Kula Aatoz Zodua – Profile

Kula Aatoz Zodua
Network of African Youth for Development, Paynesville City , P.O. Box 1146, Monrovia-Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa
Email: kzodua@yahoo.com
Website: www.nayd.org/liberia.html
Birthday: September 17, 1986
Education: College Level
Occupation: Administrator/Student

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
The world could be a better place if we each roll up our sleeves and lend a hand by participating in projects and programs that promotes universal peace. A world that is free from hatred, greed, and war is a better place of living. This could start by working on our own inner peace as individuals. It was once stated by the late Madam Eleanor Roosevelt that Universal Peace starts in small places…so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any map of the world, and I do believe that it is the heart and mind of the human person. When we as individuals work endlessly and tireless toward promoting tolerance the world will always be a safe place for all.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The most pressing problems facing the world today are economic crisis, teenage pregnancy, climate change and the quest for power by world leaders which leads to war and hardship.
Our Economy today is declining rapidly. We experience more financial crisis than ever before. Jobs opportunity are less and the salary attached are considered less due to the high increase of commodities. Teenage pregnancy is a growing issue. In every part of the world there are children as young as 14 who are bearing children, this practice is bad and brings about the rise in population without a remedy. The change in climate has affected nearly every nation worldwide. In African, we can not stop the flow of harsh climate because we have rape our rain forest, we cut down all of the big trees in the name of logging and we also take a lot of sand and rock from our ocean wish leads to erosion. Lastly, our world leaders are power greed they fights endless for power instead of fighting to combat global problems.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
These problem could be solve if we as individuals firstly change our mind set and try to put in mechanism is place that foster the growth of our well being. We could work on our economy by firstly working on our green forest. Every nation should practice the production of food items. The rightful people must occupy the rightful job. Teenage pregnancy could be eliminated by economically building the lives of youths and molding their minds. They should also be inclusive in the decision making process of their country, thus, provided with quality education. We could strategize means on revamping climate change, but we must first protect our oceans and rainforest. Lastly, I do believe that every leader has a passion to which he/she feels indebted. As leaders, we must set examples that our fellow men can follow. We must engage in discussions that will help us experience lasting peace, thus lending our service constructively.

I am female, a Liberian, an undergraduate who is majoring in Sociology and a young Activist. I am a Peace Rookie and feel passionate to advocate endlessly for world peace. I volunteer with a lot of local and international organizations. I volunteer with the Society Women for Aids in Africa and serve as one of its many peer educators. I also volunteered with the youth for Human Rights International (Liberia ’s Chapter) and did serve as its Executive Security. I engage in molding the minds of young people through programs that enables them become valuable advocate for tolerance and peace, here by developing their inner peace. I lend my time with the Network of African Youth for Development (NAYD-Liberia). NAYD engage in developmental issues and advocacy as well. I work endlessly with NAYD to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. I spend my leisure time with orphans at an orphanage in my community. I help them with their studies and do conduct lectures on human rights and the importance of meditating.

My hobbies are reading, writing, playing basketball, surfing the net and listening to music. Actually reading, writing and surfing the net are what keeps me on bridge waters. Above all, I see balling as an inborn tendency which needed finishing touches. I like reading a lot though; legal thrillers are my favorite picks.

Mostly recently, I’ve engaged in reading just any materials that carries an important message, I always feel brand new every time I go through educational material. My goals in life are so many; I hope to achieve them all by spending my time wisely. I want to see a world where every child is given an equal chance. With this, they can become better individuals. I like to travel a lot …as long as I’m not gone for more than a month. I get home sick when I stay out much longer than a month or two. With travel, I build my experience and shape my own comprehension of the different cultures of people and why people behave so differently. I love to sit and watch movies that keep me on the edge of my seat. Horror and comedy are my best picks. I love to spend time with my family, quite recently, I’ve indulge in practicing inner peace with my family, its fun and it brings us together. Being the fourth child in my family and the last girl child, I feel bless. My older ones are always there for me, even though, I can now move on all by myself, they always show vast interest towards my well being , actually, they made me.

I have participated in series of workshops and conferences locally and Internationally. I’ve participated in the national women’s conference, HIV/AIDS workshops, Human Right trainings, and Training of Trainers workshops on Gender Base Violence, Violation Against Women and Sexually Transmitted Infections, youth empowerment workshops and the child literacy project to be name among many. Internationally, I’ve participated in Student World Assembly Convention in Accra 2007, which was on Ending Human Trafficking. I did participated in the online program of Program of Peace Revolution and was selected as one of its Favorite Peace Rookie. I am a member of several network sites that share similar goals.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull