Olalekan Olatunbosun Onaopemipo – Profile


Full Names: Olalekan Olatunbosun Onaopemipo
Country: Nigeria
Email: thecatalyst015@gmail.com
Date of Birth: January 18, 1996
Education: Dip, CIA, CCWP, B.Ed(in view)

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
My vision of a world that works carries different notions. Few of these notions are; first, A world where rights are not treated as privileges. A world that works embraces equality and oneness. My vision of a world that works see a world where some sort of races are perceived superior than the other. A world everyone is granted a respect according to what they deserve. Next, a world that works is a world where leadership is not perceived as a role but as a responsibility to create desired results by leading a team of people right!

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The world today is faced with a quite number of challenges. First, religious bigotry. Over the years, religion has done more harm than good especially in this part of the planet – Africa. The world today have men fighting for a “God” in a bit to earn eternal life. Countries have been divided over the quest to make others believe and serve their gods. Second, government accountability and corruption, corrupt practices, embezzlement, abuse of office, among others are rampant enemies of economic development. And are major problems the world is facing today. Third, Poverty especially in Africa, the poverty index is so heartbreaking. It\’s a major debacle in the world today. Fourth, bad governance; the worse of us leads the best of us. The world today is faced with poor governance ranging from bad policy, slow policy implementation, poor infrastructure, failed campaign promises. Lastly, gender discrimination. The discrimination creates among the male and female gender in the world today is a problem that needs urgent attention. The female gender should not be perceived as inferior and as puppets.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
In relations to the problem highlighted above, these problems can be solved via; first, Religious Tolerance in place of Religious Bigotry. Until the world today practice the act or tolerance against bigotry, hatred and bitterness arising from the belief that one\’s religion is superior to the other will continue to degenerate into wars Next, accountability and transparency in place of corruption. Practice of accountability and transparency in governance is the best way to deal with corruption in good governance. In addition, poverty replaced with job creation and literacy. Poverty can be overcame with two powerful tools based on my perception. Also, creation of job will go a long way to shrink poverty among the people and increase the countries GDP and GNI. Next, Participatory governance in place of bad governance. The place of undiluted democracy and the rule of law will checkmate bad governance. Finally, gender equality in place of gender discrimination. The notion of gender equality should be treated with utmost attention. Platforms that enables this should also be created.


I am Olalekan Olatunbosun Onaopemipo, an undergraduate of Guidance and Counseling at prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife. I am a native of Ijebu Remo of Sagamu Local Government Area, Ogun State. I am a prolific Writer, Public Speaker, Digital Marketer and Life/Leadership/Relationship Coach. He has an unswerving commitment to breeding youths of definite impact and raising leaders that raise others. I earned a Diploma in Public and International Relations from Olabisi Onabanjo University, a Diploma and Bachelor of Theology Degree from Powerlife Bible College and Education Seminary, Abeokuta. I am also a Certified Internet Associate (CIA) with the Technology Incubation Centre, India and a Certified Project Manager (CPM) with Abeokuta Business School, Abeokuta (now Goldwind Business School, Ibadan). I have published several ebooks and articles such as “Go for Gold;” “Breaking the shackles of mediocrity,” “My Bed, My Future,” “An Evaluation of Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria,” to mention a few.

I currently serve as State Director of Special Duties, Intellectual Patriotic Youth Network, Osun State Chapter; Media and Publicity Officer, SDG ACT, Ogun State Chapter; Campus Coordinator, Youth for Human Rights International, OAU Detachment; National Secretary, Africans Unite for Progress (AU4PN), Nigeria, Editorial Member, Ife Educators News Agency. I am the Founder and Executive Director of The Learnaholics Academy, Africa. An online academy for personal and professional development with over 2000 students across 26 African countries. I am the Convener of Youth Empowerment and Support Initiative, Nigeria ; Chief Executive Officer, Catalisador Incorporated and Prima TV. My ideologies revolve around purposeful living, un-negotiable human rights, good governance, digital literacy and entrepreneurship skills. My life goals are in an article that reads thus; “Explode beyond the limitations; What exactly is your priority in life now?” There are numerous beliefs that have bonded many to mediocrity and unconsciously make them remained downtrodden. Let consider few of them.” The Belief that “You Must Prove Yourself Proficient, Sufficient and Achieving.” Naturally, everyone has the tendency of the drive to prove competence and a demand of respect, but often times, the real ability and strength are lost to the crave of trying to prove it. “You are under no obligation to prove that to anybody. Proficiency and Sufficiency should prove themselves in you with little or no conscious effort but a spontaneous one (though, it debatable in some cases). The belief that you’re responsible for everyone; even being humanitarian does not imply you’ve to be responsible for everyone. The belief that your place of birth determines how successful you will be in life.” All of my life, I have being driven by a simple statement I coined to keep pushing myself which is, “I may not be born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but one day, I will eat with a golden spoon and feed others with it.” Your place of birth is just a circumstance you cannot control but it is not tantamount to your success.

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