Muthoni Mucheru – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Muthoni Mucheru (Kenya)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author has written in that “they themselves are makers of themselves”. This means that our circumstances in life are a direct result of what we have thought whether one thinks about the past present or future, thoughts eventually translate to a mans current circumstances. The book seeks to open the readers mind into realizing that his life’s course is in his hands and that only he can determine whether this course will be smooth or rough. He does this through his thoughts.

Man is an exceptional being, as he is able to control and determine his destiny simply by encouraging powerful and strong thoughts. This situation is a cause and effect scenario. The author suggests that our circumstances whether of suffering, bliss, hardship or joy are as a result of what we have thought. Therefore he suggests that it is possible to change our circumstances by simply changing what we have previously thought and start to think differently.

The author has made a link between thought and destiny. A prolonged way of thinking will soon develops certain habits. Habits are then a physical manifestation of our thoughts. Habits then harden to form part of our character. Character is what we really are. The author writes that a man is literally what he thinks. This character is than shaped into destiny.

The author seeks to demonstrate how powerful the thought process is, so powerful that it is actually a matter of choice between life and death. One can easily relate this to the effect of thought on health and the body. Negative thoughts lead to a weak unhealthy body. For example stress causes insomnia which can lead to loss of appetite and depression. While strong and sunny thoughts lead to a healthy body. It is not easy to imagine that negative impure thoughts have such devastating effects such as depression, despondency and even suicide.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The idea that thought and character are inseparable is eye opening. I have always thought that part of our character is inherent and deeply engrained within us. That one is born with certain character traits often thought to have been inherited. The authors view that character is a complete sum total of our thoughts is radical. For example I have a friend who has shaped his life in a very unique manner. I have found that he has deliberately directed his thoughts into the direction of personal success and he has achieved it.

The idea of effect of thought on circumstances and how the two are so intimately intertwined now has new meaning for me. I believe it is important because the thought process is something that is easy to neglect and overlook. Yet what we read, see and watch is registered in our mind and takes root there. It is important to take time off to deal with any defects of character which may be the cause of unhappy circumstances. For example I love reading books on personal growth and this has led me to joining this program.

The state of health of our bodies is a direct result of your thoughts. This idea is empowering. Out of a clean heart and mind comes an energetic body. It means our bodies are sensitive and highly receptive to our thoughts. Thinking kindly and having goodwill for others brings peace of mind. For example I use to get sick every time I am about to reporting back to boarding school and after I completed my studies, the sickness simply disappeared. It is only later that it occurred to me that the stress was all in my mind.

It is important to have thoughts that are directed to a specific purpose. The author writes that focus on a goal is the road to self control true concentration of thought and when one meets failure, it helps us overcome our weakness. Planning and focusing on ones purpose and removing all doubts and fears as these vices only bog one down, will help one find success. One also develops strength of mind and character. For example, I have a friend who worked hard and whose effort prevented the disintegration of a movement of which I am a member of. Today the members appreciate and praise of her effort. In addition the author points out that victories and personal success can easily be lost and they must be maintained through focus on right thought.

The idea that dreams of achievement in any field be it science, art, environment and so on, can truly be achieved, is important and reassuring to me. Our dreams go past our present reality and create a world that we desire which is our very own ideal. It is easy to think that a personal success is out of sheer luck but this is never the case. It is as a result of struggles, failures and trails encountered along the way. For example, a close friend of mine had a demanding boss. Employees in the company always felt threatened and had been disillusioned by the pressure of the job. She had dreams of starting up her own business and today her dream is close to realization.

I like the idea of serenity of mind. Calmness of mind is as a jewel of wisdom, according to the author. I have always been drawn to people who exude a peaceful nature around them. Surprisingly, it is often not that difficult to find out how peaceful one is. For me this means that peaceful individual has learnt the art of self mastery. For example I have a relative who always so calm despite any aggravating circumstances which confront him. He amazes me as he is always calm and confident. I find this exceptional.

The idea that thoughts eventually determine ones density is a wake up call for me. Our thoughts good or bad, pure or impure will determine our destiny. It is therefore important to choose our thoughts wisely. A happier healthy life and full life will follow anyone who thinks strong and pure thoughts. Our whole life is tied to our mind, through what we think about. The reason for this is that our thoughts make up our character. For example, I have met very many spiritually strong people and I believe the reason why they have this disposition is because their thoughts and energy are directed to God.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and lessons come in handy in my daily life to help me strive towards self-purification of my thought process. Through a follow up process, I can then track the changes that will occur in my life, as a result of a change in my thought process. The author affirms the need to take responsibility for ones own life. I will be able to serve others better as a leader when I take responsibility for my own life. It is said that to do is to learn; therefore I seek to practice these principles with others and share the knowledge with persons I regularly interact with.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“They themselves are makers of themselves” This means that man must take responsibility over his nature and by doing this he will change his thoughts and inevitably his circumstances change to suit his thought process. We are who we are because of our own doing.

“Man learns both by suffering and bliss”. It is important because learning is crucial to growth. The journey in life may not always be easy but suffering and trials become our fortress and stepping stone to greater things in life.

“You will become as small as your controlling desire, as great as your dominant aspiration.” Here the author’s message seems to be that following ones base desires will leads to a future of self-destruction and confusion. Our higher vision or purpose to live out our dreams is what pulls us away from these base desires which are as a result of bad and impure thoughts.

“Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom”. This to my mind means that strength of mind and character are the basis of being able to control our emotions. This means we can be in whatever mood we choose despite any negative circumstance. Calmness allows one to think through a situation rationally without being emotional or biased.

“Action is the blossom of thought and joy and suffering are its fruits”. Man therefore needs to get to know himself. He needs to look deep inside himself, find out what he really is, because every action will spring from his thought process. We have power over mind and therefore power over thought and nature only works to present opportunities through which man can manifest thoughts.

“Man is a growth by law and not a creation by artifice”. I think that the authors message here is to encourage one to dig deep into the mine of his soul. The author has further stated that man is a progressive evolving being. It is therefore in his nature to analyze and learn so that he may change his current circumstances. The lesson is quite simple. First experiences, then learn, and then grow and eventually one has the power to change their circumstances.

“Mans mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild.” One must be cautious of what you watch and read. The things or material we see or read is registered in our minds. We are likely to practice what we think about and this practice hardens into habit and over time this will bring about certain circumstances and eventually this becomes destiny.

“Circumstances does not make the man, it reveals him to himself”. This quote to my mind, means that man can choose to dominate his circumstances so that he can change those circumstances. That power is buried in his mind, in his thoughts. Man must therefore make conscious effort to improve his thoughts in order to better his current circumstances.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The authors suggest that suffering ceases for him who is pure. I am not sure what kind of suffering the author relates to for example whether physical or emotional but I think that suffering is part of human life until death whether one has pure thoughts or not. Bad health is also a form of suffering however it is possible to simply get sick as a result of a factor that is unrelated to your thought process. Perhaps environment can affect an individual’s health and this is something that is beyond mans control.

What of old age? For example, when one succumbs to disease as a result of being old. I think that whether one has pure or impure thoughts at this point does not count. However I still understand that the authors main message is that impure thoughts can hasten the process or ageing or succumbing to an illness

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Muthoni Mucheru (Kenya)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea in my view is that people have a limiting thought pattern. They do not realize that their thoughts determine how far they go in life in terms of achieving personal success. For example conquering ones fears just like Jonathan Seagull leads one to discover their unbounded potential. People are limited by many factors.

One example in the book is limitation by parents. Jonathan Seagulls parents wanted him to focus on learning how to eat instead of flying.

Another example is society. The rest if the seagulls lead by the elder gulls banished Jonathan because he did things no ordinary seagull had ever attempted to do. This in my view demonstrates how the overall society with its traditions, culture, norms and values it seeks to uphold. Anything or anyone then, that is not in tune with these aspects is seen as rebellious and is often shunned and thrown out and becomes an outcast just as Jonathan was.

One who succeeds in overcoming life’s limitations can use his talents to uplift others to greater heights. One can guide others and be a light for others when there seems to be no way. You can encourage and empower others by your actions. But this form of leadership occurs when an individual has conquered limiting thoughts and has achieved personal success.

I think that the author also seeks to communicate the message that once we have overcome our old limiting nature, more opportunities come into our lives. These opportunities are presented in the form of the people we meet. You feel renewed and inspired, almost as if you have a new body and a new mind. You then have more knowledge and understanding of yourself and you feel energized to conquer bigger and better things, which, because of your old nature, you never have imagined.

The author also highlights the theme of courage. One must banish all thoughts of failure and simply do what you have set out and purposed to do. It is risky to go into unexploited territory and it is highly likely that you may get hurt either emotionally, financially, physically and so on. Once you have conquered your fear and boldly faced the challenges, you are better able to handle many more difficult situations. For example Jonathan discovered he could fly in the dark and could plunge from thousands of feet above sea level.

Finally the author through Jonathan, portrays an individual who kooks for and finds his higher purpose in serving a society and a people that wanted to kill him because of his belief system. When one discovers their true calling he can achieve true happiness and can direct and help others towards the path of self discovery.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

First the level of thought is important. Our thoughts limit or give us unbounded potential. We need to discover our inner selves and therefore act in tune with this discovery and succeed. For example, when I was in school, the opportunity to star in a French play came along. I was doubtful and was not sure I could take up any role however with encouragement from my French teacher, I ended up playing the leading role and went ahead to win the prize of Best Actress.

Second, that practice makes perfect. That if one tirelessly works on their goal then they will be bound to succeed. It is important to keep doing whatever you believe in. For example, I searched for a job without baring any fruits for six months after I completed my degree but I did not give up and eventually I got my first real job.

Third, it is important to overcome our fear no matter how many times we fail. That in overcoming fear we conquer one of the greatest limiting factors in our lives. For example I always hated public speaking and cringed every time I was called upon to do so. I read a book whose author suggested that we conquer fear by doing that which we fear most. I went on to look for opportunities that required public speaking. Currently I am more comfortable at it.

Fourth it is important to break off from societal traditions to fully discover and follow your higher purpose. Then you will discover the delights and riches that are as a result of breaking the limiting bounds of outer circumstances. For example, I have a friend from a very humble background but he saves almost every coin he earns yet the friends he grew up with have become disillusioned by the very same circumstances leading to depression and heavy drinking. My friend believes he can overcome this and break the cycle of poverty in his family. I believe that he will eventually.

Fifth is that in life one will encounter likeminded people who are on the journey of self discovery. On the other hand one will get pressure from people who are rigid in their belief system due to external pressure and circumstances. For example, I always meet people who have encouraged me to do more than is required and do it extraordinarily well in order to excel.

Sixth it will take a person longer to discover his higher purpose if one does not learn from past mistakes and actions. It is therefore important to have purpose and direction in life. For example, I often had friends who did not share my value system and I have come to realize that this has been pulling me back. This was a great lesson for me and I have really learnt from it.

Seventh that it is noble and admirable to forgive those who hurt you. It is through love that one can go back and help those who have hurt you. For example, I have learnt that forgiveness requires strength of character. It has taken many years to learn that one must forgive in order to move on with life.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I believe that these ideas can be practically implemented into my daily personal life. It allows me to see that while societal values and principles may be good, if they tend to limit and put boundaries, then it is better to discard them.

It is now possible to see how it is not enough to simply make money and eat. But it is more important to search and discover ones higher purpose in order to achieve personal success. This leads to a better world around me because I am able to help others and in the process also help myself grow through making mistakes and learning from them.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Such promises are for the gulls that accept the ordinary; one who has touched excellence in his learning has no need of that kind of promise.”

This means that one can be different. One can break out of self-limiting thoughts and discover his own path towards excellence.

“We can lift ourselves out of ignorance; we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence, intelligence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to fly!

This means that we can discover more of our potential when we conquer our fears. It is possible to break through the societal traditions and culture. As a result we must be ready to be shunned because of our nature and commitment to being the best we can be.

“Boredom, fear and anger are the reasons for a gull’s short life”

This is important because if one allows these three vices to enter into ones life, then life is bound to be short, brutish and uncomfortable.

“Our purpose is for living is to find perfection and show it forth”

This is important because often one only does what is necessary and ordinary. This will only take you longer to get to your goal or higher purpose.

“Break all chains of your thought and you break the chains of your body too”

This means our thoughts eventually determine our physical actions. There is therefore a thin line between thought and action. It has often been said that we are what we think about. It is therefore important to think of yourself as an unlimited being.

“The most important thing in living was to reach out and touch perfection in what they most loved to do and that was to fly.

This means one should seek to discover their inner most self, touch it then do that you love most to perfection.

“Who is more responsible than the gull who finds and follows a meaning, a higher purpose for life?”

To discover the higher purpose for life, one must first take courage and charge over his own life, take responsibility over to and be a leader in your own life. Then one can find freedom to live above the ordinary conditions of life and discover and learn more about his true nature. It is in discovery and learning that we take actual responsibility over our life.

“The gull sees farthest who flies highest”

You are more likely to see more opportunity once you succeed in breaking the limiting bonds of society, of your family and especially of your mind. Such things no longer cloud your vision; they merely become grey clouds over which you fly, while others below have to endure the endless torment of rain and cold. Like Jonathan you learn to fly where the air is thin and cool and one is able to see even beyond the horizon.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I do not understand the meaning or reason behind Jonathan Seagulls acquiring a new body. In addition I am unclear meaning of Chiangs ability to appear and disappear as he wishes. Perhaps it teaches us that anything is possible and one should not be limited to thinking that a certain thing cannot be attained.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 5
B. How helpful were the contents? 5
C. How easy was it to understand? 6
D. Would you recommend it to others? 4
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 5

Keys To Success
Assessment by Muthoni Mucheru (Kenya)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

One of the main ideas the author is trying to convey is that the mind is the tool with which an individual should use to achieve personal success. One starts by having a clear vision of his goal in mind. It must be so clear as to create faith and belief in its achievement. Using examples of people whose lives were built on this idea, the author shows that it is humanly possible to achieve what one purposefully set out to do.

The author clearly illustrates that success must be wholistic. To ensure that life is enjoyed to the maximum, for example, one must take care of his health by exercising, by eating right and so on in addition one must also take care of what he allows to grow in his mind because it becomes his belief and therefore his habits which eventually lead to hid destiny.

The author also through examples shows that it is not mandatory to have acquired the highest level of education to achieve success. Simple people from humble backgrounds have achieved great success that has affected generations and will still continue to have effect on future generations.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

One must have definiteness of purpose. It is important to have a goal and focus on it with steadfast devotion. If one has no goal, then he will never fulfill anything that may be of importance to him. If you focus on that one idea it is bound to bear fruits. One must then get down to creating a plan that will propel him towards this goal. The plan must be written down to tell your mind that you have committed to it. Then work to create a positive mental attitude, and all this takes place in your mind. Build desire around this idea so that it becomes an obsession. This will cause an attraction to only those things that will help one fulfill this idea.

I have found this to be true. It is only after I sat down to plan on how to use my time and money did I save enough money to buy myself some important gadgets that would have been impossible without proper planning.

The second idea is to establish a mastermind alliance. This means having people who have the same vision as you and are willing to go the extra mile to achieve it. To achieve a successful mastermind alliance, there must be harmony with all members, and that harmony must constantly be strengthened for example I am a member of a strong catholic professional group and our mission is to make a difference to the community around us as catholic professionals.

The third idea is that having faith is crucial in achieving your goal. The mind must be conditioned to think in a certain manner, through faith one opens his mind to the possibility of anything even though it seems is impossible to the doubtful mind. Faith by definition also means overcoming your fear. The author lists several most common causes of fear such as fear of poverty, criticism and so on. For example I find the fear of failure is paralyzing. It prevents any positive thought pattern and instead of finding a solution one only wallows in self- doubt and never tries to attempt to go beyond it. Eventually one gives up on a potentially fruitful idea.

The idea of budgeting your time and money also has great importance to me. The progress of success will be largely determined on how well one spends his time and money. People with definiteness of purpose are doers according to the author while those who have no goal are easily controlled by circumstances and are drifters. For example I have experienced some trying situations that I allowed to hurt me deeply although in essence the situation should not have. I later realized that there were weaknesses in me that I needed to get rid of.

The fifth and also important point is to learn from adversity. It is through mistakes that one can becomes a better person. It is therefore crucial that one learn from his mistakes in order to empower him at the next moment. According to the author, failure reveals and breaks bad habits allowing one to have a fresh start. Failure causes us to one to look deeply within himself and take stock. In building relationships with others whether on a personal or professional level, I have learned that through mistakes and positive criticism one can slowly building himself up and become better person with correct principles.

The sixth idea is enforcing self-discipline. Self-discipline allows one to control his emotions. The author gives at list of positive and negative emotions. Either way one chooses to go, he must control emotions and direct or channel them in way that is most beneficial to the achievement of your goal. Positive and negative emotions should be subjected to reason at all times, In my view, this is because I think that too much of anything will only cause more disappointment, take love for example, I have seen parents who love their children so much that they fail to discipline and guide them towards responsibility.

Maintenance of good health is one of the greatest factors leading to happiness. A body that is overweight or underweight due to too much food or the lack of it can never sustain positive thoughts. I believe exercise helps to enrich and strengthen the thought process. Bad habits such as excessive alcohol and smoking deteriorate the health of the body and mind. For example I always feel better after doing some exercise especially swimming and it enables me to keep my weight under check and also keep fit.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The author has simply described a list of techniques to enable one to achieve personal and professional success. I believe that these ideas are important and personally the ideas expressed in this book have challenged me to think deeply about what I really want to give back to life. And I realize that sitting down to write out goals can actually be a daunting task because it forces one face reality and commit to how to proceed through life without being swayed this way and that by whatever comes ones way.

These ideas have forced me to look deep within myself and see how best to apply these principles of success. It would be impractical to try them all at a go but practicing at least two every month, would completely embed them into my character.

I can now focus on my goal without fear or worry of anything and having absolute belief in achieving it. I can now take practical steps every day for example continually networking with people who are in the business of what I want, advancing my studies towards the profession I truly desire. In my interaction with others, it would be prudent to focus on my energy on that interaction and if the person should need my help or advice then I would be in a position to offer it.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Self-discipline is the principle by which you may voluntarily shape the pattern of your thoughts to harmonize with your goals and purposes”

I believe that this discipline must be constantly put practice for any effects to seen. Self-discipline gives birth to many more virtues such as emotional control, patience and so on. This is a very key principle for any successful person. This can help me understand people before judging them and seeking to put others first by giving full hearted charity.

“Any worthiness, superfluous or harmful habit can be broken and replaced with desirable one if you want it to be so”

In any endeavor to break an old negative habit we must replace it with another that is positive otherwise the void will be filled by a habit or something else that is not helpful to personal development. There are many bad habits I would want to break which I believe would build my interpersonal skills within my social circle.

“A strong will does not dwell on the past; a vital ego thrives on hopes and desires of as yet unattained objectives”

This is an important lesson for me. It is also one of the most difficult to truly implement. Letting go of the past can really bring freedom especially of thought and action. This means that one can then concentrate of your hopes and desires and richly use your creative experience.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, I completed some of the exercises. I discovered that they made me truly commit to planning for my goals. By putting pen to paper, I have been able to get some concrete strategies to help me achieve my goal.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 5
B. How helpful were the contents? 6
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 5
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 5

Assessment by Muthoni Mucheru (Kenya)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea is the enhancement of your self-image by having greater self-esteem. The author emphasis that our self-esteem directly affects our happiness and eventually our destiny.

The book presents a set of mind techniques which are useful in discovering ones greater personality. The author postulates that the personal and professional challenges we undergo on a daily basis can be overcome despite our current negative circumstances. That as human beings, we are endowed with creativity, awareness and imagination therefore maximum utilisation of these qualities leads to a better life whether professionally or personally. Using different examples from persons who have undergone real life experiences, the author shows that ordinary people have tremendously transformed their lives into extraordinary examples.

The author postulates that each one of us always acts, feels and behaves in a way that is consistent with our self-image regardless of the reality. This means that a poor self-image deceives one into having an impression of him. The author says that we can program ourselves toward success and happiness. This process allows us to define success in your own terms.

The message in this book is that as human beings having awareness and imagination, we have the power to change our lives. Imagination plays an important role in creating in our mind a clear picture of how we want the future to be. It is a process of virtual creation but it is so clear that it could be real and the beauty of this is that the mind cannot tell the difference between something real and that which is imagined. However this process needs to be repeated in order to produce results.

The author gives a series of techniques to enable one to adequately program himself for success for example by constantly affirming a positive self-image to yourself, fake it till you make it technique , and so on. The subconscious mind immediately believes this and begins to act on it. Simply put, the subconscious mind always says ‘yes’ to everything the conscious mind tells it and moves towards the direction the conscious mind points to it. For example if person secretly believes that failure is abound at each turn, then there will be failure in every circumstance. It is therefore important to change your beliefs to suit what you want to become.

The author also points out that in order to make maximum use of our imagination, the right side of the brain, we need to be stress free and eliminate all forms of anxiety. The author gives a variety of relaxation techniques. It is interesting to note that most of the time, the situation that may cause tress are not entirely stressful in itself. The stress we feel comes about as a by –product of ones owns feelings and image of himself. Most of our worries are imaginary and they have no real negative impact on us. In addition, Human beings can learn and unlearn their habits and we can therefore form the habit of reacting in a calm manner when faced with a stressful situation or when we feel our buttons have been pushed.
Ones self-esteem will also help one live life by one’s own script. It means consciously choosing what works best for you. It is clear that one’s self-esteem goes a long way. It gives courage to map the way forward and go for what one truly believes in.

The author therefore concludes that the mind plays an important role in determining one’s destiny. The connection is simple; the mind determines our self-image, our self-images then evaluates the situations whether negatively or positively. Our reaction to a situation becomes a habit which hardens to form part of our character which then creates our destiny.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The first idea is that one’s self-image determines his behaviour and how one reacts to certain circumstances. The mind has an automatic guidance system which determines how we interpret and react to a circumstance. Human beings can control their minds and thoughts. Therefore we can control our self-image and programme ourselves to personal success and achievement. This idea is revolutionary and I believe one can rise or fall using this power to control who we are for example I taught kindergarten school children while on school vacation and I learnt that many shy children could be encouraged towards growing into self-confident children through changing their mental self- concept.

Another powerful idea is that the creative mechanism works automatically and impersonally towards achieving success and happiness. Our ‘servomechanism or subconscious mind agrees with whatever our conscious mind tells it whether negative or positive. It can operate as a success or failure mechanism depending on what we constantly or habitually tell ourselves. The author gives a five step procedure designed to creating a new image self-image. I find this idea very powerful and life changing: many people feel stuck and constantly think of their failures so all they encounter is failure. For example I have discovered that constantly thinking of a past failure or event that had adverse emotional impact, only makes me feel terrible and depressed. I chose to focus on an ideal future for myself.

The author strongly advocates for the extensive use of your imagination through ‘reflective learning’ one can replace feelings of inadequacy and failure and build on feelings that build success. This idea is true and though I have never realised it, I have been using my imagination to picture myself in places or with people that I feel will have a positive impact on life. Now that I realise that this idea is helpful, I can now take it more seriously.

The fourth idea is that to free ourselves from false beliefs, we need to search deep within ourselves and perhaps look into our past to find the exact source of these false beliefs. Once we have identified the source, we can begin to tune out the negative beliefs using rational thinking and create new memories using reflective relearning. The authors talks of negative beliefs that build invisible walls which limit and prevent us from achieving our full potential. I have seen about two of my friends overcome extreme shyness through constant imaginary encounters in which they were faced with situations that cause them great anxiety but were able to overcome their shyness.

The fifth idea is that it is important to make it a habit to live a stress free life using a few techniques we can learn how to relax and as a result we can tap more productively into the creative right side of the brain. I discovered that I have never thought creatively while under stress or while feeling unhappy or angry about circumstances.

The sixth idea is that it is important to plan yours goals. Sitting down to plan brings reality closer and this acts as a signal to your brain causing it think critically of a plan of action without a specific plan, then anything goes and one’s dream will always be ‘in the future’ I think the five step procedure (SMART) is important. I have realised that sometimes what one lacks is initiative to even start writing a plan more often than not, I plan with my mind and often I forget what I had decided or set out to do, so I have to start planning all over again.

The seventh idea is that of removing glitches from your personality. We can use negative feedback from others to cancel and then relearn new positive habits for example through constructive criticism. Then learn from your own mistakes to better yourself in future. This is often difficult to do, as it involves being open yet avoiding or eliminating the feeling of negative self-judgment. I t takes personal security to be able to learn and act upon constructive criticism and then proceed to change.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I believe these ideas are very practical in my personal life because if I am to influence the creation of a better world, it is only logical to start by creating a better me. The idea of sitting down to write and plan my goals has always posed a great challenge, perhaps because it is always easier to procrastinate. But if I am able to do it and act on many other challenges then I would also help young people around me to overcome their own challenges. This would definitely bring some semblance of happiness. I am sure others around me would catch on. The principles of self-growth are fundamental to every human being.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“No one reacts to thing as they are, but to his own mental images”
I have discovered this to be true. Most of the negative stream of energy aimed at us shouldn’t in essence harm us emotionally, yet we often ‘awfulize’ the situation beyond what the circumstances called for. The author says we ought to look back at each situation objectively without overly judging ourselves. This for me is something worth practising.

“When you are not goal-striving, nor looking forward, you are nor really living”
I believe that if human beings and did not have some worthwhile goal to look forward to many would perhaps give up and die. I read a book by Victor Frankl known as Mans Search for Meaning in which he highlights the plight of detainees in various camps in Germany during the Second World War. He wrote that most people died not because of starvation, disease or excessive cold but because they had lost hope and therefore saw no reason to continue living. This message is powerful. Personally it encourages me to continue set worthwhile goals and even after I achieve them I should set others.
“You can get even with life or you can get on with life”

I think many of us walk around secretly resenting somebody who hurt us or did something wrong to us. Forgiving oneself becomes the greatest challenge. An unforgiving soul breeds resentment and the author prescribes that the only cure is forgiveness. This is easier said than done. It requires great personal security to ask and accept forgiveness. In Kenya currently, the issue of the post-election violence left many dead and thousands homeless and it is still an emotive issue. Many internally displaced persons have not been resettled because they are afraid to go back to their original homes for the fear of fresh outbreak of violence come 2012, the next election period. Many projects have been started by civil society groups to implement the concept of forgiveness as a form of justice.

“Before you start out on the road to revenge, dig two graves”
This old Chinese proverb is truly wise. I have discovered that focus on negative energy simply builds more on negative energy. It causes one to miss out on opportunities that would have otherwise had positive impact in one’s life. It means that we therefore limit ourselves and put ourselves under that person’s power. It always feels much better when you truly let go.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The exercises to determine where certain beliefs come from was very helpful. Some false beliefs that I had about myself were placed in my mind when I was a child and I now realise that I can completely do away with that data and completely delete it from my system.

The series of questions to get an idea of my current state of mind are helpful. It allowed me to put more priority in doing what I enjoy. I discovered that procrastination is truly the ultimate thief of time; after I answered the questions on discover why you procrastinate. It was a real eye opener.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 7
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8

Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Assessment by Muthoni Mucheru (Kenya)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in the book is how to use Positive mental attitude to get personal and professional success. He starts by writing that the most important person is me. This book is about the combination of principles that can be applied using PMA. It is about changing ones world from being constantly disabled by negativity to being created through positivity.

The author points out that definiteness of purpose, is the starting point of all achievement. It is important to be sure of what you really want. This is where to begin. Once the subconscious has registered this desire then the rest of the success principles can be brought into play. This is the formula to achieve anything in life.

Success through PMA requires one to consciously try to apply the principles of success. Then once registered in the subconscious, they tend to occur more naturally. One must learn to think accurately through the use of reason and emotion where the circumstances allow.

The principles enumerated here need a person’s initiative and willpower. The principles are to be applied on a regular basis. The author postulates that this is the only way to maximize the benefits of the book.

The author also shows that problems have been the basis of great success for many individuals. In fact most of all the millionaires captured in this book were faced with poverty and lack of education and that was their problem. This created a need, a gap that needed to be filled. The problems they faced gave them the inspiration to overcome them by acquiring wealth and employing educated people to work for them. This problem or need when combined with PMA provides the perfect opportunity to maximise any benefits. A problem is good, depending on how the mind has been trained to look at it.
The author’s message is that many ordinary people have achieved success through these principles. It means that these principles are practical and can be applied by anyone. It also shows that this book is based on results.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

I liked the idea that you can change your world. We have all been born into this world holding nothing except out mental abilities. We can solve our problems effectively through self-suggestion and through self-motivators. Despite our numerous challenges for example physical weakness, we all have special talents and are born very unique. In my work, I have observed that people contribute uniquely to the success of any given project even though they have equal qualifications. For example one may be creative another may be more accurate and so on. A combination of these talents brings great success.
I think it is also important to remove all cobwebs from our thinking. It is crucial to remove all forms of negative thinking and emotion. The author points out that we have absolute control over our mental attitude. Whatever grows in the mind will be harvested in reality.

It’s important to think logically but at the same time to balance emotion and reason. I am not sure if it possible to remove all negative emotion from ones thinking. Life can be tough but there are still many good things that life offers. For example I became discouraged when I search for my first job for about six months. But a little voice inside me kept giving me courage to continue looking. I am glad that I did not lose heart or give in to any negative energy.
The second idea is that of seeing a problem as an opportunity. Many people see problems as that…a problem. The author shows a procedure on how to solve the problem. Asking for divine guidance comes first, engaging in thinking time, stating the problem and so on. I would want to learn how to see a problem as a seed of equivalent or greater benefit. Many times seeking divine guidance gets a backseat. I have discovered that simply praying about a problem shows that you have faith that it can be solved.

Learning to see is an important idea. Opening up the mind to an ocean of possibility can solve many problems. The author empahsises that seeing with your mind is a process that has to be learned. The story of George W. Campbell touched me. He believed that he would one day actually see and he did. The eyes, according to Dr. Samuel act as hands that take information and give it to the brain. The brain then gives the information then we ‘see’. The author also points out that you can see without ‘seeing’ at all. Opportunity is there but is fleet of foot said one man. Just before the National Referendum for the constitution, I saw this as an opportunity to get over my fear of public speaking.

I organised a public forum to raise issues that affect the youth that had been addressed in the constitution. Am glad I took that opportunity. The idea of ‘DO IT NOW’ has had profound effects in my life. The author calls it the secret of getting things done. I believe it requires some form of courage and will power to set things in motion in order to achieve a goal. People can be full of excuses and explanations as to why they cannot get things done. That inertia or lethargy is something of a habit that has been in grained in the mind. ‘DO IT NOW’ simply means put laziness, excuses and fear aside and get going. For example the first time I heard about ILGL from my friend, I knew instantly that it was something I really wanted to do. Yet it took me three months to actually join it. I simply had too many excuses as to why I had not joined it yet.

I found the ten basic motives that inspire all human action rather interesting. Given my little experience in this world, I think these 10 motivators are true in a sense although the order of significance will vary from one person to another. I noticed that the negative emotions are almost at per with the positive ones. The author points out that negative emotions, feelings, thoughts and attitudes can be good. I found that the B. Franklin’s list offered some food for thought. I am yet to try out this process. However, I also believe as one man did that, anything worth having is worth working hard for. There are certain habits such as patience that I would like to cultivate. Now I have found that this process is reasonable and practical.

Finding satisfaction in your job can be a challenge. It ought to be a labour of love and not a sense of duty. Majority of people find this daily jobs or chores routine, dull and uninteresting. Like one Clarence Lantzer who asked himself “how can I be happier in my job?” This is a personal question that every person should search deep within his soul to find. Reason being that success has to be defined by each person individually and set according to his own terms.

Develop ‘inspirational dissatisfaction’ by actively looking for a solution to solve this ‘problem’, instead of passively waiting for something better to come along. This is good advice from the author. This allows one to analyse themselves and see where they can best fit and ‘round the peg’ by changing ones attitude from negative to positive. For example I have a close friend who simply hated her job, but instead of sitting still she actively searched for another that best suited her capabilities.

One other very important idea is that of creating your own magnificent obsession. The author shows that anyone can have a magnificent obsession and not even be rich or powerful to begin with. It means devoting yourself to a cause of action that you feel passionate about. I am not quite sure if the author is right in assuming that one lives longer with a magnificent obsession. Sometimes it means giving of your time and money to any worthy cause. Finding your magnificent obsession means being courageous enough to pursue what makes you tick. It means being ready to be ostracized by many who do not understand you. For example I have a close friend who chose to start her career in uplifting the youth spiritually and economically despite having pursued and completed her degree in Law. Initially, it was on voluntary basis but she was so passionate about it that she was elected to be the Pan African Coordinator for the International Movement of Catholic Students.

There is also that idea that PMA revitalises your health and in same vein, NMA will undermine mental and physical health and shorten life. I believe this can be attributed to stress which leads to all forms of sickness such as high blood pressure. Some people have imaginary sickness because of stress, fear and so on. I have found this to be true even for me. During the time in high school, I found school tiresome and I was often homesick and got sick ever so often. Upon leaving school, I suddenly become healthier and now I understand why.

Lastly, I believe that anyone can attract happiness. Abraham Lincoln said “it has been my observation that people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be”. In order to attract happiness we need to understand ourselves then from there we can understand and relate well to others. I believe that no one can be happy on his own. One needs the help of those around him. Therefore once we relate well to others we are bound to be happy. The author points out that to be happy; we need to make others happy. Whether it is your spouse, family member or even a total stranger for example there was a time in my life when I was between a rock and a hard place but at the same time, a dear friend was going through a really rough patch worse than mine. I comforted her and sent her any inspirational book and material I could lay my hands on. Slowly she began to heal and it is in her moments of happiness that I found mine.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas in this book have truly given me a boost of energy to once again be steady and focus on attaining my personal goals. It has been a challenge. Now I realise that nothing worthwhile can be accomplished without some form of challenge. The world around me can be a better place if I choose to be happy. Having a positive mental attitude will help me be more patient with others we can work together in a more fulfilling and creative way.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Every adversity has the seed of an equal or greater benefit for those who have PMA”

This statement is very powerful. Especially to a person who seeks to learn from experience. Experience is therefore never bad. It is simply an opportunity to learn and grow. My ‘bad’ experiences have helped me realise my weaknesses and I have succeeded in correcting most of them.

“It is impossible for you to conceive how far up is, except for the limitation of your mind”

To my mind, this means that we are limited only in so far as we think we are. If one has placed no limitation in his mind, then anything that he thinks can be achieved will be achieved. I have set high standard for myself. I believe my goals are realistic for me and each day I try very hard to work towards them.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I did not understand the theory of hypnosis with relation to the principles that can be applied with PMA. The author points out that the brain sends out energy in form of brain waves. This energy is power which can affect another person or object. This seems rather farfetched however perhaps I would need to delve deeper into the subject through my own research.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

I completed the last exercise which was a test to determine my success quotient. My score was average therefore I really need to work on myself. I found the exercises to be an eye opening experience in discovering more about myself.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 6
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 5

Giant Steps

Assessment by Muthoni Mucheru


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The mind idea that I deduced from this book is that of the power of our minds. The mind is shaping the very things that we perceive. Human beings have used the mind to create the world as we know it. The world is what it is because of the cumulation of peoples thought processes over time.

Through the proper use of our minds we can gain access to the metaphoric pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The pot of gold is not just material success but also the deep joy and satisfaction that comes while contributing to a better world. Human beings should first master and control their minds before any progressive and positive external change can take place.

The techniques and strategies illustrated in the book, offer a peek into a world where we can be in full control of our lives and our destiny.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?  List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.  Use personal examples from your own life.

I am glad that procrastination has been strongly highlighted in this book. The author has subscribed to the hedonistic school of thought that links all human actions to either pain or pleasure. I find this link interesting as I have never really classified human action in such a simplistic manner. Nonetheless, I think it is practical especially when it comes to acting upon the goals that we have set. He says that we have to move from goal setting to action. I think Human beings procrastinate in every area not just when it comes to implementing our goals. Notably so, is the issue of procrastinating our happiness for a future date. More often than not people feel that their circumstances have limited their happiness. Yet outer circumstances are not what brings inner joy. I have found this to be true in my life. I still want a better job therefore better pay, more successful relationships. But lately my happiness has been what I have decided it to be. I focus more on altering my emotional state despite any dis-empowering circumstance. I often succeed in being happy than unhappy.

I found the idea of using questions to shape life simply amazing. Asking questions when faced with problems allows thought process to take place. When our thought process is engaged, the power of imagination comes into play, if a person allows it. The process of thought is so important that it allows one to change opinions, beliefs and convictions. Our beliefs carry so much authority that they affect our daily decisions. However we can always change them, if they have a negative effect and instead inculcate positive convictions, which, are in fact stronger than mere beliefs. The questions we ask or fail to ask define our destiny. I have often asked myself “why” when a relationship fails. Now, I focus on “how” I can improve it. The more empowering a question is the more positive and uplifting the answer will be. This has truly changed the way I interact with those whom I love.

The author states that only change is constant and I couldn’t agree more. Change has always been rather challenging more so when replacing old habits with new ones. However the process is much faster when I associate my past actions to pain. I then visualize how my new habits will change certain aspects in my life. I critically look at the result of my behaviour which is a result of bad habits. I had a habit of attributing my failure to people around me and the circumstances. When I started this leadership program, I experienced a powerful paradigm shift. Now I am completely out of that comfort zone and taking charge of my life.

The use of Transformational words is a new concept that I have never before encountered. It is common to hear people throw words carelessly. They use words that make mountains out of molehills. This is a something I have also done more often than not. In life, a circumstance has no meaning except the meaning we choose to give it. One day I asked myself,

“What kind of words do I use to describe a situation that I find dis-empowering?” The answer I got was shocking. Words like depressing, terrible and embarrassing popped up. So I immediately googled for some positive words to add to my vocabulary. So now, words like awe-inspiring, sensational and magnificent feature more in my speech. This does not mean that I ignore the bad feelings. I recognize the bad feelings then try to work on finding a rational solution. I will get better at it in the long run.

The author has given a list of the most common negative emotions. He postulates that they are actually a signal of the need to change. I have now found a new way of looking at negative emotions. I see them as a signal and a guide because they enable me to reflect on any false belief. I can then re-evaluate a false belief or simply change focus. For example, I have been rained on severally only to go home and find no electricity meaning a hot shower is impossible. This trivial situation always got me mad. Nowadays I focus more on what I can control. I choose to be content because at least there is promise of a hot meal afterward.

Clarifying my personal compass/ my values has helped me understand myself more. The author demonstrates that knowing your deepest values is a key factor in creating success. Values go to the core of our being. In the past, I have made decisions that really made me question certain values I had given priority. The pain that has resulted from decisions based on these values has been a wake up call for me.

The question of our individuality, our identity, our inner being has always been a tad mysterious.  Many authors have written on the human soul or the inner being. This is what makes us unique. I believe everybody is extraordinary because we all have something unique about us that is, except our finger prints.  Varying experiences and diverse use of imagination differentiates us. I am still looking within to see how I can contribute to the society around me, using my uniqueness.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas I have talked about in question 2, have deeply impacted on my life. I endeavor to apply the principles in a way that suits me and the circumstances around me.

I am a leader in a Catholic Professional Movement. One day, I came across an interesting article titled ‘delusions of grandeur’. It talked about how African leadership is about maintaining the status quo yet society is constantly changing. This has led to an upsurge of uprisings all over North Africa. I have realized that as a leader, I must focus on Constant And Never Ending Improvement (CANI). It has been a great lesson to learn from African leaders toppled from power by a peoples need for change.

I also discovered that indeed, when the voice on the inside becomes more loud and clear than the voices on the outside, then you have become a master of your life. The principles elucidated in the book have taught me to strengthen my beliefs and convictions because I am able clarify them, through the decisions I make everyday.

4. Quotes:  Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention?  If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“One of the marvels of being human is our ability to fill any event with uplifting or devastating significance”

We can use our imagination to the make the most out of every circumstance no matter how grim the situation may seem. This means that there can be no mistakes in life. There are only lessons to learn. This encourages me to learn more readily from dis-empowering situations.

“I do not worry about maintaining the quality of my life because every day I work on improving it”

This represents the importance to seeing and accepting change. Remaining stagnant only makes me redundant.

“Thinking is nothing but the process of asking and answering questions”

I am now able to ask myself empowering questions that help me find a solution faster. This is a never ending process that is continually bringing out potent information that can help me create a better world around me.

“Courage unused diminishes, commitment unexercised wanes, and passion unexpressed dissipates”

This reminds me of the three servants who were given talents in the bible. Each used his talent differently  and each was rewarded according to how well the talent was used. This quote pushes me to use all my inner resources to create a better world around me.

“Knowing what to do is not enough; you must do what you know”

This is by far one of the most outstanding quotes because it represents the need to take action. Nobody ever accomplished anything by sitting on knowledge. Knowledge must be put into action to produce great results and eventually bring about the change we desire.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?  If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

I tried all the exercises. I finished writing out the goals I would like to accomplish in 5 years time in different areas such as the personal sphere, economic, adventure and contribution goals.

I also did the NAC Master questions which have been extremely helpful. I performed a small research on some uplifting words that have now become part of my transformational vocabulary.

The only thing left is the 10 day mental challenge which I must admit is yet to be fully performed. This challenge requires a full 10 days of abstaining from any unresourceful thoughts and emotions.

7.Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?  If so, please comment.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10.  Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read?                             10
B. How helpful were the contents?                            10
C. How easy was it to understand?                            10
D. Would you recommend it to others?                     10
E.  What is the overall rating you would give it?       10