Kuma Emmanuel Fangyong – Assessments

As a Man Thinketh
Kuma Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon/USA)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author, James Allen, wants the reader to know that thoughts are the basis for everything in human life and existence. These thoughts are what make us unique. The most important idea is that on thought and circumstances, and to effect this, he states that the causality of our thoughts eventually become our circumstances. So, what we think and dream is what we are or will become, be it negative or positive.

Therefore, one can say that James Allen feels emotional wellness is attained through the right thoughts whereas evil thought demoralizes the body. So, just like a garden, if weeds are uprooted from the mind and replaced by pure and useful seeds, there will be no evil in the society and individuals thereby giving love and peaceful coexistence a chance.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. An individual is responsible for his or her thoughts and these thoughts definitely determine his or her life.

So, we choose to either be bad or good through our thought. If we believe that we are victims of circumstance beyond our control, we cannot progress. But once we discover that the creative power of our thoughts grows from seeds we command, then we will be lords over ourselves. I am from a corrupt, undemocratic and dictatorial society where almost all nationals have given up hope and are resorting to clandestine ways of life for survival because they think or feel the circumstance cannot be changed or altered. On the contrary, I am convinced that things can be changed for the better, and that is why the thought of embarking on this program came to mind, an adventure that will furnish me with the tools needed and I will in turn empower my fellow countrymen.

B. Our mind is like a garden; it brings forth some kind of crop whether tended or neglected.

So one chooses to sow useful seeds on purpose or useless weeds will be produced in our lives due to our own neglect. This resounds with the popular adage that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Most young people usually involve in delinquencies due to the fact that they have not occupied themselves with useful thoughts and idea. Government officials and directors of state corporations allow embezzlement thoughts get the better part of their minds, instead of thinking of how to develop the country.

C. Mankind is governed by universal laws that make us responsible for our wellbeing and bliss.

In order to accept this fact, we must stop blaming others for our own problems, thereby, building ourselves up through noble and powerful thoughts. So the outside world becomes right if there is no turmoil inside. Definitely, if one is serious about improving his or her circumstances, he or she should start by improving their thoughts.

D. Diseases and health are psychologically motivated.

When we entertain thoughts that sickly and fearful, then we are prone to diseases. But when we entertain strong and pure thoughts, these lead good health. James Allen opines that: “thought is the fount of action, life and manifestation; make the fountain pure, and all will be pure.” I can’t help but remember my primary school days when ever I never wanted to go to school, I would feign illness and at the most cases, I always ended up admitted in the hospital ward.

E. Our thinking has a direct effect on our aging.

A conscience-free mind will revitalize the face of an aging person with innocence and glee. Also, those who live rightly have blessed and golden years embodied with calm, peace and bliss. Au contraire, someone spending his/her thoughts in fear, anger, isolation, fear and envy will suffer premature aging.

F. Necessity of a clear purpose in life.

Each individual has a purpose in life which acts as focus of their thoughts and it does not really matter what that purpose is. That is, it can be worldly or spiritually motivated, but the important thing is that those thoughts do not waver in anyway and they should be positive too. So to achieve this purpose, it is necessary to be steadfast and never be discouraged, thereby, overcoming all the barriers and paving a good path. So the result of a wandering mind without purpose will eventually result in devastation and annihilation. I may be experiencing obstacles on the way now, but I know my purpose in life is to help humanity and be able to create and impact community and the world in my own small way. I know this can only come to pass if I remain steadfast and strong in my ambition.
Man’s thoughts, achievements, failures and weaknesses are his or hers alone.

G. We cannot blame others for our failures, as well as we cannot depend on others for our successes.

Our successes and failures are the aftermath of our thoughts. So we must always look inwards for self evaluation and assessment. Since our achievement is limited by our choice of thought; we can never succeed until we abandon our lowly thoughts of failure and elevate our thought to greater ambitions and achievements.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I have come to understand the power or the influence thoughts have on humanity. We are the architects of our own doing or undoing. The society may influence our actions, but the power to do and undo lies in our hands. So, we have the power to choose between good and bad, what is and what is not, love and hate etc. As a result, personal introspection has made me to realize why certain things in life were happening to me. I have stopped leaving with the pain of the fact that my Dad did not give me the best in life. I have discovered that my inability to think in the positive direction, earlier in life for my future, was because my mind was busy blaming my Dad for starting a polygamous family. These thoughts have kept me down for some time until a decade ago that I have been able to come out of my shell of anger and bitterness towards him.

Being more of a social crusader, the thought philosophy will give me the opportunity to be able to interact with a diverse society because, hopefully, I will be able to understand what goes on in the minds of the people. And I have discovered that if the foundation of each society, nation, state and country is built on these principles of thought and spiritual healing, there will be love, justice, democracy and peace. Then we will heal the world and make it a better place for each and every individual as Michael Jackson opines in his lyrical piece; “Heal the World.”

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

Is taken from Proverbs 23:7, which merely means that you are a product of you are thinking, that is, you become what you think.

“They themselves are makers of themselves.”

We control our own destinies so we are responsible to our actions in life, whether they mar or make us.

“Cherish your visions; cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts. For out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built. Mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.”

This book will help you transform your thoughts into concrete actions that will result in the achievement of anything that you deeply desire in your heart: thought creates our Character and deeds.

“Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself.” Allen opines that “A man cannot directly choose his circumstances,” and also that “he can choose his thoughts, and so indirectly, yet surely, shape his circumstances. Nature helps every man to the gratification of the thoughts which he most encourages, and opportunities are presented which will most speedily bring to the surface both the good and evil thoughts.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I know thought is pivotal to the very existence of humanity, but to think that society, environment and circumstances only water our thoughts is a little a exaggerating. These modern day societies are so barbaric and zombie-like that we are too often repelled to the wall that the only solution is to do some outrageous and unreasonable things, and at times, we do them without thinking.

Secondly, Allen seems to be gender biased with his diction. With his constant use of the word “Man” he appears to be a chauvinist, some gender advocates will observe. But I have discovered that his use of the word “Man” is because of the era and the society in which he wrote this piece of work. To make it sound gentle on women, I have filtered my words to humanity, him/her, and he/she in an attempt to strike a balance.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Just the idea of reading the book was already an exercise which has kept me constantly busy from the first word at the start of the book till the last hyphenation at the end.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

This is a great piece of work that has transcended generations and will still continue to do so. This apt, short and snappy book has been one of the world’s best-selling and most widely loved inspirational works. Allen‘s words have helped millions for more than a century and they continue to point the way to a better life for all people. So I greatly recommend this book to people seeking self rediscovery.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Kuma Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon/USA)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

“Jonathan Livingston Seagull” is an allegory. It’s a ‘fable about making the most of our lives, even if our goals run contrary to the norms of our flock’ Seagull has the power to inspire and lead, to change his society. He is, as one character says, a gull in a million. The narrative is also the paradoxical nature of feeling trapped by one’s limit or the society and with the simultaneous desire of to override them. Individuals want to perfect their potentials. It equally cautions against excesses; Jonathan ultimately meets his death or demise as he dies in his flight. People may say that he did not adhere to his society and he exaggerated his flight excises. But death is a path which is inevitable, no matter the circumstances, where and when.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. Life’s choices

Jonathan is given the choice to live as he and his kind has always lived (living just for scraps from the boat) or to soare heights, so he chooses the latter. There are always choices in life no matter the circumstances we face. Am from a society where most of my mates only live for the moment. They see life as earning a minimum wage and starting a family (In fact it has become a norm, and it is abnormal for a man to be single in his early thirties). But I have opted out of that; I want to be able to experience what life has in store for me by exploring the outside world and getting the necessary tools needed to pursue my dreams.

B. Freedom and liberty to live our own lives.

Even when the society sees our opinions about lives as treacherous, we should hold on to them as long as they are pure. Jonathan is ostracized from the flock because he chooses to break free from the traditional norms of the flock, which only care about eating. Yet he is not sorry for the price paid. My life’s lessons taught me that taking a different course in life is not always easy, but there is always the sense of fulfillment when I follow my own path, not carved out by my society.

C. The urge to attain perfection or the horizon.

Life is all about trial and errors. The most accomplishment will be when those trials and errors are turned to perfection. This can be achieved through determination and hard work. Jonathan does not give up trying to fly. He starts stealthily and amidst criticism from his flock but steadily and finally achieves the highest speed a seagull has ever covered. This seems to be my life. I got stuck at home, where I did not have the opportunity to do what I love most (saving the world). But I have maneuvered my way out of there to a where I can strive to attain my dream profession; social work and studies, where I will be able to touch lives in my own little way from the skills acquired from this field.

D. In other to learn and develop, we need to be aware of our thoughts and environment, so that we can realize how they empower or limit us.

Once your become aware of your thoughts and environment, you can dispute the bad believes limiting you and carve your own destiny. Seagull not only discovers his talents but he disputes his societal norms of living for the scraps and soar higher than ever before. Coming from a University system where students only pass due to the mercy of the lecturers, and not by merit, I have always exploded when an infringement is done on my personality by a professor or lecturer during my University days.

E. Love versus hate.

One should always keep working on love. Chiang, Jonathan’s teacher, tells him that the most powerful, difficult and the most fun of all is love and kindness. Jonathan demonstrates love by coming back to his flock and teaching those who also want to fly. Although his flock distastes him because of what they see as extraordinary ambition for a seagull, his love for them does not waver. You don’t love hatred and evil, you have to practice to see the real gull in every human, the good in them and help them find their purpose in life. So by doing so, you help empower a people who are able to change the world for better.

F. Living versus existence.

Living should have meaning and love, which can give you happiness that immeasurable material can never afford. Without a goal, you won’t persist in so many things; you know when you can give up, when to relax, when to be lighthearted and above all the biggest reward you have is an easier life. Jonathan does not just want to live; he wants to live with a purpose, to achieve something out of the ordinary flock life of eating scrap from boats. Chiang also makes him see reasons to live extraordinarily, by simple things like love and kindness towards others.

G. Perfect speed is not moving fast, it is being there.

At times, we get accidents when we speed and this is just what happens to Jonathan. We can go anywhere and anytime in time and space as long as we can streamline our thoughts to what matters most to us. Chiang echoes this when he says: “Wherever your thought is there you will be.”

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I have realized that I am my own architect. That my ability to do greater things depend on my thought and determination and not the society or circumstances and as long as I have that “power of positive thinking in me”, as posits by Norman Vincent Peale, I will always attain heights in life and go wherever my dreams take me.

Also, love being central in all human interactions, I am fully equipped with this principle of love in order to help impart on my fellow youths back home, the impact of love and its absence on humanity. How because of unconditional love, we can help build mentally, those socio-economic bridges that divide humanity and keep them at bay and at each others’ throats.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“To the real Jonathan Seagull, who lives within us.”

This is apt in the sense that we will always go through these similar but unique adventures and situations in life and it will only take our inner convictions and believes that we can conquer those situations and circumstances. We, just like Jonathan Seagull, have our issues in this life and we will need such insights to sail above them at the end.

“Why, Jon, why?” His mother asked. “Why is it so hard to be like the rest of the flock, Jon? Why don’t you eat? Son, you’re bone and feathers!”

In every human, there is a Jonathan and the society will always question our actions and at time they may even try to discourage us. But one should be steadfast in his or her decisions and be prepared to bear the consequences of such actions.

“See here, Jonathan,” said his father, not unkindly. “Winter isn’t far away. Boats will be few, and the surface fish will be swimming deep. If you must study, then study food, and how to get it. This flying business is all very well, but you can’t eat a glide, you know. Don’t you forget that the reason you fly is to eat.”

This simply means that there is more to life than just taking care of our basic necessities. What comes to mind is satisfaction of what we do first, before the remuneration. This is typical these days especially in Africa, where young men don’t do what makes them happy and fulfilled, but what will give them easy access to riches, even at the detriment of their own lives and happiness.

“The trick, according to Chiang, was for Jonathan to stop seeing himself as trapped inside a limited body; his true nature lived everywhere at once across space and time.”

This boils down to one adage; “man was born free but everywhere in chains.” Nelson Mandela sees it as “No easy walk to freedom”. So to sail above all these negative forces, one has to use the thought factor, in order to mentally free his or her thoughts from such bondage. Once you see yourself free from all the human shackles of life, greater achievements will be around the corner

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I almost disagreed with Richard Bach that there is no heaven and that it is only perfection. But I discovered that this is an allegorical piece of work. If Heaven is in our minds or thoughts, it simply means that we can make this planet (Earth) a paradise for humanity to live in with no regret of ever coming here. And to achieve that, we will need to express the kind of unconditional love Jonathan Seagull shows his society even when he is banished from the flock. For love, peace, harmony and security to reign therefore, we have to be patriotic and ready to render selfless services to our nations in particular and the world in general, only then we would have attained perfection and had our own heaven right here on earth.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Trying to read the book as a fable or animal tale, while at the same time trying to see it as a moral story to humanity was exercise enough and quite challenging though. So I tried to synchronize the two together to give me the full meaning I needed from the book.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

To those patriots and nationals who aspire to be leaders, even in their own thoughts, I offer them this fabulous piece of work to gain their inspiration from Jonathan Seagull and Chiang. Despite our administrative bottle necks and set up, I offer this to real and natural young leaders; a leader never lets go of his or her basic values of love and kindness; he or she sees the good in everyone.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Keys to Success
Assessment by Kuma, Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon).

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

This book, just like most of Napoleon Hill’s books, deals with the philosophy of achievement in life. Through the seventeen principles of success, the book takes the reader on a one on one encounter with Napoleon Hill, who makes one realizes his or her life’s potentials. Through the seventeen principles the author makes you to have an insight of where you are from, what you are capable of and where you are heading to. So when one sets his or her goals in life, the energy can be focused in pursuing these goals by creating an enabling circumstances and environment conducive enough for his/her success rather than following the bandwagon or the path forged by the society and the environment.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. Defining personal goals

I deduced from the book that if one has a definiteness of purpose, then he can concentrate on his goals, thereby creating a good and friendly environment for his achievements. So, when these life’s goals are set, it makes specialization easier, thereby limiting your time and budgeting to the attainment of your purpose. Goal setters will always be aware of the opportunities involved in their major fields of specialization as they are focused on purpose through faith in their abilities and potentials, thereby refusing the thought of failure and focusing the mind on success as the sole objective.

B. Developing and maintaining good and positive mental attitude.

Mental attitude affect s our health and it is something which we can control. Good thinking and feeling good generates harmony within our body and generates good physical manifestations. Secondly, on the one hand, if one takes positive control of his or her mind and directs it towards desirable and positive goals; they will be rewarded with success, peace of mind, sound health, and good interpersonal relationship with others. While, on the other hand, negative minds will always bring forth fear, poverty, ill health, enmity, victimization and chaos among human kind.

C. Learning from our defeats, weaknesses and failures.

One cultural artist from Cameroon (Prince Yerima Afo-akom) once said that if you are walking and happens to hit your toe, you must bend down to see what has obstructed your step. This is in line with this book, which postulates that; no one who has attained success has not met with failure of some kind equal to the scope of his or her success. So Napoleon Hill makes me to understand that I have to turn my failures and weaknesses to greater successes. That at each failure or adversity, I should stop; reflect on how to turn this failure or weakness work to my own advantage and success. What he simply means is that no situation is hopeless in life and that we should always be determined to turn our disappointments to blessings. My self-sufficiency came as a result of my repeating a semester in the university. After taking back the semester, my guardian got annoyed and abandoned me, so I tended to doing all types of jobs that could keep body and soul together. Little did I know that I was already building my future with the experience of seeing myself through the University and subsequently, other achievements.

D. The spirit of togetherness and teamwork

Napoleon Hill makes me to understand that the spirit of teamwork or togetherness is not only for our own good, but for the benefit of the global world and generations to come. So, in our mastermind alliance, we should be able to come under one reasoning umbrella thereby expressing commitment because of diversities among individuals, and as such each and every one will benefit enthusiasm, success, knowledge etc. So, teamwork turns a company around thereby giving satisfaction and good yield or success.

E. Accurate thoughts.

This is the ability to differentiate facts from opinions, and the ability to focus on important facts thereby enabling one to make effective decisions in achieving goals and success. Napoleon makes the allusion that the human mind is like a piece of land where we cultivate with constructive ideas or be fallowed and be infested with overgrown weeds. So, in other to succeed, one has to march these thoughts with good and concrete actions thereby enabling a bountiful harvest or success. Although these thoughts are influenced by the physical and social forces, one has to carefully scrutinize his or her own ideas before transforming them to a success.

F. Creative and developmental imagination and vision

Creative Vision or Imagination is a demonstration of the use of subconscious mind to tap into the wisdom of the infinite intelligence in getting breakthrough solution for any challenge. And, one way to communicate with the subconscious mind is to repetitively think of solutions to today’s burning problems and desires. This can take effect just before and after bed time when the mind or brain is still at its super Alpha state. I also gathered that creative vision is needed in the world today for some vital reasons such as

G. The power to be able to budget and manage financial resources .

I understand that for one to be able to plan his or her budget he or she has to take an inventory of their life in order to come up with good and positive conclusions needed for the perfect timing and budgeting. He also say that there are doers and drifters involved in the process of time and money budgeting. That is doers who have major purposes, manage resources, take risks, assume responsibilities, have positive mental attitudes, recognize their weaknesses and try to correct them. Whereas, on the other hand, there are drifters who have no goal in life, lack resources, let their habits control them, seldom tries to improve their conditions in life and only have negative mental attitude.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

First and foremost, while I was rummaging through the book, the first idea that came to mind was to take my diary and note down the 17 principles of success. The main idea here is to write down my goals and objectives and use the 17 principles as a hard stick, since I just settled in the USA, meaning that my goals will slightly be modified from those in Cameroon. Since my goals have shifted as originally planned in Cameroon, like me trying to do social work studies, I try to put in my goals the type of school I will like to attend, and how I will raise tuition and fees and how my professional tomorrow will look like.

Secondly, with a positive mental attitude I know I will be able to reach out to Cameroonians and the international community and impact them in a positive way. Through my writings, community service, I may just be able to reach out to others and help them change with a positive mental attitude.

Also, talking about the spirit of teamwork and togetherness, I have just discovered that this is a way to unite youths together and under one platform and banner so as to give him the necessary skills needed to sustain on another. This, I will do through the organization of seminars and conferences in order to educate and enlighten them on the power of togetherness.

Talking about the spirit of team work and togetherness, I have acquired those ideas and skills that are needed to bring people together for a common purpose. As such I am self confident that I will be able to rally Cameroonian youth under one umbrella (youth empowerment) for a common goal and for their good and success.

I have learned that we don’t just think abstractly, our thoughts should be directed towards a particular goal and with the aim of achievement. So, through constructive thinking, I might be able to come up with concrete ideas and proposals that may be able to help in the socio-economic development of my country in particular and the international community in general.

Finally, I have learnt how to budget and manage my resources, especially now that I am in a new environment and will definitely have to take risks using my positive mental attitude. I know that if these ideas are wisely executed, I will be able to achieve a great deal in life and will be able to impact on other young men positively.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The greatest benefit of definiteness of purpose is that it opens your mind to the quality known as faith. It makes your mind positive and frees it from the limitations of doubt, discouragement, indecision, and procrastination.”

This means faith is only comes into effect when we have definiteness of purpose and not being lazy thinking that faith has a great deal for us in store, thus the saying that ‘heaven helps those who help themselves’ Also, when we have definiteness of purpose, we become objective, determined and above all courage and achievement or success.

“Cooperation, like love and friendship, is something you get by giving. There are many travelers on the road that leads to happiness. You will need their cooperation, and they will need yours.”

This emphasizes on the spirit of team work. For everybody to be successful, we all have to put all hands on deck, helping others up on their feet while they in turn help us. In a company, each employee needs the help and cooperation of a coworker for the success of the company and the benefit of all. This can be summed up in the statement of one Cameroonian politician who says that politics is “scratch my back I scratch your own”, meaning, one good turn deserves another. The world needs to build racial, economic, cultural, gender, generational and economic bridges for a better tomorrow.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is universal, timeless and with very simple language on the testimonies of successful individuals.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Understanding the 17 principles was challenging enough as in needed an introspection of one’s self, which was quite challenging enough for me.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The book is very simple, with universal principles and relevant to any one with the zeal to succeed. The book is very practical and tells what to do and how to do it, step by step. You do not have to be very philosophical to benefit from this book. It is actually much better if you are the practical type who likes to act on good advice instead of just thinking about how good the advice is. I recommend the book especially to young entrepreneurial businessmen who would like to achieve success the right way.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


Assessment by Kuma, Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book is seen as a new approach to getting more meaning out of life. It focuses on the psychology of introspection for the formation of a better personality. The basic idea of the book is to better understand and improve on our mental “humanity face” and attitude, only then will one get a good physical personality and self image.

The self image is a mental picture that each person has of himself or herself. It includes our beliefs about our abilities and deficiencies, whether we are popular or not, and so forth. Some of these beliefs may have been true at one time, but are no longer true. Until those beliefs are changed, our behavior will http://www.profitadvisors.com/psychoc.shtml continue to be defined by those beliefs. Also, Maltz saw human behavior as a negative feedback (cybernetic) system. This is the type of system used as a directed missile. When the missile is fired, it will correct its course to reach its goal. People also correct their behavior to reach their goals, including behaving according to their self image. So, self image and attitude will always determine the consequences of our behavior and how successful we emerge from it at the end of the day. So in all, human positive change in life or towards greater achievement comes from within and not without. It is the conditioning of the mind towards positivity.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven important ideas retained are:

A. Success through positive self image.

Success mechanism is inbuilt and Success is instinctive. So we have the natural aptitude to succeed without learning it. Man has access to knowledge, facts, and ideas other than stored information which help him/her to succeed, and we need not be afraid of making mistakes because we learn from these mistakes. All we have to do is to have a positive self image. Our self-image is our beliefs about ourselves. Most of them are formed unconsciously by our past experiences and what happened to us in early life. Your self-image must be a reasonable approximation of you.

B. Creative imagination.

Our aim is to find the real self and to bring our mental images in line. How can we know the truth about ourselves? God created man in his own image and so self examination is always necessary to our change of attitude and behavior. I have been timid and shy but now I see myself moving among people with ease and poise and feeling good because of it. To achieve this creative imagination, we must embark on what Maltz calls de-hypnotization. It must not necessarily be a hypnotist, but our abilities to control both our conscious and subconscious imaginations. The secret of hypnotizing power-is when the hypnotist convinces the subject that his words are true. The subject then behaves differently because he thinks and believes differently. The purpose is for us to attain our imaginative power and be able to succeed contrary to hypnosis.

C. Self-realization.

Self-Realization- is a simple belief in one’s own uniqueness as a human being, a sense of deep and wide awareness of all people and all things, and a feeling of constructive influencing of others through one’s own personality. I am unique and am not supposed to be like any other person and no other person is supposed to be like me. Just as God made every snowflake unique, we have our own different characters and temperaments. The purpose of self-realization is to drive away that feeling of inferiority. Everyone has some feelings of inferiority to some extent. In one sense every person is inferior to some other person. You cannot do things as skillfully as they but neither can they do a number of things as well as you. So, we develop positive self-realization when we stop feeling inferior and start to measure up to what we are capable of doing.

D. Another important idea is happiness.

Happiness is good a good remedy to the mental processes. When thinking pleasant thoughts I can use my senses better and also, my memory is greatly improved. One of the most pleasant thoughts to any human being is the thought that he/she is needed, that he/she is important enough to add happiness to some other human being. “Most people are about as happy as they make up their mind to be.” We should store up moments of happiness so that in a crisis we can draw on those memories for help and inspiration. Dwell on the happy days of your childhood. Call up pleasant memories, then you help create a good moments not only for you, but the world around you will be full of happiness.

E. Also, another important idea is coming out of your shell of anxiety.

When we are so timid and anxious, we tend to make a lot of mistakes. So in order to overcome this, we have to unlock our personality by bringing out the unique and creative self, thereby facing our worse moments of fright. When we are too conscious of our environment, every movement, motion, and act, we become prone to the mistakes we want to avoid. I had microphone fright for some time until recently that I have developed or built self-confidence and am even able to face a group of audiences without making silly mistakes. So, when we allow our emotions flow out of us, stop criticizing ourselves, speak louder and boldly, then we would have unlocked our personality.

F. Overcoming crisis and using them as stepping stones of opportunities.

All humans get crisis in their everyday lives, but the most important thing is how they come out and how successfully they try to maximize the lesson learnt from this crisis to their own advantage and success. Ordinary people usually acquire stamina in times of crisis thereby using it to their own advantage or prosperity. After a crisis, the human mind becomes stronger with fresh and beautiful ideas. So, Maltz counsels that; “We should store up moments of happiness so that in a crisis we can draw on those memories for help and inspiration”.

G. The last but not the least is victorious feelings

Every time one wins, the mental processes record these achievements. So, Maltz encourages us to always remember good and success feelings for they will always encourage us to perform well and better, thereby giving us that satisfied winning feelings. The author also says that we should concentrate upon positive imagery-positive memories that fill the mind with pleasant mental pictures of the past or something you are anticipating for the future. Old recordings can be changed through the development of an enthusiasm for life. Believe in miracles. If you believe in God you have a source of strength and power.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Knowing that to achieve, one must elevate his or her self image, I am determined to explore the extremes of my capability. It will give me the courage not to approach or encounter other people with inferiority complex. With a positive mental attitude, I will be able to lobby for greater opportunities and chances for my fellow youth.

Again, creative imagination has encouraged me to be thinking of ways of broadening my scope in life. Before living Cameroon, I was a young business entrepreneur and right now and so, what I do now is that I try jotting down the types of businesses that can flourish and how much capital will be invested. Am happy with my progress of narrowing down to a most profitable business, and the aim of this business is to create employment for some of the unemployed and least educated Cameroonians.

With positive self-realization, I have begun to assert and stamp my position in my new environment. With the thought that I am from Africa to the US was already demoralizing as people will ask crazy questions about Africa. But now, I just discovered that although a “Johnny just come” I am better off than most of them, who are High School graduates, though from an inferior race. So am no more intimidated by my new environment and I look at people straight in the face and contribute my own constructive ideas without shying away as before. With this knowledge of self-realization, I will be able to contribute my own quota to my environment and in turn get remuneration which I will invest on my intended projects back home

Although I used to be happy, I didn’t know the ingredients and consequences of happiness, until after going through the book. Being aware of happiness and how vital it is to human success, I will export this secret of a positive mental attitude to other people, especially the African youths who always grumble that aged or old people in the civil service have deprived them of their privileges as future leaders.

After coming out of my shell, I see a path that lies ahead of me, a path of mounting public podiums and addressing people. I want to be able to use oratory to impact other young people who are not so exposed to the global and international community.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“You can always find the sun within yourself if you will only search.”

This means all we have to do is a bit of soul searching or introspection and we discover our life’s potentials. Therefore, when we stop and rediscover ourselves, we have used our psychological mechanisms to a better effect and the light in us will glow just like the city on the hill. This has made me to understand that what the youths need is just a bite of soul searching and they will discover their potentials.

“Often the difference between a successful man and a failure is not one’s better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas, to take a calculated risk, and to act.”

This simply means that those who fail in life are those who are not ready to leave their comfort zones while those who succeed are those who are ready to explore new horizons and turn their circumstances around for the better. The Frenchman will support this by the words “Qui ne risque rien a rien”, meaning if u don’t dare you cannot achieve. This is exactly what pulls more youths of today behind, the fear of daring although Obama tries his best to encourage them in his “The Audacity of Hope.”

“We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.”

Man was made to improve on the environment and not to destroy it. We have all kinds of disasters going on today because man has desecrated of polluted the environment and as such, there are natural disasters like global warming, droughts and wars which has made us on the constant quest for environmental solutions. So, if each and every individual can take responsibilities of these escalating environmental conditions, there will be joy in every soul trying to stop these wars, droughts, deforestation, disease etc.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

This is a book which deals with human mental processes and so is very clear and straight forward. It is straight forward and clear as it deals on psychology and how we are able to tailor these thoughts to our own success.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The author asked that the most important points be jotted down at the end of each chapter. This is for the purpose of experience and not just knowledge acquisition. So after jotting down these main points I have reviewed them and I am getting a clearer vision of who I really am and want to be.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

No. I will love to recommend this classical piece to anyone who is interested in developmental psychology or just want to know how the human mind functions for the good of the environment or society.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Success Through Postive Mental Attitude

Assessment by Kuma, Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

“Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude” by Napoleon Hill & Clement Stone is life’s lessons for taking a positive attitude to the next level. So the main idea brought forward is that; whatever we think of doing, we should put in our best and never waiver, only then shall then our efforts be rewarded by the desired success. So a positive mental attitude is essential to successfully overcoming the challenges you will encounter in your day to day life whereas, a negative mental attitude will always retard or pull you back. From remembering that you are unique and the most important person, to learning the http://juliekinnear.com/blogs/success-through-a-positive-mental-attitude-book-review power of attracting happiness, the book covers the right ground to grooming a powerful attitude that will change peoples’ ideas and experiences.

Napoleon Hill and Clement Stone also stipulate that; the human mind has a secret and invisible talisman. While one side is emblazoned with the letters PMA (positive mental attitude), the other side has letters NMA (negative mental attitude). A positive attitude will naturally attract the good and the beautiful. The negative attitude will rob you of all that makes life worth living. In order words, our success, health, happiness, and wealth depends on how we make up our mind. So, “learning to see” and “getting things done” are some of the principles that are easily applied to everyday life and helping one to become more successful in his or her business and personal life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. Man is the architect of his doing or undoing.

If one understands where he or she is coming from, be it poverty, middle class or riches, he or she will always have a definiteness of purpose for the future. Just like S.B. Fuller who knew that he was poor, ‘…not because of God’, but generational history of laziness. And so does Chinua Achebe’s Okonkwo in “Things Fall Apart” dread his father’s failure in life and sets records straight through his exploits and wealth. Socrates buttresses this point with” man know thyself”, which by extension refers to the ideal of understanding human behavior, morals, and thought, because ultimately to understand oneself is to understand other humans as well thereby, achieving the ultimate life’s desire or success .

B. Secondly, see disappointment as a blessing.

By using the seventeen principles of “Keys to Success,” among which is the positive mental attitude, we will discover our weaknesses and through definiteness of purpose, we will turn them around for our own success. So, by using the stumbling blocks on the pathway as stepping stones, people have refused to surrender to negative mental attitude. Since there is definiteness of purpose, one’s success will not be stopped by the society, circumstances and environment.

C. Thirdly, another idea is keeping a positive and healthy mind even when ailments pull us back.

The physical body should not be a determiner of what one can do. Thus the adage: “disability is not inability”. By disentangling our minds from the cobwebs of emotions, feelings, beliefs and societal prejudices, we try to purge ourselves from negative mental attitude for the good of a healthy body. When we clear our minds, even in ailments, we can prosper and live a fulfilled life and happier life irrespective of our frail bodies.

D. Furthermore, it takes the same energy to think small and big and ultimate achievement or success.

When people spend their time blaming their past and their present conditions and woes, they will never grow big, whereas, if they take it up as a challenge, they will make it real big in life. It takes even more energy sulking than needed for a positive mental attitude. Therefore, positive minds will always change the ‘impossible’ to ‘I’m possible’

E. Again, another important idea is goal setting.

When on the road to success, we have to set goals and objectives (by knowing where and how you want your journey to take you). Knowing where the successes journey takes you is always important. Henry Ford’s goal was to build a V-8 engine and he succeeded because personal mental attitude kept pushing him not to give up. When we set goals, we make the success journey shorter and rewarding. On this journey which is your life, there will be many times that you feel you have run into a brick wall. Expecting obstacles on this journey shows that you are already on the success ladder.

F. More so, another important idea retained is the power of communication and persuasion.

This is the skill of using positive communication to successfully live with others. By communicating or sharing ideas with co-workers and business partners, people share positive mental ideas and attitudes which in turn help in the growth of the business, company, organization etc. Communication here can also be seen in terms of marketing, where an individual assumes the positive mental attitude of persuading the public to buy his product which in turn yields profits and success. This is seen through the staff (Al Allen) of the Combined Insurance Company of America who convinces his customers to buy his insurance.

G. Finally, a positive attitude will help you recognize opportunities as they appear in your life.

It’s important to understand that all sorts of opportunities surround us every day, but most of them pass by unnoticed, because we stare so long at the closed doors without realizing that another door of opportunities and success is opened elsewhere. The opportunities we do notice are those in line with our positive mental attitude. So, if we attract or adopt negative attitude, the only circumstances and people we will meet in search for success will be negative ones.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Knowing that I champion a good course by helping to empower the youths, my hopes will never waiver. By maintaining a positive mental attitude, knowing my life’s limitations and abilities, keeping a sound and good mental mind and above all setting goals, I have empowered myself with these life’s weapons needed to succeed in my mission of doing the most good to my environment and the society.

Secondly, after having understood the power of persuasion, I may be able to stand out as a good leader and let the world understand the youths from their own perspective and be able to give them a chance to show their patriotism and contribute their own ideas for a better world

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Don’t ever let me hear you say that it is God’s Will that we are poor. We are poor — not because of God.”

This means that humans decide their fate and success in life, while God only guides them through their path and progress towards success. We should build a good mental attitude about our goals and we will be successful, but those who have negative mental attitude don’t rise above their conditions and blame their woes on God. This quotation fosters self confidence and gives one the zeal to achieve in his or her goals.

“Unless your goal is against the laws of God or society, you can achieve it.”

Righteousness and following goods laws tally with Positive Mental Attitude. So when we plan our goals with the fear of the Lord, ‘…the beginning of wisdom’, we enjoy hassle-free success. Therefore, we have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying. Success is attained and maintained by those who keep trying with Personal Mental Attitude.

“No matter who you are you can have a Magnificent Obsession. Every living person can help others by sharing a part of himself. You don’t have to be rich or powerful to develop a Magnificent Obsession. Regardless of who you are, or what you have been, you can create inside yourself a burning desire to be helpful to others.”

We can make our own obsession to be charity or helping others and to do that, we don’t only have to be rich before we do so, but should have the passion or zeal and satisfaction to do so. Your most preciously valued possessions and your greatest powers are often invisible and intangible. No one can take them. You and you alone can share them. The more you share, the more you will have. Lucky Dube (late South African Reggae artist) says “Blessed is the hand that giveth, than the one that taketh.” So, when we give, we create and impact or make an immeasurable difference to the society

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is so simple and easy to understand with a simple diction, allusion, and style. The reader need not to have lived the circumstances before understanding, but understanding them and then living the circumstances.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

I have been trying to apply the methods and techniques found in the book, since it instructs me what to do, especially as concerns positive mental processes, and I am seeing progress, though slow but steadily and progressively. Also, the thought challenges at the end of each chapter have given me a lot of time to reflect and make some major changes or decisions in my life

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The book is a classical must read piece which focuses on self help techniques and the way or solution to a happier and successful life. It is a must read book which I have already begun sharing with people around me.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Awaken the Giant Within
Assessment Kuma, Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon/USA)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Taking control of one’s personal, emotional, financial and physical aspects of life. Tony Robbins’ book takes one on a journey through which one will start to ask oneself many questions why and how one has not started to get the things that he or she is looking for. But he gives us the tools to help us to unlock the keys to our future. He wants us to know; how to make decisions, to create true success, how we can create our own destiny and become a person who can turn negative emotions in to positive power.

Being the life coach that he is; Tony Robins focuses on how the human brain processes information, taking control of that process, understanding and being in charge of your emotions and finally using new strategies and techniques to make positive changes in the way you think, feel and behave.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. Discovering and maximizing your dreams and destiny to the latter.

To effect change and be successful in your life, you must discover and list down all the things you want and those you cannot tolerate. By following your dreams, you must follow the ideas and principles that impact you most in life which are emotional, physical, relationships financial and time management. By mastering all these principles, mean you have discovered the potentials that lie inside and are ready to take up the challenge and go with the onward success story in which you will be able to impact on others’ lives and success stories.

We all have dreams. Just like me, we all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way, and that we can make the world a better place. At one time in our lives, we all have a vision for the quality of life that we desire and deserve. Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustrations and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them. But Anthony Robbins says when we discover what is holding us back and work towards perfection, then we will achieve greater things in life.

B. By making wise decisions, we pave the way to prosperity and power.

This focuses on how I should live my future years. What my tomorrow holds in store for me after realizing the real me inside. It is my condition and not my circumstance in life that determines and shapes my destiny. This power of decision shapes life’s experience, through which commitment is the sole key. Decisions being the father of actions, one must wield control over the daily decisions we make. The pathway to power therefore lies within us and so external influence has little or no influence on a person’s lifetime achievement and career. We start by making a decision, goals and commitments to achieve the desired power and prosperity we dream or crave for.

C. Whatever we link our pains or pleasures to shape our lives.

For this to be realized, one needs to associate his or her pain and disappointments with happy and successful times. By exaggerating my success and suppressing the failures, I pave the way to my own success and prosperity. Therefore, keeping up a good, sound and mental attitude in times of trouble is vital for the giant inside which needs to be (re)awakened for greater achievements. So, by setting goals, we as humans decide to leave pain behind and continue with happiness and success. So, in effect, the driving force is not the pain or the pleasure we experience, but the belief that one action will lead to pleasure, while the other leading to pain and therefore influencing our actions to act for the better.

D. What we really want in life that will make us successful, complete or fulfilled.

What people crave for most in life is to change the way they feel most of the time. So, our emotions or feelings are directly connected to what we want to achieve in life. Anthony Robbins posits that material possessions and personal relationships are only a means to an end – a way to achieve optimal emotional states.

E. By thinking, we are already asking questions and answers to our daily problems and how to survive them.

So, to think and act differently from the past or previous times, we need to ask different questions other than those previously asked when our lives were taking a wrong turn. We ask questions pertaining to our circumstances or events in life, which are of course based on feelings – so the better the question, the better the answers to such life’s problems we encounter on our way. Since these questions have dramatic effects on an individual’s focus, we control our focus by asking positive and creative questions rather than negative ones. It is therefore the questions we ask (or fail to ask) that explicitly shape our destiny.

F. Your life’s value being your personal compass to a fulfilled life.

To change life directions, one only needs to realign his/her values to accurately reflect their life’s destination. So the values which you hold most dear to you guide your every step of the way to life’s fulfillment and ultimate achievement. When a person is unclear of what he or she values most in life, he or she has a hard time making a good decision, so values act as magnets pulling us towards those activities we cherish most and wish to attain in life. Therefore, to better map our personal achievements, we have to draft down those top values we hold in order of importance and try to follow them to the latter.

G. The everyday diction we use affects not only how we communicate with ourselves but our experiences.

Words create emotions, which are transformed into actions and they definitely shape our destiny. This simply means that when we believe, we voice out our beliefs and slowly but steadily transform them to concrete realization of our achievements. To the typical African, he/she uses proverbs to convey his/her emotions and Chinua Achebe supports this in Things Fall Apart, by saying that; “proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten,” to buttress the importance of diction in the lives of individuals and the society. So, by consciously select the words we use in conversation and thought, we can shape and change our destiny by selectively using words that are empowering or counterproductive.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These lessons will help me take control of my emotional, financial, physical and mental aspects of my life. It will also give me the tools needed to help improve in all aspects of my life. Tony Robbins has taken me through a journey in this book that I started to ask myself many questions why and how I have not started to get the things that I am looking for. And thankfully he has just provided me with the tools to help unlock the keys to my future, through the decisions I make, how to create true success, how I can pave my own destiny and become a person who can turn my negative emotions in to positive power
This book has opened my mind’s eye to improve my life and make it worth gold; by stirring the powerful being inside me to take positive steps and achieve greater things for myself and the society around me, which needs me.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Almost everyone has dreams. Most of us cherish some private ambition, a dream of what we could achieve, create or become in our lifetime, a vision for the kind of life we want and think we deserve. Perhaps it is the wish to give expression to our own unique gifts and have some positive impacts on the world.”

This means that we all harbor and cherish our secret dreams. What we love and want to become in the future or tomorrow. But it is not just about dreaming, we don’t dream with our eyes close, but we think of ways to better our own existence on this earth and those of our kind.

T. E. Lawrence postulates that: “All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. This I did.” This idea is reechoed by Martin Luther King, Junior’s famous and historical speech of “I have a dream” of 28th August 1963.

Although he didn’t live to see his entire dream, it has come to pass that racism has been greatly reduced as compared to his times. Yes we can dream and through determination and courage achieve these dreams as greatly echoed by one of America’s great statesman in his “Yes We Can” speech and depicted through his “Audacity of Hope.” This has given me the urge not to just sit and daydream but to push through with my plans so as to make my society and the international community a better place, in my own little way

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Anthony Robins frequently uses the personal plural pronouns “we, our, us” because he wants us to live his experience, see his examples from his own point of view and be able to empower our own thoughts and adventures in order to be successful. The step-by-step guide includes exercises for visualization and goal setting to create immediate changes in one’s life and take control of his/her future. Each chapter addresses different aspects of life, which are; financial, emotional, mental and physical.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

No, but will love to say that; this self-help book creates a sense of urgency to make the changes to live the life of our dreams. I feel this program is much more personal and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in developing his or her own potentials.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Empires of the Mind
Assessment Kuma, Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon/USA)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

This book is all about self leadership, which helps one improves his/her career, thereby achieving one’s personal goals and purpose in life. “Empires of the Mind” by Dennis Waitley is a revolutionary book that offers answers to men and women interested in “reengineering” their daily lives, jobs, businesses as well as corporations. Providing dozens of specific techniques and tools for maximizing personal potential, uncovers the key foundations of authentic self-leadership and delivers career-enhancing strategies on how to thrive on risk and adversity, inspire yourself and others to maximum performance, become more powerful by sharing power, and much more.

If you’re not sure of what direction you should go, you’ll quickly discover what type of business you need to get involved in. Just like the International Institute for Global Leadership is for those individuals who want to stop feeling insecure about their lives, job and environment, and who are tired of relying on a “weekly paycheck,” as well as the person who wants to obtain complete and total freedom. I see myself fulfilling those dreams

Also, “Empires of the Mind” by Dennis Waitley will not only increase your confidence level and help you to begin your own financial endeavors, but it will also help to improve your existing personal relationships, as well as help you to develop newer, more beneficial personal and business connections.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. New world leaders should be receptive and flexible to positive change.

New leaders in the new empires of mind should welcome change rather than resist it. They should equally use change for the good and betterment of their surrounding world rather than cause their doom. By change, we mean opportunities of challenges which will give you a negative fit back and the necessity for the positive change. So, for the growth of an individual, organization, corporation, institution, and society etc. change is inevitable and has to be an agent of positive influence on leadership, teamwork, etc. in this 21st Century, change is the ultimate and has to work to the advantage of all these agents in order to make the world better than yesterday.

B. Leadership comes with responsibility.

Responsible people chose to exert control over their actions and choices. Such people are those capable leaders who will accept responsibilities of their actions and not shy away from the negative consequences. So to be successful in life, one has to accept his/her own weaknesses and setbacks in other to be completely purged and a responsible, successful and better path forged. This view is held by Behavioral Psychologists like Maslow, Carl Rogers, Albert Bandura etc. who all see irresponsibility in human as addiction which leads to abnormal behavior, neurosis etc and that this can only be done if the individual, psychologically, accepts his/her problem, only then the determination to act responsibly, successfully and as a true leader can be attained.

C. Learning and discovering from past mistakes while at the same time not being too comfortable with successes.

People fail in life because they have it in their minds that they cannot make it or they are being pulled down by the spirit of discouraged minds and circumstances surrounding them. But they can make a u-turn in their progress only if they reason out where they went wrong and try to correct those mistakes or errors. So, every step one takes is both important for success and failure. So, when there is abstract reasoning, self confidence and psychological toughness, then success will always be seen around the next bend.

D. Having a sense of belonging, self control and competence.

A good leader and successful persons in the society are those who work and cooperate with those around them. This is the spirit of teamwork, which humans need to join heads and bring out brilliant and concrete ideas, proposals and solutions needed for their own growth, society and humanity (just like snowflakes, nature’s fragile creation, but when they come together they do amazing activities on the environment). One must not be a bossy, but humble and worthy of the best, and not more than partners or colleagues.

E. Dreaming big or imagining a successful future despite a dim or unknown tomorrow.

Just like a solid foundation, our future realizations and successes are as a result of our big dreams and careful mapping and planning of these route maps. This reminds me of the campaign slogans of the incumbent president of Cameroon (Paul Biya):
“Cameroon of greater ambitions” and “Cameroon of greater achievements.” Though just a political mumbo-jumbo, it made me to reflect for once about my faith, Cameroonian youths and youths all over who are being propelled to the background when it comes to major decision making, especially about them, yet they are called future leaders. So, I started thinking of ways of empowering the youths to take their God given powers and that’s a project am presently working on, and by God’s grace, it will be realized and the youths will realize their inbuilt potentials and how to maximize them for their own good and that of the society, without relying on false hopes and promises.
So, great achievements come from within, when we see within us what we can ‘lift’ like Blind Jim Stovall.

F. Developing capabilities and confidence.

The human mind is limitless in capabilities. We go to bed every day and wake up with new ideas and inventions which help shape and advanced a successful world. So, the capabilities of the new millennium are so competitive that without confidence, one will find his/herself moving behind the pace of new technology which crops up everyday thanks to capable minds that are determined to succeed. So, success comes as a result of self confidence, which is a direct reward of trial and error. So, “no risk, no reward.”

G. Making money and wealth search for you but not being led by it.

Money should be as a result of our hard work and enterprise. So, when always do what we love best and to our utmost best, the remuneration will come a tremendously. This can only happen when we use our inner mind to think, create and invent which will boost our moral to continue the inventions. As a result, money will follow us and we will not be overwhelmed by its negative influence.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Because the information revolution is occurring now, because it is vital that I become an inventive self-leader to keep my relevance in the society and work environment, because I need specific resources and methods for maximizing my personal potential, because change is the one constant thing in this technology-driven age and because most premises I can make about the future are soon outdated

This revolutionary book; Empires of the Mind, is vital to my life today, both professionally and personally, and it also makes me realize prospects for the future. I will study how to uncover and manipulate my intrinsic and passion-driving skills which I was born to develop and utilize in order to increase my personal motivation, successes and achievements.

I have learned the action plan to develop my capabilities and confidence, such as: ways of building my personal responsibility, enhancing my self-esteem, actions and steps for discovering and achieving my mission in life, building up a successful team and building healthy, professional and personal relationships. In all, the most valuable importance of Empires of the Mind as Dennis Waitley has made me learn the endless capabilities of my mind; apply it to challenge old believes and outdated customs which have psychologically hampered my individual progress. To do this, I have to reason out of the society’s scope or reasoning box of old and traditional ideas and seek for newest ideas that can make the society a better one in this new millennium.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“People who feel they must do things usually forfeit many available options and alternatives, losing control of their lives in the bargain. But those who are aware that they have the power of decision – that they exert control over what happens to them – can choose more effective responses to change and to life’s offerings.”

This means that with self empowerment, awareness and focus in life, determined individuals are bound to survive and change their miserable situations in life for the better. Whereas, on the other hand, people who feel that it’s a must for them to achieve always end up bitter when they fail, while those who are aware of their potentials build their achievements successfully. So to console them, Max Ehrmann cautions in Desiderata that

“If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.”

“If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are it’s a duck. If it hovers like an eagle, looks like an eagle, and flies like an eagle, chances are it’s an eagle.”

Our lives are formed by particular tenets and patterns, which determines what we observe, imitate, behave and learn. So, when we believe, these beliefs turn into patterns which in turn determine our behaviors and lives.

To sum it all, Dennis Waitley is like saying that: “by their fruits, we shall know them” or “the end justifies the means.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No. Empires of the Mind is very simple to understand and a perfect roadmap for this our complex society and a step by step exercise for inventiveness on new and well balanced market place for modern workplace.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes. These exercises span from the various thought provoking questions posed at the beginning of each chapter, to the ideas or issues raised in the book and finally across the many examples quoted throughout the book.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

No. I have to re-read this masterpiece as many times as possible and will make sure I recommend it to those around me who need to disentangle themselves from mental slavery and embrace a positive approach to life’s challenges.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

How to Win Friends and Influence People
Assessment by Kuma, Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon/USA)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book conveys the idea that you can improve your communication skills, have more friends or become more influential. Carnegie wants people to be sincere, and see people and relationships as ends in themselves rather than as a means to an end. So, to win friends, Carnegie proposes the following fundamental techniques; one doesn’t have to condemn, criticize or complaint against them, but appreciate and encourage them to. He also says that we have to give honestly, appreciate with sincerity by arousing in others an eager of want.

Carnegie also says that by genuinely reaching out to people (listening, encouraging and proposing ideas) you work at making them like you; thereby winning or influencing them over to your side by being sympathetic, good listener, respecting their opinions and above all, being a motivational or an inspiring leader.
So, don’t criticize, condemn or complain. Give honest and sincere appreciation. Arouse in the other person an eager desire to be helpful.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. Making other people feel very important in life.

This means we should not always be critical of people around us, but acknowledge and appreciate their presence and contributions in the society. And to do this; one needs to use encouraging words by making their faults seem easy to correct. Even if you need to point out their faults, first talk about your own mistakes before criticizing their ideas (such criticism should be constructive).

B. Be a good listener and always encourage others to talk about themselves.

Most people nowadays are self-absorbed and always ramble about their exploits and this or that achievement. So, Carnegie suggests that we should try to concentrate and give them a listening ear, even if we are not interested in what they say. This is so because an alpha male who rambles love to be listened to, so you may not like to disappoint and anger them learning a listening ear to their ramblings.

C. Changing people without causing resentment

For this to be effective, always begin with praise; it’s always easy to hear criticism after hearing good things. First of all, make known your own faults first, and then mention the other person’s faults indirectly. For by doing so, they will not feel insulted or belittled. Again, ask questions instead of assigning tasks, for by doing so, people will feel they are involved in decision-making and as such will not be annoyed that they are being shoved to the background: “Does it make sense to do it this way?” Let the other person save face; if possible, always give criticism in private. Give positive reinforcement by specifically praising every improvement. Give them a reputation to live up to: “I know you are very capable, but your current work isn’t up to your previous standards.” “You can do better than that if you just put in a little effort,” are some of the words that will motivate people to work harder and not feel they are being pushed to the wall. Make their faults seem easy to correct and make new tasks seem easy for them to learn. Make the other people happy to do what you are asking, and show them how they will personally benefit from such actions.

D. Always thrive to remember people’s names because this is sensitive and personal attachment to them.

Approaching somebody through his or her name already shows a sign of familiarity between you two and the person loves the fact that he or she is known and is being acknowledged through his or her name
We should be aware of the magic contained in a name and realize that this single item is unique and completely owned by the person with whom we are dealing and nobody else. Carnegie gives several examples where remembering a person’s name or giving a person’s name recognition helped someone out with a goal. The Alpha male remembers everyone’s name, because he never knows who might be useful to him in the long run.

E. The best way to get or win the best of an argument is to drop it.

In an argument, nobody wins it because the more you think your facts are correct, so do those with whom you argue. So, the best way is to drop the argument while being diplomatic and making others know their opinions count. Carnegie gives several examples where by refusing to engage an opponent in argument can actually get you what you want; for he says that a reasonable male is too busy winning to waste time on winning arguments. He knows that winning and winning an argument are two different things and if conceding an argument will get him what he wants, then why not?

F. Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.

Carnegie explains how difficult it is to win an argument if you do not understand the reasons why your opponent is taking the contrary view. A reasonable human being understands the value of relationship and understanding. He cannot build a rapport without putting himself in his opponent’s shoes, without asking his opponent his reasons for opposition, without merging with his thoughts. Once the rapport is built, he can sometimes win arguments through charm only. If charm fails, then the big guns can always be pulled out later.

G. Possessing the characteristics of a good leader.

Carnegie says that if you must find fault, begin with praise and honest appreciation: “A barber must lather before he shaves. Beginning with praise is like the dentist who begins his work with Novocain.”

Carnegie also discusses several historical examples of diplomatic criticisms that were first framed in face-saving praise. This got the criticizer what he wanted without any hard feeling on the part of the criticized party. A reasonable human being has a kingly manner; he recognizes both good and ill in his subjects. His praise for his subject’s good points paves the way for his kingly commands. The emergent leaders of this new age need this charisma and characteristics to better the environment and international community.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

All of the principles taught in this book can only work when coming sincerely from the heart. So by showing appreciation to others, being genuine listeners, no dangerous or slanderous criticism, but good interpersonal relationship, cooperative, encouraging languages, little social courtesies etc. we have learnt to live and let live or coexist in a pluralist society with diverse views. So, the importance to me or individuals is that, people will always accord me the due respect and courtesy, especially in work arenas, promotion or conduciveness of a good work environment. I will also be able to mount the rostrum and deliver messages of empowerment or change without climbing on toes. By fostering all these principles on winning friends, love will reign supreme and give peace a chance. Then we will be our brothers’ keepers and learn to coexist without trampling on toes.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“I have listened to, engaged in, and watched the effect of thousands of arguments. As a result of all this, I have come to the conclusion that there is only one way under high heaven to get the best of an argument – and that is to avoid it. Nine times out of ten, an argument ends with the contestants more firmly convinced than ever that he is absolutely right. A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.”

By avoiding arguments, we avoid conflicts and at times open confrontations which only helps alienate us from the society. And secondly, a hyper intelligent human being spends his time winning or achieving better results or solutions to real life’s problems rather than winning an argument. So, the best way to avoid an argument is to accept defeat, for its good.

“Be wiser than other people if you can, but do not tell them so.”

“The reason why rivers and seas receive the homage of a hundred streams is that they keep below them.”

This means that the best way to control people is to handover the ideas and glory to them. This is typical in work and office environments where a subordinate wins his boss’ confidence by giving him innovative ideas rather than handing them over to the management board. Once the confidence is there, the subordinate ends up manipulating and influencing the boss to do things for him or her. So, as the superior rises, he or she rises with these subordinates. This is also typical in politics where the shots are being pulled at the back stage by individuals as they remote-controlled the individual in public office.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Not really, just that the principles on winning and influencing friends need more insights into human behavioral patterns before one can effectively maximize them.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

This book is decades old but still beneficial from the underlying teachings and lessons that Carnegie presents. It would benefit all individuals that work with at least one other individual in their day to day lives. I highly recommend this book to each and everyone one out there because it is very difficult to lead a life that does not at least occasionally encounter people.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Real Magic
Assessment by Kuma, Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon/USA)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The real idea of this book is self-awareness and how to achieve in life through a higher level of consciousness. Real magic is also the paradoxical truth that anyone can become a magician – a miracle-maker in their everyday lives. Real magic enriches your life, makes you abandon or quit some of those unwanted habits like quitting smoking or drinking, achieving new job success, finding a happy relationship or turning your life around for the better or the best. The above mentioned are miracles or magic because they transcend our perceived limitations in life. They make the seemingly impossible possible.
In Real Magic, Wayne Dyer teaches us how to achieve a higher level of consciousness. He asks us to imagine what would make us happy, and then he offers specific strategies for attaining these goals. In every aspect of our individual lives, physical health, finances, intimate relationships, and personal identity, there is always room for a miracle or two. And with Dyer’s help, each and every one of us can be a miracle, worker.

So, the book projects the impossibilities in our lives and, instead of suggesting mere goal-setting or strong beliefs, shows us how to develop powerful ‘knowing’ about who we are and what we can do. In this state of higher awareness, our purpose in life becomes very clear, relationships become more spiritual, work endeavors begin to ‘flow’ and decisions are made with ease.

As Wayne Dyer sees it; there are no accidents in life. Each experience we have, no matter how painful, eventually leads us to something of higher value. When looking back, we can see that everything made sense and is part of an unfolding plan.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. The first important idea that pops up to mind is Self Discovery.

As humans we have weaknesses or weak points in life and we have to discover them and try to reinvent or redeem ourselves, if not, our lives will not be so magical. Our intuitions are capable of everything possible, all we have to do is to follow them and let them grow in us and we will turn possibilities to impossibilities.

Real Magic seeks to unravel self mysteries and self identity. So we should reinvent ourselves by simply exposing our true and greater selves to the world. After going through this book, am beginning to regain self-realization I used to be a timid somebody, but now am able to approach people talk to them, especially now that my job demands face to face customer service.

B. Creating a positive mindset.
Apart from purpose, we create a miraculous and a positive mindset through developing intuition, knowing that intentions create our reality, and that we should therefore surrender to the wider world in order to provide for our needs. Particularly important is the need to separate what we do from any rewards it may bring. This is hard when we live in a culture of want, yet Dyer observes the strange-but-true quote that ambition can bite the nails of success (especially vaulting ambition). We cannot will miracles to happen, but must let them flow through us when we are fully and positively concentrating on what we do, not what it might bring. By all means, we need to have a relaxed purpose or intent for the future and not to let it interfere with our tasks in the present.

C. Getting your Life’s purpose or the need to become aware of your unique purpose in life.

Wayne Dyer says one can only experience real magic when he/she gets his or her life to a meaningful purpose. He sees this purpose as living life for others, by rendering selfless service to humanity; especially to the less privileged of the society like am trying right now to reach out to the underprivileged in my village. He also makes us to understand that we can simultaneously acquire both material and spiritual perfection without trampling on others toes or without alienating ourselves from the society

D. Rejoice with the prosperity and achievement of others.

We should always rejoice in the prosperity and achievement of others rather than being jealous and contemptuous. Wayne W. Dyer says that we should not bear negativity towards others where love must reside. So, he proposes that one has to attract prosperity towards himself by not feeling anger, fear, envy judgment and rancor towards others, especially when they succeed. This is so because this negative mind also hampers your own progress and success. “You cannot be fulfilled and envious at the same time.”

E. Scribbling down what you have to do

By writing down on paper what you are supposed or like to do or appear in your physical self, you will easily achieve it. By seeing and reading through it repeatedly, the thought is planted firmly in your mind and then it will begin to manifest positively

F. The purpose of self-made or the prospering self.

Dyer says that we worry about whether we have money or do not have it, but his conception is that we must not strive to ‘get’ anything: ‘There is no way to prosperity, prosperity is the way.’ He further says that prosperity is chiefly a state of mind, just as scarcity is. It is not about getting, but being. Prosperity consciousness is about the knowledge of how much we already have in abundance; as the Biblical phrase says, “To him that hath, more will be given.”

In contrast, poverty consciousness is based on feelings of lack, which are manifested in your circumstances. Dyer echoes James Allen in saying that circumstances do not make us, they reveal us. This does not necessarily mean that the poor deserve their circumstances or plight in life but simply that hard work and not wishful thinking pays. So, he remarks that being broke, ‘poor’ is a set of beliefs which are strengthened each time we blame ‘circumstances’ for our plight. Living out our purpose is a sure way to enter the stream of prosperity, as it involves constant giving. So, instead of just blames, I have taken up the challenge to turn my ‘story’ (destiny) around.

G. Who we, humans, are meant to be.

Real Magic also talks of personal identity. It emphasizes that until we see that the personality we have now is not set in stone, that we can reinvent ourselves, we will not have a magic-filled life. Also that faint intuition or nagging inside about your possibilities knows more about you than you are willing to admit – treasure it and let it grow. Instead of concentrating on what we lack, this growth should come from knowledge that we are already rich and living in affluence. Rediscovering our personality simply means exposing more of our true and greater selves.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Since “Real Magic” covers personal identity. The chief point: until we see that the personality we have now is not set in stone, that we can reinvent ourselves, we will not have a magical life. I have learnt and discovered the importance of that intuition or impulse inside me about my ability to know more about myself than I am willing to admit. So, all I have to do is to trust and treasure it, and let it grow in me. So, instead of focusing on what I lack, this growth should come from a knowledge that ‘I have already achieved’ through hard work as one French proverb from the francophone regions of my country goes; “le vrai magique c’est le travail” (The real magic is hard work). Reinventing my personality simply means exposing my truest and greater self to the world and being able to live and fulfill my dreams and aspirations.

So, these lessons will help me think and focus positively in order to be able to brainstorm and bring up better ideas for my life’s achievement and consequently my project on trying to create a positive impact on my community in my own little way. With the lessons learned, I will be able to share these ideas imbued in this masterpiece to those around me, and which may be helpful in reinventing or rediscovering their lives’ potentials as they are to me.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Every successful, truly happy person that I have encountered has confirmed their knowing that there simply are no accidents. They see the universe as all-purposeful including the so-called accidents. All agree that every unique happening in our lives leads us to higher place.”

This means that most tribulations and setbacks we encounter on our daily lives make us stronger and stronger each time we fall and getup. So, it’s not about falling, but falling and picking up yourself as fast as possible. Each failure or setback makes us stronger and to bounce back with force and vibrant determination to succeed. In order words, we simply turn stumbling blocks on our path of success and greater achievements into wonderful stepping stones.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No, I read in-between the lines and I see it to be ok. Maybe when next I read it as a critic I may be able to bring up some issues.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

All I can say is that “Real Magic” moves your spirit. Wayne Dyer reminds us who we really are. Each story will challenge or inspire you to live your life in soul and this is done through the thought provoking biographies and success stories he narrates. So, the only exercise is that one needs a free mind to be able to concentrate and contemplate on Wayne Dyer’s ideas and lives’ principles which he presents.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

To me, everything have been exhausted and so, all I can propose is that; this book is healing for those who have forgotten their true nature and identity, and it is very supportive to those who are already aware they are on the right spiritual path.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Assessment by Kuma, Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by https://www.stephencovey.com/ Stephen R. Covey’s Website”>Stephen R. Covey is all about how to acquire true and effective human habits.It is also about ultimate self-improvement. Our character is the total sum of our habits, so we need to develop and practice good habits which will help reinforce the spirit of success by gradually moving from dependency to independence and finally inspirational and a role model to others. This character (character ethics) should be based on universal moral values such as patience, humility, honesty, justice etc. and not on (personality ethics) falsehood, hypocrisy etc. So, when we build our character ethics through “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people,” we build a progressive reputation and success for ourselves and our communities. On the contrary if we are so inflated with personality ethics, seeking to satisfy our own selfishness and ego, we risk losing everything in the short run because people will see through our selfishness and dishonesty and stop their trust on us. This is known as private victory versus public victory, which tries to demarcate the difference between genuine and vaulting ambitions.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven most important ideas are drawn from the seven principles of effective people are:

i. be active and responsible.

By taking action and being responsible, you form the basis for good habits, a solid and a good foundation stone for success (this is being proactive). By this, you are in control and influential in your life more than anyone else, thereby changing yourself, circumstances and consequently society through your hard work and responsible actions. Therefore, you have to do what you are able to positively do within your powers to improve your life’s situation. That is, you don’t have to be reactive, but proactive by creating, managing and achieving your goals in life. So, have confidence in yourself and believe that you can succeed in anything in life. Why is this important to me? By being proactive, those who don’t have friends, they can try as much as possible to attract friends; maybe by organizing outings or social events with closest people to become friendly and pull crowds and to those who are not satisfied with their jobs or have misunderstandings with their bosses, may have to reconsider a career change. Setting goals, responsibilities and actions to succeed as a young man, will spur fellow young men around me to emulate my example.

ii. Setting and following life’s goals and values.

One has to set firm life goals which are of course consistent with one’s character ethic of integrity and fundamental good. This is what Stephen R. calls beginning with the end in mind. To achieve this, you have to sit down, plan something in order to save work and time later on in the course of what you doing. By creating a personal mission statement to clarify these goals and values; it will help me deal with the challenges of life while retaining a sense of who I am and what I value. My mission statement will be to be productive, successful, healthy, helpful, mindful, lovely and grateful. By starting studies with the International Institute for Global Leadership, is a positive start in an attempt to acquire knowledge and trigger or contribute positive change to fellow youths and my society.

iii. Making life’s scale of preference.

This means putting first things first or choosing top priorities from the list of unlimited wants. It means defining your idea of success in life from the image you would like to leave in the roles that you assume like (parent, spouse, grandparent, friend, leader, voter, activist, student, employee, manager). The idea is to have these clearly defined and on a piece of paper. We need to schedule our priorities. We can use the time management matrix to determine where to spend our time. This can be divided into four quadrants which are; Important and Urgent, Important but not Urgent, Urgent but not Important, Not Urgent or Important. If the time quadrant is effectively managed, we will know when and what to perform at a particular time by making sure there’s ‘important but not urgent’ activities. This is an attempt to avoid deadlines by effectively maximizing time. This is important to me because it gives me clear-cut priorities of my day, week, month and year. For someone one starting life all over in a foreign land and a minimum wage earner, I plan to purchase a car so as to be able to get a second job with a stable means of transportation. With the second job, I will be able to have increased income and then my own apartment and finally the foundation of my own family.

iv. Aim for mutually beneficial solutions and agreements in relationships.

This is known as “thinking win-win.” So, if a deal is negotiated that everyone benefits in the long run and there is no hurt, then you have achieved the win-win approach. In this present society, most people grow up with a competitive mindset of “I win, you lose” or a beaten-down mindset of “I give up, do what you want to with me”. However, for a most valuable family and business interactions, the most mature and effective goal is usually to seek situations which benefit everyone involved. Negotiation therefore is seeking to make deals that help everyone. In cases where this is not possible, it is best to have the mindset from the outset that you will walk away from the deal, that is, “win-win or no-deal.” This is typical with the popular adage that; “Be kind to those on your way up the ladder because you will certainly meet them on your way down”. This is certainly a social ladder and those you rewarded you will surely get the same reactions from them and vice versa.

Therefore, to build win-win relationships, you must have a certain level of maturity, which is the balance between courage (working to achieve a win for yourself) and consideration (understanding your counterpart’s view and making a win for them). Aim to increase your level of maturity. This will not be easy but it will be a crucial asset in your daily interactions. This is vital in today’s life which is full of falsehood, treachery skirmish and counter-skirmishes for selfishness and gluttony.

v. Seek to understand and be understood.

This means lending a listening ear to those around you to fully understand their views or points.. They could be loved ones and family, friends, colleagues, superiors, subordinates etc. The book defines listening and understanding as “Empathy.” When you master empathy, you will be able to fully understand someone intellectually and emotionally. Empathic listening is not just with your ears. It is with the ears, eyes, and heart – for feeling, for meaning of what the other person is trying to say. Now, I know that being an inspired speaker isn’t just about talking; it’s about listening to people’s plight, ideas or opinions and discussing it with them in a way such that it will benefit everybody. This is so because emphatic listening provides psychological air and also allows me to fully understand a person. Through this understanding, I will know how to work out a win for the both parties and build a win-win relationship.

vi. The sixth idea gathered is to work effectively within a team, which is synergy.

When you work in a group with same professional skills or passion, you will be able to achieve goals no one person could have achieved alone. Synergy is a wonderful thing. Therefore, the book highlights synergy as the highest activity of life by striving to understand other people’s views, trying my best to create a win-win strategy for everyone and letting synergy happen , which is of course habit 6 (synergy). When I create synergy, am sure I will be taking advantage of the wonderful differences between people around me and creating an encouraging atmosphere with peers where ideas can be shared for a common purpose of developing the society.

vii. The last idea is about self rejuvenation.

The author calls it sharpening the saw. This means I have to revitalize and help prepare myself to work better in the future. This may mean relaxing, enjoying nature, meditating and praying (Steven Covey is a devout Mormon, as he explains in the book’s introduction), reading Scriptures or literary works, listening to music, and spending time with loved ones who will keep you in an excited or happy mood.

The purpose of this habit is to regularly exercise the four components which many believe make up the human being: body (wellbeing), mind (intellectual abilities), heart (soft spot for important relationships) and spirit (meditation and inner reflections).

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

In a practical way, the ideas will help me to; respond proactively to the constant changes around me, keep commitments and be able to be accountable for my life and how judiciously I do maximize my time through setting up personal goals. I will be able to create successful business ventures, plan good projects which will go a long way to help alleviate poverty in my community through youth empowerment and self sufficiency. To achieve this, I need to be able to apply effective interpersonal communication and also effective persuasion while at the same time leaning a keen listening ear to the community to better understand their problems so that we can together leverage collaboration and successful results.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you

“If we think our lives are a function of our conditions, it is because we have, by conscious decision or by default, chosen to empower those things to have control over us – we have let ourselves become reactive. Reactive people are often affected by the weather, proactive people carry their own weather with them.”

This is very important to me because I come from a society and culture were young people have given up hope and only complain that the government isn’t doing anything to help or remedy their situations by creating jobs, but I see it as sluggishness because the government can’t employ all youths at the same time. They have to be proactive, creative, and self-reliant in order to be responsible citizens who think, dare and venture for better conditions. This creativity can only come from what Norman Vincent Peale calls “The Power of Positive” and what James Allen says “As A Man Thinketh.” So, when we dream big, we realize or achieve great. “Cameroon of greater achievements,” and “an emerging economy in 2035” are slogans used by the president to lure the youths and I think this is a challenge to the disgruntled youths of the world (all world leaders make fake promises) to take up these words and concretize them to their advantage and that of their suffering masses.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is a classic which in which Stephen R. Covey has achieved his purpose in passing his message across, which is to greatly enhance the quality of human life. The book is apt, simple language and with familiar and typical examples. I will make sure to recommend it to others

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Habit one contains what I will call a 30 day challenge which effectively helped me achieved some balance between my work, family, friends, thoughts and social activities.

Generally speaking, the book demands one to reflect at each word, phrase and sentence. This is in order to take stock of one’s life and see whether he/she has been ethically upright according to self, society, professions etc.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

No. Life’s fundamental ideas have been covered and if there’s anything, it will just be an elucidation of what has been covered

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Nonviolent Communication

Assessment by Kuma, Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Nonviolent Communication by Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg is based on fundamental human principle; stating that all human actions are needs which people are seeking to meet. So, understanding this need can help create a common bond, shared connection and intimate relationships at both personal and global levels which help maintain peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding amongst societies and communities. Therefore, the main idea here is to relate with one another in a way that will help foster love and compassion as a motivational factor of constructive dialogue. The author emphasizes that we can condition or coach ourselves to be able to express ourselves and feelings without criticizing or condemning others. As such, we can approach even the most disgruntled people with empathy; by looking past their words in order to identify their grievances or unmet needs. This is based on the fact that in this our complex and pluralists societies, we should be able to reach out to those with unmet needs instead of resorting to violence, repression and branding them as aggressive and whining.

Therefore, if this model of communication; non violence, is practiced the world will give peace a chance and so many economical, political, social, religious rifts will be bridged.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. The first idea will be the selection of language or diction you use on or with people around you.

When you are able to vividly and appropriately relay words in an effective manner in a way that will hurt nobody, people will not misunderstand or confuse your diction. This tallies with a wise saying in my culture that; “be careful with the tongue because it burns and spreads like wildfire ready to consume families and communities”. This is simple: although we have the freedom to talk, we should choose wisely what we say in order to avoid tempers and passions from flaring and breaking bounds of affections.

ii. The second idea is the ability to aptly express feelings and emotions without leaving a trace of doubt or room for different interpretations.

This will help relay our inner experiences to the concerned. When we express our feelings, we continue the process of taking responsibility for our experiences, which helps others hear what’s important to us with less likelihood of hearing criticism or blame of themselves. This increases the likelihood that they will respond in a way that meets both our needs. Unfortunately, this is what teenagers, youths and young people of today need, so such their feelings are always misinterpreted as rebellious and as such has resulted to generational rift between the young and the old thereby leading to strikes, recklessness, lootings, civil strives and delinquencies among youths.

iii. Another idea is looking for a solution or common ground without compromising our own needs.

When we act rudely, angrily or offensively, we are expressing the frustrations of our unmet needs and as such, the best solution is to look beyond the rudeness with compassion to satisfy the unmet needs. This is typical in youths whose attempt at expressing their unmet needs is seen by the society as aggressive and harmful rather than listening to their cry. This is empathy, where people have to listen to others not with their ears, but with their hearts and feelings in order to help out the disgruntled of the society without trampling on others’ toes or personal ideologies. So, if parents or elders in our societies can emulate this empathy, its implications will be widespread and the youths will be motivated to good behavior.

iv. The fourth idea is learning to observe without judgment.

This includes just observing without saying anything or evaluating. This evaluation should be subtle, if any, and should include corrective adjectives which will not provoke anger on the observed. This is still the case of young people who hate to be called delinquents, messy, dirty, stupid, lazy, selfish, inappropriate etc. This is typical in countries especially Cameroon where the civil service has been taken hostage by the elderly (old but not tired) who call the younger generations as delinquents, inefficient and incapable of running the day-to-day activities of the state, yet they are being referred to as the leaders of tomorrow. With such demeaning adjectives used on the younger generations, one is tempted to ask; where is the future of these young people. So, if people can observe and understand others’ feelings without judgment, then anger, retaliation, strikes and civil strife will be reduced if not eradicated.

v. A fifth idea gathered is our needs, which is the expression of our deepest shared humanity.

We, all human beings share key needs for survival: hydration, nourishment, rest, shelter, and connection to name a few. According to Marshall Rosenberg, needs is what is most alive in us, that is our deepest human longings and core values. By discovering or identifying our human basic needs which helps improve our relationships with ourselves and foster understanding with others in the society and around us is more likely that our we can take actions that meet everyone’s needs. So, remembering this aspect of our selfhood and our humanity is most important for connecting with others in deep ways. Basic physical, emotional and mental or psychic needs are one of the ways to bring people together, as we all have them, to varying degrees. Therefore, getting in touch with our needs and expressing them is also the only way, in many cases, to have our deep needs met by others.

vi. The sixth idea is request, which is to determine how likely one is able to get cooperation from others around him or her using particular persuasive or peaceful maneuvers to get the unmet needs.

Therefore, Marshall Rosenberg recommends that our requests are “connection requests,” intended to foster connection and understanding and to determine whether we have sufficiently connected to move to a “solution request.” and which in effect tantamount to a non violent community where individuals can attain their needs without violence. On the contrary, above statement brings to mind demand; which forces the other part to submit or rebel and which stops communication. Demands are mostly made during conflicts which show failure of request, communication and signs of subdue or vanquished.

vii. The last but not the least idea is the desire for communication and communication as love.

Dr. Rosenberg says most people are not too interested in communicating with others deeply enough or they just want what they need from them. This is typical of infants who rarely speak but expects you to comply with their requests. A typical example of this situation in international politics is the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts where they only want the Israelis out and are not too interested in the resolving the conflicts. Concerning communication as love, a deep form of love is to be willing to communicate. This may not sound like much, but it is. For this reason, if a person you are with does not wish to communicate deeply and learn how to do it, they may not love you as much as they say they do. Therefore, communication in everyday life is necessary especially when we are able to use the concise diction to pass a message across with no passions flaring and without breaking any bounds of affections.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

As somebody who mingles with others in the society I have learnt to coach myself to be aware of and honestly expressing my own feelings, needs, and requests without blame, criticism, or condemnation. I can only do this after making a specific, clear, and factual observation not mingled with personal judgments or opinions. Again, I can respond with empathy to other people, even if it means disregarding blame or criticism and looking past the words and behavior of the other person in order to identify his or her unmet needs.

Secondly, as somebody who aspires to reach out to the youths and help them in making their own decisions and shaping their futures, I will be able to help them through the principles of nonviolent communications like observation, feelings, needs and requests to be able to observe, express their feelings and needs and making requests by using the right verbs, adjectives, nouns and phrases without hurting those around them. If they can be sensitized on how they should be able to make request, express feelings etc. without hurting others, especially the elderly, the world will give peace a chance and generational rifts will be bridged.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Connection with what’s alive in the other person and what would make life wonderful for them… It’s not an understanding of the head where we just mentally understand what another person says… Empathic connection is an understanding of the heart in which we see the beauty in the other person, the divine energy in the other person, the life that’s alive in them. It doesn’t mean we have to feel the same feelings as the other person. That’s sympathy, when we feel sad that another person is upset. It doesn’t mean we have the same feelings; it means we are with the other person… If you’re mentally trying to understand the other person, you’re not present with them.”

This means connecting empathically with another person can be a catalyst to meeting our needs for understanding, connection, contribution etc. At the same time, empathy can be a powerful tool to meet the other person’s needs. The ability to understand and express the other person’s feelings can aid us in finding strategies that meet both of our needs. For me to be able to understand and be in one accord with the youths to help empower them, I have to emphatically connect with them, understand their plight so that we can come up with a binding solution together that will help them in the various aspect of life.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, at the end of each chapter, The author gives exercises at the end of each chapter to discern whether the information has been fully absorbed. He does this by giving a pair of adjectives, verbs, nouns, pronouns, words, phrases and sentences for the reader to bring out the type of observations, feelings, needs, request and empathy found in therein. These were helpful because with the precise or concise adjective or word I will be able to understand those around me and vice-versa thereby giving way to peaceful communication.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Everything has been covered across this book. I just wish to lay emphasis on the spiritual aspect of the book. Rosenberg actually touches the socio-political, cultural and most importantly the spiritual basis of nonviolent communications. He writes about giving ourselves, manifesting love, emphasizes connections with others, making the most of our God’s given energy; by practicing empathy, and expressing gratitude. These are deeply needed in a world where class warfare, political rivalries, and global conflicts have brought more violence and harm to humanity and the world.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10


Assessment by Kuma, Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

In this book, Brian Tracy helps us to set goals and achieve them in record time by following a step by step approach. According to the author, our success and happiness are reliant on the foundation of setting and achieving goals.Goals!is one of the self-motivational and self-inspiring pieces that helps to bring out the potential planning , organizational and hardworking skills in us, which in turn spurs one to success. Since we can’t work on what we can’t see, Brian Tracy advises us to sit down and draw down these goals according to our scale of preference. This book, through personal and general goals, helps people gain their reigns in life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Unlocking the potentials within

To unlock these potentials, an individual is supposed to know how to set life’s goals. Which however leads to the famous question of why; people don’t set goals? The probable answer is that people simply don’t know how to set goals or the world is too busy in life’s expressway of trying to make ends meet for families. But Brian Tracy makes one understands that at times people are really less busy as they seem because they are either negligent with goals or they are too busy with things that don’t contribute to a good standard of life like TVs, parties, social networks etc. So, in order to unlock the potentials within and get started, we are counseled to use the skills, experiences, and motivations we have accumulated throughout our lives and use them as constant coal for the train to move towards whatever we want in life.

ii. Taking charge of your life and being responsible for your life’s choices

By taking charge of our lives, means we make our choices and don’t blame anybody for our weaknesses or failures, but we turn some of these tumbling stones to opportunities. Therefore, we are supposed to set our choices or our goals setting. How we spend our time, money, energy, and what we spend our time thinking about are things up to us as the owners of ourselves. Therefore, we shouldn’t blame others or make excuses when we make such choices but we should focus on using our thoughts, money, energy, and time to achieve the goals we have set in our lives. There are people (like Samuel Eto’o, the Cameroonian international soccer player in London) who haven’t blamed their poor upbringing, but have challenged it by setting goals and becoming successful, famous and rich their careers.

iii. Values and principles being of paramount importance

Brian Tracy defines values as thinking through what is really important to one’s in life and our entire lives should be organized around these values. Principals therefore help us to organize our lives and be discipline in whatever thing we do in life, dressing and behaving like top people in life makes us top as well.

iv. Maintaining and sustaining good family and public relationships

The people around you should be able to spur you positively. And you on the other hand should be able to maintain a stable and conducive relationship needed for life’s advancement. Bad relationships should be mended or discarded if unfixable. This is line with the popular saying that; “Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are” and the biblical allusion of “By their fruits we shall know them”. So association with the right people and keeping them by you is an important tool to setting up successful goals.

v. Setting, managing and achieving all your financial goals

It is a must have goal, especially in this era of economic downturn to have financial freedom. To do this, you need to set your budget and financial goals in a way that wouldn’t land you in debts and excesses. Unfortunately, we live in a society where people live way over their financial limits, and so, it is definitely a good thing to organize ones finances and never over spend in order to have a strong saving base.

vi. Becoming an expert or a professional in a specific field

People who are specialists in a particular field are better off than people who want to do everything (Jack of all trade, master of none) So, the best solution is to focus on getting to the very top in a specific area so as to gain recognition for that expertise rather than being just one of a hundred people that throw their resume towards yet another essentially identical job. This is typical of the youths, especially African youth who think they can just do about anything for survival and not for passion. For instance, in Cameroon, there are so many teachers in the teaching profession today not because it’s their dream jobs, but because they want to survive. As such, most of them end up “unteaching” the students and pupils rather than imparting in these future leaders. The best in them don’t shine as they ultimately abandon the profession and venture into businesses and other fields after spending valuable time and energy.

vii. Staying healthy and physically fit

Being physically fit and energetic makes it possible to enjoy many avenues of life that are difficult to enjoy without these attributes. Staying healthy and fit is an option which helps so much in one’s day to day life and the best way to do so is to make an assessment of your current health and fitness. By doing this, you help set up goals to observe your personal health and fitness, which in turn helps you to meet up with your day to day activities with agility and swiftness.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Setting goals and managing time is something most people lack today. Most people have rough beginning as a result of wrong goals and lack of follow up. What I mean is that not everybody has a good beginning in life, not everyone has the honor to be born with a gold spoon in their mouth, but once we get to adulthood we all know about the good and bad, what’s right and wrong and each individual has the power to make the right decisions and turn life around to his/her favor. A vivid example is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Rodriguez”>Samuel Eto’o (Cameroonian international soccer player in Chelsea FC, England), he had a poor childhood and upbringing but he didn’t give up I personally identify myself with this type of character, I come from a poor family, very difficult childhood and today I can say I have been over that for a long time, ups and downs came in the way but today I feel proud of my accomplishments and there is more to come, every day I remind myself that I have a lot more to do and a lot to learn, by setting goals, making plans, conquering roadblocks, managing time and persistent until success.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Success is goals, and all else is commentary.”

When you set and manage goals, you are heading for success, which is just a block away. Therefore your life only begins to become a great life when you clearly identify what it is that you want, make a plan to achieve it and then work on that plan every single day. So, while going through this book, I discovered that I have been living aimlessly, that I had no goals, because nothing was documented about my daily life, which of course I identify it as the cause of my not following up my plans to the end. I am beginning to see amazing breakthrough and successes in my life after putting down my goals in writing as Brian Tracy advices. So, when we set goals we are set to achieve.

“Your time and your life are precious. The biggest waste of time and life is for you to spend years accomplishing something that you could have achieved in only a few months.”

This is just like the saying “procrastination is the theft of time.” Last year, I have been postponing lots of things, like getting a driver’s license, buying a car and registering in a college, but after going through “Goals!” I have been able to achieve most of those things within a very short time. Really, time wasted can never be regained because stuff will always accumulate.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No. Brian Tracy did a good job outlining that the keys to get a clear idea of what to do if you want to be successful in your life is through Goals. It is written in a simple and plain language for all classes of people in the society

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, the book contains several exercises mostly at the end of the chapters and at times within the chapters. These exercises span from questions to be answered (which keeps you as a participant in the book during reading) and piece of advice for the readers and sometimes asking them to make a commitment. Also, the quotes which act like epilogue to each chapter are so thought provoking and hold the reader spellbound trying to discover the contents of the book.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

No. This is a timeless classic which is highly recommended to everyone who wants to plan their lives and move forward. It is for everyone who wants to be “unstoppable” in life

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

The Law of Attraction

Assessment by Kuma Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon/USA)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book reminds me of the first book I ever read here at IIGL; As A Man Thinketh, by James Allen. In his essay, he makes reference to the book of Proverbs which says “For as he thinketh in his heart so is he.” Michael J. Losier therefore makes us see the science or the law of attraction in this perspective; I attract to myself whatever I give my attention, energy, resources and concentration to whether positive or negative. The positive and negative vibrations are therefore caused by feelings or mood. So, each single moment one experiences mood or feelings, he/she emits or sends out positive or negative vibes. Simply put; the Law of Attraction is a descriptive format of how we create our reality and what we continue to experience as a result of what we are sending out in the form of emotions or vibes. This is evidenced in Isaac Newton’s third law of motion; “for every action there is an equal and opposite action”. This just means that things happen in our lives according to how we think, program and execute them, as such the rewards reflect the vibrations we emit during this process. Therefore, the law of attraction, the universal energy around us that obeys the law of physics responds and matches our vibrations by giving us more of the same, either positive or negative. So, it is our responsibilities to make sure that positive emotions dominate the influence of our minds, as opines by Napoleon Hill.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. The power of words

Understanding the significance of words is the most essential thing in life. This is so because the words we use and think determines the type of vibes we send out, positive or negative. For example, the mention of the word “Ebola” (the deadly virus becoming a threat to world health system) can cause some people to have positive vibrations and others to have negative vibrations. While airline shares have dropped due to Ebola, pharmaceutical products have risen and are on high demand. So, the use of words like; no, don’t and not gives me an image of determination and resolve “not” to falter in my dreams and aspirations.

ii. Setting goals, targets and believing in them

This means believing in the accomplishment of goals and target we set aside for our success and survival. The bottom line here is to believe in ourselves and abilities to accomplish the said goals and target. So, with the belief in our abilities, we focus on positive vibes and consequently, are being awarded with positive results. Often times, I have had goals and targets with no positive belief and motivation and all has ended up in failure, probably because of negative thoughts which become a force pulling me backward from my targets. That is lack of believe especially on oneself.

iii. Resetting my goals and focusing on what I do want

I can reset my vibration from negative to positive vibration by deciding on what I want and what I don’t want. For this to happen, I am just trying to condition myself on what I want and try to pursue it to the latter. So the key of course is recognizing what I want makes me feel from what I don’t want. This has therefore set me on a thinking path as I try to adjust and reset my goals in life and ho to achieve them. After having reset my goals, I am seeing some positive results which is what the law of attraction is all about, attracting positive vibrations.

iv. Being informed by asking questions

When we set out to read and follow information on the happenings around us, it is because we want to be abreast with these occurrences. This is an attempt to attract those positive tools that we need to succeed in the trend of today’s global technology. This information gives the desire and ideas for developing better strategies in our professional lives, businesses (how and where to network) and most of all, how to coexist in a pluralist society without bringing the fear of ideological differences, inequality, enmity, conflicts and wars. As a young college student, I would follow media and news while my mates said that I was behaving like an old man (which of course is what has made the old wise and knowledgeable on events around the globe). So, when we read we learn from others’ positive vibrations and that quenches our thirst for knowledge to forge ahead. In college, I was inspired to study by some inscriptions on the classroom wall; “Use your eyes today to see or you will need them tomorrow to cry”. And the story behind it was that the best student of all times in this school was always ready to ask questions, listen and follow lectures even when others nicknamed him “John Book”. Positive vibrations spurred him to excellence, so it will do to anybody who is as determined as this student was.

v. Patience and hard work

When we desire, ask and believe, what we have to do next is to put all ideas to concrete actions. This practical part of positive vibration is work – hard work. Effective work requires patience and constant velocity (both internal and external) for concrete results. This type of work is that known by physicists; Work is done when a force is applied to an object and the object is moved through a distance. We therefore need patience to apply the force (physical and professional savvy) and the distance covered is determines our perseverance and consequently achievements. Unfortunately, the generation of today doesn’t have that patience and as such, they cut corners (vaulting ambition, unscrupulousness) in life and rather end up attracting negative vibrations instead of positive vibrations. This has given rise to high crime waves, corruption and embezzlement and moral decadence.

vi. Being appreciative and grateful

This can be effectively done by keeping a diary of events with friends and beneficiaries who have aided me in one way or the other. By keeping this journal, I will be motivated to help others too. This therefore requires daily problem-solving situations for “blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that taketh” Act 20:35. Reason why I am actively helping, in my own little way, the less privileged in my village with either school materials or getting them medical help by taking care of their hospital bills.

vii. Life’s decision-making

Since most of the decision in our lives are being made or influenced by other people, Michael J. Losier advices that it should be about our own researching, our own level of desire and our own desire and decision to follow it through. So, the thought of not having manifests itself in the perpetuation of not having whereas, if we ask the testimony of other successful individuals we are on the right path to good decision-making.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I have learned that the Law of Attraction right now is attracting people, jobs, situations and relationships to people’s lives, not all of them good, but with the power of positive thinking, I can emit positive vibes and focus on positive goals and achievements. I am now inspired, empowered and equipped with positive techniques which will help me discover what I really want for my life and my community. So, I will learn how to be a deliberate attractor, eliminating the unwanted from my life and filling it with things that give me abundance in energy, wealth and joy. To do this, I have to be courageous, master planner, hard-working and interacting with people who can impact positively in me and being able to impact positively on others too.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Remember, the Law of Attraction does not care whether you are remembering, pretending, celebrating, playing, creating, complaining or worrying. It simply responds to what’s in your vibrational bubble. So, find proof, rejoice and send out a positive vibration.”

It’s just like the biblical saying that “By their fruits we shall know them” or like a popular African adage which says that “character is like pregnancy which cannot be hidden with a calabash” All these go a long way to confirm the fact that who we are cannot be changed no matter how hard we try to hide or portray something else to the outside world. But we are who we believe to be and can always turn negativism to positivism as long as we are determined and ready to work towards that.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

It isn’t really a disagreement but just an observation. The author seems to present ideas where people will need patience and time for this law of attraction to start manifesting whereas most people, especially in this ambitious world, need a leap of fate for the methodology to work. This book therefore is not for inpatient people who need immediate relief from troubling situations.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, the book contains worksheets and practical steps on how to apply the principles of the law of attraction to get what I want. It works on a subconscious level by helping me to change my psychological programming that is pushing away the things I want in my life.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Everything was touched in the questions. This is a masterpiece which is recommendable both to lay people as well as those who are strongly spiritual and who can tolerate the idea of emotions, energy and vibrations

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Unlimited Power

Assessment by Kuma, Emmanuel Fangyong (Cameroon/USA)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Tony Robbinsin Unlimited Powerprimarily talks of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) as “the science of how to run your brain in an optimal way to produce the results you desire.” It is also about producing results through personal power, and power here simply means the ability to act. Though money and a healthy body can certainly help people create the life they want, Robbins talks about specialized knowledge being the key to success. Nowadays, knowledge on how to succeed is at our fingertips. However, not everyone who acquires this knowledge applies it. We must take action in order to get the desired results. He also emphasizes on “modeling” as the secret to success. According to him, people always imitate others but in a rarely sustained or systematic way. He therefore maintains that we can develop desired abilities and character traits by scrutinizing people who possess them and imitating their behavior in various imaginative ways. We can also win trust and friendship by what the author calls “mirroring,” which is direct, face-to-face imitation. In a sentence; Unlimited Poweris all about power – power here is the ability to take control of your own life and to become an agent for positive change in your society and the world.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Identifying my beliefs and values in order to learn what I want in life, and having the belief and faith that I can achieve anything.

Tony Robbins says, “belief is any guiding principle that provides a sense of certainty about meaning and direction in life.” There are five general reference sources upon which beliefs rest, which are; environment, past events, knowledge, past results, and imagination of future events. No doubt there is the popular adage that the past is studied in light of the present for the purposes of tomorrow. We learn from our/others’ past mistakes in order to strengthen our beliefs in preparation for a better future.

ii. Aptness in diction.

This is precise and concise language and which has the power to move people in useful directions, while sloppy language can misdirect them. This involves asking – if you want to get what you want this involves; asking with focus, asking with congruent belief, asking specifically, asking someone who can help, and creating value for the person you are asking. It doesn’t just end with asking, we should be reasonable with our demands and should insist until we get what we are asking. This is inline with the biblical quotation; “praying without ceasing” (Thessalonians 5:17) and as such we should insist on what we want to get for and from our lives.

iii. Reprogramming the mind for positive results.

Being able to distinguish the various concepts of our internal being which help to direct, especially, our outer behaviors vis-a-vi our surrounding or environment. This is also known as the distinction of excellence or what Tony Robbins calls Metaprogram. Examples of metaprograms are emotional versus logical thought, detail versus big picture, beginning versus completion, extraversion versus introversion, thinking versus feeling, and judging versus perceiving. All these are used to either adjust or guide one’s communication with others, and to implement personal change.

iv. Success by modeling others.

Tony Robbins sees Modeling as one of the first self-help tools to learn, and its importance is discussed throughout this book. The best thing to do is to find someone who has achieved what you want, then model their actions, beliefs and behaviors – whether politics, public speaking, running successful business, finding a life partner, or achieving a certain level of fitness. A typical example is the 11 year old Marquis Govan of St. Louis who got interested in politics at the age of 5. He attends the St Louis County Council and voices his opinions. He’s critical of politicians and says he wants to be better than Nancy Pelosi. Between his Sixth grade classes, Marquis reads president Obama’s memoirs, especially the “Audacity of Hope.”

v. Understanding others and communicating dynamically.

This book is all about communication. People have to learn how to communicate to themselves in a way that will produce results. People think low and negative about themselves and as such, easily give in to such negative vibes. Many people thinks depression only happens to them, but they forget to know that they do take an action to create depression. In fact, people get isolated, hang their heads low, speak in a low tone, express pain or anger through their facial expressions, and think unhappy thoughts. These thoughts most at times lead to alcohol and drug abuse in an attempt to redeem oneself. But Antony Robbins has a panacea for that which is; understanding others, their sense of humor, and attempt to understand us and to relieve us of our depression.

vi. The Power of Perspective also known as reframing.

Reframing is changing a negative experience into a positive one by changing the frame of reference used to perceive the experience. Reframing can be done based on context or content. According to Tony Robbins, the following steps reframing process can change undesirable behavior into desirable behavior while maintaining the important benefits of the old behavior; identifying the pattern or behavior you wish to change, establishing communication with the part of your unconscious mind, separating intention from behavior, creating alternative behaviors to satisfy intention, and making an ecological check for congruency of all parts.

vii. Identifying the five keys to Wealth and Happiness.

Therefore, I must be able to learn how to handle frustration, learn how to handle rejection, learn how to handle financial pressure, learn how to handle complacency, and I should always remember to give more than I expect to receive.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

By being patient, calculative, thoughtful, success-driven, and compassionate, we set ourselves on the road to ultimate achievements. These ideas will motivate, inspire, and shape the person I want to be tomorrow. Being compassionate will give me the opportunity to be able to contribute positively to my society, as I have already started. This can only be achieve through communication with myself and those around me who share my passion and even those who don’t because I will be able to convinced them with the right choice of words.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Communication is power. Your level of communication mastery in the external world will determine your level of success with others – personally, emotionally, socially, and financially. More important, the level of success you experience internally – the happiness, joy, ecstasy, love… is the direct results of how you communicate to yourself. How you feel is not the result of what is happening in your life – it is your interpretation of what is happening.”

This first half of 2015 has been very tough and challenging to me; the loss of closest loved ones, chaos in the family, and health issues that have kept me down. Often times, I discovered myself engrossed with my thoughts. With a lot of “What ifs” questions. One thing singled out for sure; positive vibes, and the need to keep going. This internal conversation helped me during such dark and painful moments and am forever thankful to Tony Robins for making me realize my “Unlimited Power.” For the results we get in life is determined by how we communicate with ourselves.

“In every man and woman’s life there comes a time of ultimate challenge. A time when our faith, our values, our patience, our compassion, our ability to persist, are all pushed to our limits and beyond. Some people use such tests as opportunities to become better people – others allow these experiences of life to destroy them.”

Amidst all the trials and tribulations I experienced, I still stood tall and stronger. I just realized how patient, persistent, and compassionate I have been all through, and Tony Robbins gives all these attributes as a panacea for tough times, and when our faith is being challenged. It just reminded me how lucky and strong I was not to give up on life. As the inspirational quote goes that “Our stumbling blocks can also be our stepping stones”, my trials made me wiser and gave me the vision and tools with which to better serve my community.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Tony Robbins explains this diverse discipline (Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or the science of the mind and psychology) in an easygoing style, but there is much to absorb. Unlike many self-help books, it contains more than a few simple catchphrases full of anecdotes; but it is worth rereading. I will recommend the book to “people who need to find their way back home” or their purpose in life.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes it did. The book emphasizes on self retrospection, which requires an active mind to be able to reflect on what one really need for. Being the science of the mind and how to get ultimate achievements, the book helped me to reflect and ponder on the basics of life:

How to identify your beliefs and values to learn what you really want in life

How to reprogram your brain for positive results

How to succeed by modeling others’ success

How to understand others and communicate dynamically

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10