Mabadeje Abiodun – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Mabadeje Abiodun (Nigeria)

I’ll like to start by saying that this book is one of several that I have read on this topic and which are real eye opener. I say this with great sense of responsibility and sensitivity. As a motivational speaker too, the message of positive mental attitude is one that I hold so dearly.

Another reason why this book is endeared to my heart is the simplicity of language with which it is written and the precision of the presentation of the message in each of the chapters that make up the book – “As A Man Thinketh.”

As part of my assessment of this small but great book, I’ll like to highlight some thoughts that I call “Powerpoints” in each of the chapter as they ministered to me.


“They themselves are makers of themselves, by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage. That mind is the master weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.”

Chapter One
“A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of his thoughts.”

“Of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul which have been restored and brought to light in this age, none is more gladdening or fruitful of divine promise and confidence than this – that man is the master of thought, the moulder of character and the maker and shaper of condition, environment and destiny.”

Chapter Two
“Good thoughts bear good fruits, bad thoughts bear bad fruits.”

“The man who does not shrink from self-crucifixion can never fail to accomplish the object upon which his heart is set.”

Chapter Three
“As you cannot have a sweet and wholesome abode unless you admit the air and sunshine into your rooms, so a strong body and a bright, happy or serene countenance can only result from the admittance into the mind of thoughts of joy and goodwill and serenity.”

Chapter Four
“The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do. Doubt and fear are the great enemies of knowledge, and he who encourages them, who does not slay them, thwarts himself at every step.”

“He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure.”

Chapter Five
“All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.”

Chapter Six
“The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg. And in the highest vision of a soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.”

“You cannot travel within and stand still without.”

Chapter Seven
“Yes, humanity surges with uncontrolled passion, is tumultuous with ungoverned grief, is blown about by anxiety and doubt. Only the wise man, only he whose thoughts are controlled and purified, makes the winds and the storms of the soul obey him.”

In closing, I believe that to be able to think concretely, one must learn to be in a state of serenity often. It is usually at times like this that one can be open and receptive to the “still small voice” on the inside.



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Mabadeje Abiodun (Nigeria)

This book is basically like the first – “As A Man Thinkeh” in the sense that its message is also a call to all human to begin to look within and draw out that God-given ability. The only difference though, is that “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” uses a story that has characters to teach its message.

And this is particularly good because while you’re reading a story you’re learning and being motivated at the same time.

If I were to give another title to this story I’ll simply call it ‘Break the Limits.’

Every man is his own enemy or friend. We are all architects of our own destinies. We can do/be all we want irrespective of the opinions of others. Someone once said, “Your environment is not meant to change you, you are meant to change your environment.”

Another point is that this story establishes the truth of God’s word, which says, “Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Conformity to the world leads to deformity of the mind (or man) but transformation leads to reformation.

“Those who follow the crowd will have no crowd following them.” (Anonymous)

Jonathan Livingston Seagull dared to be different. He challenged the norm. it was of course not pleasurable at first for him, but at the end the crowd came to follow him. They listened to his wealth of experience.

Some Powerpoints from the Story:
“How much more there is now to living! Instead of our drab slogging forth and back to the fishing boats, there’s a reason to life! We can list ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to ‘fly!’”

“Your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip,” Jonathan would say, other times, “is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see. Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body, too…”

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

PART 1 –Part 1 – Content Review

There are quite a number of points from the book that have significance to me. From the introduction to the very end. The first sentence in the introduction, ‘The greatest secret of success is, there is no secret.

This is so true a statement that if more and more people will wake up to this reality our world will be a better place to live in. So many peoplestill believe that God loves some people more than others, hence He has bestowed more ability or revealed some secretes to them, which is why they are more at advantage than others are.

The last quote in the introduction by Pat Ryan, ‘it’s impossible for you to conceive how far up is, except for the limitations of your own mind. Really, no one knows how far up is, and no one can be stopped from going as far as he/she wants to go in life except for the fact that that person says ‚’this is how far I choose to go and no more.’

We are all limited in life to the extent that we limit ourselves.

If you know what you want, you are more apt to recognize it when you see it. When you read a book, for example, you will recognize opportunities to help you get what you want.

This is so true; at least I know that in my own life I have seen this happen. I am a graduate of Insurance but the day I told myself that I wouldn’t practice the profession I was still an undergraduate and on that day was reading a book. So I agree and encourage more people to
read, because the answer to any and every question can be found on the pages at books.

‘You have everything to gain and nothing to loose by trying. Success is achieved and maintained by those who keep trying with PMA’

Someone once said that, ‘It is better to try and fail than to fail to try, because the man who tries and fails is better than the man who fails to try. And just trying alone affords one the opportunity to again experience, which is generally said to be the best teacher.

‘Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.’

In life no matter how prayerful or holy one is there’ll always be times that some bad things that one is not expecting will happen. But the truth is, really it is not what happens that matter but how one responds to what happens. Do I allow myself to be broken by it or I brace up myself and brake through it.

I remember that I repeated SSS1 (Senior Secondary School) when I was in secondary school, but I had to take up the challenge not to allow that happen again, or else I would be sent away from school. What eventually happened was that by the time I got to SSS3 I had become so to say, ‘A force to be reckoned with in School.’

I held the post of the Assistant Senior Prefect, class captain, president of the school’s Christian fellowship. And the drama co-ordinator of the fellowship’s drama group. This is just a confirmation of what the bible says, ‘All things work together for our good.’

‘You will develop your mental powers when you learn and develop the habit of asking yourself questions.’

Anthony Robbins said, ‘The quality of your life is directly proportional to the quality of questions you ask yourself and others around you.’

The importance of questions cannot be over-emphasized. And the beautiful thing is that there is no question that does not have an answer.

Everyone has creative ability, but most people haven’t learned to use it.

This statement is so ‘profoundly true.’ God never made anyone to live in mediocrity and obscurity hence the ability(ies) at our disposals. But many will remain in obscurity because they fail to recognized their ability.

‘It has been my observation that people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.’

This is very true and it applies to every area of life. According to Bishop David Oyedepo, ‘It is our choices and not chances that determined our destinies.’ Every man is a product of his own decisions. One can either be sad or happy depending on what he chooses to have.

‘You are the most important living person. Stop and think about yourself; in all the history of the world there was never anyone else exactly like you, in all the infinity of time to come, there will never be another.”

What better way can this be said? The greatest discovery in the world is the discovery of self.To come to the realization of this truth can change the entire life of anyone.

Part 2 – Personal Impact

The book is really an inspirational one that opens one’s eyes to deep truths and if one will act upon its contents nothing will be impossible to that person.

And indeed I’ve been really inspired by the contents of this book. But I want to say that the chapter that talks about OPM- Other People’s Money (i.e chapter 13) is really an eye opener for me.

Before now I had held the view that bankers are just out there to make money off you. But the book says the banker is any friend. I had always looked at bankers as people who want you to collect loans and don’t want you to be able to repay so that they can confiscate your collateral.

Well, I have to say that this view of mine is not unconnected to the way banking operations are carried out here in any society. I can assure you that so many people hold the same view as mine.

But I have started to look at bankers from a different perspective. I am already thinking of ways I can approach my banker and for what in particular so that we can start a relationship that goes beyond just putting money in bank and collecting it.

Talking about OPM, I now have better idea as to how to go about my works. I have three books, which I want publish and organise a formal launching. All the money that will be needed to birth this project wil lbe costing me about two hundred thousand naira (N200,000).
An amount of money, which I do not have, but through O.P.M I know what to do and how to go about it.

I have to also say that the ideas presented in the book do not in anyway negate my values, goals and beliefs.

I am a very strong believer in positive thinking and it is a core of my messages anywhere that Igo.

Part 3 – Summary

The book ‘Success through a Positive Mental Attitude’ is one of such great books that I have read that deal in depth with the subject of positive mental alertness.

While I will admit that books like ‘Think and Grow Rich,’ by Napoleon Hill and ‘Power of Positive Thinking’ by Norman Vincent Pearl, are classics in this class, I also have to say that this book indeed should be in the collection of anyone who believes in or wants to succeed in life, no matter the area of endeavour.

I must say that I commend the efforts of the authors in the way they have worked to find practical examples to establish the fact that every point in the book is practicable and that anyone can experience them. The only thing it requires is the will to go for it.

In terms of its value, I will simply say it is invaluable. Anyone that pays to buy a book such as this will agree with me that it is worth more than whatever amount of money that must have been paid to get it. Really, books like this usually cost less than their worth. Iteresting you don’t want to drop it till you are done reading it. There are so many authors but not so many can’t hold the readers attention and interest from front page to back page.

As already pointed out, Chapter 13 I will say has the most impact on me because of the way O.P.M is treated and how the authors have changed my perception of who my banker is to me. I can’t really say that any chapter or idea in the book is least helpful.

As it relates to recommending any idea in the book or the book itself to anyone at anytime – it would be my pleasure.



Real Magic
Assessment by Mabadeje Abiodun

I am going to start by first and foremost saying that if there is any reason why students don’t go beyond stage one, it is this book. I don’t know whether to say it is highly technical, but I sure can say that it is not an interesting book to read. Reading through a book like this will take a lot of discipline and determination, which are necessary qualities of a leader or any one aspiring to be one, leadership is not about convenience, it is a sacrifice!

I remember that when I first started reading the book I got to around the sixty-sixth page and had to stop, left it for some time and then came back to start all over again. I know that in-between reading this book I have finished reading some other books.

Part 1 – Content Review

“I have gone beyond “believing” in -miracles, to a place that I call “Knowing”. This is one thing that I think we all must aspire to have (I mean to get to the place where we know). The Bible talks about Abraham in Rom. 4:21, “Being fully persuaded…” This to me is a place of knowing “You know that you know” it is a place of real magic.

* “This path requires a commitment to your own inner transformation. Your inner transformation cannot be completed from an intellectual or scientific perspective”

What better way can one put this, “The natural man cannot received the things of the sprit for they are foolishness to him…”

I know that no matter what the environment looks like the truth is that if one will learn to take control of his internal environment he will eventually gain control over his external environment.

“This other realm defies our laws of science and logic it is a place within each of us that is free of ordinary boundaries, rules, and limitations.”

I find this part really interesting in that it agrees with what the Bible says in 1st Tim. 6:20. “…and beware of science, which is falsely called knowledge”

I mean we cannot deny the place of science and its achievements in our World of today but it has its limitations.

“The World is not to be put in order, the world is order incarnate. It is for us to put ourselves in unison with this World”.

This reminds of me of a quote from (Success through a positive Mental Attitude “If a man is right his word will be right.” The problem is not with the world it is with us. I believe that the ‘Genesis foundation’ is still in tact. “All that God created is good and in order” our own responsibility is to fit into the order.

“What is in this experience that I can use in a beneficial way, even if I don’t understand why if is happening right now?”

This is a question. Anthony Robbins said, “The quality of your life is directly proportional to the quality of questions you ask yourself and others around you” He also said, “When you ask the right question, you will find the right answer.” The place of questions cannot be over emphasized.

It is true that things happen and will always do, though we don’t expect nor pray for them in anyway, but as Napoleon Hill and W. Clement stone put it, “Every adversity has in it the seed of an equivalent benefit.” And the Bible in Rom: 8:28 says “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God and to them who are called according to his purpose.”

“I suggest that your presence in the world of form has a grand mission and that you can discover and begin thinking, feeling and behaving in ways consistent with that mission.”

” The great and glorious master piece of man is how to live with purpose.”
Living a purposeful life is the grand thing as far as I am concerned. There is no one created of God who is not here for a mission. Without the discovery at this mission life has no meaning. A purposeless life is a useless life. According to Myles Munroe, “Where purpose is not known abuse is inevitable.” And “The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose.” Bottom line.

“My contention was that being broke is a temporary state of affairs that afflicts almost everyone at one time or another, but being poor is an attitude, a set of beliefs that gets reinforced when we shift to blaming life circumstances for the condition of poverty.”

Majority of Nigerians fit perfectly into this description. Family backgrounds and the government are always the scapegoats. Some even think it is because they are black. What they do not realize is that it is not the blackness of their skin but that of their thinking. “As a man thinketh so is he.”

“The mental part, the invisible part, literally, and I truly mean literally, shapes the way the physical results are manifested.”

“The soul never thinks without a picture.”
Let me just quote a passage of scripture and then end this part. 1 Cor. 4: 16-18, ” Therefore we do not loose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of a glory. While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

PART 2 -Personal Impact & Practical Value

The message of the book Real Magic I must confess is strong meat. You must have a flexible mind to be able to accept and absorb what the book teaches. From the assessment of part 1 (i.e. content review), I want to say that I share the beliefs of the author.

I am a strong believer in living a purposeful life and by that I also mean that even the things you do on a day-to-day basis. Your life vocation or profession.
“A man’s gift will make room for him and bring him before great men.”-Pro. 18:16
Do you see a man who excels in his work he will stand before kinds and not before unknown men.”- Pro. 22: 29 There is no vacuum in nature. My life is not a mistake. I am not in this world at this time by a mistake of some sort. It is all part of the divine plan of God for my life. It is at this time in creation that the world needs me and that is why I did not come any other time before now or after now. This is the best time to be the motivational speaker and author that I am.
“By contract the spiritual being is focused on empowering himself and others to higher and higher levels of consciousness and achievement”.

In life if you don’t step on people’s toes, people will step on your toes. Whichever way the table turns, living in peace both with yourself and others is very pivotal to creating “Real Magic” in your life. Holding people in unforgiveness blocks the answer to your own prayers, The writer of Hebrews says “Pursue peace with all men…” Heb.12:14

While I agree with the general message of the book, I want to disagree with the author on his teaching as touching “Your Relationship to your own Death”… pg 239-245. You might say because of religious bias and sentiment. Death as thought by the Bible is inevitable (and I am talking about physical death here- the separation of the soul from the body), but death as taught in the book of revelations goes beyond even physical death. There is punishment for the wicked in hell and eternal enjoyment for believers in God through Jesus Christ. Wickedness as used here includes not accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour. So to teach that there’s no suffering after death negates what the Bible teaches.

PART THREE – Summary
Should I say the book is interesting? I would be lying. You must be serious minded to read through it. I said at the beginning that this book I believe is the reason why most student will not go beyond the first level. Simply put it is not an interesting book to read. Why? I can’t say. May be too technical, may be just too whatever.

However, the book is a valuable material for the serious minded. Those who believe in strong meat as opposed to just the milk. A good reference material I will describe it as. I wouldn’t say I found anything most helpful or least helpful in the book, but by and large it is a good book and worth having, I emphasize for the ‘serious minded.’ As per recommending the book, let me say I have my reservations. I say this because it will take a lot to get just anyone to read a book like this.



The New Dynamics Of Winning
Assessment by Mabadeje Abiodun (Nigeria)

1. Discuss the main ideas that you found most important in this book and discuss why they were important to you.

I will like to start by saying that there are many ideas in this book that I find important. Starting from the very first chapter to the end (i.e the 21 day plan) these ideas abound.

In chapter one, “The Drive to Win” was discussed. I believe very sincerely that the drive to win above every other thing is most important. I mean, what is the use of my talent/gifts or ideas if I do not have the drive to put them to use.

I remember one evening I was going to make a speech in a church, The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM), it was an all women’s meeting. While on the way, a thought in form of a question dropped in my heart. And it was this, “If someone were to ask me, what drives me?”

For a moment I thought over this question and after a while the only answer I could find or give was, “what drives me is where I’m driving too.” In order words the reasons why I do the things I do is because there is a picture I have ahead of me. And waking up every single day with that picture in mind gives me the zest for moving on not minding whatever obstacle I may encounter on the way. It therefore means that anyone who does not have where he/she is driving to will have no drive to drive him.

Since trying to pick on all the ideas that I consider important to me and discussing them won’t be possible for the purpose of this assessment, I will just pick at random and discuss.

“Losers let things happen, winners make things happen.”

It was a wise man that said, “Others see things as they are and ask why, but I see things as they ought to be and ask why not.”

The bible in James Chapter 2 teaches about faith and action and it says emphatically that faith is of no use if action is not added. “Faith without work is dead.” – James 2: 20.

Losers usually don’t take deliberate steps to ensure that they get what they want, and when they do any small obstacles, they give up.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc.? Explain.

As written above, having a drive for ones life is important. One of my goals in life is to become one of the world’s greatest motivators both as a speaker and writer, with my books being translated into other languages of the world.

For this to happen, it is going to take more than a stroke of luck. That is why I must as such as it is within my powers look for opportunities to speak and continue to write it may not come easy, but I do know that the day opportunity meets preparation success is inevitable. Today’s preparation is the antidote against tomorrow’s failure. We must all endeavour to do the best we can today while we look forward to tomorrow with expectation for its opportunities.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please explain.

On pages 58-59, the author, Dennis Waitley writes on “The Five Fundamentals of self-esteem.”

Trying to list them out here again may not be a good strategy for management of time and space.

But suffice to say here that I totally and completely agree with these ideas as presented in the book.

Self-esteem goes with self-image and self-perception. I have always been of the belief that the way I see myself (or esteem myself) will determine the way I present myself. Invariably, the way I present myself determines the way I am received. It therefore means that if I see myself in a positive light I will be able to present myself well and this will go a long way in determining whether I succeed or not.

The second fundamental simply talks about self-worth and self-trust. Believe in my own person (my physical self) and my own abilities. If I have ability in writing I should believe in it and make the best of it. And if I am not at home with calculations I shouldn’t see myself as a second fiddle because of that. Every one has areas of strength and weaknesses. It will do a lot of good to find what you are good at and develop yourself in it.

Also in chapter 9, the author writes on The Quality of Leadership, and one of the sub-topics is “Opportunities, Not Leadership.”

Reading through the idea presented under this sub-topic reminds me of what I read in one of the books of Dale Carnegie titled – “The Leader in You.”

Simply put, the days of dictatorial leadership are over. What obtains today is leadership by co-operation and association, where every one has a sense of belonging from the topmost official to the man at the gate; every one’s view and opinion counts.

Then the idea of true leadership presented, which is drawn from the book on Oriental Leadership, I find true indeed.

The master has no mind of her own.
She works with the mind of the people.
She is good to people who are good.
She is also good to people who aren’t good…
She trusts people who are trustworthy.
She also trusts people who aren’t trustworthy…

The art of leadership or being a leader has gone beyond the level of ‘I am the boss’ or just occupying a position and thinking that you are the ‘Alpha and Omega,’ and whatever you say is the final. This stance is captured when the author writes, “Good leadership motivates others to their highest levels by offering opportunities, not obligations,”

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how.

Though I will not say the book has changed my thinking, I will agree that it has challenged me.

Reading the stories of the different athletes in the different sports that made success of themselves in spite of the odds that were against most of them has helped to strengthen my resolve to be the best at my chosen profession.

I understand that success is not a destination but a journey. As another wise man said, “The tragedy of life lies not in reaching your goals but it is in having no goals to reach; for while you do not make your goals, your goals will make you.”

5. Are there ideas in this book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

To be candid, I did not find any idea that I do no agree with in this book.

6. What did you find most helpful or least helpful in this book?

All the ideas I will say are helpful. For someone who is into motivations like me the book is a good reference material.

I find nothing least helpful in the book. This is because to say something is least helpful is like saying that thing is not helpful or not important. As far as I am concerned, there is nothing in this book that is not important.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

The main idea the book is trying to pass across is to tell anyone who is willing to get to the peak of his or her profession that it is possible to do so by using the ideas presented in this book.

My Rating

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10
E. Would you recommend it to others? 10



Unconditional Life
Assessment by Mabadeje Abiodun (Nigeria)

1. Discuss the main ideas that you found most important in this book and why they were important to you.

There are several ideas in the book that I found important. Almost all the stories are breath taking. The comebacks from near death situations through self-awareness and meditation were all wonderful. The story of Nick in the last chapter is really touching and captivating.

– “Medical science was not being true to reality until it conceded that illness is connected to a person’s emotions, beliefs, and expectations.”

This view cannot be truer. And it agrees with what the Bible says, when it says, “…that you may be in health and prosper even as your soul prospers.”

The state of ones consciousness forms the basis or the foundation, which his life will be built

This is like saying, “As a man thinketh so is he.”

– “Chaos is the absence of predictable patterns and connections.”

I agree totally that the world is in order and patterning our lives to fit into the order of things and nature helps to prevent chaos. Even when things go bad, you still have an assurance that by the time the table turns you will still be standing; for in a matter or time night turns into day. Bible confirms it by saying, “All things work together for our good…”

– “We nourish bodies with every impulse of trust and love, we poison them with distrust and hate.”

I believe that this is explicit enough. A state of trust and love allows your mind to be free and open to ideas. In fact the Bible says “A merry heart doeth good like medicine, but a broken spirit (i.e. one full of distrust and hate) drieth up the bones.”

– “Fortunately, awareness is not only self-healing, it given the chance, but a certain part is already healed. This part is the sense of Being, of “I am,” which no one can ever sacrifice or destroy. Only a person in vanity sees Being in all directions, but we each have a seed of Being inside, the starting point of our evolution.”

Awareness has to do with consciousness, alertness, self-image, self-esteem, which are all necessary for self-healing. When the image a person has of himself/herself is distorted that person is bound to have problems with himself and all aspects of his relationships. Hence, “I” must see my “Being” as whole and complete – totally in control.

2. Can you relate the ideas in the book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc? Explain.

This is one thing everyone hoping to amount to anything in life must take very seriously. Not only should you forgive those who offend you but should also seek forgiveness from those you offend.

I have offended someone before and the person actually held the offence against me. But being a Christian and knowing that the Bible says I should pursue peace with all men, I had to seek ways to get that person to forgive me.

Not holding anyone in unforgiveness is good but ensuring that no one holds you in unforgiveness is also necessary.

These are things that you hold so dear and are important to you. Things you live by.

The issue of self-awareness is very important to me. I am a small stature guy, and to a lot of people they think that being small stature is a disadvantage. In my own case, I have come to understand that it is rather an advantage. It sets me apart, distinguishes me and so on. “I” love the way I am. If I don’t accept me, it will be difficult to convince others to accept me.

This is tied to my beliefs, e.g. God does not make mistakes. He does what he plans to do. I am not a mistake of creation. I am created in the image of God. I am perfect as I am and qualified for my calling.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please explain.

What I would have considered the new idea learned from the book is not totally new to me. But what I find really interesting is the depth with which Deepak Chopra dealt with it.

The idea that man is in control and that he as it were has the final “Say” as far as his/her life is concerned and whatever happens to him is not new to me.

That man is one with nature; that he can either use this awareness to his own advantage or be at disadvantage because he is not aware of what is available to him.

For example, a greater percentage of the earth is made up of water; the clouds and firmaments are filled with water; man has 75% water composition. He (i.e man) according to the Bible is even formed from the dust of the earth.

All these show that nature is one whole entity with everything in it being interconnected and all working together to maintain order. The earlier man realizes this, the better for him. Nothing exists by itself and for itself.

In chapter 7 of the book, I find the idea on “Pain and Suffering” quite interesting, interesting because as Chopra puts it, “a lot of people equate pain with suffering.” The truth however is that pain and suffering are not one and the same. While pain is of the body, suffering is of the heart.

Like the experience of Ray shows, you can go through pain and not suffer along with the pain. For example, I don’t have money in my pocket does not mean I am poor. While I can go through the feeling of disappointment (pain) for not having money to meet certain needs, I don’t have to now see myself as a poor man; doing that will mean suffering with the pain. Being poor or rich is first and foremost a thing of the mind.

Bible puts it in this light, “…that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.”

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how?

I will not say the book has changed my thinking in anyway, rather I will say that it has helped to affirm some of my beliefs. Although the book is not written from a Christian point of view, but it agrees definitely with some of the teachings of the Bible.

Taking time to think and mediate; staying positive and hopeful for the best in all things and at all times are all well taught in the Bible, which are all focal points in the book.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

The one idea I will say I totally disagree with has to do with the discussion between Nick and Chopra, when Chopra asked if Nick thought that God heard him when he cried out to him.

The truth is God cannot be rationalized. You don’t feel him or see him does not mean he doesn’t exist or does not hear you when you call to him.

We must however not think that crying moves God. It is faith that moves God. When you cry do you cry with an understanding that He is going to hear and do something about your situation? Or is it just to make him pity you? They are two different things.

So, I do not agree with Chopra on this point when he says, “Instead of wondering if there is some almighty agency who can you from suffering”.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

There is nothing I find most helpful, but for least helpful, number five above, I will say is least helpful to me. If I have a problem, as much as I know that as a man the solutions to the problems are within my reach, I will still pray to the all-knowing God for assistance and direction. How he chooses to do that is left to him. But definitely there is help in God.

The story of the man who lives in the cave with marks on his body and yet does not feel anything from the bites of the snakes is also least helpful. No matter the level of meditation I get into I appreciate my body as it is. I don’t want no snake bites on it.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main ideas the whole book is trying to convey.

The main idea the whole book is conveying is simply that man as he is is whole, and being aware of this wholeness will help him to be able to solve most, if not all the problems he encounters while he remains here on earth.

A. How interesting was it to read? 5
B. How helpful were the content? 6
C. How easy was it to understand? 6
D. Would you recommend it to others? 4
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8

Your Sacred Self
Assessment by Mabadeje Abiodun (Nigeria)

To start with, I want to say that this book is more enjoyable and more interesting to read than “Real Magic”.

You would even think that the books are written by different authors. But by and large, I think this is a more reader – friendly book, maybe because of the information the author is conveying through this book.

1. Discuss the main ideas that you found most important in this book and discuss why they were important to you.

In chapter one of the book Dr, Wayne writes under the heading – Defining your sacred Quest that “making that height explode for yourself involves understanding who you are and what it is that you are doing here in this thing called your body, on this place called earth, at this point in your life.” This is the same thing as saying to someone to find and understand his/her purpose, which is very pivotal to living a fruitful and rewarding life. I always like to say that a purposeless life is a useless life.
I think it is Myles Munroe who said, “Where purpose is not known abuse is inevitable.”

And the Bible says in Pro. 29: 18, “where there is no vision the people perish”. Vision can simply be defined as the discovery of your purpose.
So, for any one to make that height explode (i.e. lead a fruitful and rewarding life), there is a need to understand who you are …. What you are doing here … on this place… at this point in your life.

“Knowing your spiritual self is your sacred quest and your life challenge”.
The journey to self discovery is a personal one, just as the journey to the discovery of my spiritual self is personal.

It is not something some one else can do for me. Another person may enlighten and show me the way, but walking down the path is my personal quest and challenge. Walking this part may not be easy or funny, but at the end it is rewarding.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concept in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc? Explain.

In chapter Three, “Releasing Old Beliefs”, I particularly like the statement, “My past is nothing more than the trail that I have left behind. What drives my life today is the energy that I generate in my present moments”.

This cannot be better said. We must all come to the understanding of this truth and know that the reason why the past is called past is because it is past, and holding onto it will not do anyone any good. Whether it be in terms of past failures or successes.

Yesterday came with its opportunities and privileges, but for some reasons or the other we missed them, and so we considered ourselves failure. We should however realize that today is another day with its own opportunities and privileges, but wallowing in the thought of our misfortunes of yesterday will do us more harm than good.

We have to learn to let go of the past so that we can lay hold on the present. As someone rightly postulated “worry never solves tomorrow and its problems, it only robs the warrior of his strength for today”.

Under the seventh “Old Belief” that must be “Released”, that is, “Petty Tyrants Should Be Ignored”, Dr. Wayne writes, ”God indeed works in mysterious ways. That which we judge to be unfortunate and evil can teach us our greatest lessons”
The Bible in Romans 8: 28 says, “And we know that all things work together for our good…”

Till today, some people still find it hard to believe that I actually repeated a class in secondary school. But the truth is I did. When it happened I did not feel good about it, but today I always say to people I thank God I repeated SSS 1 (i.e. Senior Secondary School 1), because looking back over the years, I have seen several opportunities that have come my way, which would not have been had I not repeated the class. The turn of events has taught me that “I am not alone, He is with me”.
It is like saying I am an actor acting out my role in the script that God has written about my life

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please explain.

On page 167 under the subtopic: Prayer and your Inner Dialogue”, the author gives a quotation by the legendary author Hermes Trismegistus: “God is a sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere”.
I believe that the totality and the ‘eternityness’ of God is too vast for anyone to understand. The Bible says He had no beginning and has no end. He doesn’t live in time; He is not restricted by time. Space is also not a problem to Him.
God is anywhere and everywhere at the same time, and as the author puts it, we are in God, God is in us, and we are as limitless as He is. Not bound by time or space.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, why?

It has presented spirituality in another light. Indeed it has challenged my thinking in the area of what spirituality is or what it means. I am a Christian and have my views as to what spirituality is from Christian perspective. However, I am not saying that Dr. Wayne is wrong in the perspective he has presented, only that he has challenged the view I have already. But not changed.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so why?

On page 41, the author, gives the definition of what it means to be born again according to the “course in miracles:” “To be born again is to let the past go, and look without condemnation upon the present….”

While I do not disagree nor contest this definition in the context that it is used, I however do not agree with it in totality because to be born again goes beyond a natural thing. It is more than just forgetting the past and being optimistic about the present and the future. According to the Bible, being born again is completely a spiritual thing; it is the total surrendering of your heart and life to God through accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

Until this is done one cannot say he/she is born again. You can have a change in your thinking pattern and your perception of life but you are not yet born again in Bible context if the Jesus factor is not included.

The issue of goal setting as discussed under the Old Beliefs you must Release is not properly treated. I hold this view because no matter who you are or what you do there will always be times when you say to yourself I want to do this or that within a giving period of time.

If as a writer (knowing that the divine direction for my life involves me writing) I set a period of about a month or two to finish the writing of a particular book that is goal setting. If I say that this manuscript should be published within the next twelve months, that also is goal setting, but within the context of my divine calling. So goal setting in itself is not altogether a bad thing or idea.

Where I believe goal setting becomes wrong is when I do not yet know what my divine calling or direction is and I am not taking any deliberate steps to find what it is. And in this state of lack of ‘awareness’ all the goals I may set may be fruitless because they may not at the end tally with my divine calling.

I may go to school because the society frowns at the illiterate, so in order to feel among I also go to school to get any degree and yet when I come out I am still nowhere, because what I have gone to school to study is not akin to my purpose.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

The lyrics of the song by Jackson Browne really means so much to me, it does because it agrees with one of the write-ups I wrote sometime ago titled “Waka – pass”.

Most of us don’t know ourselves; we have no understanding of our personalities; or inclinations and what have you.

He says, “Most of us are doing the steps that we’ve been shown by everyone we’ve ever known, and often we don’t realize that we are still dancing to that tune as adults”.

And Jackson Browne suggests, “We must learn to toss some seeds of our own, and become the choreographer of our own lives, dancing to the tune that we compose”.
“Waka-pass” simply means extras, like those you have in plays – in the crowd scenes. They are not the main characters. They are just part of the crowd.
Another reason why I like this particular message (i.e. of Jackson Browne) is that through it I also wrote a piece titled “Dance of Freedom”.

I don’t want to write anything about what is least helpful.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

The main idea the whole book is trying to convey is that all of us humans are one big entity joined together, though we may have physical characteristics that differ in several ways. And understanding what it means to be spiritual will help to foster unity amongst the human race.

(A) How interesting was it to read? 7
(B) How helpful were the contents? 6
(C) How easy was it to understand? 7
(D) Would you recommend it to others? 6
(E) What is the overall rating you would give it? 7



Giant Steps
Assessment by Mabadeje Abiodun (Nigeria)

Let me start by saying that I am not surprised at the things I read in the book. It is just in the usual characteristical manner of Anthony Robbins. There is always something new to learn from him.

This is because before now I have had the opportunity to read “Awaken the Giant Within”, which was really a classique. If you permit me, I will rate it as high as “Power of Positive Thinking,” by Norman Vincent Pearl.

1. Discuss the main ideas that you found most important in this book and discuss why they were important to you.

From page 366 through to page 370, Tony gave five keys to financial mastery which he had learnt from studying successful people. These keys as spelt out in the book mean so much to me and are important. I know that I am still so much at the level of the number 1 key, I say so because for now I have more strength here than the other keys, but I believe in the other keys and indeed steps are being taken to see that my habit of financial mastery becomes enshrined in them. In fact, I have copied out the 5 keys for regular meditation.

In section 11, page 352 (i.e. day 312), ‘Tony gives a quote by the British philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein, which goes thus; “The human body is the best picture of the human soul.”

This quote is in direct consonance with the idea presented in the Bible when it says that, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospereth.” (3 Jn. 2 kjv) In order words, the extent to which your body prospers in its entire ramification is dependent to the extent to which your soul prospers. Another side to prospering bodily is the fact that it covers every area of our existence or life here on earth, not just our physical body.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your valves, etc? Explain.

It is no gain saying that all the ideas and concepts presented in Giant Steps agree with my goals in life. I am someone who believes so much in living a purpose driven life, taking initiatives, going the extra mile, not surrendering to ‘fate’, but with faith stretching myself. I believe also in the use of my natural abilities, after all “The gift of a man will make room for him, and bring him before great men.” – Pro. 18:16

I believe very strongly that my mind is the raw material for everything I will ever do or be able to do.
I will like to summarize all of these with the quote by Bruce Barton, which begins section 9 of the book, “Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance.” Also, the quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes that begins section 8, “Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions,” is also to be noted very seriously.

Taking a journey back into time and even in this present dispensation, one will realize that the individuals who have and are still making impacts are those who have adopted and adapted the habit of reading. It was W. Fusselman who said, “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” It cannot be better said; readers are simply leaders.

A Nigerian by the name of Lekan Fasina wrote a book and titled it, “The Habit of Reading is a Goldmine.” In this book, he chronicles the story of great men and women who will tell you that apart from God, they owe their successes to the habit of reading.

Reading is so important, and it is this importance that Mr, Robbins expresses on page 256 (i.e. day 224) when he writes, ‘”Jim Rohn,” (whom I also respect a great deal) “One of my teachers, told me that, ‘Reading something of substance, something of value, something that was nourishing, something that taught you new distinctions, was more important than eating. Miss a meal, but don’t miss your reading.”‘

Personally, I agree with this position. Reading is as important as eating, exercising or even breathing. I have by the grace of God come to the point in my life where no day passes without me feeding my mind on things that can help me. “Information,” someone noted “brings reformation.”

I have always told people that cared to listen, the story of how my life took a turn around for the better sometime in year 2003 when I was reading. I was an undergraduate at the time in H.N.D. 1 (i.e. Higher National Diploma 1), but the experience was so dramatic and the result was that I decided not to practice Insurance, which I studied in school. Although I still managed to graduate.

There are so many ideas I have gotten through reading books and the Bible. Even Daniel in Daniel 9: 2 said, “…I Daniel understood by books the number of years…”

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please explain.

There are several new things I learned from the book but for the purpose of assessment to write all of them may not be possible.

But the section on “Get the Knack of Change” – The science of success conditioning is really good with many ideas. The section opens with this quote by Nathaniel Emmons, “Habit is either the best as servants or the worst of masters”.

And as you go through the pages that follow, you find several inspiring thoughts that tell you that ‘your destiny is in your hand.’ For example, “we must take personal responsibility for our change. No one can “program” you. You must condition yourself.

Then he goes on to give 3 core beliefs, which I will like to call 3 codes of conduct for “Taking Responsibility”
* It must change
* I must change it and
* I can change it
“To create change quickly, the first belief you must adopt is that you can change virtually anything now.” Then the NAC master steps and conditioning techniques are just good.

Section 1 of the book is titled – “Dreams of Destiny.” And the very first quote by Carl Sandburg goes thus, “Nothing happens unless first a dream.” This quote reminds me of some other ones. One by Evander Holyfield, “To dream is the first step to making them realities.”

Another one (anonymous) says, “The dreams of today are the realities of tomorrow.”

I know that dreams help to shape the path to our future. Dreams are like lights that brighten our pathways as we journey into the future.

But stumbling one must where no dreams exist.

In Heb. 12:2, the Bible reminds us that “Jesus because of the joy (the dreams, the goals or vision – the result that was inevitable should He go to the cross) that was set before Him endured the cross.” He probably would have declined going all the way if not for the joy (goal) that was set before Him.

I believe that dreams; goals; visions – leaving a purposeful life helps us to persevere through thick and thin. We would be willing to go all the way through the dark tunnels of life if we have dreams of finding light at its (i.e. the tunnels) end.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? It so, explain how.

Yes the book has challenged me. I would not say it has changed my thinking rather, I will say it has helped to improve it.

Now I see the need for me to take more responsibility for my thoughts, and actions in order to have the kind of life I really want.

You know, like Jim Rohn said, “We will always have two choices, we can either make a living or we can design a life.” Designing a life is the path I have chosen. And since that is the case, it then behooves me to really be in charge.

On pages 26 and 28 (i.e. for days 12 and 14) the author writes respectively, “The only limit to what you can achieve is the extent of your ability to define with precision that which you desire.” And, “So much that could help you achieve your dreams is never noticed or utilized simply because you haven’t defined (taught your brain what’s important) your goals with clarity.”

These two quotations remind me of two others by Napoleon Hill. The first is, “If you know what you want you will be apt to recognize it when you see it.” And the second is like it, which goes thus, “If you know what you want, you will find a way to get it.”

I don’t know how best to talk about the importance of having clearly defined goals – focus- or what Napoleon himself will call “A definite major purpose.” This is what makes life meaningful and worth living. Without it life will only be a mere experiment.

Opportunities are everywhere, but being able to recognize them starts with knowing what you want

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

Indeed there will be people who may have ideas that they disagree with in the book, of course because of different perspective and opinions. But I can assure you, there wouldn’t be so many of them as far as this book is concerned
And I can tell you I am one of such people without any reason to disagree with any idea in the book.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

On page 289, the author writes, “Trying to achieve the pleasure of success without risking the pain of rejection would never work”.

I find this thought helpful because now I know (not that I didn’t know before, only that it is better explained and I have better understanding) that on the road to success, rejections are inevitable, but they are not to daunt me but to make me more resolved to realize our goals.

On page, 383 for day 341, Mr. Robbins writes, “The capacity to do the right thing, to dare to take a stand and make a difference is within you now.” The duty of every soul is to recognize the Creator’s investment that gives him or her the ability to make a difference in life. In my own words, one cannot be different as long as he/she remains indifferent. And as the author puts it, “The capacity to make a difference is within all of us.”

But drawing on this capacity is ever man’s duty. Until demand is amde on this capacity, it remains there, lying fallow – uncultivated – “A SLEEPING GIANT.”

I find nothing least helpful in the book.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

I will like to summarize the message of this book thus: self mastery is the key to the mastery of the process (es) that lead to success and the mastery of success itself.

A. How interesting was it to Read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to other? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Assessment by Mabadeje Abiodun (Nigeria)

1. Discuss the main ideas you found most important in this book and discuss why they were important to you.

There are quite a number of ideas in the book that will qualify as most important. Without mincing words, I mean quite a number.

The idea of self-image, which I believe is the main theme of the book to me is the most important because it underscores all that one does and becomes. Self-image simply means the way you ‘imagine’ your self. It talks about self perception; the picture you carry in your mind about yourself. It shapes your personality. The kind of image you have of yourself eventually determines how you carry and present yourself. But it must be borne in mind that the way one presents himself/herself is the way he/she will be received. The world cannot receive you any better than you present yourself.

This truth is more succintly expressed in these two lines of thought, “Every one acts, feels, and behaves in a way that is consistent with our self-image–regardless of the reality of that image.” And the second one is this, “It is our self-image that prescribes our limits. And achieving a positive self-image– the life instinct, rather than the destructive instinct– is within the capacity of every man, woman and child.”

I also find the whole idea of “Psycho-Cybernetics” of great importance and interesting. The way it is described from page 4 to 5 is very good. “The science of cybernetics as applied to the human mind.”

This is something that most readers may find a bit difficult to understand. In my own case, anytime someone saw the book with me and asked me what “it” means I always opened to page 5 for consultation or just tell them it is about Psychology, but like a step higher than pure Psychology. However, gaining the understanding of Psycho-Cybernetics will really help any one looking for answers in different areas of life.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances on life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, e.t.c.?

A bad self-image leads to a poor self-esteem. I remember very vividly that when I was about 22 or 23 years old I started getting so agitated about my stature. My physical height has been the same from about the age of 15. Less than 4.5 ft. And people would make jest and call one “short man devil.” It bothered me so much then that I began to desire to grow in stature. In fact I found a reference for this desire of mine in the Bible, Luke 2:52, “…And Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature…” Hence I started praying that God would increase me ‘height-wise.’

Well, I am happy to let you know that God did not answer that prayer. Although today I now understand why God would create people and give them certain physical attributes.

Back then, I had a challenge accepting me for who I am physically. You know, when someone would look at you and just cut off as much as 5 -7 years from your age. Although it still happens it does not bother me any more.

Today I know I am good as I am. Well packaged for my assignment and any one who has a problem with that should go and sort it out with God. After all I am created in His image and after His likeness.

On page 26 number 3- “Affirm your new image to yourself.” The last sentence in the second paragraph goes thus: “… unless you have a destination, affirmation will quickly turn to frustration.” This is most profoundly true (I don’t even know if this expression is correct), I mean of what use is “Affirmation” when you don’t have a destination. What then are you affirming?

I know that in the journey of life it is of utmost importance to determine your destination before you leave your location or else the journey will lead you to a land called ‘ NO PLACE.’ And embarking on the is journey of life without a destination in view is an exercise in futility.

I sat down a few weeks ago to draw up my plan for year 2007 to act as my compass to navigate through the year so that the sail of my ship (my life) will not be determined by the direction of the wind (the tides of the times and the challenges or circumstances of life) but by my pre-determined destination. This gives God something to work with in my life – I have an “expected end,” Jer. 29:11

According to Les Brown, “Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible in your life.” Robert H. Schuller on his part puts it like this, “Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us, they are essencial to really keep us alive.”

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please explain.

I have known about enthusiasm as a driving force before reading this book, but through this book I learnt that “Enthusiasm” literally means “to experience God within.” It therefore means that anytime I feel “enthused” or “enthusiastic” about a thing or project it is God Himself that is driving me: He is the One giving me the force I need – the energy.

Another idea I learnt from the book is on page 320, the last paragraph – “Nostalgia of the future.” Nostalgia is not a strange word to me, but that of the future? Completely new. And as I thought over the expression it made a lot of meaning to me. It further explains the idea of self-image or self-perception, goal setting and vision. Entering into ones “Theatre of imagination,” and dreaming of or visualizing a positive, successful person or outcome in life generates indeed a nostalgic feeling. This feeling literally sets one aglow. This kind of “Nostalgia” is a necessity for any life that will eventually become successful in the real sense of the word.

On pages 28 and 29, the two principles of the subconscious and conscious minds are explained: The Conscious mind being the student only operates on the principles of i. Agreement and ii. Compliance.

It is not the master, but as it is later explained when it finally takes hold of the message presented to it by the original master (the conscious mind), it in turn begins to act as the master. And to make it stop will take time – a whole process of learning and re-learning.

The Conscious mind on the other hand operates on the principles of i. Selection and ii. Elimination. This mind is the one that relates with the outside world and tells the subconscious mind what is right or wrong: what to accept or not as far as our individual worlds are concerned.

In summary, “The conscious mind sets the vision. The subconscious mind’s role is pro-vision.”

On page 13, Dr. Maltz used the letters of the words “Success,” and “Failure” as acronyms to form what he called “Seven elements of success” and “Seven elements of failure.”

I do not think anybody can fault this idea in any way. But beyond this idea is what occurred to me as I was ruminating over these elements of success and failure. It occurred to me that the two words both contain 7 letters each. What this points out to me is that it takes the same level of energy to either succeed or fail. The difference is only in the way the energy is directed, while one is positive, the other is negative.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, why?

On page 53, – ‘”Avioding the “Willpower” Trap”‘ While I’ll agree that in this regard my thinking has been challenged, because of my previous belief about “Willpower,” and “Positive thinking,” I will not say it has been changed.

I reserve my cooment on this to this to the next question.

5. Are there ideas in this book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

I will not want to go into the aspect of “Willpower.” But on “Positive thinking,” I’ll like to comment.

To me the Bible is the supreme authority in the world, and it says in Proverbs 23:7, ” For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” So, if he thinks positive he becomes positive and if on the other hand he thinks negative, he becomes negative.

I also see the whole idea of self-image and positive thinking as one and the same, since one can have a negative self-image or a positive one. In the same way ones thinking can either be positive or negative.

Positive thinking is the same as having a positive or good self-image. While negative thinking is nothing but negative self-image.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

I found anything least helpful, it would be the idea that positive thinking does not work. But there are several ideas in the book that are most helpful.

On page 160, under “How Your Self-Image Conditions Your Goals,” the first sentence there says, “…there aren’t too many victims in life. There are a lot of volunteers.”

This tells me that those who are victims in life or of life are those who volunteered themselves to be so. They are those who have to allowed the tides of the times; the challenges of life to determine the direction of the sail of their ships – their lives.

On page 315, the quotation by Dr. Maltz goes thus: “Every one’s real goal…is for more life–more living. Whatever your definition of happiness may be, you will experience happiness only as you experience more life. More living means among other things more accomplishment, the attainment of worthwhile goals, more health and enjoyment, more happiness for both yourself and others…Let us not limit our acceptance of life by our own feelings of unworthiness.”

To me it therefore menas that to be alive in the real sense of the word is to be responsive rather than reactive to situations and challenges of life. To be human is to learn to express the real you and not allow any form of inhibition.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

Understanding how the mind functions is a prerequisite for having the kind of self-image that places one on the pedestal of success in any area of life or human endeavour.


1. How interestin is the book? 8
2. How helpful were the contents? 9
3. How easy was it to understand? 8
4. Would you recommend it to others? 9
5. What is the overa rating you woud give it? 9



Nonviolent Communications
Assessment by Mabadeje Abiodun (Nigeria)

This book I must confess gave me serious challenge. When I read Psycho-cybernetics in stage one I had challenge, but this book “Nonviolent Communication” has been ‘violently’ challenging. Reading through it the first time took about three months, the second reading about another month. During this four month period, I read several other books through, but this particular one “Nonviolent Communication” was violently challenging.

But against all odds, I read the book and here we are, I have my assessment. At least it is better to crawl and arrive safely than to run and never arrive at all.

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey through the book?

From my understanding of the book “NONVIOLENT COMMUNICATION,” what I believe the author is trying to convey is a paradigm shift from the way we have been used to communicating i.e. getting our views and opinions across, which often times are either selfish or self-centred; self-seeking or self focused to a new way of communicating, which in its entire approach puts first the feelings and needs of the other party.

To use a biblical paraphrase, I’ll say, the message of “Nonviolent Communication” is “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

This line of thought is what the lyrics of the song “Given To” (1978) by Ruth Bebermeyer, on page 5 of the book establishes.

To further buttress this point, the last paragraph on page 3 reads, “As NVC replaces our old patterns of defending, withdrawing, or attacking in the face of judgment and criticism, we come to perceive ourselves and others as well as our intentions and relationships, in a new light.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven most important ideas to me that I found in this book are:

a. “We become the change we wish to see in the world” no change will ever take place. We are all, unfortunately, waiting for the other person to change first.” – This is from page xvi of the foreword.

It has been said that “Change is the only constant thing in the world” but change can either be circumstantial or orchestrated. The problem with the majority of people is that we are always waiting for the “right circumstance(s).” but if we are to be true leaders we need to learn how to and to initiate change – take steps and do things in ways that will bring about a positive cohesion between us and the world. If we wait for others – the world to change before we change, our waiting period might take the whole of eternity.

The idea is important to me because one of my own guiding life principles is “do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.” Remember that when a man is right, his world will also be right.

b. “Nonviolent means allowing the positive within you to emerge. Be dominated by love, respect, understanding, appreciation, compassion and concern for others rather than the self-centered and selfish, greedy, hateful, prejudiced,, suspicious and aggressive attitudes that dominate our thinking.”

This is on page xvii of the foreword, 2nd to the last paragraph.

I personally hold the believe that the whole essence of creation places upon each of us a responsibility and a duty to use whatever ability that nature has deposited in us to serve both divinity and humanity. As the Junior Chambers (JC’s) always say, “Service to humanity is the greatest work of life.”

We are all here in this world to make the world better than we met it. And the only way we can do this is by the good we do and sincere love we express to others. Love in its entirety is not a passive word, but active. “It is possible to give without loving, but it is not possible to love without giving.”

The reason I got into writing and public speaking and to day running an NGO is because I don’t like to do things that start and with me, whatever I do must have a direct positive impact on others – the world.

c. The general idea of classifying people into good or bad through judgments and criticisms as presented in chapter 2, I find very important.
“…The problem with you is that you are too lazy.” “She is lazy.” “They are prejudiced.” “It’s inappropriate.” – (page 15, paragraph 2)

There is a place in the Bible that says, “Remove the log in your own eyes before you can see the speck in your brother’s eyes.”

Man by his very nature is ordinarily a selfish being – self-centered and self-seeking. We naturally put ourselves first before others. However, when we see others who do this, we are quick to judge and criticize them and even go as far as castigating them sometimes. This is an irony.

I believe that the more we begin to see the other person not as we have judged him to be but rather as someone whom we should “should do unto as we would want to be done unto,” the better it will be for the human race.

d. On page 106, one of the things the wife said is, “Often it is difficult for people to identify what they want in a situation, even though they may not know what they don’t want.”

There are two sides to a coin. When you identify what you don’t want, you also must make effort to specifically identify what you do want whether in life or situation. This is what sets the standard work format for the brain.

Personally, I have benefited from being able to pin-point what I want in life. For example, I have been able to establish a path for my life that is in the area of writing and public speaking, while also I know that to get a job in organizations like banks is not a path I’ll like to follow at all. In fact, I don’t want to be caught dead working in a bank. This for me is freedom!

e. “What will they think of me? Must be put aside for bliss.” – Joseph Campbell. (Found on page 100 – part of the last paragraph on page 99)

This question, “What will they think of me?” has been the greatest undoing of many people who otherwise would have achieved so much and made a success of their lives, but today they are otherwise.

Many people both young and old have truncated their destinies on the ‘altar’ of this question.

I still hold my own personal experience forth in this regard. As an undergraduate, I studied Insurance as a course, but somehow along the line I was able to discover that practicing Insurance as a profession will not help me get to where I want to go in life, hence I jettisoned practicing the profession without having any recourse to what people will think or say.

No doubt people have wagged their tongues at this decision of mine, but I know that ultimately time will prove me right.

f. The short write-up attributed to Marrianne Williamson, on page 189 is very important to me

This is important because it is the truth; the truth that many people are afraid of being great in life. They’ll rather remain small and insignificant than to let loose the many potentials with which they have been endowed by God.

In the book “Psycho-cybernetics,” Maxwell Maltz wrote that while some people are afraid of failure some are afraid of success. He said they are afraid of the lime- light and the spot-light shining on them.

In my own submission, I believe that God did not create anyone to be a nonentity. He did not create anyone for a life of mediocrity or obscurity but to be a celebrity, that is why He gave us the ability to counter the effects of the reality that subsist in our society.

g. “Don’t do anything that isn’t play!”

“…I earnestly believe however, that an important form of self compassion is to make choices motivated purely by our desire to contribute to life rather than out of fear, guilt, shame, duty, or obligations.”

Of the seven ideas that were most important to me in this book, this one is the most outstanding of them all.

Someone rightly observed and said, “Life is too short to be taken very seriously.”

If whatever one takes as his profession of vocation is seen as work, then that vocation is not worth the commitment.

Rather, I believe that everyone should learn to become like footballers. Their work is ‘playing’ football – they enjoy; have fun; they have nice time ‘footballing.’ They simply ‘play’ football. They don’t work football.

Writing, public speaking and acting all get me excited. I feel on top of the world doing these things. I mean, I don’t ‘work’ my ‘work,’ I simply ‘play’ my ‘work.’ Mark Twain once said, “The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.”

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? if so, how?

Some people have said that “Life is about action and re-action.” Meaning that there is a corresponding outcome that can easily be predictable depending on how we consistently spend our lives. Simple and short – “What you sow, you shall reap.”

For me, each of these lessons is a life principle. And when principles are practiced whether in America, the Caribbean islands or in Nigeria they produce power. And I’ll like to summarize them thus:
• Believe in myself and God
• Become the change you want to see
• Do to others as you would want them to do unto you

If I and others consistently do the above, one thing is inevitable, the world is about to become better.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes which got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them

a. “We are dangerous when we are not conscious of our responsibility for how we behave, think, and feel.” – 2nd emphasis box, page 21

Man is a free moral agent and is expected to take responsibility for how he thinks, behaves and feels. But the trend we see is that everyone is looking for someone to blame or accuse for their misfortune.

It will however do all of us a lot of good if we begin to take responsibility for our lives, for then will we begin to truly be alive.

b. “Let us become the change we seek in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi (Page 129)

When former American President, Bill Clinton visited Nigeria, one of the statements he made is that “No one has a right to complain about anything if he is not willing to do something about it.” What we see all over the world today are people who know how to analyze every, criticize and apportion blame, but will never proffer any solution talk less of taking steps to ensure the needed change.

If we are truly going to see any meaningful change in our world, we must all begin to model that change. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples before He commanded them to go and do likewise.

c. “…It is tragic that so many of us get enmeshed in self-hatred rather than benefit from mistakes which show us our limitations and guide us towards growth.”

One of the hallmarks of being human is that we are actually human. This fact we all must accept. And as human we are prone to make mistakes. What we need to do is to accept whenever we make mistake that we did and learn from the mistake. But to berate ourselves for making a mistake is trying to play God.

As long as we are here, we will make mistakes and some may even have severe consequences, but we must be careful not to think that just because we make mistake then means we are useless. They are mistakes; they show us our limitations, but they also guide us towards growth.

d. “When our consciousness is focused on what we need, we are naturally stimulated towards the creative possibilities of how to get that need met.” (Pg.133, paragraph 2)

What we must all understand is that the human mind is created to get solutions. Every single person has what it takes to get results in life, and focus or the power of focus is one of the many ways to get the mind activated and to seek out results for whatever situation we need to solve.

e. “Observing without evaluating is the highest form of human intelligence.” – J. Krishnamurti, – (Pg. 28, paragraph 3)

When I started considering this thought, I asked myself if it is really possible to observe without evaluating or judging? Can someone wrong me without evaluating?

But real freedom starts with being able to forgive and forget. The person who holds down another can himself not go any further. Holding someone in unforgiveness clogs the heart with so much debris. Freedom is learning to keep the heart free of all these dirt as a result of not evaluating or judging but simply observing.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

In terms of understanding, I will say I understand the message the author is trying to pass across through the book. Although I found it difficult to grasp the message at the first reading (may be because the ideas are new or totally strange to me). In this part of the world for example, I have never seen nor heard of where a parent will be seeking to know what the child is feeling or needing and thereby structuring conversation to get to know of such feeling or need. In my country, your parent tells you what he/she wants you to do and you are not expected to argue. You are to simply obey. Even when you come of age, you don’t argue out rightly, because you would be seen as disrespectful and disobedient or even rebellious.

But the whole picture became clearer after my second reading.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book contains exercises for readers to complete and I completed them. One thing I have noticed is that somehow, I have become more aware of myself. Sometimes, when I or someone does something and I am about concluding on why I think the person acted in such a way, i.e. evaluating or judging, I suddenly remember, “Why not observe without evaluating.” Sometimes, truly, it is good to give people a chance to make mistakes. It is part of being human.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

There are quite a number of things to still comment on in the book, but I’ll like to restrict myself to just one of them.

a. “…When we are internally violent towards ourselves, it is difficult to be genuinely compassionate towards others.” – (Chapter 9, page 129, first paragraph)

This line of thought, simply put, means, what you don’t have, you cannot give. The Bible puts it as, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” But how can you love your neighbour, when you don’t love yourself – you are internally violent towards yourself? The starting point is, learn to love yourself. You do this by learning to forgive yourself. This you also do by learning to stop judging; criticizing; castigating; or berating yourself. You are human, and are prone to mistakes. Accept your mistakes and take responsibility for them, but don’t fail to learn the lessons and move with life.

Rate between 1 – 10

a. How interesting was it to read? 6
b. How helpful were the contents? 7
c. How easy was it to understand? 5
d. Would you recommend it to others? 6
e. What is the overall rating you would give it? 7



The Power of Intention
Assessment By Abiodun Mabadeje

I was not disappointed at all reading through this book by Dr. Wayne Dyer. The reason for this is because again Dr. Dyer has presented a master piece that proves him to be a man who is spiritual indeed. The use of “INTENTION” to refer to God and the “Power that intended everything” makes the book cut across to all. It is not restricted to a particular set or sect of people. It is for everyone who is willing to know and become spiritual.

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey is that there is such a being that we may refer to as ‘INTENTION,’ who intended everything and is responsible for making sure that all things are kept in place and that we also are from and part of this ‘INTENTION’ and therefore need to see ourselves in that light and by so doing we will be able to do things as the ‘INTENTION’ (i.e. God) would have done them.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List the seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas that are most important to in the book are:

i. “You cannot remedy anything by condemning it.” – Page 72, paragraph 1.

As I write, I remember a text message I sent earlier in the day to my elder sister who has been angry with me for some time. And she replied my text message the following day. But before this particular time we had not been in touch for almost two months.

I know that two wrongs don’t make a right, hence had to take the initiative to calm the situation by sending her a text message to apologise to even though I knew I was not guilty of the offence for which she was accusing me.

I could want to prove that I was not wrong, but that would not solve the problem, so I had to let go of my ego and accept wrong so that peace can reign.

ii. In chapter 4, Dr. Dyer gives 13 points as “A Mini-Program for Raising Your Energy Vibrations.”

Point number 2 says, “Make meditation a regular practice in your life.”

Meditation and its importance cannot be over-emphasized. I was born into a Muslim family, but became a Christian some 17 years ago. And as I grew in the faith, meditation has become one of the habits that have become part of me. In fact the scriptures encourages that this should be done in Joshua 1:8, “And this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate therein day and night…”

For me, meditation is non-negotiable.

iii. On page 93, a sub-heading says, “Alone We Can Do Nothing.”

A personal slogan for me along this line is, “For you to receive the cream in every dream, you need a team.”

God alone is the only being with the title ‘El-Shaddai,’ because He knows all things, can do all things and is in no wise incapacitated by anything – situation or circumstance.

But as far as man is concerned we have our shortcomings and only know so much. But when you associate and partner with others then you will be able to achieve a lot more.

Bible says, “One of us shall put to flight one thousand, and two of us shall send a legion fleeing…”

“Two heads are better than one” is a popular saying in this part of the world.

I am presently working on raising a team for a project I am working on, which is my initiative.

iv. In chapter 7, Dr. writes about “Making Your Intention Your Reality” (a sub-heading starting from page 140), and he gives ten points.

All the ten points here are very important, but I’ll like to write on point number 10, “Be in a state of gratitude.”

Over the years, I have learnt that there’s really nothing more than an appreciative heart towards God and life that matters. I know that all that God and life bestows on us are not rights to which we can lay claim and demand, rather they are privileges, and hence we must at all times be grateful for life’s blessings.

And so I have a personal slogan thus: “An attitude of gratitude will in magnitude of ways take you to high altitude.”

v. On page 209, Dr. writes on “Making Your Intention Your Reality,” which he supports with 10 points.

Point number 6: “Practice being the kind of person you wish to attract.” This he explains with being a giver, which in Bible terms is called sowing. This is one subject that is taught throughout the Bible. Particularly in Luke 6:38, Jesus speaking, “Give, and it shall be giving unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaking together and running over will be put into your bosom…”

Life basically is established on this principle of giving and receiving. This is further confirmed in Genesis 8:22, “As long as heaven and earth remains, seed time and harvest… will not cease.”

vi. On page 222, a quote by Michelangelo is used and it says, “The great danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”

The African continent generally is filled with people who have low dreams. We like the comfort zone. A very minute proportion of Africans have daring spirits. Anything that we perceive to be too stressful and stretching or better put, too risky, we don’t like to go near it.

This explains why the continent is still wallowing in penury – a continent so blessed and yet so poor. Nigeria my motherland is a case in point.

Nigeria at some point in history ranked amongst the top five producers of cocoa in the world. But after the discovery of oil, our minds went to sleep. And the oil that was meant to be a blessing has become our ‘Achilles heel.’

To dream; to dare; and to do big things is the way to live. A personal mantra for me is, “You cannot be different as long as you remain indifferent.”

vii. It is in chapter two of the book that the author writes about the seven faces of intention, which this book is all about. Imbibing these seven faces will set any soul on fire and free to fly.

Some thoughts from the different faces are:

The face of creativity
“At the very highest levels of awareness, intention started you on a path toward your destiny. The face of creativity intends you toward continued creativity to create and co-create anything that you direct your power of intention toward. Creative energy is a part of you; it originates in the life-giving Spirit that intends you.”

The face of Kindness
“When you’re unkind, you’re blocking the face of kindness. You’re moving away from the power of intention…”

The face of love
“The conclusion is always the same: Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy of the world.”

The face of beauty
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty,” that is all – Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”

The face of expansion
Therefore, one of the faces of intention looks like something that’s eternally evolving.”

The face of unlimited abundance
“What all this means is that there are no limits to our potential as people, as collective entities, and as individuals.”

The face of receptivity
“Simply put, to be unreceptive is to deny yourself access to the power of intention.”

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

There are many ways to receive the help or make use of the lessons that are inherent in these ideas. Some of such ways will be for me to:

i. Remind myself of them everyday.
ii. Put them to practical use regularly if not on a daily basis.
iii. Find people I can teach these lessons to and teach them.
iv. As I do these they will become part of me and soon I will begin to see the changes I want in my life.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The word coincidence does not describe luck or mistakes; it describes that which fits together perfectly.” – Page 16, paragraph 2

This particular quote caught my attention because it shattered my ignorance about the meaning of the word ‘coincidence,’ which hitherto I had believed meant luck or mistake.

The quote shows me what ‘coincidence’ really means and makes it possible for me to understand that there are no mistakes in life. INTENTION had everything planned and in place.

“The ancestor to every action is thought.” – Page 53, paragraph 4

This particular quote agrees with what the Bible says in Pr. 23:7, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

Psychologists, scientists and medical practitioners time and again have proven that there’s a strong connection between how a person thinks and how he acts (i.e. what he does). Yet, I believe that there’s still a lot more for science to discover about this connection.

Another word that describes ‘thinking’ or ‘to think’ is the word ‘imagination.’ The story in Genesis chapter 11 of the Bible explicitly points out that when imagination becomes entrenched, actions follow suit (verse 6).

This same concept is what is taught in the book “Psycho-cybernetics 2000,” that when a thought settles on your mind, you naturally behave in manners that agree with that thought.

“…When you feel inspired, what appeared to be risky becomes a path you feel compelled to follow.” – Page 154, paragraph 2

Over the years, the books I have written, the seminars I have held, the speeches I have given and several other things I have done have not happened because they were easy, but because I felt inspired to do them.

When I talk along this line, year 2003 always comes handy to use as example. So, I don’t like to refer to year 2003 as a year that was, rather I say year 2003 “is,” i.e. it is still present. In that year, I was inspired (I had a knowing in my spirit) to publish my first book even though I was a student running a full-time programme.

It looked difficult but because I felt it on the inside (i.e. inspired) I went all the way and in December of that year the book was ready. It was risky – hard and difficult publishing a book as a student but because I was inspired the path became what I felt compelled to follow.

“It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.” – Page 101, 2nd to the last paragraph

This quote is a big issue for many people. You find so many who will tell you, “Don’t do as I do, do as I say.”

As long as our walking (i.e. conduct and way of life) is not our preaching then we are living a life of hypocrisy, which before God is a sin.

As I write, there’s an area of my life also that presently is challenging for me as it concerns my walking and my preaching.

The encouragement here is that for everyone including myself, we should do all we can to let our words align with our walk.

“If your expectation for yourself centre on being normal, just getting along, fitting in, and being an ordinary person, you’ll attract more of normal and ordinary into your life.” – Page 95, last paragraph.

One wise man once said, “Ordinary people don’t go too far.”

To be ordinary is to live life at the bottom rung of life; not daring to do or to be anything significant. It is always being a part of the crowd and never daring or attempting to lead the crowd. A personal slogan for me is, “If you’re in the crowd, you’ll get lost in the crowd.” Another wise man put it like this, “If you follow the crowd, no crowd will follow you.”

Every known and unknown great person has had to fight against living an ordinary life, which we might call a mediocre life.

It is the desire and determination not to try and fit in that has separated the world’s greats and made them great. The Abraham Lincoln’s, Martin Luther King Jr.’s, the Mahatma Gandhi’s, the Richard Branson’s and the Barak Obama’s of this world and of course, the Abiodun Mabadeje’s of this world.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

On page 161, Dr. Dyer writes, “It seems to me that searching for our purpose is like searching for happiness. There’s no way to happiness; happiness is the way. And so it is with living your life on purpose. It’s not something you find; it’s how you live your life serving others, and bringing purpose to everything you do.”

On one hand, I do not have an issue with this line of thought, yet I do on the other hand.

To me, what Dr. Dyer wrote here is just one aspect of the equation on the subject of purpose.

Yes you are to bring purpose to everything you do, but you also must understand that there’s a purpose for your life, which you must find or discover.

One simple definition of purpose is that “It is the reason for doing a thing.” Therefore the purpose for your life is the reason why God created you. It is your responsibility by aligning with Intention to find this purpose.

Finding it helps you to concentrate and focus your energy and life.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book contains exercises for the reader to complete. I completed some of them and found them helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

There is nothing I read in the book that I will like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions.

But as per something I do not understand, yes I have one. Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote in several places in the about the kind of meditation he calls “Japa.” But there is no where specifically where he wrote about how to practice this kind of meditation. So, I am still wondering about this kind of meditation and how it is practiced. I know he mentioned that he has a book that teaches on Japa meditation. But the fact remains that I do not know what Japa meditation is specifically nor do I know how to practice it.


a. How interesting was it to read? 7
b. How helpful were the contents? 7
c. How easy was it to understand? 8
d. Would you recommend it to others? 10
e. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Unlimited Power
Assessment by Mabadeje Abiodun (Nigeria)

To start with, I must confess that reading through this book twice was not an easy task – better put I will say it was horrendous. To read through twice took me about seven months (June – December 2008). And now I still cannot boldly sat that I fully grasp all that Mr. ‘Tony is trying to pass across in the book. Although within the seven month period I read through several other books.

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is that we all possess the kind of power – UNLIMITED POWER, to live a fulfilled life and that there are tools and strategies that we all need to know and apply that will help us to relate well with ourselves and others in order to lead a successful life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas that were personally most important to me are:

“It is the mind that maketh good or ill, that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor.” – Edmund Spenser. This quote is found on page 35, chapter 3.

This is important to me because I have come to understand that the mind is the processor of our yesterday, the analyzer of our today and the projector of our tomorrow. I know that if we will train our minds very well, there will be no limits to the things we can achieve.

In 2003, I came across the book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” for the first time. Reading through its pages and those of some other books I came in contact with that year challenged my mind and I’ve since not recovered. That year became the beginning of my journey into destiny and purpose. T went on to register a business, have authored seven books, doing well in public speaking and so on. THE MIND!

The second idea that is personally important to me is, “The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck.” – Anthony Robbins (page 34)

This cannot be better said, PREPARATION + OPPORTUNITY = LUCK

In the church I attend in Laos, Nigeria, we have a training programme for would-be and existing public speakers. This training programme is my initiative. How did it start? About four people at different times met me and said they would like to be trained in public speaking. I thought that the whole idea would carry more weight and attract more momentum if this was brought in as one of the programmes of the church. So, I met my pastor and told him about it, and the rest is history. We started in October of 2008 and have since held two sessions and currently working on the third.

“A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.” – Abraham Maslow. Chapter 18, page 343

I have always been intrigued by the idea of ‘from conception to fruition.’ I have always loved the idea of a book title or seminar them coming into my mind and then working on it – going through the process(es) to see that idea or concept become a reality. The fact that I know I am a writer and a speaker has really helped me. I don’t look forward to doing anything outside of these areas. Even where I work as an HR Consultant, it was not sought for; it came as a result of my speaking and writing.

“A truly effective leader has to have a strong internal frame. He wouldn’t be much of a leader if he spent all his time asking people what they thought of something before he took any action.” – page 257, last paragraph

Leadership we must understand is first and foremost internal and personal. A true leader must be able to take decisions without necessarily minding what people will say although he has a responsibility to be conscious of the consequences of his actions on his subjects or the people he claims to lead. One liberating factor for me is not that I have or I do occupy positions of leadership but that I can and I do take decisions irrespective of what people think, although I take my time to think through before deciding. One example that readily comes to mind is a situation that happened in church. The church wanted me to start and head a particular group, which I know is going to run in conflict with some of my other programmes especially in terms of timing and availability. I declined and then a lot of mouth wagging came up and some saw me as being arrogant, but I stood my ground. At the end the church left me alone. Note that I also head at least three other groups in church.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt, page 314, Chapter 17

The greatest undoing of so many people is their inability to recognise what they have – their gifts and talents. And then for those who recognise it to be too afraid of doing something with it or simply using it. There are people who have ideas that will require a million naira, but they have a thousand, and then they ignore the idea because to them, “what can a thousand do when you need a million naira.” What they don’t realize is that when they break the whole project down there is an aspect of it that a thousand naira can accommodate and then they can look at the next phase of the project and tackle it.

I remember when I was going to publish one of my books – “The Call; The Passion; The Destiny!” I did not have the required amount. What I then did was to publish a smaller book titled “Changing Your World with Your Word,” that did not require so much money. After the publication of this smaller book, I started selling it and used the proceeds from it to fund the publication of the other one that required much money. I used what I had to do what I could where I was. Case closed!

“Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind.” – Rudyard Kipling (Chapter 12, page 216)

In year 2005, one of the books I authored is titled, “Changing Your World with Your Word.” (The smaller book I refer to in point 5 above) I did this book because I came to a point in my life where I understood that when a man’s word is right his world also will be right.

“Life and death are in the power of the tongues, and they that love it will eat the fruits thereof.” – Bible Pro. 18:21

As our thoughts can and does determine our words (the things we say) so also our words can determine our thoughts. Words, we must understand are spirits, they have a life of their own. Jesus said, “The words that I speak to you are spirits and they are life.”

“Knowing your outcome is the first key to reaching it.” – ‘Tony Robbins, page 205, paragraph 1

Napoleon Hill has rightly said that “When you know what you want, you will recognize it when you see it.” And he has a follow up thought on that, “When you know what you want, you will find a way to get it.” Lack of clear-cut understanding of what we want is like a man that finds himself in a desert and neither knows how he got there nor how to get out. When you don’t know what you want, there’s no way you can be focused and when you are not focused you will be dissipating your energy and time in different, unnecessary and unproductive directions. But knowing what you want helps you to be focused and focus like we know produces fire. Fire here signifies speed.

This is how it happened for me when in 2003 as a student I came to a point in my life that I could say precisely what it is that I wanted in my life, especially as it regards career. That has been the defining factor for my life and all I do.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how”

These aforementioned ideas as they have been talked about are very important and will in many ways help one. As for me, I know that the more I adhere to these ideas, the more they will continue to help me in my daily personal life and also help to create a better world. As it is said, “ When a man is right, his world will also be right.”

I believe that the responsibility I have is to make sure that on a daily basis I put to remembrance and practice these ideas and as often as I do that, they will become part of me and form my habit and help to produce better results in life.

If I can do this and people around me see the results, then it will be very easy to help them also as the results in my own life would have been my testimony.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

Some of the quotes or statements that got my attention include the following:

“To me, success is the ongoing process of striving to become more. It is the opportunity to continually grow emotionally, socially, physiologically, intellectually, and financially while contributing in some way to others” Page 4, paragraph 3.

This quote is important to me because it shows that success is not a ‘bus stop’ – it is not a place you arrive at. Rather, it is a process – an ongoing process.

Apart from that, it also shows that it is not just about you but also about others. In order words, you are not really successful until someone becomes a testifier to the benefits that they have derived from your success story. I believe this is why the Bible says, “The creation eagerly awaits the manifestation of the sons of God.” – Romans 8:19. Your manifestation guarantees their manifestation.

This view is also corroborated by the author when he says on page 5, paragraph 2, that “To me (Tony writing), ultimate power is the ability to produce the results you desire most and create value for others in the process.”

The first step to this formula (i.e. the Ultimate Success Formula) is to know your outcome, that is, to define precisely what you want. The second step is to take action – otherwise your desires will always be dreams.” page 11, paragraph 2

The greatest undoing of so many dreamers is the fact that they have dreams but have no corresponding action. Victor Gonzalez says, “Action is the first step towards success.” It is action (corresponding steps) that turns dreams to reality. Isaac Newton is well remembered for saying that “Everything remains in a state of constant rest until an external force is applied.” (or until someone takes action).

“If you don’t provide your mind with the programming of the results you desire, someone else will provide that programming for you” Page 212, last paragraph,

There’s a popular saying that “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” A plan is simply a method, an approach, or strategy that you will use to make your dreams become reality. nHowever, there are many people with goals, dreams or in many cases, wishes and yet without the slightest idea of ‘how’ (i.e. plan) to make that dream become a reality.

“A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.” Abraham Maslow” Page 343, the opening quote

One of the things I thank God for is the understanding of the fact that every human is wired to function with certain capabilities. The journey of life becomes palatable if one discovers his/her own area(s) (as the case may be) of functionality. Self-discovery is said to be the greatest discovery. There is no point running in vain. A German proverb says, “What is the use of running if you are not on the right road.” There is a right road for everyone to follow. And the reverse is also true.

“Whatever kind of word thou speakest, the like shalt thou hear.” Page 373,

The Bible in Pro. 18:21, says, “Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it shall eat the fruits thereof.” Words make and words mar. Our words are products of our thoughts and “as a man thinks, so is he.” A man’s outcome in life is the sum total of his thoughts and words.

“To say that there is no source of intelligence that we may call God is like saying Webster’s Dictionary is the result of an explosion in print factory and everything came together perfectly and in balance.” Page 392, paragraph 1

This to me is the most powerful thing that is written in this book. God is not a concept or an idea. God is just who He is – God; Maker of all things and the One for whom all things consist.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

While indeed I respect Mr. Tony Robbins and admire the many results he commands, I still have reservations concerning “Modeling.”

I believe that every human has his/her own characteristics or traits that distinguishes him and makes him unique in his own right. Modeling to me looks so much like trying to be someone else whom you are not. Definitely, we can and we should learn from people and we should seek to have rapport with them but then we don’t have to loose our identity in the process. The word ‘mimic’ comes to mind at this point and this in my own society is considered very disrespectful.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book contains exercises for the reader to complete. In all sincerity I did not complete all of them. But the ones I completed were helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?” If so, please comment.

When I was doing the first reading of this book, a day after I read where Mr. Robbins wrote about how he told some of the people that came for his seminar to go out and get whatever they wanted without going out with any money or anything they use to get money.

On this day, I was short of cash. To go to my office from where I was staying at that time would require that I boarded two buses. I had boarded the first one when I ran out of cash. I thought of walking all the way to the office from this point since I didn’t have money and that walk would have taken nothing less than an hour. But then I remembered what I read from the book a day before. So, I decided to try my luck. Amazingly, the first bus driver I approached agreed to give me a free ride to where I was going without paying any bus fare.

Limitations really only exist in our imagination. Gen. 11:6, “…whatever they imagine to do shall not be withheld from them.”


A. How interesting was it to read? 5
B. How helpful were the contents? 6
C. How easy was it to understand? 5
D. Would you recommend it to others? 5
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 7



Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude
Assessment by Dozie Nwankodu (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in the book is that success, far from being secret, inaccessible, or difficult to understand, is a question of man the most important living being using the most magnificent machine ever conceived and developed by God – the brain and nervous system, to creatively develop thoughts, artistic talents, knowledge, personality and physical energy for successful, wealthy, and happy life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which were very personally most important to me are:-

(a) The priceless gifts in life are the joy to work, love and serve people. The passion to become a motivational speaker led me to establish the ‘NewMindset’, which is basically to serve people. Since them the joy I derive from my work has been immense as it has earned me greater success, seeing the meteoric progress in the lives of those whom I have sown this inspirational seed.

(b) The starting point of all great achievement is definiteness of purpose with PMA. Although fixing one’s goal may involve some painful self-examination, its advantages are numerous. One of which is that your desire will automatically turn to a burning desire, and alert you to opportunities that will help in successful achievement of the objectives. The desire to positively change my world turned into a burning desire when I set-out my goals on how to achieve it. As a result, I began to see high school students as the right opportunity to achieve the objective through the transformation of their lives in my motivational class. This prompted me to hire an abandoned building close to my house, where the students can assemble. The impact has been phenomenal, since these students have shifted from self help to self-realization, and are constantly leading in their various endeavours.

(c) For you to solve any problem that involves misunderstanding with other persons, start with yourself. Every misunderstanding is as a result of negative mental attitude, which brings insensitivity and nagging that may lead to collosal damage. As one that had high temperament every little thing that required an understanding most time led to misunderstanding on my own part. Not until I began to work within myself that I realized that when there is any problems, I should start with myself, that my life has become a happier one.

(d) Self-affirmation repeated with frequency, rapidity, and emotion, affect the subconscious mind and cause it to react. This buttresses the fact that any effect on the body or even environment is a result of suggestion in the mind. Therefore, for one to be successful, he/she must develop a positive mental attitude through the repetition of positive affirmation such as “It is well with me”. I remember sometime in my life when I was admitted in the hospital for an operation. Although I was young, precisely in primary school, I kept my faith high and affirmed that I will not die even as the appendicitis had blown inside my stomach. The positive affirmation saved me, and I am alive today telling the story.

(e) Failure is part of experience. There has never been any considerable success so achieved by great men of the past and even the present without failure at some point. It is the ability to have staying – power that count. And every adventure has potential to fail at first. This idea is very important to me in the sense that it has challenged me in many occasions to bring out the best of me. When at first I thought of going into public speaking, I failed for the fear of facing people to talk. This challenged led me to device another means to overcome the fear. I started by discussing with someone I may meet on transit, on any issue I could bring up. And before long, other people in the bus would become part of the discussion. This developed my confidence of speaking my mind, and continued to subside the fear I had in speaking where there is public attention. As such, I began to develop self confidence in speaking at public functions, which has become part of my life today.

(f) It takes only an idea, followed by action, to succeed. A man who develops an idea that can work, and follows it with action will succeed. As one who wants to see others succeed, and with the motion that for one to understand the tone of success, he/she must be equipped with motivational books, I remembered that the educational system in this part of the world (Africa) lays much emphasis on the use school text books without recourse to self help books for students , leading to majority of youths leaving the university without knowing the fundamentals of a successful living. With this in mind, I decided to do something about it. The first step was to sought for the permission of some schools authorities in Nigeria for the establishment of a mini-book centre for the properly to overcome life challenged after graduation. This has payed -off as my organization has established bookshops in three university in Nigeria, with hope for further expansion.

(g) Hope is the magic ingredient for both self and others motivation: Hope is a desire with the expectation of obtaining what is desired, and belief that it is obtainable. And a person consciously reacts to that which to him is desirable, believable, and attainable. It was hope that everybody, when giving the right tool with proper direction, will excel in any endeavour, that led me to establish the NewMindesets. It was hope that African leadership style should changed for better through identification and addressing the continent’s weaknesses and strength that propelled me to establish African Leadership Renaissance. The same hope to equip undergraduates to be able to overcome life challenges in the “real world” that facilitated my establishment of mini-motivational book-stores. And finally, it was hope to become a better leader that led me to enroll into IIGL. Hope is every thing

3. How will there ideas or lesson help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you grate a better world if so, how?

The first idea, since it is priceless, will make me to see any good thing I am doing for myself and others, despite any difficulty I may encounter, having in mind that there is no greater achievement without challenges.

From the second idea, the painful self-examination, will help me practically and also create a better world since its advantages, one of which desire into a being turning burning desire, will make me see reason to be focused with definite purpose, despite all odds. It will also help me to know that I achieve success easier and quicker when the definition of purpose is right with PMA.

In the third idea, I have learnt that my world has no problem, but I do. So in changing my life with PMA, my world will automatically respond to the changes.

The fourth idea, works like magnet. Therefore, positive affirmation in my life and the creation of a better world can never be over-emphasised.

The fifth idea will practically help me everyday of my life, as well as in the creation of a better world in the sense that anytime I fail at something, I will see it as part of experience that could be used to work out better modalities on how to achieve that same thing, rather than resorting to self blame and pity.

In the sixth idea, I have learnt that ideas alone cannot work. Taking action is all that is needed for the actualization of any idea. So for my life and the world I believe in to be perfect, I have to tabulate workable ideas, followed by immediate action.

The last idea will immensely benefit me practically and also help me create a better world having known that when I marshal out my goals, it should be supported with hope – the evidence of thing to be achieved, which will keep me going, as well as presents other better ways or achieving any objective.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

(a) We are poor not because of God: The desire to be wealthy, when matched with action, creates riches. This statement is important to me because it has made me to fully realize that individuals, or societies that are bedeviled by poverty is as a result of mindset of the people. If only one could change his/her mindsets – keeping the mind off the things we did not want, and focus on the things we did want, the desire will consequently turn to a burning desire through which riches and happiness are being created.

(b) P.M.A. is the catalyst which makes any combination of success principles work to attain a worthwhile end: When PMA is applied to ones chosen occupation or to a solution of personal problem, the road to success is not only defined, but also guaranteed. This statement is essentially significant to me as it has let me understood that every other success principles depends on PMA.

(c) Necessity plus PMA can motivate one to success: This statement is important to me in the sense that one can reach to the height of successful achievement by identifying and filling a need in the society.

(d) You are a mind with a body: This statement is important to me as it has made me to understand that we can have physical, mental, moral health, happiness, and success when we apply the power of our mind in our every day situation.

(e) It’s easy when you learn something more and experience the know-how: Keeping trying on some thing provides one with the opportunity to become the master of the subject. And it is important to me because it reaffirms my submission that nothing works very perfect at the very first experiment. The ability for one to keep on adding innovations in an area of interest does not only bring out the unique potential in oneself, but also improves the subject being worked on.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand, or are unclear about. Or are there ideas which you disagree with, and if so, why?

Everything contained in the book are in order, since they are applicable to real life situations without violating the universal laws.

6. Did the book contained exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercises, and did you find them useful?

The book contained some exercises at the end of each chapter. I completed them all, and I found them extremely interesting and useful for both self and organizational development.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Everything was in order.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read 10
B. How helpful were the contents 10
C. How easy was it to understand 10
D. Would you recommend it to others 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it 10



Goal Mapping
Assessment by Abiodun Mabadeje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is that goal smapping – the process of setting achievable goals is necessary and that there are techniques that should be followed that will make it easier and simpler to do.

2. What were the seven ideas that were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which were personally most important to me are:
– The seven principles of LIFT
– The life-balance wheel
– Brain balance
– Personal autopilot
– Seven steps of Goal Mapping
– The importance of Repetition, Duration and Emotion
– “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in-between does what he wants to do.” – Bob Dylan

i. The Seven Principles of LIFT (PAGE 58)

These principles I believe can set anyone free indeed if that person will imbibe them. From principle one to the seventh:
– Rise your awareness
– Develop possibility consciousness
– Find balance
– Be on purpose
– Become fully respons-able
– Maintain a positive focus
– Involve to evolve

Talking about raising ones awareness, one particular quote that has helped me is, “Know thyself, for this is the beginning of wisdom.” (This is either by Sophcles or Aristotle.)

Having an understanding of ones make-up – likes and dis-likes, interests, passions, gifts and talents –generally ones temperament and personality type makes a world of difference. This understanding has helped and set me free from living a mediocre life and competing with others or being jealous of them.

ii. The Life-balance Wheel (Page 66)

A life that is out of balance cannot be a fulfilling one. Since man is a tripertite being – i.e. spirit, soul and body, it therefore requires that he (i.e. man or mankind) must find a way to operate at the optimum level in these areas of his being.

Majority of people live more on the bodily level and ignore the soul and spirit either knowingly or unknowingly.

Looking at the Life-balance Wheel and assessing myself sincerely, I was able to see the areas that I need to work on and doing that has helped me to achieve some level of balance than before.

iii. Brain Balance (Page 69)

Although I knew about the right and left brain dicotomy before reading this book, I never knew as much as this book has opened my eyes to see in terms of how the brain as a whole works.

Now I know a lot more about how the brain functions and of course how to achieve balance. I now know how to consciously manipulate the brain for maximum productivity.

iv. Personal Autopiplot (29)

This reminds me of what is taught in the book, “Psycho-cubernetics 2000.” In that book it is taught that the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind is like that of the horse and it’s rider.

Learning to consciously take certain decisions in certain ways or act consistently in certain ways tells the subconscious mind that that is the right way to act given the situation.

And when that becomes established, the subconscious mind takes over and continues to act thus, thereby becoming an ‘autopilotted’ action.

One area (apart from some other ones) in my life where I can say I have gained some level of “autopilot’ is when I have to react to seemingly dangerous situations. The Bible says, “Do not be afraid of sudden terror…” When anything that could cause terror happens, what I do is look at the way people generally react and react in the opposite direction (you can tell that majority will react out of fear and this always leads to more danger)

v. Seven Steps to Goal Mapping (Page 109)

These steps are fundamental and critical to the realization of any desire or vision.

Being able to sit down and answer the questions posed by these steps can and will indeed help one to move fast in life.

Like the first step, “What do I want?” This to me is the crux of the matter, being able to differentiate between what you want and what you don’t want. Whether it has to do with ‘being,’ ‘doing,’ or ‘having.’

And then moving on from there through the process.

One example I have used time and again even for some of my past assessments is that of my decision to not practice the course I studied in school – Insurance. And today, that decision has proved itself to be worth it in every respect of the word.

Yes, I agree and admit that given the peculiar nature of the Nigerian environment, it hasn’t all ‘jelled’ together, but there are clear indications that as the scriptures put it, “The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places…”

vi. The Importance of Repetition, Duration, and Emotion (Page 35)

I believe that these are the three legs upon which reality stands. For any dream or goal to become real one must employ the services of these three ‘brothers.’

The more you say it; how often you say it and the intensity with which you say it determines whether or not it will come to pass and if it does, how soon.

vii. “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in-between does what he wants to do.” – Bob Dylan (Page 71)

Although this is a quotation and would have been used as part of the quotations to answer question 4, it however presents an idea – look for what you want or love to do and do it on a daily basis.

This is the summary of success; to have lived your own life and not that of another or as compelled by another.

One thing that has been of immense help to me is the realization that I always have a choice. Although given the circumstance I may decide not to exercise my right of choice (even though that in itself is a choice), it still does not take away the fact I do have a choice.

And knowing this has liberated me indeed, because it means that I cannot be pushed around abyhow by anybody.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The of the way the ideas in the book are presented makes it easy to understand and follow

I have personally resolved to visit and read this book as often as possible in order to have deeper understanding of it.

Also, I have made up my mind to use the ideas in the book to map out the goals for the different projects that I will be embarking on as they arise.

And in creating a better world, I will have to teach it to others, especially to members of a group I co-ordinate – Total Empowerment Against Mediocrity – T.E.A.M. (an NGO FOUNDED BY ME.)

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

To start with, one thing that is certain about this book is that it is full of quotations, and there are several of them that got my attention.

For the purpose of this assessment I will refer to just five of the quotes.

i. On page 51 of the book, there’s a quote credited to Mother Theresa, “There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.”

This could not have been come from none other than a woman who gave her all to help the downtrodden.

The number one challenge in this world is that of love and appreciation – care and affection. But it is so sad that very few understand this.

In several passages of the Bible the subject of love is discussed and taught and every other religious sect also preaches love and yet we see on a daily basis the flagrant disobedience to this commandment, which the Bible says is the number and in fact encompasses all other commandment.

If we will all learn to love the next person the world will be a better place to live in.

ii. On page 23, a quote by Marianne Williamson goes thus, “We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not in just in some of us; it is in everyone.”

Marrianne has simply put it exactly the way it is. The challenge is that not many people understand this truth. The ‘GLORY’ of God is within all of us and we’re all expected to manifest this glory to better our lives and the world at large.

For me, this is what ‘GLORY’ stands for:

G – Gift (talent)
L – Love (we all possess the ability to love)
O – Order (the reason why there is so much chaos in the world today is because we have discarded this aspect of ‘GLORY’)
R – Relevance (since we are all created in the image of God and after His likeness, the only thing we are expected to do is to contribute our best anywhere we find ourselves because what makes us significant or relevant is our contribution)
Y- Yearn (The desire to be more in life – grow, excell is in everyone of us.)

If we all understand this, then there’ll be no stopping us from manifesting the ‘GLORY’ of God that is in us.

iii. “We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes.” – John F. Kennedy (This can be found on page 94)

The number one killer of dreams and destinies is fear – lack of courage.

Fear as it has been aptly described as False Evidence Appearing Real is more deadly than HIV/AIDS. It cripples; it maims and destroys. Many would be successes have remained in obscurity because of tis monster called FEAR! Fear of the unkown has killed many dreams.

What we all must know is that everyone has some level of fear – some butterfly moving inside us. But those who succeed at the end of the day are tose who learn to act inspite of their fears.

iv. A quote on page 66 is credited to Eileen Caddy and it reads, “What is right for one soul may not be right for another. It may mean having to stand on your own and do something strange in the eyes of others. But do not be daunted. Do whatever it is because you know it is right for you.”

One idea that has liberated me from “what will people say” syndrome over the years is that I am not afraid of standing alone, even if that makes me unpopular.

To a large extent I know that to please God you must be willing to jettison general opinion.

But there are many who are afraid of being critisized or castigated hence they flow with the tides and never achieve much in life.

We are not in this world to please everyone, but God. And if standing alone based on your convictions will help you do that so be it.

One with God is in the majority.

v. On page 81 is a quote, “You can never know the answer if you don’t ask question.” – Author unknown

Many people have yet to tap into the power of asking questions. Developing a probing or analytical mind; looking at situations the way they are and asking ‘why’ or ‘why not.’

Anthony Robbins has said that “When you ask the right question you will find the right answer.” I have benefitted immensely from asking questions. Whether it is asking myself or other people or even asking God.

A Chinese proverb says, “If you ask question you will be a fool for five minutes, but if you don’t ask question, you will be a fool for the rest of your life.”

This therefore means that only wise people or those who want to be wise ask questions.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that I do not understand, unclear about, nor is there any that I disagree with.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book sure contains exercises for the reader to complete. The one I found most helpful is the Life-balance Wheel.

After scoring myself and connecting the points, I realized to what extent that I am out of balance. But it did help me to begin to work on the areas of my life that seem out of balance.

The other exercise I also find helpful is the goal mapping exercise proper. Doing the exercises really helps one to focus on the goal to be achieved and thereby ignore distractions.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

There is nothing in the book that I would like to comment on that has not been covered already.


a. How interesting was it to read? 9
b. How helpful were the contents? 9
c. How easy was it to understand? 9
d. Would you recommend it to others? 9
e. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Leadership For Dummies
Assessment by Abiodun Mabadeje

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is that no matter how dumb a person is, he can still learn the principles of leadership and go on to become a good leader.

2. What were the seven ideas that were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which were personally most important to me are:

i. “Don’t sit around waiting for someone to discover your leadership potentials. Instead, begin making your reputation as a leader.” (Chapter 13, page 153, paragraph 3)

This is personally important to me because it tells me that I don’t have to wait for someone to discover my potentials, rather I should discover them myself since they are already there in me. Also, it encourages that I should be putting these potentials into use as this is the way I can begin to build my reputation as a leader.

The reverse of this is that there are many people who are waiting to occupy a particular position or have a title attached to their names before they begin to act as leaders. This is especially true in Africa, where positions and titles are ironically synonymous with leadership.

ii. “You become free by acting free.” “…You become a leader by acting like a leader.” (Chapter 13, page 153, paragraph 1)

For over two decades now, I have been into acting (though not as a full-time profession) and I know what it means to act. I do know indeed that you can act your way or yourself into new habits and new lifestyle. You can play a role and that role can become so much a part of you that it will take a long time to leave you.

Now, if that is possible for the acting stage, it is also possible for the stage of life. You can become free by acting free and a leader by acting like a leader. The reason is because the process of acting affects your mind and if you maintain the ‘act’ and keep at it, it can stay with you and become your new identity.

iii. “A vision depends on your ability to create a team.” (Sub-heading on page 242)

Team work is always what makes the dream work. For anyone to get the cream in any dream, a team is inevitable. Someone once said that “any dream that can be accomplished alone is a small dream.”

It is imperative that any and everyone seeking to set up anything that will require people to carry it out must know how to work with people and of course know how to create the required team.

T.E.A.M for me therefore means:
T- Transparency
E- Energy
M- Mutual

To me, these are the four elements for team creation and cohesion.

iv. Concepts in Leadership (The table on page 104)

The table on page 104 of the book shows and explains clearly the concepts of leadership in a way that makes these concepts easy to understand.

Although there are details about these concepts on other pages of the book, this table presents the concepts in a concise form.
And then this presentation makes the idea that leadership is easy to develop by anybody to become believable.

v. “The parent’s actions must be consistent if a developing child is going to learn to trust his or her parents.” (page 60, paragraph 1)

The first school of leadership that a child attends is within the family setting. It then puts a responsibility on the parents to show example by being consistent in the way they behave as the child is going to a large extent pick after them.

The parents need to know that they are the mirror of the world to their children.

As the child is growing up, any inconsistency on the part of the parent can have a very significant impact on the child’s life, hence, leadership and leadership development starts from the home.

vi. “Harnessing your strength and weaknesses (Chapter 9 – Leadership jujitsu and leadership karate)

For a very long time, the understanding of ones strength and weaknesses has been taught and preached the world over. The SWOT analysis has also been used to bring home this concept.

I do know that the Jujitsu and Karate concept of teaching about strength and weakness is not different from what SWOT does. But these (i.e. Jujitsu and Karate) simplify it (SWOT) better.

Grasping the depth here can transform any person or organization for the better. And that of course is what leadership is about – TRANSFORMATION!

vii. “The genius of s good leader is to leave behind him a situation which common sense, without the trace of genius, can deal with successfully.” – Walter Lippmann (Opening quote in chapter 11)

Someone has rightly observed that “You are not yet successful until you have successors.”

The real responsibility of leadership is to breed other leaders. The line of leadership should be a continuous one; it should not be broken. It should continue from generation to generation.

One way to achieve this continuation is to disciple people – teach and train them to know what you know so they will not have to go through the pain of trying to figure out how the task was done in the first place. This is what helps to keep recycling leaders.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Before doing the assessment for this book, I had to read it twice and that I must confess happened over a period of 6 months (may be too long for one book). The reason for this is because this is not a book you read through, you have to study it to understand it.

So, what I have decided to do is to visit the book from time to time in order to keep myself constantly reminded of its lessons. This way, I can keep up my leadership quotient and the more I know the more I can help others to know.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

There are statements which the author made that particularly got my attention. They include:

i. “Leading and learning are indispensable to each other.” – J. F. Kennedy (page 45)

The importance of learning or reading to leadership development cannot be over-emphasized.

From time immemorial it has been discovered that a man’s capacity to lead is directly proportional to his ability to learn. It was W. Fusselman that said, “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”

What learning (by this I mean learning in its different forms and particularly through reading) does for you is that it puts you on a pedestal far above your contemporaries. You know the things they don’t, and that puts you ahead of them.

According to Bishop David Oyedepo, “When you remove reading from destiny what you have left is destitute.”

ii. “Leadership is stewardship, which means that you are assuming a set of responsibility, not getting your title carved in stone.” (page 325, paragraph 2)

This reminds me of the story of two brothers who told their master to give them positions as both his right and left hand men amongst several servants that the master had. The reply of the master to these guys was very significant. He simply told them, “He that must be the greatest among you must be the servant of all.” – Bible

The import of this is that true leadership is not about position, but about service. This is corroborated on page 116 of the book; second to the last paragraph, the story of Bobby Kotick and his programmer friends.

The personal motto over the years has been “Do the work and get the position later if it comes, and if not just enjoy the work.” One thing I believe is that when you seek after influence affluence will follow you.

iii. “Active citizenship begins when you decide that the line between public life and your private life is arbitrary, and that if you don’t take some action, nobody will.” – (page 219, paragraph 2)

This statement is so true that I wish all of my brothers in my country of birth; Nigeria will see, understand and imbibe it as a way of life.

Nigeria and indeed many third world countries (particularly those in Africa) have remained in their state of underdevelopment and backwardness because of one thing – selfishness! Majority of us don’t see ourselves as part of the government, hence our attitude towards governance is more of non-challance, “if it spoils, what is my own concern.”

When I read the book “Benjamin Franklin” a few years ago, I got to understand why America is what it is and why the nation will continue to be so. The founding fathers were committed and dedicated to the course of nationhood. They were sacrificial to the point of paying the ‘ultimate price’ with their lives.

Long live America. And to my dear country; my fatherland, Nigeria, I also say, long live Nigeria.

iv. “Democracy is a process, not a static condition. It is becoming, rather than being. It can be easily lost, but it is never finally won.” (page 223, paragraph 2)

Since this concept or system of governance (i.e. Democracy) is defined as “Government of the people by the people and for the people,” and people are generally different in all areas of their lives, it should then be understood that “Democracy” too would be seen from different perspectives, some of them negative.

My counsel to people all over the world and particularly in Africa is that we should learn to allow Democracy to grow and then we should grow with it.

It is obvious that even in the so called first-world countries where Democracy seems to be working, they are still experimenting with new ideas to better establish it so that everyone has a say at the end of the day.

Yes, ‘Everyone has a say’ is the real thing about Democracy, it is not a system of governance where the idea of one man or one party cannot be challenged and where it is faulty can be changed.

This is a lesson for African leaders.

v. “Leading is about decision-making, and one of the most important decisions you can make is to let your team make the decisions.” – (Chapter 12, page 144)

One thing that should be vividly established in the mind of everyone and especially those of would be leaders, is that leadership is a co-operative effort.

Whether it’s in the family, work place or nation, leadership that is devoid of co-operation is destined for damnation.

Especially within corporate settings, leadership has gone beyond master-servant; hire and fire approach. Now, the master (boss or employer) and servant (or employee), are partners. Decision making is a collaborative effort. No person’s idea is useless in the process of making decisions.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that I do not understand, unclear about, nor is there any that I disagree with.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There were several exercises in the book for the reader to complete. I sure completed some of them and they were helpful to me in further developing my leadership capability.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

There is nothing in the book that I would like to comment on that has not been covered already.


a. How interesting was it to read? 8
b. How helpful were the contents? 8
c. How easy was it to understand? 8
d. Would you recommend it to others? 8
e. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8



Goal Setting 101
Assessment by Abiodun Mabadeje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the book is trying to convey is that Goal Setting is something everyone can do if we understand the steps and techniques involved and follow them. Also that goal setting is at the core of any achievement that we desire.

2. What were the seven ideas that were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which were most important to me are:

i. Anatomy of a Goal – Page 9
ii. Ten Crucial Life Dimensions – page 12
iii. The Six Important Goal Setting Questions – Page 14
iv. Know Why Goal Setting is Important – Page 7
v. Use SWOT Analysis – Page 23
vi. Implement Now – Perfect Later – Page 28
vii. Work Economically – Page 34


This is very important to me because it spells out explicitly the things that a goal contains to make it a goal.

I mean, how can one say he has a goal without knowing exactly ‘what’ it is he/she wants to achieve? I have always said that people get confused at the cross roads of life because they don’t determine their destination before they leave their location. If you don’t answer the question of ‘what,’ there’s every likelihood that one will only be meandering through life. “What,” as pointed out in the book provides “direction.”

Also important is “Why.” Why do I want to do this or that? And as mentioned in the book, this represents the personal benefits to be derived from doing the ‘What,’ and it helps to keep momentum high (i.e. the fuel) to reach the goal.

However, I also believe that part of the ‘Why’ question is not just the benefits that are accruable to me as the person with the goal but also the ones that are accruable to others by reason of me achieving or meeting my goals. I hold the view that people are not in this world because of me but I am in this world because of people. So, as I am thinking of the ‘Why’ for me, I should also be thinking of the ‘Why’ for others.

“How” do I get ‘what’ done? This becomes very crucial if goals must be reached – the approach; method; strategy e.t.c. must be calculated and well implemented.

Jesus talking in the Bible one time said, “Which of you intending to build a house, will not first sit down and calculate to see if he has enough…” (Paraphrased)

This means to device a means – a plan; a blueprint. If you like you might say a prototype. All of these spell out the ‘How’ to go about achieving our goals.

Simply put no plan, no plant!


Man is basically a tripartite being – he is a spirit with a soul and lives in a body. For him to be successful in life each of these aspects of his being must of necessity be in a state of congruency with the others. He cannot be fulfilled so long as one aspect is out of place – no balance.

These Ten Crucial Life Dimensions are like the Life-cycle Balance written about in the book “Goal Mapping.”

Now, these become important to me because looking at them I saw some areas where I still need to work on in order to achieve balance in my life. For example, I’m not a very athletic person, so the issue or recreational activities doesn’t ordinarily come to mind. But then, I need to be both physically and mentally fit to achieve my goals, hence I must see to this aspect of my life very seriously. At least now I’m getting more serious with my push ups.


These are the questions that are the foundation for any goal to be achieved.

I do not know if the author arranged the questions in order of priority or as they should follow each other but for me, I think these questions should follow this pattern:
i. What
ii. Why
iii. When
iv. Where
v. How
vi. Who

I believe that when one follows these questions and tries to answer them in this sequence it will be easier to achieve ones goals because one would be following what Anthony Robbins in his book “Unlimited Power” calls “Syntax of Occurrence.” You would not be jumping the guns.

Already I am using this sequence for a motivational magazine I intend to start publishing next year (2011), called MOTIVATION.COM

As a prelude to this, there’s a newsletter publication with the same name that is on-going, and has been on for sometime now.


The points listed in this sub-heading explain in clear details the reasons why it is important to set goals.

Life, one must know is too short for one to be a general player in the game called life.

In life those who are the big players are those who concentrate most of their energies on one or few things per time, not those who dissipate their energies in every direction and end up being torn apart, confused and frustrated.

Having a goal is like focusing. And focus does two things: one, it causes fire and two it creates blindness. Fire in this context has to do with the energy that is generated by concentrating on your goal. The more you look (i.e. focus; concentrate; push; learn; work…) the more you see (able to achieve). And blindness on the other hand means you don’t give attention to any thing that may cause distraction – no matter how beautiful or enticing it may be even if others are doing well in that area.


“Know thyself, for this is the beginning of wisdom.” – Author unknown
And I will add, “Know thy situation, for this is the twin brother of wisdom.”

The truth be told, one has not started his journey in life if he is still in doubt as to what his areas of strength are and how he can use those strengths (by extension his likes) to create opportunities.

But using the SWOT analysis helps one to be able to think through situations and then able to answer the questions that are then necessary for goal setting.


“He that observes the wind will not sow…” – Bible

The major undoing of many would be successful people is their inability to take action when it does not seem like the coast is clear. Many people wait till they have all the information, technical-know-how, and resources – both human and material before they step out to act on their ideas.

However, history has shown that the people who succeed most are the people who know how to start where they are with what they have. These people know how to turn lemon into lemonades.

My personal approach has always been that any time I have something to do, I first ask myself “What do I have or know that I can start with?” and then to build as I go on working on the project and it has always worked. You meet someone who knows something or someone you need to know or has something you need to help with the project.

As always, what this all mean is that “Everything remains in a state of constant rest until an external force is applied” (or action is taken).


In Nigeria, we have a way of referring to people who work round the clock, especially if their belief is born out of a mentality that it is how long or the number hours they put into what they do that will determine productivity, we call them “Mr. Jacky.”

The human is created to work and also to rest. In-balance is created when one misplaces priority – using this time for that and vice-versa.

It is even encouraged that during normal working hours, one should take time to rest. Stop for a minute, rest your back, walk around, and take a nap or something; it helps to refresh the mind. These are all part of working economically.

Another way to look at working economically is working methodically or strategically.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

There are several ways these ideas can help me both in my daily personal life and in helping me to create a better world.

The first thing is for me to keep working on and with these ideas so that things can improve in my life. When that happens, it then becomes easy for me to use these same ideas to create a better world by helping others with these ideas.

I have realized that results command respect. People will listen to you when they can see evidence in your life of things you’re telling them.

More so, there is no way anyone can claim to know anything until he finds a way to teach it to others. After all, it is said that success without a successor is failure.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

There are statements made by the author that particularly got my attention. They include the following among others:

i. “You are born with great capabilities, but you will not achieve your potential until you call upon yourself to fulfill it. You may rise to the occasion when it presents itself, but to assure self-fulfillment, you must provide occasions to rise to.” – Page 10

The Bible tells us we are created in the image of God and after His likeness. To me this means we have His kind of life flowing in us. After all, He breathed into man the breath of life.

Man is ‘supernaturally-naturally’ endowed; only that man himself does not realize this.

Many a time, we are looking for the perfect condition before we take steps. We have dreams but we fail to call upon the genius in us, hence the dream lingers and eventually dies.

Most of us fail to realize we are more powerful than we think we are and because of this, we’re settling for crumbs in life, when we’re meant to be dining in king’s palaces.

ii. “In any competitive enterprise, action is preferable to inaction.” – Page 29

In the long run, the man who takes steps; makes move and does something about his ideas or dreams always turn out better than the person who allows himself to be crippled by in action dew to whatever reason.

Most of the time you don’t have all the details of what you intend to do, you only learn them along the way, that’s why there’s such a concept as “Learning on the job.”

In one of my books titled “Make that Move,” one of the things I pointed out is the fact that no one has monopoly of any idea and if you don’t do something about an idea that nature (preferably God) allows to come into your mind, you will loose that idea, since nature abhors vacuum.

“Procrastination” as the saying goes, “is the thief of time,” and I’ll add that it is not just a thief of time, but of life, since life itself is measured in time.

“Action delayed is destiny denied, and destiny denied is the devils delight.” – Sam Adeyemi

iii. “The person who cannot face a fear will always be running from it. Better to run towards a goal than away from a fear.” – Page 37

Until you stand up to face your fear, it will continue to put you down. The fear you don’t challenge remains threat.

The biblical story of David and Goliath (I Sam. 17) drives home this point. Goliath was a threat to the army of Israel – a constant thorn in the flesh he was. But when David showed up on the scene, rather than run away from Goliath, he ran towards him.

Goliath, though a threat, was also the opportunity he (i.e. David) needed to become the king’s in-law and get all that the king (Saul) promised and of course it was what started him off properly on his way to the throne of Israel.

Most of us know what we don’t want and will do any and everything to keep away from it or it from us, but since in the alternative we don’t know what we want and are therefore not giving our minds something to work on we keep getting more of what we don’t want. After all, the mind cannot make value judgment. It acts on the picture it sees.

iv. “Success in the intentional, pre-meditated use of choice and decision. Unless you choose – with certainty – what it is you want, you accept table scraps by default!” – Page 10

Life is either a create it or watch it happen process. Whichever way, life will happen. The former is dependent on choices and decisions while the later is a result of indecision which results in table scraps. As someone said, “if you don’t have a goal of your own, you will be a tool to help others fulfill theirs.” (Rephrased).

Success in life – in anything you do is a journey and this journey must be embarked upon purposefully. Purpose, we must understand is not an in-active word, it involves choice, decision, tact and personal responsibility.

Every single person is today the result of choices and decisions of made or failed to make yesterday. And in the same token, he will be tomorrow based on his choices and decisions of today.

v. “Your goals gain credibility and clout through the process of writing. You increase the probability of achieving a goal when you write it down.” – Page 19

The Bible says in Habakkuk 2, “Write the vision, make it plain that he may run who reads it.” There is something about writing your goals that forces your brain (or mind) to think through and analyse what you have written.

Another thing about writing your goals is that it helps to keep your goal constantly before your eyes especially if you put it where you can see it. And this re-enforces it in your mind. And then if the saying is true (which I believe it is), that anything that has entered your mind has entered your life, then it is as good as having achieved your dream if it can enter your mind.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that I do not understand, nor is there any that I am unclear about, and there is no idea in the book that I disagree with.

The book is simple, easy to read and assimilate. It drives home the point explicitly well.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book contains exercises for the reader to complete.

I completed the exercises and found them useful. Yes I will admit that I have come across exercises like these ones in other books before, but going through them again is like having a refresher course.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

There is nothing I read in the book that I would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question.


a. How interesting was it to read? 9
b. How helpful were the contents? 9
c. How easy was it to understand? 9
d. Would you recommend it to others? 9
e. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Law of Attraction
Assessment by Abiodun Mabadeje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author conveys in this book is that there are laws or what we might call principles that guide how things work, and knowing how to position ourselves will to a very great extent increase the rate at which we attract more of what we want and less of what we do not.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Identify what makes you feel good and do more of it – Page 36

The things that make us feel good are the things that hold the keys to our success in life. Anything one is doing that you don’t feel good about, it will be difficult to get the best out of that thing. Over time, it has been discovered that people who do things that relate to their innate abilities get better results than people who do not have ability in that area but are trying to just encourage themselves in that area. The other thing is that as you discover this thing that makes you feel good, you need to do more and more of it, because that is the only way you can further entrench the feeling you generate from doing that thing, and the more feelings generated the more likely you are to succeed at it.

ii. Take time to appreciate anything. It’s the feeling that’s attached to your appreciation that is important. Appreciation and gratitude help you offer strong, positive vibrations. – Page 100

It has been said that we should have an attitude of gratitude. What I say is that an attitude of gratitude is the key to a high altitude in such an unimaginable magnitude. When we take time to appreciate the things we have received we are saying to nature that our hearts and life are open for more, and since the Law of Attraction cannot make value judgment it just responds to the vibes we are sending at this time. An extension to this is learning to appreciate God even for the things we are yet to receive.

iii. Whether it’s a positive or negative vibration, the Law of Attraction will give you more of the same. – Page 20

As I thought about the whole concept of Law of Attraction, I found out that really it is something we are all used to at some level or the other and that indeed everything is about attraction. It is of the most pertinent importance that everyone monitors his/her actions closely, because what you send out is what you get in return, “What goes around,” they say, ‘comes around.” And in Nigeria the way we say it is, “Back to sender.” I must confess that I have personally started doing this – watching the vibes I send in form of thought, words, and anger or otherwise, because now I know better everything is coming back in even bigger proportion.

iv. When you state something that is not true for you, you are offering a negative vibration because the statement activates doubt within you… – Page 59

“Do you not know yourself if you are in faith” is a scriptural quotation. If we are all sincere with ourselves we know when we are telling lie, and if we claim not to know, our conscience does. For so long I have always understood positive confession in a certain way, but now I can say that positive confession shouldn’t be a lying confession in the name of faith. We need to be able to dissect between the two and state our confessions in ways that will help us actualize our expectation.

v. Your job is not to try to figure things out intellectually but to let the Law of Attraction figure it out. – Page 108

Life I believe is not meant to be a struggle, and as long as we stand in the way, the Law of Attraction cannot come to our aid, because the process for the law to take its course has been set and when we align it comes to our aid. It is not our calculation that makes it work; rather it is our alignment by just doing our part. And the way we do our part is not by trying to figure it all out, but by simply allowing the natural course of things to take place while we continue to send out positive vibes.

vi. Give your desire attention – Page 51

The time you spend to give attention to your desire by focusing, talking, planning and rejoicing about it sends signals into nature that enables the Law of Attraction to respond by sending back to you more of the vibes that you are sending while you are giving attention to your desire. What most people do wrongly however is that they complain, worry, grumble, murmur, cry, fume and do several other negative things. Yes this is a form of attention, but it is the negative type and it can only breeds its type, remember, “Like begets like.”

vii. ‘“Most people when asked “How could you get more money?” answer by saying that they could work more hours to earn more money, or get a part-time job to earn more money.”’ – Page 114

I live in a third-world country that is trying to become a first-world country – Nigeria. I don’t just live here, I am a Nigerian. I know what it means to be in need of money all the time. You have needs to meet and yet no means to meet them. I know what it means for someone to jump from place to place trying to do more and more things to make extra income. It is easier to do this in countries where things work and systems are in place. But I must say it is pretty hard to do that here. So, when someone is trying to do that here, I really empathize, because it is not easy.

But ironically, this is not the route to make more money (or let me say not the best route). Learning to open to the Law of Attraction in order to attract more wealth is vitally important. There are different ways that more can come that are not necessarily in form of cash. Learning to identify and position for them is the key to more money and wealth. Personally, I am learning to be more open to such sources.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

The practical way I can benefit from these ideas is to become first a committed student at learning to know them more and then begin to put the things I have learnt and will learn to use and then to create a better world I must go a step further to begin to teach these things to others because until you teach it, you really don’t know it. Already I have given the book to a friend to read.

4. Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

i. “Often when we define our desires and get excited about attracting them, the doubt we may have stops the Law of Attraction from bringing them to us.” – Page 104

Cold water and hot water cannot flow from the same source at the same time, one cancels out the other. When you express your desire whether in form of thinking or talking (e.g. prayer), and then you also express doubt, you have automatically cancelled out the request. Jesus taught this in Mark 11: 22 – 24, “So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”

And the reverse is equally true, which we can see in James 1: 6 – 8, “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”

So, Law of Attraction works in line with your faith and your doubts. It only gives you what you ask of it, whether positive or negative.

ii. “Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate. It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind.”- Napoleon Hill, page 25

In the Scriptures, it is written, “Can bitter water and sweet water come out of the same source…” Every single person is his/her own watch dog and has the responsibility to ensure that negative emotions are not allowed into the mind, not to talking of gaining ground. It is also not enough to bar negative emotions from coming into ones mind, one must make sure that the mind is occupied with positive ones. As it is said, “Nature abhors vacuum.” For me what I do is to constantly build my positive emotions through positive confessions.

iii. “Remember, it’s the absence of doubt that will bring your desire faster.” – Page 92

Doubt is the direct opposite of faith. Faith which some people might want to call optimism is a prerequisite for success in anything one does. Where there is doubt, faith is rendered powerless, useless and ineffective. “Let not that man think he will receive anything from God who doubts…” – Bible. Doubt is a sign of the presence of fear. When you are afraid, you cannot perform at your optimal level. The easiest way to overcome this monster called fear is to simply do two things: Believe in God and believe in yourself. Know that there is a higher power out there that is working in your favour. Also know that as a human, you have whatever it takes to get whatever you want done, it is inherent in you.

iv. “Although you’re not doing it on purpose, the Law of Attraction is simply responding to your vibration and giving you more of the same. It doesn’t know what action you are taking that is causing you to generate this negative vibration. You might be remembering, or pretending, or daydreaming, or in this case just merely observing.” – Page 17

The way nature works is that there is nothing that is useless and everything is connected either directly or indirectly. This much Dr. Wayne Dyer has established in most of his books. The Law of Attraction being a law must fulfill its purpose so long as the conditions that make it work are met. Just as the mind cannot make value judgment, so it (Law of Attraction) cannot make value judgment. It cannot differentiate between good or bad, it only responds to the vibrations we send into outer space. This equally agrees with what the Bible says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (i.e. as he sends out vibes, Law of Attraction gives him more of the same).

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book that I do not understand nor is there any that I am unclear about. And there are no ideas that I disagree with in the book.

Although I would have an issue with saying “I am in the process…,” because the kind of confession I am used to is using the 1st person singular and putting my words in the present tense, but the author clarified why it is important we have our affirmations that way and the clarification is okay by me.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them useful?

Yes the book contain exercises for the reader to complete, I completed most of them, not all. I found the ones I completed helpful in the sense that as I did them as written by the author my vibes (i.e. feelings) were raised positively. I now know how to better control my emotions and raise my feelings to prepare myself to attract what I want.

For me it is really good that I read this particular book after reading “Goal Setting 101.”This book is like a sequel to Goal Setting 101; it is a build up on the concepts contained in it.

After you have set your goals, following the steps in Goal Setting 101, you then need to know how to raise your vibes and hold them positively until you get what you want.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?

There was nothing in the book that I would like top comment on that was not already covered in the previous questions.


A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9