
International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #278 *February 2025
Asheville, NC USA







Guest Editorial

The Power of Undivided Focus

Noeline Kirabo (Uganda)


Through my journey, both personal and professional, I’ve come to realize that focus is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. It’s what allows us to move from simply having a vision to actually bringing it to life. It’s the force behind deep work, the fuel that powers execution, and the key to unlocking extraordinary results. Let me share with you how undivided focus has transformed my life and how you, too, can harness its power to reach your full potential.

Why Focus Matters More Than Ever

We live in an age of information overload. There are always a million things vying for our attention; emails, social media notifications, meetings, and the endless to-do list. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind, constantly shifting from one task to another without ever fully committing to any of them. But here’s the thing: where your focus goes, energy flows. And where your energy flows, that’s where you’ll see progress.

Focus is not just about eliminating distractions; it’s about choosing where to direct your mental, emotional, and physical energy. When you focus deeply on one task or goal, you tap into a level of creativity, productivity, and clarity that simply doesn’t exist when you’re juggling multiple things at once.

The Results of Focus Are Limitless

Focusing deeply on one thing at a time has allowed me to achieve goals I once thought were out of reach. Take, for instance, publishing my first set of books at 35. The idea of writing a book had been on my mind for years, but like many of us, I kept getting sidetracked by other things. I was always busy, but I wasn’t making progress on that goal.

It wasn’t until I made the decision to dedicate undivided time and focus to my writing that things started to shift. I blocked off specific hours in my schedule, said no to other commitments, and poured my energy into completing that book. The result? Not only did I publish my first set of books, but I also realized just how powerful focused effort can be in bringing even the biggest dreams to life. Undivided focus has also been the driving force behind launching my YouTube channel, creating my latest book “Find Your Passion for Dummies,” and completing my second doctorate all while raising a toddler. None of these milestones would have been possible without the ability to shut out distractions and focus fully on what I needed to do.


How to Cultivate Undivided Focus

Identify What Truly Matters The first step in cultivating undivided focus is getting crystal clear on your priorities. What are the most important goals or projects in your life right now? What deserves your full attention? Once you’ve identified your priorities, commit to them fully. Give yourself permission to focus on fewer things but do them with excellence.

Set Boundaries Around Your Time We live in a world that constantly demands our time and attention, but it’s up to us to protect it. If you don’t set boundaries, distractions will always creep in. Whether it’s carving out focused blocks of time in your schedule, turning off your phone, or saying no to meetings that don’t serve your goals, you have to be intentional about creating an environment where focus can thrive.

Embrace Deep Work There’s a concept called deep work that I’ve found incredibly useful. Deep work refers to the periods of uninterrupted focus where you engage in tasks that require your full mental energy and creativity. These sessions of focused work are where real progress happens. I’ve made it a habit to schedule deep work sessions regularly, where I immerse myself in one task and give it my all.

Limit Multitasking Multitasking may seem efficient, but in reality, it divides your focus and lowers the quality of your work. Instead of trying to do everything at once, commit to doing one thing at a time. It might feel slower at first, but you’ll find that the quality of your work improves, and you accomplish tasks more effectively.

Practice Mindfulness Sometimes, distractions aren’t external; they’re internal. Our own thoughts can pull us away from the task at hand. Practicing mindfulness, whether through meditation or simply taking a few moments to center yourself before starting a task, can help you train your brain to stay present and focused on what’s in front of you.

Focus is a Superpower

In a world that’s constantly trying to pull us in different directions, focus is a superpower. It’s what allows you to move from dreaming to doing, from planning to achieving. Whether you’re working on launching a business, writing a book, or pursuing a personal goal, the ability to give something your undivided attention is what will set you apart. I’ve seen firsthand the power of undivided focus in my own life. It’s allowed me to accomplish goals that once seemed impossible and continue to grow even in the midst of life’s distractions. I encourage you to embrace this power in your own life. Choose what matters, protect your time, and give yourself fully to the pursuit of your dreams.

The results will speak for themselves.


(Noeline is an IIGL Graduate, National Coordinator and past Board President and founder of Kyusa).


What Others Are Saying

Cheurombo Pswarayi (Zimbabwe)

Being a student and board member of IIGL has profoundly shaped my development as a leader. The diverse array of books I’ve explored has not only deepened my understanding of leadership principles but also inspired me to implement innovative strategies in my work. Engaging with individuals from around the globe has enriched my interpersonal skills and provided me with fresh perspectives on accountability. For instance, collaborating with peers on various projects has taught me the importance of diverse viewpoints in decision-making. This journey has led to a greater sense of fulfillment in my role and has equipped me to lead multiple teams with confidence and purpose.

(Cheurombo is a Level Six Student and the IIGL Corresponding Secretary).


What are Students are Reading 

Originals ($6.65)

The author addresses the challenge of improving the world, but now from the perspective of becoming original: choosing to champion novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battle conformity, and buck outdated traditions. How can we originate new ideas, policies, and practices without risking it all? Using surprising studies and stories spanning business, politics, sports, and entertainment, Grant explores how to recognize a good idea, speak up without getting silenced, build a coalition of allies, choose the right time to act, and manage fear and doubt; how parents and teachers can nurture originality in children; and how leaders can build cultures that welcome dissent. 


Students/Graduates In Action

IIGL Book Challenge Winners!

From October 1-December 30, 2024 IIGL students were given the Challenge of completing one or more assessments or a level of study during this period of time!  Students who had stopped their studies and restarted were also considered part of the Challenge!  25 students participated and 5 Winners were chosen by IIGL board president Lynda Eze (Nigeria/USA) and Director Deb Rosen (USA/WI).  Congratulations to the five winners who each received $20: 

Francis Maundu (Kenya)

Anastasia Elebiju (Nigeria)

Ekemini Udofia (Nigeria)

Charlotte Upenyu Chitambo (United Kingdom)

Stella-Filda Nyamande (Zimbabwe)


 Valuable Resources for Personal and Planetary Transformation

Hay House

Hay House publishes books (print, electronic and audio), calendars, journals and card decks on a wide range of topics:  affirmations, intuition, emotional well-being, energy healing, personal growth, health, meditation, angels and spirit guides, tarot and more.  They also offer inspirational online courses and virtual events with a roster of visionary thought leaders.  Hay House is one of the largest independently owned mind-body-spirit and transformational enterprises in the World with delivery available in more then 35 countries! 



2025 Annual IIGL Meeting Date Set!

The IIGL Board of Directors recently set the Annual Meeting date for May 17, 2025 on Zoom. The meeting is open to all students, graduates and financial contributors.  More details will be shared in the next few months. 

Help IIGL Recruit New Students!

Feel free to share this newsletter or just this poster with your friends, family, co-workers and colleagues to help IIGL continue to grow and flourish globally!  Thank you to those who have referred others!  

IIGL Book Sales Continue…   

The IIGL Board of Directors shared that the IIGL book, “Creating Your Path Through Leadership” book sales continue to provide a Royalty payment to IIGL each month. It has also helped new potential donors understand more about IIGL!  The book is available both on Kindle and in Paperback on!  Check it out!   Here’s the link:… 


Meet Our New Students 

We had 2 new students this month

Kisilu Kalu (Kenya)

I am from Machakos county born and raised to a family of Mzee Kalu and Mama Hellen, I am the third born in a family of six, three boys and three girls.  I am married to one wife and have three children.  I hold a diploma in sales and marketing  I have worked in various companies including private companies as a sales manager and gained enough experience that made me to start my own business.  I have a registered company of automotive spare parts that I have employed six employees.

Matthew Elaigwu Sunday (Nigeria)

I was born on October 5,1986 and I went to God’s Grace Royal International Nursery and Primary School Ohgbadibo in Benue State of Nigeria. I had my Junior Secondary School from St. John’s College in Benue state, then Proceeded to Zamfara for my Senior Secondary School at Institute of comprehensive Education. At the college, I was the senior Prefect, Press Club president, FCS president and also Started Jet club.


To view complete profiles, Click Here


Student Progress

We had 6 students from 4 countries complete a total of 11 books in January. These students were from Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Kisilu Kalu (Kenya)

*As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull                      

Francis Maundu (Kenya)

* How Successful People Think

Udeme Idem (Nigeria/USA)

* Originals

Matthew Elaigwu Sunday (Nigeria)

*As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull                      

Stephen Okot (Uganda)

* Creating Social Enterprises Through Strategic Alliances:  A Tool Kit for NGO’s

* Social Entrepreneurship for Dummies

* Social Innovation

* Social Marketing

Cheurombo Pswarayi (Zimbabwe)

* Full Steam Ahead


The following student has completed one or more levels of study this month

Enock Joseph Mwesigwa (Uganda) completed Level Three



New Enrollments
6 enrolled in January
6 enrolled in 2025

Book Assessments
11 in January

11 in 2025

Books Shipped

 0 in January

 0 in 2025

Cost of Books
$0 in January

$0 in 2025                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

You Make It Possible

We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Wanda Gail Campbell and Mike Tilley (USA/AL)

Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ) In Blessed Memory

Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)

Kathleen Oweegon (USA/OR)

Lynda Eze (USA/TX)

Heidi and Ed Fallone (USA/WI)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)


Make A Difference

Dream Team 22

Please join Dream Team 22 as our goal is to have 22 people contributing $22 per month.  We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2025!

Please join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL! You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money.  To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below.  To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Deb for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to IIGL, 11537 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI  53092 USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.


To Contribute By Paypal, go to and make donation to


To Contribute By Credit Card, go to