Kishor Bhai Bajracharya – Profile

Kishor Bhai Bajracharya
Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Birthday: 30 August 1967
Education: MBA
Occupation: Cooperative Business
Gender: Male
First language: Nepalbhasha (Newari)
Other languages spoken: Nepali, Indian, English, Chinese, a little Japanese


* Personal website:
* Facebook page: kishor bajracharya

Describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
A world of Peace, happiness and Prosperous for all human beings

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
Ego of power specially with some political leader is the common problem in the world today. It seems that most of them have ego of power which is bringing a big problem in the world and harming a lot of innocent people of the world.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
The leaders have to be familiar with spiritual knowledge, they should learn art of living together happily and peacefully. They should make such environment for others to live peacefully and happily.

How has your life changed as a result of your IIGL studies?
It really helps me a lot joining to the IIGL. I got a lot of opportunity to read world’s best selling books from different fields. My book assessments can be seen in the IIGL website. While mainly learn how we take things positively, how we minimize our victims, what are the main aspects of success in life and many more. I really can bring ideas to my organization. I have shared my learning from the IIGL course to our local publications and to our cooperative members and the other organizations’ members.

Personal Mission Statement
I am a committed business person and program coordinator at present. I will ensure to supply Nepalese products and also can ensure to buy products from China with reasonable prices and select right products to make customers happy with their needy products. In addition to this I will ensure to offer handicraft products from Nepal as I am the founder chairman of an artisan’s cooperative.

I can coordinate training programs for the rural, urban people of different backgrounds from farmers to artisans officers and so on in the field of micro enterprise creation, capacity building, skill trainings. I believe in positive attitude, mutual trust, mutual help and mutual cooperation.

I am Kishor Bhai Bajracharya from Nepal. I am born in a middle craftsmen family. My father is a skilled goldsmith and my mother is a housewife. I helped my father’s work for some years when I was studying at my college. I have good experiences of living together with joint family. I used to share most of my good experiences to my family. I really feel so peaceful and happy when family members are happy. I used to share some of best ideas from IIGL books to my family and community members. I graduated from college in business administration. After graduation I started joining to four star hotel which is operated through a Japanese person. I worked there for some months as a front office assistance. Then I joined to a research office so called Lotus Research Center as a Research Officer. I worked there for 2 years. This office is also operated with the support of a Japanese company called Shishin-Kai. The aim of this center is to conduct research so as to conserve tradition, culture and social values of Kathmandu. I learned the art of doing office work in different communities. Then I joined to an international organization so called GTZ. It is a German Technical Cooperation office. Currently GTZ has its offices in more than 70 different countries. I worked there for 11 years as a professional staff. My main job assessment is to conduct training for institutional development of small farmers, monitor the program, support to build up and manage farmers cooperative of Nepal from different regions so as to make them self reliant in carrying out their day to day office work. Their institution is called SFCL. It is Small Farmer Cooperative Limited.

After GTZ I joined to a business and we open an office to Guangzhou, China to supply goods from there to Nepal, India and the other countries. I stayed in China from 2004 to 2008. I have opened showroom of furniture and jewelry in Nepal. I have also been doing some business of Nepalese handicraft.

Since I have some contacts with Chinese manufacturers in field of furniture, computer parts, fashion jewelry and so on I can assist to get the goods from China. In addition as I am from the artisan family and associated with artisan Cooperative, I can supply any handicraft products from Nepal such, silver ornaments, Buddha statues, paintings, decorated items, garden items, living room furniture and some commercial accessories from Nepal.

Similarly I started to initiate some youth group mainly the youths from artisans family from my city to set up a Cooperative. I leaded the cooperative for six years and then build up second tier leadership and handover my leadership as chairman to my colleague. We are successful to establish a cooperative Society in my city. Our cooperative called SCOPE Cooperative Ltd. which means Saving and Credit Outlay for promoting entrepreneurs in 1993. We have total members of 1600 including more than 40% women members. Most of the members are associated with their handicraft job. Now I am the coordinator of the advisory council of the cooperative. My personal interest is to promote handicrafts business to help the artisans and promote their living standard. It will be a great support if some skillful trainings be provided to the artisans and searched market for their products.

I have written several articles in different local publications published from different cities of Kathmandu. The articles are published in Nepali and Newari our local language and some in English language.

Academic thesis
I have written village profile on carpet factories of al local village called Techho village of Lalitpur, Kathmndu city.

Book Assessments: Click Here

Books Completed:

* As A Man Thinketh
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
* Pulling Your Own Strings
* Awaken The Giant Within Assessment
* Unconditional Life Discovering the Power to Fulfill Your Dreams
* Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
* The Magic Of Thinking Big
* Real Magic
* Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
* Unlimited Power
* Think And Grow Rich
* Solution To Every Problem
* The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
* Keys to Success
* The Magic of Thinking Success
* 30 Lies About Money
* Built to Last Successful Habits of Visionary Companies
* The Power of Failure
* The Essential Gandhi
* How to make collaboration work
* Peace Is The Way
* Difficult Conversations
* How to win friends and influence people
* A practical guide to vibrational medicine, energy healings and spiritual transformation
* The Nature of Personal Reality
* Radical Acceptance Embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha
* Ask and it is Given Learning to Manifest Your Desires
* Ageless Body, Timeless Mind
* Book of Agreement 10 Essential Elements for Getting the Results you want
* True Prosperity
* 10 Days to more confident public speaking
* Love Without Condition
* The Corporate Mystic, a guidebook for visionaries with their feet on the ground
* The Great Game of Business
* Development As Freedom