As a Man Thinketh
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book?
The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is that the mind is the most powerful instrument known to man. It has the power to shape one’s destiny. What a man thinks is very vital to and may lead to either his success or failure in life. With his thoughts a man, can either attract good things to happen in his life, or the opposite. Life is full of ups and down, they are what make life worthwhile, conquering adversity. Circumstances are out of every man’s control, but how one reacts to them, are within one’s choice. Everyone on earth has been endowed equally; no one is more gifted or favored more than the other. This means, that despite wherever anyone is, place, location etc., it is not that circumstance that will determine whether he succeeds or fails but rather his attitude to life will.
With his thoughts, man holds the key to what he allows to be absorbed by his mind, and what to discard. A man’s thoughts build up his character, because what a man thinks of day and night, he eventually characterizes that into his very behavior. The author also sends the idea that a person’s thoughts have an impact on their health. A worrying mind is never at peace hence its owner will also not have inner peace. If a person is positive about life, generally, their body and health are also evident of that. He also idealizes that unless thought is linked with purpose then there won’t be any accomplishment.
People without direction in their lives rarely achieve anything in life.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. Being in charge of his own destiny
The first idea that was most important to me was that of a man holding the key to every situation. I believe in this ideal because I think that within all of us, is potential waiting to be unleashed and that we have intelligence that is beyond belief. For a long time in my life, I used to believe that our lives were written and that there was nothing that we could do to change them. I used to pity myself and think, oh well, I can’t do anything to help my situation, and I might as well just accept it. Then I came to realize that attitude plays a huge role in our lives, that I may not be have control over the events that happen in my life, but I have the choice to choose how I react to a situation. With this in mind, I began to see every circumstance as an opportunity.
ii. Seek and you shall find
The idea that ‘he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened really resonated with me because I truly believe that if one rests on their laurels and only daydreams hoping for better things yet not doing anything to attain them, will never come to realize that which he so clearly desires. Once I stopped procrastinating and took charge of my life and chased after my dreams, I realized they were after all attainable.
iii. You reap what you sow
‘Man attracts what he is not what he wants’ I felt like the idea was actually, reiterating what I have seen happening in my life. I was born with a quest for leading other people and serving them, but while in high school, I tried to run away from it, but it always kept chasing me. I thought it was too much responsibility, but finally it caught up with me, when I realized that I didn’t want to merely exist in the world but to live and have an impact in people’s lives.
iv. The law of attraction
Whenever I would be chosen to be a prefect, I would profusely refuse, but as I got older, I felt this deep hunger within myself, that was only filled when I began serving others.
Purpose is the driving force of all achievements. If someone does not have a purpose, they never really have direction of where they are going. My ultimate goal in my life was trying to discover what exactly I was brought on earth to do. I thought everyone chooses their purpose, but I came to discover that purpose actually chooses you, not the other way round. Ultimately one will discover their true purpose and that’s when life really begins to blossom. In my case being a youth and social activist and writer chose me, not the other way round.
v. The importance of purpose
The fifth idea I found to be endearing was that of the body being answerable to the mind. I believe that indeed, what we call the miracle, is actually first borne into the mind because whatever the mind conceives and believes, it ultimately convinces to the body.
Whenever I suffer from ailments nowadays, I actually convince my body that it is not really ill, and I find that I heal much faster and quicker than back when I would wallow in bed and have a pity party about my illness.
vi. Peaceful Spirit
A man reaps what he sows; one cannot sow beans and expect to harvest pumpkins. What you put in is what you get out. I remember particularly one time when I felt like life wasn’t serving me lemonades, like other people, but I later came to realize that I did not exert pressure in my school work as those other people did, hence I couldn’t be expected to reap their harvest, when I hadn’t put in half as much of their effort as they had.
vii. The body’s relationship with the mind
“Calmness of mind” is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. I recognized that stress is not a solution to anything in life, and that the more I get stressed about something yet doing nothing to change the situation, that is potential being wasted away. I used to worry about whether I would achieve my dreams of becoming a writer, a novelist, a media mogul and a philanthropist and public speaker but I realized that worrying about such things yet not taking action, wasn’t enough, the minute I started acting towards what I desire, opportunities presented themselves in my way, now I am a freelance writer, taking little but major steps towards being a speaker, did philanthropic actions through red cross and rotaract club and have joined the global institute for leadership to nurture my love of leadership.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?
The ideas presented above will be very fundamental in my daily existence as well as those around me. Since I know that I am the main instigator in whatever happens in my life, I will forever keep reminding myself of this whenever I encounter difficulties in my life. I used to believe that I couldn’t help bad things happening in my life, but with this idea in mind, I know I possess within me, a power so great that it will overcome any obstacles thrown my way. I can also be a motivator in other young people’s lives and show them that everything can be conquered. I will always look out for opportunities, seek them and grab them with both hands. Right now, I am working on developing a girls’ movement to encourage girls to love and take care of themselves in an effort to try and reduce the spread of HIV and the ever increasing teenage pregnancy in Lesotho. I will hold motivational talk all around the country, with the help of sponsors of course, to pass on this message that they that have purpose will achieve immeasurable things. That if they sow well, their gains will exceed even their expectations. They have the potential to be the best and achieve whatever they set their minds to. Regarding hormones and peer pressure that they face daily, I will share with them the idea of the body being answerable to the mind. It is a myth that one cannot control his or her hormones, and it all starts with changing one’s mindset.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“Act is a blossom of thought and joy and suffering are its fruits.”
“Man holds key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he may make himself what he wills.”
I relate to these quotes because they are so true. I have seen that my mind is a powerful tool which when used effectively can achieve the better good. I also realized that if I want something in my life to happen, I have to seize and take charge of the circumstances I find myself in, not become a victim of my circumstances.
“The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors, that which it loves and also that which it fears, it reaches the height of its cherished aspirations.”
I realized that since whatever my soul desires, the very same thing I desire most always finds a way into my life. Just like this Leadership Institute, it landed in my lap right at the time I was secretly harboring it.
“On the other hand, beautiful thoughts of all kinds crystallize into habits of grace and kindliness, which solidify into genial and sunny circumstances.”
A man is not born with habits, but develops them as time goes. The thoughts I keep in my mind are either building blocks to my future or steps to my downfall.
“Change of diet will not help a man who will not change his thoughts.”
“When a man makes his thoughts pure, he no longer desires impure food.”
Although I have never struggled with weight, I know many who have and had difficulty sticking to their proposed diet. This quote was an eye opener, I realize that thoughts do have an impact on the food one eats.
“The people who live in fear of disease are the people who get it.”
“There is no physician like cheerful thoughts for dissipating the ills of the body; there is no comforter to compare with goodwill for dispersing the shadows of grief and sorrow.”
These two quotes reflect the true power of how our thoughts have the power to alter our moods and health.
“To put away aimlessness and weakness and to begin to think with purpose is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment.”
I was always scared of failure until I realized that if I stay scared of it any longer, I am actually limiting myself. But with failure, comes learning what an essential and fun part of life it is.
“Cherish your visions; cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts. For out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these, if you but remain to them, your world will at last be built.”
I love this quote because I believe is only by following our vision that we will bring glory in our lives and other peoples’ lives.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
I did not agree with this statement, ‘The truth is that oppressors and slaves are cooperators in ignorance, and while seeming to afflict each other, are in reality afflicting them.’ I think slaves sometimes do not have a choice, especially if we recall during the era of black people enslavement. During the apartheid era in South Africa, black people did not cooperate in ignorance as the statement says.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
No, the book did not have exercises.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
The book is very insightful; I couldn’t put it down once I had my hands on it. The mind is a powerful instrument; I couldn’t help but practice everything that was written in the book, even though already most of the principles in the book, I had already been practicing them.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?
He is trying to deliver across the message that untapped potential within all of us can be used to reach greater heights we never thought possible. There is a special purpose we were all brought here on earth to fulfill, each of us have a role to play, that is not identical to the other person’s purpose. When we let go, and follow our hearts’ inner desires, it will guide us as to what we are destined to do.
Jonathan wasn’t like any ordinary seagull, he believed there was so much more to life than just existing, and he wanted to live. He didn’t just want to simply fly; he wanted to really fly as high as possible, at altitudes that no seagull dared to try. Life is full of limitless opportunities, and Jonathan dared to seek those opportunities, and decided he would rather risk being an outcast rather than to not unlock his full potential and calling. Had he never ventured to pursue this higher purpose, he would have always had a nagging “what ifs” that plague so many people nowadays who are too scared to jump head on into what they desire most. We are scared of being scorned at, ridiculed, by other people, whenever we wish to venture out of our comfort zones.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. Dreaming is what keeps us alive
I am a dreamer, and always wish and aim for better things in life. I am a travel enthusiast for example, and love learning about different people’s culture, in a way that is why I related to Jonathan, because the most inspirational and fulfilling dream to me is flying. If I could be any animal in the world, it would be an eagle, so that I could soar up high and travel the world. My dreams involve, living in a world where poverty ceases to exist; where peace and prosperity overflows, where a girl child and boy child are treated equally.
ii. Everyone is blessed with untapped potential
In order to realize this dream of mine, I realize that within all of us, is potential waiting to be unleashed. I realize that I should first start by being the change that I want to see in the world. Just as Michael Jackson’s Man in the mirror says, “I’m going to make a change, for once in my life, it’s going to feel real good, and it’s going to make a difference, it’s going to make it right.”
iii. Practice makes perfect
So true! The book really shows this point over and over.
iv. It is okay to fail and try again
I was afraid of failure, and always thought of the ridicule I would go through if I failed at a proposed project, like the project that has been close to my heart for a long time; a girls’ leadership program where I would travel the country creating a network of young girls’ who know their worth and are fearless. But I realize just like Jonathan, its okay to fail and try again, after all practice makes perfect. We all learn from our mistakes as the saying says, experience is the best teacher.
v. Home is where the heart is
I believe charity begins at home; my community already needs mentorship and development so I really related to Jonathan, when he wanted to go back home to his people and make a difference in their lives.
vi. Love and forgiveness propel us further in life
I believe that holding a grudge against someone who did one wrong does more harm than good to the victim, but when we forgive those who did us wrong, we no longer become victims but victors.
vii. Passing knowledge forward is the true definition of success
And lastly I think success to me, is not how much money I have in my bank account, or the places I would have travelled, but my success will be defined by how many lives I helped transform and develop.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?
The ideas will assist me to live my life to the fullest, making each day count, knowing that I can achieve all that I set my mind to do. I am currently in the process of trying to establish a book club for the younger generation in my community so that they develop the culture of reading as I believe great readers make great leaders. The idea will also help me to empower those around me including friends and family, to focus on being optimistic about life, so that they attract the good in life. I will also be able to propel my life further knowing that missing a step and falling, doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road for me. I am a volunteer who facilitates children at a development centre, so it will be good for me to nurture and guide them into believing and following their dreams. I believe that a good foundation makes for good, radical, innovative young dynamites who believe that the sky is the limit. I also learn from the kids, a lot, and they help me become a better person, and motivate me to become a good role model in their lives. In my role as a coordinator for African youth for peace and development, I promote for peace and love. I am writer who usually debates and contributes for newspapers and magazines, so I will be able to share the ideas of the books with the rest of the world through my pen. I believe that media is the biggest instrument that can be used to make a change in different people’s lives. It will be of great honor to me if I achieve all these that I have set myself to do, imparting knowledge to others so that Lesotho and the rest of Africa rises and soars up high like an eagle.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“But Jonathan Livingston Seagull, unashamed, stretching his wings in that trembling hard curve- slowing, slowing and stalling once more-was no ordinary bird.”
I love this quote because I used to feel like I was an outcast, regarding the way I thought. I would question a lot of beliefs in my tradition, such of a girl not being able to do certain activities that boys do, just because they were of the opposite sex. But I realized that not being ordinary, made me exactly who I am, “Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe.”
“More than anything else, Jonathan Livingston loved to fly.”
This statement so, simple but yet so powerful actually sums up the passion that Jonathan for flying. I am someone who really believes in following their passion and living for it. Since I believe that when I live my passion, I am fulfilling my purpose in life, and glorifying my creator in the process.
“Who is more responsible than a gull who finds and follows a meaning, a higher purpose for life? For thousand years we have scrabbled after fish heads, but now we have a reason to live- to learn, to discover, to be free!”
“Heaven is not a place, and it is not a time. Heaven is being perfect.”
I love this quote particularly because, for a long time I used to delay doing a lot of things because, I believed that there would be a certain, defined time and place when a knowing voice would give me the
go ahead to pursue whatever dream I wished to start. But I came to realize that I would wait forever still waiting for what I thought was the perfect time. The perfect time is the present because tomorrow is uncertain.
“Look at Fletcher! Lowell! Charles-Roland! Judy-Lee! Are they also special and gifted and divine? No more than you are, no more than I am. The only difference, the very only one, is that they have begun to understand what they really are and have begun to practice it.”
I used to look with admiration at the columnists and writers who would write for newspapers and magazines and wished that one day I could be like them and have my own published material. Then one day while in primary school, I decided that I want to also see my name written on the magazine that my family had prescribed to. My intention was to just see my letter published there, with other readers. So I went and posted my very first letter, to a magazine based in South Africa, our neighboring country. I was stunned when the following month I scanned through the magazines at the letters that had been published and my face fell when I didn’t see my letter among those ones. Just when I was about to page to the next page, at the corner of the page, I realized that in bold, my name was written on the winning letter. I had never been that happy, you can just imagine the excitement I felt right then, at my 12 years of age, not only having my letter published but also winning my very first phone.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ides which you disagree with and if so, why?
I didn’t understand the words Jonathan and Sully exchanged when he said, “If our friendship depends on things like space and time, we’ve destroyed our own brotherhood! But overcome space and all we have left is here. Overcome time, and all we have left is now. And in the middle of here and now, don’t you think we might see each other once or twice?”
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
No, the book did not have exercises.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
I found Jonathan’s character to be an inspiration in my life. Besides his determination and ambitions of flying, I loved his resilience after he was outcast. Instead of being bitter and hateful, he still had love for his beloved gulls and returned back home, even though the possibility of being scorned was still high. He was full of forgiveness and wanted to pass on the love for flying with those who wanted to fly. I hope we all have a Jonathan in us, I believe I do have him and will make a difference in my country and others bit by bit.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9
Keys to Success
Assessment by Mantesebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?
The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book, is that no one ever just realizes success by being lucky, there are certain attributes that all successful people have in common. Being successful cannot be attributed to being born in the right family, or in the right country, right circumstances, nor is it attributed to a person’s genetic make-up. Everyone is born with the potential to succeed, despite the circumstances that may reign. The book is the epitome of what makes people to succeed as well as what leads to other people to not succeed. The principles that can be attributed to success do not just function individually but each principle works hand in hand with another principle. An example being identifying one’s definite purpose, for the purpose of fully understanding the principles, I have decided to refer to them in the first person. After realizing my definite purpose in life, I need to have accompanying principles such as having self-discipline in place so that I never steer away from my mission as well as having faith that whatever I am pursuing I will achieve it. A positive mental attitude is key to achieving a lot of my objectives, it will help me perseverance even when circumstances are not ideal or promising. One of the most important principles I found most endearing and resonated with what the founder and great leader of our Basotho nation was that of cooperation and the joys of working together for the good. There is a Sesotho proverb which translates as’
unity is strength’ that has served the former leader. He knew that they had to establish a mastermind alliance with key parties who believed in the same goal as he did, that is how he was able to found a nation during a time that was characterized by turmoil, the Lifaqane wars that were reigning at that time. I have come to realize that success isn’t defined by how high I rise, but by how many people I rise with on my way to the top; how many people I empowered. Teamwork is indeed key and fundamental in an organization’s success, and as a leader, I realize that I have to inspire togetherness, maintain and stimulate enthusiasm in the team I work with for the higher purpose. I also realized that success lies in the power of thought, and that thinking great thoughts will inspire success beyond means.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. Developing definiteness of purpose
This idea resonated with me most because about three years ago, I underwent what I would call a purpose life crisis. It wasn’t sudden, but I realized after a few months that I was in a slump. I was unmotivated about life; I did not know what was going on with my life.
I can’t pin point the exact moment of when I began feeling this way but I do remember the time when clarity about what was lacking in my life hit me. I realized that I wasn’t living the life I had envisioned for myself, that I was not pursuing my hobbies and talents, for instance I love writing, reading and travelling as well as the outdoor activities such as hiking, canoeing and the likes. Then I picked up a copy of a purpose driven life, and that’s when I came to renew my thirst for life. I then realized my true definite purpose that had been eluding me, the life of service to other people.
ii. Creating personal initiative
Once I identified what it was that I wanted to pursue, I remember I wrote out all my wishes and pursuits for that year in my personal notebook which I carried with me wherever I went. I then began searching for various ways in which I could lend my contribution to. I began writing again, and found a place in a local women’s’ magazine of which I was very happy for, because I am staunch believer in women empowerment. Then one day, I saw an advert requesting facilitators at an organization called Dream Lesotho. I then pursued the advert and found that it was a volunteer position, just what I needed and better than that, it was for a hobby I loved most, reading.
iii. Learning from adversity and defeat
I have always been a happy go lucky person. Things always seemed to come easy for me, in high school, I would achieve very good results yet I did not work hard for them. But during my second year at university, I had my first taste of what failure is. I failed a course and had to repeat if for a year. To explain the heartbreak I felt would require me to write an entire book. Worst of all was that most people and family believed I was a genius and were so disappointed like I was. For a while I felt like a failure, but I soon dusted myself off and realized that I was only a failure if I led what had happened to me get me down. I began viewing my defeat as my chance to rise up again, stronger than ever before and raise I did.
iv. Enforcing self-discipline
I struggle a lot with self-discipline. I am a very passionate person and usually get excited by new projects a lot. I become highly active at the beginning of a project but towards the end of it, whenever it gets tough, I lose interest and never finish. Sometimes I choose to enjoy the pleasures of the now, doing activities that keep me appeased, rather than the necessary ones which have long term benefits. I am also a huge procrastinator; however I realize that not enforcing self-discipline will be to my detriment and lead me to fall in the 98% class of people who never realize their dreams.
v. Building a positive mental attitude
Optimism is a habit leaned and can be practiced on a daily basis as I have observed. I am one of the people who did not really have a positive outlook on the world. I used to look at the negative and failed to identify the positives. I used to contemplate about the high unemployment in my country, thinking that the country does not have opportunities but ever since I developed a PMA, I began seeing opportunities everywhere in areas in which I thought they didn’t exist.
vi. Cultivate a creative vision
I came to realize that having a clear vision in life makes things more practicable and achievable. Whenever I have outlined my hopes, achieving them becomes easy and sometimes I surpass my expectations and get more than I bargained for.
vii. Budgeting time and money
I have always mastered the art of budgeting my money, such that when my peers would be in financial troubles at school, I would not have the same problem. Time on the other hand, has never been my strong forte, I constantly struggle to budget my time. I always believed that the hours are too limited in a day, but then I realized, we all have the same time allocated to all of us in a day, billionaires, poor people everyone, is given 24 hours in a day to make use of it whichever way they find profitable.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?
The ideas and principles that I have learned in this book will help me immensely to shift my paradigm and believe in my core goals in life. The principles have helped me already to ascertain what is most important in my life, I re-examined my life and identified areas in which I need to improve. I already have a goal that I am pursuing in my life. Although this goal is still at its infancy, I believe it will grow and develop. I want to help the youth and children in my country, to live the best lives that they can live. I am particularly most interested in developing entrepreneurship as one of the biggest problems facing the youth of my country is unemployment. I believe I will come up with a strategic plan that will birth new jobs. My plan must be well written, in order to convince potential sponsors of my dream. It will also outline the time frame in which I hope to have achieved my dream. In order to achieve this task and goal, I am aware that I will need to have a positive mind-set first of all, and believe that what I set out to do, I will achieve. Then I will assemble a group of people with the same vision as I, because I believe that unity is strength. These individuals will bring with them essential skills, and enthusiasm for the project.
Then I will set out to implement the project, applying my faith that it will succeed. I have faith in the almighty, who is the creator of the universe that he will help me achieve beyond my expectations. In my everyday life I also apply the faith principle because I have learned that faith makes everything possible. With the project taking place, I will need to maintain a lot of self-discipline to ensure that I do not lose concentration and maintain a positive mental attitude even in the face of problems or setbacks. I will use adversity and defeat as a stepping stone to achieve and aim even higher goals, because failure lies in not getting back again. I will teach and enthuse this mentality into my team, so that we rise every time we fall. Time is of value, and I plan to use and spend it wisely every day, making sure that I use it fruitfully so that I never live with regrets when the sun sets. Managing the assets and money is also critical to the success of the project, to ensure that funds are used profitably and can be accounted for.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements, which the author has made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you?
“There is no scarcity of opportunity. There is only a shortage of imagination.”
This quote reminds me that we are the limits to our own successes. The struggles we are born into are not the deciding factors of whether we will succeed or fail.
“Our real wealth is the intangible power of thought.”
Often times, we find ourselves lacking in money and resources, and then we conclude that we are poor, but the fact of the matter is as long as we have our minds, we are rich beyond measure.
“Great success is the result of one’s understanding and using a positive mental attitude (PMA) the power of one’s destiny lies in the thoughts that they attach on to themselves.”
When one has a positive outlook on life, most of their activities become a success.
“If millions of people are struggling to get by on the salaries they earn, it is because their highest aim is only to hold the jobs that they currently have.”
I resonate with this because I have seen it everywhere in life, people holding on to jobs that they complain day and night about but doing nothing to help their situations.
“No one’s education is ever complete.”
I believe that knowledge has no end that the thirst for knowledge may continue up until one reaches their deathbed. Learning is something that we should all aspire to, not just the formal classroom learning but even the outside learning. This includes where we are taught by the people around us. There is so much to learn and I believe everyone can play a role in the learning process.
“A smiling face defeats the cruelest of antagonists, for it is difficult to argue with someone who smiles while speaking.”
I can attest to this statement because I am one of the people who can’t help but smile in most situations. I have noticed that this good humor and smile usually attracts people to be of help to me and I am able to make different acquaintances because of my smile.
“A well-developed sense of humor aids you in becoming flexible and adaptable to the varying circumstances of life.”
Whenever I meet certain situations that are beyond my control and can’t be helped, I find that laughing at those situations helps a lot and calms me. Instead of the alternative, getting really mad and throwing tantrums, laughing brings the mind to a state in which it can even look at the situation from a humorous point of view and find solutions in the process.
“The destiny of nations has been changed and defined by the power of those who know how to speak effectively, and those people have earned a permanent place in history.”
The likes of Mandela, Martin Luther and other honorable great activists have managed to change the world through their speeches and actions. Although they have long passed on, their legacy stills remains in their words and works till this day.
“Know what you wish to say, say it with all the feeling you command, then sit down.”
I know very well what it means to sit through a long, boring redundant speech. At the end of the day, the message gets lost in the numerous words spoken. So I believe that in order to be effective, a speech must be short and to the point, not beat around the bush or speak in riddles.
“Win without boasting, lose without squealing, and others will soon respect you.”
This goes on to show that modesty is the key in making and keeping those around you. No one respects a boastful egocentric winner, or a moaning, complaining loser; both are a baggage and need to be discarded off as soon as a person can manage to do so.
“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
Faith is a powerful instrument. I remember a time when I saw a tablet I knew I wanted and needed. Although I did not have the funds to purchase it, I subconsciously led my mind to believe that the tablet was already mine and that I was in possession of it. Faith works wonders because before the special offer could end I was able to attain money that could buy me that tablet.
“Going the extra mile develops personal initiative because you don’t wait for things to happen but you make them happen.”
I used to be a huge dreamer but when it came to implementation well let’s just say my bark was worse than my bite; I failed dismally at implementation because I lacked self-discipline and procrastination was my dearest friend. But as I became dissatisfied with the opportunities missed, I realized only I hold the key to my destiny. That’s when I came to solve my lack of initiative or low level of it.
“Return every benefit you receive with one of equal or greater value.”
I am a big believer in giving and philanthropic work. I believe that giving increases one’s good fortune.
“Most people go through life merely wishing for things. These wishes are as fleeting as the wind. They have no power to change anything, the number of people who stop here. 70 percent.”
This really struck a chord because a few years ago I was one of these classes of people.
But I am glad that I am making steady progress to change that.
“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe your mind can achieve.”
Anything is possible under the sun and moon, especially when my mind is the driver of the entire bus.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or unclear about, or are their ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
I am unclear about the difference between a mastermind alliance and teamwork. What is the distinction between the two? I get the fact that teamwork is based on the coordination of effort without embracing the principles of definiteness of purpose.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercises and did you find them helpful?
Yes, the book had numerous exercises to complete, I did complete them and they were very instrumental in helping me apply the principles. The exercises are all written in my notebook and journal that I carry with me daily so that I constantly remind myself. I have noticed a considerable change in my habits as well; I am applying the principle of self-discipline a lot since I used to lack it a lot. I have also decided to really apply an exercise routine so that I stay healthy.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
The book was interesting to say the least, I was pleasantly happy to find that it also agrees that a person should not have limited hours of sleep. Because I am someone who sleeps eight hours a day, so sometimes people used to make me feel guilty about that fact, implying that I loved sleep excessively too much. Whenever I cut down my sleep hours, I become disoriented and my mind functions more slowly than usual, so I am glad that the book agrees with me on that issue. I also think the principle of one speaking eloquently and keeping one’s speeches short but effective is very important. This is because I would love to pursue public speaking at some point in my life, and it is not only my dream to be a powerful speaker but an impactful one also.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10
Assessment by Mantesebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?
The main idea that Dr. Maxwell Maltz is trying to convey is that all the resources that we need in order to succeed and to achieve our ultimate dreams lie within us. We do not need to search them from outside, but rather we have to look within ourselves I order to realize them. It all stems from the self-image we hold of ourselves. A positive self-image is essential for one to progress in life. Having that belief in our abilities, in the way that God designed us, that he made us with his image and thus engineered us for success will go a long way in helping us cultivate a positive self-image. Through the use of psycho-cybernetics, the author shows us that it takes more than improving the outer image through surgery to fully cultivate a positive self-image. Since while some people who undergo surgery to correct a defect come out with a better improved perspective of themselves, some unfortunately still see themselves the same way as before and there is no improvement at all in their self-image. The thoughts that we constantly have, influence the kind of people we become. If we continually have negative, destructive thoughts, our habits will reflect that too. He also shows us the ways in which we can de-hypnotize ourselves from negative false beliefs, which is will be very instrumental in helping us improve our self-image. Failure does not have to be a bad thing; instead it can work for us if we apply the failure mechanism to work for us. Even more important than success is having peace and happiness reigning within our hearts, and the book helps us learn and attain the habits of happiness. After all there is no use for being successful yet terribly unhappy.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. Turning a crisis into an opportunity
This idea was most important to me because I have realized that God never gives us problems that we can’t handle and that every trial and difficulty represents an opportunity to grow. That is how I view crises nowadays, as an opportunity to rise and perform to the best of my ability.
ii. Developing the winning feeling
I still remember the victory jump that I did way back when I was in primary when I realized that my letter was published in the magazine. Since that was my goal, to see my name in blue ink in a magazines with feedback that I had written, it was even sweeter to realize that I had more than accomplished my goal but had also been featured as the winning letter. Over the years when I have found myself in a slump or discouraged, I remember that winning feeling and it propels me forward.
iii. Everyone has personality locked up within
Personality is so important because it shows the inner light that glows within each of us. In both my personal and professional life, my personality has outshined and helped me be noticed and trusted for greater things
iv. Glance at negatives, but focus on positives
Failures are there to teach us to be better next time as experience is the best teacher and I have learned to not hold on to them but to focus on the next success.
v. The success type personality
The traits that make a successful personality resonate with me because I have those qualities and have seen a tremendous improvement in the projects that I undertake when these traits are operating in full force.
vi. Happiness does not lie in the future but the present
I was one of those people who didn’t enjoy the present because I was looking forward to a brighter tomorrow, until I became really miserable in my present and realized that I need to start doing the things that make me happy Now not wait for the next ten years.
vii. Importance of a healthy self-image
As the book suggests, the self-image is the foundation upon which our personalities, behaviors and circumstances are built hence a positive real self- image is our key to achieving all that we desire because the heart attracts what it wants most.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help me in a practical way, both in my daily personal life and in helping me create a better world? If so, how?
These ideas will help me be happier in life, to have more peace and to value my life and treasure it more. Happiness is something that I used to believe that it had to come naturally, but I realize now that it is a state of mind that one chooses to be. The happiest people around aren’t necessarily those without troubles, so I have to practice being happy in the present and spreading the feel good spirit to my family and those I come in contact with. Offering a person a mere compliment brings a huge smile on their face and I believe makes the world a better place. Reading about the values of the self-image one holds of them, actually made me understand why so many girls fall prey to teenage pressures and end up destroying their futures. Understanding this I can also share with them all that I have learned in my blog as well as the magazine forum I sometimes contribute to. Through maintaining calm and easy, I will be able to react in a fruitful manner when crises struck in the organizations that I am currently involved in. It is sometimes very frustrating when the plans that have been put forth are not achieved and fail, but we can work these failures into opportunities to develop more successful strategies.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you?
“I began to see that a knife itself held no magical powers. It could be used on one person to inflict a scar and on another to erase a scar, with the same psychological effect.”
I have seen so many people with low self-esteem who thought that by being with a certain person, or wearing certain clothes that they would feel better about themselves but it didn’t have the desired effect. Self-image, self-acceptance has to be developed by oneself.
“Every human being has literally been engineered for success by his creator.”
I am a firm believer in God and his goodness and paths that he has already set out for us. He has a purpose for each one of us and he created us uniquely in his own image and since he never fails nor errs, we are his masterpiece.
“You must have a clear mental picture of the correct thing before you can do it successfully’ I can attest to this, this year, I wrote all my plans and goals for the year, including attaining a merit pass this year. During the course of the academic year, it was quite tough and although I was failing tests, my hope never diminished that I would ultimately get a merit pass. And miraculously I did pass with a merit!
That’s the immense power of the Lord and imagination at work.
“Stop-look and listen.”
We live in a world where we are constantly busy, constantly thinking, talking, doing. This frenzy sometimes causes us to be frustrated when we are faced with challenges, whereas it is important to stop everything for a moment, to look at the world around us and listen to the universe and in most cases it will be providing us with an answer to our problem.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
“I can forgive but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying I will not forgive.” I disagree with this because usually we do forgive people who have hurt us and done cruel things to us, but realistically the mind never forgets. So the two organs, heart and mind are acting in opposite directions. Even if a person chooses to forgive, the memory is still around to remember.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
Yes the book contained exercises at the end of each chapter in which one practices the ideas. Some of the exercises required a lot of daily practice to master and I began writing all the exercises down so that I could do them daily, even after completion of the book because they are an ongoing process. The more I practiced, the more I felt drawn to them. Eventually they will become my habits, and especially the habit of cultivating happiness. I completed all of the exercises and already those around me are observing change in my mannerisms.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
The saying that do not judge a book by its cover is indeed true, I judged the book by the name and thought it would be dull and boring but it turning out to be so enjoyable such that I could not put it down and constantly shared and talked over some of the concepts presented in the book with my family. The book even heightened my wish of becoming a public speaker on gender inequality even more. It was a real eye opener to some of the things we take for granted in life. Upon reading about the success stories of those who had dared to dream, motivated me even more.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book?
The message of the book is essentially derived from the name of the book, success through Positive mental attitude (PMS). The author relays this message to the reader, with various examples from successful men all over the world, who have attained success through the positive mind-set that they had developed in both their personal and professional life. Amongst all the principles that may lead to a person attaining success in all aspects of their life, PMS is one of the most fundamental principles because essentially whatever attitude that one conveys to the universe, they will attract opportunities of the same nature. So when one has a negative attitude, they won’t be able to attract positive opportunities either.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. The secret of getting things done: Do It Now
This principle helped me to stop what had been a huge problem behind most of my unaccomplished dreams; procrastination. Reflecting on what had caused most of my delays showed that, I sometimes felt either lazy, or felt like there was too much time or fear of failure.
ii. God is always a good God
During one of my stumbling blocks in life, I went through a period where I lost faith in my savior and felt like he had forgotten me. But looking back, I see that he was building me up, developing my character for great things I am achieving now and are yet to achieve.
iii. Avoid trifling conversations, instead speak words that bring life.
Most of the time, I find myself in meaningless gossip and I realize that even though I may not be the source of gossip, but just a listener, that automatically makes me a gossipmonger too. And instead of talking about trivial matters of what so and so are doing with their lives, I realize I could be planning important beneficial ideas with my life.
iv. Develop inspirational dissatisfaction
In 2013 I actually realized the power of having inspirational dissatisfaction and how it can be used to actually inspire one to reach for new and greater heights. One morning I woke up with absolutely no desire to live the day through, I later discovered I was in one of those slumps where I had reached a point in which I was tired of not seeing any direction with regard to my life. That was the beginning of my inspirational dissatisfaction, and I have never looked back.
v. Magnificent Obsession
When I began mentoring and volunteering at a non-profit organization Dream Lesotho, I didn’t know it would reawaken the passion and point me in the direction of my magnificent obsession which happens to be an agent of change in my community, country and the world. And this desire of helping selflessly became a part of me, such that I cannot live without being involved in any cause that brings help and change in people’s lives.
vi. Motivate by example
Most people in life need that extra nudge that will propel them further and give them hope that they can achieve their dreams and part of being a leader is being an exemplary motivator. Most people and friends across always exclaim about how much I’m involved in many projects and how that motivates them too. I always feel humbled by this.
vii. Happiness begins at home
I feel most happy when I am interacting with people, whether it is family, friends, new strangers, but most of all when I’m conversing with the Lord. I feel the most peace.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help me in a practical way, both in my daily personal life and in helping me create a better world? If so how?
Having learned these principles, I have already embarked on practicing most of them, incorporating them in my daily routine. For instance I have been making writing daily in my journal about the progress I have made towards conquering my procrastination habits and documenting them actually helps me find areas that need improvement. I have been motivated after reading about the various stories of successful people who started with little or next to nothing, but through their hard work, emerged victorious. This has given me hope that although I am living in a country where poverty, unemployment and AIDS have taken a toll on the people, there is still hope and I hope to motivate and instill this with the people I interact with, especially the youth, including women and young girls as I am very passionate about the empowerment of an African girl. I am a living proof that it can be done, that we can, despite our struggles and failures in life, make it and succeed in life. From humble beginnings, I strive to be a bigger and better version of myself and inspire even those who come after me. The principles have also helped strengthen my relationship with The Most high, my savior who has brought me unto earth for a higher purpose than my own. I believe when I align my goals with what he has planned for me, no mountains are too high enough to climb.
4.Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“Hope is the magic ingredient in motivating yourself and others.”
During my darkest days, when everything seemed like it was going dark hill for me, I always prayed for hope, because I knew that if I lost it, I lost my will to achieve that which I hoped to achieve.
“Now the something more was the difference between PMA and NMA.”
I have seen first-hand the effects of having a positive attitude and a negative one, there is a vast difference that happened one time while in primary school, an incident that was forever indented in my seven year old brain. I happened to have my school bag stolen while waiting for the school bus, even though I had no idea how the culprits would be found, I never lost hope that my bag would be retrieved. And true enough, the next morning the principal received a call from another school stating that a school bag bearing my name had been found stolen by certain school boys from another school. It had been found by a Good Samaritan who had just seen the kids fighting over the bag and decided to intervene.
“When you share with others a part of what you have, that which remains will multiply and grow. The more you share, the more you will have. Therefore share that which is good and desirable and withhold that which is bad and undesirable.”
Sharing is one of the best gifts that one can bestow to the world. My motto in life is to share whatever I have, be it knowledge, skill, love, warmth and even though I do not have much to share financially now, I believe in future, when I have gathered wealth through PMA, I will share it too.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
The issue of OPM was very important to me as a budding entrepreneur, who hopes to one day be in charge of a large corporation that will provide jobs and financial freedom to my community. While I wholehearted agree that many businesses were started on other people’s money and do not deny the fact that banks play a major role in the transfer of this money; I am on the view that bankers cannot be our friends, especially in this era. Nowadays most banks charge us ridiculously high interest rates when borrowing money such that other businesses collapse while trying to repay these banks. So while I do appreciate their contribution, I still think we should be savvy when borrowing from banks.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
Yes the book had a lot of exercise that required my full participation in order for them to work, I had to practice most of them daily so that they became effective. The questionnaire in chapter 20 was also very helpful. I found all the end chapter exercises and notes very helpful, they helped me gain deeper insight into thinking and behaving like a true leader.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
The book is a true life story teller. I felt like I was listening to the old wise stories that my grandmother used to tell me when she was alive. The principles in the books are very much applicable in life, and I realized when observing successful people whom I know personally that they do indeed adhere to most of the principles in the book. The book opened my mind to so much things and I have a changed perspective now.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?
The author is trying to show the importance of making good relations with people and how this can be achieved. As we all know, humans are rational and it’s not always that they will see eye to eye, however the author shows us how one can get to influence those around him/her without using coercion or force. As a leader with a vision in mind, it is important to get a team of likeminded people behind me so that we can achieve the ideal dream together. Most of all, among the principles that the author conveys in the book is respect for the next person. Once an individual realizes that you have respect for them, their opinions and views; even if one doesn’t necessarily agree with them, they are able to realize give one a listening ear and actually regard what the other is saying. Which is where the listening skills come into play, becoming a great listener involves clearing one’s mind and giving the talker’s words tentative attention. The author shows the leader various ways in which they can influence people and lead gracefully while earning the respect of their followers.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. Give honest and sincere appreciation
I still remember the happiness I would feel during the school holidays whenever my mother would come from work in the evening and showered me with praise for my efforts in cleaning the house. This praise usually had me striving to do more to please her further the next day, without her asking.
ii. Talk in terms of the other person’s interests
During my work with children at the DreamLesotho foundation I usually realized this key early on; that if I wished for the undivided attention of the kids, I had to appeal to their likes. Only then would I ensure their participation and willingness to also engage in activities that I deemed beneficial and educational for them.
iii. If you are wrong admit it quickly and emphatically
One of the best lessons I took from my mother was her ability to admit when she was wrong and ask for forgiveness. She didn’t say since we are kids and younger than her, it would belittle her to admit her faults to us and ask for our forgiveness when she was wrong, instead she instilled in us the spirit of admitting our faults when we are wrong and asking for forgiveness. And most importantly she told us that the apology should be sincere.
iv. Arouse in another person an eager want
I believe the most important skill that a leader should possess is this ability to arouse want in the people he/she is leading. When the followers’ vision are aligned with the leader’s it is a recipe for success. I had the pleasure of working under a remarkable young lady, who used to arouse this in me. Watching her life made me strive to make mine better too.
v. Don’t criticize, condemn or complain
I learned in life that there are two kinds of criticism; destructive and constructive criticism. The latter may be really useful and it is the one I prefer using on people, or having people use on me, because it actually helps me grow as a person. Meanwhile condemnation and complaints are a negative energy and I have actually had to extricate myself form people who endlessly engage in such.
vi. Show respect for the other person’s opinions
I consider myself a very opinionated person, and although that quality works for me on my writing aspect, it may also be a downfall if I only deem my opinions the only correct ones. I always live by the principle; do unto others what you want done unto you and this means if I want people to respect my opinions, I should begin by first respecting others opinions.
vii. Use encouragement, make the fault easy to correct
During my facilitation lessons with the primary kids, there was a little girl who was very shy and insecure, and she seldom participated in the activities, however once I encouraged her and told her what a remarkable job she was doing, she gained confidence and participated more often.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?
These ideas will actually help in dealing with people I encounter every day, friends, family and acquaintances. For the most part these principles are vital for human relations which is what I am involved in. At school, there are different personalities, with different backgrounds and ideologies of what is right and wrong, so it is not unusual for the personalities to clash. However with these techniques on how to deal with conflict, I believe I will be able to approach the matters more sensibly. The principles will also help me in terms of the projects I’m involved in as well. Sometimes the morale of the entire team is very low so it needs upliftment, and some of the principles outlined in the book will help me achieve this. For instance in cases like that I will apply the principle of giving the other person a fine reputation to live up to. As a leader, these ideas will help me; influence those I work with in order to achieve the vision. For instance the principle of influencing people to do things without ordering them is really applicable in my life. The principles came at a very opportune time when I have just been selected to represent Lesotho as a World merit Representative. This role will have me using the principles constantly because I will be leading change makers who wish to create a better world for others without getting any compensation. Hence when their morale is down, I’ll have to apply these principles.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“I have no right to say or do anything that diminishes a man in his own eyes. What matters is not what I think of him but what he thinks of himself. Hurting a man in his dignity is a crime.”
These words by Antoine de Saint really resonated with me for I believe that we all have the power to help the opinion that others hold of themselves so it is important that we offer positive words for those around us.
“By fighting you never get enough, but by yielding you get more than you expected.”
I remember how much I loved arguments and fighting with people who didn’t agree with me, but later on I realized that fighting didn’t yield any results and actually made the other person on the other end of the argument to be more persistent than ever in the fight. But once I yielded, they would soften up and actually begin seeing the issue from my side.
“All men have fears, but the brave put down their fears and go forward, sometimes to death but always to victory.”
I used to have a fear of failure that held me back, especially when it came to sharing my writing with others. I felt like it would be rejected and thus I would feel stupid and never write again. But once I overcame that fear, it opened many doors for me and I have come to realize that most people have fears but it is up to us to conquer them.
‘From that time on, I let her do all the talking she wanted. She tells me what is on her mind and our relationship has improved immeasurably.”
Listening to other people is a great skill that I love for I’ve realized that I learn so much and more especially it makes the other person feel important.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
Actually, the book is quite simple because it uses a lot of stories to illustrate the success of these principles, hence I did not encounter anything that was unclear. I agree with all the ideas that have been presented in the book and think they are very applicable to life today despite the age gap in which the stories actually happened.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
Yes the book had an exercise at the end of the last chapter; however I did not complete it because it is for wives and husbands and hence it is actually not applicable to me. But I’ll definitely consider it once I reach that stage in my life. I’ll actually use it for future references.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
The six questions above actually covered all the issues I’d have loved to raise or question. I just really found a lot of hope while reading this book, and I had a lot of moments where I kept having an “aha” moment. When I actually recalled someone in my life who had practiced the principle or where I had personally practiced it. I just came to realize that people are not that difficult when approached in a particular manner instead of another manner. I actually had a dilemma that I was dealing with and I applied a principle that was fitting to the situation and it worked wonders.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10
Real Magic
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?
The main idea that Wayne Dyer is conveying through the book is the power that we as individuals have in creating magic in our everyday life. The book explores the infinite, joyous, magical spiritual realm that we possess. We are all spiritual beings and if we exist within that realm, everything we want, seek, desire is possible and there for us to achieve. As spiritual beings we are aware of our physical and non-physical dimension. We cease to rely on only the five senses but also use other senses such as the sixth sense which is otherwise known as intuition. There is a huge difference between those who exist as spiritual beings and believe in a higher power and those who do not.
The believer is able to achieve what can only be fathomed as impossible by the non-spiritual. Real magic is possible, as Dyer explains, there are real people including him and Mauricio who have experienced magic in their lives and continue to do so. It all begins with shifting one’s mind and paradigm, then all else follows. Living a purposeful life is one of the key to experiencing real magic.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. Failure
Learning through knowing and trusting rather than doubting and fearing I realised that before I had my first failure, I was learning through doubting and fearing. I would always fear the worst, in life and school. What if I didn’t make it, I’d say. I always feared the unknown. But after I had to repeat a semester course and my worst fear had come true, I realized that I was still living, still surviving and most of all, that I was more than a conqueror. So coming to face to face with my worst fear, which at the time was failure, made me a better person. After that experience I began to learn through knowing and trusting and this made me excel and accomplish more than ever. I attained a merit pass, the following year and now I have just magically attained a greater pass in my fourth and final year. I knew at the beginning of the year what I hoped to achieve and learning through this knowing and trusting helped me achieve the impossible.
ii. The message of your life is in what you give
The day I discovered giving, was the day I found the answer to my question; what on earth am I here for? There is no greater life lived than the life of service and nothing can measure up to the joy that is found in giving. I discovered this when I began volunteering at Dream Lesotho, then last year I was also asked to tutor first year students. I didn’t think that in my hectic schedule including attending two different schools, extracurricular activities and freelancing writing I would manage, but I took the opportunity when I remembered the smile I would always feel when a student exclaimed that I had helped them pass. And surprisingly the Lord blessed me and I managed to pass.
iii. The spiritual being knows that there is a higher power working in the universe beyond mere cause and effect
I experienced what can only be known as a miraculous when I saw an angel help me write and complete an exam I did not study for because of a fever that had rendered me helpless and incapable of doing anything except sleeping. The next morning I went into the exam room clueless about what I was going to help and only reliant on the Higher power, The Lord, who is full of miracles. So I experienced my first miracle at university.
iv. The natural state of bliss is the key to improving performance.
I attained the highest pass marks ever in my final exams and will be graduating top of my class this September, all of this having achieved while juggling my other school where I am doing community based work with children and youth. I managed to complete both the two schools and extra curricular activities, and achieve the best performance ever while at it. You believe the reason was my happiness, the one I derived from the community work I did while still at school.
v. Manifesting prosperity through the mindset.
I always held on to the vision that I would make it and graduate this year, and I was determined to have a double graduation. I encountered a lot of hardships but holding on to the vision in my mind, of making it through the obstacles, I can attest to the fact that I achieved the success only because I had manifested it first beforehand in the mind-set.
vi. The amazing power of meditation
June 2016 is the month I will forever remember as one of the hardest month in my life. My sister had a mental breakdown and I witnessed one of the hardest and saddest things that a human can go through. Amidst it, I used meditation to create peace and harmony in my turbulent life. I actually witnessed the true power of The Lord working through my life and her life this month.
vii. Radiating real magic to the world
I was so awed and happy to realize that not only was I experiencing magic in my life, but other people around me were aware of it as well. The Lord has been very good to me thus far and I believe that he has a lot more in store for me and miracle making so that his Glory will shine through. My message to the world is foremost in my mind now and now that I have completed school and awaiting graduation I know for a fact that I will be able to focus on my message to the world.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?
Meditation was already so helpful when I was going through a very tough period in my life. I also shared the power of meditation with my sister and she actually told me when she got released from the mental institution that meditating daily helped her achieve inner bliss that she was missing in her life. The lessons also helped me a lot in reflecting through all the struggles that I underwent in my life were all for my benefit; to make me into a better, wiser and stronger person. Having read the principles in the book and practiced them, I am more confident of my sixth sense. I used to sometimes doubt it and believed sometimes that it was just mere voices in my head but I now know that its way more than that. I also see a big difference in the way that I handle conflicts with other people as I know that I have to accept them as they are. I have learned that to lean through knowing is more fruitful than learning through fear and doubt.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.”
I like this saying because we are all made from the same cloth, and we all need each other. We are all brought on earth to live out our purpose and our purposes are all interlinked to one common goal.
“God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.”
This says it all. I have experienced the Lord’s love in everything I do, through my life and the lives of those around me.
Love is the epitome of life.
“All of the things that you have become convinced are limits are products of the way in which you have learned to think.”
Society brings us up to believe that there are limits everywhere in life. Having grown up this way, it becomes rather difficult to shift the paradigm to a new one of limitless life.
“Within each of us is a divine, invisible presence that has something to do with creating a state that can only be described paradoxically as real magic.”
This reminds me that I am not insane for believing in magic.
“Complete possession is proved only by giving. All you are unable to give possesses you.”
As I have realized with such things as money, giving them out invites more blessings and overflows.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
I didn’t agree with the idea on IQs at first, having always believed that an individual’s IQ is pre-determined and can’t be changed whatsoever, however now I agree with Wayne. As he explained further the concept of how IQs work, I began to understand that indeed one’s IQ level can be changed to whatever he wants it to be at.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
Yes, the book had a lot of mind exercises, a lot of meditation exercises which actually helped me as well as my sister who found them really self-healing through the ordeal she was going through. They also helped me become a calmer, more confident person who is sure about the good plans that the Mighty Lord has in store for her. Most of the exercises I did them daily, hence why it prolonged my reading and practice because I applied whatever I was reading at the time in my life and also reflected a lot on the impact that the principles in the book were having in my life.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
I believe the above questions covered everything about the book. However it feels like the book deserves a sequel or something like it. It was absolutely eye opening and only feels like the icing on the cake.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and 1 is poor
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 6
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8
Giant Steps
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?
Tony Robbins, a remarkable individual who has mastered the art of making small changes in his life to lead to massive changes, imparts some of the skills to achieving this in the book. He shows us that big dreams are usually attained by making small changes daily in our lives. Some of these changes are usually overlooked by most of us as we aim to only achieve big dreams. It often eludes us that big dreams are achieved by taking small gradual steps until we finally reach the ultimate dream. Tony Robbins also proves that persistence and discipline are also among the most powerful instruments to achieving our dreams, we may have talents but it takes more than talent to get far in life. Tony Robbins also highlights some of the biggest limiting beliefs that do nothing but hinder our progress in attaining our dreams.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. Persistence overshadows talent in shaping the quality of our lives.
I have experienced disappointment and rejections in life, but have learned through all of them that the most important part is the will to persist and never give up until I achieve whatever I have set my mind to. I have realized that so many of us are talented and gifted but only those who are prepared to go high and low fighting for their dreams finally achieve them.
ii. Clarity is power
Whenever my goals are not clearly written and clarified, experience has taught me that I rarely achieve them. And being too general doesn’t work for me either, since most goals that have been too general for me, usually do not succeed. But those that are clearly defined and written down have higher success rates than those that aren’t.
iii. Souls thrive on continued emotional and spiritual growth.
Without new challenges and new goals that we set for ourselves, we become stagnant and do not grow. This idea is important to me because I actually became depressed in the past when I was merely existing and not living. I drifted into my own dark hole and lost my love for life simply because I didn’t have anything to look forward to.
iv. The power of beliefs
Looking back now I realize that most of my life was shaped by my beliefs. Some of these beliefs were from my parents and some of them were picked up from the community that raised me. The belief that I was smart and one of the luckiest people around, made me believe that indeed I was destined for greatness and helped me conquer even in difficult moments.
v. Leaders are readers
This is one of the quotes I swear by and teach it to every single individual I come across. Especially the younger generation who are obsessed about video games, Television and different kinds of media but fail to pick up a book and read. During the program called reading for development, I was fortunate enough to help nurture the love of reading in young primary kids. It was an amazing and fulfilling experience.
vi. Words can produce illness, words can kill.
Words are very powerful, as I have learned. It is not easy taming the tongue to speak positive words and dismiss negative words from my vocabulary, but I can see the change that is already taking place due to the change in words and thoughts. While previously I didn’t think twice before speaking, nowadays I choose my words carefully.
vii. Success is a series of steps
Sometimes it is so easy to feel like we aren’t making progress enough when we look at the journey and goals we want to attain and compare ourselves with others. But the biggest lesson of all, is learning to appreciate the little strides that I have taken and pat myself on the back. After all Rome wasn’t built in a day and so far I can truly say I am proud of myself and my achievements so far.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help me in a practical way, both in my daily personal life and in helping me create a better world? If so, how?
These lessons play a huge role in making me a better person, they have played a major role in helping me understand myself and understand the people around me. I used to get really impatient sometimes with other people, and think that they weren’t doing enough or performing as fast as I would like them to. But having learned these lessons, I’m now aware that we are all so different and our paces aren’t the same hence I have to be patient. I have also evaluated my beliefs and seen which ones are limiting beliefs which I should do away with and which ones I should reinforce more in my life. Likewise I involved a dear friend in my challenges and asked him to keep track of how often I fall behind in my challenge of speaking negatively. The power of words is so profound, especially in my line of work where I deal with young women and girls. It is important that I listen to their stories without judgment and only let them know the route that would be good for them. I also inspire them with my life journey and the challenges I have managed to overcome. Already I feel honored to be helping women since it’s among my biggest calling as a women empowerment activist. Among the hopes I have is for an active book club to come into being ;to encourage reading and get more young people interested in it.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“You are the source of all your emotions.”
I used to be a prisoner of my emotions. I would be sour all day long if one incident spoiled my day and blame it all on it being my nature. However ever since I discovered that I am the master of all my emotions, I have never been more joyful and kept a good attitude.
“If you were to create an ID card that would represent who you truly are, what would be on it- and what would you leave off?”
I really thought long and hard about this one and my response was that it would read, “Mantsebeng Maepe; Lovable, free-spirited humanitarian and social entrepreneur.”
“The only way to do this is to spend less than you earn and invest the difference.”
During the graduation ceremony I was so honored to be given an investment award for the best student in economics. And I was thanking God for the universe gives one what our hearts most desire. My parents can bear testimony to the fact that I was born an investor; from a tender age I used to save up every single penny that I was given. Investment is very close to my heart and I get really sad whenever people are trapped in debt. I hope one day I will have an investment seed funding company that helps small medium enterprises to grow and thrive so that Lesotho’s private sector booms and youth unemployment becomes nothing but a story of the past. I never cease to buy a business magazine and I was so happy when someone gave me a pat on the shoulder to let me know that I inspired them to become “book-alcoholics and magazine fanatics just like me.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
The book was so clear and simple and easy to read. I agree with all the ideas proposed by Tony Robbins. Most of these ideas are already in practice and are very practical and easy to stick to. Most of us give up on yearly resolution goals because we set too unrealistic goals and do not have a clear map of how we go about achieving our goals. The book is very small but highly insightful.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
The book did have a lot of exercises that are so enjoyable and exciting to me as a leader in progress. I personally incorporated them into my life and don’t feel like they are 10 day challenges anymore. I mostly loved the reflection exercises that made me look back at my life and imagine a time and moment that had made me most happy. It was nice to find that I couldn’t pick one moment but had tons of them to pick. It made me realize just how fortunate I am and appreciate the people more in my life. I am truly blessed. They are slowly forming part of my habits and I couldn’t be happier. I found that reviewing my short term goals and long term goals helped me gain a lot of perspective in terms of how far I was willing to go and the sacrifice I need to do to reach exactly where I want to be.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to
comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
This year has been a remarkable year for me, having reached two great milestones in just one month, I am highly blessed and thankful to everyone who has played a role in helping to shape me into the person I am today. Every day I am learning and growing as an individual, community development facilitator and as a role model to younger children. Thank you for helping me nurture me into a great leader through these amazing books.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10
The New Dynamics of Winning
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?
Denis Waitley, through the book is trying to share the winning formula that makes winners succeed at the goals they pursue. He shares some of the most profound, amazing insight of top athletes who achieved success beyond everyone’s expectations. The mind-set of winners differs vastly from average people, they are prepared to pay the cost of success, they are driven and motivated to overcome the challenges that arise when pursuing their goals. All champions are dreamers, who envision the dream first in their minds and then strive to achieve it through a series of tries. Winners never give up, failure only propels them to try harder and seek other means of achieving their goals. Denis also shows the different traits possessed by winners and losers, how self-destructive beliefs actually lead to the failure of losers.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List the seven ideas followed by an explanation after each and as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.
i. What you show to the world on the outside is a reflection of how you feel on the inside
I recall my grandmother telling me after an argument with a school mate who had spread lies about me, her words were, “don’t worry ngoanaka (my child), the truth always comes out in the end. Even if it’s not now, her true colours will resurface.” Indeed it was not long before she was caught up in another lie and her true colours reflected.
ii. Winners are propelled by desire, not compelled by fear
Fear of failure used to be my biggest motivator. At first I didn’t view it as a negative motivator; after all it did help me achieve some of my goals. Some, not all. I didn’t do as many things as I wished to do because of fear that I would fail some of my biggest desire were left un-pursued because I feared rejection and failure. Only after I had encountered failure did I truly begin to live and go after my inner most desires. I became fearless and daring after failing. Only then did I realise there is a difference between failing and being a failure.
iii. Champions are born but can be unmade by their perceptions and responses
This resonated so much with me because responses and perceptions are actually the determining factor of whether a person defeats failure or not. Life is not actually about what happens to us, but mostly about our reaction to what happens to us. When I faced my biggest trial, my response was the one that determined my character and drove me seek success. My belief about myself that I was crowned for success also helped me to achieve my goals.
iv. You can be your own worst enemy or your own best friend
We all have a choice to either be our own best motivator or self-destructor. I chose to be my own best friend. I usually have conversations with myself. Most of my conversations began early on when I was still young and my little brother used to creep up on me and laugh at me talking to myself. This is because in our culture, talking to oneself is seen as some sort of craziness. But I have actually found this to be helpful since it helps me reflect and engage with myself.
v. Learn from the experts
I actually love and learn a lot from interacting with people who have gone through what I hope to achieve, most entrepreneurs and adventurists. Unfortunately I have not had the privilege of having a mentor but I make do with what I can. My late brother in law, who unfortunately just passed away this October was among one of my great inspiration in life and I learned so much from him.
vi. Leaders are never such big winners that they forget what it feels like to lose
The art of a great leader is to relate with each and every one and to make them feel invaluable and important. Whenever I have sessions with young girls and women on a day to day basis I always remind them that I encountered failure but didn’t give up on my vision and dream.
vii. It’s the journey that counts not the destination
Life is the gift, and the most important and valuable thing about chasing a goal lies in the actual chase not attainment. The defining moments and memories are found in the actual pursuit of the goal. When I look back at the successful goals I have managed to attain, I realise that what I miss the most is not the crowning moment of glory but the actual pursuit, the people I met along the way, the experiences I encountered, the highs, the lows. What I miss the most about my brother in law are the moments we shared together, the trips we took and experiences.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help me in a practical way, both in my daily personal life and in helping me create a better world? If so, how?
I applied these ideas in my life and became a better daughter, sister, friend and colleague and community development facilitator at work. The first idea made me aware that I have to practice what I preach; my walks in life should be reflective of what and who I truly am in life. Because my daily work involves me engaging with people in the community, where I encourage better behavioral practices and provide health services to the community, my energy and personality has to be exuberant and reflective of whom I am inside. My self-esteem and self-worth is a motivator to the young girls and women I engage with daily to empower themselves and become independent and not rely on males for gratification. These principles taught me how to be a better communicator and leader, how to serve better and achieve my goals better. For instance I was able to achieve what I had been putting off for so long and managed to have my content published on and also on UN empower women. The stories about the athletes who achieved their dreams and lived their passions propelled me to begin working on my dreams. After my brother in law ‘s death, I was down on the dumps, feeling de-motivated and feeling sorry for myself because of the dreams we had set to achieve together looked worthless afterwards, but after reading these stories in the book and doing the exercises I finally got strength back and even launched World Merit Lesotho with other change makers. With the enthusiasm from fellow friends and youth, I believe that 2017 is our year to achieve great things and make more impact in our communities regarding social entrepreneurial efforts and charitable efforts.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“Life is a treasure not a treasure hunt. Success is a journey, not a destination. To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive.”
Two days ago, upon my return from a family vacation in South Africa, my family was dealt with yet another blow amidst the festivities; my sister in law passed away after just three years of marriage to my brother. I was shattered but quickly recovered and thanked God for all the moments and time we got to share with her.
“When you create love in a house, you will have a home. When you add pride to a city, you have a community. Bring learning to a pile of bricks, and you have a school. Find religion in the most modest structure and you has a sanctuary. Foster justices in all human endeavor and you have a civilization.”
Life is the most precious gift we all have and I share it with love with everyone I encounter. Life is a service and there is no greater feeling than seeing someone smile because you have helped cause it. I live a life of gratitude now, I’m grateful for life, for my family, friends, community and the IIGL community.
“Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised.”
I found the story of Bill Toomey very inspiring, because we never know what life will throw at us, we have to be prepared for whatever storm that may come. I realize that planning for the worse doesn’t mean that I’m a negative person who anticipates only bad things. Expecting the best is a great stimulant and actually sets the mind in a success frame of mind.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
The book is easy and simple and enjoyable hence I did not encounter any difficulty while reading it.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
The exercises in the book are remarkable; super effective and productive. I achieved a lot of goals and dreams because of the exercises and I plan to continue practising them further. Because of the exercises I was able to follow through with plans and procrastinated less, which is one of my biggest problems that hinders me from achieving my goals.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
I just want to thank the entire IIGL community and especially Deb for granting us this great opportunity of learning and engaging with driven, lovable and inspiring leaders in the IIGL family. As I come to the end of my first level studies I can’t help but reflect back on what I have learned and acquired till now and it’s tremendous. I am a better person and leader because of IIGL! Happy New Year!
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Assessment by Mantsebeng Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book?
As human beings we all have values or principles which govern our everyday lives. In this book Stephen Covey explores the different values used by successful people in their personal and business life. It offers a deep insight into the benefits of developing long lasting solutions rather than quick fixes that often do not last. Throughout the book, we learn of how paradigms are initially developed and how they can be changed. When we are born, as babies we learn to depend on our parents and community for everything we need, until we reach a stage where we usually feel like we can stand on our own two feet; hence the transition from dependence to independence. Most of us, myself included ultimately felt that independence is the highest form of self, whereas interdependence is the highest form. The message from the seven habits is ultimately to move from the dependence stage to independence by being proactive, learning to manage our time and also having a clear vision of where we want our lives to go. Then finally we get to the interdependence stage where we learn to appreciate effective communication and cooperation with other people.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. I am a transition person – a link between the past and the future
The first idea resonated with me as a black Mosotho woman who has transitioned from being a naïve girl who society hoped to fit into a certain mould to defining the type of person I want to be. In this journey I lost some friends who felt I had “changed” too much or was too ambitious for a girl. Throughout my life, I have come to appreciate the rough patches we go through as they made me grow in character and resilience.
ii. God works from the inside out
When I experienced some of the worst experiences in my life last year; that of seeing my sister have a mental health breakdown, my brother in-law and sister in law’s deaths in two consecutive months, I learned to depend on God and grew in character and strength.
iii. Act or be acted upon
As I write this assessment I was in the midst of a dilemma which connects with the third idea. I was recently shortlisted in a great leadership program MILEAD which selects only 25 young girls who demonstrate great passion, service and leadership in their communities to participate in a fellowship in Ghana. While it has always been a hope of mine to engage in such, unfortunately the opportunity came at a bad time when I have just changed work and transferred to a new organization. I was feeling a bit skeptic at even broaching the topic to the manager, but I have decided that I rather act and be rejected than not act at all.
iv. My money will be my servant not my master.
I’m focusing on this more and more each day.
v. Put first things first
I struggled a lot with discipline until I realized how much it was costing me and made the decision to self-discipline myself.
vi. Diagnose before you prescribe
My grandfather who was a doctor and passed away recently was the first person to explain the importance of a good diagnosis before prescription.
vii. Valuing the differences
My new workplace is full of workers from different Ngo’s, with different backgrounds and ways of doing things resulting in them not seeing eye to eye. However I recently sat down with the manager in charge to talk about the divisions in the workplace to which she promised to address at a staff meeting at the end of the month. I discussed the importance of finding a win-win solution for both parties.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?
These ideas helped me become a more empathetic person; they have made me to look beyond what meets the eye. They helped view life in terms of win-win whereas before I used to believe that some situations only had no other way around them except a win-lose. The lessons also made me more aware of a lot of causes behind a lot of conflicts around me in my family and in the work place. I have also been guilty of not really listening intently but already formulating an answer while the other person is talking; which would result in me making a prescription without a correct diagnosis. The present working environment I found myself in after changing jobs was rather unfavorable as the staff has a lot of clashes amongst themselves.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that
particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“Real change comes from the inside out. It doesn’t come from hacking at the leaves of attitude and behavior with quick fix personality ethic techniques. It comes from striking at the root-the fabric of our thought, the fundamental, essential paradigms which give definition to our character and create the lens through which we see the world.”
I believe that beauty is skin deep, it comes from the inside. I believe that one cannot sustain being fake for too long hence eventually one’s true character emerges.
“It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. It results in sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits, of decision making; it opens possibilities, options, alternatives and creativity.”
The abundance mentality is one of the principles I lived by while still at school. While competition drove some students to selfishly hoard knowledge, I thought sharing it improved my skills even more and made me a better learner.
“Paradigms are powerful because they create the lens through which we see the world. The power of a paradigm shift is the essential power of quantum change, whether that change is instantaneous or a slow and deliberate process.”
I remember my first glimpse at the concept of paradigm shift back in 2010, I didn’t really understand the concept but Stephen Covey made it as clear as broad daylight in the book. I have since seen myself and other people around go through many paradigm shifts.
“Reactive people build their emotional lives around the behavior of others, empowering the weaknesses of other people to control them.”
For the longest time I was a reactive person and always blamed my circumstances on the environment around me. It was always easiest to have someone to blame. While it was very hard to unlearn this habit, and it still tries to creep up on me sometimes, I have come to love the power that comes with being proactive.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?
Well initially when I first read the book for the first time I couldn’t really understand the synergistic process. It completely eluded me, but after reading the book for the second time and applying the principles in my life. The synergistic principle helped me a lot in my relationship with my mother whom I had a bit of a troublesome relationship with. There were no ideas I disagreed with.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
There were a lot of reflective exercises in the book. It actually became more than just a day read but lived in my purse where I would grab it whenever I was in a car, in a queue or during my quiet moments. I recall one of the most memorable exercises was vividly picturing walking into my own service. I actually acted that one out and spoke what I felt each party would say at my funeral. It helped me realize what are some of the biggest values in my life, and what impact I would like to leave amongst those I love. It was during this exercise that I truly understood Maya Angelou’s words that people will forget what you did but they will never forget how you made them feel.What made the exercises more memorable was because I shared them with my sister as well. They were more than helpful.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
So I have had an affirmation regarding MILEAD, the fellowship program. I recently saw come to fruition this year since my years at university. As Covey says a good affirmation is personal, positive, present tense, visual and emotional. I always envisioned myself participating in MILEAD, which selects only 25 girls in Africa with a heart for community service and display great leadership. While I have always had this dream, I was always skeptical about whether I would succeed in being chosen amongst thousands of strong candidates.
However this year I was proactive and applied for the program and to my delight I got chosen to attend the program. It was only unfortunate that my new boss couldn’t allow me to attend the program but however the program directors were so sympathetic to my situation and even encouraged me to apply again next year. I was also shortlisted among the YALI candidates which I also was unable to attend because of work commitments. I am just grateful to IIGL for the immense work it is doing as I developed pro activity and many more skills through the leadership books I read.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and 1 is poor
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10
Goal Setting 101
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book?
Gary‘s advices and tips on how to set and achieve a goal are very straightforward and easy to relate to. The book shows a step by step process of how to create goals; those that are measurable and have a specific timeframe in which they are to be achieved. Goals are very important in our everyday lives, whether its personal related goals, career goals, community development goals and financial goals. Goal setting requires one to have a vision for what they want to achieve. Visualizing what one wants is the first step in working towards what is to be achieved. Writing the goals down on pen and paper is vitally important as it allows one to have a tangible reference to look to.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. Learn to manage failure and setbacks
Having experienced failure in my life, I can safely say, it was the best thing to ever happen to me. Before then I had always been scared to push boundaries for fear of failing. But right now, instead of crippling me, failure propels me to push further and explore other alternatives.
ii. Implement now-perfect later
Being a perfectionist and fear of failure often led me to delay implementation.
iii. Act like a leader
Leaders have to lead themselves as I have come to realize. Being in a leadership role at work, where I have to support and supervise 23 individuals who look up to me for answers, I realized service is leadership in its most pure form
iv. Work economically
In leading these individuals, with different needs and personality types, time constraint is often a problem hence why I have to work economically with the scarce resources that I have.
v. Use SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis has been very instrumental in helping me to identify the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the project. It has also helped me
identify the strength and weaknesses of the project.
vi. Learn to manage fear
Initially when I was selected as the district coordinator, I was excited yet also a bit
scared of whether I was capable and well equipped to handle the pressure that comes with executing a project. However I am faring well, even though it has not been a smooth ride.
vii. Create contingency plans
Contingency plans are super essential since not everything planned will go according to the way we want it to, there are always some hiccups along the way. We met
such problems and I had to have a backup plan to solve such instances.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help me in a practical way, both in my daily personal life and in helping me create a better world? If so, how?
The ideas have already helped me a lot especially in the new role that I am currently employed in where I have to actually become a real leader. I have used the ideas to plan a lot of activities for the project we are currently involved in where we engage with the
community and teach young people on comprehensive sexuality education. The project has been very difficult to implement because of time constraints and the fact that resources are very scarce and limited. In this new role, I’m learning how to prioritize and manage different tasks as well as managing different people. I have also attained some
of my personal goals through applying some of the strategies in the book. The ideas will also help me to influence those around me about the importance of setting goals in our personal, relationship and community work.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“Everyone fails. But that doesn’t mean you must identify yourself as a
failure. Failure applies to a situation, a particular time and place.”
Failure is inevitable, but what matters is how we get up after experiencing failure. And that to me has always been what made me see the light at the end of the tunnel.
“Examine your speech! You can and will inspire confidence with your
words and vocal tone.”
The words we utter have a major impact in our lives and situations. Working with people on a regular basis, it has been a struggle and I have had to think twice about the words that I speak especially when I am exasperated and angry.
“You must be able to identify success you won’t have any way of
monitoring your progress or knowing if you have achieved your goals.”
I decided during the goal planning session what I wanted to achieve and
will be working towards achieving at the end of the one year project.
“You must walk the talk”
One of the biggest problems I meet when working with the peer educators, is that some do not share the vision we have for embarking on the project. This often leads to them not
taking their work seriously and depending on me to micro-manage them
which I do not want to do.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so why?
The book is written in the simplest way possible hence it was so clear and simple to follow. Most of the ideas are already ideas available in most leadership books, but they are written in a manner which is exciting and not tiring to the reader. I did not have any ideas I disagreed with as most of the ideas I am already practicing as they are in line with what I believe in.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
Yes, the book did contain a few exercises which I did and they were very practical and helpful. The first one helped me identify goals from wishes. Most of the time, sometimes I would make a goal without having any indication of how I would measure it. Sometimes the problem would be that my goal was not specific, and this often led to me not realizing when I had achieved it. The clutter often clouded most of the objectives which I would set out to achieve. The SWOT exercise also helped me identify the strengths and weaknesses of the plans I had made for the project and how best I could navigate the weaknesses.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
On the issue of results being the judge and jury I was a bit skeptical because sometimes the results are not a true reflection of the effort that was put in. However it is true, that we judge by the results that we see, not the effort that has been displayed. And of course our
actions are of greater consequence than our words. I recently had to let go of a peer educator I was mentoring and guiding. While he was one of the most difficult person, lacking dedication to his job, disrespectful and doing multiple actions that were against the code of conduct, I felt like there was still hope that he would come around. I
tried multiple times to engage with the individual, suggesting a win-win solution for everyone but unfortunately it came around to a point where he had to be dismissed. While I was saddened by the way things turned out, I believe temporary discomfort is better than temporary relief. So I have realized that sometimes we have to make tough choices.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10
Nonviolent Communication
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book?
From the book, I learned how to communicate in a respectful manner, free of judgments and assumptions, how to clearly articulate and state my feelings with those around me. That is the main message I received from the book; how to have effective communication without compromising the other person. The book also taught me how to articulately express my feelings in a manner that would help the other person in the communication to understand clearly how I feel. Throughout the book I learned different strategies of how I can resolve conflict in the workplace as well as in everyday encounters.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation of each one as to why it was important to you? Use personal examples from your own life.
i. Observation without evaluation or judgment
I have realized how easy it is to fall into the trap of thinking I am observing whereas I am actually giving out my own evaluation. Often times, when i deal with those I supervise I often evaluate their behavior rather than observe it. I have to consciously make an effort to not do this and I am proud to report it’s not been easy but I have been practicing it and so far it has worked out well and reduced my stress levels.
ii. Stating requests that enrich life
This idea particularly resonated with me. Having been raised by a society and parents who always expressed their wants by; I don’t want you doing this or that, dating boys or arriving late in my house etc, instinctively it became how I expressed my requests. But like my parents and elders before me, I realize how this type of communication does not bring the desired result.
iii. We are never angry because of what others say or do
My first thought about this idea was that indeed it was madness. Of course my anger often results from people not doing what is required of them. For the longest time, I was an unhappy child who often felt that I was not valued or liked at home, because of being a third child. I felt like my anger was justified and my source of armor. I only let go of my anger when I realized it did more harm to me than to the other person who I was angry at. And now I realize that being angry is a choice.
iv. Depression is the reward we get for being “good.”
I can attest to this fact wholeheartedly. In my second year of study I became severely depressed because of doing what I felt was required of me not what I wanted or wanted. I felt purposeless and only when I pursued my love for writing did I see my life flourish and sunk out of the depression I was in.
v. Listen to what people need rather than what they are thinking
A lot of the time when I listen to what people are thinking I take offence rather than if I would concentrate on what they are actually needing rather than what they are thinking. My mother usually has a knack for this as she can predict what I need even without me stating it. This has helped me a lot also when working with peer educators.
vi. Defining our objective when making requests
Being very honest and clear about our requests and the motivation behind them actually allows those around us to be empathetic. One of the coworkers I considered difficult when working with actually became understanding once I told her the importance of what we were doing and why her input would be beneficial.
vii. Giving from the heart
One of the greatest gifts we have all been given is those around us. The immense joy we get from helping those around, giving our time, energy, skills and money is priceless. My work with the community made me relocate to the district, leaving my family and loved ones, often working on weekends but because of the passion I have for development in the community I think its well worth it.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help me in a practical way, both in my daily personal life and in helping me create a better world? If so, how?
2017 has been a particularly challenging year regarding work relationships as working with different people with different views and personalities is bound to bring clashes; hence non-violent communication has helped me a lot to mitigate those clashes. The ideas also helped me when working with a difficult community leader who just wouldn’t take no for an answer, he was relentless in trying to make life difficult but having leant non-violent communication I was able to have a civil conversation that solved both our problems. A win-win solution is possible and exists. The ideas helped me become more understanding of other people and improved my health as I realized that my reaction to people’s actions is within my control, so I stopped blaming other people for my anger. I also applied the principles when solving a dispute that was between clinic staff members and one of the peer educators I work with.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you?
“If I’m ninety-eight percent perfect in anything I do, it’s the two-percent I’ve messed up, I’ll remember when I’m through.”
I am my own harshest critic and remembering this quote reminds me that I must appreciate the good I do rather than always judging my wrongs.
“The objective is not to get the parties to do what we want them to do.”
In 2017, this was by far the biggest lesson I learned. And since this lesson, I have been a less stressful person who tries to control those around her.
“Steps to identifying anger: Stop, breathe. Identify our judgmental thoughts. Connect with our needs. Express our feelings and unmet needs.”
This is written in my daily handbook and it has helped me analyze my feelings and needs instead of bursting out in anger.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
This quote is my daily mantra, whenever I feel overwhelmed and unsure of things, I remember that I am the daughter of the most high and that through him, everything is possible.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
I did not agree with the idea that compliments are judgments even though they may be positive. This is because I usually compliment people with the intent of celebrating their achievements and nothing more. But on the other hand upon exploring my motives for complimenting kids, I realized I had both motives sometimes especially when I want to discourage misbehavior. For instance, just a month ago, my nephew accidentally threw my phone in water and it was destroyed. I was devastated initially at the loss of the contacts in the phone and information. Afterwards my compliments were towards discouraging him to play games on our phones. I later realized that I was trying to manipulate him even though it was for a good cause.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
Yes each chapter contained exercises that enabled me to reflect on the ideas presented in the chapter. They were very helpful as they helped me assess where I did not understand, and I would re-read the section I did not understand in order to gain better understanding. Also helpful were the NVC in action sections that elaborated how NVC worked. The examples were very real and applicable to life and I picked up some useful information from them.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to
comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
The book was very interesting and relevant to what I was actually experiencing. I took a long time re-reading it and using it to solve the problems I was encountering at the time. Unfortunately the first assessment I wrote about it got deleted by mistake and I had to start all over again. This year has been full of so many learning curves, and the knowledge and insight I have gained from all the books from IIGL has helped me become a better sister, daughter, coworker and leader. 2017 brought so many breakthroughs and I am grateful to the whole IIGL family for inspiring and sharing their lives and victories with us.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book?
Brian Tracy is communicating the standard message that if one has a vision and a plan of how to reach that vision, then it is attainable. Through setting out clearly defined goals, it is possible to achieve all we desire. Goal setting is essential to help us know where we want to reach; it defines the destination we want to reach and also helps us evaluate and evaluate how far or near the desired destination we are. Success is goals, goals are life. Goals give us purpose, something to wake up to. Without purpose, it is easy to lose sight and get side tracked and wander aimlessly. When we have goals which we are
working towards, the law of attraction works in our favor and aligns all that we are working towards to greet us. The power of believing in one’s dreams and visualizing success is also fundamental to achieving goals one sets. I have seen the principles set out in the book work in life.
2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. Decide upon your major definite purpose I discovered my major definite purpose
ii. Clarify your values
iii. Persist until you succeed
iv. Set and achieve all your financial goals
v. Create your own future
vi. Manage your time well
vii. Visualize your goals continually
Sometime back in 2014, I was on a self-journey to discovering who I was and what I was doing on earth. During the time, I came across Rick Warren’s Purpose filled life. The
book opened my eyes and awakened my spiritual sense and also forced me to look deep within and ask my creator what was my purpose in life. What I realized at the end of the journey was that it wasn’t related to a course I was pursuing or the question we are usually asked when young; what do you want to be when you grow up? Once I realized my purpose in life, I became peaceful and strived towards living my truth. Once I knew my purpose in life, it was easy to know and clarify what my values were. Values shape us, mould us and decide the course we take in life and I am very blessed to have known mine from early on though they have been tested at times. Failure is inevitable but I
believe defeat is a choice. I got knocked down a few times in life, repeated a module which sent me a year back to my original graduation date, had hopes of working in a certain position after graduation which did not happen at my set dates. But the most important part was that I persevered in the face of failure, and kept pushing in order to
reach my desired result. I used to have high financial goals at some point, and took risks which often paid off in the end, but also experienced some major shortfalls as well. I realized now my financial goals, had been relegated to the back burner because I was afraid of setting the bar up high and not reaching them. However I realized I have the power to create my own future and not leave it all entirely up to destiny. I have a desire to triple my income, and to my mind, it seemed so ridiculous. But now I have realized that if I manage my time well and apply some of my skills fruitfully, I can actually start making more money from gigs I never thought possible. The power of visualization is tremendous and has helped me attain what I thought
impossible in the past.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?
These ideas will help me become more productive, achieve my long term goals and become a better strategic leader. I found the ideas to be most relevant and practical as I kept on complaining about being overwhelmed with work, but upon assessing the situation and reading the book, I realized that I had just not been efficient in allocating
my most urgent and important goals. I was also deeply saddened by missing one of the deadlines to a scholarship I had decided to apply to as I hope to further my education in the following year. What my friend and I had done at the beginning of the announcement of the scholarship was to hold each other accountable in preparing all the documents required for the scholarship. But we both kept on procrastinating and delayed in sending the application; our biggest pitfall was confusing the deadline dates. However I found the
principle of creative procrastination very useful and hope to apply it in my life and those I work with. It helped me achieve some of my desired goals of applying for a fellowship and also assigning tasks and roles to my team. I realized that it is impractical to believe I
can do all the work alone, when I can ease the burden and assign some
of the duties.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“The only thing we have to learn to fear is fear itself.”
I fully agree with D. Roosevelt. Many at times, I have been crippled by fear;
fear of what people will say, fear of offending others, fear of being an outcast. I recall a time when I felt guilty of passing a test others had failed. My fear then was that they were going to outcast me. Fear keeps us from doing so many things; I remember fearing
rejection when I had a keen desire to approach and magazine publication house. Later in University I had a great newspaper idea but fear kept me from proposing the idea to the school dean or other people.
“All of our greatest lessons of life come as a result of setbacks and
temporary defeats, which we have done our outmost to avoid.”
Recently we underwent through a tragic event that was caused by the floods
happening in the district. The most affected was one of the data clerks I work with. She survived a near death experience where she almost drowned while trying to cross one of the flooded rivers by horse. Then to make matters worse, she got the horrible news that her father was involved in a fatal accident that occurred when a car crossed a flooded bridge. The accident had killed 7people and only 8 had survived. He was among the lucky ones to survive but due to the horrific pictures he saw of other passengers who didn’t make it, he lost his mind. She was stuck for a week after the accident, with no
medical attention coz the floods had made it impossible to cross over, couldn’t eat, lost weight and was severely sick. During the time I exhausted all resorts to try and find how she could be helped. Finally, when being taken to hospital by her uncle, she met yet
another catastrophe, the car had an accident but they survived. While asking God why this had to happen to her, the answer was simple and swift: Remember my strength is magnified in your weakness. I recalled all the past events that had occurred and ultimately shaped me into becoming a better person.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
The Book was very easy to understand and to follow. No, I did not encounter any ideas I disagreed with.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
At the end of each chapter, the book contained goals exercises that required me to write them in a notebook and answer some really introspective questions. Some of the questions required me to really think deep and hard about my dreams and what I hope to accomplish. I was so surprised at some of the goals that changed daily when I took
upon an exercise that required me to write daily goals. It helped to push me further and determined to succeed and achieve some of those goals. I shared some of the goal tips at a student’s orientation talk I facilitated in the past month. It was amazing! The motivation and the charged energy I got from sharing my story and how I had used the principle of goal setting and positive mind set to attract and achieve some of my goals was tremendous. We had an Empowerment workers training where I was also one of the speakers and shared the story about the MBA Harvard students to emphasize the importance of goal setting. I asked them to recall about a time when they had attained a
goal they had dreamed of, the feeling that came with the attainment of such a goal. I also shared the importance of visualization.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
I feel like this book is a staple and must have. I completely feel myself being drawn to read it over and over again as I feel like the journey of goal setting can never end with just finishing reading out the chapters. It has helped me so much with regard to getting clarity on what I want to achieve in my life, and how to get started. This is because some of the biggest setbacks lie in never starting. As they say, the richest place on earth is the
graveyard, full with numerous dreams that never came to fruition. I hope to live to see mine come to life and to make them happen. Because of the book travelling everywhere with me, I was able to inspire a lot of people who wanted to enroll for IIGL. One of the peer educators I work with actually followed through and applied.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10
The Law of Attraction
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book?
We attract what we are. Our thoughts, feelings all play a role in attracting whatever we need into the physical realm. This is the main message that the teachings of Abraham teach us in the book. Throughout the book we learn to understand the way the law of attraction works, as well as other universal laws such as the law of deliberate creation, the art of allowing and segment intending. The law of attraction is always working, with or without our consent, realization hence why it is important to understand it, so that we can create deliberately what we want to realize in our future. With the message and ideas from the book, I realize that I am not a victim of my circumstances; I am the co-creator of my world. The law of attraction not only works through our thoughts but also our feelings as well.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List the seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to your own life. Use your personal examples from your own life.
i.. The essence of what you are thinking about
You get the essence of what you are thinking about, whether it is something that you want or something you do not want. So it is essentially important to think about only what you want; not what you want. This made me understand why when I thoughts about the problems or challenges I could encounter, I attracted those challenges.
ii. How can a person overcome disappointment?
Understanding this helped me achieve inner joy during turmoil, it helped me when I felt disappointed after not getting a certain job after the interview, I then attracted feelings of joy because I knew that there was a better job in store for me and my rejection would be a blessing in disguise.
iii. If I can imagine it, it’s realistic.
I am a dreamer, I have always aspired for more than meets the eye, instead of dreaming for a white-picketed fence with kids and a stable high paying job, I saw myself working as a humanitarian, travelling the world and helping people. And the progress I have so far is proof that everything is possible. My life is testimony as I work with the community and am involved in serving those around me.
iv. Rather than monitor thoughts, I’ll feel feelings.
I felt this was a great and realistic idea as monitoring thoughts does tend to be very difficult, but it’s easier to observe the feelings that I have towards an issue. Like when I felt disappointed I was able to gauge that feeling, and immediately steered my feelings to positive ones.
v. The art of appreciation.
So I began my ritual of writing down what I appreciate in my life, my health, my family, my friends, my joy and inner peace. Appreciating what I have in my life worked well and attracted even more of those I desired. For the first time I felt peace even when work stressed me out.
vi. The process of segment intending.
Life doesn’t happen to me, I am not a victim of my circumstances. This law of segment intending was very helpful as it did away with the ‘Why me’ pity parties which usually happen when I feel that life is being unfair, handing me lemons. So I, ‘Mantsebeng will no more create by default having understood this law.
vii. The creative workshop process.
So it has been rather enlightening and great to have this time where I picture and give thoughts to the world I want. The creative workshop is indeed my heaven and safe place. It has also helped me have more clarity in my intentions.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help me in a practical way, both in my daily personal life and in helping me create a better world? If so, how?
The Law of Attraction principles helped me and those around me to realize that we are manifestations of what we thinks and feel. Understanding how life works, that we attract what we think about; whether good or bad, helps us play an active role in filtering what we feel and think about. Because of the lessons from the book, I am more conscious of what I invite into my world, I realize that I am also the key holder to what happens to me, and that life does not just happen to me. I was very happy to realize that I had been shortlisted for the One Young World summit in the Netherlands, as it has been one of my lifelong dream to travel and meet with other change makers from around the world. While still awaiting the verdict of whether I will receive the scholarship or not, whenever negative thoughts sought to distract me from my real purpose, I re-directed them to positive ones. We have also been conducting training workshops in Micro-finance for the village banks we have established in the district, and the young women and girls whom I have interacted with seemed to be so happy and encouraged about the viability and the success of these micro-finance banks that are geared at helping them break out of the cycle of poverty and hunger. I talked to them about the power of this law of attraction and how they could use it to gain success in their banks, community and families.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“When you are an allower, you are feeling joy as you are observing the experience of all.”
This statement is so powerful as people will not always act according to what we deem right or best intention for them, but as an “allower” it is possible to have joy and peace and watch them create whatever it is that they choose.
“You are growth seeking beings and as you are moving forward you are at your happiest; while you are at that stagnation, you are not your happiest.”
Whenever I experience stagnation in my life I lose my passion for life, it often affects my extracurricular activities such as writing. But when I see growth and development, I get enthused about life. I have also come to love challenges as I realized that I experience more growth during such times. I actually believe in the saying that; When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
While I do believe that we are all creators and attractors of what comes into our worlds, I do not believe that occurs in every situation. While Adam explained why someone could be raped and it being because they thought about what they did not want, hence it occurred to them by default through the law of attraction. However I beg to disagree, as some cases like when slavery occurred and African countries were colonized, it was not because they thought so. It is worth note to say, most of those who were colonized might not have even had those thoughts in the first place, but then maybe those who were around them did have them. Apartheid was a bad era, that saw a lot of murder and instability in South Africa, and I don’t understand how the law of attraction could have been acting in this case.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
Yes it did, I was able to practice the creative workshop process and found it highly effective and helpful. I was able to also have deliberate thoughts and segment intend my hopes and dreams. I think it also helped me gain a lot of clarity into where I want to be, what I want to achieve and when I want to achieve it. SO it was a very crucial exercise and I really had a time to reflect on what I wanted. I reflected that while I enjoyed my work, which includes serving the community of Thaba-Tseka through different interventions, I would love to grow and serve at another district and do more than I am right now. I came to the view that I would also love to have my own social enterprise that is focused on helping the marginalized and empowering them to be pro-active.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
I honestly had a hard time grasping the way in which the book is written. I sometimes felt that the answers which Abraham gave were not so simple. But then I got used to them and re-read the book about three times before really grasping it. It was really surprising because I tried to delay reading the book for so long, thinking it was not relatable as it spoke about the spiritual realm, and I thought it was ghostly. But it ended up being one of my favorite books. I have gained so much introspective ever since joining IIGL and it is amazing sharing it with the community and those I serve, I am actually falling in love with public speaking. And I took a short career quiz on “She Leads Africa” and was amazed that it choose humanitarian as the path I should pursue.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 7
C. How easy was it to understand? 5
D. Would you recommend it to others? 7
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8
The Power of Intention
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book?
The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is that we are all in charge of our destinies through the power of intention. The power of intention is inherent within all of us, it is just lying dormant to be used when we want to really start improving our lives. We are able to create and manifest our dreams through the power of creation inherent in all of us. The power of intention is so power to an extent that when we put out our desires to world out there, it actually brings out forces to help manifest that desire into reality. Through the power of intention I have been able to have my dreams come to pass.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. It is my intention to feel successful and attract abundance into my life
I always have a smile when I look at where I was years ago and where I am now. To me that is success. For me success is a journey of steps of getting from where you are to where you aspire to be. I do not regard success as a destination, hence whenever I see the little steps I have managed to achieve I become happy. This year, having worked with adolescents and young people, been registered as a student at Stellenbosch University and also attended a leadership fellowship I have truly been on a success journey.
ii. It is my intention to live my life on purpose
A purposeful life is what I strive to live. Ever since I read the book, a Purposeful life by Rick Warren in 2014, I have been striving to become a person who lives out my purpose in life. What I discovered during that time was that I was called to serve and I am happiest when I am serving the world either through my skills and talents or helping a person improve their life.
iii. It is my intention to recognize the spirit as my source and to detach myself from my ego.
It is so easy to become egotistical especially when things seem to be going well and one feels on top of the world. I am always thankful to God for everything that I accomplish for I know that he is my source and everything that I achieve is only through him. I have had a very tough year yet also very fulfilling one and it is all thanks to him.
iv. Seven faces of intention; The face of creativity
Creative writing is a love of mine I deeply love. Recently I have been thinking about fusing the two things I love; writing and travelling to become a travel writer as a creative expression. As the universe would have it, after having my first flight to Cape Town at school, I wrote a travel story for one of the airlines I was on, and my story was chosen as the winning story. I do think it is time I pursue that dream.
v. Seven faces of intention; The face of love
To be able to become a servant leader, I have to have the love for the people, the community and the country I work for. For me love, has been the driving force for everything I do, the community work I am involved with, the writing I do for blogs and magazines, leadership development and tackling the Sustainable Development Goals.
vi. The intention of expressing the genius that I am
I actually laughed my heart out while typing this idea out. This is because for the longest time since I was in primary school when people used to call me a genius I used to refuse and did not like the word to be associated with me. I felt like it was loaded with expectation and was putting me on a high pedestal that I could never reach.
vii. Practice being in silence and meditation
The power of meditation is so profound. I joined peace revolution to aid me in meditation and harnessing peace for myself and those around me. It has been a real joy, I have been able to picture exactly how I want my day to unfold and also to de-stress after a long day.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help me in a practical way, both in my daily personal life and in helping me create a better world? If so, how?
These ideas helped me reach for my dreams and see them come to pass. I recognize that everything I ever hoped for or dreamed about is within reach. These past months I have been blessed to attend a YALI fellowship in South Africa. This was a beautiful dream come true for me because I love leadership and convening at a place where young likeminded young people came to share our experiences was very lovely. In the past, in 2016 I had missed out on attending YALI and MILEAD fellowship because of my boss at the time. This year I used the power of intention to attract a favorable response from my bosses, in fact I had hoped to just get an unpaid leave, which would be great in my books. But I not only got to attend the three weeks training but also got paid leave. This year had been a very hectic year for me, in fact in the beginning of the year I had planned to resign from work as I am schooling part time, and I knew the nature of my work would not allow me to juggle both. I had been very scared and reluctant to continue with both, however here I am now, still managing the two. The power of intention has also helped manifest some of my long held dreams of traveling and meeting leaders working on SDGs. A few days ago I got an email notifying me that I had been selected over 8000 and more applicants to attend the Unleash Innovation Hub in China in November. This was a dream come true. I am also awaiting results for the Mandela Rhodes scholarship of which I have progressed to the second round of the scholarship. These ideas are already helping me influence those around me because they ask why my world is revolving in such an abundant way and I explain that I am operating from a place of abundance. I even told a lot of people about IIGL while I was at the YALI fellowship.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“I attract success and abundance into my life because that is who I am. Abundance and success aren’t waiting out there waiting to show up for you. You already have it.”
This is my mantra for life. I think it has actually helped me get to where I am and I is also going to help me attract more in my life.
“When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”
This quote to me I should always be in a state of grateful and joyfulness because all that I want is already mine. It starts being mine in the spiritual realm and then manifests to the physical realm later. As I write this I am at my grandfather’s funeral and I have peace because I know he has lived his life and served.
“The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence, moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would have never otherwise have occurred…Unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance.”
This to me is the power of intention. I saw everything work out for my good this year, people that came into my life who ultimately push me towards reaching that ultimate dream.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
The book was understandable enough. But in the first chapter, when trying to picture or imagine this power of intent that was being described it was an enigma. It’s not until one reads further and then comprehends and practices what the power of intention means that it becomes crystal clear.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
Yes, I found the exercises very helpful and completed them.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
Yes, well I believe the third level is all about practical projects. And I am wondering if there are any tools that we are given with regards to that? This is because I have to pursue an idea I have had for a very long time, of a girl’s empowerment and SDG focused NGO, and I am wondering if there are any resources for that level, which will aid in implementation of a practical project. Most importantly though I want to express my gratitude to the entire IIGL team. Deb, you are a darling and have always been there and believed in us from the beginning. I know I disappeared for a while, when school and work was hectic but you always checked up on me, Thanks for not giving up and believing in me.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10
Unlimited Power
Assessment by Mantsebeng Suzan Maepe (Lesotho)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book?
The author is trying to communicate the message of knowing that we are all in control of our situations and not victims of our circumstances. Tony teaches us how to master and conquer our thoughts, states and actions in order to achieve our maximum potential. Through the techniques in the book, we become masters of our own creation. We are introduced to Neuro-Linguistic Programming which is integral to helping us master our states. Through NLP, we are able to produce optimum resourceful states that help us help us achieve favourable outcomes for ourselves and optimum results. The author also highlights how belief systems are usually the underlying force behind our actions.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.
i. The power of perspective
I found this idea very important as we often do not have control over what happens in our life, we sometimes find ourselves in circumstances that are less favourable and not to our liking, but what we do have control over is how we frame our experiences. If we change the frame, the context, we also change the meaning of what is happening around us. As the Corona Virus crisis hit, it was up to us to try and frame it in the way we wish. At first I was very worried about the health and economic consequences of the lockdowns, loss of livelihoods, but later changed my perspective and began and grateful journal to look at all the bright side. It is a chance for rebuilding and starting over.
ii. Energy is the fuel of excellence.
I know first-hand how the power of exercise and eating healthy brought a vast difference in my life. When I was stressed during my final year of study, I began exercising and eating health to help my energy levels. This also happened through my job at the start of this year, I was feeling very de-motivated and tired all the time and I looked at my diet and realised I was eating too much junk food. After I changed that, I saw a lot of improvement.
iii. Life will always pay you what you ask for it.
This idea made me think twice about what I would like to pursue if there were no restrictions at all and I realised that I have always been passionate about storytelling and wouldn’t just want it to end with just freelance writing, but also see them produced and pursue social entrepreneurship and humanitarian work at a large scale. And it also got me thinking about the foundation I am passionate about founding.
iv. You must learn how to handle frustration, rejection and financial pressure:
Last year I was so frustrated, juggling school, my work and activism work on the side. It was one of the most frustrating years ever, I came back every day from field work exhausted leaving barely any time for school. But it was also during this year that I managed to achieve the greatest, with regards to job performance, and my social activism and involvement with the SDGs also gained recognition as I was selected among the Unleash talents attending an innovation hub at Shenzhen, attended the regional Young African leaders Initiative program. And all those I managed to achieve because I learned how to handle frustration and rejection. I am still a work in progress and have not mastered the art though. I am still working on trying to handle rejection and fear of failure though. I actually realised that procrastination and the fear of failure/rejection are actually intertwined.
v. Learn to judge yourself by your goals instead of what your peers seem to be doing.
Judging myself through other people is very self-limiting. Back in the day, I used to love comparing myself with my peers, while in high schools and actually hated to have anything that would make me stand out. I actually subdued a lot of my dreams back then. That changed in university, though I do find myself sometimes slowing down on my ambitions because of comparing myself with those around me.
vi. There is only one success
To be able to spend your life in your own way: I am very happy to have found the courage to live out my own truth. My future has always not included raising kids. And in our culture, it’s shocking to hear a female saying that they are not going to have kids. Growing up, I did not like to voice these out, but now, I have realised that my journey is my own, that I should not live according to what someone’s standards are. If people believe that it is selfish for a woman to not have kids, then that is their view and perspective.
vii. The five rules in formulating my outcomes
I found these rules: stating my outcome in a positive way, being as specific as possible, having an evidence procedure, be in control and verifying that the outcome is ecologically sound and desirable very instrumental in helping me focus and achieve most of my goals.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help me in a practical way, both in my daily personal life and in helping me create a better world? If so, how?
These ideas are written on my wall, they helped guide me and motivate me during my life. I found myself returning to these ideas and many more in the book when I was going through very rough times. For instance one of the ideas in the book about how depression is a state we can try and control. When I was going through a tumultuous time, I really invested heavily in practising NLP, to change my states. Through this period of Corona virus, I celebrated my birthday for the first time in quarantine. During this time, at first I was super excited to be in quarantine, having the time to rest for once. But then eventually, watching the news all the time, realizing the havoc that the virus was causing, my mind began viewing only the negative. I returned back to journaling all my thoughts, opportunities for growth and wrote my grateful journal.
4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“The key to producing the results you desire, then, is to represent things to yourself in a way that puts you in such a resourceful state that you are empowered to take the types and qualities of actions that create your desired outcomes.”
This quote reminded me that I hold the power to produce whatever I set myself to do, even things I used to deem impossible before.
“Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves us.”
I lost a young cousin last year, who died after such a short illness. I could not understand why she had to leave so young. But I used that experience to always pursue the things I am most passionate about because life is short-lived and should be cherished.
‘There is no such thing as failure. There are only results.”
Reminding myself of this saying always reminds me to take risks, because failure does not exist in my vocabulary, only lessons and outcomes exist. This has helped me to become more daring in pursuit of my goals. I am now excited to go to Level Three, not intimidated by beginning the project that has been closest to my heart, because regardless of the outcome, I would have learned how to best do something.
“It’s been said that there are only two pains in life, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret, and that discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.”
Struggling with procrastination, this saying is my bible, as I am working on becoming more disciplined so that I can achieve all I know I am capable of. I recently won the World Bank Blog for development contest. I was so proud of that because I entered that contest when I was frustrated and did not see how I would make time to write the essay but I pushed through my procrastination. As I have also been planning to be intentional with my writing, and my blog.
“People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals, that is, goals that do not inspire them.”
I believe it is very important to have purpose and actually have a ‘why’ at their root.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?
I struggled to comprehend some of the NLP strategies at first, I had to go through the chapter for about 3 times before I eventually understood it. I also felt at the time that it used a lot of terms I was not familiar with such as sub modalities, olfactory, gustatory or para-psychological. At one point the whole chapter seemed like it was written in Greek. However, I took time to really read through and practise the NLP strategies with my sister, and at first I was so sceptical on whether they would actually work. Weirdly, once I actually began understanding the chapter, it became one of my favorite chapters.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
Yes, there were a lot of exercises especially those that helped me to understand NLP strategies, and how to change my state, and I can actually say, they made me more aware of myself.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
A lot of questions have been covered in the previous questions.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 7
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9