While setting the goal is the only ingredient that will make a vision to be realistic. I personally needed to have a vision, while I have set goals that are making my vision to become real to me on daily basis.

ii. Idea of Mission Statement

A Mission statement can be defined as affirmation by declaration of who you are, why you exist, and what goal you intend to accomplish. Mission is what helps to give meaning to human lives; which helps to create a reason for living. While stating ones mission does solidify and authenticate the reason for living to be realistic. I’ve been able to develop and easily exhibit my plans, as a result of mission statement which helped me to produce a better result.

iii. Planning, a road map to success

Planning simply means an intension or decision about what one is going to do, while doing this points a road map to achieving ones goal and attaining success. I made a great deal of success on a project that was handed over to me by a firm. And this success was made possible because I made preparations for an anticipated event.

iv. The right use of words

This is a way of watching ones languages. And learning to speak in a constructive manner, not in a destructive one. The wrong use of words brings negativity to ones life, while the right use of words brings about a good result. I have learnt to use phrases like; I can, I will, consider it done, I give you my words and so on. Because I’ve realized that these affirmative languages are bolster of confidence while I pursue my goals. Page 31 made a remarkable point on the right use of words, which says, “Examine your speech!” You can and will inspire confidence with your words and vocal tone.”

v. Act of Positive Attitude

Attitude can be regarded as the real motive behind ones action. And it takes a good attitude to be successful in life and to sustain success. Page 34 of the book made a relevant statement, “True success at any given moment may be measured by sales figures, revenues and profits. But, in the long run, success is an attitude”. I am beginning to see how a good attitude can make someone successful. Because “success is an attitude” says the first statement on page 34.

vi. Act of Leadership

A leader leads. The very rule of personal responsibility is to act like a leader. The idea of leadership is one of the most interesting to me, because it is a leading factor in the society. It takes a good leadership to direct people in the way they should go. And I have realized that somebody can lead himself in the direction of his or her goal in life in order to be an achiever of success.

vii. Power of Choice

Choice is simply a way of making decision which places responsibility on the choice-maker. The choice we make does add to us or remove from us, but the truth of the matter is that choice or choices is undisputable. Page 10 of the book stated in a sentence that, “There are no insignificant choices, no neutral actions. Even the smallest gesture has a consequence, leading you toward or away from your goal.” This point of view on the power of choice makes me understand the efficacy of the power of choice, and to also realize that every moment of life offers me a choice.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas have inculcated the habit of setting goals towards my expectation in me, and to also take little steps on daily basis for the realization of my goal. As a result of taking steps towards my goals in life, these ideas will help me to record success in my daily personal life, and it will also help me to create a better world in my sphere of contact.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

The statements which the author made that particularly got my attention are:

“A focus on virtues to attain and vices to forgo is crucial.”

This quote is highly important to me because of the message it passed across. A focus on virtues to attain; this simply means a way of paying attention on my desired goals, in order for me to be accomplished in life.

“And vices to forgo.”

This also means to me that there should be a bygone in my life and attitude as well. Like, the way of life, bad attitude, and whatever kind of behaviors that makes me unfriendly with people.

Page 13 portrays an interesting statement which says, “you shape your philosophies and yourselves by observing and striving to understand the events of each moment.”

“Make boldness a matter of routine.”

I have severally found myself bold and courageous toward many issues of life. But a times, I do portray timidity in other issues of life that requires strong decision. Meanwhile, as a result of the above quote that I took notice of, I began to see boldness as a matter of continuous and all time exercises in every issues of life.

“Everything counts!”

This simply refers to the personal philosophy of the book writers believe .And this quote is very important to me because it connotes the meaning that every moment offers an opportunity for advancement. All that happens, all there is, and all that was are all messages for a given moment.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are nuclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

Yes there are ideas and statements that I disagree with, because it goes against my belief system, and it does hold a reasonable measure of truth in its content. Such as, “learn to live with fear”as far as I am concerned, that is not a good advice, but, I will rather learn to build myself up and be very courageous. “Everybody’s afraid.” That is not true! If it is true, where are the lionhearted people who brought the gospel to Africa without regarding the loss of their lives. Many of them died in wilderness, some were murdered, and the survival had to endure the pains of that moment before they were able to deliver the message of the gospel. “Everyone fails” that is not very true, because I’ve seen people who have smooth journey of their life, without I single record of failure. “No one wins all the time” I quite disagree with that point of view.

If the heroes of the past were to agree with the points I disagree with, they wouldn’t have been regarded as heroes at all. They live with courageous mind, they believed in success, and they never allowed fear of any kind to hold them down.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are well analyzed exercises in the book, and I did complete them, while most of the exercises were found to be very useful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

Yes, there is what I would like to comment on. The choice and the usage of words at the later part of the book were not well simplified for easy understanding of the message the book conveys. For instance, “No one wins all the time.” This really sounds underrating to humanity. In page 30 “you cannot avoid failure all the time.” This is also one of the choices of words that were not well analyzed for an average reader to comprehend.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8



The Law of Attraction
Assessment by Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main Idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that is being communicated in the book The Law Of Attraction is that every human does attract to his or her life whatever their Attention, Energy, and Focus is been given to, whether positive or negative. The book reveals the big power of connection in between, energy, thoughts and the world of matter around us humans.
For instance, it is easy for someone to use much of his or her daily self-talk to sabotage or to make a good and healthy lifestyle an occurrence of a lifetime.

The book simply put the main idea of the law of attraction as “The Science of Attracting more of what you want and less of what you don’t.” Furthermore, vibration (vibes) describes a mood or a feeling that is picked from someone or something. Each human is believed to often send out either a positive or negative vibration. And there’s an adage that says “what goes around comes around” i.e we tend to get in return whatever kind of vibration we give. Here is how the saying goes, “in fact, we are always sending a vibration.” That is, whether we are conscious of it or not, the Law of Attraction will ever be at work.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which were personally most important to me are:
i. Idea of Forces
ii. Ideas of words Significance
iii. Clarity of Desire
iv. Use of Affirmation
v. Idea of Worksheet
vi. Attitude of Appreciation and Gratitude
vii. Creating an allowing Statement

i. Idea of Force(s)

Force(s) can be regarded as the power or ability that is behind any given action. The Law of Attraction was described in page 14 as “a universal energy around you that obeys the science of physics.” This description is simply force of forces behind any given action. I understand better of the power of force at the beginning of a particular year in the early 90’s, when my father was always declaring that he would pack to his own house with his family that same year. And as a result of the force and energy behind his declarations, all that was needed was attracted, and his dream was fulfilled that same year.

ii. Idea of Word Significance
Words can be regarded as a force that holds the universe, and it is also by words that actions can be generated. Through the use of words negativity or positivity can be attracted. Word is as important as life itself, and the words we think and use generate the vibrations we send out. Thoughts are made up of words. Every feelings are also made up of words either positive or negative one. I began to recognize the significance of word since my teenage, because I have faced the consequences of the wrong words I used at one time or the other. I have also enjoyed as a result of using the right and polite words to get jobs and contracts.

iii. Clarity of Desire

This goes along with knowing what one wants so as to achieve a desired goal. In order to make quality decision on desires, one will need to observe contrast. Because observing contrast is essential and it also helps in becoming clearer about what is desired. I understand clarity of desire better, when I had to make decision of my life partner, because I needed to observe contrast.

iv. Use of Affirmation

An affirmation is known as a statement spoken in the present tense and used to declare a desired need. For instance, I was constantly declaring that I have a smooth and good looking face, even when I had my facial look roughed with pimples. But in the process of time I found myself with smooth and good looking face. There is a relevant point in page 58 that says “I have a happy, slender body is an example of a positive affirmation.”

v. Idea of Worksheet

This helps to gain clarity through contrast and it happens in such a way that one will have to put it on paper. Worksheet is a practical way of knowing what you want and go for it, and it also helps to discard what is disliked. I have sincerely found the idea of worksheet to be very helpful since I gained this knowledge.

vi. Attitude of Appreciation and Gratitude

This idea really helps in sending a strong and positive vibration. I noticed that when I’m appreciating someone, I’m offering a feeling and vibration of pure joy. Page 66 of the book confirms how attitude of Appreciation and Gratitude is important, “keeping an appreciation and gratitude journal is an effective daily tool for maintaining a positive vibration.”

vii. Creating an allowing Statement

This simply means, creating positive declaration on ones heart desire in order to lessen or remove any doubt that may prevent one from receiving what he wants. I was doubting my way forward on a particular project about two months ago, but as a result of using allowing statement, doubt was removed and faith replaced. And that experience helped me to attract what I wanted.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, How?

These ideas are more helpful to me in a practical way in my daily personal life. Because I have ever since I started reading the book experiencing an upward life whereby I always remain positive despite any circumstances and this has been helping me to attract the things I wanted in my life so strongly. And as a result of having my life becoming better on daily bases, I will definitely affect my sphere of contact for the good and best stuff. Yet, as result of this experience, a better world will be created in my sphere of contact.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

The statements which the author made that particularly got my attention are:

“Law of Attraction.”

The very topic of the book is the statement that first got my attention, all because of the meaning the topic encompasses. The Law of Attraction is simply defined as the science of attracting more of what you want and less of what you don’t want. In other words, Law of Attraction could mean a system of operating on natural forces of life to make life better or to mar it. As a result of getting more of what our attention, energy and focus are given to either good or bad.

“Abundance is a feeling.”

This statement really caught my attention strongly because it occurs to my memory as the truth. Abundance is a way of having enough of what we need and ever wanted, while the feeling of having what is needed makes it real to the human senses even though is not visible. For instance, a good feeling make us feel good with oneself and with other people around us. While a bad feeling also project the worst in us. Because, most time, our feelings portrays the true state of our being. It was recorded in page 113 that:

“All feelings can be duplicated!”

“Abundance is a feeling and that feeling has a corresponding vibration that you can duplicated.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you don’t understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

No! But I’ll rather create enough time to read and re-read the book, in order for me to get the best of the lessons and ideas in the book.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercises in the book and did you find the helpful?

Yes! The book contained exercises for the readers to complete, and I found them very helpful. But I am yet to complete part of the exercises that will help my personal growth, both financially and mentally, and it is because it will take a longer period of time to complete such an exercises e.g. Contrast Worksheet Exercise, the Desire Statement Worksheet, Allowing Statement Exercise, Book of Proof and many more.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

All I have read in the book is still under the control of my intellect, and it is clear enough. The most attractive side of the book is practicability. It is more practical in its analysis, and can be easily applied to ones experience and daily lifestyle.

Please rate the following question on a scale from 1 to 10, Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to read? 9
D. Would you recommend it to other? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Nonviolent Communication
Assessment by Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author passes across through the means of the book has to do with inculcating positive attitude to replace the negative ones, which already dominated human communication manner. The book (Nonviolent communication), shows an important need for every human to be dominated by love, understanding, appreciation, compassion, respect, and concern towards our fellow neighbors. While the book stretches further to dispute an idea of being self-centered, hateful, selfish and aggressive towards other people for any reason. More importantly, the process to which a world of compassion and love for each other can be achievable; is to develop A Language of Life known as, Nonviolent Communication. In the forward is a statement which says, “It is a significant first step towards changing our communication and creating a compassionate world.” The above quote referred to nonviolent communication. A relevant statement on the main idea which says, “NVC helps us to create a more peaceful state of mind by encouraging us to focus on what we are truly wanting rather than on what is wrong with others or ourselves.”

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which are personally most important to me are:

i. Idea of giving genuinely from the heart.

This refers to, “When we give from the heart, we do so out of the joy that springs forth whenever we willingly enrich another person’s life. This kind of giving benefits both the giver and the receiver.” This full sentence actually explains the idea in a better way. At one time or the other I usually have reasons to give or be given to, but I recently noticed a difference in my giving ; which is giving genuinely or compassionately since I inculcated this idea into my habit. I recently gave a T-shirt to one of my younger brother’s pal with this statement, “I really liked you, and I would like to see you looking good as you usually do.” While he replied me with, “I really appreciate the love with which you have given me this gift.” To me, that’s a wonderful response! But before this time, I was used to getting just Thank You response.

ii. Idea of self-awareness of nonviolent communication.

In regard to nonviolent communication, this idea shows the inward ability deposited inside every human to know how capable they are of communicating in a nonviolent manner. I was used to communicating violently with one of my younger brother who has a nagging attitude with the way I communicated with him. But having learnt lessons on NVC, I talked to him in a subtle voice, “Would you please help keep my room tidy for me?” while he joyfully accomplished the task without being strong-headed as he was used to doing. The point is, the request was made without violating his will.

iii. The Idea of being grateful in communication.

This shows an important need to express appreciation when listener tries to meet one’s request. This also reflects a way of saying, Thank You for every kind-gesture. Been grateful in communication is a vital bone of connection in the ages past, and it will still be for the generation yet unborn. The idea came up where attitude of appreciation was shown between teacher and his student, which says, “I’m grateful to you for telling me what you heard.” Having gotten a disposition of gratefulness from my younger brother’s pal whom I shown kindness to, I found-out I was propel to do more for him.

iv. Idea of empathy listening in communication.

This explains the need to give to others the time and space they needed to express themselves fully and to feel understood. Empathy listening really means the patience and recognized attention which is required of us to focus on the other person’s message. I have ever since I learnt this idea became an understanding listener to my fiancée and my friends; while I tried my best to understand them first, before seeking that they should understand me. This is a relevant point on empathy listening which says, “In NVC, no matter what words people used to express themselves, we listen for their observations, feelings, needs, and request.”

v. An idea of paraphrasing statement in communication.

This is an idea that suggests statement or words which take the form of question that reveals our understanding while accepting any necessary corrections from the speaker. And as a result, we reflect back what we understand to the speaker. The idea of paraphrasing has given me an edge over my relationship with others, and most importantly my fiancée. She recently said on phone, “Dear, I need you around me.” And I replied, “if I got you right, are you saying you would like me to come around and spend some time with you?” While she said, “no, I actually wants us to both be at the zoological garden for weekend.” This and many more have been my outstanding experiences in understanding people in a better way, as a result of paraphrasing statements. A portion says, “if we do decide to ask for information in this way, however, I’ve found that people feel safer if we first reveal the feelings and needs within ourselves that are generating the question.”

vi. Idea of self-forgiveness in communication.

This is an area where we need to communicate with our own inward being, in order to forgive ourselves of past wrong deeds which makes us to wallow in bitterness and regret. This can be noted as nonviolent communication with self! And by involving in NVC with self, it will be easier to practice NVC with others also. In the year 2010, my father offered me an opportunity to work as a custom officer through his friend who promised to help, and was a high-ranking officer; but I rejected the offer and I told him I would like to be self employed. After a period of one year and half when things became very hard for me in my business, then I realized that I’ve missed an opportunity of my lifetime. This experience caused self-regret, and a long-time bitterness in my memory, which weighed me down and I could not move forward in life as I ought to. And until I forgave myself of my wrong deeds and mistakes, that was when I started becoming hopeful of my better tomorrow and I started longing for a better opportunity in every areas of my life. There is a relevant statement to this idea, “people behave in ways injurious to themselves and others due to ignorance. The correction process is therefore one of education, not punishment.”

vii. The idea of respect and regard for human right in communication

Freedom of speech is known as an important human right in every race, and in other words; communication. This idea focuses my attention on allowing people to express their opinion and speeches whenever I am involved in a dialogue with them. I recently involved in a family discussion with my siblings, and I deeply requested participation and suggestions of everyone. During the cause of the meeting I perceived joy on the look of others, and also the sense of been heard with regard. A part of the summary says, “NVC gives us the tools and understanding to create a more peaceful state of mind.”

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The lessons and ideas that I’ve learnt are what I see as factors that will bring tremendous improvement in my communication manner, and in relating with people in understanding and effectively. These ideas are what I see as tools that will help me to deal with people peacefully in my daily personal life. And as a result of peaceful dealing with people, a better world of influence and understanding others will emerge within my sphere of contact

4. Quote: Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why were important to you.

The statement which the author made that particularly got my attentions are:

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it is in everyone.

This statement shows us the beauty of human make-up by the almighty God. It reflects the treasures of divinity with which the world can be influenced through our communication and lifestyle. Another statement explains this quote in a better way where an appreciation was expressed to the book’s author by his Palestinian friend, “locking his thumb unto mine, he looked me in the eye and said, I kiss the God in you that allow you to give us what you did.”

“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same.”

This statement teaches the reader of this book to simply lead by examples. And as a result of being nonviolent in communication, other people that have contact with them will also be influenced in the same manner of NVC in communication. An additional quote that clarifies this statement says, “As we are librated from our fear, our presence automatically liberate others.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about. Or are there Ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There are virtually no ideas or lessons in the book that I do not understand or are unclear about, neither were there any points I disagree with.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book contained exercises for the readers to complete, and I did practice them. But the exercises could not be completed; because they are lifetime in nature of their expression. For instance, the exercise of Expressing Appreciation in Nonviolent Communication could not be completed once and for all. Because communication is continuous as long as human lifetime aspires, so also is the exercise continuous in nature.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question?

There is absolutely nothing I would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question.

Please rate the following question on the scale of 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Assessment by Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main ideas that the author conveys in the book has to do with living an effective lifestyle with the use of natural laws (principles), that are external to us and that ultimately controls the consequences of our actions. While the means of valuing these natural laws become an inward guide of our behavioral attitude which helps us to influence our sphere of contact positively. The book’s author stretches the points on a new level of thinking that describes the territory of effective human beings, which makes us to be considerate in our interactions and dispositions towards our fellow human beings. This new level of thinking was described as, “This new level of thinking is what Seven Habits Of Highly Effective people is all about. It’s a principled-centered, character-based, inside-out approach to personal and interpersonal effectiveness.” In the above reference quote, principled-centered means a way of using life ‘tested and ok’ truths to monitor our daily living in order to attain excellence in right living of life. Character-based simply refers to human habits which are powerful factors of life, because they are consistent, often unconscious pattern which constantly and daily expresses our effectiveness or ineffectiveness. As Emerson once put it, “What you are shouts loudly in my ears I cannot hear what you say.” While Inside-out means to start with self; even more fundamentally to start with the most inside part of self, which is regarded as paradigm, character, or motives. The Inside-out approach is said to mean private victories which precedes public victories. A quote referred to Inside-out as, “making and keeping promises to ourselves precede making and keeping promises with others. It says it is futile to put personality ahead of character, to try to improve relationship with others before improving ourselves.”

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which are personally most important to me are:

i. Idea of seeing as being.

This refers to human sight which primarily depends on who he is, and his standpoint to viewing. A situation or circumstances was seen differently by people, not because the circumstances are different but because individual possesses different pattern of thought and varied perceptions. In regard to my tender age, I usually thought my father hated me as his son, whenever he rebuked me for doing wrongs. But when I grew older, I realized that my father loved me and that’s why he rebuked me for doing wrong. And the new perception I had when I grew older made me saw my father’s rebuke as corrections and not as hatred. Here’s a consistent point of seeing as being, which says, “We see the world, not as it is, but as we are-or, as we are conditioned to see it.”

ii. Idea of self-awareness of creativity.

This shows that there is a part of human beings which functions in a divinely related way, and the discovery of that divine part is known as self-awareness. This is a state whereby the knowledge of our make-up ability is gradually revealed to us as we allow openness and the use of our mind. As a result of continual self-awareness, creativity is made possible with the use of our imagination. This is known as the ability to create solutions to problem in our minds, which could be beyond our present realities. This idea of self-awareness of creativity is important to me because I discovered a part of the divinity in me to create solutions to problem as a result of tapping into the realm of my imagination. Having had experience of joblessness for a long period of time, I someday started thinking I could start something on my own to sustain through life. And with series of inward search, I realized an inward urge for images, which actually launched me into my profession of photography. Of which, people often comment on my different style of practicing my profession, which reason actually made them got acquainted with me in patronage. The author related the story of Frankl, on how he used his creative imagination to gain a realistic freedom. A portion of it says, “Through a series of such discipline-mental, emotional, and moral, principally using memory and imagination-he exercised his small embryonic freedom.”

iii. Idea of living in a designed state of mind.

This is simply a way of making our behavior a function of our decisions, and not of our condition. For instance, it is very paramount to become nagging in the midst of a very nagging situation. But the ability to deliberately choose our responses is known as living in a desired state of mind. In my lifetime experiences, I often fall a victim of people’s reactions towards me. That is, when people treated me well, I felt well and when they treated me bad I felt bad. And until I was able to develop a positive state of mind which is not subjective to anyhow reactions that is when I started living in a peaceful atmosphere with the people around me. This idea is basically confirmed by the word of Roosevelt which says, “No one can hurt you without your consent.” In the word of Gandhi is also a saying that, “They cannot take away our self respect if we do not give to them.” This is an important idea because it is our willing permission or our consent to what happen to us that will determine whether it will be a painful experience or not.

iv. Idea of proactive language.

“Our language for example, is a very real indicator of the degree to which we see ourselves as proactive people.” Proactivity simply means; as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives. The idea then explains been responsible for our own professes (language), either positively or negatively, Knowing full well that our language has a way of influencing what happens to our lifestyle on a continual basis. That is why a proactive language such as; I can do it, I’ll try, I will do something different, and so on, is highly preferable. I once had an opportunity presented to me; to give welcoming speeches where high-caliber of people were to meet. And the fact that I accepted the offer by saying, “it’s ok, I can do it” really generated confidence in me. And this confidence reminded me of relevant notes I could put together, which really made my welcoming speeches to worth applause and affirmation of the attendants.

v. Idea of creation through visualization.

This is regarded as the system of having the inner way-out on a matter, which makes the outer way-out to automatically follow. This idea regards a fact that human thoughts are extremely powerful things, things that reflect in advance what is desired or aimed at. And as a result of this human endowed creative ability, whatsoever thought we engaged in for a long period of time either positive or negative tends to expand into our physical world. In relation to my personal experience; I really involved myself in the mental picture of the kind of lady I wanted as my partner. And after some period of time, that mental picture of a God-fearing, pretty looking, and a slim lady came into physical reality. This powerful statement that confirms this idea, “We discovered that the process of the visualization is very important. If you visualized the wrong things, you’ll produce the wrong things.”

vi. Idea of mission statement.

“Mission statements are vital to successful organizations.” Mission statement can be regarded as a constitution, a standard, a criterion for evaluation of making decision, which clarifies a person’s goal. This idea do help in keeping focus to ones purpose for living life, and that is why it became very important to me. I usually had ill-health many years ago, and I constantly needed to visit Doctor for treatment, Pharmacist for drug prescription. I later was advised to give attention to doing exercises, and to watch my intake of junks, which was very hard for me to keep at. After some period of time, an idea of using mission was introduced to me through a seminar which I attended, in which I needed to read it to myself in the morning and night time. And that is how I was on-top of my health situation.

vii. Synergy, an idea of living effective life.

This idea emphasizes on the fact that, “everything is related to everything else.” In relation to a person’s effective living, human needs the support or help, or even it may be cooperation of one another. It explains better on how important synergy is, to human effective living. In which synergy is referred to as, “It means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It means that the relationship which the parts have to each other is a part on its own.” I personally experienced the power of synergy in my relationship with my spouse, that whenever I could not find a solution to a given problem and I call her attention to it, we usually have a way-out. The power of synergy to living an effective life is confirmed to be true by the Holy Bible, which says, “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.” Ecclesiastes 4:9. In reference to a point is, “The essence of synergy is to value differences- to respect them, to build on strengths, to compensate for weaknesses.”

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and the lessons that I have learnt through the helping principles of the book are what I see as factors that will propel me to living an effective daily lifestyle, and also to create a better world for everyone within my sphere of contact (world), through these following:

Effective Relationship: This is a way of having peaceful dealing with people without violating their right, and at the same time coping with them to doing the right thing together.
Effective Communication: This is a system whereby I engage in an opening-up of mind, and heart in order to have expressions or communications with people which will give room to new options and better understanding of each other.
Effective Sharing of Knowledge: The word “knowledge” is also known as “power.” And as a result of the knowledge(s) that I have gained through reading of this book, I can influence other people by sharing my knowledge in the light of their relevant situation. This is what I see as an edge over others, not to oppress them but to influence them positively.

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

The statement which the author made that particularly got my attentions are:

“To always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customer.”

This quote is important to me because of the message it carries. The message it carries tells the employers that their employees are meant to be cared for, because they are the ones that relate more with customers in their services. This particularly got my attention because I am working towards being an employer.

“Through imaginations we can visualize the uncreated worlds of potentials that lies within us.”

This statement shows that human creation is blessed by divinity with treasures and ideas inside every human being to bring things into being.

“Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone’s task is as unique as his specific opportunity to implement it. ”

This quote shows that each human being have been given ability of a purposeful life, in which our uniqueness is different from each other in order to live an effective life on a daily basis.

“In relationship the little things are the big things.”

This is a significant statement to my concern. The statement shows that people are very tender in their inner nature, and also very sensitive within the emotion of their heart. In relationship, little things actually make-up the big things; a little matter left unattended to could sabotage a good relationship. The little kindness and even courtesies are so important, while a little unkindness or a little form of disrespect could cause withdrawal in a given relationship.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No! There is nothing I do not understand or are unclear about, or ideas I disagree with in the book. But In fact, the book is well simplified for an average reader with no too vast understanding in order to comprehend easily.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them very helpful?

Yes, the book contained exercises for the readers to complete, and I did complete the ones that are vital and important to me, and I found them to be very helpful in my daily life. The exercises include; developing one’s ability in order to have more sense of self awareness, and many more.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

Not really! But I profoundly recognized and appreciate the use of illustrations, symbols, and pictures to depict meaning and to pass across the message that the author intended. The circle of influence, and the circle of the seven habits, was very important at each chapter of the book for easy understanding; which also helped to reinforce the desired lessons and principles by the author.

Please rate the following question on the scale of 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10




Assessment by Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author of the book (Goals), is trying to pass across is for individual to have a desired end or future, and to consciously take realistic steps in achieving their desired result. The clearer one can be about his or her goal, the more rapidly he will attract people and circumstances to help make that goal or future a reality. And the greater clarity a man has about who he is and what he wants, the more he will achieve it faster in every areas of life.

Determining our true goals as human beings on planet earth is the main purpose for living a fulfilled life, and it is a doorway to realize what to live for. Once a man becomes absolutely clear about what he wants and then discipline himself to do more of those things that moves him towards his goal; success at this point is said to be ultimately guaranteed. More importantly, our heart desire becomes realistic when we set goals, and we then take consistent steps towards achieving them on a daily basis. Whenever we set a clear goal for ourselves, of something we really wants and we begins working towards it day by day; we automatically intensify our desire and deepen our beliefs. At this time, every step forward on our goal will deepen our conviction that it is possible to achieve the desired result. Moreover, the element that makes a goal to be goal and with which we can turn it to a productive action is called Planning. A plan or planning is known as a list of activities organized by time, sequence, and importance. In achieving our goal whether long-term or short-term goal, we need to consider the following questions for setting an achievable goal, which are: (a) what do we have to do first and what do we have to do second? (b) What is that one thing that is important in achieving our goal, and what is less important? (c) What is that one thing that has to be done? (d) Of all the things that I have to do, what are the activities that are more important in achieving our goal than anything else? Having answered the above questions before setting our goals, we would have discovered a constant plan of action that will make our set-goal achievable and realistic.

2. What were the seven ideas which are personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why they were important to you. Use personal examples from you own life.

a. An idea on clarity of value

Value is known as what makes a human being who he or she is. An important characteristic of a leader is to be in possession of clarified value. The most successful people in every areas of life do know who they are, what they believe in, and what they stand for; which is known as value. Meanwhile, value has to do with goal setting and working on goal has to do with value. The greater clarity one have on the inside as touching his value, the more precise and effective will he set goals and achieve them, because understanding our standpoint do help us to take conscious steps towards our desired end result. That is, one has to know what he or she wants. I needed to work on my belief to trust that setting a goal is the doorway to achieving my desires. Because my belief really determines my value, in which I was not used to setting written and well clarified goal. But the moment my value for clarified and documentation of goal was attained, I have ever since noticed a realistic change in achieving my aim within a specified period of time and space.

b. Idea of beliefs

It was noted in the book that the most important of all mental laws is the law of beliefs. This says, “Whatever a man believes with conviction becomes his reality.” This idea is highly important to me because it shows humans the prerequisite to change one’s life for the better, by first to change his or her thinking. In achieving a desired goal the idea of belief says, there is a need to believe in possibility. This has to do with the will to try, and the faith to believe that anything a man desires can be achieved within a very short period of time. Personally, my discovery that inner attitude of my mind (beliefs), changes the outer aspect of my marital life has really influenced success and happiness in my relationship with my partner, and every areas of my life.

c. The mental creation of one’s reality

This idea shows the need in life for a person to create the mental equivalent within him or herself of what he wants to realize and enjoy in the outer world. This is a way of concentrating ones attention with consistency on the great success desired to be achieved in the human mind, which will lead to the manifestation of it in the physical world. Earlier last year I had a mental picture of a thriving relationship with a lady of my choice as partner, and I stayed mentally focused on it; I was surprised to came across the kind of lady I already pictured in my mind, and before the same year 2013 ran out we’ve been on a good roll together. T his idea finally makes me to realize that in life, we choose our joy and sorrows long before we experienced them in the real world.

d. An idea of action orientation

This is an idea that shows a doorway to accomplishing ones goal, which has to do with taking relevant actions towards our heart desires. Having good intention is good, but taking consistent action that support our wish is what guarantees a positive outcome of result and of desired success. I intended to work in a Federal Government establishment, and I really desired it with passion. But in order to make my intention a success, I needed to take correspondent action of writing and I forwarded my application letter to the concerned destination. And as a result of action taken, I was shortlisted for interview and I’ll soon be working with the 1st Federal University College Hospital of my country.

e. idea of having desire

In order to make a goal realistic and achievable, there is a need to have a specified desire, by knowing what we really want. In which the intensity of personal desire is what will determine the amount of energy that will be channel towards achieving our goal, and such that intensified desire makes a goal achievable. I was in possession of a burning desire to work with the federal government; having been self-employed for the period of about seven years. This desire helped me to persist in getting updated on the employment information until after a year when I was confirmed for interview.

f. Idea of deadline in setting a goal

A deadline is a way of setting a specified period of time for achieving our aim or target. This is one sure way to measure how progressive we are in making our goal a realistic one. With deadline been in place over a goal, it will help the goal-setter to become goal-getter. In as much as there is a deadline or timeline over a certain goal, analysis and planning on deadline usage makes a goal possible. Of which, having imbibed the usage of deadline, I was amazed to find out where I failed in taking consistent step to achieve my aim. And as a result of finding out, I was able to correct what I did wrongly and success was achieved over getting the right partner in my marital life.

g. Setting of goal for ideal life and relationship

The quality of one’s life and relationship will surely determine most of his happiness or unhappiness, that is why it became mandatory for individuals to have a desire on the kind of life they wants to live, and how they want it to be lived. I was not thinking of how it’ll be like when I get to age 50’s and 60’s until when this idea shined light on my future. I have now started projecting through my mind what will be my amount of happiness in lives’ fulfillment. And this has really helped me to start having deep thought on attaining a bigger picture of success in life and ministry, even in my marital life; in which I can aim at totally getting-off working to get money at 50 years of age, and allowing my money to work for me, so I can sit and eat the fruit of my labour.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas and lessons that I’ve gotten from the book (Goals) are what I see as an eye opener to become the best that I need to become in life, and to help me become an achiever of success in every areas of life. As a result of setting goals on my desired end, and taking consistent steps in achieving them, I will therefore become a success in life and ministry. And my ministry of helping people and being a financial of the gospel is the tools with which I will create a better world for the people within my reach.

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as why they were important to you.

The statements and quote which the author of the book (Goals) made that particularly got my attention are:

“Whatever you think about continuously emerges in your reality.”

This statement is known as the great summary of all religion, philosophies, metaphysics, and psychology. As human beings that have intelligence we become what we think about most of the time, because human outer world ultimately becomes a reflection of his inner world. Any experience that a man has as his lifetime record is possibly a result of thoughts he or she engages in; either positive in order of being successful, or a negative thoughts in order being a failure in life. This statement is important to me because it light-out an awareness of being careful and positive with the thoughts I hold dearly on my mind, knowing that my thought-life has a divine connection with my real life and with my lifetime experience. The statement also shows that as human, we automatically choose our joy and sorrows long before we experience them in the real world. I would simply put the above quote in these carefully chosen words; “As Within, So Without.”

“Be sure that, as you scramble up the ladder of success, it is leaning against the right building.”

This is a statement that shows a need for ones outer accomplishment to be in harmony with his or her inner value. Knowing our value in our entire endeavor seems to make us have a sense of fulfillment. I’ve noticed when a man has a good base or motive for his action; he’ll eventually possess innermost conviction of happiness and joy. Either over his marital life or his business as a connection with his value and believes.

“Your level of self-esteem determines your level of happiness.”

This is a statement that was figured out in psychology. And it shows that, the more ones’ behavior is consistent with what the person believes or feel, the more the person likes and respect himself and the happier he becomes. Self-esteem means how much a person appreciate his or her personality. If a person hates himself, it will automatically be registered in his conscious mind that other people doesn’t appreciate his presence, and as a result; feelings of inferiority will set in. self-esteem is not the same with being self-centered in ones personality. Self-esteem has to do with our behavior in consistency with our value, goals, hopes, and dreams in life. Which in-turn makes us to experience a positive self image, and we thereby see ourselves performing up to the best of our aspiration and our level of happiness will do increase.

5. Is there anything you read in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

The is a complete book on goal setting, with the accurate knowledge required for success in every areas of life. And as a matter of fact, there is nothing I do not understand neither is there any idea which I disagree with. But I will rather work more on practicing the step by step principles in the book, so that I can achieve my goal and purpose in life and ministry.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, the book contained exercises based on the subject GOAL! And I did involve myself in the exercises, with the hope of continuity in practicing of the exercises on goal. Because it’s a lifetime exercises that requires consistency in order to keep on having records of successes all through my lifetime.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

I virtually did not notice anything in the book that was not covered in the previous questions. But I would like to say the book (Goals) is worth reading, and the lessons in it are worth learning.

Please rate the following on the scale of 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Leadership for Dummies

Assessment by Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book (Leadership for Dummies), is an extensive series of instructions and reference systematic principles, which is intended at presenting non-intimidating ideas on how to be a good leader with positive impact on the given followers, either directly or indirectly. It was stated that leadership is a people-centered and oriented skill that’s critical in almost every situation in which two or more people come together in pursuit of a common goal. In one way or the other each and everyone tends to lead, and act as a leader whether consciously or unconsciously. But leading and being led aright or positively in order to effect changes, is the main subject that the book communicates. An act of leadership can be regarded as a tool that can help us (human beings) to get the best out of life by having gains of the following: (a) Greater respect from people (b)Greater and respected success in our endeavor (c) Greater recognition from our family and friends (d) Greater and more effective direction in our life and the ability to make a greater contribution to the world around us. Being a leader is simply the prerequisite for leaving our footprint of impact on the surface of the earth. In which successful leadership was believed to require these three (3) important elements, which are: (a) a habit of listening well to people. (b) Ability to elicit the cooperation of other people with their consent’s been fully regarded. (c)An idea of putting the needs of others above our own needs. Leadership position is not an avenue to take advantage and deprive people of their right and benefits, neither is it an opportunity to enslave other people in selfish regard to our self-esteem or personal ego. But leadership position simply means that; a leader has an idea, a vision, a role to play, and a value that will benefit other people in order to bring them to a common goal.

2. What were the seven ideas which are personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

a. Idea of growth as a prerequisite for leadership

A leadership role is an opportunity to direct and manage the manners of other people towards the right direction of life. And before a man would direct his fellows’ personality, there must have been a measure of possession of knowledge and ideas which gave him an edge over others; which is known as Growth! Everyone or persons definitely has the potential to be a leader, but one must have a choice to accept a position of leadership when it shows up. Meanwhile, this very choice of leadership is a decision for taking responsibility. Various kind of leadership was analyzed, in which we have “situational leaders, or leaders by circumstances.” The kind of people that shows up in this kind of leadership role are the people who by the virtue of personal growth in knowledge and intellect proved themselves to be worthy as a leader. I am involved with a social group of people who gathered to work towards a worthy course of building a better future for our country and the coming generation after us. And within a short period of time, I was chosen to be among the board member of the organization; having proved myself through immense contribution in the benefit of the organization, whereas my contribution is traceable to my personal growth of knowledge in that area of interest.

b. Empathy, an important ability to lead.

This shows that in order to lead people aright, there is a need to understand their standpoint and viewpoints first. Empathy is the ability to understand other people’s emotional makeup, and the skills needed to treat people in accordance to their emotional reactions. Empathy is not a way to see people as feeble or emotionally weak. Rather, it’s a way of understanding people and responding to them rightly based on what is understood of them. This idea thought me a lesson on treating my partner in relationship with kindness, and not as a weak personality. Initially, I believed as built in knowledge of the culture I was brought-up with, that women are of low intellect and ability. But it was surprising to find out they are of high intellect in wisdom and understanding, even in various human ability. And as a result of treating my partner with kindness regarding her as an able personality. I have ever since been enjoying a suitable relationship of love and understanding. Not only am I in good relationship with my partner, but with other people as well.

c. Philanthropic decision in leadership

This is an act of being a leader on the purpose of having love for mankind. Someone can decide to help one person at a time, an entire community, or a group of people. Meanwhile, the decision to form a group whose purpose is philanthropic in nature is simply a worthy course, and it is an act of good leadership for positive impact. Some people could be available at raising funds for worthy causes, but they may not have the time; which is also an avenue for participating in philanthropic leadership in order to effect changes. This idea is important to me because I am involved with a non-governmental body whose aim is to build leadership trait into the life of our younger ones; starting from primary to secondary. In which we are constantly making progress on a curriculum that teaches leadership, as to be accepted and formally introduced into our primary and secondary school curriculum by the Federal Government of Nigeria.

d. Idea of potential leadership

This is an idea that shows that everyone has the tendency or the potential for leadership. Nearly everyone exhibits some leadership skills in their everyday lives, which refer to the fact that almost everyone has the potential to become an agent of change (leader). But in order to become a leader in real sense or to bring out the leadership ability in our spirit being; we need to work hard on ourselves and to also develop the basic human skills that are needed for leadership role. Such as tolerance and sacrificial attitude of listening to other peoples’ point of view, showing care and concern towards the needs and challenges of involved people in our leadership capacity. I recently involved myself in a course of study, which included about forty other people in attendance for a period of seven weeks. And for anytime there was an assignment, I volunteered to help other students collate their papers, and I also ensured taking of attendance by everyone before the class attendant book is submitted. These and many more was I doing just to ensure that everything gets on well; not knowing that I was practicing potential leadership. And after four weeks of the class, there was a need to elect class president because of pressing need for it. In which I was surprised to be voted for as the class president.

e. Effective communication in leadership

The effective means of communication is the medium with which a leader keeps the vision in the mind of his or her given followers. This has to do with important and explanatory conversation, whether in a spoken or unspoken manner, making the given followers understand why they need to turn the groups’ vision into a reality. And as a result of effective communication, the given followers will automatically be motivated to take correspondent actions, having articulated the very reasons the people have gathered together to form an enterprise or a body of people. I am presently a president of a group of about forty people undergoing Christian faith class of study. And whenever there is a project to be carried out, I found out that communication was effectively needed over a period of time, in order to foster the cooperation of everyone. And this made me to see how vital and important communication is to leadership’s act.

f. Maintenance of leadership authority with consistency

This is an idea that shows critical responsibility to the act of leadership. It is a situation of not relenting in ones pursuit, having attained the position of authority in the first place. The idea of maintenance of authority with consistency also means the following: (a) A leader must cultivate the habit of listening to his or her given followers. (b) A leader should often give reference to the needs of his or her given followers on a continuous basis. (c) A leader should always foster the cooperation of others. Consistency in maintenance of authority shows that the leader does not neglect the very rules of leadership that gets him to the position of authority, in order to keep him or her to maintain that same position of authority; continuity is required. In my present state of leadership to manage a group of forty students in a class, having been voted for as the class president; I needed to keep volunteering myself for the benefit of the class. By ensuring constant individuals’ attendance and collation of the assessment after the class, knowing full well that, that was the help I rendered to the class before I was being voted for in the first place. Therefore, continuity in my responsibility is what makes my leadership position a valid authority.

g. Secrecy in Leadership

This is an idea that shows a leader the need to keep conversation as privileged information, unless he or she is told otherwise. A person in the position of leadership has access to various information about people, and in order to develop trust in the given followers; there is a need to keeping secret as secret. Dependability on a leader by his or her given followers has to do with how the leader has built trust in his followers, by having what is called Secured Information. Many times when one of the group members whom I lead came to report the reaction of non-cooperating colleagues to me; meanwhile I am the class president, I would always tackle the situation without revealing who said what of the very circumstances. And this was done in order to make peace and harmony among the group.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The lessons and ideas that I’ve gotten from the book are seen as tools that will make me an historical figure and an agent of change. First, in my locality and in my national domain, and I will later have influence on the world at large. In which I will carry out my purpose by being a spiritual figure of authority in the land. And being diversified into business and politics and being philanthropic in nature, and giving of hope to the hopeless and the destitute. While I will be involved in training people through a leadership school of study, and building of homes for the orphans with their schooling bills being taken care of. This is not just a wish, but it is part of my entire goal for life and ministry; which reason got me to enroll as a student of International Institute For Global Leadership (IIGL), Asheville USA. And it is also the same reason that is fueling me, and to also devote my time and recourses in order to study well, and to accept with gratitude the opportunity presented by IIGL founders.

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

There is a singular statement which the author made that particularly got my attention:

“The leader gets most of the accolades and reward when things go well. No matter how hard your followers worked, no matter how modest you are, no matter how much you attempt to deflect credit to your entire team, yours is the name that people will remember. That’s the great benefit of being a leader.”

This is the most magical statement that is lagging behind as a dangerous but hard truth in any other leadership books that I’ve ever came across in my entire life. This statement simply means that everything rises and falls on the head (the leader). There were hundreds of touchy quotes and inspiring statements in the book, but only the above is the most important to my human senses, and it has caused me to meditate oftentimes and to have sleepless night for the period of three months. In any given organization or establishment, the success of everyone and the failures of everyone is traceable to the leader of such an organization or an establishment. This is a bitter truth! But it holds the real truth message in its content. When a group is successful in their endeavor, though the leader recognizes some key-people for their immense contribution, the major and main recognition still goes to the leader of that group for bringing them to a successful state. And on the other hand, if a group or an organization fails; no matter who was responsible for the failure of that group, the leader of the group is the one to be regarded as a failure in his or her leadership capacity. A position of leadership is therefore regarded as a dangerous position of responsibility. Either as the head of a family, or as a political leader, as a spiritual leader, or as an organizational or establishment leader! I wonder! As I am a leader in charge of Budget and planning of an establishment since 2010; a group of people working towards inculcating Leadership Study into the school curriculum of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. And as I have being an entrepreneur for about seven years, having trained four apprentices through my professionalism, also, as I am presently the president of a group of about forty (40) students undergoing a course on Christian religion study. Likewise as I have a spouse with whom I’m involved in a relationship, and I do have younger ones as siblings… I found out that, for all these; I am the one that was challenged for whatever went wrong, and I was also the one that received honor for whatever went right in the group’s entire endeavor. I was either praised or challenged by a more superior than I; or by a customer who got his or her job well done or spoiled. For a succeeding relationship am I regarded as a man and if things goes otherwise; I get blamed. And lastly, for my younger siblings am I regarded as a good example or a bad one at one time or the other. I therefore see leadership position, as a position of dangerous responsibility that is worth taking-up.

5. Is there anything you read in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

There is virtually no ideas or lessons in the book that I do not understand, or that I am unclear about, neither is there any principles which I disagree with in the book. Also, I must comment that the book is to the best of my assimilation and understanding.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes! The book contained exercises for the readers to complete, but the exercises have to do with continual usage of helpful principles and guidelines on leadership for one’s lifetime. That is, I am doing the exercises but yet to complete it.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

Yes, there is a point which I would like to comment on, which has to do with appreciation to the good job-done by the authors of the book (Leadership for Dummies). The book contained higher classified information that I think anyone would need in any given position of authority or leadership. Likewise, as much as the book is cumbersome, the choices and the usage of words throughout the book are still well simplified for an average reader to easily comprehend.

Please rate the following on the scale of 1 t0 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Unlimited Power

Assessment by Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book (Unlimited Power) is the practical and effective use of proved information in order to produce a desired result. As human, we tend to Feel either good or bad about ourselves and our world. Meanwhile, the ability to create and maintain our desired state of life is within the possession of human endowed ability by the creation. The book stretches on the point that, most of what happen to people and what happen around them actually bores down to their mental state, and they are right within their human endowed ability to control. There is an inherent ability within every human being placed by the deity, which helps us to be in control of our mental activities and our behaviors on a continual basis with other being of our kind. The essence of the book provides the readers with information on idea of mastery of communication, that has to do with self-communication, and communication with others. The way we communicate with others and the way we communicate with ourselves ultimately determine the quality of our lives, right here on earth. The person who succeeds in life are known to be those who have learnt how to take any challenges that life gives them, and communicate that experience to themselves in a way that causes them to successfully change their circumstances to their desired end. The people regarded as failures in life, are those who accepted adversity of life as their limitation. While the successful people in life do accept adversity of life and turn it to a tool that will bring out the best in them, and they also see challenges as their stepping stones to success. The book Unlimited Power strongly has to do with human ability to communicate a vision, a quest, a joy, and a mission, first to oneself and to other people as well in order to produce the intended and desired result in life and in individual’s ministry.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why they were important to you. Use personal exams from your own life.

a.Idea of belief of system

Human belief system simply means the information the mind-set believes to be true and tangible to his or her given senses. And as a result, whatever the mind thinks to be possible is possible unto him, and whatever the mind thinks to be impossible will be impossible unto him. When a man believes he can do something, he has automatically sent a message to his nervous system, which triggers in him the ability to produce that very result of his desires. And on the other hand, if a man believes he can’t do something he has successfully delivered a message of impossibility to his nervous system, which then send signal to the brain; while failure is inevitably the present hour reality of such a person’s circumstances. When I laid my hands on the book (Unlimited Power), I believed it was too big and that I can’t finish reading it; this thought got me pissed-off from reading the book for two months. Until one day when I thought of it as one of those books which I’ve read in time past, that’s when I started reading it both night and day, and I was able to finish reading it within three weeks while I understood all that I read. Being able to accomplish my aim is because I changed my belief system about reading the book into that of possibility.

b. Idea of taking responsibility

This idea shows that no matter what happens, whether it is good or bad we have created it, either consciously or unconsciously. Also, if we didn’t cause it by our own physical actions, maybe we did by the level and tenor of our human thoughts. Taking responsibility is an opinion, and one of the best measures of a person’s power and maturity. A man would be at the mercy of circumstances, if he doesn’t know he creates his world, whether it is failures or success. To be a subject and not an object on this planet, a man needs to contribute his own quota to whatever happens to him, whether small or great in order to get a desired result. Later in the year 2012, I believed God for employment in a respected government establishment. In which I went ahead and made application to my country (Nigeria’s first University College Hospital), to work as Medical Store Executive. And for about two years I kept ensuring my appearance to check the shortlisted candidate for interview, and to my surprise my name came up on January 2014. I found out that I am responsible for creating my present ladder of success over my desired employment. A statement says, “Those who take responsibility are in power. Those who avoid it are depowered.”

c. Idea of understanding love strategy

This is an idea that shows a way of knowing and connecting with people right in their areas of concern emotionally, in order to influence them positively. At one time or the other as human we feel loved or cared for by somebody; either by being presented a gift on our birthday or through spoken words of kindness that lifted our spirit at a time. Understanding people actually makes us to lead a good relationship with them, and it is absolutely necessary to speak the language that a person understands. That is, if word of appreciation gives my partner a mood of joy, I shouldn’t withhold it from her. Earlier this year when I was going through a terrible financial challenges, my partner sent me a text message on my cell phone, which served as an encouragement to my present situation and it was also energy booster to me in which I felt loved. A statement says, “absolutely necessary that your partner shows you he or she loves you in this way for you to feel loved.” In order to influence life and to impact our world; there is a need for an individual to often try a little kindness, to show a little help for others, and to shine the light for someone to see. And if each and every individual on earth could do these, the world will in-turn becomes a better place for all and sundry.

d. An idea of acting ones desires as reality

This is a point that shows that In order to become free; there is a need to first act free in the mind. Both poverty and success are result of our action and the state of our human mind. As human we are constantly having desires and aspirations in life, and in order to make those things real, we need to explore the unlimited human power of acting in accordance of that knowledge, while such an act will trigger in me the desire to give all that it takes to achieve the best in that areas of interest. A way to get oneself into a state that support his or her achieving any outcome is to act “as if” you are already there; which could also be regarded as having faith in oneself. I lately started desiring to be a family man, and I know that the doorway to it was to start acting as one. So, I do dress as I would like to dress being a family man, I started thinking as a family man would think which is to think beyond ‘self, and I also set-up my apartment as though I am already a family man. And I have ever since noticed a drastic change that things are already working together for my partner and I in order to have a family of our own.

e. Idea of laughter or merriment

Laughter is simply a way of making merriments, which is the act of being consciously happy. Laughter could be one way or a tool to gain recovery from ill-health and to attain sound health. There was a life event of a seriously ill lady, who engaged herself in television program, reading of books, and watching of films that made her to laugh often. And within a short period of time, this act was recorded to have changed her internal representation, in which her psychology was changed to a happy mood, and this was messaged to her nervous system; she slept better, and her physical condition was improved. Laughing and smiling was said to set-off biological process that, in fact makes human being to feel good in their body system; it increases the flow of blood to the human brain, and it changes the level of intake oxygen. I recently started practicing laughter and smiling in a conscious manner, and found out that my facial expression of smiling changes my feelings and mood to a joyful one on constant basis.

f. Idea of modeling

This is simply a system whereby excellence or whatever we appreciate in other people can be duplicated by us and in our life. The idea of modeling is one of the principles thought in the book (Unlimited Power), which I highly regarded. This idea of modeling also refers to human ability for possibility and outstanding success of any kind. That is, if someone can do something, another person can do the same thing; all that is needed is to model the desired outcome with precision and the same result will automatically be acquired, whether it is developing a perfect human relationship, or being successful in life and ministry. The steps to take in attaining a state of modeling are said to be the following: (a) duplicating the person’s mental actions, starting with his believe system (b) then go on to his mental syntax (c) and finally mirror his or her psychology. Virtually everyone who has been a great success has had a model or a mentor or teachers who guided him or her in the right direction. I appreciate and desired the kind of spiritual life of excellence in life and ministry that pastor Chris Oyakhilome lives; I listened often to his tapes, his CD’s recording, watched his videos, and I watch his television program. I was surprised to hear one of my friends said to me, “Samuel, you have started talking like Pastor Chris.” With this experience of mine, I know that the principle works for those who belief It. while I am on my way to modeling and to mirror the part of excellence in lifestyle and ministry of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

g. Idea of possibility syndrome

This isan idea that shows that both success and failure begins with the kind of believe that a person esteem high in his or her mind. Whether a person believes he can do something or he believes he can’t, he’s right. Everyone surely answer to his or her believes, and thereby has their life follow the direction of the esteemed belief system. If a man believes in impossibility over the financial areas of his life, even when he has the skills and recourses to be financially successful he still wouldn’t be successful. Why? Because once he told himself, “I can’t” he automatically shut down the neurological pathway that can make it possible. But if a man believes in possibility and tells himself he can do something, he opens up the pathway that can provide him the resources and divine ideas for achievement. This idea of possibility syndrome is gradually leading me to a successful state of my financial life. Because, having worked as an entrepreneur for years, I later believed in possibility that I could get a good job with the federal government of my country; in which I was shortlisted for interview in this January 2014. And I also strongly know that an employment letter will soon be delivered into my hand, because I know that all things are possible with God. A statement that confirms this idea was noted on age 204 that, “before something happen in the external world, it must first happen in the internal world.”

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and lessons will, and has been of help to my personal life in many ways; in realizing the unlimited power of excellence that my human mind is endowed with by deity. And as a result of the usage of my mind and life in a productive way, I will be highly successful In ministry, in my financial life, in my marital life, and in my social life as well. And with this realm of victory, I can influence my partner, my children, and my loved ones, including the people within my sphere of contact can follow suit. Of which, everyone can reach someone, and while everyone that have been reached also reach another person; the world will to some extent become a better place to live in through me, as a result of the ideas I’ve imbibed.

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

The statements which the author made that particularly got my attention are:

“The power to magically transform our lives into our greatest dream lies waiting within us. It’s time to unleash it.”

The above statement surfaced which actually open-up human understanding to the inherited ability placed by the deity inside everyone. The human mind and the human correspondent action is simply the power or ability to change any situation in order to suit our heart desires. With this human endowed ability, we either make things work for us or against us. The above quote shows that nature has already deposited this magical power inside every human being, and that, it is our responsibility to make use of it in order to get better for it.

“Whether you believe you can do something or you believe you can’t, you’re right.”

The above statement is revealed on page 29 of the book; the statement which shows how every human has the right to their choices either good or bad, depending on their believe system. What a person believes, and what he thinks is possible or impossible, to a great extent determines what he can do or cannot do. It is thereby human responsibility to make the right and good choices in life, in order to produce the desired result.

“A liability in one context can be a valuable asset in another.”

This statement that shows that everything, everyone, are in one way needed and useful at one time one time or the other. Even, a waste product was discovered to be useful for fertilizing of plants in order of good germination; how much more human being who has intellect and a good sense of humor. This quote triggers the quest to see the best in other people in me, even when they seem to be worst. And to also see every situation as opportunity to get better, even when things does not seems suitable.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

There is nothing I read in the book that I do not understand, neither is there any idea(s) which I am unclear about. The book is well simplified to my personal taste of understanding.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, the book contained exercises for the readers to complete, and I did complete all the exercises; majorly, the ones that pertained most to my present life situation were well addressed.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

I would only like to say that the book is too cumbersome, and thereby makes it a bit hard for reading. But despite the fact that the book is cumbersome, I still devoted nights and days of my time to read it within a short period o f time and I found it very interesting.

Please, rate the following on the scale of 1 to 10. Ten is good and one poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Assessment by Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is that ‘divinity’ can become an experience of reality in our humanity being. And before human can experience this divinity, there will be a need to nurture the seed of divinity that the deity has deposited inside us as human being during the process of creation. It was once said that, “in reality, we human beings are divinity in disguise and the gods and goddess in embryo that are contained within us, seek to be fully materialized.” In order to actually maximize the divinity nature deposited in the human beings by the deity, there’s a need to make use of the lessons in the book ‘seven spiritual laws of life’ by discovering our human essential nature and knowing the ability to fulfill any dream we have as human. Because human beings are the eternal possibility, the immeasurable potential of all that was, is, and that will be; through the use of senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching, we can make divinity an experience of our lifetime on this planet earth.

The seven spiritual laws of success can also be regarded as the seven spiritual laws of life, and it is widely known as the practical guide for humans into fulfillment of their dreams.

Dreams are known as vision and it is also the imaginations of the mind that needed to be translated from spiritual realm into the physical realm, in order to have the realization of success in everyday life and for expansion of progressive happiness in fulfillment of purpose on earth.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you, and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Idea of law

This idea of law can be regarded as a collection of rules according to which a person lives or governed. This is discovered to be one of the highly esteemed lesson in my course of studying the book titled, “The seven spiritual laws of success” authored by Deepak Chopra. And as a result of the lessons learned, I noticed that I consciously make use of the ideas in terms of getting to work early; believing that by doing so, it will aid my achievement for the day. I also noticed that I have my do’s and don’ts in almost every areas of my endeavor. For instance, I don’t like to play being dubious on business transaction, especially when it has to do with money, and the reason is because I do consider my relationship with my clients in order to give the good impression that I want them to have about me. The conscious application and the understanding of the ‘idea of laws’ is what makes this my new system of operation important to me.

ii. A habit of giving

The universe is said to operate through dynamic means of exchange known as Giving. An habit of giving is known as a way of being a blessing to other people through exchange of what is beneficial to them and at the same time, it is known as sacrifice on the givers side. Why this idea is important to me is because, for anytime I do give to others, there is a way that the needs I personally desire does locate me. Few months ago, I decided to give my only blazer to one of our church member, two weeks later, two different people who didn’t even know that I gave my blazer out; came and gave me a complete, brand new suit each. That experience and many more of such are highly amazing and made me have the notion that giving is a way of blessing others and it is also a way of being a blessed in return.

iii. Divinity in humanity

This is known as the spiritual essence and virtue ‘the creation’ embedded in every human being that are highly spiritual, and it can be regarded as the inner ability or the eternal possibility to fulfill purpose or dreams on earth. I was recently contemplating between two opinions, and only one of the opinions would be right while the other would be a mess; having taken my time, I just knew the exact, right thing to do even without having afore-knowledge or information about those things, while what I eventually did was the right and correct step of decision.

iv. Idea of the miraculous

This is referred to as an occurrence of supernatural or uncommon causes of amazement to the human race. The point that brings about this idea of miraculous says, “Human can think of their physical body, soul and spirit as a device for controlling energy.” The points reveal the fact that the actual usage of what the deity embedded in us as human can make us have supernatural experiences and better our physical life here on planet earth. For instance, using the human mind to imagine a desired occurrence, while having those imaginations come to reality within a desired period of time. A few months ago, I used to imagine being in marital relationship with a prudent, wise and understanding lady for a wife, and I eventually had my imagination come to reality by having such a lady with me in marital relationship now.

v. Idea of accepting responsibility to attain greatness

This is also an important lesson that I got while studying the book, which shows a person’s personal contribution and responsibility in ensuring success as a lifestyle. I have been made to realize that success is not accidental in life, but it is rather a result of continuous effort to nurture the seeds of divinity inside us as human in order to have success as experience of a lifetime; this kind of success is regarded as greatness on this planet earth. That is to say, a man that takes up responsibility and sacrificed in order to succeed is surely on the verge of greatness. I could remember when I wanted to graduate from high school, there was circulated information that the past grandaunts from that school usually came out with a very poor result. But I took up the challenge that I will come out with a very good result, while my decision caused me to devote more time to study both day and night. Also, I had to enroll in a private lesson with a special payment in order to be outstanding. Having done my path by taking-up responsibility to succeed, I eventually graduated from the same school with a very good result as earlier desired. That is what I know as greatness indeed!

vi. Self-discovery determines success

This is simply known as a way for someone to know his or her essential nature and the immeasurable potentials that the deity has deposited in such being, in order to achieve success. When someone discover his or her essential nature and know who he really is, in that knowing itself is the ability to fulfill any given or conceived dream, goal and purpose in life. Until I discovered myself as a being endowed with a powerful communication skills, which I later developed more on it; that is when I started relating successfully as a public speaker. While my public speaking skills is highly improving every day and night, and I have as a result associated with high caliber of people in my society and in church set- up as well.

vii. Idea of being a blessing

This is an idea that stimulates kindness within me presently and as a great world leader to be, knowing full well that this idea is worth giving attention to. In order to start the process of being a blessing, which is the way I made decision that anytime I come in contact with anyone, “I will give them something.” Giving everyone something doesn’t have to be in the form of material things, but it could be in form of a compliment and gestures like: God bless you, thank you, hope your day was fine? Do have a great day and so on. In fact, the most powerful form of giving is said to be “non-material.”

Having learned the idea of being a blessing, I have now realized that being caring, showing attention or affection, giving of appreciation and love are all most precious gift that I can give to anyone. While by so doing, I am being a blessing to several people on this planet earth, and the deity will record all of such gestures and good act to my favor in return.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a more practical way, both in your daily personal li8fe and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The seven ideas shared in question 2, are already influencing me greatly in a practical way and that is why I had personal experiences been narrated in that regard.

Few of points I have noted through which I can create a better world are in the course of lessons gotten from the discussed ideas which are:

I will make consistency and punctuality at any given assignment ‘a personal law that must not be broken’ and as a result, I will help other people within my sphere of contact to achieve their desired result. I will endeavor to be a blessing to other people that I have contact with through Giving, both in terms of substance and in terms of morals.

Having discovered my true potentials, I will guide many people in their ten’s and hundreds and thousands to also discover their true potentials through my influential public speaking skills and experience.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

Yes, there are several statements which the author made that particularly got my attention, but only one statement is highly outstanding to me among all, and that’s exactly what I would like to share below:

“You must learn to get in touch with the innermost essence of your being.”

This is the statement that shows me about a supernatural being, which is responsible for human existence on this planet earth. Who can in a broader view be regarded as “deity” or “the God Almighty” who is the father of my Lord Jesus Christ. Well, the author might not have taught of it as so deep in meaning as I do, but I have believed by much conviction that “God Almighty” is the very essence of my being and existence on earth.

The above quoted statement was described in a better way in the same paragraph as: “This true essence is beyond the ego. It is fearless; it is free; it is immune to criticisms; it does not fear any challenge. It is beneath no one, superior to no one, and full of magic, mystery and enchantments.” Only an unknown, invisible being by many, whom I have discovered to be God Almighty in humanity, can be well described that way.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so why?

The book and its content is well simplified that there is nothing I do not understand, and as concerning the ideas I disagree with or unclear about, are not yet found.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so, did you complete al of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Having read through the book, I found out that the book did not contain specific exercises for the readers to complete. But the lessons in the book contained lifetime exercises, in terms of practicing what is learned in order to greatly benefit.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, comment.

There is nothing I read that was not covered in the previous question which I would like to comment on.

Please, rate the following question on a scale from 1-10, ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 7
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Anatomy of the Spirit

Assessment by Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The understood main idea that the author conveyed in my course of studying the book is concentrated on the true power of the human spirit. Human beings were made up of three components, namely: the body, the soul and the spirit. The body is basically used to relate with the external world while the soul is seen as the messenger of communication between the body and the spirit. The spirit being of human is the major factor in our life that makes us to see our own energy and other people’s energy on the planet earth. The human spirit receives and can transfer power or energy through the human body by using soul as the passage means. These three center regulators are critical in the flow of life energy with which anyone can discover and fulfill his purpose in life. I began to realize something that I had never been taught in school, which is that; our spirit is very much a part of our daily lives; it embodies our thoughts and emotions and it record every one of them from the most mundane to the most visionary.

Although, I had been taught more or less that our spirit goes “up” or “down’’ after death depending on how virtuously we have lived. I now saw that our spirit is more than that. It participates in every second of our lives. It is the conscious force that is life itself while our spirit is ultimately our true power with which we can operate successfully on earth.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List the seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Idea of Intuition

This is known as the immediate cognition or perspective insight, with the use of conscious rational processes. The intuition can be recognized as the force that is part of our daily lives if noticed. While it engage our “thought’’ and “emotion’’ to have a sudden knowing of any person, animal, places or things. The knowing which has a high tendency of being precise and the source is only traceable to creation. For some period of years, I have believed God for a woman I can call my wife. Meanwhile, there are several women with whom I interacted with. In the midst of my everyday involvement, I came across a particular woman to whom I have a great sense of belonging and she became very special above all women I had ever met. This reaction of intuition suddenly made me know she is my wife, which is what I understand with my experience concerning intuition.

ii. The idea of caring for one’s spirit

This is one out of three major parts that every human being is endowed with and it is another entity on its own. The spirit is a supernatural being, yet not without a particular form or shape and it is the most sensitive and powerful part of every human.

There is usually a level of energy supply by the spirit part of human either positive or negative energy, depending on if the person is subject to God’s influence or the devil’s influence. Positive energy will be a continuous supply from the spirit to the soul and from the soul to the human body. The human body on the other hand is the part that has physical contact and interaction with the outer world, while reverse is the case if the bearer is a subject to the devil’s influence because the fellow will definitely produce a negative or bad energy. In view of the lesson learnt through the book on the importance of caring for one’s spirit as consciously as one does for the physical body, I realize that there’s a need to Worship, Serve and Adore the source of the positive energy which is God Almighty in order to encourage the continuous supply of energy.

iii. The idea of using impression to arrive at intuition

Impression is a way to pay close attention to whatever image or understanding that comes to mind. This is known as the pathway to possess the correct insight into a situation or matter which is the work of spirit being through intuition. That is, a knowing that cannot be explained how it’s been known. A couple of days ago, some teenagers came around to my place of work during the break time to play and I gladly accommodated them because they were familiar to me in that neighborhood. Not quite long they came around; I realized some amount of money was missing. I called them together, looking into their eyeballs one after the other, then I suddenly got fascinated to one boy amidst them whom I suspected to have stolen the money. I checked his pocket and I eventually found him with the stolen money. Although he and his friends later apologized but my point here is that I had an impression which I cannot really explain how it helped me arrive at that particular conclusion.

iv. Idea of Loyalty

This is known as the act of being faithful or devoted to some cause, a person or a nation. This is a great lesson learnt in the course of reading this book while I was made to understand this point to be the basis of a successful life. That is, there is a need to be committed to any given assignment in order to achieve success at it. I realized that I lacked loyal in my IIGL studies and that’s why I have not gone farther than where I am now. I have noticed my level of loyalty and commitment determines the level of success or result that will be produced. I have sworn to imbibe loyalty to any worthy project embarked on with full consciousness.

v. Power of good relationship

This is known as a way by which two or more people behave and are involved with each other with mutual understanding. Good relationship is an enablement to form an influential energy with our fellow human being and to also relate with deity for more empowerment. By paying close attention, I have learnt that relationship occurs with humans and also exist between humans and the spiritual world (deity/devil/God). For instance, when I maintained a good rapport with my neighbors, we benefited a measure of support and care from each other unlike when we were not in good terms. Also, when I maintained an act of worshipping my source of energy which is God, I do experience a higher level of grace and success in my endeavors which serves as an encouragement in maintaining good relationship.

vi. Understanding Life’s Purpose

This is a way of knowing the essence of living which has to be in a manner that is consistent with one’s spiritual ideal to live the golden rule every moment of one’s life and to live every thought as a sacred prayer. It is simple but very far from easy. I have the understanding that my life’s purpose is exactly the reason for my steady connection to my spiritual ideal which has its root in my belief that ‘God’ is the sovereign and anytime I am not in connection with Him(God), I have automatically lost the track of my life’s purpose.

vii. The Energy of Money

Money can be defined as the major means of exchange for commodities or any desired aim. The lack of money could cause stress or problem for someone and can also make such individual or victim to be far from being peaceful including good relationship with the world around him. A person in a good possession of money on the other hand will find life more interesting and the world around him or her will have higher tendencies of peace and possibilities.

A scarcity of money translates into a scarcity of energy in the body itself. Meanwhile, the misperception of money as the life force coupled with sudden loss of money can activate any of several health crises like prostate cancer, impotence, lower back ache and sciatic pain. Money is thereby seen as the energy through which we can turn our goals and beliefs into action. The wisest relationship we can imbibe in order to maintain a good energy with money is to see it as a substance that “faith” can attract into our lives. Putting faith before money reduces money from its status as a leader to becoming a servant to us, especially faith that is in the source of our lives; which is God. This faith transcends money, frees a person to follow his or her divine guidance without given over unnecessary authority to financial concerns. Nine months ago, I embarked on my wedding project but sufficient money wasn’t available which actually made me weak to carry on. Having recognized Divine guidance which is my creator, I said a silent prayer that things should be made possible and that my faith in divinity should attract all I needed to me. Not long after few days of persistence in faith, that the helping hands that supplied my needs surfaced and the wedding became an outstanding success.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and also in helping you create a better world? If so how?

These ideas and lessons will help me in a practical way as I relate with people and the world around me through the knowledge that have become a life-force which I imbibed in those lessons and ideas, such as:

I will pay more attention to my intuitive guide in order to have insight perception before I take major actions or steps in life.

I will be loyal in my dealings with others and business associates by being committed to what is right and also by letting my “Yes” be “Yes” and my “No” to remain so; meaning I will deal truthfully and never compromise.

I will also try to maintain a good relationship with family and folks even when they seems nasty to me in one way or the other. I will also have positive and influential impact on people within my sphere of contact through good relationships.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and give reasons why they are important to you.

“Of great significance to me was the realization that “healing” does not always mean that the physical body recovers from illness but can also mean that one’s spirit has released long-held fears and negative thought towards oneself or others. This kind of spiritual release and healing can occur even though one’s body may be dying physically.”

These statements are highly important to me because of the intensity of message embedded in it. It is generally believed that healing means one’s body recovers from one illness or the other, for those who are sick. Getting to know that healing also means that one’s spirit has released long held fear or any form of negativity makes the statement amazing! While such ‘mind sickness’ may a times give birth to physical sickness if one refuses to release any long-held fear or guilt. That is, knowing this will help me to get constant healing for myself and also to help others to get healing because human beings are often subject to self-nature which makes them experience various type of illness though not physical illness.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

The book is well simplified and I was able to understand better both while studying and writing assessment on it. There is an idea which I personally disagreed with and that is the “Symbolic power of the seven chakras.” This symbol is on page 69 of the book and it is full of occult signs such as:

The demonic pyramid symbol of the illuminati

The symbol sign of the mark of the beast called “666.” The eye of an idol being worshipped and being used by the illuminati occult group.

Though the author may be aware or not acquitted with it, only that I know through various studies for two decades that the symbols is demonic and it’s another way to drag people to hell. I also have videos that proved my point that the image on page 69 is highly demonic. That alone and similar of such is what I disagreed with in the book, yet I learnt great lessons reading the book.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, the book contained exercises for the readers to complete and I did completed the ones I had interest in, while I also found those exercises very helpful and that’s why I was able to analyze the Seven Ideas which are personally most important to me in question 2.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

No further comments.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 7
B. How helpful were the contents? 4
C. How easy was it to understand? 5
D. Would you recommend it to others? 3
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 5

Assessment by Oyewumi Olaoluwa Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book brings about the consciousness of an idea on spiritual processes at work in the human life and on planet earth which points to the facts that human beings call the highest thing they can look up to as “The Divine.” The idea and wisdom to gain connection into the higher realm of ‘the divine’ and to often imagine that our highest aim and calling as human beings is to have something to do with this divine element.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Becoming responsible for one’s life occurrence

This is awareness that a person’s life experiences could be determined by a person him or herself, whether such life is full of bitterness or goodness. The problem that we face as human did not fall from heaven but they are results of our good deeds or what we didn’t do rightly. Life is said to be full of challenges, even full of ups and down as well. While life itself need a force of human thoughtful and right steps of actions to determine whether the experience in such a person’s life will be full of ups or downs. In order to experience the upward direction of life, which is known as the goodness side of life, there’s a need for consistent effort both in thought and in actions in order to thrive in ones endeavor. Take for instant, a student who did not study well will definitely find it difficult to be outstanding when examination comes. This is the exact experience I had in my IIGL study. Though, I’ve wondered why it takes me longer time to move from one level to another even when I set my goals. That is, the level of success I have is equivalent to the level of effort I put in, both in thought and actions.

ii. Idea of knowing and attaining

This is an idea that shows a clear difference between just having knowledge over a desired course and to be an accomplished through the knowledge we have gotten. I have lived many years in the ignorance of the knowledge I possessed. That is, I know to attain a high level of proficiency in my IIGL study, requires hours of reading and writing each day yet I found myself too busy for it. Which idea now drives my human spirit beyond what I know to achieving through what I have known? Which idea will make my action applied to make me have records of success in even every area of my life?

iii. An act of thinking

This is known as an act of communicating to oneself in one’s mind so as to find solution to a problem or to know what the next step would be. In order to be highly outstanding in life, an habit of having deep thought must be imbibed. Thinking is said to be the role of anyone who wants to make a big difference in his or her life especially out of any difficult challenges. Having had good thought, the idea on the next step to take will surface, which will later determines solution. I found out that thinking faculties is the highest we human beings possess in the physical world in order to penetrate into the unseen world wherein we can tap into solution for any seeming challenges. This idea helps me to do things right by starting all over again to be consistent with my IIGL program even after I have earlier missed my way in that regard.

iv. The Life-Force

This is known as energy or capacity to exercise influence in life over a particular object or subject in order to achieve any desired goal. The measure of force applied will determine the level of success that one will record, which points at the fact that everyone will individually determine whether they want to succeed or fail. I knew full well that a high measure of persistency is required from me to be outstanding in my life’s endeavor which is the reason I choose to be consistent in my studies. When I wanted to have my marital partner, I needed to be consistent in communicating my intentions until we finally agreed. The life force here is also known as ones contribution in order to make things happen the best way we want it and to give it all it takes.

v. Thought as a Doorway to Spiritual Realm

This is the idea that makes Spirituality a reality and also makes it achievable. Thoughts is known as images or forms created in the human mind in order to access the supernatural realm. For instance, through a deep thought, Bill Gate was able to tap into higher realm of spirituality in order to invent computer. Through this kind of thinking, we are led beyond our personal lives; we acquire something that extends beyond our own soul. This idea bores down to my inner quest to fulfill my life’s purpose in such a divine way. That is, I want to be original with the way and manner of my life’s purpose fulfillment and not to be a photocopy of another person. My deep thought-pattern is found to be the doorway that the deity will breed upon to make me express the extraordinary life on this planet earth.

vi. Idea of Practicing Wisdom

Wisdom is an integral part of a successful life. It can also be defined as an element of personal character that enables one to distinguish between the wise from the unwise. Day in day out, decisions are made by individuals and steps are taken also over a particular thing or the other but the problem is that wise decisions are not always made and the right steps were not always taken too. Meanwhile, wisdom in action is one of the major lessons of this book titled “Theosophy” and having learnt that the practicality of wisdom in a person’s life will make such a life outstanding and worth living. I am imbibing the act of consciously practicing wisdom in all my decision making and steps to be taken. That is, I want to be more watchful to speak wisely as well, knowing full well that personal and conscious effort is required to live in the realm of wisdom.
vii. Experiences as Tools for Life

Experience is known as collection of events or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge, opinion and skills. This is a major tool for living an effective life. We can be sure that not a single experience goes to waste. Because the human soul does preserve each experience gotten as a memory and the spirit being of human have the capacity to extract from each experience had whatever it can use to enhance its abilities and enrich the person’s life in a great dimension. Having had various experiences in different phases of my life and on some subject that I thought are irrelevant to my life’s purpose. The lesson learnt during the course of my studies reminds me that those experiences that seems irrelevant has at one point in time or the other been the clue and solutions needed for myself or others. Experience simply hibernates for the day of its usage.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The lessons learnt and the ideas gotten through reading this material are what I see as Tools to living an effective life of positive influence my family, my neighbors, my state and the world at large; as I move on in the ladder of gradual leadership.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

There are two quotes which are personally most important to me in the book, which are:

“Truth recognized through thinking has an independent significant.”

This quote is important to me because it simply gives room for personal opinion in establishing any given facts. That is, any matter presented as truth and the person to whom it was presented to also confirm it through personal thinking that brought about agreement that it is true indeed, such a truth will hold a high personal conviction without any form of doubt in the human mind. For instance, it has been said to my hearing severally that this world will come to an end one day, while I personally believed and I’m convinced that it is true. Whether I am alive to see it come to an end or not, it will still come to an end because the creator has not made my body immortal yet, while changes still occur in everyday of my existence on this planet. So, the point that the world will come to an end one day holds personal conviction on my mind as well.

“No matter how confused the course of a life may be, a plan and a direction still show through.”

This quote is highly important to me because it encourages Hope for whoever is hopeless, or even in the mist of hopeless situation. A person may find him or herself being totally confused for a long period of time and finding life difficult to cope with but the truth in the above quote remains that “tough time never last forever but tough people do”. While it does not also matter how long a person or a situation have been wrong but what rather matters is how willing a person is ready to make things right.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so why?

The book is very explanatory enough to be understood and I do not have idea quote that I am unclear about or that I disagree with. I will rather refer to the book as an adventure for more discoveries about the ability embedded in my being as human during the course of creation.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.

Yes, the book contained several lifetime exercises for me as a reader to complete but I couldn’t finish them because they are discoveries about the treasures deposited inside me by the creator as human being. There are many things yet to be invented, books yet to be written and there are still depths of spiritual processes in the human life and in the cosmos to explore. I hope to definitely find these exercises highly helpful as I scale through life.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, comment.

No, there is nothing not covered in the previous question that I would like to comment on.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9