Name: Ojijo Ogilo Mark Pascal Pascal.
Country: Uganda
Birthday: May 5, 1983
Education: Bachelors of Laws
Occupation: Public Speaker, Law Lecturer, Entrepreneur, Ghost writer, Business Strategist,
Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
A world where everyone is solving a problem, either for free, voluntarily, or for pay, as a business/employment, and hence, everyone is relevant, important, and valued. The great challenge is when people do not feel important, valued, or part of the progress, which makes them to go to the periphery of social relations, and ultimately, they become a security threat, economic burden, and bad influence.
What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The greatest problem facing the world today is youth un-employment. The state when the young person, fresh, passionate, energetic, and with verve, lacks something worthwhile to do, and ultimately, they cannot contribute to social, economic, or cultural development, and ultimately, they become a burden, a dependant, and a malignant source of social ills, including drug abuse, idling, and security threat. The lack of employment also leads to regression, depression, and general retrogression of the young, leading to inner frustration, dissatisfaction, and even disease. This status of unemployment, leads to low levels of self esteem, lack of sense worth, and ultimately, lack of confidence to face personal problems and take responsibility for improving their livelihoods.
How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
The challenge of youth unemployment is great, and caused by a multiplicity of factors, and hence, attracts multiple solutions and strategies. I propose a mentoring program, where every youth in the globe is attached to an adult, a successful and significant achiever. The youth and mentor can then meet once a month, for inspiration, motivation, and accountability of the youth to the mentor. Such a system will makes use that the youth is encouraged to think in terms of solving problems, and becomes a problem solver. This should then be implemented at a national, regional, continental, and ultimately, global level, so that every youth of the world is inspired to be a problem solver: because every single successful and significant person is a problem solver. This is what my company is doing to address this problem, and since we are putting money and resources in it, and getting feedback, I believe it is one of the best intervention.
I add value to people by volunteering, and selling something.
I volunteer as trainer of investment clubs with Investment Clubs Association of Uganda (ICAU); coaching women entrepreneurs with TechnoServe Inc, Uganda’; and a member of advisory group on financial literacy, sponsored by Bank of Uganda (Central Bank). I am also a social entrepreneur, promoting public speaking, foreign language, and comedy skills in schools through the Laugh & Learn Clubs by my company,; promoting legal rhetoric in university law schools through the Ultimate Legal Mind Challenge competitions by my company, LawPronto LLP; promoting women confidence and skills in speaking through The Speaking Woman, a monthly, free public speaking training program sponsored by my company,; promoting public health and access to medical information through Ajuoga, my online medical reference database, (; promoting luo culture and networking luo professionals through Luopedia, (;and fighting youth un-employment through Inua Fellowship, a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of my company,, connecting youths to mentors, who inspire and motivate them to be problem solvers: because every single successful and significant person is a problem solver.
I sell my skills as bestselling author of 30 books (;independent legal consultant in ICT law, legal rhetoric, african jurisprudence, financial services law, and law firm management and owner of a legal research and consultancy, (;public speaker and coach on financial literacy and personal branding, and owner of a public speaking training, networking and marketing company, (; and consultant on business systems and strategic planning, covering feasibility studies, financial projections, investment plans and business profiles. I am also a performance poet, freely sharing my poetry at, is an armature pianist; socialist political party member; and believer in open religion.
My dream is to become better and contribute more. I hope to inspire people, young and old, to volunteer more in giving back to society; to sell more either as employees or business owners; and to network more by joining associations and participating in group projects, and making new connections.
I have travelled to various countries, met many people, and I believe that people should travel long, travel far, and travel frequently. Travel has exposed me to many cultures, and helped diminish my cultural stereotypes. I love learning other languages, and I am currently learning over 12 new languages (Luganda, Arabic, Kikuyu, German, Spanish, French, Hindi, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Korean, and Sign Language), because speaking to someone in their mother tongue is speaking to their heart. I also believe that the essence of success and progress lies in relationships, and so, people should actively seek to meet other people, while also enhancing their current networks of friends, family, clients, and colleagues.
My greatest skill is positive attitude. I wake up, brush the dust off, learn my lessons, and move on, however hard my falls. With this skill, I have sought help when I was stuck; befriended the most obnoxious; and learnt new knowledge. I am positive, with unshakeable self esteem, and high self confidence.
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Books Completed:
As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull